;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\207" [require cl-lib peg] 2) (defvar edn--readers (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) (defvar edn--writers (list '(:pred edn-inst-p :writer edn--inst-writer) '(:pred edn-uuid-p :writer edn--uid-writer))) (defalias 'edn--create-char #[(match) "\301\302\"\203\303\304\305\"!\207G\306U\203\307\310\311O!\207\312\310\311O!\207" [match string-match "\\`\\\\u" read format "?%s" 2 string-to-char 1 nil intern] 4]) (defalias 'edn--create-string #[(match) "\301\302\302Q!\207" [match read "\""] 4]) (defalias 'edn--maybe-add-to-list #[nil "\204 \211A\242\211 \211A\242B B\211)\207\303\304\207" [discarded peg-stack v nil ::dummy] 4]) (defalias 'edn--create-hash-table #[(key-vals) "G\303\246\304U\204 \305\306!\210\307\310\311\"\312\203)\313\211A\242\211A\242\n#\210\202\n*\207" [key-vals val m 2 0 error "A map requires an even number of forms!" make-hash-table :test equal nil puthash] 4]) #@42 compiler-macro for inlining `edn-set-p'. (defalias 'edn-set-p--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block edn-set-p (and (memq (car-safe cl-x) cl-struct-edn-set-tags) t)) nil] 7 (#$ . 1032)]) (put 'edn-set-p 'compiler-macro 'edn-set-p--cmacro) (defalias 'edn-set-p #[(cl-x) "\242 >\205\302\207" [cl-x cl-struct-edn-set-tags t] 2]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\301#\207" [function-put edn-set-p side-effect-free error-free put edn-set cl-deftype-satisfies] 5) #@45 compiler-macro for inlining `edn-set-vals'. (defalias 'edn-set-vals--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block edn-set-vals (progn (or (edn-set-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'edn-set cl-x))) (nth 1 cl-x))) nil] 7 (#$ . 1577)]) (put 'edn-set-vals 'compiler-macro 'edn-set-vals--cmacro) #@46 Access slot "vals" of `edn-set' struct CL-X. (defalias 'edn-set-vals #[(cl-x) "\242 >\204\302\303\304D\"\210A@\207" [cl-x cl-struct-edn-set-tags signal wrong-type-argument edn-set] 4 (#$ . 1946)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\"\207" [function-put edn-set-vals side-effect-free t defalias copy-edn-set copy-sequence] 4) #@48 compiler-macro for inlining `edn--create-set'. (defalias 'edn--create-set--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg vals) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [vals cl--defsubst-expand (vals) (cl-block edn--create-set (list 'edn-set vals)) nil] 7 (#$ . 2289)]) (put 'edn--create-set 'compiler-macro 'edn--create-set--cmacro) #@44 Constructor for objects of type `edn-set'. (defalias 'edn--create-set #[(vals) "\301D\207" [vals edn-set] 2 (#$ . 2600)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\211\307\303\310\311\305\306& \207" [function-put edn--create-set side-effect-free t cl-struct-define edn-set nil list ((cl-tag-slot) (vals)) cl-struct-edn-set-tags] 11) #@43 compiler-macro for inlining `edn-inst-p'. (defalias 'edn-inst-p--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block edn-inst-p (and (memq (car-safe cl-x) cl-struct-edn-inst-tags) t)) nil] 7 (#$ . 2940)]) (put 'edn-inst-p 'compiler-macro 'edn-inst-p--cmacro) (defalias 'edn-inst-p #[(cl-x) "\242 >\205\302\207" [cl-x cl-struct-edn-inst-tags t] 2]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\301#\207" [function-put edn-inst-p side-effect-free error-free put edn-inst cl-deftype-satisfies] 5) #@46 compiler-macro for inlining `edn-inst-high'. (defalias 'edn-inst-high--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block edn-inst-high (progn (or (edn-inst-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'edn-inst cl-x))) (nth 1 cl-x))) nil] 7 (#$ . 3495)]) (put 'edn-inst-high 'compiler-macro 'edn-inst-high--cmacro) #@47 Access slot "high" of `edn-inst' struct CL-X. (defalias 'edn-inst-high #[(cl-x) "\242 >\204\302\303\304D\"\210A@\207" [cl-x cl-struct-edn-inst-tags signal wrong-type-argument edn-inst] 4 (#$ . 3871)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put edn-inst-high side-effect-free t] 4) #@45 compiler-macro for inlining `edn-inst-low'. (defalias 'edn-inst-low--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block edn-inst-low (progn (or (edn-inst-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'edn-inst cl-x))) (nth 2 cl-x))) nil] 7 (#$ . 4173)]) (put 'edn-inst-low 'compiler-macro 'edn-inst-low--cmacro) #@46 Access slot "low" of `edn-inst' struct CL-X. (defalias 'edn-inst-low #[(cl-x) "\242 >\204\302\303\304D\"\210\3058\207" [cl-x cl-struct-edn-inst-tags signal wrong-type-argument edn-inst 2] 4 (#$ . 4544)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\"\207" [function-put edn-inst-low side-effect-free t defalias copy-edn-inst copy-sequence] 4) #@49 compiler-macro for inlining `edn--create-inst'. (defalias 'edn--create-inst--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg high low) "\302\303\304\305\211\211 &\207" [high low cl--defsubst-expand (high low) (cl-block edn--create-inst (list 'edn-inst high low)) nil] 8 (#$ . 4895)]) (put 'edn--create-inst 'compiler-macro 'edn--create-inst--cmacro) #@45 Constructor for objects of type `edn-inst'. (defalias 'edn--create-inst #[(high low) "\302 E\207" [high low edn-inst] 3 (#$ . 