;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\207" [require comint custom executable font-lock] 2) #@60 Value is t if the OS is one of Microsoft's, nil otherwise. (defvar ess-microsoft-p (memq system-type '(ms-dos windows-nt)) (#$ . 201)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\306\310& \210\300\311\302\312\304\301\313\314&\210\300\315\302\316\304\301\313\314&\210\300\317\302\320\304\301\313\314&\210\300\321\302\322\304\301\313\314&\210\300\323\302\324\304\301\313\314&\210\300\325\302\326\304\301\313\314&\210\300\327\302\330\304\325\313\314&\210\300\331\302\332\304\325\313\314&\210\300\333\302\334\304\325\313\314&\210\300\335\302\336\304\301\313\337&\210\300\340\302\341\304\301\313\314&\210\300\342\302\343\304\301\313\314&\210\300\344\302\345\304\301\313\314&\210\300\346\302\347\304\301\313\314&\210\300\350\302\351\304\301\313\314&\210\300\352\302\353\304\301\304\354\304\355\313\314\304\356& \210\300\357\302\360\304\325\313\314&\210\300\355\302\361\304\301\313\314&\210\300\362\302\363\304\301\313\314&\207" [custom-declare-group ess nil "ESS: Emacs Speaks Statistics." :group languages :link (info-link "(ESS)") (url-link "https://ess.r-project.org/") ess-edit "ESS: editing behavior, including coments/indentation." :prefix "ess-" ess-proc "ESS: process control." ess-command "ESS: Commands for various things." ess-help "ESS: help functions." ess-hooks "ESS: hooks for customization." ess-S "ESS: S Languages." ess-origS "ESS: Original S Dialect from Bell Labs/AT&T." ess-SPLUS "ESS: S-PLUS Dialect of S." ess-R "ESS: R Dialect of S." ess-Julia "ESS: Julia." "julia-" ess-sas "ESS: SAS." ess-Stata "ESS: Stata." ess-XLS "ESS: XLispStat." ess-OMG "ESS: Omegahat." ess-mouse "ESS: Mouse." ess-roxy "Mode for editing in-code Roxygen documentation." convenience ess-extras tools ess-sweave "Mode for editing Sweave (*.[SR]nw) files." "Extra utilities for ESS" ess-faces "Faces and face options for ESS modes."] 14) #@34 Version of ESS currently loaded. (defvar ess-version "18.10.2" (#$ . 2054)) #@76 The subversion revision and date of ESS. Is set by \[ess-version-string]. (defvar ess-revision nil (#$ . 2136)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\300\310\301\311\304\305\306\307&\207" [custom-declare-variable ess-imenu-use-p (fboundp 'imenu) "Non-nil means use imenu facility.\nThis value can be overridden by mode-specific variables, such\nas `ess-imenu-use-S'." :group ess :type boolean ess-imenu-use-S "*Non-nil means include an Imenu menu item in S buffers."] 8) #@61 Placeholder for imenu-generic-expression. Dialect specific. (defvar ess-imenu-generic-expression nil (#$ . 2628)) #@108 An alist of custom ESS commands available for call by `ess-handy-commands' and `ess-smart-comma' function. (custom-declare-variable 'ess-handy-commands ''(("change-directory" . ess-change-directory) ("install.packages" . ess-install-library) ("library" . ess-library) ("objects[ls]" . ess-execute-objects) ("help-apropos" . ess-display-help-apropos) ("help-index" . ess-display-package-index) ("help-object" . ess-display-help-on-object) ("search" . ess-execute-search) ("set-width" . ess-execute-screen-options) ("setRepos" . ess-setRepositories) ("sos" . ess-sos) ("vignettes" . ess-display-vignettes)) '(#$ . 2749) :group 'ess :type 'alist) #@30 Store handy commands locally (defvar ess--local-handy-commands nil (#$ . 3399)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'ess--local-handy-commands) #@49 Dialect-specific function to install a library. (defvar ess-install-library-function nil (#$ . 3541)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311&\210\312\313\314\"\210\302\314\315\316\306\317\310\320&\210\302\321\313\322\306\323\310\320&\210\302\324\325\326\306\327\310\330&\210\302\331\332\333\306\327\310\334&\210\302\335\325\336\306\327\310\330&\210\302\337\340\341\306\327\310\342&\210\302\343\325\344\306\327\310\330&\210\302\345\304\346\306\327\310\330&\210\302\347\325\350\306\327\310\330&\207" [make-variable-buffer-local ess-install-library-function custom-declare-variable ess-describe-at-point-method nil "Whether `ess-describe-object-at-point' should use a tooltip.\nIf nil display in an electric buffer. If 'tooltip display in\na tooltip.\n\nSee also `tooltip-hide-delay' and `tooltip-delay'.\n " :group ess-utils :type (choice (const :tag "buffer" :value nil) (const tooltip)) defvaralias ess-R-describe-object-at-point-commands ess-r-describe-object-at-point-commands '(("str(%s)") ("htsummary(%s, hlength = 20, tlength = 20)") ("summary(%s, maxsum = 20)")) "A list of commands cycled by `ess-describe-object-at-point'.\n%s is substituted with the name at point.\n\nThe value of each element is nil and is not used in current\nimplementation." ess-R alist ess-S-describe-object-at-point-commands "An alist of commands cycled by `ess-describe-object-at-point'.\n%s is substitute with the name at point. The value is not used as\n yet." S+ ess-can-eval-in-background t "If non-nil ESS can perform caching and other background\n activities by calling the subprocess on idle time." ess boolean ess-user-full-name (user-full-name) "The full name of the user." string ess-blink-region "If t evaluated region is highlighted for a shortwhile.\nSee also `ess-blink-delay'" ess-blink-delay 0.3 "Number of seconds to highlight the evaluated region." number ess-ask-for-ess-directory "Non-nil means request the process directory each time S is run." ess-ask-about-transfile "Non-nil means ask about a transcript file before running ESS." ess-display-buffer-reuse-frames "Non-nil means \\[display-buffer] reuses existing frames; see\n`display-buffer-reuse-frames'."] 8) #@80 Determines the language to use for the current buffer. See also `ess-dialect'. (defvar ess-language nil (#$ . 5744)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'ess-language) #@208 String version of the dialect being run for the inferior process. This, plus `ess-language', should be able to determine the exact version of the statistical package being executed in the particular buffer. (defvar ess-dialect nil (#$ . 5911)) (byte-code "\302\303!\210\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313&\210\304\314\306\315\310\311\312\316&\210\317\320\321\"\210\304\321\306\322\310\311\312\323&\210\304\324\306\325\310\311\312\326&\210\304\327\330\331\310\311\312\332&\210\304\333\330\334\310\311\312\335&\210\317\336\337\306#\210\340\306\211\203w @\336N\203p\337N\204p\341\337\336N#\210 A\211\204Y*\342\336\337\343#\210\304\337\306\344\310\311\312\335&\210\304\345\330\346\310\311\312\335&\210\304\347\306\350\310\311\312\335&\210\317\351\352\"\210\304\352\353\354\310\311\312\355&\210\304\356\330\357\310\360\312\361&\210\304\362\306\363\310\360\312\335&\210\304\364\365\366\310\311\312\367&\210\304\370\330\371\310\311\312\372\373\374& \210\304\375\330\376\310\360\312\377&\210\304\201@\330\201A\310\360\312\201B&\210\304\201C\306\201D\310\360\312\201E&\210\304\201F\330\201G\310\360\312\335&\210\304\201H\330\201I\310\311\312\335&\207" [prop --dolist-tail-- make-variable-buffer-local ess-dialect custom-declare-variable ess-directory-function nil "Function to return the directory that ESS is run from.\nIf nil or if the function returns nil then you get `ess-startup-directory'." :group ess :type (choice (const nil) function) ess-setup-directory-function "Function to setup the directory that ESS is run from.\nThis function can be called to set environment variables or to create\na workspace." (choice (const nil) function) defvaralias ess-directory ess-startup-directory "The directory ESS is run from. It must end in a slash.\nProvided as a default if `ess-ask-for-ess-directory' is non-nil.\nA nil value means use the current buffer's default directory." (choice (const nil) directory) ess-history-directory "Directory to pick up `ess-history-file' from.\nIf this is nil, the history file is relative to `ess-directory'." (choice (const nil) directory) ess-history-file t "File to pick up history from. nil means *no* history is read or written.\nt means something like \".Rhistory\".\nIf this is a relative file name, it is relative to `ess-history-directory'.\nConsequently, if that is set explicitly, you will have one history file\nfor all projects." (choice (const :tag "Off" nil) (const :tag "On" t) file) ess-plain-first-buffername "No fancy process buffname for the first process of each type (novice mode)." boolean ess-use-inferior-program-name-in-buffer-name ess-use-inferior-program-in-buffer-name (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "ESS 18.10" "For R, use e.g., 'R-2.1.0' or 'R-devel' (the program name) for buffer name.\nAvoids the plain dialect name." ess-use-ido "If t ess will try to use ido completion whenever possible.\n\nBy default ESS uses enables IDO flex matching. See\n`ido-enable-flex-matching' for details on flex matching and\n`ess-ido-flex-matching' on how to disable it for ESS, if you\ndon't want it.\n\nSome useful keys for IDO completion:\n\n - C-s (next) or C-r (previous) to move through the list.\n - C-SPC to restrict the list to currently matched items.\n - TAB to display possible completion in a buffer\n - C-t `ido-toggle-regexp'\n" ess-tab-complete-in-script "If non-nil, TAB in script buffers tries to complete if there is nothing to indent.\nSee also `ess-first-tab-never-complete'." ess-first-tab-never-completes-p ess-first-tab-never-complete 'symbol "If t, first TAB never tries to complete in ess-mode.\nIf 'symbol first TAB doesn't try to complete if next char is a\nvalid symbol constituent.\n\nIf 'symbol-or-paren don't complete if next char is closed paren\n)}] or symbol character.\n\nIf 'symbol-or-paren-or-punct don't complete if next char is\npunctuation +-=% etc, or closed paren or symbol.\n\nIf 'unless-eol - first TAB completes only at end of line.\n\nIf nil first TAB always tries to complete (this might be too\naggressive and dangerous).