;;; eev-prepared.el -- eev modules that use temporary dirs and prepared shells.
;; Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; This file is part of GNU eev.
;; GNU eev is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; GNU eev is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see .
;; Author: Eduardo Ochs
;; Maintainer: Eduardo Ochs
;; Version: 20190302
;; Keywords: e-scripts
;; Latest version:
;; htmlized:
;; See also:
;; (find-eev-intro)
;;; Commentary:
;; See: (find-eev "eev-env.el")
;; (find-prepared-intro)
(require 'eev-env)
(ee-setenv "EEVTMPDIR" "$HOME/.eev") ; ee.sh and other temp scripts
(ee-setenv "EEVRCDIR" "$EEVDIR/rcfiles")
(ee-setenv "EE" "$EEVTMPDIR/ee.sh")
(ee-setenv "EEG" "$EEVTMPDIR/ee.eeg")
(ee-setenv "EEGDB" "$EEVTMPDIR/ee.gdb")
(ee-setenv "EETEX" "$EEVTMPDIR/ee.tex")
(ee-setenv "EEC" "$EEVTMPDIR/ee.c")
(ee-setenv "EETMPC" "$EEVTMPDIR/tmp.c")
(ee-setenv "EEAOUT" "$EEVTMPDIR/ee.aout")
(defvar ee-eevtmpdir (ee-expand "$EEVTMPDIR/")
"The directory where the temporary script files are put.")
(defvar ee-eevrcdir (ee-expand "$EEVRCDIR/")
"The directory where some auxiliary rcfiles for eev are to be found.")
(defvar ee-file (ee-expand "$EE")
"The temporary script file used by `eev'.")
(defvar ee-file-tex (ee-expand "$EETEX")
"The temporary script file used by `eelatex'.")
(defvar ee-file-gdb (ee-expand "$EEGDB")
"The temporary script file used by `eegdb'.")
(defvar ee-file-generic (ee-expand "$EEG"))
(defvar eelatex-eevscript
"cd $EEVTMPDIR/; latex tmp.tex && xdvi tmp.dvi &" "See `eelatex'.")
(code-c-d "eevtmp" "$EEVTMPDIR/" :anchor) ; (find-eevtmpfile "")
(code-c-d "eevrc" "$EEVRCDIR/" :anchor) ; (find-eevrcfile "")
(code-c-d "eevex" "$EEVDIR/examples/" :anchor) ; (find-eevexfile "")
;; (defvar ee-eevdir (ee-expand "$EEVDIR/")
;; "The directory where the elisp files for eev live.")
;; (code-c-d "eev" "$EEVDIR/" :anchor) ; (find-eev "")
;;; __ __
;;; | \/ | __ __ ___ _____ __
;;; | |\/| | __ \ \/ / / _ \/ _ \ \ / /
;;; | | | ||__| > < | __/ __/\ V /
;;; |_| |_| /_/\_\ \___|\___| \_/
;;; eev and friends (or: saving regions as temporary scripts)
(defun ee-se-to-string (s e)
"Convert the pair (S E) to a string.
If S is a number then return the contents of the current buffer
between the positions S and E; if S is a string then return S and
ignore E. See `write-region' - it uses the same convention for
interpreting \"(S E)\"-pairs as this function."
(cond ((numberp s) (buffer-substring-no-properties s e))
((stringp s) s)))
(defun octal-to-num (str)
"Convert STR - a sequence of octal digits - to a number."
(let ((lastv (- (string-to-char (substring str -1)) ?0))
(rest (substring str 0 -1)))
(if (string= "" rest) lastv (+ lastv (* 8 (octal-to-num rest))))))
(defun ee-write-string (str &optional altfile fmode)
"Write STR to ALTFILE, or to ee-file if ALTFILE is nil.
FMODE should be either nil or a string containing a sequence of
octal digits; if it is not nil then do the equivalent of a
\"chmod FMODE file\"."
(let ((fname (substitute-in-file-name (or altfile ee-file))))
(write-region str nil fname) ; a standard kludge
(if fmode (set-file-modes fname (octal-to-num fmode)))))
(defun ee-write (s e pre post &optional altfile fmode)
"Write PRE+(ee-se-to-string S E)+POST to ALTFILE, or to `ee-file'.
PRE and POST must be strings. See `ee-se-to-string' and
(ee-write-string (concat pre (ee-se-to-string s e) post)
altfile fmode))
(defun ee-se-to-string-with-nl (s e)
"Same as `ee-se-to-string', but force the result to end with a newline."
(let ((str (ee-se-to-string s e)))
(if (string-match "[^\n]\\'" str) (concat str "\n") str)))
(defun ee-write-with-nl (s e pre post &optional altfile fmode)
"Same as `ee-write', but using `ee-se-to-string-with-nl'."
