* process logging
** log to a process
** code like this
(defun nic-make-log-process (filename)
(let ((log-name (format "*log-%s*" filename))
(buf-name (concat " " log-name)))
log-name (get-buffer-create buf-name)
"while read line ; do echo $line >> %s ; done"
(setq nic-logger (nic-make-log-process))
(process-send-string nic-logger "hello!\n")
(process-send-string nic-logger "goodbye!\n")
(process-send-eof nic-logger)
** elnode-log-buffer-log does logging
*** it takes text, buffer-or-name
*** buffer-or-name could be a process?
* planned FAQ
** FAQ for installation
*** why does it not start?
**** have you got something running on port 8000?
**** how to change the port and restart
** programming
*** what's a hello world handler look like?
**** the simplest elnode handler is
(defun hello-world (httpcon)
(elnode-send-html httpcon "Hello World"))
*** how do I start a handler?
**** using M-x elnode-start [RET] handler-name
***** the handler-name is any function
***** it will complete in the normal minibuffer way
*** how can I make a handler serve some static files?
**** so easy, like this:
(setq my-webserver-handler (elnode-webserver-handler-maker "~/directory"))
*** what if I want to do something a bit unusual to the file before it's served? like tempalting
**** you need to write a proper handler for that
**** let's say you want to replace {{{name}}} with a single word
(defun my-files-handler (httpcon)
(elnode-docroot-for DIRECTORY
with target-filename
on httpcon
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect target-filename)
(elnode-http-start httpcon 200 '("Content-type" . "text/html"))
(replace-regexp-in-string "{{{\\(.*\\)}}}" "bleh"
(buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))))))
*** the logging is crazy, can I turn if off?
**** yep.
M-x customize-variable [RET] elnode-log-files-directory
**** and
M-x customize-variable [RET] elnode-error-log-to-messages
**** are 2 interesting ones
** Other questions
*** What if my friends laugh at me for running a web browser in my editor?
**** Get better friends? #emacs is a good source of fun people
**** Alternately start a new business that uses elnode and pisses on the competition
***** because it is faster and more reliable.
***** then buy new friends.
**** Or go back to using Ruby because Ruby is, ya know, really cool. Like your friends say.
* auth stuff
** things auth requires
*** test
**** are you currently authenticated?
**** most often this is testing a cookie
**** on success do whatever you were going to do
*** failure action
**** redirect to a login page
**** serve a login page
** login pages
*** test
**** are the credentials correct?
*** success
**** set a token to remember the request somehow
***** store something in the server?
****** so you can validatethe auth
******* login makes token
******* store token against username
******* put token:username:server-secretkey on cookie
**** redirect to some page
***** maybe identified by a parameter or the referrer
*** failure
**** redirect to a login failed page
**** return the same page with errors
*** links
**** registration page
(:test cookie
:cookie-name my-auth
:failure-type redirect
:redirect "/mylogin")
:redirect could be:
a string - which would point to a relative or absolute url which must
be mapped indepentently
a (dispatcher . handler) pair - a cons of a dispatcher and a handler,
the dispatcher is automatically wrapped with a detector for a url
that serves the handler
a (dispatcher handler string) list - as for the
dispatcher/handler cons but with the addition of the string to name
the url to login
** idea about data/handlers
*** for login, the processing of the authentication request (the username and password check) is the bit we can specify as part of the auth system
**** it goes
***** get a username/password
****** and possibly other things like "cookie approval"
***** check against database
****** plus any other rules, like "cookie approval is yes"
***** make cookie
***** redirect to wherever we were supposed to be redirecting
****** this could have been specified
******* as a parameter
******* or it could be fixed
******* or looked up in the server side environment
*** the bit we can't specify
**** the look of the login page
**** or even the url of the login page
**** or how the login page works
***** we need to be able to support AJAX login
***** so you can login from the main page and from non-contextual flows
*** it's frustrating because the only thing we care about on the login page is
**** the login form, which is very specifiable
**** particularly the url which the form POSTs to
***** which must have our auth handler on the end of it
*** so we need a high level abstraction for dealing with this
*** if we could specify interactive elements, like FORMs as
**** a description of the data
**** possibly a template
***** it should be possible to have a default template
***** client side template?
**** the handler code to handle the call
*** and then have those wrap in the same way as the (dispatcher . handler) form above
*** reasons this would be good
**** the separate description of the data means it could be used for ajax and context pages
**** the template is optional
***** maybe we could have contextual templates as well
****** a template for ajax
****** a template for page
**** the authentication processor is probably fixed
**** this could be the tip of a larger abstraction to do better website building
how about we make a function to return a wrap spec?
like this:
(:test cookie
:cookie-name my-auth
:failure-type redirect
:redirect (elnode-make-auth-wrap 'my-app form-template))
where (elnode-make-auth-wrap to-wrap template &optional path)
=> '(my-app (lambda (httpcon) (do-something-with template)) path)
** templates for auth - capturing some thoughts
*** the current vogue is for mustache like templates
*** these are dumb text replacers
*** I prefer sed/xslt like templates
**** not dumb, but more introspectively transformative
*** can we make a simpler, less generic, transform language than xslt?
*** it needs to transform data, such as json into HTML or XML
*** things it might be
**** a sequence of rules
***** for this bit of data, do this
****** { "password": "" } ->
***** questions about this
****** what's the pattern matching language???
****** how do we link the "things" together?
******* eg: BR tags?
******* wrapping individually in DIVs?
**** a bunch of associated rules
***** wrap everything we produce in some tag
****** eg: FORM tags
* v0.9.9 todo
** new async stuff with RLE
** default wiki page and webserver root
* screencasts
** introducing elnode
*** start with plain emacs24
*** install marmalade
*** install elnode
*** what does elnode do out of the box?
**** webserver
**** wiki
**** auth database
**** logging
** programming with elnode
*** start with some files
*** make a webserver with elnode-webserver-handler-maker
*** org-mode
** chat
*** what do you need?
**** a list to store chat
***** a list of triples? (username date text)
**** a handler to receive the chats
***** a POST or something
**** a handler for people to call to wait and receive chats
***** should use elnode-defer-or-do to check for new chats
* v1.00 todo
** stuff
*** vagrant image
*** heroku update
**** vulcan helps build the version of unix you need to host the build pack
***** http://quickleft.com/blog/hacking-heroku-with-custom-build-packs
**** the buildpack
***** https://github.com/technomancy/heroku-buildpack-emacs/tree/master/bin
*** ami?
** code
*** defer bugs?
*** logging to processes
*** client server stuff
*** htmlize bugs?
**** these seem to be fixed by new creole