5229)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\211\307\303\310\311\305\306& \207" [function-put edn--create-inst side-effect-free t cl-struct-define edn-inst nil list ((cl-tag-slot) (high) (low)) cl-struct-edn-inst-tags] 11) #@43 compiler-macro for inlining `edn-uuid-p'. (defalias 'edn-uuid-p--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block edn-uuid-p (and (memq (car-safe cl-x) cl-struct-edn-uuid-tags) t)) nil] 7 (#$ . 5590)]) (put 'edn-uuid-p 'compiler-macro 'edn-uuid-p--cmacro) (defalias 'edn-uuid-p #[(cl-x) "\242 >\205\302\207" [cl-x cl-struct-edn-uuid-tags t] 2]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\301#\207" [function-put edn-uuid-p side-effect-free error-free put edn-uuid cl-deftype-satisfies] 5) #@46 compiler-macro for inlining `edn-uuid-uuid'. (defalias 'edn-uuid-uuid--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block edn-uuid-uuid (progn (or (edn-uuid-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'edn-uuid cl-x))) (nth 1 cl-x))) nil] 7 (#$ . 6145)]) (put 'edn-uuid-uuid 'compiler-macro 'edn-uuid-uuid--cmacro) #@47 Access slot "uuid" of `edn-uuid' struct CL-X. (defalias 'edn-uuid-uuid #[(cl-x) "\242 >\204\302\303\304D\"\210A@\207" [cl-x cl-struct-edn-uuid-tags signal wrong-type-argument edn-uuid] 4 (#$ . 6521)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\"\207" [function-put edn-uuid-uuid side-effect-free t defalias copy-edn-uuid copy-sequence] 4) #@49 compiler-macro for inlining `edn--create-uuid'. (defalias 'edn--create-uuid--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg uuid) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [uuid cl--defsubst-expand (uuid) (cl-block edn--create-uuid (list 'edn-uuid uuid)) nil] 7 (#$ . 6870)]) (put 'edn--create-uuid 'compiler-macro 'edn--create-uuid--cmacro) #@45 Constructor for objects of type `edn-uuid'. (defalias 'edn--create-uuid #[(uuid) "\301D\207" [uuid edn-uuid] 2 (#$ . 7187)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\211\307\303\310\311\305\306& \207" [function-put edn--create-uuid side-effect-free t cl-struct-define edn-uuid nil list ((cl-tag-slot) (uuid)) cl-struct-edn-uuid-tags] 11) (defalias 'edn--create-tagged-value #[(tag value) "\304 \"\211\203\n !\202\305\306\")\207" [tag edn--readers reader value gethash error "Don't know how to read tag '%s'"] 4]) (defalias 'edn--stringlike-to-string #[(stringlike) ";\203\207\301!\203\302!\303\304O\2079\203\302!\207\305\306\"\207" [stringlike keywordp symbol-name 1 nil error "Can't convert '%s' to string"] 3]) (defalias 'edn--read #[nil "\306\211\306\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\2113456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW\307W\310V\311U\312T\313S\314R\315Q\316P\317O\320N\321M\322L\323K\324J\325I\326H\327G\330F\331E\332D\333C\334B\335A\336@\337?\340>\341=\342<\343;\344:\3459\3468\3477\3506\3515\3524\3533\354\355\356\357\360\361W\362\".*@)\207" [discarded #1=#:--cl-peg-rule\ err-- #2=#:--cl-peg-rule\ unsupported-bignum-- #3=#:--cl-peg-rule\ ws-- #4=#:--cl-peg-rule\ elide-- #5=#:--cl-peg-rule\ comment-- nil #[nil " \204 \306\307!\203x` `  \206M\306\310!\206M b\210\f`  \206F\306\311!\206Fb\210 \206F\306\312!*\206M\306\313!*\206]\306\314!\206] b\210\n\315*\204g\306\316!\203r \206{\306\317!\206{\306\320!\206{\306\321!\207" [#6=#:--cl-peg-rule\ _-- peg--actions #7=#:actions #8=#:point #9=#:actions #10=#:point peg--record-failure #18=(call _) #13=(call elide) #11=(call value) #12=(call err) #14=(or #11# #12#) #15=(or #13# #14#) t #16=(or #15# . #240=((guard t))) #17=(call _) #19=(and #16# #17#) (and #18# #19#) #4# #20=#:actions #21=#:point #22=#:--cl-peg-rule\ value-- #1#] 2] #[nil "` \206Y\306\307!\206Y\nb\210 ` \206R\306\310!\206R b\210\f` ! \206K\306\311!\206K b\210`\"#$ \206D\306\312!\206D#b\210\"`%&' \206=\306\313!\206=&b\210%`()* \2066\306\314!\2066)b\210(`+,- \206/\306\315!\206/,b\210+`./0 \206(\306\316!\206(/b\210.`123 \206!\306\317!\206!2b\2101`456 \206\306\320!\2065b\2104`789 \206\306\321!\2068b\2107: \206\306\322!*\206\306\323!*\206!\306\324!*\206(\306\325!*\206/\306\326!*\2066\306\327!*\206=\306\330!*\206D\306\331!*\206K\306\332!*\206R\306\333!*\206Y\306\334!*\206`\306\335!\207" [peg--actions #23=#:actions #24=#:point #25=#:--cl-peg-rule\ string-- #26=#:actions #27=#:point peg--record-failure #48=(call string) #46=(call char) #44=(call bool) #42=(call integer) #40=(call float) #38=(call symbol) #36=(call keyword) #34=(call list) #32=(call vector) #30=(call map) #28=(call set) #29=(call tagged-value) #31=(or #28# #29#) #33=(or #30# #31#) #35=(or #32# #33#) #37=(or #34# #35#) #39=(or #36# #37#) #41=(or #38# #39#) #43=(or #40# #41#) #45=(or #42# #43#) #47=(or #44# #45#) #49=(or #46# #47#) (or #48# #49#) #50=#:--cl-peg-rule\ char-- #51=#:actions #52=#:point #53=#:--cl-peg-rule\ bool-- #54=#:actions #55=#:point #56=#:--cl-peg-rule\ integer-- #57=#:actions #58=#:point #59=#:--cl-peg-rule\ float-- #60=#:actions #61=#:point #62=#:--cl-peg-rule\ symbol-- #63=#:actions #64=#:point #65=#:--cl-peg-rule\ keyword-- #66=#:actions #67=#:point #68=#:--cl-peg-rule\ list-- #69=#:actions #70=#:point #71=#:--cl-peg-rule\ vector-- #72=#:actions #73=#:point #74=#:--cl-peg-rule\ map-- #75=#:actions #76=#:point #77=#:--cl-peg-rule\ set-- #78=#:--cl-peg-rule\ tagged-value--] 2] #[nil "`\306BB\307f\310=\203\307u\210\202\311\312!\2039`\313\314!\203+\315\225b\210\316\202 \311\317!\206 \nb\210 `\313\320!\203H\315\225b\210\316\202\311\321!\206\fb\210 `/\313\322!\203f\315\225b\210\316\202\311\323!\206/b\210 `01\313\324!\203\206\315\225b\210\316\202 \311\325!\206 1b\2100`23\307f\326=\203\246\307u\210\202\254\311\327!