;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\210\3061 \300\307!0\210\202%\210\310\311!\210\312\313\314\315!\2031\315\2022\316\"\210\312\317\314\320!\203@\320\202A\321\"\207" [require evil-vars evil-digraphs rect thingatpt cl-lib (error) windmove message "evil: Could not load `windmove', window commands not available." defalias evil-get-selection fboundp gui-get-selection x-get-selection evil-set-selection gui-set-selection x-set-selection] 4) #@161 Wrapper for `called-interactively-p'. In older versions of Emacs, `called-interactively-p' takes no arguments. In Emacs 23.2 and newer, it takes one argument. (defalias 'evil-called-interactively-p '(macro . #[0 "\300\301!\207" [called-interactively-p any] 2 (#$ . 570)])) (make-obsolete 'evil-called-interactively-p "please use (called-interactively-p 'any) instead." "Git commit 222b791") #@32 Return EXP unquoted. (fn EXP) (defalias 'evil-unquote #[257 "\211\242\300=\203\211A@\262\202\207" [quote] 3 (#$ . 968)]) #@291 Execute FORM when CONDITION becomes true, checking with HOOK. NAME specifies the name of the entry added to HOOK. If APPEND is non-nil, the entry is appended to the hook. If LOCAL is non-nil, the buffer-local value of HOOK is modified. (fn CONDITION FORM HOOK &optional APPEND LOCAL NAME) (defalias 'evil-delay #[1539 "\300!\204\301!\203\301!\207\211\206\302\303\"\304!\206#\305\306\307\310\311\312 D\313 D\312 DF FEM\210\314\315\305#\210\316$\207" [booleanp eval format "evil-delay-form-in-%s" make-symbol t lambda (&rest args) when remove-hook quote function put permanent-local-hook add-hook] 19 (#$ . 1102)]) (put 'evil-delay 'lisp-indent-function 2) #@203 Add the assocation of KEY and VAL to the value of LIST-VAR. If the list already contains an entry for KEY, update that entry; otherwise add at the end of the list. (fn LIST-VAR KEY VAL &rest ELEMENTS) (defalias 'evil--add-to-alist '(macro . #[385 "\242\301=\203\fA@\262\302\303\304\305\"\203Z\306\211\211\211:\203S\262\211A\262\242\262@\262\307\310D\311D\312\313\310EDE\314\312\315\316\317EFEB\262AA\262\202\211\237\266\205\202\216\306\211\211\211:\203\212\262\211A\262\242\262@\262\320\321 \322BBBEB\262AA\262\202_\211\237\266\205C\"B\207" [emacs-version quote progn append version< "26" nil let* key val cell assoc if (setcdr cell val) push (cons key val) setf alist-get (nil nil #'equal)] 17 (#$ . 1795)])) #@203 Add the assocation of KEY and VAL to the value of LIST-VAR. If the list already contains an entry for KEY, update that entry; otherwise add at the end of the list. (fn LIST-VAR KEY VAL &rest ELEMENTS) (defalias 'evil-add-to-alist #[899 "J\211\203\211\242\242\232\204\211A\262\202\211\203\"\211B\240\210\2020\300JBC\"L\210\203;\301\302#\207J\207" [append apply evil-add-to-alist] 10 (#$ . 2561)]) (make-obsolete 'evil-add-to-alist "use `evil--add-to-alist' instead. You may need to recompile code with evil macros." "1.13.1") #@320 Delete by side-effect all items satisfying PREDICATE in LIST. Stop when reaching POINTER. If the first item satisfies PREDICATE, there is no way to remove it by side-effect; therefore, write (setq foo (evil-filter-list 'predicate foo)) to be sure of changing the value of `foo'. (fn PREDICATE LIST &optional POINTER) (defalias 'evil-filter-list #[770 "\300\211\2036=\2046@\262!\203,A\262\211\203&\211\241\210\202\262\202\262A\262\202\207" [nil] 8 (#$ . 3120)]) #@160 Find the first item satisfying PREDICATE in LIST. Stop when reaching POINTER, which should point at a link in the list. (fn PREDICATE LIST &optional POINTER) (defalias 'evil-member-if #[770 "\300\3012+:\205*=?\205*@\262!\203#\302\301\"\210\202A\262\2020\207" [nil done throw] 7 (#$ . 3618)]) #@72 Find the first item satisfying PREDICATE in TREE. (fn PREDICATE TREE) (defalias 'evil-member-recursive-if #[514 "!\203\207\211<\2050\30020\211\211\205-\211@\301\"\211\262\203&\302\300\"\210A\266\202\202\2620\207" [done evil-member-recursive-if throw] 7 (#$ . 3935)]) #@96 Concatenate lists, removing duplicates. Elements are compared with `eq'. (fn &rest SEQUENCES) (defalias 'evil-concat-lists #[128 "\300\211\203#\211@\211\211\203\211@\211B\262A\266\202\202 \210A\266\202\202\210\301\302\303#\237\207" [nil cl-remove-duplicates :test eq] 8 (#$ . 4225)]) #@197 Concatenate association lists, removing duplicates. An alist is a list of cons cells (KEY . VALUE) where each key may occur only once. Later values overwrite earlier values. (fn &rest SEQUENCES) (defalias 'evil-concat-alists #[128 "\300\211\203+\211@\211\211\203#\211@\301\242\"\262\211B\262A\266\202\202 \210A\266\202\202\210\211\237\207" [nil assq-delete-all] 9 (#$ . 4529)]) #@216 Concatenate property lists, removing duplicates. A property list is a list (:KEYWORD1 VALUE1 :KEYWORD2 VALUE2...) where each keyword may occur only once. Later values overwrite earlier values. (fn &rest SEQUENCES) (defalias 'evil-concat-plists #[128 "\300\211\203'\211@\211\203 \301\211A\262\242\211A\262\242#\262\202A\266\202\202\207" [nil plist-put] 9 (#$ . 4929)]) #@331 Concatenate keymap association lists, removing duplicates. A keymap alist is a list of cons cells (VAR . MAP) where each keymap may occur only once, but where the variables may be repeated (e.g., (VAR . MAP1) (VAR . MAP2) is allowed). The order matters, with the highest priority keymaps being listed first. (fn &rest SEQUENCES) (defalias 'evil-concat-keymap-alists #[128 "\300\211\203,\211@\211\211\203$\211@\301\243\"\204\211B\262A\266\202\202 \210A\266\202\202\210\211\237\207" [nil rassq] 9 (#$ . 5320)]) #@256 Delete by side effect the property PROP from PLIST. If PROP is the first property in PLIST, there is no way to remove it by side-effect; therefore, write (setq foo (evil-plist-delete :prop foo)) to be sure of changing the value of `foo'. (fn PROP PLIST) (defalias 'evil-plist-delete #[514 "\211\300\211\2033@\262=\203(AA\262\211\203\"\211A\241\210\202\262\202\262AA\262\202\207" [nil] 7 (#$ . 