;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\304\305\306\307\310DD\311\312\313\314\315&\210\304\316\306\307\317DD\320\312\313\314\321&\210\304\322\306\307\323DD\324\312\313\314\325&\210\304\326\306\307\327DD\330\312\313\314\331\332\333& \210\304\334\306\307\335DD\336\312\313\314\337&\207" [require dash paredit ace-window custom-declare-variable eir-jump-after-eval funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "When t enables jumping to next expression after REPL evaluation.\n\nJumps to the next expression after REPL evaluation if this option\nis not-nil (default), stays where it is otherwise." :group eval-in-repl :type (boolean) eir-delete-other-windows #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "When t, deletes all non-script windows at REPL startup.\n\nIf t, at REPL startup, all windows other than the current script\nwindow are deleted and two-window REPL/script configuration is used." (boolean) eir-always-split-script-window #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "When t, always split script window at REPL startup.\n\nIf t, at REPL startup, the current script window is split into\ntwo using the eir-repl-placement setting." (boolean) eir-repl-placement #[0 "\300\207" [left] 1] "Where to place REPL when splitting script window.\n\nGive a quoted symbol 'left, 'right, 'above, or 'below." (symbol) :options (left right above below) eir-shell-buffer-name #[0 "\300\207" [#1="*shell*"] 1 #1#] "The shell buffer name that will be used for the code execution" (string)] 10) #@77 Return a list of elements matching the REGEXP in the LIST. (fn REGEXP LST) (defalias 'eir--matching-elements #[514 "\300\301\302\"\"\207" [-filter make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 string-match] 4 "\n\n(fn ELT)"]] 6 (#$ . 1546)]) #@413 Start a REPL if not already available. Start a REPL using a function specified in FUN-REPL-START, if a buffer matching REPL-BUFFER-REGEXP is not already available. If EXEC-IN-SCRIPT is true, run FUN-REPL-START in the script buffer, which is the intended use for some major modes (e.g., geiser). Also split the current window when staring a REPL. (fn REPL-BUFFER-REGEXP FUN-REPL-START &optional EXEC-IN-SCRIPT) (defalias 'eir-repl-start #[770 "\303\211\211\211\304\305\306\307 \"\"?\205Y\310 \262\306 \262\203 \311 \210 \203/\312\303\n\303$\262\202I\204I\313 \314V\203A\315 \262\202I\312\303\n\303$\262\204Q\316!\210\317!\210\316!\207" [eir-delete-other-windows eir-always-split-script-window eir-repl-placement nil eir--matching-elements mapcar buffer-name buffer-list selected-window delete-other-windows split-window count-windows 1 ace-select-window select-window call-interactively] 12 (#$ . 1793) nil]) #@199 Send a string to a REPL buffer for execution. Given a REGION-STRING, switch to the REPL buffer by FUN-CHANGE-TO-REPL, and execute by FUN-EXECUTE. (fn FUN-CHANGE-TO-REPL FUN-EXECUTE REGION-STRING) (defalias 'eir-send-to-repl #[771 "\300  \210db\210c\210 \210\301!\210\302 \210\303\207" [selected-window select-window deactivate-mark nil] 6 (#$ . 2734)]) #@490 eval-in-repl function for lisp languages. Evaluate expression using a REPL specified by REPL-BUFFER-REGEXP. If not present, a REPL is started using FUN-REPL-START. Send expression using a function specified in FUN-REPL-SEND. A function definition is detected by a string specified in DEFUN-STRING and handled accordingly. EXEC-IN-SCRIPT determines if FUN-REPL-START should be run in the script. (fn REPL-BUFFER-REGEXP FUN-REPL-START FUN-REPL-SEND DEFUN-STRING &optional EXEC-IN-SCRIPT) (defalias 'eir-eval-in-repl-lisp #[1284 "`\303#\210\203 \203\304`\305 \"!\207\306 \210\307!\2038\310\311 !\210\312 \210\304`\305 \"!\210\312 \210\202Z\211b\210\313 \210i\314=\204J\313 \210\202>\310\311 !\210\312 \210\304`\305 \"!\210\n\203a\312 \207\211b\207" [transient-mark-mode mark-active eir-jump-after-eval eir-repl-start buffer-substring-no-properties mark beginning-of-line looking-at set-mark line-beginning-position forward-sexp paredit-backward 0] 10 (#$ . 3100) nil]) #@218 Move ARG lines of code forward (backward if ARG is negative). Skips past all empty and comment lines. Default for ARG is 1. On success, return 0. Otherwise, go as far as possible and return -1. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'eir-next-code-line #[256 "\211\204\300\262\301 \210\302\302V\203\300\202\303\302U\204A\302U\203A\211y\262\302U\2039\304\305!\2039\211y\262\202&Z\262\202\207" [1 beginning-of-line 0 -1 looking-at "\\s-*\\($\\|\\s<\\)"] 5 (#$ . 4095) "p"]) (provide 'eval-in-repl)