\203\3564 \204\270\311\330!\203\3504 \204\304\311\331!\203\3424 \204\320\311\332!\203\3344 \206\311\333!\206\311\334!\206\311\335!\206\311\336!\206\311\337!\2063b\21024 \206\311\340!*\206 \311\341!*\206\311\342!*\206\311\343!*\206 \311\344!*\204*\311\345!\2033`\346BB\202E\311\347!\204E\311\350!\204E\311\351!\203w`567 \204W\311\352!\205_6b\2105\316*\204i\311\353!\203q`\354BB\316\207\311\355!\206z\311\356!\207" [peg--actions #79=#:actions #80=#:point #81=#:actions #82=#:point #83=#:actions #[nil "`B\211\207" [peg--stack] 2] nil 92 peg--record-failure #107=(char 92) looking-at #84="newline" 0 t #104=(str #84#) #85="return" #102=(str #85#) #86="space" #100=(str #86#) #87="tab" #98=(str #87#) 117 #94=(char 117) #92=(call alphanum) #90=(call alphanum) #88=(call alphanum) #89=(call alphanum) #91=(and #88# #89#) #93=(and #90# #91#) #95=(and #92# #93#) #96=(and #94# #95#) #97=(call alphanum) #99=(or #96# #97#) #101=(or #98# #99#) #103=(or #100# #101#) #105=(or #102# #103#) #106=(or #104# #105#) #[nil "\211A\242\302 `\"B\211)\207" [peg--stack start buffer-substring-no-properties] 3] #108=(and #106# (action (let ((start . #113=((pop peg--stack)))) (push #132=(buffer-substring-no-properties start (point)) . #109=(peg--stack))))) #110=(and #107# #108#) #114=(and (action (let nil (push #133=(point) . #109#))) #110#) #111=(call terminating) #112=(if #111#) #[nil "\211A\242\302 !B\211)\207" [peg--stack c edn--create-char] 2] #115=(and #112# (action (let ((c . #113#)) (push (edn--create-char c) . #109#)))) (and #114# #115#) #116=#:point #117=#:actions #118=#:point #119=#:actions #120=#:point #121=#:--cl-peg-rule\ alphanum-- #122=#:actions #123=#:point #124=#:--cl-peg-rule\ terminating--] 2] #[nil "`\303BB`\304\305!\203\306\225b\210\307\2024\310\311!\2064\nb\210 \304\312!\2031\306\225b\210\307\2024\310\313!*\204>\310\314!\203G`\315BB\202S\310\316!\204S\310\317!\203[`\320BB\307\207\310\321!\207" [peg--actions #125=#:actions #126=#:point #[nil "`B\211\207" [peg--stack] 2] looking-at #127="true" 0 t peg--record-failure #129=(str #127#) #128="false" #130=(str #128#) #131=(or #129# #130#) #[nil "\211A\242\302 `\"B\211)\207" [peg--stack start buffer-substring-no-properties] 3] #134=(and #131# (action (let ((start . #113#)) (push #132# . #109#)))) #135=(and (action (let nil (push #133# . #109#))) #134#) #[nil "\211A\242\211\302\230\205 \303B\211)\207" [peg--stack bool #136="true" t] 3] (and #135# (action (let ((bool . #113#)) (push (when (string-equal bool #136#) t) . #109#))))] 2] #[nil "`\306BB` \206?\307\310!\206?\nb\210 ` \2068\307\311!\2068 b\210\f \2068\307\312!*\206?\307\313!*\204I\307\314!\203R`\315BB\202^\307\316!\204^\307\317!\203\220` \204p\307\320!\205xb\210\321*\204\202\307\322!\203\212`\323BB\321\207\307\324!\206\223\307\325!\207" [peg--actions #137=#:actions #138=#:point #139=#:--cl-peg-rule\ slash-- #140=#:actions #141=#:point #[nil "`B\211\207" [peg--stack] 2] peg--record-failure #144=(call slash) #142=(call symbol-with-prefix) #143=(call symbol-no-ns) #145=(or #142# #143#) #146=(or #144# #145#) #[nil "\211A\242\302 `\"B\211)\207" [peg--stack start buffer-substring-no-properties] 3] #147=(and #146# (action (let ((start . #113#)) (push #132# . #109#)))) #150=(and (action (let nil (push #133# . #109#))) #147#) #148=(call terminating) t #149=(if #148#) #[nil "\211A\242\302 !B\211)\207" [peg--stack symbol intern] 2] #151=(and #149# (action (let ((symbol . #113#)) (push (intern symbol) . #109#)))) (and #150# #151#) #152=#:--cl-peg-rule\ symbol-with-prefix-- #153=#:--cl-peg-rule\ symbol-no-ns-- #154=#:actions #155=#:point #124#] 2] #[nil "\300\301!\203 \302u\210\303\207\304\305!\207" [looking-at "[-*+!_?$%&=<>:#.]" nil t peg--record-failure (set nil (42 43 33 45 95 63 36 37 38 61 60 62 58 35 46) nil)] 2] #[nil "` \206\305\306!\206\nb\210 \f \206\305\307!*\206#\305\310!\207" [peg--actions #156=#:actions #157=#:point #121# #158=#:--cl-peg-rule\ additional-symbol-chars-- peg--record-failure #159=(call alphanum) #160=(call additional-symbol-chars) (or #159# #160#)] 2] #[nil "` \206\306\307!\206\nb\210 `\310\311!\203%\312u\210\313\202 \306\314!\206  b\210\f`\312f\315=\203D\312u\210\313\202\212\306\316!\206\212b\210` !\312f\317=\203e\312u\210\313\202\203\306\320!\206\203!b\210 \312f\321=\203\200\312u\210\313\202\203\306\322!*\206\212\306\323!*\204\224\306\324!\203`\"#$ \206\243\306\325!?\205\257#b\210\"\313*\204\271\306\326!\203`%&`'( \206\340\306\327!\206\340(b\210') \206\340\306\330!*\204\352\306\331!\203\362&`U?\202\372&b\210%\312*\204\271\313\202 \306\332!\206 \306\333!*\206\306\334!*\206\306\335!\207" [peg--actions #161=#:actions #162=#:point #163=#:--cl-peg-rule\ alpha-- #164=#:actions #165=#:point peg--record-failure #179=(call alpha) looking-at "[*!_?$%&=<>]" nil t #177=(set nil (42 33 95 63 36 37 38 61 60 62) nil) 45 #168=(char 45) 43 #166=(char 43) 46 #167=(char 46) #169=(or #166# #167#) #175=(or #168# #169#) #170=(call integer1) #173=(not #170#) #171=(call alpha) #172=(call additional-symbol-chars) #174=(or #171# #172#) #176=(and #173# (* #174#)) #178=(and #175# #176#) #180=(or #177# #178#) (or #179# #180#) #181=#:actions #182=#:point #183=#:actions #184=#:point #185=#:actions #186=#:point #187=#:--cl-peg-rule\ integer1-- #188=#:actions #189=#:point #190=#:actions #191=#:point #158#] 2] #[nil "\300f\301=\203\f\300u\210\302\207\303\304!\207" [nil 47 t peg--record-failure (char 47)] 2] #[nil " \204 \306\307!