5852)]) #@290 Return property PROP for KEY in ALIST. ALIST is an association list with entries of the form (KEY . PLIST), where PLIST is a property list. If PROP is nil, return all properties for KEY. If KEY is t, return an association list of keys and their PROP values. (fn ALIST KEY &optional PROP) (defalias 'evil-get-property #[770 "\211\204 \236A\207\300=\203?\301\211\211\203=\211@\211@\262\211A\262\302\"\2036\303\"\262BB\262A\266\202\202\207\303\236A\"\207" [t nil plist-member plist-get] 10 (#$ . 6285)]) #@218 Set PROP to VAL for KEY in ALIST-VAR. ALIST-VAR points to an association list with entries of the form (KEY . PLIST), where PLIST is a property list storing PROP and VAL. (fn ALIST-VAR KEY PROP VAL &rest PROPERTIES) (defalias 'evil-put-property #[1156 "\211J\236A\300#\262\203 \301\"\262\302!@\262\303\"\262BB\211\262\266\202L\210\207" [plist-put evil-concat-plists last assq-delete-all] 12 (#$ . 6822)]) #@249 Return the value of property PROP for STATE. PROP is a keyword as used by `evil-define-state'. STATE is the state's symbolic name. If VALUE is non-nil and the value is a variable, return the value of that variable. (fn STATE PROP &optional VALUE) (defalias 'evil-state-property #[770 "\301#\203\2119\203\302!\203\211J\207\207" [evil-state-properties evil-get-property boundp] 7 (#$ . 7261)]) #@191 Swap the values of variables THIS and THAT. If three or more arguments are given, the values are rotated. E.g., (evil-swap A B C) sets A to B, B to C, and C to A. (fn THIS THAT &rest VARS) (defalias 'evil-swap '(macro . #[642 "\300\301\302\301 EEE\205\303BBCBB\207" [progn setq prog1 evil-swap] 11 (#$ . 7672)])) #@216 Place the smallest value in MIN and the largest in MAX. If three or more arguments are given, place the smallest value in the first argument and the largest in the last, sorting in between. (fn MIN MAX &rest VARS) (defalias 'evil-sort '(macro . #[642 "\300\301!\302\303\304BBB\305BBDC\306\307D\307D\310\311\312\313\314\f\"\f\"\"BBBBBE\207" [make-symbol "sortvar" let sort list ('<) setq pop apply append mapcar make-closure #[257 "\211\301\300DD\207" [V0 pop] 4 "\n\n(fn VAR)"]] 17 (#$ . 8003)])) #@68 Turns vector into a string, changing to '\e' (fn VECTOR) (defalias 'evil-vector-to-string #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [mapconcat #[257 "\211\300=\203\301\207\302\303\"\207" [escape "" make-string 1] 4 "\n\n(fn C)"] ""] 5 (#$ . 8523)]) #@80 Define a command COMMAND. (fn COMMAND (ARGS...) DOC [[KEY VALUE]...] BODY...) (defalias 'evil-define-command '(macro . #[385 "\300\301\211\211\211\211\211\242<\203\211A\262 \242\262G\302V\203D\242\242\303=\2034\211A\262 \242\262\202D\242;\203D\211A\262 \242\262\304\301\305\306#\262\307\242!\203p\211A\262 \242\262\211A\262 \242\262\304#\262\202K\203\240@:\203\240@@\310=\203\240\211A\262 \242\311\312A\"\211@A\310D\262 \313\"\266\205\314 \205\311\205\311\315\n\316\205\271C\f\317\320 \321\"BD#BBB\n\205\333\205\333\322\323\fD\324F\325\326\323\204\365 \203\365\327 BBB\202\367DDC\311\330\326\323 DF\331BBBF\207" [(interactive) nil 1 format plist-put :repeat t keywordp interactive apply evil-interactive-form evil-concat-plists progn defun append ignore cl-set-difference (&optional &rest) put quote 'function-documentation let func lambda #'evil-set-command-properties (func)] 20 (#$ . 8777)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\301\304\305#\306\301\307\310#\207" [function-put evil-define-command lisp-indent-function defun doc-string-elt 3 put edebug-form-spec (&define name [&optional lambda-list] [&optional stringp] [&rest keywordp sexp] [&optional ("interactive" [&rest form])] def-body)] 6) #@101 Whether COMMAND has Evil PROPERTY. See also `evil-has-command-properties-p'. (fn COMMAND PROPERTY) (defalias 'evil-has-command-property-p #[514 "\300\301!\"\207" [plist-member evil-get-command-properties] 5 (#$ . 10077)]) #@104 Whether Evil properties are defined for COMMAND. See also `evil-has-command-property-p'. (fn COMMAND) (defalias 'evil-has-command-properties-p #[257 "\300!\205\301\207" [evil-get-command-properties t] 3 (#$ . 10309)]) #@187 Return the value of Evil PROPERTY of COMMAND. If the command does not have the property, return DEFAULT. See also `evil-get-command-properties'. (fn COMMAND PROPERTY &optional DEFAULT) (defalias 'evil-get-command-property #[770 "\301\"\203 \302#\207\207" [evil-command-properties evil-has-command-property-p evil-get-property] 7 (#$ . 10538)]) #@92 Return all Evil properties of COMMAND. See also `evil-get-command-property'. (fn COMMAND) (defalias 'evil-get-command-properties #[257 "\301\"\207" [evil-command-properties evil-get-property] 4 (#$ . 10895)]) #@170 Set PROPERTY to VALUE for COMMAND. To set multiple properties at once, see `evil-set-command-properties' and `evil-add-command-properties'. (fn COMMAND PROPERTY VALUE) (defalias 'evil-set-command-property #[771 "\300\301$\207" [evil-put-property evil-command-properties] 8 (#$ . 11114)]) (defalias 'evil-put-command-property 'evil-set-command-property) #@167 Add PROPERTIES to COMMAND. PROPERTIES should be a property list. To replace all properties at once, use `evil-set-command-properties'. (fn COMMAND &rest PROPERTIES) (defalias 'evil-add-command-properties #[385 "\300\301\302$\207" [apply evil-put-property evil-command-properties] 7 (#$ . 11478)]) #@217 Replace all of COMMAND's properties with PROPERTIES. PROPERTIES should be a property list. This erases all previous properties; to only add properties, use `evil-set-command-property'. (fn COMMAND &rest PROPERTIES) (defalias 'evil-set-command-properties #[385 "\301\"\211\205\302\303#\207" [evil-command-properties assq-delete-all apply evil-add-command-properties] 6 (#$ . 11785)]) #@188 Remove PROPERTIES from COMMAND. PROPERTIES should be a list of properties (:PROP1 :PROP2 ...). If PROPERTIES is the empty list, all properties are removed. (fn COMMAND &rest PROPERTIES) (defalias 'evil-remove-command-properties #[385 "\300\203\301!