(ee-write-string (concat pre (ee-se-to-string-with-nl s e) post)
altfile fmode))
;; See: (find-prepared-intro "1. Prepared shells")
(defun eev (s &optional e altfile)
"Save the region in `ee-file', or in ALTFILE if it is non-nil.
If S is a string write then write the string instead. See `ee-write'.
This function is mostly used to send blocks of commands to shells via
a temporary script file. The shells do not receive the commands
immediately - we need to tell them to execute the commands stored in
the temporary script.\n
For example, if we mark the block below and type `M-x eev',\n
# A hyperlink: (find-efunction 'eev)
echo $[1+2]
# Temporary scripts can change the
# directory and the environment.
cd /tmp/\n
and then go to a prepared shell and run `ee', we see something like
/home/edrx$ ee
# A hyperlink: (find-efunction 'eev)
echo $[1+2]
# Temporary scripts can change the
# directory and the environment.
cd /tmp/
/tmp$ \n
Note that this only works in \"prepared shells\", where `ee' has been
defined as a shell function in the correct way; the relevant code for
.bashrc or .zshrc is this:\n
export EEVTMPDIR ;: ${EEVTMPDIR:=~/.eev}
export EE ;: ${EE:=$EEVTMPDIR/ee.sh}
function ee () { set -v; . $EE$*; set +v; }\n
See: (find-eevfile \"INSTALL\")
and: (find-eevfile \"eev-rctool\")"
(interactive "r")
(ee-write-with-nl s e "" "" altfile)
(format "eev: wrote %s" (or altfile ee-file)))
(defun eevs (s &optional e suffix)
"Like `eev', but with a suffix; write the region to `ee-file'+SUFFIX.
For example, if $EE is \"~/.eev/ee.sh\" and SUFFIX is \"0\" then
write the region to the file \"~/.eev/ee.sh0\". The shell
function \"ee\" concatenates its first argument to the value of
$EE, so running \"ee 0\" on a prepared shell executes the
temporary script \"~/.eev/ee.sh0\" instead of \"~/.eev/ee.sh\".
If S is a string write then write the string instead. See `ee-write'."
(interactive "r\nsSuffix: ")
(eev s e (concat ee-file suffix)))
(defun eelatex (s &optional e)
"Save the region to `ee-file-tex', then save `eelatex-eevscript' to `ee-file'.
An example: run `M-x eelatex' on the line below,
Hello! $\\frac{42}{\\sqrt{5}}$
then go to a prepared shell and run \"ee\". A temporary LaTeX
file will be processed by \"latex\" and the resulting dvi file
will be shown on the screen.
If S is a string write then write the string instead. See `eev'."
(interactive "r")
(ee-write s e "" "" ee-file-tex)
(eev eelatex-eevscript nil)
(format "eelatex: wrote %s and %s" ee-file-tex ee-file))
(defun eegdb (s &optional e)
"Save the region to the temporary GDB script file given by `ee-file-gdb'.
After that if your GDB init file was prepared adequately then
running \"ee\" on a GDB prompt will make GDB execute the commands
in the temporary GDB script.
If S is a string write then write the string instead. See `eev'."
(interactive "r")
(ee-write s e "" "" ee-file-gdb)
(format "eegdb: wrote %s" ee-file-gdb))
;; Obsolete, or almost? Used by: (find-eevfile "eeg4")
(defun eeg (s &optional e)
(interactive "r")
(ee-write s e "" "" ee-file-generic)
(format "eeg: wrote %s" ee-file-gdb))
(defun eeeval (s &optional e)
"Like `eev', but instead of saving the region execute it immediately as Lisp.
This function is very similar to `eval-region'."
(interactive "r")
(eval (read (concat "(progn " (ee-se-to-string s e) "\n)"))))
(defun ee-default-directory ()
"Return `default-directory' usually, but behave specially in some modes.
If the current buffer is a w3m buffer that is visiting a local
file (i.e., if the url is like \"file://...\") then extract the
directory from the url instead of returning the value of
This function is used by `eecd'."
(if (eq major-mode 'w3-mode)
(let ((url (url-view-url 0)))
(if (string-match "^file:\\(.*/\\)[^/]*$" url)
(match-string 1 url)
(error "Current url is %S, which is not a local file" url)))
;; 2005jan10, incompatible change: added "dir"
(defun eecd (&optional dir command)
"Save to $EE a \"cd\" command to `cd' to the current directory.
If DIR is not nil then use DIR; otherwise run `ee-default-directory'.
If COMMAND is not nil then save \"cd DIR; COMMAND\" instead of just
\"cd DIR\".\n
See `eev' for more about $EE and the temporary script file."
(eev (concat "cd " (file-name-directory
(or dir (ee-default-directory)))
"\n" (or command ""))))
(provide 'eev-prepared)
;; Local Variables:
;; coding: utf-8-unix
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; End: