;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\210\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315&\210\316\317\320\321\312\307\322\323&\210\316\324\325\326\312\307\322\327&\210\316\330\331\332\312\307\322\327&\210\316\333\334\335\312\307\322\327&\210\316\336\337\340\312\307\322\327&\207" [require font-lock shell comint ess-utils ess-custom custom-declare-group ess-bugs nil "ESS: BUGS." :group ess :prefix "ess-" custom-declare-variable ess-bugs-batch-method (if ess-microsoft-p (if (w32-shell-dos-semantics) 'dos 'sh) 'sh) "Method used by `ess-bugs-batch'.\nThe default is based on the value of the Emacs variable `system-type'\nand, on Windows machines, the function `w32-shell-dos-semantics'.\n'sh if *shell* runs a Bourne-like or a C-like Unix shell\n'dos if *shell* runs a DOS-like Windows shell\n\nUnix users will get 'sh by default.\n\nWindows users running a DOS-like *shell* will get 'dos by default,\nwhile those running a Unix-like *shell* will get 'sh by default.\n\nUsers whose default is not 'sh, but are accessing a remote machine with\n`telnet' or `ssh', should have the following in their init file:\n (setq-default ess-bugs-batch-method 'sh)" :type (choice (const 'sh :tag "Bourne/C-like Unix Shell") (const 'dos :tag "DOS-like Windows shell")) ess-bugs-batch-post-command (if (equal ess-bugs-batch-method 'sh) "&" " ") "*ESS[BUGS]: Modifiers at the end of the batch BUGS command line." string ess-bugs-batch-pre-command (if (equal ess-bugs-batch-method 'sh) "nohup nice time" (if ess-microsoft-p "start")) "*ESS[BUGS]: Modifiers at the beginning of the batch BUGS command line." ess-bugs-default-burn-in "500" "ESS[BUGS]: Burn-in iterations to discard." ess-bugs-default-update "1000" "ESS[BUGS]: Iterations to store."] 8) #@64 *ESS[BUGS]: The name of the command to run BUGS in batch mode. (defvar ess-bugs-batch-command ";" (#$ . -1870)) #@33 ESS[BUGS]: BUGS file with PATH. (defvar ess-bugs-file "." (#$ . 1988)) #@31 ESS[BUGS]: Root of BUGS file. (defvar ess-bugs-file-root "." (#$ . 2065)) #@33 ESS[BUGS]: Suffix of BUGS file. (defvar ess-bugs-file-suffix "." (#$ . 2145)) #@36 ESS[BUGS]: Directory of BUGS file. (defvar ess-bugs-file-dir "." (#$ . 2229)) #@28 ESS[BUGS]: BUGS data file. (defvar ess-bugs-file-data "..." (#$ . 2313)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\300\310\311\312\304\305\306\307&\210\300\313\314\315\304\305\306\316&\207" [custom-declare-variable ess-bugs-inits-suffix ".in" "ESS[BUGS]: BUGS init file suffix." :group ess-bugs :type string ess-bugs-data-suffix ".dat" "ESS[BUGS]: BUGS data file suffix." ess-bugs-mode-hook nil "*ESS[BUGS]: List of functions to call upon entering mode." hook] 8) #@64 ESS[BUGS]: List of BUGS variables to be written out to a file. (defvar ess-bugs-monitor-vars " " (#$ . 2794)) #@69 ESS[BUGS]: List of BUGS variables to be summarized with statistics. (defvar ess-bugs-stats-vars " " (#$ . 2910)) #@29 ESS[BUGS]: Keymap for mode. (defvar ess-bugs-mode-map nil (#$ . 3029)) (byte-code "\204\301 \302\303\304#\210\302\305\306#\210\302\307\310#\210\302\311\310#\207" [ess-bugs-mode-map make-keymap define-key [f2] ess-revert-wisely "" ess-bugs-next-action "=" ess-bugs-hot-arrow "_"] 4) #@35 ESS[BUGS]: Syntax table for mode. (defvar ess-bugs-syntax-table nil (#$ . 3327)) (byte-code "\204\301 \302\303\304#\210\302\305\306#\210\302\307\310#\210\302\311\312#\210\302\313\314#\210\302\315\316#\207" [ess-bugs-syntax-table make-syntax-table modify-syntax-entry 92 "." 35 "<" 10 ">" 40 "()" 41 ")(" 46 "w"] 4) #@151 ESS[BUGS]: Set internal variables dealing with BUGS files. Set `ess-bugs-file', `ess-bugs-file-root', `ess-bugs-file-suffix' and `ess-bugs-file-dir'. (defalias 'ess-bugs-file #[nil "\305 \306!