\262\211\203\211@\302\"\262A\266\202\202 \210\303\304#\207" [nil evil-get-command-properties evil-plist-delete apply evil-set-command-properties] 8 (#$ . 12183)]) #@99 Return the yank handler for MOTION. MOTION defaults to the current motion. (fn &optional MOTION) (defalias 'evil-yank-handler #[256 "\211\206\262\301\302\"\207" [evil-this-motion evil-get-command-property :yank-handler] 4 (#$ . 12616)]) #@114 Declare COMMAND to be a movement function. This ensures that it behaves correctly in visual state. (fn COMMAND) (defalias 'evil-declare-motion #[257 "\300\301\302\303\304%\207" [evil-add-command-properties :keep-visual t :repeat motion] 7 (#$ . 12866)]) #@49 Declare COMMAND to be repeatable. (fn COMMAND) (defalias 'evil-declare-repeat #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [evil-add-command-properties :repeat t] 5 (#$ . 13128)]) #@52 Declare COMMAND to be nonrepeatable. (fn COMMAND) (defalias 'evil-declare-not-repeat #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [evil-add-command-properties :repeat nil] 5 (#$ . 13297)]) #@52 Declare COMMAND to be nonrepeatable. (fn COMMAND) (defalias 'evil-declare-ignore-repeat #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [evil-add-command-properties :repeat ignore] 5 (#$ . 13475)]) #@90 Declare COMMAND to be repeatable by buffer changes rather than keystrokes. (fn COMMAND) (defalias 'evil-declare-change-repeat #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [evil-add-command-properties :repeat change] 5 (#$ . 13659)]) #@67 Declare COMMAND to be repeatable by buffer changes. (fn COMMAND) (defalias 'evil-declare-insert-at-point-repeat #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [evil-add-command-properties :repeat insert-at-point] 5 (#$ . 13881)]) #@52 Declare COMMAND to be nonrepeatable. (fn COMMAND) (defalias 'evil-declare-abort-repeat #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [evil-add-command-properties :repeat abort] 5 (#$ . 14098)]) #@378 Parse STRING as a sequence of delimited arguments. Returns a list of NUM strings, or as many arguments as the string contains. The first non-blank character is taken to be the delimiter. If some arguments are missing from STRING, the resulting list is padded with nil values. Two delimiters following directly after each other gives an empty string. (fn STRING &optional NUM) (defalias 'evil-delimited-arguments #[513 "\300 \301\302\"\216\206\f\303\206\304\305\306\211\211\211\307\310\"\203\215\311\312\"\262\313\314\315!#\262\305U\204\215\307#\203\215\311\312\"\262\312\225\262S\262\305U\203s\300 \301\316\"\216\307\313\317\" #)\262\204s\312\224\306O\262G\305U\203\205\306OG\305U\204.B\262\202.\203\266\211G W\203\266GZ\305\211W\203\264\306\211B\262\210\211T\262\202\240\266\211\237\266\207)\207" [match-data make-closure #[0 "\301\300\302\"\207" [V0 set-match-data evaporate] 3] "" -1 0 nil string-match "^[[:space:]]*\\([^[:space:]]\\)" match-string 1 format "%s\\(\\(?:[\\].\\|[^%s]\\)*\\)" regexp-quote #[0 "\301\300\302\"\207" [V0 set-match-data evaporate] 3] "%s[[:space:]]*$"] 15 (#$ . 14281)]) #@186 Concatenate character sets. A character set is the part between [ and ] in a regular expression. If any character set is complemented, the result is also complemented. (fn &rest SETS) (defalias 'evil-concat-charsets #[128 "\301\211\211\302\303 \304\305\"\216\211\203i\211@\306\302\307\310#)\266\203\203+\211\311\302O\262\312\262\313\302\307\310#)\266\203\203D\211\311\302O\262\314\262\315\302\307\310#)\266\203\203]\211\311\302O\262\316\262P\262A\266\202\202\f\210\317\320%)\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data "" nil match-data make-closure #[0 "\301\300\302\"\207" [V0 set-match-data evaporate] 3] "^\\^" t string-match 1 "^" "^]" "]" "^-" "-" format "%s%s%s%s"] 15 (#$ . 15459)]) #@180 Read from keyboard or INPUT and build a command description. Returns (CMD COUNT), where COUNT is the numeric prefix argument. Both COUNT and CMD may be nil. (fn &optional INPUT) (defalias 'evil-keypress-parser #[256 "\301\211\203 \302\"\3032\313\304\305!\211\203\307\306!\211\204(\307\303\301\211D\"\266\202\310!\203X\311!\307\303@\204@A@\205Q@\206H\312A@\206O\312_DD\"\266\202\211\313=\204h\211\314=\203\241\203\241\211GSH\315!\203w\211\206\2119\205\211\316N\315!\204\212\211\250\205\220\317\320\"\321Z\322\206\227\323_\\\262\266\202\211\324=\203\256?\266\203\202\307\303\205\303\203\301\325\202\302\312_D\"\266\210\202\207" [unread-command-events nil append done read-key-sequence "" key-binding throw arrayp evil-keypress-parser 1 digit-argument evil-digit-argument-or-evil-beginning-of-line characterp ascii-character logand 127 48 10 0 negative-argument -1] 12 (#$ . 16187)]) #@99 Read a key from the keyboard. Translates it according to the input method. (fn &optional PROMPT) (defalias 'evil-read-key #[256 "\304 \305 \306\306\211\211\307\310\"\216\3111\205\312\313\314 \315\"#\210\312\316\314 \317\"#\210\312\320\314 \321\"#\210\322\323\324\325\"C\"\262\326!\210\327\306\330#\262\331H\262\332!\262\333!\203j\211\331H\262\332!\262\202W\211\325=\203t\202\201\211\203~\334!\202\201\335\336!0\202\223\210\337\340!\203\217\340 \210\341\342\306\"+\207" [evil-read-key-map overriding-local-map overriding-terminal-local-map global-map current-global-map make-sparse-keymap nil make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\207" [V0 use-global-map] 2] (quit) define-key [menu-bar] lookup-key [menu-bar] [tab-bar] [tab-bar] [tool-bar] [tool-bar] append make-char-table display-table self-insert-command use-global-map read-key-sequence t 0 key-binding arrayp call-interactively user-error "No replacement character typed" fboundp evil-repeat-abort signal quit] 14 (#$ . 17145)]) #@163 Command that calls `read-quoted-char'. This command can be used wherever `read-quoted-char' is required as a command. Its main use is in the `evil-read-key-map'. (defalias 'evil-read-quoted-char #[0 "\300 \207" [read-quoted-char] 1 (#$ . 