;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\303\304\305\306\307DD\310\311\301\312\313&\210\303\314\305\306\315DD\316\311\301\312\313&\207" [require eval-in-repl python custom-declare-variable eir-python-dedicated funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "When t, create a dedicated REPL.\n\nCurrently only supports a non-dedicated REPL" :group :type boolean eir-use-python-shell-send-string #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "When t, use python-shell-send-region.\n\nThis option uses python-shell-send-region, which is a part of the python-mode\nas the back end. This function creates a temporary file, which is then evaluated\nby python-shell-send-file. This is are more robust approach is not affected by\nempty lines within a function body. However, this approach does not show the code\nin the REPL, which is one of the main features of eval-in-repl."] 8) #@43 Switch to inferior Python process buffer. (defalias 'eir-python-shell-switch-to-shell #[0 "\300\301\302\303 !!\304\"\207" [switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer-name process-buffer python-shell-get-or-create-process t] 4 (#$ . 932) nil]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305#\306#\207" [defalias eir-send-to-python apply-partially eir-send-to-repl python-shell-switch-to-shell comint-send-input "Send expression to *Python* and have it evaluated."] 6) #@117 Wrapper for python-shell-send-string. Bring up the Python shell before call python-shell-send-string. (fn STRING) (defalias 'eir-python-shell-send-string #[257 "\300 \301 \210db\210\302!\210db\210\303!\210\304 \210\305\207" [selected-window python-shell-switch-to-shell python-shell-send-string select-window deactivate-mark nil] 4 (#$ . 1390) nil]) #@78 Modified version of run-python This one does not disturb the window layout. (defalias 'eir-run-python #[0 "\301\302 \303!\304#\305\306 \"\266\307\310!\207" [eir-python-dedicated python-shell-make-comint python-shell-parse-command python-shell-get-process-name nil set-window-buffer selected-window sit-for 1] 4 (#$ . 1750) nil]) #@26 eval-in-repl for Python. (defalias 'eir-eval-in-python #[0 "`\304\305\306\"\210\203% \203%\n\203\307\310`\311 \"!\210\312 \207\313\310`\311 \"!\207\314 \210\315`!\210\316 \210\317 \210`\311 \232\204\\\n\203N\307\310`Td^\311 \"!\210\312 \210\202_\313\310`Td^\311 \"!\210\202_\312 \210 \203f\320 \207\211b\207" [transient-mark-mode mark-active eir-use-python-shell-send-string eir-jump-after-eval eir-repl-start "*Python*" eir-run-python eir-python-shell-send-string buffer-substring-no-properties mark deactivate-mark eir-send-to-python beginning-of-line set-mark python-nav-end-of-statement python-nav-end-of-block python-nav-forward-statement] 5 (#$ . 2089) nil]) (provide 'eval-in-repl-python)