\n" (choice (const nil) (const symbol) (const symbol-or-paren) (const symbol-or-paren-or-punct) (const unless-eol) (const t)) ess-use-eldoc "If t, activate eldoc in ess-mode and inferior-ess-mode buffers.\nIf 'script-only activate in ess-mode buffers only.\n\nSee also `ess-eldoc-show-on-symbol'." ess-extras (choice (const t) (const script-only) (const nil)) ess-eldoc-show-on-symbol "If non-nil, show help string whenever the point is on a symbol.\nIf nil show only when the point is in a function call, i.e. after (." ess-eldoc-abbreviation-style 'normal "How ess-eldoc string should be abbreviated when it doesn't fit into one line\nA symbol which can be\nnil: do nothing\nmild: Replace TRUE, FALSE with T,F\nnormal: Try mild + shorten the default values longer than 10 characters.\nstrong: Try normal + completely remove default values except =F,=T,=d where d is a digit.\naggressive (or t): Try strong + truncate the doc string to fit into minibuffer.\n\nThe default style is 'normal.\n\nEss-eldoc also honors the value of\n`eldoc-echo-area-use-multiline-p'. If this variable is not t (the\ndefault), doc strings are truncated to fit into minibufer. This\nallows the use of different abbreviation styles with the\ntruncation." (choice (const nil) (const mild) (const normal) (const strong) (const aggressive) (const t)) ess-use-flymake "If non-nil activate flymake in `ess-mode' buffers.\nIf 'process, only check if the buffer has an inferior process." (choice (const :tag "Always" t) (const :tag "With running inferior process" process) (const :tag "Never" nil)) :package-version (ess . "18.10") ess-use-auto-complete "If t, activate auto-complete support in ess-mode and inferior-ess-mode buffers.\nIf 'script-only activate in ess-mode buffers only.\n\nIf non-nil add `ac-source-R' and `ac-source-filename' to the\n`ac-sources' buffer local variable.\n\nESS defines three AC sources `ac-source-R',`ac-source-R-objects'\nand `ac-source-R-args'. See auto-complete package\ndocumentation (http://cx4a.org/software/auto-complete/) for how\nto install your custom sources." (choice (const t) (const script-only) (const nil)) ess-use-company "If t, activate company support in ess-mode and inferior-ess-mode buffers.\nIf non-nil add `company-R-args' and `company-R-objects' to the\n`company-backends'. If 'script-only activate in ess-mode buffers\nonly." (choice (const t) (const script-only) (const nil)) ess-company-arg-prefix-length "Minimum prefix for ess company function argument completion." (choice (const :tag "Default" nil) integer) ess-use-tracebug "If t, load ess-tracebug when R process starts." ess-ido-flex-matching "If t, ido for ESS completion uses flex matching.\nSee `ido-enable-flex-matching' for details.\nIf you have an old computer, or you load lot of packages, you\nmight want to set this to nil.\n"] 11) #@51 Dialect specific, ESS specific list of ac-sources (defvar ess-ac-sources nil (#$ . 12844)) #@59 Dialect specific, ESS specific list of `company-backends' (defvar ess-company-backends nil (#$ . 12941)) #@78 Variable to store completion history. Used by `ess-completion-read' command. (defvar ess--completing-hist nil (#$ . 13052)) #@159 List of smart operators to be used in ESS and IESS modes. Not to be set by users. It is redefined by mode specific settings, such as `ess-r-smart-operators'. (defvar ess-smart-operators nil (#$ . 13183)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\"\207" [make-variable-buffer-local ess-smart-operators defvaralias ess-R-smart-operators ess-r-smart-operators] 3) #@236 If nil, don't use any of smart operators. If t, use all. If an axplicit list of operators, use only those operators. In current verion of ESS, it controls the behavior of ess-smart-comma only, but will be enriched in the near future. (defvar ess-r-smart-operators nil (#$ . 13547)) #@154 If `ess-next-code-line' sees this line, it doesn't jump over. Used to avoid annoying jumping by ess-eval.*-and-step to end of buffer or end chunks etc. (defvar ess-no-skip-regexp "[ \n]*\\'" (#$ . 13837)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\310\301\311\312#\210\300\313\314\315\306\316\304\317\320\321& \210\310\322\313\312#\210\300\323\324\325\304\326\306\327\320\330& \210\300\331\332\333\304\334\306\335&\210\300\336\332\337\304\334\306\340&\210\300\341\311\342\304\334\306\335&\210\300\343\332\344\304\334\306\335&\210\300\345\332\346\304\334\306\335&\210\300\347\311\350\304\334\306\335&\210\300\351\332\352\304\334\306\335&\210\300\353\332\354\304\334\306\335&\210\300\355\356\357\304\334\306\360&\210\300\361\311\362\306\335\304\334&\210\300\363\332\364\306\335\304\334&\207" [custom-declare-variable ess-smart-S-assign-key "_" "Key used by `ess-smart-S-assign'.\nShould be nil or a \"simple\" key, in other words no key\nmodifiers.\n\nThis variable is deprecated and will be removed in the future.\nPlease bind `ess-insert-assign' in `ess-mode-map' to your key of\nchoice with `define-key' or similar." :group ess-S :type (choice (const :tag "Nothing" :value nil) string) make-obsolete-variable nil "ESS 18.10" ess-assign-list (cons (if (boundp 'ess-S-assign) ess-S-assign " <- ") '(" <<- " " = " " -> " " ->> ")) "List of assignment operators.\n`ess-cycle-assign' uses this list. These strings must\ncontain spaces on either side." (repeat string) ess :package-version (ess "18.10") ess-S-assign ess-r-prettify-symbols '(("<-" 32 (Br . Bl) 32 (Bc . Bc) 8592) ("->" 32 (Br . Bl) 32 (Bc . Bc) 8594) ("->>" 32 (Br . Bl) 32 (Br . Bl) 32 (Bl . Bl) 45 (Bc . Br) 45 (Bc . Bc) 62 (Bc . Bl) 45 (Br . Br) 62) ("<<-" 32 (Br . Bl) 32 (Br . Bl) 32 (Bl . Bl) 60 (Bc . Br) 45 (Bc . Bc) 45 (Bc . Bl) 60 (Br . Br) 45)) "Alist of symbols prettifications, see `prettify-symbols-alist'.\nThis gets appended to `prettify-symbols-alist', so set it to nil\nif you want to disable R specific prettification." ess-R (alist :key-type string :value-type symbol) (ess . "18.10") ess-filenames-map t "Declares if the filenames in an attached directory are the same\nas objects in that directory (when t). This is not true for DOS and\nother OS's with limited filename lengths. Even if this is set\nincorrectly, the right things will probably still happen, however." ess-edit boolean ess-keep-dump-files "Variable controlling whether to delete dump files after a successful load.\nIf nil: always delete. If `ask', confirm to delete. If `check', confirm\nto delete, except for files created with ess-dump-object-into-edit-buffer.\nAnything else, never delete. This variable only affects the behaviour\nof `ess-load-file'. Dump files are never deleted if an error occurs\nduring the load. " (choice (const :tag "Check" :value 'check) (const :tag "Ask" :value 'ask) (const :tag "Always keep" :value t) (const :tag "Always delete" :value nil)) ess-delete-dump-files "Non-nil means delete dump files after they are created.\nThis applies to dump files created with\n`ess-dump-object-into-edit-buffer', only.\n\nBoolean flag which determines what to do with the dump files\ngenerated by \\[ess-dump-object-into-edit-buffer], as follows:\n\n If non-nil: dump files are deleted after each use, and so appear\nonly transiently. The one exception to this is when a loading error\noccurs, in which case the file is retained until the error is\ncorrected and the file re-loaded.\n\n If nil: dump files are not deleted, and backups are kept\nas usual. This provides a simple method for keeping an archive of S\nfunctions in text-file form.\n\nAuto-save is always enabled in dump-file buffers to enable recovery\nfrom crashes.\n\nThis is useful to prevent source files being created for objects\nyou don't actually modify. Once the buffer is modified and saved\nhowever, the file is not subsequently deleted unless\n`ess-keep-dump-files' is nil, and the file is successfully loaded\nback into S." ess-fill-calls "If non-nil, refilling a paragraph inside a function or\nindexing call will arrange the arguments according to\n`fill-column' as in:\n\n fun_call(argument1, argument2,\n argument3, argument4)\n\n\nRefilling repeatedly cycles through different styles and\neventually to the original formatting.\n\n The second style formats according to one argument per line:\n\n fun_call(argument1,\n argument2,\n argument3,\n argument4)\n\nWhen `ess-fill-calls-newlines' is t, the second style becomes:\n\n fun_call(\n argument1,\n argument2,\n argument3,\n argument4\n )\n\n\nSetting `ess-offset-arguments' to `prev-line' or `prev-call'\nactivates a third style. It keeps one argument per line except\nfor the first N arguments. N is controlled with a prefix. For\nexample, calling M-q three times sets N to 1 while calling M-q\ntwice then C-U 2 M-q sets N to 2. Here what the default produces:\n\n fun_call(argument1,\n argument2,\n argument3,\n argument4,\n argument5\n )\n\nThis style is useful for refilling R6 or ggproto class\ndefinitions.\n\n\nThe blinking of the refilled region can be disabled with\n`ess-blink-refilling'." ess-fill-continuations "If non-nil, refilling a paragraph inside a continuation of\nstatements (expressions separated by operators) will arrange all\nits elements, never going past `fill-column'.\n\n lm(outcome ~ pred1 + pred2 +\n pred3 + pred4, data)\n\nRefilling repeatedly cycles through different styles and\neventually to the original formatting.\n\nThe second style lay out the statements according to one\nexpression per line:\n\n lm(outcome ~\n pred1 +\n pred2 +\n pred3 +\n pred4, data)\n\nThe blinking of the refilled region can be disabled with\n`ess-blink-refilling'." ess-fill-calls-newlines "When non-nil, the second refilling style produces newlines\nafter and before the opening and closing delimiters. This is\nintended for example for dplyr-style code:\n\n fun_call(\n argument1,\n argument2,\n argument3,\n argument4\n )\n\nNote that this setting is temporary and likely to be replaced in\nthe next ESS version by a more comprehensive and flexible way to\nset refill styles." ess-blink-refilling "When non-nil, refilling a call or a continuation will first\nblink the filling region." ess-mode-silently-save "Non-nil means automatically save ESS source buffers before loading." ess-function-template " <- function( )\n{\n\n}\n" "If non-nil, function template used when editing nonexistent objects.