18167) nil]) #@185 Read two keys from keyboard forming a digraph. This function creates an overlay at (point), hiding the next HIDE-CHARS characters. HIDE-CHARS defaults to 1. (fn &optional HIDE-CHARS) (defalias 'evil-read-digraph-char #[256 "\300\211\211\211C\301\302\"\216\211\303`d\206\304`\\^\"\240\210\305\242\306\307#\210\310\262\311\312\304\313\314%\210\311\312\304\315\307%\210\305\242\316#\210\317 \262\320!\262\311\312\304\313\314%\210\311\312\304\315\307%\210\305\242\316#\210\317 \262)\321D!\206m\207" [nil make-closure #[0 "\301\300\242!\207" [V0 delete-overlay] 2] make-overlay 1 overlay-put invisible t "?" put-text-property 0 face minibuffer-prompt cursor after-string read-key string evil-digraph] 11 (#$ . 18425) nil]) #@274 Read a MOTION, motion COUNT and motion TYPE from the keyboard. The type may be overridden with MODIFIER, which may be a type or a Visual selection as defined by `evil-define-visual-selection'. Return a list (MOTION COUNT [TYPE]). (fn &optional MOTION COUNT TYPE MODIFIER) (defalias 'evil-read-motion #[1024 "\302\211\211\204N\303 \262\211A\262\242\262\211A\262\242\262\211\2036\2033\304\305!\305!P!\262\2026\211\262\306 \"\203N\206H\306 \"@\211\262\204\203z\206[\307\310\"\262\311=\203u\310=\203o\312\262\202x\310\262\202x\262E\207" [evil-this-type-modified evil-visual-alist nil evil-keypress-parser string-to-number number-to-string rassq evil-type exclusive char inclusive] 10 (#$ . 19178)]) #@61 Returns non-nil iff KEYS contains a mouse event. (fn KEYS) (defalias 'evil-mouse-events-p #[257 "\30029\211G\301\211W\2035\211\302\303!\203\303H!\204(H\211\242\304=\262\203-\305\300\306\"\210\210\211T\262\202\266\3070\207" [done 0 fboundp mouse-event-p mouse-movement throw t nil] 7 (#$ . 19931)]) #@392 Splits the key-sequence KEYS into prefix-argument and the rest. Returns the list (PREFIX CMD SEQ REST), where PREFIX is the prefix count, CMD the command to be executed, SEQ the subsequence calling CMD, and REST is all remaining events in the key-sequence. PREFIX and REST may be nil if they do not exist. If a command is bound to some keyboard macro, it is expanded recursively. (fn KEYS) (defalias 'evil-extract-count #[257 "\3002\260\211G\301\302\303X\203\252\304O!\211\305>\203*\306\307O\"\266\202 \310!\203M\311\301O\303O#\262T\262G\262\210\202 \312!\203\242\211\313>\204d\203r\314\315\"\203r\316\262\262T\262\210\202 \317\300\301U?\205\205\320\301O\260! O\nW\205\233\n\303OF\"\266\202 T\262\210\202 \306\321!\266\2040\207" [done 0 1 nil key-binding (undefined nil) user-error "No command bound to %s" arrayp vconcat functionp (digit-argument negative-argument) evil-get-command-property :digit-argument-redirection t throw string-to-number "Key sequence contains no complete binding"] 14 (#$ . 20253)]) #@258 Bind a wrapper function calling TARGET or `digit-argument'. MAP is a keymap for binding KEYS to the wrapper for TARGET. The wrapper only calls `digit-argument' if a prefix-argument has already been started; otherwise TARGET is called. (fn MAP KEYS TARGET) (defalias 'evil-redirect-digit-argument '(macro . #[771 "\300!\301\302\303\"!\304\305\306DF\307\310\311\312\313\314\310\315\316\317\313\320\321\322\323\324DD\324DEDC\325BBDE\257 E\207" [eval intern format "evil-digit-argument-or-%s" progn define-key quote evil-define-command nil :digit-argument-redirection :keep-visual t :repeat (interactive) cond (current-prefix-arg (setq this-command #'digit-argument) (call-interactively #'digit-argument)) let target or command-remapping function ((setq this-command target) (call-interactively target))] 26 (#$ . 21341)])) #@271 Return an (APPEND . FILENAME) pair based on FILE-OR-APPEND. FILE-OR-APPEND should either be a filename or a ">> FILE" directive. APPEND will be t if FILE-OR-APPEND is an append directive and nil otherwise. FILENAME will be the extracted filename. (fn FILE-OR-APPEND) (defalias 'evil-extract-append #[257 "\211;\203\300\301\"\203\302\303\225\304OB\207\304B\207" [string-match "\\(>> *\\)" t 1 nil] 5 (#$ . 22183)]) #@58 Set the prompt-string of MAP to PROMPT. (fn MAP PROMPT) (defalias 'evil-set-keymap-prompt #[514 "\300\301!\"\210\211\205AB\241\207" [delq keymap-prompt] 5 (#$ . 22613)]) #@61 Returns non-nil value if KEY is bound in MAP. (fn MAP KEY) (defalias 'evil-lookup-key #[514 "\300\"\211\247?\205 \211\207" [lookup-key] 5 (#$ . 22797)]) #@234 Change the cursor's apperance according to SPECS. SPECS may be a cursor type as per `cursor-type', a color string as passed to `set-cursor-color', a zero-argument function for changing the cursor, or a list of the above. (fn SPECS) (defalias 'evil-set-cursor #[257 "\301!\204\211<\203\302!\243\203\211C\262\211\211\205G\211@\301!\2032\3031.\211 0\210\202@\210\202@\211;\203>\304!\210\202@\211A\266\202\202\207" [cursor-type functionp last (error) evil-set-cursor-color] 5 (#$ . 22961)]) #@44 Set the cursor color to COLOR. (fn COLOR) (defalias 'evil-set-cursor-color #[257 "\300\301\302\"\232?\205 \303!\207" [frame-parameter nil cursor-color set-cursor-color] 4 (#$ . 23477)]) #@194 Refresh the cursor for STATE in BUFFER. BUFFER defaults to the current buffer. If STATE is nil the cursor type is either `evil-force-cursor' or the current state. (fn &optional STATE BUFFER) (defalias 'evil-refresh-cursor #[512 "\304\300!\205[\205[\206 \206\n\206\305 \206\306\307\310\306#\211;\203*\211\206:\211<\2036\311\312\"\206:\313\314\315\"r\206@pq\210\211\203Q<\203Q\316\312\"\262\317!\210\317!)\266\204\207" [evil-local-mode evil-force-cursor evil-state evil-default-cursor boundp normal t evil-state-property :cursor evil-member-if stringp frame-parameter nil cursor-color evil-filter-list evil-set-cursor] 9 (#$ . 23674)]) #@77 Save the current cursor; execute BODY; restore the cursor. (fn &rest BODY) (defalias 'evil-save-cursor '(macro . #[128 "\300\301\302\303B\304BBE\207" [let ((cursor cursor-type) (color (frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'cursor-color)) (inhibit-quit t)) unwind-protect progn ((evil-set-cursor cursor) (evil-set-cursor color))] 6 (#$ . 