;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\207" [require ess-custom ess-mode ess-utils] 2) #@186 Returns t iff `ess-local-process-name' is associated with an inferior-ess-ddeclient, and nil if the ess-process is running as an ordinary inferior process. Alway nil on Unix machines. (defalias 'ess-ddeclient-p #[nil "\205\302\303\304 \"!\210\305\306!\210\307\310!\311\310!\232?\207" [ess-microsoft-p ess-local-process-name ess-write-to-dribble-buffer format "*ddeclient-p: ess-loc-proc-name is '%s'" ess-force-buffer-current "Process to load into: " ess-get-process-variable inferior-ess-ddeclient default-value] 4 (#$ . 184) nil]) #@106 Loop through lines in region and send them to ESS via ddeclient. PROC, VISIBLY and MESSAGE are ignored. (defalias 'ess-dde-send-region #[(proc start end &optional visibly message) "\306\300!\306\301!\306\302! \f}\210eb\210\307`dW\204,d\310U\203S\311\312!\203S\n\203S`\307\210 `U\203A\313\314\307\315\316$\210\202M\317 `\307\211\211 \n&\210\310y\210\202~)\207" [inferior-ess-ddeclient inferior-ess-client-name inferior-ess-client-command start end beg ess-get-process-variable nil 1 boundp ess-dde-even-empty ess-dde-eval-linewise " " eob t call-process-region] 9 (#$ . 728)]) (defalias 'ess-dde-eval-linewise #[(text-withtabs &optional invisibly eob even-empty wait-last-prompt &rest args) "r\306\307!q\210\310p\"\210\311 \210 c\210\n\312\313ed#\210*\f\205 \207" [ess-customize-alist text-withtabs even-empty ess-dde-even-empty wait-last-prompt ess-eval-ddeclient-sleep get-buffer-create "*ESS-temporary*" ess-setq-vars-local erase-buffer ess-dde-send-region nil] 4]) #@195 Display the ESS documentation for OBJECT in another window. If prefix arg is given, forces a query of the ESS process for the help file. Otherwise just pops to an existing buffer if it exists. (defalias 'ess-dde-display-help-on-object #[(object &rest args) "\301\302!\210\303\304\305Q!\207" [object ess-force-buffer-current "Process to load into: " ess-dde-eval-linewise "help(" ")"] 4 (#$ . 1725)]) (defalias 'ess-dde-find-help-file #[(p-string) "\300\301!\207" [read-string "Help on: "] 2]) #@286 Load an S source file into an inferior ESS process; alternate behavior for `ess-load-file', required with S-Plus GUI for Windows: Sends the S-Plus command source("filename") to S. This version does not guarantee to save .Last.value, nor offer alternate buffers or editing capability. (defalias 'ess-dde-load-file #[(filename) "\303!\304!\203\305\306\307 !\"\210\202! \203!r q\210\310\311!\210)\312\313\n\"!\210)~\207" [filename source-buffer ess-load-command get-file-buffer ess-check-source error "Buffer %s has not been saved" buffer-name ess-force-buffer-current "Process to load into: " ess-dde-eval-linewise format] 4 (#$ . 2227)]) #@48 Dump the ESS object OBJECT into file FILENAME. (defalias 'ess-dde-dump-object #[(object filename) "\302\303!\210\304\305\306 \307\260!\210\310\311!\210\312 !\210~\207" [object filename ess-force-buffer-current "Process to load into: " ess-dde-eval-linewise "dump('" "','" "')" sleep-for 5 find-file] 6 (#$ . 2879)]) (defalias 'ess-dde-read-object-name #[(p-string) "\300\301!\207" [read-string "Object to edit: "] 2]) #@68 Dump the ESS object found by evaluating OBJECT into file FILENAME. (defalias 'ess-dput-expression-ddeclient #[(object filename) "\302\303!\210\304\305\306 \307\260!\210\310\311!\210\312 !\207" [object filename ess-force-buffer-current "Process to load into: " ess-dde-eval-linewise "dput(" ",'" "')" sleep-for 2 find-file] 6 (#$ . 3305)]) #@395 ddeclient version of real `ess-command'. Send the ESS process command COM and redirect its output to the temporary file named BUF. The temporary filename is constructed in emacs, not in the ESS process. The default name for the temporary buffer is "ess-temp.st". The function waits SLEEP (which defaults to 1) seconds and then brings the temporary file into an emacs buffer and displays it. (defalias 'ess-command-ddeclient-proposed #[(com &optional buf sleep) "\305\211\n\204\n\306 \204\307\310\311\312!!\nP\313\314 \315\f\316\260!\210\317 !\320 !\210\2045\321 !\210\2029\322!\210\323\324\211\"*\207" [bufname filename buf sleep com nil "ess-temp.st" 1 file-name-as-directory getenv "TEMP" ess-dde-eval-linewise ".old.Last.value <- .Last.value; sink('" "'); print(" "); sink(); .Last.value <- .old.Last.value" ess-get-file-or-buffer sleep-for find-file switch-to-buffer revert-buffer t] 6 (#$ . 3653)]) #@38 ddeclient bypass of real ess-command (defalias 'ess-dde-command #[(com &optional buf sleep) "\301!\207" [com ess-eval-linewise] 2 (#$ . 4580)]) (provide 'ess-dde)