\n\nThe edit buffer will contain the object name in quotes, followed by\nthis string. Point will be placed after the first parenthesis or\nbracket." string ess-auto-newline "Non-nil means automatically newline before and after braces\ninserted in S code." ess-tab-always-indent "Non-nil means TAB in S mode should always reindent the current line,\nregardless of where in the line point is when the TAB command is used."] 10) #@79 Function to be used for the current dialect nil means to use R/S indentation. (defvar ess-indent-line-function nil (#$ . 20871)) (byte-code "\302\303!\210\304\305\306\307#\210\310\307\211\2030 @\305N\203)\306N\204)\311\306\305N#\210 A\211\204*\312\305\306\313#\207" [prop --dolist-tail-- make-variable-buffer-local ess-indent-line-function defvaralias ess-indent-level ess-indent-offset nil (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "15.09"] 6) #@119 Main indentation offset that is commonly inherited by other offsets. See `ess-style-alist' for all available offsets. (defvar ess-indent-offset 2 (#$ . 21358)) #@1023 Indent for arguments of function calls or indexing brackets. This variables has an effect only when the ( or [ are not directly followed by a new line. See `ess-offset-arguments-newline' for indentation after closing newline. When set to `open-delim', arguments are indented relative to the opening parenthesis of the closest function call: object <- call(argument, other_call(argument, other_argument)) When set to `prev-call', arguments are indented relative to the closest function call: object <- call(argument, other_call(argument, other_argument)) When set to `prev-line', arguments are indented relative to the preceding line: object <- call(argument, other_call(argument, other_argument)) This setting can also be set to a list containing the the offset type and the offset size, such as `'(prev-call 2)'. Otherwise, `ess-indent-offset' is used as a default. See `ess-style-alist' for other offsets controlling indentation. (defvar ess-offset-arguments 'open-delim (#$ . 21526)) (byte-code "\302\303\304\305#\210\306\305\211\203, @\303N\203%\304N\204%\307\304\303N#\210 A\211\204*\310\303\304\311#\207" [prop --dolist-tail-- defvaralias ess-arg-function-offset-new-line ess-offset-arguments-newline nil (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "15.09"] 6) #@1167 Indent of arguments when ( or [ is followed by a new line. When set to `open-delim', arguments on a new line are indented relative to the opening parenthesis of the closest function call: object <- call(argument, other_call( argument, other_argument )) Wnen set to `prev-call', arguments on a new line are indented relative to the closest function call: object <- call(argument, other_call( argument, other_argument )) You can control the details of indentation at `prev-call' with `ess-indent-from-lhs' and `ess-indent-from-chain-start'. When set to `prev-line', arguments on a new line are indented relative to the preceding line: object <- call(argument, other_call( argument, other_argument )) This setting can also be set to a list containing the the offset type and the offset size, such as `'(prev-call 2)'. Otherwise, `ess-indent-offset' is used as a default. See `ess-style-alist' for other offsets controlling indentation. (defvar ess-offset-arguments-newline 'prev-call (#$ . 22924)) #@1509 Indentation for blocks. A block is usually declared with braces but a statement wrapped in anonymous parentheses is also considered a block. This offset can be either `prev-call', `prev-line' or `open-delim'. When set to `open-delim', blocks are indented relative to the opening parenthesis of the closest function call: call(argument, other_call(parameter = { stuff }, { stuff })) call(argument, lapply(data, function(x) { body })) When set to `prev-call', blocks are indented relative to the closest function call: call(argument, other_call(parameter = { stuff }, { stuff })) call(argument, lapply(data, function(x) { body })) You can control the details of indentation at `prev-call' with `ess-indent-from-lhs' and `ess-indent-from-chain-start'. When set to `prev-line', blocks are indented relative to the preceding line: call(argument, other_call(parameter = { stuff }, { stuff })) call(argument, lapply(data, function(x) { body })) This setting can also be set to a list containing the the offset type and the offset size, such as `'(prev-call 2)'. Otherwise, `ess-indent-offset' is used as a default. See `ess-style-alist' for other offsets controlling indentation. (defvar ess-offset-block 'prev-line (#$ . 24160)) (byte-code "\302\303\304\305#\210\306\305\211\203, @\303N\203%\304N\204%\307\304\303N#\210 A\211\204*\310\303\304\311#\210\302\312\304\305#\210\306\305\211\203_ @\312N\203X\304N\204X\307\304\312N#\210 A\211\204A*\310\312\304\311#\207" [prop --dolist-tail-- defvaralias ess-first-continued-statement-offset ess-offset-continued nil (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "15.09" ess-continued-statement-offset] 6) #@628 This setting controls indentation of continued statements, that is, consecutive statements separated by operators. When set to 'straight, continued statements are indented as follows: object %>% some_function() %>% other_function() When set to 'cascade: object %>% some_function() %>% other_function() The 'straight and 'cascade settings are actually equivalent to '(straight . t) and '(cascade . t), where `t' represents the base indent size. More generally, you can supply '(straight . N) to control the size of indentation. See `ess-style-alist' for for an overview of ESS indentation. (defvar ess-offset-continued 'straight (#$ . 26188)) #@388 List of strings declaring function calls for which `ess-offset-arguments-newline' should be ignored. These calls will be vertically aligned instead. The default is `ifelse', resulting in the following indentation for nested ifelse calls: object <- ifelse(condition1, out1, ifelse(condition2, out2, out3)) See `ess-style-alist' for for an overview of ESS indentation. (defvar ess-align-nested-calls '("ifelse") (#$ . 26875)) #@636 List of regexes specifying the calls where `ess-offset-arguments' should have no effect on function declarations. The arguments of those calls will be aligned from the opening parenthesis. By default, function declarations are overridden. If for example `ess-offset-arguments' is set to `prev-line', then function calls are normally indented as in: some_function(argument1, argument2, argument3 ) However, the parameters of function declarations will be vertically aligned: fun <- function(argument1, argument2 argument3) { body } See `ess-style-alist' for further details. (defvar ess-align-arguments-in-calls '("function[ ]*(") (#$ . 27326)) #@774 Whether continuations inside calls should be indented from the opening delimiter. This produces the following indentation: 10 + (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) object[variable1 + variable2] if (test1 || test2 || test3 || test4) { any(test5 & test6) } instead of 10 + (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) object[variable1 + variable2] if (test1 || test2 || test3 || test4) { any(test5 & test6) } Definition operators (`<-', `=', `:=' and `~') still trigger an indentation in all cases. Also, operators at top level and in curly brackets are not affected by this setting and always induce an offset: { var1 + var2 } See `ess-style-alist' for for an overview of ESS indentation. (defvar ess-align-continuations-in-calls t (#$ . 28039)) #@389 List of block types for which `ess-offset-blocks' should be ignored. The overridden blocks are vertically aligned. The list can contain either or both of the symbols `control-flow' and `fun-decl'. With `control-flow', if, else for and while blocks will always be aligned vertically. With `fun-decl', the body of a function declaration will always be aligned with the call to `function'. (defvar ess-align-blocks '(control-flow) (#$ . 28876)) (byte-code "\302\303\304\305#\210\306\305\211\203, @\303N\203%\304N\204%\307\304\303N#\210 A\211\204*\310\303\304\311#\207" [prop --dolist-tail-- defvaralias ess-arg-function-offset ess-indent-from-lhs nil (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "15.09"] 6) #@1223 List of syntactic elements that should be indented from the left-hand side of an assignment. The list accepts the symbol `arguments' and `fun-decl-opening'. For arguments, this setting only has an effect for offsets set to `prev-call'. When set, this indentation is produced: some_function(parameter = other_function( argument )) object <- some_function( argument1, argument2 ) instead of: some_function(parameter = other_function( argument )) object <- some_function( argument1, argument2 ) `fun-decl-opening' refers to the opening curly following a function declaration. Setting it produces: object <- function(argument) { body } instead of: object <- function(argument) { body } This is useful when (a) you have a long function name and want to break a line after `<-' so that you have room to lay out the arguments within `fill-column' characters; (b) you still want to align the function body from the LHS to save horizontal space. See `ess-style-alist' for for an overview of ESS indentation. (defvar ess-indent-from-lhs '(arguments fun-decl-opening) (#$ . 29622)) #@438 When non-nil, chained calls will be treated as if they were one call and indentation will start from the first one. This setting only has an effect for offsets set to `prev-call' or block offsets set to `opening-delim'. If `nil': some_function(other_function( argument )) If `t': some_function(other_function( argument )) See `ess-style-alist' for for an overview of ESS indentation. (defvar ess-indent-from-chain-start t (#$ . 