24343)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put evil-save-cursor lisp-indent-function defun put edebug-form-spec t] 5) #@174 Display an unlogged message in the echo area. That is, the message is not logged in the *Messages* buffer. (To log the message, just use `message'.) (fn STRING &rest ARGS) (defalias 'evil-echo #[385 "?\205 \302\303\304#)\207" [evil-no-display message-log-max nil apply message] 6 (#$ . 24832)]) #@57 Save the current echo area in `evil-echo-area-message'. (defalias 'evil-echo-area-save #[0 "\301 \211\207" [evil-echo-area-message current-message] 2 (#$ . 25139)]) #@109 Restore the echo area from `evil-echo-area-message'. Does not restore if `evil-write-echo-area' is non-nil. (defalias 'evil-echo-area-restore #[0 "\204 \203\302\303 \"\210\202\302\304!\210\304\211\211\207" [evil-write-echo-area evil-echo-area-message message "%s" nil] 4 (#$ . 25312)]) #@138 Save the echo area; execute BODY; restore the echo area. Intermittent messages are not logged in the *Messages* buffer. (fn &rest BODY) (defalias 'evil-save-echo-area '(macro . #[128 "\300\301\302\303\304BB\305BBE\207" [let ((inhibit-quit t) evil-echo-area-message evil-write-echo-area) unwind-protect progn (evil-echo-area-save) ((evil-echo-area-restore))] 7 (#$ . 25614)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put evil-save-echo-area lisp-indent-function defun put edebug-form-spec t] 5) #@121 Execute BODY without Evil displays. Inhibits echo area messages, mode line updates and cursor changes. (fn &rest BODY) (defalias 'evil-without-display '(macro . #[128 "\300\301BB\207" [let ((evil-no-display t))] 4 (#$ . 26139)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put evil-without-display lisp-indent-function defun put edebug-form-spec t] 5) #@86 Cached height of the header line. Used for fallback implementation on older Emacsen. (defvar evil-cached-header-line-height nil (#$ . 26518)) #@160 Return the height of the header line. If there is no header line, return 0. Used as a fallback implementation of `window-header-line-height' on older Emacsen. (defalias 'evil-header-line-height #[0 "\300\301\211\"\211\211A@:\203\211A@@\202\211A@\2119\205\211\266\202\302=\203-\211\3038\262A\206.\301\207" [posn-at-x-y 0 header-line 9] 4 (#$ . 26667)]) #@506 Return the x and y coordinates in POSITION. This function returns y offset from the top of the buffer area including the header line. On Emacs 24 and later versions, the y-offset returned by `posn-at-point' is relative to the text area excluding the header line, while y offset taken by `posn-at-x-y' is relative to the buffer area including the header line. This asymmetry is by design according to GNU Emacs team. This function fixes the asymmetry between them. Learned from mozc.el. (fn POSITION) (defalias 'evil-posn-x-y #[257 "\211\3028\262\203#\211A\303\304!\203\304 \206 \206 \305 \211\\\241\210\207" [header-line-format evil-cached-header-line-height 2 fboundp window-header-line-height evil-header-line-height] 6 (#$ . 27036)]) #@163 Return absolute line-number-difference betweeen `beg` and `end`. This should give the same results no matter where on the line `beg` and `end` are. (fn BEG END) (defalias 'evil-count-lines #[514 "U\203\300\207]\212\211b\210n)\211\203\301\"\207\301\"S\207" [0 count-lines] 7 (#$ . 27796)]) #@214 Return POS if it does not exceed the buffer boundaries. If POS is less than `point-min', return `point-min'. Is POS is more than `point-max', return `point-max'. If POS is a marker, return its position. (fn POS) (defalias 'evil-normalize-position #[257 "\300!\204\207\211eW\203e\207\211dV\203d\207\301!\203!\302!\207\207" [number-or-marker-p markerp marker-position] 3 (#$ . 28105)]) #@97 Restores the goal column after execution of BODY. See also `evil-save-column'. (fn &rest BODY) (defalias 'evil-save-goal-column '(macro . #[128 "\300\301BB\207" [let ((goal-column goal-column) (temporary-goal-column temporary-goal-column))] 4 (#$ . 28506)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put evil-save-goal-column lisp-indent-function defun put edebug-form-spec t] 5) #@97 Restores the column after execution of BODY. See also `evil-save-goal-column'. (fn &rest BODY) (defalias 'evil-save-column '(macro . #[128 "\300\301\302\303\304\"BE\207" [let ((col (current-column))) evil-save-goal-column append ((move-to-column col))] 7 (#$ . 28915)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put evil-save-column lisp-indent-function defun put edebug-form-spec t] 5) #@181 Restrict the buffer to BEG and END. BEG or END may be nil, specifying a one-sided restriction including `point-min' or `point-max'. See also `evil-with-restriction.' (fn BEG END) (defalias 'evil-narrow #[514 "\300!\206e\262\300!\206d\262}\207" [evil-normalize-position] 4 (#$ . 29332)]) #@168 Execute BODY with the buffer narrowed to BEG and END. BEG or END may be nil as passed to `evil-narrow'; this creates a one-sided restriction. (fn BEG END &rest BODY) (defalias 'evil-with-restriction '(macro . #[642 "\300\301\302\303EBBBD\207" [save-restriction let ((evil-restriction-stack (cons (cons (point-min) (point-max)) evil-restriction-stack))) evil-narrow] 9 (#$ . 29637)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put evil-with-restriction lisp-indent-function 2 put edebug-form-spec t] 5) #@157 Execute BODY with the top-most narrowing removed. This works only if the previous narrowing has been generated by `evil-with-restriction'. (fn &rest BODY) (defalias 'evil-without-restriction '(macro . #[128 "\300\301\302\303\304BBF\207" [save-restriction (widen) (narrow-to-region (car (car evil-restriction-stack)) (cdr (car evil-restriction-stack))) let ((evil-restriction-stack (cdr evil-restriction-stack)))] 7 (#$ . 30172)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put evil-without-restriction lisp-indent-function defun put edebug-form-spec t] 5) #@47 Narrow to the current field. (fn &rest BODY) (defalias 'evil-narrow-to-field '(macro . #[128 "\300\301\302BBB\207" [evil-with-restriction (field-beginning) (field-end)] 5 (#$ . 