;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. #@271 Return a regexp to match a string item in STRINGS. If optional PAREN non-nil, output regexp parentheses around returned regexp. If optional LAX non-nil, don't output parentheses if it doesn't require them. Merges keywords to avoid backtracking in Emacs' regexp matcher. (defalias 'make-regexp #[(strings &optional paren lax) "\306 \211\203\n\307\n@\nA\"\241\211\204\310 \311\") \203#\312\202$\313 \203-\314\202.\313#\2038\313\2029\f$#\203D\313\202E %\315& G\316U\203[$ @%Q\202) @\313\230\203\211 G\317U\203~ A@G\316U\203~$ A@\320%R\202)\f\321\322 A! R\202) G\323\324\325\326 \"\"U\203\246$\327\330\331 \313#\332%\260\202)\333\313\325\334 \"\"\211'G\335V\203\320'G(\325\336 \")\f'\322)\337\211# R*\202(\340*\341\313\325\334 \"\")\211+G\316V\203\342*\341\313\325\334 \"\"),\f\322+!\321\322,! \260)\202' @\335\316O-\341-\325\334 \"\"\211.G \233/\f\322.!\321\322/! \260+)).\207" [max-lisp-eval-depth strings l paren open-paren close-paren 1048576 delete sort string-lessp "\\(" "" "\\)" nil 1 2 "?" "\\|" make-regexp apply + mapcar length "[" mapconcat identity "]" try-completion list 0 #[(str) " \302O\207" [str len nil] 3] t ("^.$") all-completions ("^..+$") lax open-lax close-lax completion-ignore-case prefix len sufs completion-regexp-list letters rest char half1 half2] 7 (#$ . 88)]) #@114 Return the span or depth of REGEXP. This means the number of "\\(...\\)" pairs in REGEXP, optionally from START. (defalias 'regexp-span #[(regexp &optional start) "\303\304 \206\305#\211\204\305\202\306\305\225\"T)\207" [regexp start match string-match "\\\\(" 0 regexp-span] 5 (#$ . 1449)]) #@889 Return a regexp to match REGEXPS Each item of REGEXPS should be of the form: STRING ; A STRING to be used literally. (STRING MATCH FACE DATA) ; Match STRING at depth MATCH with FACE ; and highlight according to DATA. (STRINGS FACE DATA) ; STRINGS is a list of strings FACE is ; to highlight according to DATA. Returns a list of the form: (REGEXP (MATCH FACE DATA) ...) For example: (make-regexps "^(" '(("defun" "defalias" "defsubst" "defadvice") keyword) "[ ]*" '("\\([a-zA-Z-]+\\)?" 1 function-name nil t)) => ("^(\\(def\\(a\\(dvice\\|lias\\)\\|subst\\|un\\)\\)[ ]*\\([a-zA-Z-]+\\)?" (1 keyword) (4 function-name nil t)) Uses `make-regexp' to make efficient regexps. (defalias 'make-regexps #[(&rest regexps) "\303\304\n\203Q\n@;\203 \n@P\202J\n@@;\2036\305 !\n@A@\\\n@AABB \n@@P\202J\305 !T\n@ABB \306\n@@\307\"P\nA\211\204 \237*B\207" [data regexp regexps "" nil regexp-span make-regexp t] 5 (#$ . 1757)]) (provide 'make-regexp)