30923)) (byte-code "\302\303\304\305#\210\306\305\211\203, @\303N\203%\304N\204%\307\304\303N#\210 A\211\204*\310\303\304\311#\210\312\304\313\314\315\316\317\320&\207" [prop --dolist-tail-- defvaralias ess-fancy-comments ess-indent-with-fancy-comments nil (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "15.09" custom-declare-variable t "Non-nil means distiguish between #, ##, and ### for indentation.\nSee `ess-style-alist' for for an overview of ESS indentation." :type boolean :group ess-edit] 9) #@2401 Predefined formatting styles for ESS code. Use `ess-default-style' to apply a style in all R buffers. The values of all styles except OWN are fixed. To change the value of variables in the OWN group, customize the variable `ess-own-style-list'. DEFAULT style picks default (aka global) values from ESS indentation variables. In addition, ESS provides many indentation styles, the most important being the RRR and the RStudio variants. RRR is the common R style that adheres closely to R internal standards. RRR+ is the same except it also aligns blocks in function calls with the opening delimiter, producing more indentation. The C++ style (named like this for historical reasons rather than any resemblance to existing C++ indentation schemes) is halfway between these two styles and indent block arguments from the start of the surrounding function's name. The RStudio style closely mimics the indentation of the RStudio editor. RStudio- is the same except it does not align arguments in function calls, which corresponds to the settings of some RStudio users. ESS indentation is fully specified by the following offsets and variables. See the documentation of these variables for examples. Offsets: - `ess-indent-offset': main offset inherited by other settings - `ess-offset-arguments': offset type for function and bracket arguments - `ess-offset-arguments-newline': offset type of arguments when ( or [ is followed by a new line. - `ess-offset-block': offset type for brace and anonymous parenthesis blocks - `ess-offset-continued': offset type for continuation lines in multiline statements Overrides (implies vertical alignment): - `ess-align-nested-calls': functions whose nested calls should be aligned. - `ess-align-arguments-in-calls': calls where `ess-offset-arguments' should be ignored - `ess-align-continuations-in-calls': whether to ignore `ess-offset-continued' in calls. - `ess-align-blocks': whether to ignore `ess-offset-blocks' for function declarations or control flow statements. Control variables: - `ess-indent-from-lhs': whether to indent arguments from left-hand side of an assignment or parameter declaration. - `ess-indent-from-chain-start': whether to indent arguments from the first of several consecutive calls. - `ess-indent-with-fancy-comments': whether to indent #, ## and ### comments distinctly. (defvar ess-style-alist (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\302!B\304\303\304!B\305\306\303\306!B\307\303\307!B\310\303\310!B\311\303\311!B\312\303\312!B\313\303\313!B\314\303\314!B\315\303\315!B\257 \316\317\302\303\302!B\304\303\304!B\320\306\303\306!B\307\303\307!B\310\303\310!B\311\303\311!B\312\303\312!B\321\314\303\314!B\315\303\315!B\257 \322\323\303\323!B\302\303\302!B\304\303\304!B\324\303\324!B\325\307\303\307!B\310\303\310!B\311\303\311!B\312\303\312!B\313\303\313!B\314\303\314!B\315\303\315!B\257 \326\323\303\323!B\302\303\302!B\327\324\303\324!B\306\303\306!B\307\303\307!B\310\303\310!B\311\303\311!B\312\303\312!B\313\303\313!B\314\303\314!B\315\303\315!B\257 \330\331\302\303\302!B\304\303\304!B\332\306\303\306!B\307\303\307!B\310\303\310!B\311\303\311!B\312\303\312!B\313\303\313!B\314\303\314!B\315\303\315!B\257 \333\334\302\303\302!B\304\303\304!B\324\303\324!B\306\303\306!B\307\303\307!B\310\303\310!B\311\303\311!B\312\303\312!B\313\303\313!B\314\303\314!B\315\303\315!B\257 \335\336\302\303\302!B\304\303\304!B\337\306\303\306!B\307\303\307!B\310\303\310!B\311\303\311!B\312\303\312!B\340\341\315\303\315!B\257 \342\323\303\323!B\302\303\302!B\343\324\303\324!B\306\303\306!B\344\310\303\310!B\345\346\347\314\303\314!B\350BBBBBBBBBBBB\351\323\303\323!B\352\353\324\303\324!B\306\303\306!B\354\310\303\310!B\355\356\357\314\303\314!B\360BBBBBBBBBBBB\361\323\303\323!B\302\303\302!B\304\303\304!B\324\303\324!B\306\303\306!B\307\303\307!B\310\303\310!B\311\303\311!B\312\303\312!B\313\303\313!B\314\303\314!B\315\303\315!B\257 \257\n\207" [BSD (ess-indent-offset . 8) ess-offset-arguments default-value ess-offset-arguments-newline (ess-offset-block . prev-call) ess-offset-continued ess-align-nested-calls ess-align-arguments-in-calls ess-align-continuations-in-calls ess-align-blocks ess-indent-from-lhs ess-indent-from-chain-start ess-indent-with-fancy-comments C++ (ess-indent-offset . 4) (ess-offset-block . prev-call) (ess-indent-from-lhs arguments) CLB ess-indent-offset ess-offset-block (ess-offset-continued straight 4) GNU (ess-offset-arguments-newline prev-call 4) K&R (ess-indent-offset . 5) (ess-offset-block . prev-call) RRR (ess-indent-offset . 4) RRR+ (ess-indent-offset . 4) (ess-offset-block . open-delim) (ess-indent-from-lhs arguments) (ess-indent-from-chain-start) RStudio (ess-offset-arguments-newline . prev-line) (ess-align-nested-calls) (ess-align-continuations-in-calls) (ess-align-blocks) (ess-indent-from-lhs arguments) ((ess-indent-with-fancy-comments)) RStudio- (ess-offset-arguments . prev-line) (ess-offset-arguments-newline . prev-line) (ess-align-nested-calls) (ess-align-continuations-in-calls) (ess-align-blocks) (ess-indent-from-lhs arguments) ((ess-indent-with-fancy-comments)) DEFAULT] 24) (#$ . 31945)) #@127 Add a new style to `ess-style-list', with the key KEY. Remove any existing entry with the same KEY before adding the new one. (defalias 'ess-add-style #[(key entries) "\303 \"\304\301\nB\"\207" [key ess-style-alist entries assq-delete-all add-to-list] 4 (#$ . 37118)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\300\314\315\316\306\317\304\305&\207" [custom-declare-variable ess-own-style-list (cdr (assoc 'RRR ess-style-alist)) "Indentation variables for your own style.\nSet `ess-default-style' to 'OWN to use these values. To change\nthese values, use the customize interface. See the documentation\nof each variable for its meaning. " :group ess-edit :type alist :initialize custom-initialize-set :set #[(symbol value) " L\210\302\303 \"\207" [symbol value ess-add-style OWN] 3] ess-default-style 'RRR "The default value of `ess-indent-style'.\nSee the variable `ess-style-alist' for how these groups (RRR,\nDEFAULT, GNU, BSD, ...) map onto different settings for\nvariables. OWN style is defined in `ess-own-style-list' and you\ncan customize it to your needs. DEFAULT style picks default (aka\nglobal) values from ESS indentation variables." (choice (const OWN) (const GNU) (const BSD) (const C++) (const CLB) (const K&R) (const RRR) (const RRR+) (const RStudio) (const RStudio-) (const DEFAULT))] 12) #@64 Current ESS indentation style, see `ess-style-alist' for more. (defvar ess-style ess-default-style (#$ . 38461)) #@391 Directory in which to place dump files. This can be a string (an absolute directory name ending in a slash) or a lambda expression of no arguments which will return a suitable string value. The lambda expression is evaluated with the process buffer as the current buffer. This always dumps to a sub-directory (".Src") of the current ess working directory (i.e. first elt of search list). (custom-declare-variable 'ess-source-directory '(or (getenv "TMPDIR") (getenv "TMP") (getenv "TEMP") temporary-file-directory) '(#$ . 38581) :group 'ess-edit :type 'directory :package-version '(ess . "18.10")) #@35 Internal. Initialized by dialects (defvar ess-dump-filename-template nil (#$ . 39187)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\300\310\311\312\304\313\306\314&\210\300\315\311\316\304\313\306\314&\210\300\317\311\320\304\313\306\314&\210\300\321\311\322\304\313\306\314&\210\323\324\325\326#\210\300\327\311\330\304\313\306\314&\210\300\331\311\332\304\313\306\314&\210\300\333\311\334\304\313\306\314&\210\300\335\311\336\306\314\304\337&\210\300\340\311\341\306\314\304\337&\210\300\342\311\343\306\314\304\344&\210\300\345\311\346\306\347\304\350&\210\300\351\311\352\306\353\304\350&\210\300\354\355\356\304\357\306\307&\210\300\360\361\362\304\357\306\363&\210\300\364\365\366\304\357\306\367&\210\300\370\371\372\304\357\306\373&\210\300\374\311\375\304\357\306\376&\210\300\377\311\201@\304\357\306\201A&\210\300\201B\311\201C\304\357\306\201D&\210\300\201E\201F\201G\304\357\306\307&\210\300\201H\201I\201J\304\357\306\307&\210\300\201K\201L\201M\304\201N\306\201O&\210\300\201P\311\201Q\304\201N\306\201R&\207" [custom-declare-variable ess-dump-filename-template-proto (concat (user-login-name) ".%s.S") "Prototype template for filenames of dumped objects.\nThe ending `S' is replaced by the current \\[ess-suffix], to give\n`ess-dump-filename-template' when an inferior ESS process starts.\n\nBy default, gives filenames like `user.foofun.S', so as not to clash with\nother users if you are using a shared directory. Other alternatives:\n\"%s.S\" ; Don't bother uniquifying if using your own directory(ies)\n\"dumpdir\"; Always dump to a specific filename. This makes it impossible\nto edit more than one object at a time, though.\n (make-temp-name \"scr.\") ; Another way to uniquify" :group ess-edit :type string ess-mode-hook nil "Hook for customizing ESS each time it is entered." ess-hooks hook ess-pre-run-hook "Hook to call before starting up ESS.\nGood for setting up your directory." ess-post-run-hook "Hook to call just after the ESS process starts up.\nGood for evaluating ESS code." inferior-ess-mode-hook "Hook for customizing inferior ESS mode. Called after\n`inferior-ess-mode' is entered and variables have been initialised." put inferior-ess-mode mode-class special ess-help-mode-hook "Functions to call when entering `ess-help-mode'." ess-send-input-hook "Hook called just before line input is sent to the process." ess-transcript-mode-hook "Hook for customizing ESS transcript mode." R-mode-hook "Hook run when entering R mode." ess-R Rnw-mode-hook "Hook run when entering Rnw mode." SAS-mode-hook "Hook to run when entering SAS mode." ess-sas ess-pdf-viewer-pref "External pdf viewer you like to use from ESS.