30756)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put evil-narrow-to-field lisp-indent-function defun put edebug-form-spec t] 5) #@129 Move to the beginning of the line as displayed. Like `move-beginning-of-line', but retains the goal column. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'evil-move-beginning-of-line #[256 " \302!\210\303 *\207" [goal-column temporary-goal-column move-beginning-of-line beginning-of-line] 3 (#$ . 31093)]) #@117 Move to the end of the line as displayed. Like `move-end-of-line', but retains the goal column. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'evil-move-end-of-line #[256 " \302!\210\303*\207" [goal-column temporary-goal-column move-end-of-line nil] 3 (#$ . 31394)]) #@138 Move point one character back if at the end of a non-empty line. This behavior is controled by `evil-move-beyond-eol'. (fn &optional _) (defalias 'evil-adjust-cursor #[256 "l\205?\205n?\205`\212\301 \210`)U\205\302\303!\207" [evil-move-beyond-eol evil-move-end-of-line evil-move-cursor-back t] 3 (#$ . 31657)]) #@272 Move point one character back within the current line. Contingent on the variable `evil-move-cursor-back' or the FORCE argument. Honors field boundaries, i.e., constrains the movement to the current field as recognized by `line-beginning-position'. (fn &optional FORCE) (defalias 'evil-move-cursor-back #[256 "\204\211\205'`\302 U\206!\303\301!\205! \205!`\212\304 \210`)U?\205'\305u\207" [evil-move-cursor-back visual-line-mode line-beginning-position boundp beginning-of-visual-line -1] 3 (#$ . 31985)]) #@160 Return the position of LINE. If COLUMN is specified, return its position on the line. A negative number means the end of the line. (fn LINE &optional COLUMN) (defalias 'evil-line-position #[513 "\212\300\301!\203 \301!\210\211\247\203$\211\302W\203\303\304!\210\202'\305!\210\202'\303 \210`)\207" [fboundp evil-goto-line 0 beginning-of-line 2 move-to-column] 4 (#$ . 32507)]) #@83 Return the horizontal position of POS. POS defaults to point. (fn &optional POS) (defalias 'evil-column #[256 "\212\211\203\211b\210i)\207" [] 2 (#$ . 32898)]) #@177 Move point to column COLUMN in the current line. Places point at left of the tab character (at the right if DIR is non-nil) and returns point. (fn COLUMN &optional DIR FORCE) (defalias 'evil-move-to-column #[769 "\300\"\210\211\204!\203\247\203!\301W\203!iV\203!\302 \210`\207" [move-to-column 1 evil-move-cursor-back] 6 (#$ . 33068) "p"]) #@342 Loop with countdown variable. Evaluate BODY with VAR counting down from COUNT to 0. COUNT can be negative, in which case VAR counts up instead. The return value is the value of VAR when the loop terminates, which is 0 if the loop completes successfully. RESULT specifies a variable for storing this value. (fn (VAR COUNT [RESULT]) BODY...) (defalias 'evil-loop '(macro . #[385 "\300\301!\211A\262\242\211A\262\242\211A\262\242=\204\206 \262\211\206'\262\302DC\303E\304\305\306BB\307\n\310\311 \312BB\303\f\313DE\303 \314DEF\303 \fED\"BB\257\207" [make-symbol "loopvar" let setq while /= (0) append if > (0) 1- 1+] 20 (#$ . 33428)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put evil-loop lisp-indent-function defun put edebug-form-spec dolist] 5) #@418 Loop a certain number of times. Evaluate BODY repeatedly COUNT times with VAR bound to 1 or -1, depending on the sign of COUNT. RESULT, if specified, holds the number of unsuccessful iterations, which is 0 if the loop completes successfully. This is also the return value. Each iteration must move point; if point does not change, the loop immediately quits. See also `evil-loop'. (fn (VAR COUNT [RESULT]) BODY...) (defalias 'evil-motion-loop '(macro . #[385 "\211A\262\242\206\f\300\301!\211A\262\242\206\302\211A\262\242\300\303!\300\304!\300\305!\300\306!\307D\310\311\312BB\313BBDD\314\315D\316 E\317\320BC\321\322\323\324 E\325\315DEEC\"BBEEE\207" [make-symbol "unitvar" 0 "loopvar" "countvar" "donevar" "origvar" let* if < (0) (-1 1) catch quote evil-loop let ((point)) append when = (point) throw] 24 (#$ . 34241)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put evil-motion-loop lisp-indent-function defun put edebug-form-spec ((symbolp form &optional symbolp) body)] 5) #@73 Catches errors provided point moves within this scope. (fn &rest BODY) (defalias 'evil-signal-without-movement '(macro . #[128 "\300\301\302\303\304B\305BBBE\207" [let ((p (point))) condition-case err progn ((error (when (= p (point)) (signal (car err) (cdr err)))))] 7 (#$ . 35279)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put evil-signal-without-movement lisp-indent-function defun put edebug-form-spec t] 5) #@294 Signals error if `point' is at boundaries. If `point' is at bob and COUNT is negative this function signal 'beginning-of-buffer. If `point' is at eob and COUNT is positive this function singal 'end-of-buffer. This function should be used in motions. COUNT defaults to 1. (fn &optional COUNT) (defalias 'evil-signal-at-bob-or-eob #[256 "\211\206\300\262\211\301W\203\302 \207\211\301V\205\303 \207" [1 0 evil-signal-at-bob evil-signal-at-eob] 3 (#$ . 35723)]) #@212 Signals 'beginning-of-buffer if `point' is at bob. This function should be used in backward motions. If `point' is at bob so that no further backward motion is possible the error 'beginning-of-buffer is raised. (defalias 'evil-signal-at-bob #[0 "o\205\300\301\302\"\207" [signal beginning-of-buffer nil] 3 (#$ . 36197)]) #@513 Signals 'end-of-buffer if `point' is at eob. This function should be used in forward motions. If `point' is close to eob so that no further forward motion is possible the error 'end-of-buffer is raised. This is the case if `point' is at `point-max' or if is one position before `point-max', `evil-move-beyond-eol' is nil and `point' is not at the end of a line. The latter is necessary because `point' cannot be moved to `point-max' if `evil-move-beyond-eol' is nil and the last line in the buffer is not empty. (defalias 'evil-signal-at-eob #[0 "m\204l?