#### File showing off things that go wrong or *went* wrong in the past #### -- with R-mode (mostly coded in ../lisp/ess-mode.el ) ### NOTE: this file is indented with RRR style !!!!! ### but do not change indentations anymore of anything in here: ### expressions are written as we *want* them, not as ESS currently puts them options(keep.source = FALSE) # so we see R's deparse() + print() indentation ### --- 1 --------- extraneous comment chars : This seems fixed ## From: Robert Gentleman ## To: Martin Maechler ## Subject: ESS buglet ## Date: Sun, 01 Jul 2007 21:41:24 -0700 ## Hi Martin, ## It seems that the following buglet exists (at least in what ever ## version I am using) ##a silly comment ##and a second one foo <- function(x=a, abc = list("def", a=1,3,3), more.args, and, bla, blu, bl, another, plus, yet.another, and_mbasd, lots = NULL, more = NULL, args = NULL) { x } ##- when the line before a function def is a comment, and adding args, ##- then new lines, when generated have a comment char at the beginning of ##- the line. It is slightly annoying as I have to remove the comment char. ##- ##- If I add a blank line after the comment line, then the problem does not ##- occur. ## and another ''anonymous'' function: function(x=a, abc = list("def", a=c(1,3,3)), more.args, and, bla, blu, blo, Abc, def, another, and_another, and_this) { ...; ... } ## This is a "TRUE" example (from Matrix/tests/ ): NA.or.True <- function(x) is.na(x) | x abc <- function(x, y, ...) this.is.just.a.one.liner(x,y, z=TRUE, ...) ## A more-liner function with no "{...}" -- this one even works (but not all!) mindiff <- function(df) df[which.min(df$diff), which.max(df$daff)] ## Two functions in one line - can I "send" just one of them? {no, not "simply"} f1 <- function(x) be.friendly(x, force=TRUE); f2 <- function(x,y) x*sin(pi*x) ### --- 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### --- Suggestion (Jenny Brian): --> Create a (defun ess-eval-multiline .) ## Here is useful valid R "test code": ## From 'example(plot.default)' : Speed <- cars$speed Distance <- cars$dist plot(Speed, Distance, panel.first = grid(8,8), pch = 0, cex = 1.2, col = "blue") pp <- plot(Speed, Distance, panel.first = grid(8,8), pch = 0, cex = 1.2, col = "blue") plot(Speed, Distance, panel.first = lines(lowess(Speed, Distance), lty = "dashed"), pch = 0, cex = 1.2, col = "blue") ## Note: We now at least C-c C-c {ess-eval-function-or-paragraph-and-step} ### --- 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ###--- This one (from the Matrix package) is for testing ess-roxy..., ## i.e., C-c C-o ## not exported but used more than once for "dimnames<-" method : ## -- or do only once for all "Matrix" classes ?? dimnamesGets <- function (x, value) { d <- dim(x) if (!is.list(value) || length(value) != 2 || !(is.null(v1 <- value[[1]]) || length(v1) == d[1]) || !(is.null(v2 <- value[[2]]) || length(v2) == d[2])) stop(gettextf("invalid dimnames given for '%s' object", class(x))) x@Dimnames <- list(if(!is.null(v1)) as.character(v1), if(!is.null(v2)) as.character(v2)) x } ### --- 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### continued statements a <- function(ch) { if(ch == Inf) { E.cond <- numeric(nb) } else { indic <- ifelse(jinf+1 <= 1 & jsup >= 1,1,0) E.cond <- ch*(-pbinom(jinf,ni,prb) + 1-pbinom(js.n,ni,prb)) + ifelse(ni == 1, prb*indic, mu*(pbinom(js.n-1,pmax(ni-1,1),prb) - pbinom(jinf-1,pmax(ni-1,1),prb))) / sV - ### ^-- now here (better) mu/sV*(pbinom(js.n,ni,prb) - pbinom(jinf,ni,prb)) ### ^-- now here (ok; more indentation would also be ok) indic2 <- ifelse(jinf+1 <= 1 & jsup >= 1 & ni == 2,1,0) } } ### --- 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### The beginning of function is not found correctly, and hence ### all "ess-*-function" (C-M-a, C-M-e, ...) fail: setMeneric <- ## It is clearly allowed to have comments here. ## S version 4, and John Chambers in particular like it. ## ## BUG: M-C-e or M-C-a fails from ``here'' -- ## --- effectively because of ess-beginning-of-function fails ## and that really relies on finding ess-function-pattern; ## i.e., ess-R-function-pattern in ~/emacs/ess/lisp/ess-cust.el ## function(name, def = NULL, group = list(), valueClass = character(), where = topenv(parent.frame()), genericFunction = NULL) { ## comments in here are at least kept via "source" attribute if(exists(name, "package:base") && typeof(get(name, "package:base")) != "closure") { FALSE } "ABC" } ### --- 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ## In one-liners without "{ ... }" body, the end-of-function is also ## not correctly found: ## Use C-M-e to see: In these two, the "end-of-function" is after ## 'class' : ## ---- these all work now (ESS version 5.3.8) : ## no it doesn't VS[10-03-2012|ESS 12.03]: onelinerFails <- function(x, ...) class(x) onelinerFailsToo <- function(x, ...) class(x) onelinerWorks <- function(x, ...) { class(x) } onelinerWorksToo <- function(x, ...) { class(x) } ### --- 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ## idem: ## this has one line more before 'function' than "typically:" setMethod("[", signature(x = "dgTMatrix", i = "numeric", j = "missing", drop = "logical"), function (x, i, j, ..., drop) { ## select rows storage.mode(i) <- "integer" xi <- x@i + 1:1 # 1-indexing ## ................... if (drop && any(nd == 1)) drop(as(x,"matrix")) else x }) ### --- 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ## idem: ## all bellow are ok VS[10-03-2012|ESS 12.03]: "dimnames<-.data.frame" <- function(x, value) { d <- dim(x) if(!is.list(value) || length(value) != 2 || d[[1]] != length(value[[1]]) || d[[2]] != length(value[[2]])) stop("invalid 'dimnames' given for data frame") row.names(x) <- as.character(value[[1]]) # checks validity names(x) <- as.character(value[[2]]) x } '[.foo' <- function(x, i, value) { ### y <- x y[i] <- value y } '[[.bar' <- function(x, i, value) { ## bla bla bla y <- as.foo(x) ; y[[i]] <- value y } "[<-.foobar" <- function(x,i,j,value) { ## just something x } "names<-.foobar" <- function(x, value) { ## just something else x } `[<-.data.frame` <- function(x, i, j, value) { nA <- nargs() # value is never missing, so 3 or 4. ###.......... class(x) <- cl x } "[[<-.data.frame"<- function(x, i, j, value) { cl <- oldClass(x) ## delete class: Version 3 idiom ## to avoid any special methods for [[<- class(x) <- NULL ###........... class(x) <- cl x } "$<-.data.frame" <- function(x, i, value) { cl <- oldClass(x) ## delete class: Version 3 idiom ## to avoid any special methods for [[<- ###........... class(x) <- cl return(x) } ## swanky functions: `swank:quit-inspector` <- function(slimeConnection, sldbState) { resetInspector(slimeConnection) FALSE } 'swank:quit-inspector' <- function(slimeConnection, sldbState) { resetInspector(slimeConnection) FALSE } ### --- 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ## VS[03-2012|12.03]:FIXED: ## From: "Sebastian P. Luque" ## To: ess-bugs@stat.math.ethz.ch ## Subject: [ESS-bugs] ess-mode 5.12; `ess-indent-line' error ## Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 13:08:25 -0500 ## With the following input, and point on the line with "Table 8.3": ## it was the parenthetical expression at the beg of line if (require(lme4)) { ## Model in p. 213 (fm1 <- lmer(logFEV1 ~ age + log(height) + age0 + log(height0) + (age | id), data=fev1, subset=logFEV1 > -0.5)) ## Table 8.3 VarCorr(fm1)$id * 100 ## Model in p. 216 (fm2 <- update(fm1, . ~ . - (age | id) + (log(height) | id))) } ### ----- ## hitting TAB (`ess-indent-command'), which calls `ess-indent-line' I get ## the following trace: ## ....: (scan-error "Containing expression ends prematurely" 20 20) ## scan-sexps(177 -2) ## forward-sexp(-2) ## ... ## ess-continued-statement-p() ## ...... ## Interestingly, if the lines 2-4 are absent, then the problem is gone. ## The problem is also there in ESS 5.11. ## I'll try to find out what is going on in `ess-continued-statement-p' but ## given that I'm not very familiar with the stuff in ess-mode.el, I'm ## submitting the report in case somebody can detect the issue sooner. ## another example: hitting Tab at }else line .essDev_differs <- function(f1, f2){ if (is.function(f1) && is.function(f2)){ !(identical(body(f1), body(f2)) && identical(args(f1), args(f2))) }else !identical(f1, f2) } ### --- 10 --------------------------------------------------------------- ## indent at 0 after }else: ## VS:[03-2012|12.03]:FIXED: if (is.function(f1) && is.function(f2)){ !(identical(body(f1), body(f2)) && identical(args(f1), args(f2))) }else !identical(f1, f2) ### --- 11 --------------------------------------------------------------- ## --------------- C-c C-c was finding the wrong "beginning of function" ## [:FIXED:, 2011-05-28] foobar <- function(...) {} rm(list=ls()) ##--------> consequence of the above experiments: ## the 2nd form is numerically "uniformly better" than the first ##--------> 2011-05-27: Change Frank's psiInv() to ## psiInv = function(t,theta) ## -log1p(exp(-theta)*expm1((1-t)*theta)/expm1(-theta)) ### --- 12 --------------------------------------------------------------- ##--- In the following block, in the first line, C-c C-c does *NOT* behave ## VS[10-03-2012|ESS 12.03]: works fine for me: th <- 48 # now do ls() and see what happened ... the horror !!! d <- 3 cpF <- list("Frank", list(th, 1:d)) cop <- acF <- cpF$copula ### --- 13 --------------------------------------------------------------- ## VS[05-05-2012|ESS 12.04]: looks like :FIXED: ## From: Aleksandar Blagotic ## To: ## Subject: [ESS] R-mode: forward-sexp: Scan error: "Unbalanced parentheses" ## Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2011 01:24:11 +0100 # ## Let's presuppose that I have a function like this: # fn <- function(x, ...){ re <- "^#{1,6} [[:print:]]+$" grepl(re, x, ...) } ## As soon as I put my cursor at the end of the line with regexp, and ## press RET, I get this error: ## forward-sexp: Scan error: "Unbalanced parentheses" ## ##------- ## Rodney S: I can reproduce it ... ## Martin M: I can NOT reproduce it, neither with 'emacs -Q'; ## tried both ESS 5.14 and ESS from svn ## VS[03-2012|12.03]: Cannot reproduce it either, solved? ### --- 14 --------------------------------------------------------------- ## check the behavior of ess-arg-function-offset-new-line a <- some.function( arg1, arg2) ## ^--- RRR has ess-arg-function-offset-new-line (4) ==> should indent here a <- some.function(arg1, arg2) ## ^--- here ### --- 15 -------------------------------------------------------------- ## VS[05-05-2012|ESS 12.04]:FIXED: ## indentation of the 3rd line is wrong for(s in seq(10, 50, len = 5)) for(a in seq(.5, 1, len = 5)) pt_dif_plot(s, a) ## ^-- here ### --- 16 ---- ## VS[05-05-2012|ESS 12.04]:FIXED: ## MM[2014-04-28]: added '}' before else (=> "{" after if(.)) ## so parse() works at all! ## Gives error unbalanced para at else lines and indentation is wrong ## error: Point is not in a function according to 'ess-function-pattern'. getOrCreateForm <- function(bindName, whereEnv) if(exists(bindName, envir = get(".forms", envir = whereEnv))) { get(bindName, envir = whereEnv) ### ^-- here } else new("protoForm") ### ^-- here parentContainer <- if(is.null(.getPrototype(.Object@host))) { emptyenv() } else sdf ### ^-- here parentContainer <- if(is.null(.getPrototype(.Object@host))) emptyenv() else sdf ### ^-- here ### --- 17 --- ## Indentation ----- "expression" is special expremmion <- c(1, 3, 9876)# was always ok ## Had wrong indentation here: expression <- c(2343, 23874, 239487) ## or here: foo <- function(x) { expression <- c(2343, 23874, 239487) 10 + expression } ## Where as here, we *do* want the indentation to ## *NOT* go all the way to the right: { my.long.Expression <- expression( x[a[j]] == exp(theta[1] + theta[2]^2), x[b[i]] == sin(theta[3] ~~ theta[4]) ) ausdruck <- expression my.long.Expr...... <- ausdruck( x[a[j]] == exp(theta[1] + theta[2]^2), ) } ## VS[18-08-2012]: redundant feature. This is a feature for long subexpressions ## imidiately folowing new line. Documented in ess-arg-function-offset-new-line ### --- 18 --- ## M-C-a (beginning of function) ## ----- anywhere inside the following function, M-C-a must go to beginning Ops.x.x <- function(e1, e2) { d <- dimCheck(e1,e2) if((dens1 <- extends(c1 <- class(e1), "denseMatrix"))) gen1 <- extends(c1, "generalMatrix") if((dens2 <- extends(c2 <- class(e2), "denseMatrix"))) gen2 <- extends(c2, "generalMatrix") if(dens1 && dens2) { ## both inherit from ddense* geM <- TRUE if(!gen1) { if(!gen2) { ## consider preserving "triangular" / "symmetric" geM <- FALSE le <- prod(d) isPacked <- function(x) length(x@x) < le } } ## now, in all cases @x should be matching & correct {only "uplo" part is used} r <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2@x) if(geM) new(paste0(.M.kind(r), "geMatrix"), x = r, Dim = d, Dimnames = dimnames(e1)) else new(paste0(.M.kind(r), Mclass), x = r, Dim = d, .....) } else { r <- .... ## criterion "2 * nnz(.) < ." as in sparseDefault() in Matrix() [./Matrix.R] : if(2 * nnzero(r, na.counted = TRUE) < prod(d)) as(r, "sparseMatrix") else r } } ### --- 19 --- ## indentation with regexp (bug in ess-backward-to-noncomment) parse_roc <- function(lines, match = "^\\s*+\' ?") { lines <- lines[str_detect(lines, match)] if (length(lines) == 0) return(NULL) ### ^-- here (2014-11: fixed) } ### --- 20 --- ## continuation indentation must be consistent in/out {}: { a <- ggplot(data = overtime.by.month, aes(x="", y=Percent, fill = Overtime)) + geom_bar(width = 1) + xlab('') + ylab(sub.txt) + labs(title = title.txt) + facet_wrap(~Year.Month) } a <- ggplot(data = overtime.by.month, aes(x="", y=Percent, fill = Overtime)) + geom_bar(width = 1) + xlab('') + ylab(sub.txt) + labs(title = title.txt) + facet_wrap(~Year.Month) ### ^-- face_wrap must be here ### --- 20b --- ## From https://github.com/emacs-ess/ESS/issues/120 mean(rnorm(100, mean = runif(1, 1, 10)), na.rm =TRUE) + 2 ## ^--- 2 is here mean(rnorm(100, mean = runif(1, 1, 10)), na.rm =TRUE) + 2 ## ^--- 2 is here mean(rnorm(100, mean = runif(1, 1, 10)), na.rm=TRUE) + 2 ## ^--- 2 is here ### --- 21 --- ## From: Marius Hofert ## Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 21:00:45 +0100 ## Hi, ## The following bug happens in ESS 12.09-2 [rev. 5395 (2013-01-10)]. Put the ## cursor in the line before the function head and hit C-c C-c. foo <- function(x) x # bar x <- 1:10 ## I'll see ## > + > [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ## ESS 15.03: Error in eval(expr, .... : object 'x' not found foo <- function(x) x*x bar <- function(y) y ## via C-c C-c leads to "Error: object 'bar' not found". -- fixed ### --- 22 ---- ## now correct indentation (inspite of # {was same reason as 19}) if (!grepl("#", x)) return(res) ### --- 23 ---- ### three ways to indent closing parent depending on context: foo <- function_call( a, b, c ) ### ^-- ) is here now foo <- function_call( a, b, c ) ### ")" is at column 0 foo <- function_call(a, b, c ) ### ^-- ) is here ### --- 24 --- ### shift comma in function calls foo <- function_call(a , b , c ### ^-- c is here ) ### ^-- ) is here ### --- 25 --- ## if/else in function calls and nested function_call(abc = if (test) do_something else do_something_else) function_call( abc = if (test) do_something else do_something_else) function_call(abc = if (test) do_something else do_something_else) ## real example is smooth.spline() source code [still (2015-04-08) wrong / bug!] ss <- function (x, all.knots, nknots, ...) { if (all.knots) { if (!missing(nknots) && !is.null(nknots)) warning("'all.knots' is TRUE; 'nknots' specification is disregarded") nknots <- nx } else if (is.null(nknots)) # <- for back compatibility nknots <- .nknots.smspl(nx) else { ### ^ want 'else' there if (is.function(nknots)) nknots <- nknots(nx) else if (!is.numeric(nknots)) stop("'nknots' must be numeric (in {1,..,n})") if (nknots < 1) stop("'nknots' must be at least 1") else if (nknots > nx) stop("cannot use more inner knots than unique 'x' values") } ### ^-- want '}' there } ## "if" conditional is an exception of the continuation rules: ## Here, we do not want subsequently further indentation of the c1 || c2 || c3 ## part: t2 <- function(x) { if(long.expression.of.some.size(x, pi) || another.longish.expression(sin(x)*exp(x)) || a.third.condition.under.which.A.is.chosen) ### ^-- here A else B } r <- (some.function (x, 2342) + another.f (x^3) + sdfsdf - sdfsdf + and(x) + the(x) - last(x)*part(3)) ### --- 26 ---- ## This is formally correct R, though help(parse) mentions the line-length limit of ## 4095 __when reading from the console__ ## ESS gives syntax errors ("Error: unexpected ','" ...) when evaluating this ## because line length >= 4096 : ## x <- c(1, 3.075819, 1.515999, 2.156169, 1.480742, 1.765485, 1.460206, 1.603707, 1.427429, 1.504712, 1.334528, 1.48297, 1.355308, 1.383867, 1.319241, 1.36065, 1.307467, 1.365596, 1.255259, 1.352741, 1.239381, 3.15342, 1.799889, 2.258497, 1.688312, 1.906779, 1.548203, 1.724785, 1.500873, 1.573442, 