\203z` \f \204\306\310!\203! `U?\202' b\210\n\311*\204 \2046\306\312!\203n\f \204A\306\313!\203h` \f \204R\306\313!\203Z`U?\202bb\210\311*\204A\314\207\306\315!\206}\306\316!\206}\306\317!\206}\306\320!\207" [#192=#:--cl-peg-rule\ symbol-start-- peg--actions #193=#:actions #194=#:point #195=#:--cl-peg-rule\ symbol-constituent-- #139# peg--record-failure #201=(call symbol-start) #199=(call symbol-constituent) nil #197=(call slash) #196=(call symbol-constituent) t #198=(and #196# (* #196#)) #200=(and #197# #198#) #202=(and (* #199#) #200#) (and #201# #202#) #203=#:actions #204=#:point] 2] #[nil " \204 \305\306!\203-` \f \204\305\307!\203! `U?\202' b\210\n\310*\204 \311\207\305\312!\207" [#192# peg--actions #205=#:actions #206=#:point #195# peg--record-failure #207=(call symbol-start) #208=(call symbol-constituent) nil t (and #207# (* #208#))] 2] #[nil " \204 \306\307!\203\f` \f \204\306\310!\203! `U?\202' b\210\n\311*\204 \2046\306\312!\203` `  \206f\306\313!\206fb\210\311f\314=\203c\311u\210\315\202f\306\316!*\204p\306\317!\203\231`  !\f \204\201\306\320!\203\211!`U?\202\221!b\210 \311*\204p\315\202\366\306\321!\206\366b\210\311f\322=\203\263\311u\210\202\271\306\323!\203\363\f \204\304\306\324!\203\355` \"#\f \204\325\306\324!\203\335#`U?\202\345#b\210\"\311*\204\304\315\202\366\306\325!\206\366\306\326!*\206\306\327!\206\306\330!\206\306\331!\206\306\332!\207" [#209=#:--cl-peg-rule\ keyword-start-- peg--actions #210=#:actions #211=#:point #195# #139# peg--record-failure #225=(call keyword-start) #223=(call symbol-constituent) nil #221=(call slash) #212=(call symbol-start) 35 t #213=(char 35) #214=(or #212# #213#) #215=(call symbol-constituent) #219=(and #214# (* #215#)) 58 #217=(char 58) #216=(call symbol-constituent) #218=(and #216# (* #216#)) #220=(and #217# #218#) #222=(or #219# #220#) #224=(and #221# #222#) #226=(and (* #223#) #224#) (and #225# #226#) #227=#:actions #228=#:point #229=#:actions #230=#:point #192# #231=#:actions #232=#:point #233=#:actions #234=#:point] 2] #[nil " \204 \306\307!\203W` \f \204\306\310!\203A` \f \204*\306\310!\2032`U?\2029b\210 \311*\204\312\202M\306\313!\206M b\210\n\312*\206Z\306\314!\206Z\306\315!\207" [#209# peg--actions #235=#:actions #236=#:point #195# #237=#:actions peg--record-failure #241=(call keyword-start) #238=(call symbol-constituent) nil t #239=(and #238# (* #238#)) #242=(or #239# . #240#) (and #241# #242#) #243=#:point] 2] #[nil "`\306BB` \206\"\307\310!\206\"\nb\210 \f \206\"\307\311!*\204,\307\312!\2035`\313BB\202A\307\314!\204A\307\315!\203q` \204R\307\316!\205Yb\210 \317*\204c\307\320!\203k`\321BB\317\207\307\322!\206t\307\323!\207" [peg--actions #244=#:actions #245=#:point #246=#:--cl-peg-rule\ keyword-with-prefix-- #247=#:--cl-peg-rule\ keyword-no-ns-- #248=#:actions #[nil "`B\211\207" [peg--stack] 2] peg--record-failure #249=(call keyword-with-prefix) #250=(call keyword-no-ns) #251=(or #249# #250#) #[nil "\211A\242\302 `\"B\211)\207" [peg--stack start buffer-substring-no-properties] 3] #252=(and #251# (action (let ((start . #113#)) (push #132# . #109#)))) #255=(and (action (let nil (push #133# . #109#))) #252#) #253=(call terminating) t #254=(if #253#) #[nil "\211A\242\302 !B\211)\207" [peg--stack kw intern] 2] #256=(and #254# (action (let ((kw . #113#)) (push (intern kw) . #109#)))) (and #255# #256#) #257=#:point #124#] 2] #[nil "\304f\305=\203 \304u\210\202\306\307!\203A` \2067\306\310!\2067\nb\210 \311\312!\2034\304u\210\313\2027\306\314!*\206D\306\315!\206D\306\316!\207" [peg--actions #258=#:actions #259=#:point #121# nil 58 peg--record-failure #262=(char 58) #260=(call alphanum) looking-at "[-*+!_?$%&=<>#.]" t #261=(set nil (42 43 33 45 95 63 36 37 38 61 60 62 35 46) nil) #263=(or #260# #261#) (and #262# #263#)] 2] #[nil "\302f\303=\203 \302u\210\202\304\305!\203``\306BB \204$\304\307!\203-`\310BB\2029\304\311!\2049\304\312!\203Z\302f\303=\203F\302u\210\202L\304\313!\203T`\314BB\315\207\304\316!\206c\304\317!\206c\304\320!\207" [peg--actions #264=#:--cl-peg-rule\ string-content-- nil 34 peg--record-failure #270=(char 34) #[nil "`B\211\207" [peg--stack] 2] #265=(call string-content) #[nil "\211A\242\302 `\"B\211)\207" [peg--stack start buffer-substring-no-properties] 3] #266=(and #265# (action (let ((start . #113#)) (push #132# . #109#)))) #268=(and (action (let nil (push #133# . #109#))) #266#) #267=(char 34) #[nil "\211A\242\302 !B\211)\207" [peg--stack str edn--create-string] 2] t #269=(and #267# (action (let ((str . #113#)) (push (edn--create-string str) . #109#)))) #271=(and #268# #269#) (and #270# #271#)] 2] #[nil "``\306f\307=\203\306u\210\310\202I\311\312!\206I\fb\210 `\306f\313=\2034\306u\210\310\2027\311\314!?\205Bb\210 \310*\206I\311\315!*\204S\311\316!\203cm\204]\306u\210\202i\311\317!\204i\311\320!\203p\n`U?\202v\nb\210 \306*\204\310\207" [peg--actions #272=#:actions #273=#:point #274=#:actions #275=#:point #276=#:actions nil 92 t peg--record-failure #278=(char 92) 34 #277=(char 34) #279=(not #277#) #280=(or #278# #279#) #281=(any) (and #280# #281#) #282=#:point] 2] #[nil "\301f\302=\203 \301u\210\202\303\304!\2036 \204\303\305!\2030\301f\302=\203*\301u\210\306\207\303\307!\2069\303\310!\2069\303\311!\207" [#264# nil 34 peg--record-failure #285=(char 34) #283=(call string-content) t #284=(char 34) #286=(and #283# #284#) (and #285# #286#)] 2] #[nil "`\305BB \204\306\307!\203`\310BB\202&\306\311!\204&\306\312!