\nCan be a string giving a name of the program or a list with car\ngiving heprogram and the tail giving the arguments. For example\n'(\"okular\" \"--unique\")." (choice (const nil) (repeat :tag "Command with arguments" string) (string :tag "Command")) ess ess-ps-viewer-pref "External PostScript viewer you like to use from ESS.\nIf nil, ESS will try finding one from a list." (choice (const nil) string) ess-roxy-package "roxygen2" "The name of the R package to use for Roxygen." ess-roxy ess-roxy-tags-noparam '("export" "noRd") "The tags used in roxygen fields that can be used alone. Used\nto decide highlighting and tag completion." (repeat string) ess-roxy-tags-param '("author" "aliases" "concept" "details" "examples" "format" "keywords" "method" "exportMethod" "name" "note" "param" "include" "references" "return" "seealso" "source" "docType" "title" "TODO" "usage" "import" "exportClass" "exportPattern" "S3method" "inheritParams" "importFrom" "importClassesFrom" "importMethodsFrom" "useDynLib" "rdname" "section" "slot" "description" "md") "The tags used in roxygen fields that require a parameter.\nUsed to decide highlighting and tag completion." (repeat string) ess-roxy-template-alist (list (cons "description" ".. content for \\description{} (no empty lines) ..") (cons "details" ".. content for \\details{} ..") (cons "title" #1="") (cons "param" #1#) (cons "return" #1#) (cons "author" ess-user-full-name)) "The tags and defaults to insert when creating empty templates.\nParam is a place holder for where to enter\nparameters. Description and details do not use @ tags, but are\ninstead placed at the beginning of the entry (and should\ntherefore also be at the beginning of this template to give\nsyntactically correct roxygen entries)" (alist :key-type string :value-type string) ess-roxy-fill-param-p "Non-nil causes parameter descriptions to be filled (word-wrapped) upon `ess-roxy-update-entry'." (choice (const :tag "Off" nil) (const :tag "On" t)) ess-roxy-hide-show-p "Non-nil means ess-roxy uses hs-minor-mode for block hiding with TAB." (choice (const :tag "Off" nil) (const :tag "On" t)) ess-roxy-start-hidden-p "Non-nil means all blocks should be hidden from start." (choice (const :tag "Off" nil) (const :tag "On" t)) ess-roxy-str "##'" "Prefix string to insert before each line in new roxygen\nblocks. In existing roxygen blocks, the prefix is taken from\nthe line at point" ess-roxy-re "^#+'" "Regular expression to recognize roxygen blocks." ess-swv-pdflatex-commands '("texi2pdf" "pdflatex" "make") "Commands to run a version of pdflatex in \\[ess-swv-PDF];\nthe first entry is the default command." ess-sweave (repeat string) ess-swv-plug-into-AUCTeX-p "Non-nil means add commands to AUCTeX's \\[TeX-command-list]\nto sweave the current noweb file and latex the result." (choice (const :tag "Off" nil) (const :tag "On" t))] 8) #@97 When non-nil, `ess-newline-and-indent' will make sure the new line starts with the roxy prefix. (defvar ess-roxy-insert-prefix-on-newline t (#$ . 44754)) (defvaralias 'ess-current-process-name 'ess-local-process-name) #@65 The name of the ESS process associated with the current buffer. (defvar ess-local-process-name nil (#$ . 44978)) (byte-code "\302\303\304\305#\210\302\303\306\305#\210\307\303!\210\310\311\305\312\313\314\315\316&\210\310\317\320\321\313\314\315\322&\210\310\323\324\325\313\314\315\326&\210\310\327\330\331\313\314\315\326&\210\310\332\333\334\313\314\315\326&\210\307\332!\210\310\335\336\337\313\314\315\340&\210\310\341\342\343\313\314\315\340&\210\310\344\345\346\313\347\315\316&\210\310\350\351\352\313\347\315\353&\210\310\354\305\355\313\347\315\316&\210\310\356\357\360\313\347\315\361&\210\362\363\364\"\210\362\365\364\345#\210\366\345\211\203\276 @\365N\203\267\364N\204\267\302\364\365N#\210 A\211\204\240*\367\365\364\370#\210\362\371\364\345#\210\366\345\211\203\361 @\371N\203\352\364N\204\352\302\364\371N#\210 A\211\204\323*\367\371\364\370#\210\310\364\372\373\313\374\315\375&\210\310\376\377\201@\313\374\315\326&\210\310\201A\345\201B\313\374\315\316&\210\310\201C\345\201D\313\201E\315\201F&\210\310\201G\377\201H\313\201E\315\326&\210\362\201I\201J\"\210\310\201J\201K\201L\313\201M\315\326&\207" [prop --dolist-tail-- put ess-local-process-name risky-local-variable t permanent-local make-variable-buffer-local custom-declare-variable ess-switch-to-end-of-proc-buffer "If t, `ess-switch-to-inferior-or-script-buffer goes to end of\nprocess buffer." :group ess :type boolean ess-gen-proc-buffer-name-function 'ess-gen-proc-buffer-name:projectile-or-simple "Function used for generation of the buffer name of the newly created ESS process.\nIt should accept one argument PROC-NAME, a string specifying\ninternal process name (R, R:2, etc).\n\nProvided default options are:\n\n `ess-gen-proc-buffer-name:simple' -- *proc*\n `ess-gen-proc-buffer-name:directory' -- *proc:dir*\n `ess-gen-proc-buffer-name:abbr-long-directory' -- *proc:abbr-long-dir*\n `ess-gen-proc-buffer-name:projectile-or-simple' -- *proc:projectile-root* or *proc*.\n `ess-gen-proc-buffer-name:projectile-or-directory' -- *proc:projectile-root* or *proc:dir*.\n\nStrategies based on projectile default to built-in strategies if\nprojectile.el is not loaded or there is no project root in the\ncurrent directory.\n" (choice (const :tag "*proc*" ess-gen-proc-buffer-name:simple) (const :tag "*proc:dir*" ess-gen-proc-buffer-name:directory) (const :tag "*proc:abbr-long-dir*" ess-gen-proc-buffer-name:abbr-long-directory) (const :tag "*proc:projectile-root* or *proc*" ess-gen-proc-buffer-name:projectile-or-simple) (const :tag "*proc:projectile-root* or *proc:dir*" ess-gen-proc-buffer-name:projectile-or-directory) function) ess-kermit-command "gkermit -T" "Kermit command invoked by `ess-kermit-get' and `ess-kermit-send'." string ess-kermit-prefix "#" "String files must begin with to use kermit file transfer." ess-kermit-remote-directory "." "Buffer local variable that designates remote directory of file." ess-dumped-missing-re "\\(<-\nDumped\n\\'\\)\\|\\(<-\\(\\s \\|\n\\)*\\'\\)" "If a dumped object's buffer matches this re, then it is replaced\nby `ess-function-template'." regexp ess-dump-error-re (if (string= ess-language "S") "\nDumped\n\\'" "[Ee]rror") "Regexp used to detect an error when loading a file." inferior-ess-own-frame nil "Non-nil means that inferior ESS buffers should start in their own frame.\nThe parameters of this frame are stored in `inferior-ess-frame-alist'." ess-proc inferior-ess-frame-alist default-frame-alist "Alist of frame parameters used to create new frames for iESS buffers.\nThis defaults to `default-frame-alist' and is used only when\nthe variable `inferior-ess-own-frame' is non-nil." alist inferior-ess-same-window "Non-nil indicates new inferior ESS process appears in current window.\nOtherwise, the new inferior ESS buffer is shown in another window in the\ncurrent frame. This variable is ignored if `inferior-ess-own-frame' is\nnon-nil." inferior-ess-jit-lock-chunk-size 10000 "Default for (buffer local) `jit-lock-chunk-size' in inferior ESS buffers." integer defvaralias inferior-R-program inferior-ess-r-program inferior-R-program-name (saved-value saved-variable-comment) make-obsolete-variable "ESS 18.10" inferior-ess-r-program-name (if ess-microsoft-p "Rterm" "R") "Program name for invoking an inferior ESS with \\[R]." ess-R (choice (string) file) inferior-R-args "" "String of arguments (see 'R --help') used when starting R,\nincluding the versions of R created via variable `ess-r-versions'." ess-R-readline "nil indicates that \"--no-readline \" should be used as argument when starting R.\nThis has been the default since 1998 and may very slightly speedup interaction.\nOn the other hand, readline is necessary for expansion of \"~username/\" in paths.\nNote that readline interprets tabs (tabular characters) in R source files as asking\nfor file name completion. This can mess up ess evaluation completely." inferior-STA-start-file "Initialization file for Stata." ess-Stata (choice (const nil) string) inferior-STA-start-args "String of switches used when starting stata.\nDon't use this to send initialization command to stata, use\n`inferior-STA-start-file' instead. Also see\n`inferior-STA-program'." inferior-R-objects-command inferior-ess-r-objects-command "print(objects(pos=%d, all.names=TRUE), max=1e6)\n" "Format string for R command to get a list of objects at position %d.\nUsed in e.g., \\[ess-execute-objects] or \\[ess-display-help-on-object]." ess-command] 9) #@66 Command string retriving the working directory from the process. (defvar ess-getwd-command nil (#$ . 50494)) #@119 Command string to set working directory. Should contain a formating %s to be replaced by a path (as in 'setwd(%s)\n'. (defvar ess-setwd-command nil (#$ . 