= Elnode bookmarking = [[https://github.com/nicferrier/elnode/blob/master/elnode-bm.el|This is a simple Elnode app]] to allow bookmarking to Emacs. The idea is you start the elnode app: {{{ M-x elnode-start [RET] elnode-bm-handler [RET] Port: 8004[RET] Host: localhost[RET] }}} And then you can visit the page in your browser: {{{ http://localhost:8004 }}} and you will be presented with the option of the Chrome extension or the bookmarklet which you can install. You can then either, click on the bookmarklet or use Ctrl+Shift+I with the Chrome extension, to send the current tab's url and title to Emacs where it is stored in an org-mode file: {{{~/bookmarks.org}}} Here's an example org-mode file: {{{ * [[https://github.com/abicky/nodejs-repl.el/issues/1#issuecomment-15665393][how about uploading to marmalade? Issue #1 abicky/nodejs-repl.el]] <2013-05-22 Wed 23:41> * [[https://github.com/bumptech/stud][bumptech/stud GitHub]] <2013-05-22 Wed 23:40> * [[http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/NicFerrier][EmacsWiki: Nic Ferrier]] <2013-05-22 Wed 23:40> * [[http://www.w3.org/TR/CSP/#processing-model][Content Security Policy 1.0]] <2013-05-22 Wed 20:58> * [[https://twitter.com/i/connect][Twitter / Interactions]] <2013-05-22 Wed 20:50> * [[http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Time-Parsing.html][Time Parsing - GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual]] <2013-05-22 Wed 19:13> }}} == Problems == There are some problems with this right now: * [[https://support.google.com/chrome_webstore/answer/2664769?p=crx_warning&rd=1|Google lock down Chrome]] so you can't install code. ** this is annoying because I only want to talk to localhost, if I have my extension on localhost surely I can download it? * [[https://github.com/blog/1477-content-security-policy|the new CSP stuff]] is breaking bookmarklets * also bookmarklets will always require SSL? ** I started work on making a [[https://github.com/bumptech/stud|stud]] spawning system for Elnode ** I got it working ok but... ** self signed certificates still don't work very well and are relatively hard to make for the average user