\203S`\f \2045\306\313!\205; b\210\n\314*\204E\306\315!\203M`\316BB\314\207\306\317!\206V\306\320!\207" [peg--actions #187# #287=#:actions #288=#:point #124# #[nil "`B\211\207" [peg--stack] 2] peg--record-failure #289=(call integer1) #[nil "\211A\242\302 `\"B\211)\207" [peg--stack start buffer-substring-no-properties] 3] #290=(and #289# (action (let ((start . #113#)) (push #132# . #109#)))) #293=(and (action (let nil (push #133# . #109#))) #290#) #291=(call terminating) t #292=(if #291#) #[nil "\211A\242\302 !B\211)\207" [peg--stack i string-to-number] 2] #294=(and #292# (action (let ((i . #113#)) (push (string-to-number i) . #109#)))) (and #293# #294#)] 2] #[nil "`\306f\307=\203\306u\210\310\202B\311\312!\206B\nb\210 `\306f\313=\203/\306u\210\310\202;\311\314!\206;\fb\210 \310*\206B\311\315!*\204L\311\316!\203\340`\306f\203j\317\306fX\203j\306f\320X\203j\306u\210\202p\311\321!\203\255`\306f\203\217\322\306fX\203\217\306f\320X\203\217\306u\210\202\225\311\323!\203\235`U?\202\245b\210\306*\204p\310\202\326\311\324!\206\326b\210 \306f\203\323\322\306fX\203\323\306f\320X\203\323\306u\210\310\202\326\311\325!*\206\343\311\326!\206\343\311\327!\207" [peg--actions #295=#:actions #296=#:point #297=#:actions #298=#:point #299=#:actions nil 43 t peg--record-failure #301=(char 43) 45 #300=(char 45) #302=(or #300# (guard t)) #307=(or #301# #302#) 49 57 #303=(range 49 57) 48 #304=(range 48 57) #305=(and #303# (* #304#)) #306=(range 48 57) #308=(or #305# #306#) (and #307# #308#) #309=#:point #310=#:actions #311=#:point] 2] #[nil "`\305BB \204\306\307!\203`\310BB\202&\306\311!\204&\306\312!\203S`\f \2045\306\313!\205; b\210\n\314*\204E\306\315!\203M`\316BB\314\207\306\317!\206V\306\320!\207" [peg--actions #312=#:--cl-peg-rule\ float1-- #313=#:actions #314=#:point #124# #[nil "`B\211\207" [peg--stack] 2] peg--record-failure #315=(call float1) #[nil "\211A\242\302 `\"B\211)\207" [peg--stack start buffer-substring-no-properties] 3] #316=(and #315# (action (let ((start . #113#)) (push #132# . #109#)))) #319=(and (action (let nil (push #133# . #109#))) #316#) #317=(call terminating) t #318=(if #317#) #[nil "\211A\242\302 !B\211)\207" [peg--stack f string-to-number] 2] #320=(and #318# (action (let ((f . #113#)) (push (string-to-number f) . #109#)))) (and #319# #320#)] 2] #[nil "` \204\306\307!\203+\f \204\306\310!\203% \206\306\311!\206\306\312!\206\306\313!\206\nb\210 ` \204G\306\314!\203R\f \206x\306\315!\206x\306\316!\206xb\210 \204j\306\317!\203u \206x\306\320!\206x\306\321!*\206\306\322!*\206\206\306\323!\207" [peg--actions #321=#:actions #322=#:point #187# #323=#:--cl-peg-rule\ frac-- #324=#:--cl-peg-rule\ exp-- peg--record-failure #327=(call integer1) #325=(call frac) #326=(call exp) #328=(and #325# #326#) #335=(and #327# #328#) #329=(call integer1) #330=(call frac) #333=(and #329# #330#) #331=(call integer1) #332=(call exp) #334=(and #331# #332#) #336=(or #333# #334#) (or #335# #336#) #337=#:actions #338=#:point] 2] #[nil "\306f\307=\203 \306u\210\202\310\311!\203\272`\312BB` \204(\310\313!\203v` \206F\310\314!\206F b\210\f \206F\310\315!*\204P\310\316!\203p \204[\310\317!\203j`\320BB`\321BB\202|\310\322!\204|\310\323!\204|\310\324!\203\203\n`U?\202\211\nb\210 \306*\204\306f\325=\203\232\306u\210\202\240\310\326!\203\250`\327BB\330\207\310\331!\206\275\310\332!\206\275\310\333!\206\275\310\334!\207" [peg--actions #339=#:actions #340=#:point #6# #341=#:actions #342=#:point nil 40 peg--record-failure #354=(char 40) #[nil "\301B\211\207" [peg--stack nil] 2] #348=(call _) #343=(call elide) #344=(call value) #346=(or #343# #344#) #345=(call _) #[nil "\301 B\211\207" [peg--stack edn--maybe-add-to-list] 2] #[nil "\211A\242\211A\242 B\211*\207" [peg--stack e _] 3] #347=(and #345# (and (action (let nil (push (edn--maybe-add-to-list) . #109#))) (action (let ((_ . #113#) (e . #113#)) (push e . #109#))))) #349=(and #346# #347#) #351=(and #348# #349#) 41 #350=(char 41) #[nil "\211A\242\211\237B\211)\207" [peg--stack l] 3] t #352=(and #350# (action (let ((l . #113#)) (push (nreverse l) . #109#)))) #353=(and (* #351#) #352#) #355=(and (action (let nil (push nil . #109#))) #353#) (and #354# #355#) #4# #22#] 2] #[nil "\306f\307=\203 \306u\210\202\310\311!\203\272`\312BB` \204(\310\313!\203e` \206F\310\314!\206F b\210\f \206F\310\315!*\204P\310\316!\203_`\317BB`\320BB\202k\310\321!\204k\310\322!\203r\n`U?\202x\nb\210 \306*\204 \204\207\310\323!\203\250\306f\324=\203\224\306u\210\202\232\310\325!\203\242`\326BB\327\207\310\330!\206\275\310\331!\206\275\310\332!\206\275\310\333!\206\275\310\334!\207" [peg--actions #356=#:actions #357=#:point #6# #358=#:actions #359=#:point nil 91 peg--record-failure #371=(char 91) #[nil "\301B\211\207" [peg--stack nil] 2] #363=(call _) #360=(call elide) #361=(call value) #362=(or #360# #361#) #[nil "\301 B\211\207" [peg--stack edn--maybe-add-to-list] 2] #[nil "\211A\242\211A\242 B\211*\207" [peg--stack e _] 3] #364=(and #362# (and (action (let nil (push (edn--maybe-add-to-list) . #109#))) (action (let ((_ . #113#) (e . #113#)) (push e . #109#))))) #368=(and #363# #364#) #366=(call _) 93 #365=(char 93) #[nil "\211A\242\302 \237!B\211)\207" [peg--stack l vconcat] 2] t #367=(and #365# (action (let ((l . #113#)) (push (vconcat (nreverse l)) . #109#)))) #369=(and #366# #367#) #370=(and (* #368#) #369#) #372=(and (action (let nil (push nil . #109#))) #370#) (and #371# #372#) #4# #22#] 2] #[nil "\306f\307=\203 \306u\210\202\310\311!