50610)) (byte-code "\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311&\210\302\312\313\314\306\307\310\315&\210\302\316\317\320\306\307\310\321&\210\302\322\317\323\306\324\310\325&\210\302\326\327\330\306\331\310\332&\210\302\333\334\335\306\331\310\336&\210\337\340\341\317#\210\342\317\211\203n @\340N\203g\341N\204g\343\341\340N#\210 A\211\204P*\344\340\341\345#\210\302\341\346\347\306\350\310\351&\210\337\352\353\317#\210\342\317\211\203\254 @\352N\203\245\353N\204\245\343\353\352N#\210 A\211\204\216*\344\352\353\345#\210\337\354\353\317#\210\342\317\211\203\337 @\354N\203\330\353N\204\330\343\353\354N#\210 A\211\204\301*\344\354\353\345#\210\302\353\355\356\306\331\310\357&\210\337\360\361\317#\210\342\317\211\203 @\360N\203\361N\204\343\361\360N#\210 A\211\204\377*\344\360\361\345#\210\302\361\362\363\306\331\310\351&\210\302\364\365\366\306\331\310\351&\210\302\367\370\371\306\350\310\351&\210\337\372\373\317#\210\342\317\211\203q @\372N\203j\373N\204j\343\373\372N#\210 A\211\204S*\344\372\373\345#\210\302\373\374\375\306\331\310\376&\210\302\377\201@\201A\306\331\310\201B&\210\337\201C\201D\317#\210\342\317\211\203\314 @\201CN\203\305\201DN\204\305\343\201D\201CN#\210 A\211\204\246*\344\201C\201D\345#\210\302\201D\201E\201F\306\201G\310\351&\210\337\201H\201I\317#\210\342\317\211\203\" @\201HN\203\201IN\204\343\201I\201HN#\210 A\211\204\374*\344\201H\201I\345#\210\302\201I\201E\201J\306\201G\310\351&\210\337\201K\201L\317#\210\342\317\211\203x @\201KN\203q\201LN\204q\343\201L\201KN#\210 A\211\204R*\344\201K\201L\345#\210\302\201L\201M\201N\306\350\310\201O&\210\337\201P\201Q\317#\210\342\317\211\203\316 @\201PN\203\307\201QN\204\307\343\201Q\201PN#\210 A\211\204\250*\344\201P\201Q\345#\210\302\201Q\201R\201S\306\331\310\201T&\210\337\201U\201V\"\210\302\201V\201W\201X\306\331\310\351&\210\337\201Y\201Z\"\210\337\201[\201Z\317#\210\342\317\211\203G @\201[N\203@\201ZN\204@\343\201Z\201[N#\210 A\211\204!*\344\201[\201Z\345#\210\337\201\\\201Z\317#\210\342\317\211\203\212 @\201\\N\203\203\201ZN\204\203\343\201Z\201\\N#\210 A\211\204d*\344\201\\\201Z\345#\210\302\201Z\201]\201^\306\331\310\201_&\210\337\201`\201a\"\210\337\201b\201a\"\210\302\201a\201c\201d\306\331\310\351&\210\337\201e\201f\"\210\302\201f\201g\201h\306\331\310\351&\210\302\201i\201j\201k\306\201l\310\351&\210\337\201m\201n\"\210\302\201n\365\201o\306\331\310\351&\210\337\201p\201q\"\210\302\201q\370\201r\306\331\310\351&\210\337\201s\201t\"\210\337\201u\201t\317#\210\342\317\211\203i @\201uN\203b\201tN\204b\343\201t\201uN#\210 A\211\204C*\344\201u\201t\345#\210\302\201t\201v\201w\306\350\310\201x&\210\337\201y\201z\"\210\302\201z\201{\201|\306\331\310\201}&\210\302\201~\317\201\306\350\310\201\200&\210\337\201\201\201\202\317#\210\342\317\211\203\354 @\201\201N\203\345\201\202N\204\345\343\201\202\201\201N#\210 A\211\204\306*\344\201\201\201\202\345#\210\302\201\202\201\203\201\204\306\201\205\310\201\206&\210\337\201\207\201\210\317#\210\342\317\211\203D @\201\207N\203=\201\210N\204=\343\201\210\201\207N#\210 A\211\204*\344\201\207\201\210\345#\210\302\201\210\201\211\201\212\306\201\205\310\201\213&\210\337\201\214\201\215\317#\210\342\317\211\203\234 @\201\214N\203\225\201\215N\204\225\343\201\215\201\214N#\210 A\211\204v*\344\201\214\201\215\345#\210\302\201\215\201\216\201\217\306\201\205\310\201\220&\210\337\201\221\201\222\317#\210\342\317\211\203\364 @\201\221N\203\355\201\222N\204\355\343\201\222\201\221N#\210 A\211\204\316*\344\201\221\201\222\345#\210\302\201\222\201\223\201\224\306\201\225\310\201\226&\210\337\201\227\201\230\317#\210\342\317\211\203L @\201\227N\203E\201\230N\204E\343\201\230\201\227N#\210 A\211\204&*\344\201\227\201\230\345#\210\302\201\230\201\231\201\232\306\201\233\310\201\234&\210\302\201\235\317\201\236\306\201\233\310\201\237&\210\337\201\240\201\241\317#\210\342\317\211\203\267 @\201\240N\203\260\201\241N\204\260\343\201\241\201\240N#\210 A\211\204\221*\344\201\240\201\241\345#\210\302\201\241\201\242\201\243\306\201\244\310\201\245&\210\337\201\246\201\247\"\210\302\201\247\201\250\201\251\306\307\310\351&\210\337\201\252\201\253\"\210\302\201\253\201\254\201\255\306\307\310\201\256&\210\302\201\257\201\250\201\260\306\307\310\351&\210\302\201\261\201\262\201\263\306\307\310\351&\207" [prop --dolist-tail-- custom-declare-variable ess-program-files (if ess-microsoft-p (if (getenv "ProgramW6432") (w32-short-file-name (getenv "ProgramFiles(x86)")) (w32-short-file-name (getenv "ProgramFiles"))) nil) "Safe (no embedded blanks) 8.3 name for 32-bit programs that works across internationalization." :group ess :type (choice (string) (const nil)) ess-program-files-64 (if (and ess-microsoft-p (getenv "ProgramW6432")) (w32-short-file-name (getenv "ProgramW6432")) nil) "Safe (no embedded blanks) 8.3 name for 64-bit programs that works across internationalization." (choice (string) (const nil)) ess-directory-containing-R nil "nil (the default) means the search for all occurences of R\non the machine will use the default location of the R directory\n (inside \"c:/Program Files\" in English locale Windows systems).\nNon-nil values mean use the specified location as the\ndirectory in which \"R/\" is located. For example, setting\n`ess-directory-containing-R' to \"c:\" will tell ESS to search\nfor R versions with pathnames of the form \"c:/R/R-x.y.z\".\n\nCurrently only used when `ess-microsoft-p'. If you change the\nvalue of this variable, you need to restart Emacs for it to take\neffect. It also needs to be set before you load ess-site as its\nvalue is used once only when ESS is loaded." (choice (directory) (const nil)) ess-rterm-version-paths "Stores the full path file names of Rterm versions, computed via\n\\[ess-find-rterm]. If you have versions of R in locations other than\nin ../../R-*/bin/Rterm.exe or ../../rw*/bin/Rterm.exe, relative to the\ndirectory in the `exec-path' variable containing your default location\nof Rterm, you will need to redefine this variable with a\n`custom-set-variables' statement in your site-start.el or .emacs\nfile." ess-R (repeat string) ess-SHOME-versions (mapcar (lambda (ch) (concat ess-program-files ch)) '("/Insightful/splus62" "/Insightful/splus61" "/MathSoft/splus6" "/spls45se" "/Insightful/splus62netclient" "/Insightful/splus62net/server" "/Insightful/splus61netclient" "/Insightful/splus61net/server" "/Insightful/splus6se" "/Insightful/splus61se" "/Insightful/splus62se" "/Insightful/splus70" "/Insightful/splus71" "/Insightful/splus8.0.1" "/Insightful/splus8.0.4" "/Insightful/splus80" "/TIBCO/splus81" "/TIBCO/splus82")) "List of possible values of the environment variable SHOME for recent\nreleases of S-Plus. These are the default locations for several\ncurrent and recent releases of S-Plus. If any of these pathnames\ncorrespond to a directory on your machine, running the function\n`ess-sqpe-versions-create' will create a function, for example,\n\\[splus70], that will start the corresponding version Sqpe inside an\nemacs buffer in iESS[S] mode. If you have versions of S-Plus in\nlocations other than these default values, redefine this variable with\na `custom-set-variables' statement in your site-start.el or .emacs\nfile. The list of functions actually created appears in the *ESS*\nbuffer and should appear in the \"ESS / Start Process / Other\"\nmenu." ess-SPLUS (repeat string) ess-SHOME-versions-64 (mapcar (lambda (ch) (concat ess-program-files-64 ch)) '("/TIBCO/splus82")) "List of possible values of the environment variable SHOME for recent\nreleases of 64-bit S-Plus. These are the default locations for several\ncurrent and recent releases of S-Plus. If any of these pathnames\ncorrespond to a directory on your machine, running the function\n`ess-sqpe-versions-create' will create a function, for example,\n\\[splus70], that will start the corresponding version Sqpe inside an\nemacs buffer in iESS[S] mode. If you have versions of 64-bit S-Plus in\nlocations other than these default values, redefine this variable with\na `custom-set-variables' statement in your site-start.el or .emacs\nfile. The list of functions actually created appears in the *ESS*\nbuffer and should appear in the \"ESS / Start Process / Other\"\nmenu." (repeat string) defvaralias inferior-S3-program-name inferior-S3-program (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "ESS 18.10" "/disk05/s/S" "Program name for invoking an inferior ESS with S3()." ess-S string inferior-S+3-program-name inferior-S+3-program inferior-S-program-name "Splus" "Program name for invoking an inferior ESS with S+3()." (choice (string) file) inferior-S+4-program-name inferior-S+4-program (concat ess-program-files "/spls45se/cmd/Splus.exe") "Program name for invoking an external GUI S+4.\nThe default value is correct for a default installation of\nS-Plus 4.5 Student Edition and with bash as the shell.\nFor any other version or location, change this value in ess-site.el or\nsite-start.el. Use the 8.3 version of the pathname.\nUse double backslashes if you use the msdos shell." inferior-S+4-print-command "S_PRINT_COMMAND=emacsclientw.exe" "Destination of print icon in S+4 Commands window." inferior-S+4-editor-pager-command "options(editor='emacsclient.exe', pager='emacsclientw.exe')" "Programs called by the editor() and pager() functions\nin S+4 Commands window and in Sqpe+4 buffer." inferior-Sqpe+4-program-name inferior-Sqpe+4-program (concat ess-program-files "/spls45se/cmd/Sqpe.exe") "Program name for invoking an inferior ESS with Sqpe+4()." (choice (const nil) (string)) inferior-Sqpe+4-SHOME-name (if ess-microsoft-p (concat ess-program-files "/spls45se" #1="")) "SHOME name for invoking an inferior ESS with Sqpe+4().\nThe default value is correct for a default installation of\nS-Plus 4.5 Student Edition. For any other version or location,\nchange this value in ess-site.el or site-start.el. Use the 8.3\nversion of the pathname." (choice (const nil) (string)) inferior-S-elsewhere-program-name inferior-S-elsewhere-program "sh" "Program name to invoke an inferior ESS with S on a different computer." ess-proc inferior-ESS-elsewhere-program-name inferior-ESS-elsewhere-program "Program name to invoke an inferior ESS with program on a\ndifferent computer." inferior-S4-program-name inferior-S4-program "S4" "Program name to invoke an inferior ESS with S4()." (choice (string) (file)) inferior-S+5-program-name inferior-S+5-program "Splus5" "Program name to invoke an inferior ESS with S+5()." (choice (string) (file)) S+6-dialect-name S+-dialect-name "S+" "Name of 'dialect' for S-PLUS 6.x and later.\nEasily changeable in a user's `.emacs'." inferior-S+6-program inferior-S+-program inferior-S+6-program-name inferior-S+-program-name (if ess-microsoft-p (concat ess-program-files "/TIBCO/splus82/cmd/Splus.exe") "Splus") "Program name to invoke S+.\nOn Unix/Linux, use the Splus executable. On Windows, the default\nvalue is correct for a default installation of S-Plus 8.1 and\nwith bash as the shell. For any other version or location,\nchange this value in ess-site.el or site-start.el. Use the 8.3\nversion of the pathname. Use double backslashes if you use the\nmsdos shell." (choice (string) (file)) inferior-S+6-start-args inferior-S+-start-args inferior-Splus-args #1# "String of arguments used when starting S.\nThese arguments are currently passed only to S+6 and higher." inferior-Sqpe-start-args inferior-Sqpe+-start-args " " "Default is empty. Can be used for license manager information, for example\n`(setq inferior-Sqpe+-start-args \" S_ELMHOST=@123.456.789.012 ELMTIMEOUT=60 \")'." inferior-Splus-objects-command "objects(where=%d)\n" "Format string for R command to get a list of objects at position %d.\nUsed in e.g., \\[ess-execute-objects] or \\[ess-display-help-on-object]." ess-command inferior-S+6-print-command inferior-S+-print-command "Destination of print icon in S+ for Windows Commands window." inferior-S+6-editor-pager-command inferior-S+-editor-pager-command "Programs called by the editor() and pager() functions in S+\nfor Windows Commands window and in Sqpe+6 for Windows buffer." inferior-Sqpe+6-program inferior-Sqpe+-program inferior-Sqpe+-program-name (concat ess-program-files "/TIBCO/splus82/cmd/Sqpe.exe") "Program name for invoking an inferior ESS with Sqpe+6() for Windows." (choice (const nil) (string)) inferior-Sqpe+6-SHOME-name inferior-Sqpe+-SHOME-name (if ess-microsoft-p (concat ess-program-files "/TIBCO/splus82" #1#)) "SHOME name for invoking an inferior ESS with Sqpe+6 and higher for Windows.\nThe default value is correct for a default installation of\nS-Plus 8.1. For any other version or location,\nchange this value in ess-site.el or site-start.el. Use the 8.3\nversion of the pathname." (choice (const nil) (string)) ess-S-quit-kill-buffers-p "Controls whether S buffers should also be killed once a process is killed.\nThis is used only when an iESS process is killed using C-c C-q.\nPossible values:\nnil - do not kill any S buffers associated with the process.\nt - kill S buffers associated with the process.\nask - ask the user whether the S buffers should be killed." (choice (const nil) (const t) (const ask)) inferior-XLS-program-name inferior-XLS-program "xlispstat" "Program name for invoking an inferior ESS with \\[XLS]." ess-XLS (choice (string) (file)) inferior-VST-program-name inferior-VST-program "vista" "Program name for invoking an inferior ESS with \\[ViSta]." (choice (string) (file)) inferior-ARC-program-name inferior-ARC-program "arc" "Program name for invoking an inferior ESS with \\[ARC]." (choice (string) (file)) inferior-SAS-program-name inferior-SAS-program "sas" "Program name for invoking an inferior ESS with SAS()." ess-sas (choice (string) (file)) inferior-STA-program-name inferior-STA-program "stata" "Program name for invoking an inferior ESS with stata().\nThis is NOT Stata, because we need to call stata with TERM=emacs in\norder for it to work right. And Emacs is too smart for it." ess-Stata (choice (string) (file)) ess-sta-delimiter-friendly "Non-nil means convert embedded semi-colons to newlines for Stata processing." boolean inferior-OMG-program-name inferior-OMG-program "omegahat" "Program name for invoking an inferior ESS with omegahat()." ess-OMG (choice (string) (file)) R-editor ess-r-editor "emacsclient" "Editor called by R process with 'edit()' command." R-pager ess-r-pager 'nil "Pager called by R process with 'page()' command." (choice (const nil) string) S-editor "Editor called by S process with 'edit()' command." S-pager (if ess-microsoft-p "emacsclientw.exe" "emacsclient") "Pager called by S process with 'page()' command."] 9) #@119 *Editor by which the process sends information to an emacs buffer for editing and then to be returned to the process. (defvar ess-editor nil (#$ . -65898)) #@67 *Pager by which the process sends information to an emacs buffer. (defvar ess-pager nil (#$ . -66060)) #@51 *Initialization commands sent to the ESS process. (defvar inferior-ess-language-start nil (#$ . -66169)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313&\210\300\305!\210\304\314\306\315\310\311\312\316&\210\304\317\306\320\310\311\312\321&\210\304\322\306\323\310\311\312\324&\210\300\317!\210\300\314!\210\300\322!\207" [make-variable-buffer-local ess-editor ess-pager inferior-ess-language-start custom-declare-variable inferior-ess-help-filetype nil "S-Plus and Sqpe for Windows use the \"chm\" (compiled html) filetype\nfor help files. The default value is nil for other systems." :group ess-proc :type (choice (const nil) (string)) inferior-ess-ddeclient "ddeclient is the intermediary between emacs and the stat program." (choice (const nil) (string)) inferior-ess-client-name "Name of ESS program ddeclient talks to." (choice (const nil) (string)) inferior-ess-client-command "ddeclient command sent to the ESS program." (choice (const nil) string)] 8) #@51 Program name for invoking an inferior ESS with S. (defvar inferior-S-program inferior-S+3-program (#$ . 67177)) (byte-code "\302\303\304\305#\210\306\305\211\203, @\303N\203%\304N\204%\307\304\303N#\210 A\211\204*\310\303\304\311#\207" [prop --dolist-tail-- defvaralias inferior-ess-program-name inferior-ess-program nil (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "ESS 18.10"] 6) #@133 Default program name for invoking `inferior-ess'. The other variables ...-program should be changed, for the corresponding program. (defvar inferior-ess-program nil (#$ . 67598)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'inferior-ess-program) #@120 String of arguments passed to the ESS process. If you wish to pass arguments to a process, see e.g. `inferior-R-args'. (defvar inferior-ess-start-args "" (#$ . 67835)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\300\310\311\312\304\305\306\313&\207" [custom-declare-variable inferior-ess-start-file nil "File dumped into process, if non-nil." :group ess-proc :type (choice (const nil) file) inferior-ess-pager (if ess-microsoft-p "console" "cat") "Pager to use for reporting help files and similar things." string] 8) #@69 Regular expression used by `ess-mode' to detect the primary prompt. (defvar inferior-ess-primary-prompt "> " (#$ . 68367)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'inferior-ess-primary-prompt) #@184 Regular expression used by ess-mode to detect the secondary prompt. This is issued by S to continue an incomplete expression. Set to nil if language doesn't support secondary prompt. (defvar inferior-ess-secondary-prompt nil (#$ . 68555)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'inferior-ess-secondary-prompt) #@38 Command to generate error traceback. (defvar ess-traceback-command nil (#$ . 68860)) (defvaralias 'inferior-ess-S-prompt 'inferior-S-prompt) #@104 Regexp used in S and R inferior and transcript buffers for prompt navigation. Must be anchored to BOL. (defvar inferior-S-prompt "[]a-zA-Z0-9.[]*\\(?:[>+.] \\)+" (#$ . 69008)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\300\310\302\311\304\305\306\307&\210\312\313\314\"\210\300\314\315\316\304\305\306\317&\210\300\320\321\322\304\305\306\307&\210\300\323\315\324\304\305\306\307&\210\300\325\326\327\304\305\306\330&\210\300\331\332\333\304\305\306\334&\207" [custom-declare-variable ess-execute-in-process-buffer nil "Non-nil means the ess-execute- commands output to the process buffer.\nOtherwise, they get their own temporary buffer." :group ess-proc :type boolean ess-eval-empty "Non-nil means `ess-eval-line*' will send empty lines to the ESS process." defvaralias ess-eval-visibly-p ess-eval-visibly t "Non-nil means ess-eval- commands display commands in the process buffer.\nIf t, ESS waits after each line of the command for the process\noutput. This results in a nice sequence of input and output but\nstalls emacs on long output (like Sys.sleep(5) in R).\n\nIf 'nowait, ESS still shows the input commands, but don't wait\nfor the process. Thus all the output is printed after the input\nlines.\n\nIf nil, ESS doesn't print input commands and doesn't wait for the process.\n\nThis variable also affect the evaluation of input code in\niESS. The effect is similar to the above. If t then ess waits for\nthe process output, otherwise not.\n" (choice (const t) (const nowait) (const nil)) ess-eval-deactivate-mark (fboundp 'deactivate-mark) "Non-nil means that after ess-eval- commands the mark is deactivated,\n (see \\[deactivate-mark])." ess-use-R-completion "Non-nil means use R-builtin completion mechanism when available." ess-eval-ddeclient-sleep 0.06 "If non-nil, a number specifying *seconds* to wait after certain\n\\[ess-eval-linewise-ddeclient] calls, such as those at startup." (choice (const nil) number) ess-sleep-for-shell (if ess-microsoft-p 5 1) "*Pause before sending output to the shell." number] 8) #@664 List of ESS mode-line indicators. Local in process buffers and must start with a string. Changes of this variable are automatically reflected in mode-lines of the process and all associated with it buffers. Each symbol must evaluate ot one of the standard mode line objecst. See info node `(elisp)Mode Line Data'). Add a symbol with `add-to-list' and remove with `delq'. Note that the symbols which are part of this list should better have 'risky-local-variable property set to t, otherwise the text properties are not displayed. External utilities such as `ess-tracebug' and `ess-developer' customize this variable to indicate changes in the process status.  (defvar ess--mode-line-process-indicator '("" ess-local-process-name) (#$ . 71058)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301!\207" [put ess--mode-line-process-indicator risky-local-variable t make-variable-buffer-local] 4) #@178 List of local process indicators. See `ess--mode-line-process-indicator' for how to set it. This is an internal varialbe used by tools like `ess-developer' and `ess-tracebug'. (defvar ess--local-mode-line-process-indicator '("") (#$ . 