;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\207" [require ess-mode ess-inf ess-s-lang ess-dde ess-trns] 2) #@77 Splus 5++ directories have a .Data directory and a __Meta directory within. (defalias 'S+-directory-p #[(directory) "\205\301\302P!\205\301\303P!\207" [directory file-directory-p ".Data" ".Data/__Meta"] 3 (#$ . 224)]) (defvar S+-directory-function 'inferior-ess-default-directory) (defvaralias 'S+6-setup-directory-function 'S+-setup-directory-function) (defvar S+-setup-directory-function #[(startdir) "\205\301!\205\302\303\304\303!\203\305\304\303!Q\202\"\207" [startdir S+-directory-p setenv "S_WORK" getenv ":"] 6]) (defvaralias 'S+6-customize-alist 'S+-customize-alist) #@32 Variables to customize for S+. (defvar S+-customize-alist (append '((ess-local-customize-alist quote S+-customize-alist) (ess-dialect . S+-dialect-name) (ess-function-pattern . ess-r-function-pattern) (ess-object-name-db-file . "ess-sp6-namedb.el") (inferior-ess-program . inferior-S+-program) (inferior-ess-help-command . "help(\"%s\", pager=\"slynx -dump\", window=FALSE)\n") (inferior-ess-help-filetype) (inferior-ess-search-list-command . "searchPaths()\n") (ess-send-region-function function ess-dde-send-region) (ess-load-file-function function ess-dde-load-file) (ess-command-function function ess-dde-command) (ess-eval-linewise-function function ess-dde-eval-linewise) (ess-dump-object-function function ess-dde-dump-object) (ess-read-object-name-function function ess-dde-read-object-name) (ess-find-help-file-function function ess-dde-find-help-file) (ess-display-help-on-object-function function ess-dde-display-help-on-object) (ess-directory-function . S+-directory-function) (ess-setup-directory-function . S+-setup-directory-function) (inferior-ess-start-args . inferior-S+-start-args) (ess-STERM . "iESS")) S+common-cust-alist) (#$ . 825)) #@75 Functions run in process buffer after the initialization of S+ process. (defvar ess-S+-post-run-hook nil (#$ . 1987)) (defvar ess-S+--injected-code ".ess_funargs <- function(funname){\n ## funname <- deparse(substitute(object))\n fun <- try(eval(parse(text=funname)), silent = TRUE)\n if(is.function(fun)) {\n special <- grepl('[:$@[]', funname)\n args <- args(fun)\n fmls <- formals(args)\n fmls.names <- names(fmls)\n fmls <- gsub('\\\"', '\\\\\\\"', as.character(fmls), fixed = TRUE)\n args.alist <- sprintf(\"'(%s)\", paste(\"(\\\"\", fmls.names, \"\\\" . \\\"\", fmls, \"\\\")\", sep = '', collapse = ' '))\n ## envname <- environmentName(environment(fun))\n envname <- if (special) '' else 'S+'\n cat(sprintf('(list \\\"%s\\\" %s )\\n', envname, args.alist))\n }\n}\n") (defalias 'S+6 'S+) #@72 Call 'Splus6', based on S version 4, from Bell Labs. New way to do it. (defalias 'S+ #[(&optional proc-name) "\306\307\310\np#!\210\311 \210\312 !\210\f\203\313\f!\210 \205 \314 !\211\2034r\315!q\210\316\317!)\2027\320\321!)\207" [S+-customize-alist ess-customize-alist ess-dialect ess-S+--injected-code inferior-ess-language-start ess-local-process-name ess-write-to-dribble-buffer format "\n(S+): ess-dialect=%s, buf=%s\n" inferior-ess ess-command ess-eval-linewise get-process process-buffer run-mode-hooks ess-S+-post-run-hook error "No current ESS process" *proc*] 6 (#$ . 2823) nil]) (defalias 'S+6-mode 'S+-mode) #@66 Major mode for editing S+ source. See `ess-mode' for more help. (defalias 'S+-mode #[(&optional proc-name) "\304\n\"\210\305\306!\203\306 \210 \205\307 \207" [S+-customize-alist ess-customize-alist proc-name ess-imenu-use-S ess-mode fboundp ess-add-toolbar ess-imenu-S] 3 (#$ . 3460) nil]) (defalias 'S+6-transcript-mode 'S+-transcript-mode) #@27 S-PLUS 6 transcript mode. (defalias 'S+-transcript-mode #[nil "\301!\207" [S+-customize-alist ess-transcript-mode] 2 (#$ . 3816) nil]) #@794 List of partial strings for versions of S to access within ESS. Each string specifies the start of a filename. If a filename beginning with one of these strings is found on `exec-path', a M-x command for that version of S is made available. For example, if the file "Splus7" is found and this variable includes the string "Splus", a function called `M-x Splus7' will be available to run that version of S. If duplicate versions of the same program are found (which happens if the same path is listed on `exec-path' more than once), they are ignored by calling `ess-uniq-list'. Set this variable to nil to disable searching for other versions of S using this method. If you set this variable, you need to restart Emacs (and set this variable before ess-site is loaded) for it to take effect. (defvar ess-s-versions '("Splus") (#$ . 3959)) (byte-code "\302\303\304\305#\210\306\305\211\203, @\303N\203%\304N\204%\307\304\303N#\210 A\211\204*\310\303\304\311#\207" [prop --dolist-tail-- defvaralias ess-s-versions-created ess-s-created-runners nil (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "ESS 18.10"] 6) #@353 Generate functions for starting other versions of S. See `ess-s-versions' for strings that determine which functions are created. It assumes these versions of S can be run as a substitute for Splus6. This function returns the list of functions, if any, that were created. The functions will normally be placed on the menubar upon ESS initialization. (defalias 'ess-s-define-runners #[nil "\205(\305\306\307\310\311\306\312\"\"\"!\313\314 \"\211\205'\306\315\n\"\316\f\317\320 B#))\207" [ess-s-versions versions ess-s-created-runners new-menu ess-mode-menu ess-uniq-list mapcar file-name-nondirectory apply nconc ess-find-exec-completions mapc #[(v) "\301\302\"\207" [v ess-define-runner "S"] 3] #[(x) "\301\302!\303#\207" [x vector intern t] 4] easy-menu-add-item ("Start Process") "Other"] 9 (#$ . 5106)]) (byte-code "\203\303 !\303\n\304\"\244\210\202\305 \210\306\307\305\310#\210\311\307\305\312#\210\313\314!\207" [ess-microsoft-p ess-SHOME-versions ess-SHOME-versions-64 ess-sqpe-versions-create "-64-bit" ess-s-define-runners defalias ess-s-versions-create nil make-obsolete "ESS 18.10" provide ess-sp6-d] 4)