\203\272`\312BB` \204(\310\313!\203e` \206F\310\314!\206F b\210\f \206F\310\315!*\204P\310\316!\203_`\317BB`\320BB\202k\310\321!\204k\310\322!\203r\n`U?\202x\nb\210 \306*\204 \204\207\310\323!\203\250\306f\324=\203\224\306u\210\202\232\310\325!\203\242`\326BB\327\207\310\330!\206\275\310\331!\206\275\310\332!\206\275\310\333!\206\275\310\334!\207" [peg--actions #373=#:actions #374=#:point #6# #375=#:actions #376=#:point nil 123 peg--record-failure #388=(char 123) #[nil "\301B\211\207" [peg--stack nil] 2] #380=(call _) #377=(call elide) #378=(call value) #379=(or #377# #378#) #[nil "\301 B\211\207" [peg--stack edn--maybe-add-to-list] 2] #[nil "\211A\242\211A\242 B\211*\207" [peg--stack e _] 3] #381=(and #379# (and (action (let nil (push (edn--maybe-add-to-list) . #109#))) (action (let ((_ . #113#) (e . #113#)) (push e . #109#))))) #385=(and #380# #381#) #383=(call _) 125 #382=(char 125) #[nil "\211A\242\302 \237!B\211)\207" [peg--stack l edn--create-hash-table] 2] t #384=(and #382# (action (let ((l . #113#)) (push (edn--create-hash-table (nreverse l)) . #109#)))) #386=(and #383# #384#) #387=(and (* #385#) #386#) #389=(and (action (let nil (push nil . #109#))) #387#) (and #388# #389#) #4# #22#] 2] #[nil "\306\307!\203 \310\225b\210\202\311\312!\203\272`\313BB` \204(\311\314!\203e` \206F\311\315!\206F b\210\f \206F\311\316!*\204P\311\317!\203_`\320BB`\321BB\202k\311\322!\204k\311\323!\203r\n`U?\202x\nb\210 \324*\204 \204\207\311\325!\203\250\324f\326=\203\224\324u\210\202\232\311\327!\203\242`\330BB\331\207\311\332!\206\275\311\333!\206\275\311\334!\206\275\311\335!\206\275\311\336!\207" [peg--actions #390=#:actions #391=#:point #6# #392=#:actions #393=#:point looking-at #394="#{" 0 peg--record-failure #406=(str #394#) #[nil "\301B\211\207" [peg--stack nil] 2] #398=(call _) #395=(call elide) #396=(call value) #397=(or #395# #396#) #[nil "\301 B\211\207" [peg--stack edn--maybe-add-to-list] 2] #[nil "\211A\242\211A\242 B\211*\207" [peg--stack e _] 3] #399=(and #397# (and (action (let nil (push (edn--maybe-add-to-list) . #109#))) (action (let ((_ . #113#) (e . #113#)) (push e . #109#))))) #403=(and #398# #399#) nil #401=(call _) 125 #400=(char 125) #[nil "\211A\242\302 \237!B\211)\207" [peg--stack l edn-list-to-set] 2] t #402=(and #400# (action (let ((l . #113#)) (push (edn-list-to-set (nreverse l)) . #109#)))) #404=(and #401# #402#) #405=(and (* #403#) #404#) #407=(and (action (let nil (push nil . #109#))) #405#) (and #406# #407#) #4# #22#] 2] #[nil "\306f\307=\203 \306u\210\202\310\311!\2032`\312BB \204$\310\313!\203\342``\" \2048\310\314!\203? `U?\202E b\210\f\306*\204(# \204U\310\315!\203\221\" \204a\310\316!\203\213`$%\" \204s\310\316!\203{%`U?\202\203%b\210$\306*\204a\317\202\311\310\320!\206\311\310\321!\206\311\310\322!\206\311 b\210\n`&'\" \204\264\310\323!\203\274'`U?\202\304'b\210&\306*\204\242\317*\204\323\310\324!\203\334`\325BB\202\356\310\326!\204\356\310\327!\204\356\310\330!\203,( \204\372\310\331!\203&) \204\310\332!\203 ( \204\310\333!\203`\334BB\317\207\310\335!\2065\310\336!\2065\310\337!\2065\310\340!\2065\310\341!\207" [peg--actions #163# #408=#:actions #409=#:point #410=#:actions #411=#:point nil 35 peg--record-failure #430=(char 35) #[nil "`B\211\207" [peg--stack] 2] #420=(call alpha) #415=(call symbol-constituent) #413=(call slash) #412=(call symbol-constituent) t #414=(and #412# (* #412#)) #416=(and #413# #414#) #417=(and (* #415#) #416#) #418=(call symbol-constituent) #419=(or #417# (* #418#)) #[nil "\211A\242\302 `\"B\211)\207" [peg--stack start buffer-substring-no-properties] 3] #421=(and #419# (action (let ((start . #113#)) (push #132# . #109#)))) #422=(and #420# #421#) #428=(and (action (let nil (push #133# . #109#))) #422#) #426=(call _) #424=(call value) #423=(call _) #[nil "\211A\242\211A\242\303 \n\"B\211*\207" [peg--stack tag val edn--create-tagged-value] 3] #425=(and #423# (action (let ((val . #113#) (tag . #113#)) (push (edn--create-tagged-value tag val) . #109#)))) #427=(and #424# #425#) #429=(and #426# #427#) #431=(and #428# #429#) (and #430# #431#) #195# #139# #432=#:actions #433=#:point #434=#:actions #435=#:point #6# #22#] 2] #[nil "\304f\305=\203 \304u\210\202\306\307!\203F \204\306\310!\203@`  \204-\306\310!\2034 `U?\202: b\210\n\304*\204\311\207\306\312!\206I\306\313!\207" [#436=#:--cl-peg-rule\ digit-- peg--actions #437=#:actions #438=#:point nil 46 peg--record-failure #440=(char 46) #439=(call digit) t #441=(and #439# (* #439#)) (and #440# #441#)] 2] #[nil " \204 \305\306!\203> \204\305\307!\2038`\n \204%\305\307!\203,\f`U?\2022\fb\210 \310*\204\311\207\305\312!\206A\305\313!\207" [#442=#:--cl-peg-rule\ ex-- #436# peg--actions #443=#:actions #444=#:point peg--record-failure #446=(call ex) #445=(call digit) nil t #447=(and #445# (* #445#)) (and #446# #447#)] 2] #[nil "`\306f\307=\203\306u\210\310\202.\311\312!\206.\nb\210 \306f\313=\203+\306u\210\310\202.\311\314!*\2048\311\315!\203\206``\306f\316=\203O\306u\210\310\202l\311\317!\206lb\210 \306f\320=\203i\306u\210\310\202l\311\321!*\206|\311\322!\206|\fb\210 \310*\206\211\311\323!\206\211\311\324!\207" [peg--actions #448=#:actions #449=#:point #450=#:actions #451=#:point #452=#:actions nil 101 t peg--record-failure #453=(char 101) 69 #454=(char 69) #458=(or #453# #454#) 45 #455=(char 45) 43 #456=(char 43) #457=(or #455# #456#) #459=(or #457# . #240#) (and #458# #459#) #460=#:point] 2] #[nil "\300f\203\301\300fX\203\300f\302X\203\300u\210\303\207\304\305!