1.417137, 1.540805, 1.395945, 1.472596, 1.394247, 1.377487, 1.337394, 1.369354, 1.333378, 1.3181, 1.313813, 1.315528, 2.12777, 2.718898, 1.993509, 2.220433, 1.820585, 1.97782, 1.672455, 1.770151, 1.587478, 1.685352, 1.539295, 1.584536, 1.499487, 1.50702, 1.41952, 1.449058, 1.393042, 1.432999, 1.369964, 1.400997, 1.333824, 2.950549, 2.145387, 2.382224, 1.927077, 2.032489, 1.8371, 1.877833, 1.710891, 1.756053, 1.620778, 1.657761, 1.558978, 1.56257, 1.508633, 1.534406, 1.46709, 1.468734, 1.432529, 1.455283, 1.386975, 1.417532, 2.229573, 2.494447, 2.016117, 2.190061, 1.877996, 1.978964, 1.767284, 1.836948, 1.677372, 1.743316, 1.616383, 1.655964, 1.55484, 1.594831, 1.502185, 1.543723, 1.467005, 1.491123, 1.44402, 1.446915, 1.401578, 2.580264, 2.109121, 2.240741, 1.944719, 2.043397, 1.821808, 1.89725, 1.748788, 1.786988, 1.659333, 1.697012, 1.610622, 1.616503, 1.538529, 1.562024, 1.499964, 1.529344, 1.474519, 1.483264, 1.441552, 1.434448, 2.165233, 2.320281, 2.007836, 2.086471, 1.884052, 1.950563, 1.76926, 1.843328, 1.708941, 1.741039, 1.627206, 1.644755, 1.580563, 1.593402, 1.527312, 1.568418, 1.501462, 1.502542, 1.464583, 1.467921, 1.431141, 2.340443, 2.048262, 2.161097, 1.926082, 1.995422, 1.81446, 1.853165, 1.738533, 1.784456, 1.679444, 1.696463, 1.612931, 1.629483, 1.548186, 1.580026, 1.52198, 1.531111, 1.482914, 1.484824, 1.442726, 1.447838, 2.093386, 2.185793, 1.948989, 2.02804, 1.867137, 1.907732, 1.771923, 1.800413, 1.691612, 1.720603, 1.642705, 1.649769, 1.589028, 1.598955, 1.539759, 1.55096, 1.503965, 1.50703, 1.471349, 1.469791, 1.436959, 2.218315, 1.997369, 2.041128, 1.887059, 1.928524, 1.79626, 1.827538, 1.716748, 1.735696, 1.658329, 1.664211, 1.599286, 1.611511, 1.553925, 1.562637, 1.516805, 1.529894, 1.476064, 1.482474, 1.453253, 1.458467, 2.0247, 2.07899, 1.921976, 1.949376, 1.824629, 1.851671, 1.744713, 1.765647, 1.683525, 1.685592, 1.625113, 1.624961, 1.571921, 1.581223, 1.535257, 1.537464, 1.497165, 1.504879, 1.468682, 1.469319, 1.448344, 2.092315, 1.941412, 1.969843, 1.844093, 1.866133, 1.766145, 1.783829, 1.703613, 1.709714, 1.646078, 1.654264, 1.594523, 1.598488, 1.545105, 1.555356, 1.514627, 1.521353, 1.483958, 1.487677, 1.449191, 1.459721, 1.958987, 1.985144, 1.87739, 1.879643, 1.786823, 1.799642, 1.720015, 1.724688, 1.663539, 1.662997, 1.609267, 1.615124, 1.56746, 1.562026, 1.520586, 1.52503, 1.493008, 1.502496, 1.471983, 1.468546, 1.435064, 1.994706, 1.880348, 1.894254, 1.805827, 1.815965, 1.744296, 1.743389, 1.665481, 1.681644, 1.624466, 1.626109, 1.584028, 1.5818, 1.54376, 1.547237, 1.504878, 1.515087, 1.479032, 1.47936, 1.450758, 1.45073, 1.892685, 1.91087, 1.825301, 1.827176, 1.745363, 1.746115, 1.693373, 1.701692, 1.648247, 1.637112, 1.594648, 1.592013, 1.554849, 1.55013, 1.522186, 1.520901, 1.492606, 1.493072, 1.460868, 1.46733, 1.440956, 1.92771, 1.835696, 1.841979, 1.775991, 1.766092, 1.703807, 1.708791, 1.654985, 1.655917, 1.602388, 1.611867, 1.570765, 1.573368, 1.53419, 1.529033, 1.506767, 1.503596, 1.481126, 1.471806, 1.444917, 1.451682, 1.850262, 1.855034, 1.778997, 1.789995, 1.718871, 1.717326, 1.667357, 1.666291, 1.619743, 1.631475, 1.582624, 1.58766, 1.546302, 1.545063, 1.512222, 1.517888, 1.489127, 1.487271, 1.466722, 1.463618, 1.444137, 1.8709, 1.794033, 1.80121, 1.736376, 1.740201, 1.673776, 1.682541, 1.638153, 1.642294, 1.604417, 1.597721, 1.559534, 1.559108, 1.533942, 1.529348, 1.499517, 1.501586, 