;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303!\210\302\304!\210\302\305!\207" [provide emms-mark require cl-lib emms emms-playlist-mode] 2) #@56 Return a description of the current track. (fn TRACK) (defalias 'emms-mark-track-description #[257 "\300\301!\302=\203\303\304\305\306\211$\210\307\300\301!!P\207" [default-value emms-track-description-function emms-mark-track-description cl--assertion-failed (not (eq (default-value 'emms-track-description-function) 'emms-mark-track-description)) "Do not set `emms-track-selection-function' to be emms-mark-track-description." nil " "] 6 (#$ . 215)]) #@54 Update the track descriptions in the current buffer. (defalias 'emms-mark-update-descriptions #[0 "\301\212eb\210\302\303`!\204\3041\305 0\210\202\210\301\262\211?\2056\306 \210\3071/\305 0\210\202\210\301\262\202\262*\207" [inhibit-read-only t nil emms-playlist-track-at (error) emms-playlist-next emms-playlist-update-track (error)] 3 (#$ . 679)]) (defvar emms-mark-char 42) (defvar emms-mark-face-alist '((42 . font-lock-warning-face) (32 . emms-playlist-track-face))) #@163 Mark the current track. If ARG is positive, also mark the next ARG-1 tracks as well. If ARG is negative, also mark the previous ARG-1 tracks. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'emms-mark-track #[256 "\211\204\303\262\304 \"\305\211\212\306 \210m?\205p\307U?\205p\310`\311\"\262\312\303!\210\313\314!\311#c\210\315u\210\307V\203I\316`\303y\210`\317$\210\202^\212\305\210`)\316\306 \210`\317$\266\315y\210\307V\203iS\202kT\262\202*\207" [emms-mark-char emms-mark-face-alist buffer-read-only 1 assoc-default nil beginning-of-line 0 get-text-property emms-track delete-char emms-propertize string -1 put-text-property face] 10 (#$ . 1174) "p"]) #@169 Unmark the current track. If ARG is positive, also unmark the next ARG-1 tracks as well. If ARG is negative, also unmark the previous ARG-1 tracks. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'emms-mark-unmark-track #[256 "\301\302!)\207" [emms-mark-char 32 emms-mark-track] 3 (#$ . 1848) "p"]) #@127 Mark one or more tracks and move the point past the newly-marked tracks. See `emms-mark-track' for further details. (fn ARG) (defalias 'emms-mark-forward #[257 "\300!\210\211y\207" [emms-mark-track] 3 (#$ . 2138) "p"]) #@123 Unmark one or more tracks and move the point past the tracks. See `emms-mark-unmark-track' for further details. (fn ARG) (defalias 'emms-mark-unmark-forward #[257 "\300!\210\211y\207" [emms-mark-unmark-track] 3 (#$ . 2366) "p"]) #@40 Mark all tracks in the current buffer. (defalias 'emms-mark-all #[0 "\212eb\210\300\301ed\"!)\207" [emms-mark-track count-lines] 4 (#$ . 2603) nil]) #@42 Unmark all tracks in the current buffer. (defalias 'emms-mark-unmark-all #[0 "\300\301!\207" [emms-mark-do-with-marked-track emms-mark-unmark-track] 2 (#$ . 2758) nil]) #@99 Mark all tracks matching REGEXP. A prefix argument means to unmark them instead. (fn REGEXP ARG) (defalias 'emms-mark-regexp #[514 "\211\203\301\202 \302\212eb\210\303\304\305#\205 \306\307!\210\307y\210\202*\207" [emms-mark-char 32 42 re-search-forward nil t emms-mark-track 1] 6 (#$ . 2933) (byte-code "\301\203 \302\202\n\303!D\207" [current-prefix-arg read-from-minibuffer "Unmark tracks matching: " "Mark tracks matching: "] 2)]) #@41 Toggle all marks in the current buffer. (defalias 'emms-mark-toggle #[0 "\212eb\210\301m?\205 g\302=\203\303 \210\202\304 \210\305y\210\202*\207" [buffer-read-only nil 32 emms-mark-track emms-mark-unmark-track 1] 2 (#$ . 3387) nil]) #@66 Return non-nil if the playlist has a marked line, nil otherwise. (defalias 'emms-mark-has-markedp #[0 "\212eb\210\301\302\303\"\304\305#)\207" [emms-mark-char re-search-forward format "^[%c]" nil t] 4 (#$ . 3634)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put emms-mark-has-markedp speed -1 put byte-optimizer byte-compile-inline-expand] 5) #@443 Call FUNC on every marked line in current playlist. The function specified by FUNC takes no argument, so if the track on the marked line is needed, use `emms-playlist-track-at' to get it. The function can also modify the playlist buffer, such as deleting the current line. If the function doesn't move forward, be sure to set the second parameter MOVE to non-nil. Otherwise the function will never exit the loop. (fn FUNC &optional MOVE) (defalias 'emms-mark-do-with-marked-track #[513 "\301\302\"\203\303\304\"\262\212eb\210\305\306\307#\205$\310u\210\211 \210\202)\207" [emms-mark-char format "^[%c]" make-closure #[0 "\300 \210\301y\207" [V0 1] 1] re-search-forward nil t -1] 8 (#$ . 4004)]) #@172 This function does the same thing as `emms-mark-do-with-marked-track', the only difference being that this function collects the result of FUNC. (fn FUNC &optional MOVE) (defalias 'emms-mark-mapcar-marked-track #[513 "\301\302\"\303\203\304\305\"\262\212eb\210\306\303\307#\203)\310u\210\211 B\262\202\237)\207" [emms-mark-char format "^[%c]" nil make-closure #[0 "\300 \301y\210\207" [V0 1] 2] re-search-forward t -1] 9 (#$ . 4721)]) #@64 Delete all tracks that have been marked in the current buffer. (defalias 'emms-mark-delete-marked-tracks #[0 "\301\302\303!)\207" [inhibit-read-only t emms-mark-do-with-marked-track #[0 "`\300y\210`|\207" [1] 2]] 2 (#$ . 5178) nil]) #@62 Kill all tracks that have been marked in the current buffer. (defalias 'emms-mark-kill-marked-tracks #[0 "\301C\301\302\303\304\"!\210\305\242!)\207" [buffer-read-only nil emms-mark-do-with-marked-track make-closure #[0 "\300\211\242\301`\302y\210`\"P\240\207" [V0 delete-and-extract-region 1] 5] kill-new] 5 (#$ . 5418) nil]) #@62 Copy all tracks that have been marked in the current buffer. (defalias 'emms-mark-copy-marked-tracks #[0 "\300C\301\302\303\"!\210\304\242!\207" [nil emms-mark-do-with-marked-track make-closure #[0 "\300\211\242`\301y\210`{P\240\207" [V0 1] 4] kill-new] 5 (#$ . 5754) nil]) #@30 Keymap for `emms-mark-mode'. (defvar emms-mark-mode-map (byte-code "\300 \301\302\303#\210\301\304\305#\210\301\306\307#\210\301\310\311#\210\301\312\313#\210\301\314\315#\210\301\316\317#\210\301\320\321#\210\207" [make-sparse-keymap define-key "W" emms-mark-copy-marked-tracks "K" emms-mark-kill-marked-tracks "D" emms-mark-delete-marked-tracks "m" emms-mark-forward "u" emms-mark-unmark-forward "U" emms-mark-unmark-all "t" emms-mark-toggle "%m" emms-mark-regexp] 5) (#$ . 6036)) #@86 An EMMS major mode that allows tracks to be marked like dired. \{emms-mark-mode-map} (defalias 'emms-mark-mode #[0 "\305=?\205(\306\307=\204\307 \210\310\n\311 \"\210\312\n!\210\305\313\314\304!\210\315\316 \207" [major-mode emms-playlist-buffer-p emms-mark-mode-map mode-name emms-track-description-function emms-mark-mode t emms-playlist-mode set-keymap-parent current-local-map use-local-map "Emms-Mark" make-local-variable emms-mark-track-description emms-mark-update-descriptions] 3 (#$ . 6533) nil]) #@62 Disable `emms-mark-mode' and return to `emms-playlist-mode'. (defalias 'emms-mark-mode-disable #[0 "\302=\205 \303 \210\211\304 \266\305 \207" [major-mode emms-playlist-selected-marker emms-mark-mode emms-playlist-mode emms-playlist-mode-overlay-selected emms-mark-update-descriptions] 2 (#$ . 7054) nil])