\207" [nil 48 57 t peg--record-failure (range 48 57)] 2] #[nil "\300f\203\301\300fX\203\300f\302X\203\300u\210\303\207\304\305!\207" [nil 65 90 t peg--record-failure (range 65 90)] 2] #[nil "\300f\203\301\300fX\203\300f\302X\203\300u\210\303\207\304\305!\207" [nil 97 122 t peg--record-failure (range 97 122)] 2] #[nil "` \206\305\306!\206\nb\210 \f \206\305\307!*\206#\305\310!\207" [peg--actions #461=#:actions #462=#:point #463=#:--cl-peg-rule\ lower-- #464=#:--cl-peg-rule\ upper-- peg--record-failure #465=(call lower) #466=(call upper) (or #465# #466#)] 2] #[nil "` \206\305\306!\206\nb\210 \f \206\305\307!*\206#\305\310!\207" [peg--actions #467=#:actions #468=#:point #163# #436# peg--record-failure #469=(call alpha) #470=(call digit) (or #469# #470#)] 2] #[nil "`\303\304!\203\305u\210\306\202#\307\310!\206#\nb\210 m\206#\307\311!*\206*\307\312!\207" [peg--actions #471=#:actions #472=#:point looking-at "[] \n ()[{}\";,]" nil t peg--record-failure #473=(set nil (32 10 9 40 41 91 93 123 125 34 59 44) nil) #474=(call eob) (or #473# #474#)] 2] #[nil "`` \206!\306\307!\206!\fb\210 \f \206!\306\310!*\204+\306\311!\2032\n`U?\2028\nb\210 \312*\204\313\207" [peg--actions #475=#:actions #476=#:point #477=#:actions #478=#:point #3# peg--record-failure #479=(call ws) #480=(call comment) (or #479# #480#) nil t #5#] 2] #[nil "\306f\307=\203 \306u\210\202\310\311!\203\205```\306f\312=\203.\306u\210\313\202A\310\314!\206Ab\210 m\206A\310\315!*\206H\310\316!?\205R\fb\210 \313*\204\\\310\317!\203lm\204f\306u\210\202r\310\320!\204r\310\321!\203y\n`U?\202\nb\210 \306*\204\313\207\310\322!\207" [peg--actions #481=#:actions #482=#:point #483=#:actions #484=#:point #485=#:actions nil 59 peg--record-failure #491=(char 59) 10 t #486=(char 10) #487=(call eob) #488=(or #486# #487#) #489=(not #488#) #490=(any) #492=(and #489# #490#) (and #491# (* #492#)) #493=#:point] 2] #[nil "\303\304!\203 \305\225b\210\202\306\307!\203C \204\306\310!\203= \204)\306\311!\2037`\312B\nB`\313B\nB\314\207\306\315!\206F\306\316!\206F\306\317!\207" [#6# #22# peg--actions looking-at #494="#_" 0 peg--record-failure #498=(str #494#) #496=(call _) #495=(call value) #[nil "\302\211 B\211\207" [discarded peg--stack t] 2] #[nil "\211A\242\211A\242\211A\242 B\211+\207" [peg--stack e _] 4] t #497=(and #495# (and (action (let nil (push (setq discarded t) . #109#))) (action (let ((_ . #113#) (_ . #113#) (e . #113#)) (push e . #109#))))) #499=(and #496# #497#) (and #498# #499#)] 2] #[nil "\300\301!\203 \302u\210\303\207\304\305!\207" [looking-at "[ \n,]" nil t peg--record-failure (set nil (9 32 10 44) nil)] 2] #[nil "`\306BB` \206\"\307\310!\206\"\nb\210 \f \206\"\307\311!*\204,\307\312!\203u`\313f\314=\203?\313u\210\315\202\\\307\316!\206\\b\210 \313f\317=\203Y\313u\210\315\202\\\307\320!*\204f\307\321!\203o`\322BB\202\201\307\323!\204\201\307\324!\204\201\307\325!\203\233 \204\215\307\326!\203\225`\327BB\315\207\307\330!\206\236\307\331!\207" [peg--actions #500=#:actions #501=#:point #312# #187# #502=#:actions #[nil "`B\211\207" [peg--stack] 2] peg--record-failure #503=(call float1) #504=(call integer1) #508=(or #503# #504#) nil 78 t #505=(char 78) 77 #506=(char 77) #507=(or #505# #506#) #[nil "\211A\242\302 `\"B\211)\207" [peg--stack start buffer-substring-no-properties] 3] #509=(and #507# (action (let ((start . #113#)) (push #132# . #109#)))) #510=(and #508# #509#) #513=(and (action (let nil (push #133# . #109#))) #510#) #511=(call terminating) #[nil "\211A\242\302\303 \"B\211)\207" [peg--stack n error #512="Unsupported bignum: %s"] 3] #514=(and #511# (action (let ((n . #113#)) (push (error #512# n) . #109#)))) (and #513# #514#) #515=#:point #124#] 2] #[nil "` \206k\306\307!\206k\nb\210 `\310BBm\204$\311u\210\202*\306\312!\203R`m\2048\311u\210\202>\306\312!\203E `U?\202K b\210\f\311*\204*\202X\306\313!\203b`\314BB\315\202k\306\316!\206k\306\317!*\204u\306\320!\203}`\321BB\315\207\306\322!\207" [peg--actions #516=#:actions #517=#:point #2# #518=#:actions #519=#:point peg--record-failure #523=(call unsupported-bignum) #[nil "`B\211\207" [peg--stack] 2] nil #520=(any) #521=(and #520# (* #520#)) #[nil "\211A\242\302 `\"B\211)\207" [peg--stack start buffer-substring-no-properties] 3] t #522=(and #521# (action (let ((start . #113#)) (push #132# . #109#)))) #524=(and (action (let nil (push #133# . #109#))) #522#) #525=(or #523# #524#) #[nil "\211A\242\302\303 \"B\304B\211)\207" [peg--stack s error #526="Invalid edn: '%s'" nil] 3] (and #525# (action (let ((s . #113#)) (push (error #526# s) . #109#) (push nil . #109#))))] 2] peg-run peg-signal-failure #6# #124# #121# #163# #463# #464# #436# #442# #324# #323# #78# #77# #74# #71# #68# #312# #59# #187# #56# #527=#:--cl-peg-rule\ string1-- #264# #25# #209# #65# #247# #246# #153# #152# #139# #192# #195# #158# #62# #53# #50# #22# #528=#:--cl-peg-rule\ form--] 43]) (defalias 'edn--read-from-string #[(str) "r\301\302!q\210ed|\210c\210eb\210\303 )\207" [str get-buffer-create "*edn*" edn--read] 2]) #@22 Reads the #inst tag. (defalias 'edn--inst-reader #[(date-string) "\301\302!!\207" [date-string edn-time-to-inst date-to-time] 3 (#$ . 39374)]) #@70 Turn a `time-date' TIME into our internal representation of an inst. (defalias 'edn-time-to-inst #[(time) "\301@A@E\207" [time edn-inst] 3 (#$ . 