1.473147, 1.473031, 1.457615, 1.452348, 1.805753, 1.812952, 1.746549, 1.747222, 1.696924, 1.694957, 1.652157, 1.650568, 1.607807, 1.613666, 1.577295, 1.570712, 1.543704, 1.538272, 1.515369, 1.517113, 1.487451, 1.491593, 1.464514, 1.464658, 1.439359, 1.823222, 1.758781, 1.767358, 1.70872, 1.712926, 1.666956, 1.667838, 1.62077, 1.621445, 1.592891, 1.58549, 1.55603, 1.559042, 1.521501, 1.523342, 2, 3, 4) ### --- 27 ---- ## Indentation after open brace .a.lst <- list(ex1 = function(p) { cMah <- qchisq(0.975, p) function(d) as.numeric(d < cMah) ### ^--- now here (less indented than prev.) }, ex2 = function(p) { cM <- qchisq(0.95, p) function(d) as.numeric(d < cM) ### ^--- here }) ### ^--- '}' here .a.lst <- list(ex1 = function(p) { cMah <- qchisq(0.975, p) function(d) as.numeric(d < cMah) }, ## <- now at column 0 {also the next line} ex2 = function(p) { cM <- qchisq(0.95, p) function(d) as.numeric(d < cM) }) .a.lst <- list(list(aa = { bbb ### ^--- here }, aaa = function(p) { qchisq(0.95, p) ### ^--- here }, aaaa = { cccc ### ^--- here })) list(function(p){ abc ### ^-- here ## <-- Press [Tab] before/at the first '#': should *NOT* insert '...=' }) ### at column 0 (ab) { sfdsf ### ^-- here } ### --- 27b --- [new, 2015-04-09] print.MethodsFunction <- function(x, byclass = attr(x, "byclass"), ...) { info <- attr(x, "info") values <- if (byclass) { unique(info$generic) } else { visible <- ifelse(info$visible, "", "*") paste0(rownames(info), visible) ### ^-- both lines above should start here } ### ^-- "}" here ## 2nd version: val <- if (byclass) { unique(info$generic) } else { visible <- ifelse(info$visible, "", "*") paste0(rownames(info), visible) ### ^-- both lines above should start here } ### ^-- "}" here invisible(x) } ### --- 28 --- [2015-02-17; still unfixed, 2015-11-21] ## Indentation of end-line comments (to column 40 = 'indent-column') ## {this is part of "real" code in Rmpfr/R/hjk.R}: hjk <- function(x,n) { # <--- C-M-q "on {" -- does *no longer* indent the "# .." ##-- Setting steps and stepsize ----- nsteps <- floor(log2(1/tol)) # number of steps steps <- 2^c(-(0:(nsteps-1))) # decreasing step size dir <- diag(1, n, n) # orthogonal directions x <- par # start point fx <- f(x) # smallest value so far fcount <- 1 # counts number of function calls if (info) cat(sprintf("step nofc %-12s | %20s\n", "fmin", "xpar")) ##-- Start the main loop ------------ ns <- 0 while (ns < nsteps && fcount < maxfeval && abs(fx) < target) { ns <- ns + 1 hjs <- .hjsearch(x, f, steps[ns], dir, fcount, maxfeval, target) } hjs } ### --- 29 --- foreach(a = 1:3) %do% { a^2 ### ^--- here } foreach(a = 1:3) %:% foreach(b = 10:13) %dopar% { ### ^--- here a + b ### ^---- here } ### ^--- here read.csv('file.csv') %>% mutate(X = X+2, Y = Y/2) %>% ### ^--- here filter(X < 5) ### ^-- here (*was* indented earlier) ### --- 30 --- ## a) ok: { r <- array(if (d[3L] == 3L) rgb(t(x[,,1L]), t(x[,,2L]), t(x[,,3L]), maxColorValue = max) else if (d[3L] == 4L) rgb(t(x[,,1L]), t(x[,,2L]), t(x[,,3L]), t(x[,,4L]), maxColorValue = max) else stop("foo"), dim = d[1:2]) } ## b) ok : { obj <- obj && (condition1 || class2 %in% .BasicClasses || condition3) } ## c) ok: { if (any(abs(d) < .001*abs(dd) | (is.na(d) & x == y))) TRUE } ### --- 31 -------- ## C-s "recog"; M-C-a -- should go to beginning of function, does not glmmTMB <- function (formula, data = NULL) { ## glFormula <- function(formula, data=NULL, family = gaussian, ## subset, weights, na.action, offset, ## contrasts = NULL, mustart, etastart, ## control = glmerControl(), ...) { ## FIXME: check for offsets in ziformula/dispformula, throw an error call <- mf <- mc <- match.call() if (is.null(family$family)) { print(family) stop("'family' not recognized") } } ### --- 32 --- 2015-11-07 --- indentation again! -------- { yl <- if(strictlim) { ylim } else { range(y, ylim) } ## room below for weights dy <- 4*dy } ## -- 32 b) { yl <- if(strictlim) { ylim } else range(y, ylim) ## continue } ## -- 32 c) { U <- if(is.matrix(x)) apply(x, 2, foo) / (nrow(x) + 1) else foo(x) / (length(x) + 1) } ## 'else' now aligns with 'if' (and their code too) ### --- 33 -- Treat `<<-` as `<-` { f(X <- callme(arg)) f(X <<- callme(arg)) } ## the 2nd callme() now indents like the first ### --- 34 --- "eval-function" (e.g. C-c C-c) fails with this ##' checking pretty(): chkPretty <- function(x, n = 5, min.n = NULL, ..., max.D = 1) { if(is.null(min.n)) { ## work with both pretty.default() and greDevices::prettyDate() ## *AND* these have a different default for 'min.n' we must be "extra smart": min.n <- if(inherits(x, "Date") || inherits(x, "POSIXt")) n %/% 2 # grDevices:::prettyDate else n %/% 3 # pretty.default } pr <- pretty(x, n=n, min.n=min.n, ...) ## if debugging: pr <- grDevices:::prettyDate(x, n=n, min.n=min.n, ...) stopifnot(length(pr) >= (min.n+1), abs(length(pr) - (n+1)) <= max.D, ## must be equidistant [may need fuzz, i.e., signif(.) ?]: length(pr) == 1 || length(unique(diff(pr))) == 1, ## pretty(x, *) must cover range of x: min(pr) <= min(x), max(x) <= max(pr)) invisible(pr) } ### --- 35 --- indentation of conditional function definitions: ## from a robustbase vignette: { ## calculate robustness weights lwgts <- Mwgt(lresid, lctrl$tuning.psi, lctrl$psi) ## function to calculate robustified leverages tfun <- if (is.function(attr(estlist$design, 'gen'))) function(i) { if (all(is.na(wi <- lwgts[i,]))) wi else .lmrob.hat(lXs[,,i,lcdn[2]],wi) } else ### \-<-- 'else' (and all below) should indent 4 more, 'else' matching the above 'if' function(i) { if (all(is.na(wi <- lwgts[i,]))) wi else .lmrob.hat(lX, wi) } } ### --- 36 --- indentation of '#' inside string plus a '#' after that, issue #446 A <- f("abc") + f("abc") + f("abc") + f("abc # abc") + ## The above is now ok, f("abc # abc") + # <- comment w/o quotes or hashtag -- fixed now: next line was indented to beginning of line f("ABCDEF") + f(g(h("abc # def"), "foo ## bar")) + f("another") ### --- 37 ----------Github issue #432 ---- now fixed ## Indentation after string with "*" fo4 <- function(x, ...) { if(length(x) > 0) warning("Result gave strings of *different* #{characters}") x ## 'x' was wrongly indented --here: ^ } ### --- 38 ----------Mario Bouguin to ESS-bugs, Nov 21, 2017 ---- scored <- read.csv(scored_path, comment.char="#") ## writes ## When I'm on the line and execute ess-eval-region-or-function-or-paragraph-and-step (i.e. C-c C-c), R only receives this: ## ## > scored <- read.csv(scored_path, comment.char=" ## + ## MM: but I don't see this, so told him to upgrade ESS (he had 16.10, Windows) ## This is a problem only inside package code [ess-tracebug related] rm(old,new) old <- 10 # line 1, use ess-eval-line, i.e., C-c C-j new <- old+1 # line 2, use ess-eval-line-and-step, i.e., C-c C-n ### Local Variables: ### page-delimiter: "^### --- [1-9]" ### End: