;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314& \210\315\316\317\320\321\322%\210\315\323\305\324\321\322%\210\315\325\305\326\321\322%\210\315\327\330\331\332\333\321\334&\207" [require ess-utils ess-mode custom-declare-group ess-toolbar nil "ESS: toolbar support." :group ess :link (emacs-commentary-link :tag "Commentary" "ess-toolbar.el") :prefix "ess-" custom-declare-variable ess-use-toolbar (and (fboundp 'display-images-p) (display-images-p)) "Non-nil means ESS should support the toolbar." :type boolean ess-toolbar-own-icons "Non-nil means that we only put our toolbar entries in ESS.\nOtherwise we get standard toolbar as well as ESS entries.\nThe standard toolbar items are copied from the default toolbar." ess-toolbar-global "*Non-nil means that the ESS toolbar is available in all emacs buffers.\nOtherwise, the ESS toolbar is present only in R/S mode buffers.\nFor beginners, this is probably better set to a non-nil value." ess-toolbar-items '((R "startr") (S "splus_letter_small") (ess-eval-line-and-step "rline") (ess-eval-region "rregion") (ess-eval-function-or-paragraph-and-step "rregion") (ess-load-file "rbuffer") (ess-eval-function "rfunction") (ess-switch-to-ESS "switch_ess")) "Items to be added to the ESS toolbar.\nEach list element has two items:\n1. the name of the function to run\n2. the icon to be used (without .xpm extension)\n\nGeneral toolbar items are also added to the ESS toolbar\niff `ess-toolbar-own-icons' is nil.\n\nSetting this variable with setq doesn't take effect once you have\nloaded ess-site, unless you follow it by a call to\n`ess-make-toolbar' afterwards. Instead, change its value using\nCustom, and then on all new ESS buffers you should see the\ntoolbar has changed." :set #[(symbol value) "\302 \"\210\303\304!\205 \304 \207" [symbol value set-default fboundp ess-make-toolbar] 3] (repeat (list (function :tag "Function to run") (string :tag "Icon")))] 10) #@204 *Location for ESS icons. This variable should be set automatically by the ESS install process. Icons should be found in ESS/etc/icons/ directory. If `ess-icon-directory' is invalid, please report a bug. (defvar ess-icon-directory (expand-file-name "icons" ess-etc-directory) (#$ . -2040)) (byte-code "\302!\204\f\303\304!\210 \302\207" [ess-icon-directory ess-etc-directory file-directory-p ess-write-to-dribble-buffer "`ess-icon-directory' does not exist; using `ess-etc-directory'.\n"] 2) #@51 Toolbar items to be added to ESS editing buffers. (defvar ess-toolbar nil (#$ . 2540)) #@23 Make the ESS toolbar. (defalias 'ess-make-toolbar #[nil "\306\301!\205!\204 \204\307 \202\310 !\211 C\311\312 \"*\207" [ess-toolbar-own-icons tool-bar-map ess-toolbar ess-icon-directory load-path ess-toolbar-items boundp make-sparse-keymap copy-keymap mapc ess-add-icon] 4 (#$ . 2633)]) #@39 Add an ESS item to the Emacs toolbar. (defalias 'ess-add-icon #[(x) "\302@A@ #\207" [x ess-mode-map tool-bar-add-item-from-menu] 4 (#$ . 2937)]) #@163 Add the ESS toolbar to a particular mode. The toolbar is added iff `ess-toolbar-global' is nil, else the toolbar is added globally when ess-toolbar.el is loaded. (defalias 'ess-add-toolbar #[nil "\205 ?\205\303\302!\210\211\207" [ess-toolbar ess-toolbar-global tool-bar-map make-local-variable] 2 (#$ . 3091)]) (byte-code "\203#\305 \210 \203\n\202\306\307!\210\310\311!\203\311 \204#\312\313!\210\314\315!\203.\316\315\f\"\210\317\302!\207" [ess-use-toolbar ess-toolbar-global ess-toolbar tool-bar-map ess-icon-directory ess-make-toolbar ess-write-to-dribble-buffer "Creating global Emacs toolbar" fboundp display-images-p message "Toolbar support for ESS not available in this emacs." boundp image-load-path add-to-list provide] 3)