39524)]) #@57 Turn an `edn-inst', INST, into a TIME from `time-date'. (defalias 'edn-inst-to-time #[(inst) "\242 >\204\302\303\304\305\211$\210\242 >\204\306\307\310D\"\210A@\242 >\204-\306\307\310D\"\210\3118D\207" [inst cl-struct-edn-inst-tags cl--assertion-failed (edn-inst-p inst) "INST has to be of type `edn-inst'" nil signal wrong-type-argument edn-inst 2] 5 (#$ . 39686)]) #@59 Create an `edn-uuid' from a string, S, containing a uuid. (defalias 'edn-string-to-uuid #[(s) "\301D\207" [s edn-uuid] 2 (#$ . 40071)]) #@59 Turn our internal representation of a UUID into a string. (defalias 'edn-uuid-to-string #[(uuid) "\242 >\204\302\303\304\305\211$\210\242 >\204\306\307\310D\"\210A@\207" [uuid cl-struct-edn-uuid-tags cl--assertion-failed (edn-uuid-p uuid) "UUID has to be of type `edn-uuid'" nil signal wrong-type-argument edn-uuid] 5 (#$ . 40214)]) #@241 Read one edn value from SOURCE. SOURCE is either a string of edn data or nil. If no source is given the next edn value will be read from POINT in the current buffer. You can use `edn-add-reader' to add your own readers for unknown tags. (defalias 'edn-read #[(&optional source) "\204\301 \207;\203\302!\207\303\304!\207" [source edn--read edn--read-from-string error "Source has to be a string, or nil to read from current buffer."] 2 (#$ . 40562)]) #@181 Turn a list into `edn''s internal set representation. If COMPARE-FN is provided this function is used to uniquify the list. Otherwise it's expected that l is without duplicates. (defalias 'edn-list-to-set #[(l &optional compare-fn) "\203\303 \304#\305\n)D\207\305 D\207" [compare-fn l vals cl-remove-duplicates :test edn-set] 4 (#$ . 41029)]) #@55 Turn `edn''s internal set representation into a list. (defalias 'edn-set-to-list #[(s) "\242 >\204\302\303\304D\"\210A@\207" [s cl-struct-edn-set-tags signal wrong-type-argument edn-set] 4 (#$ . 41385)]) #@90 Add a READER function for TAG. TAG is either a string, symbol or keyword. e.g. :my/type (defalias 'edn-add-reader #[(tag reader) ";\204\303!\2049\204\304\305\"\210\306 !\204 \304\307 \"\210\310\311! \n#\207" [tag reader edn--readers keywordp error "'%s' isn't a string, keyword or symbol!" functionp "'%s' isn't a valid handler function!" puthash edn--stringlike-to-string] 4 (#$ . 41600)]) #@50 Add a WRITER function for types satisfying PRED. (defalias 'edn-add-writer #[(pred writer) "\303!\204 \304\305\"\210\303 !\204\304\306\"\210\307 \310F\nB\211\207" [writer pred edn--writers functionp error "'%s' isn't a valid writer function!" "'%s' isn't a valid predicate function!" :pred :writer] 4 (#$ . 42010)]) #@49 Remove a previously registered handler for TAG. (defalias 'edn-remove-reader #[(tag) "\302\303!\304 #\207" [tag edn--readers puthash edn--stringlike-to-string nil] 4 (#$ . 42340)]) #@31 The remove the writer WRITER. (defalias 'edn-remove-writer #[(writer) "\301\302\"\211\207" [edn--writers cl-remove-if #[(writer-meta) "\302\303 \304\"\"\207" [writer writer-meta function-equal plist-get :writer] 5]] 3 (#$ . 42528)]) (defalias 'edn--print-seq #[(open close values) "\303\304 \305#\nQ\207" [open values close mapconcat edn-print-string " "] 5]) #@38 Return a list of keys in HASH-TABLE. (defalias 'hash-table-keys #[(hash-table) "\302\303\304 \"\210)\207" [keys hash-table nil maphash #[(k _v) " B\211\207" [k keys] 2]] 3 (#$ . 42898)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put hash-table-keys speed -1 put byte-optimizer byte-compile-inline-expand] 5) #@40 Return a list of values in HASH-TABLE. (defalias 'hash-table-values #[(hash-table) "\302\303\304 \"\210)\207" [values hash-table nil maphash #[(_k v) " B\211\207" [v values] 2]] 3 (#$ . 43236)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put hash-table-values speed -1 put byte-optimizer byte-compile-inline-expand] 5) (defalias 'edn--print-hash-map #[(m) "\306\307\310 \"\210\n*\311\312\n\306\211\2055 @\313\314\311 \315\316\f!\315\316\317\f\"!\260# A\211\204\306* \320R*\207" [m hash-table keys content k --dolist-tail-- nil maphash #[(k _v) " B\211\207" [k keys] 2] "" "{" replace-regexp-in-string "\\`[ \n ]+\\|[ \n ]+\\'" " " edn-print-string gethash "}"] 13]) #@66 Checks all registered `edn--writer's to find a writer for DATUM. (defalias 'edn--writer-for #[(datum) "\3042*\305\211\205(\n@\306 \307\" !\203 \310\304\306 \311\"\"\210\nA\211\204\f\305*0\207" [edn--writers writer --dolist-tail-- datum --cl-block-edn--writer-for-- nil plist-get :pred throw :writer] 6 (#$ . 43950)]) (defalias 'edn--uuid-writer #[(uuid) "\301\302!P\207" [uuid "#uuid " edn-uuid-to-string] 3]) #@127 Serialize the lisp form DATUM into edn. You can use `edn-add-writer' to add writers capable of writing your own tagged data. (defalias 'edn-print-string #[(datum) "\204\302\207\303!\203\303!!\207\242 >\203!\304\305\306\307!#\207<\203,\304\310\311#\207\312!\2038\304\313\314#\207\315!\203B\316!\207;\203L\317\317Q\207\320\321\"\207" [datum cl-struct-edn-set-tags "nil" edn--writer-for edn--print-seq "#{" "}" edn-set-to-list "(" ")" vectorp "[" "]" hash-table-p edn--print-hash-map "\"" format "%s"] 5 (#$ . 44377)]) (defalias 'edn--inst-writer #[(inst) "\301\302\303!\304#\207" [inst format-time-string "#inst \"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.52Z\"" edn-inst-to-time :utc] 4]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\"\210\300\303\304\"\210\305\306!\207" [edn-add-reader :inst edn--inst-reader :uuid edn-string-to-uuid provide edn] 3)