\205?\205\212\301u\210m)\205\302\303\301\"\207" [evil-move-beyond-eol nil signal end-of-buffer] 3 (#$ . 36527)]) #@373 Project point after BODY to current window. If point is on a position left or right of the current window then it is moved to the left and right boundary of the window, respectively. If `auto-hscroll-mode' is non-nil then the left and right positions are increased or decreased, respectively, by `horizontal-margin' so that no automatic scrolling occurs. (fn &rest BODY) (defalias 'evil-with-hproject-point-on-window '(macro . #[128 "\300\301!\300\302!\300\303!\304\305B\306B\307\310\311\312\nED\311\313\314\315 D\316BBBBDD\317\320\321\322 E EDEC\"BB\207" [make-symbol "diff" "left" "right" let ((if auto-hscroll-mode (1+ hscroll-margin) 0)) (auto-hscroll-mode) append let* + (window-hscroll) (window-hscroll) (window-width) - (-1) move-to-column min max (current-column)] 16 (#$ . 37210)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put evil-with-hproject-point-on-window lisp-indent-function defun put edebug-form-spec t] 5) #@127 Go to the smallest position in POSITIONS. Non-numerical elements are ignored. See also `evil-goto-max'. (fn &rest POSITIONS) (defalias 'evil-goto-min #[128 "\300\301\"\211\262\205\302\303\"b\207" [evil-filter-list #[257 "\300!?\207" [number-or-marker-p] 3 "\n\n(fn ELT)"] apply min] 4 (#$ . 38176)]) #@126 Go to the largest position in POSITIONS. Non-numerical elements are ignored. See also `evil-goto-min'. (fn &rest POSITIONS) (defalias 'evil-goto-max #[128 "\300\301\"\211\262\205\302\303\"b\207" [evil-filter-list #[257 "\300!?\207" [number-or-marker-p] 3 "\n\n(fn ELT)"] apply max] 4 (#$ . 38490)]) #@92 Move point to the end or beginning of the complement of THING. (fn THING &optional COUNT) (defalias 'evil-forward-not-thing #[513 "\211\206\300\211\301W\203\302\202\300\3032\332\211\262\211\301U\204\326`\304\301V\203s\305!\211\262\203>`AW\203>\211Ab\210\202&\306!\301U\203l\305!\211@`W\204Z\211@AU\203b\211@b\266\202\263\306\302\"\266\202\263db\266\202\263o\204\222\302u\210\305!\211\262\203\222`AW\203\222\211@b\210\202so\204\257\306\302\"\301U\203\257\305!\211\262\203\257\211A\202\260eb\266`U\203\276\307\303\"\210\210\211\301V\203\314\211S\262\202\320\211T\262\211\262\202\211\2620\207" [1 0 -1 #1=#:donevar nil bounds-of-thing-at-point forward-thing throw] 11 (#$ . 38802)]) #@288 Returns the bounds of a complement of THING at point. If there is a THING at point nil is returned. Otherwise if WHICH is nil or 0 a cons cell (BEG . END) is returned. If WHICH is negative the beginning is returned. If WHICH is positive the END is returned. (fn THING &optional WHICH) (defalias 'evil-bounds-of-not-thing-at-point #[513 "`\212\300\301\"\302U\203\300!\210`V\203e\202`)\212\300!\302U\203)\300\301\"\210`W\2033d\2024`)`X\205d`X\205dW\205d\203Q\302U\203UB\207\302W\203]\207\302V\205d\211\207" [forward-thing -1 0] 7 (#$ . 39554)]) #@500 Moves point forward to the first of several motions. FORWARDS is a list of forward motion functions (i.e. each moves point forward to the next end of a text object (if passed a +1) or backward to the preceeding beginning of a text object (if passed a -1)). This function calls each of these functions once and moves point to the nearest of the resulting positions. If COUNT is positive point is moved forward COUNT times, if negative point is moved backward -COUNT times. (fn COUNT &rest FORWARDS) (defalias 'evil-forward-nearest #[385 "\206\301\211\302W\203\303\202\301\3042\312\211\262\211\302U\204\306``\302V\203*d\202+e\211\203\236\211@b\210\3051\226\214edBB\306\302W\205Q\212b\210\307\302!)\302V\205`\212b\210\310\311!)\"\210\211!\302U\205\220`U?\205\220\302V\203`W\204\214\302W\205\220`V\205\220`\211\262*0\210\202\227\210A\266\202\202-\210\211b\266`U\203\256\312\304\"\210\210\211\302V\203\274\211S\262\202\300\211T\262\211\262\202\211\2620\207" [evil-restriction-stack 1 0 -1 #1=#:donevar (error) evil-narrow line-beginning-position line-end-position 2 throw] 14 (#$ . 40139)]) #@115 Return the bounds of a string at point. If STATE is given it used a parsing state at point. (fn &optional STATE) (defalias 'bounds-of-evil-string-at-point #[256 "\212\211\206\300 \3018\205\3028\303`d\304\211\305&\205`B\262)\207" [syntax-ppss 3 8 parse-partial-sexp nil syntax-table] 10 (#$ . 41294)]) (put 'evil-string 'bounds-of-thing-at-point 'bounds-of-evil-string-at-point) #@41 Return the bounds of a string at point. (defalias 'bounds-of-evil-comment-at-point #[0 "\212\300 \3018\205\3028\303`d\304\211\305&\205`B\262)\207" [syntax-ppss 4 8 parse-partial-sexp nil syntax-table] 9 (#$ . 41691)]) (put 'evil-comment 'bounds-of-thing-at-point 'bounds-of-evil-comment-at-point) #@151 A wrapper for line motions which conserves the column. Signals an error at buffer boundaries unless NOERROR is non-nil. (fn COUNT &optional NOERROR) (defalias 'evil-line-move #[513 "\211\203\3041 \305!0\207\210\306\207`\3071b\310Y\203\311\202 \312`\3131/\314!!0\202^ \206>\n:\203=\n@\202>\n \203K\315\310B!\210\202T\316\310W#\210\317@A\"\262\262\2620\207`U\205n\317@A\"\207" [this-command goal-column temporary-goal-column line-move-visual (error) evil-line-move nil (error) 0 next-line previous-line (beginning-of-buffer end-of-buffer) abs vertical-motion line-move-finish signal] 11 (#$ . 42005)]) #@148 Move point to the end or beginning of a sequence of characters in SYNTAX. Stop on reaching a character not in SYNTAX. (fn SYNTAX &optional COUNT) (defalias 'evil-forward-syntax #[513 "\300H\301U\203\302\303O\202\304P\206\302\211\300W\203!\305\202\"\302\3062s\211\262\211\300U\204o`\300W\203C\307!\210\307!\210\202L\310!\210\310!\210`U\203W\311\306\"\210\210\211\300V\203e\211S\262\202i\211T\262\211\262\202*\211\2620\207" [0 94 1 nil "^" -1 #1=#:donevar skip-syntax-backward skip-syntax-forward throw] 10 (#$ . 