;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (require 'flymake) #@59 The command that will be used to perform the syntax check (defvar erlang-flymake-command "erlc" (#$ . 106)) #@60 Return a list of ebin directories to add to the code path. (defvar erlang-flymake-get-code-path-dirs-function 'erlang-flymake-get-code-path-dirs (#$ . 220)) #@70 Return a list of include directories to add to the compiler options. (defvar erlang-flymake-get-include-dirs-function 'erlang-flymake-get-include-dirs (#$ . 383)) #@55 A list of options that will be passed to the compiler (defvar erlang-flymake-extra-opts (list "+warn_unused_import" "+warn_shadow_vars" "+warn_export_vars" "+strong_validation" "+report") (#$ . 552)) #@113 Trigger flymake only when the buffer is saved (disables syntax check on newline and when there are no changes). (defalias 'erlang-flymake-only-on-save #[nil "\303\211\207" [most-positive-fixnum flymake-no-changes-timeout flymake-start-syntax-check-on-newline nil] 2 (#$ . 759) nil]) (defalias 'erlang-flymake-get-code-path-dirs #[nil "\300 \301PC\207" [erlang-flymake-get-app-dir "ebin"] 2]) (defalias 'erlang-flymake-get-include-dirs #[nil "\300 \301P\300 \302PD\207" [erlang-flymake-get-app-dir "include" "deps"] 3]) (defalias 'erlang-flymake-get-app-dir #[nil "\301\302 !\301\303!!)\207" [src-path file-name-directory buffer-file-name directory-file-name] 3]) (defalias 'erlang-flymake-init #[nil "\306K\307\216\306\310M\210\311\312!*\313\314\315\n \"!\313\314\316\f \"!\317 #\317 C\",D\207" [#1=#:old temp-file erlang-flymake-get-code-path-dirs-function code-dir-opts erlang-flymake-get-include-dirs-function inc-dir-opts flymake-get-temp-dir #[nil "\301M\207" [#1# flymake-get-temp-dir] 2] erlang-flymake-temp-dir flymake-init-create-temp-buffer-copy flymake-create-temp-with-folder-structure erlang-flymake-flatten mapcar #[(dir) "\301D\207" [dir "-pa"] 2] #[(dir) "\301D\207" [dir "-I"] 2] append erlang-flymake-extra-opts compile-opts erlang-flymake-command] 4]) (defalias 'erlang-flymake-temp-dir #[nil "\302\303 #\207" [temporary-file-directory user-login-name format "%s/flymake-%s"] 4]) (defalias 'erlang-flymake-flatten #[(list) "\301\302\"\207" [list apply append] 3]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\"\210\303\304\305\"\210\306\307!\207" [add-to-list flymake-allowed-file-name-masks ("\\.erl\\'" erlang-flymake-init) add-hook erlang-mode-hook flymake-mode provide erlang-flymake] 3)