\307\310 !!\311\312 !!\313\314!\203 \314!\202(\315\316\317\"!@\316\320\fP\321\"@\227\n \fQ\211)\207" [ess-bugs-temp-string ess-bugs-file ess-bugs-file-dir ess-bugs-file-root ess-bugs-file-suffix buffer-name expand-file-name convert-standard-filename file-name-directory file-name-nondirectory file-name-sans-extension fboundp file-name-extension last split-string "[.]" "." "[<]"] 4 (#$ . 3659)]) #@79 ESS[BUGS]: Detect completion or failure of submitted job and notify the user. (defalias 'ess-bugs-exit-notify-sh #[(string) "\303\304 \"\211\205\305 \n\306\225O!*\207" [exit-done string beg "\\[[0-9]+\\]\\ *\\+*\\ *\\(Exit\\|Done\\)[^ \n]*" string-match message 0] 5 (#$ . 4267)]) #@43 *ESS[BUGS]: Substitute <- for = key press (defalias 'ess-bugs-hot-arrow #[nil "\300c\207" [" <- "] 1 (#$ . -4559) nil]) #@54 ESS[BUGS/JAGS]: Perform the appropriate next action. (defalias 'ess-bugs-next-action #[nil "\305 \210\306\267\202\307 \207\310 \207\311 \210\312 \n\"\207\311 \210\313 \f\"\207\314\207" [ess-bugs-file-suffix ess-bugs-command ess-bugs-chains ess-jags-command ess-jags-chains ess-bugs-file #s(hash-table size 4 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (".bug" 9 ".jag" 12 ".bmd" 15 ".jmd" 23)) ess-bugs-na-bug ess-jags-na-bug ess-save-and-set-local-variables ess-bugs-na-bmd ess-jags-na-jmd nil] 3 (#$ . 4685) nil]) #@65 ESS[BUGS]: round output from +/-0.000E+/-0 to 4 decimal places. (defalias 'ess-bugs-sci-to-round-4-dp #[nil "\305\212\306b\210\307 \310\216\305\306\211\311\312\305\313#\205b\314\315\316\306!!!\306\225\306\224Z\307 \317\216\320\321\f\"\211\204:\320\322\f\"* \203D\f\306 O\n\323\f!Z\211\306V\203[\f\324P\nS\211\202K\325\f!\210\202.\207" [buffer-read-only save-match-data-internal ess-bugs-replacement-diff ess-bugs-replacement-9 ess-bugs-replacement-string nil 0 match-data #[nil "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3] search-forward-regexp "-?[0-9][.][0-9][0-9][0-9]E[+-][0-9]" t int-to-string string-to-number match-string #[nil "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3] string-match "99999999999$" "000000000001$" string-width " " replace-match] 5 (#$ . 5233) nil]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\310\311\312\313\304\301\314\315&\210\310\316\317\320\304\301\314\315&\210\310\321\322\323\304\301\314\315&\210\310\324\302\325\304\301\314\326&\207" [custom-declare-group ess-bugs-shell nil "ESS: BUGS-Shell." :group ess-bugs :prefix "ess-" custom-declare-variable ess-bugs-shell-buffer-name "BUGS" "*ESS[BUGS-Shell]: The name of the BUGS-Shell buffer." :type string ess-bugs-shell-command "OpenBUGS" "*ESS[BUGS-Shell]: The name of the command to run BUGS interactively.\n\nSet to the name of the batch BUGS script that comes with ESS or\nto the name of BUGS command. Make sure it is in your PATH or\nadd path to the command name." ess-bugs-shell-default-output-file-root "bugs" "*ESS[BUGS-Shell]: Default value for the root of output files." ess-bugs-shell-mode-hook "*ESS[BUGS-Shell]: List of functions to call upon entering mode." hook] 8) #@52 Create a buffer with BUGS running as a subprocess. (defalias 'ess-bugs-shell #[nil "\306\307\307Q!\210\310 \311\n %\210\312 \210\313\314\315\316\317\320!\210\321\322\323!\207" [ess-bugs-shell-buffer-name ess-bugs-shell-command ess-bugs-default-bins ess-bugs-shell-default-output-file-root shell-dirtrackp major-mode switch-to-buffer "*" make-comint nil comint-mode t bugs-shell-mode "ESS[BUGS-Shell]" "^Bugs> *" make-local-variable font-lock-defaults (ess-bugs-font-lock-keywords nil t) run-mode-hooks ess-bugs-shell-mode-hook mode-name comint-prompt-regexp] 6 (#$ . 6990) nil]) (provide 'ess-bugs-l)