71952)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301!\207" [put ess--local-mode-line-process-indicator risky-local-variable t make-variable-buffer-local] 4) #@32 Alist of active ESS processes. (defvar ess-process-name-list nil (#$ . 72348)) #@230 Dialect specific format-string for building the ess command to load a file. This format string should use %s to substitute a file name and should result in an ESS expression that will command the inferior ESS to load that file. (defvar ess-load-command "source('%s')\n" (#$ . 72434)) #@596 Dialect specific format-string for building the command to evaluate a string. It is usually faster to send a string to remote processes than a file. The latter involves Tramp and can be quite slow. When possible, a dialect should implement that command and use it preferentially. This format string should use %s as a placeholder for the string to be evaluated and, optionally, %f for the file name to be reported in the error references. The resulting command should not echo code or print any transitory output. See also `ess-eval-visibly-command' and `ess-eval-visibly-noecho-command'. (defvar ess-eval-command nil (#$ . 72726)) #@65 Dialect-specific function for formatting an evaluation message. (defvar ess-build-eval-message-function nil (#$ . 73370)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313&\207" [make-variable-buffer-local ess-eval-command ess-load-command ess-build-eval-message-function custom-declare-variable inferior-ess-dump-command "dump(\"%s\",file=\"%s\")\n" "Format-string for building the ess command to dump an object into a file.\n\nUse first %s to substitute an object name\nUse second %s to substitute the dump file name." :group ess-command :type string] 8) #@138 Format-string for building the ESS command to ask for help on an object. This format string should use %s to substitute an object name. (defvar inferior-ess-help-command "help(\"%s\")\n" (#$ . 73969)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311&\207" [make-variable-buffer-local inferior-ess-help-command custom-declare-variable inferior-ess-r-help-command ".ess.help('%s')\n" "Format-string for building the R command to ask for help on an object.\n\nThis format string should use %s to substitute an object name.\nIf set, changes will take effect when next R session is started." :group ess-command :type string] 8) #@40 Dialect specific help topics retrieval (defvar ess-get-help-topics-function nil (#$ . 74609)) #@58 Dialect specific function for displaying help on object. (defvar ess-display-help-on-object-function nil (#$ . 74709)) #@58 Dialect specific function for displaying help on object. (defvar ess-find-help-file-function nil (#$ . 74834)) #@57 Dialect specific function for building an help command. (defvar ess-build-help-command-function nil (#$ . 74951)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\207" [make-variable-buffer-local ess-get-help-topics-function ess-display-help-on-object-function ess-find-help-file-function ess-build-help-command-function] 2) #@117 Format-string for building the ess command to exit. This format string should use %s to substitute an object name. (defvar inferior-ess-exit-command "q()\n" (#$ . 75295)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'inferior-ess-exit-command) #@223 `ess-language' command that prints out the search list; i.e. the list of directories and (recursive) objects that `ess-language' uses when it searches for objects. Really set in -customize-alist in ess[dl]-*.el (defvar inferior-ess-search-list-command nil (#$ . 75530)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311&\210\302\312\313\314\306\307\310\311&\207" [make-variable-buffer-local inferior-ess-search-list-command custom-declare-variable inferior-ess-safe-names-command "tryCatch(base::print(base::names(%s), max=1e6), error=function(e){})\n" "Format string for ESS command to extract names from an object *safely*.\n\n%s is replaced by an \"object name\" -- usually a list or data frame, but in R also\n e.g., 'package:stats'." :group ess-command :type string inferior-ess-get-prompt-command "options()$prompt\n" "Command to find the value of the current S prompt."] 8) #@312 The regular expression used for recognizing prompts. It is always used in transcript mode. In inferior ess mode it is used only if `comint-use-prompt-regexp' is t. If not set in language's customise-alist it is constructed at run time from `inferior-ess-primary-prompt' and `inferior-ess-secondary-prompt'. (defvar inferior-ess-prompt nil (#$ . 76439)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'inferior-ess-prompt) #@74 The regexp for matching the S/R/.. commands that change the search path. (defvar ess-change-sp-regexp "" (#$ . 76852)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'ess-change-sp-regexp) #@74 The regexp for matching the S-plus commands that change the search path. (defvar ess-S+-change-sp-regexp "\\(attach(\\([^)]\\|$\\)\\|detach(\\|collection(\\|library(\\|module(\\|source(\\)" (#$ . 77028)) #@69 The regexp for matching the S commands that change the search path. (defvar ess-S-change-sp-regexp "\\(attach(\\([^)]\\|$\\)\\|detach(\\|library(\\|source(\\)" (#$ . 77238)) (defvaralias 'ess-R-change-sp-regexp 'ess-r-change-sp-regexp) #@69 The regexp for matching the R commands that change the search path. (defvar ess-r-change-sp-regexp "\\(attach(\\([^)]\\|$\\)\\|detach(\\|library(\\|require(\\|source(\\)" (#$ . 77480)) #@78 Deprecated. Use (ess-search-list) or (ess-process-get 'search-list) instead. (defvar ess-search-list nil (#$ . 77671)) (make-obsolete-variable 'ess-search-list nil "ESS[12.09]") #@76 Alist of modification times for all ess directories accessed this session. (defvar ess-sl-modtime-alist nil (#$ . 77855)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'ess-sl-modtime-alist) #@73 Variable not used. Use (ess-process-get 'sp-for-help-changed?) instead. (defvar ess-sp-change nil (#$ . 78034)) (make-obsolete-variable 'ess-sp-change nil "ESS[12.09]") #@140 This symbol saves the (directory . file) pair used in the last `ess-load-file' command. Used for determining the default in the next one. (defvar ess-prev-load-dir/file nil (#$ . 78210)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'ess-prev-load-dir/file) #@23 Cache of object names (defvar ess-object-list nil (#$ . 78457)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'ess-object-list) #@22 Cache of help topics (defvar ess-help-topics-list nil (#$ . 78573)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'ess-help-topics-list) #@61 Variable used to retain a buffer position past let or let*. (defvar ess-temp-point nil (#$ . 78698)) #@55 File containing definitions for `ess-object-name-db'. (defvar ess-object-name-db-file "ess-namedb" (#$ . 78805)) #@54 List of programs whose name-db file has been loaded. (defvar ess-object-name-db-file-loaded nil (#$ . 78924)) #@183 Alist of lists of object names, with directory names as keys. The file ess-namedb.el is loaded (if it exists) to define this variable. See also function `ess-create-object-name-db'. (defvar ess-object-name-db nil (#$ . 79041)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'ess-object-name-db) (defvar ess-RS-constants '("TRUE" "FALSE" "NA" "NULL" "Inf" "NaN")) (defvar ess-R-constants (append ess-RS-constants '("NA_integer_" "NA_real_" "NA_complex_" "NA_character_"))) (defvar ess-S-constants (append ess-RS-constants '("T" "F"))) #@56 Reserved words or special functions in the R language. (defvar ess-R-keywords '("if" "else" "repeat" "while" "function" "for" "in" "next" "break" "switch" "function" "return" "on.exit" "stop" ".Defunct" "tryCatch" "withRestarts" "invokeRestart" "recover" "browser") (#$ . 79562)) (defvar ess-S-keywords (append ess-R-keywords '("terminate"))) (defvar ess-S-non-functions '("if" "for" "function" "while")) (byte-code "\302\303\304\305#\210\306\305\211\203, @\303N\203%\304N\204%\307\304\303N#\210 A\211\204*\310\303\304\311#\207" [prop --dolist-tail-- defvaralias ess-S-modifyiers ess-S-modifiers nil (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "18.10"] 6) (defvar ess-S-modifiers '("library" "attach" "detach" "source" "module" "message" "warning")) (byte-code "\302\303\304\305#\210\306\305\211\203, @\303N\203%\304N\204%\307\304\303N#\210 A\211\204*\310\303\304\311#\207" [prop --dolist-tail-- defvaralias ess-R-modifyiers ess-R-modifiers nil (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "18.10"] 6) (defvar ess-R-modifiers '("library" "attach" "detach" "source" "require" "setwd" "options" "par" "load" "rm" "message" "warning" ".Deprecated" "signalCondition" "withCallingHandlers")) (defvar ess-R-message-prefixes '("Error:" "Error in" "Warning:" "Warning in" "Warning messages")) (defvar ess-S-message-prefixes (append ess-R-message-prefixes '("Syntax error:" "Dumped"))) (defvar ess-R-assign-ops '("<<-" "<-" "->" "->>")) (defvar ess-S-assign-ops ess-R-assign-ops) (defvar ess-R-function-name-regexp "\\(\\sw+\\)[ ]*\\(<-\\)[ \n]*function\\b") (defvar ess-S-function-name-regexp ess-R-function-name-regexp) #@137 Internal. Holds a name of the dialect sepcific font-lock keywords in the current buffer. See `ess-R-font-lock-keywords' for an example. (defvar ess-font-lock-keywords nil (#$ . 81249)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'ess-font-lock-keywords) #@31 Font lock for function calls. (defvar ess-fl-keyword:fun-calls (cons "\\(\\sw+\\)[ ]*(" '(1 ess-function-call-face keep)) (#$ . 81493)) #@24 Font lock for numbers. (defvar ess-fl-keyword:numbers (cons "\\b\\.?[0-9]+[.eEL]?[0-9]*\\b" 'ess-numbers-face) (#$ . 81636)) #@28 Font lock for parenthesis. (defvar ess-fl-keyword:delimiters (cons "\\s(\\|\\s)" 'ess-paren-face) (#$ . 81767)) #@31 Font lock for equal sign (=). (defvar ess-fl-keyword:= (cons "=" 'ess-paren-face) (#$ . 81885)) #@12 Operators. (defvar ess-fl-keyword:operators (cons "[-=+>