42646)]) #@154 Move point to the end or beginning of a sequence of CHARS. CHARS is a character set as inside [...] in a regular expression. (fn CHARS &optional COUNT) (defalias 'evil-forward-chars #[513 "\300H\301U\203\302\303O\202\304P\206\302\211\300W\203!\305\202\"\302\3062s\211\262\211\300U\204o`\300W\203C\303x\210\303x\210\202L\303w\210\303w\210`U\203W\307\306\"\210\210\211\300V\203e\211S\262\202i\211T\262\211\262\202*\211\2620\207" [0 94 1 nil "^" -1 #1=#:donevar throw] 10 (#$ . 43209)]) #@603 Move point to the end or beginning of text enclosed by BEG and END. BEG and END should be regular expressions matching the opening and closing delimiters, respectively. If COUNT is greater than zero point is moved forward otherwise it is moved backwards. Whenever an opening delimiter is found the COUNT is increased by one, if a closing delimiter is found the COUNT is decreased by one. The motion stops when COUNT reaches zero. The match-data reflects the last successful match (that caused COUNT to reach zero). The behaviour of this functions is similar to `up-list'. (fn BEG END &optional COUNT) (defalias 'evil-up-block #[770 "\211\206\300\211\301V\211\203\300\202\302\3032\350\301U\204\346`\212\304\203'\202)\305\306$\205M\211`U\203Lu\210\304\203C\202E\305\306$\205M`)\307\306!\212\232?\205\215\304\203e \202g\306$\205\215`U\203\214u\210\304\203\202 \202\204\306$\205\215`)\204\253\203\232d\202\233eb\210\310\305!\210\311\303\"\266\202\211\203\305\203\271T\202\274S\262\211b\266\202\203\317S\202\322T\262\301U\203\337\310!\210b\266\202\3010\207" [1 0 -1 done re-search-forward nil t match-data set-match-data throw] 14 (#$ . 43736)]) #@539 Move point to the end or beginning of balanced parentheses. OPEN and CLOSE should be characters identifying the opening and closing parenthesis, respectively. If COUNT is greater than zero point is moved forward otherwise it is moved backwards. Whenever an opening delimiter is found the COUNT is increased by one, if a closing delimiter is found the COUNT is decreased by one. The motion stops when COUNT reaches zero. The match-data reflects the last successful match (that caused COUNT to reach zero). (fn OPEN CLOSE &optional COUNT) (defalias 'evil-up-paren #[770 "\301\302 p\303\304#\216\305\306\302 !!\210\307\310\311\"\"\210\307\310\312\"\"\210\211\313W\203/\314\2020\315\3162\235\211\262\211\313U\204\231``\3171q\313V\203[\320!\210`Sf U?\205k\202J\320!\210\301f\nU?\205k\202[0\266\202v\210\211b\266`U\203\201\321\316\"\210\210\211\313V\203\217\211S\262\202\223\211T\262\211\262\2028\211\2620\266\202\211U\203\254\322\301!\210\202\303\313V\203\274\322`S`D!\210\202\303\322``TD!\210\211\262)\266\202)\207" [forward-sexp-function nil syntax-table make-closure #[0 "r\301q\210\302\300!)\207" [V0 V1 set-syntax-table] 2] set-syntax-table copy-syntax-table modify-syntax-entry format "(%c" ")%c" 0 -1 1 #1=#:donevar (error) up-list throw set-match-data] 12 (#$ . 44980)]) #@525 Move point to the end or beginning of balanced xml tags. OPEN and CLOSE should be characters identifying the opening and closing parenthesis, respectively. If COUNT is greater than zero point is moved forward otherwise it is moved backwards. Whenever an opening delimiter is found the COUNT is increased by one, if a closing delimiter is found the COUNT is decreased by one. The motion stops when COUNT reaches zero. The match-data reflects the last successful match (that caused COUNT to reach zero). (fn &optional COUNT) (defalias 'evil-up-xml-tag #[256 "\211\206\300\301V\203\300\202\302\303\206\300!\301V\203 \300\202!\304\301V\203+\304\202,\300`\305\211\211\30620\301V\203\307\310\305\311 $\211\262\203\234\224\203Y\312!B\211\262\202\231\203\234\301W\203w@\312!\230\203w\211A\262\242\202\231\301V\203\234\203\223@\312!\230\204\223A\262\202~\211A\262\242\204;\211\205\243\313\311!\211\262\204\262\305\262\314\306\"\210\301V\203\304\301\225\262\301\224b\210\202\314\301\224\262\301\225b\210\312!\315\316!\317Q\300\211\301V\203\372\320\305\311$\203\372\211\300\224\203\361 \202\364 [\\\262\202\326\211\301U\203 S\262\n\305\262b\266\2024\301V\203\321\305!\202/\321!\210\301V\203,\301\225\202.\301\224b0\210\301U\204U\321\305!\210\301V\203Gd\202Heb\210`U\204US\262_\207" [1 0 -1 abs 2 nil done re-search-forward "<\\([^/ >]+\\)\\(?:[^\"/>]\\|\"[^\"]*\"\\)*?>\\|]+?\\)>" t match-string match-data throw "<\\(/\\)?" regexp-quote "\\(?:>\\| \\(?:[^\"/>]\\|\"[^\"]*\"\\)*?>\\)" re-search-backward set-match-data] 17 (#$ . 46309)]) #@209 Move point to the end or beginning of a string. QUOTE is the character delimiting the string. If COUNT is greater than zero point is moved forward otherwise it is moved backwards. (fn QUOTE &optional COUNT) (defalias 'evil-forward-quote #[513 "\300\301 p\302\303#\216\304\305\301 !!\210z\306U\204 \307\310\"\210\311\262`\212\312 \210\313`\300\211\314 %)\315!\211\203X`AW\203X\316V\203O\211Ab\210S\262\202X\211@b\210T\262\316V\203\252\300\262\3172\245\316V\205\244m?\205\244\313`d\300\211\301&\262\3208\203\225\321\322!\262\211Ab\210S\262\202fm\203fb\210\323\317\300\"\210\202f0\266\202\316W\203\205\266`\262\212\312 \210\324`!\210)\3172\316W\205o?\205`\262o\204\352m\204\344\300fU\204\352\325u\210\202\324\321\322!\211\262\203\377\211@b\210T\262\202\305o\203b\210\323\317\300\"\210\202\305\325u\210\202\3050\266\202\300\262\266)\266\211\2032\212\211b\210\312 \210\324`!\210)\207" [nil syntax-table make-closure #[0 "r\301q\210\302\300!)\207" [V0 V1 set-syntax-table] 2] set-syntax-table copy-syntax-table 34 modify-syntax-entry "\"" t beginning-of-defun parse-partial-sexp syntax-ppss bounds-of-evil-string-at-point 0 done 3 bounds-of-thing-at-point evil-string throw syntax-ppss-flush-cache -1] 15 (#$ . 47967)]) #@55 Move forward COUNT empty lines. (fn &optional COUNT) (defalias 'forward-evil-empty-line #[256 "\211\206\300\262\211\301V\203)\211\301V\203Im\204In\203#l\203#\211S\262\300y\210\202 \211\301W\203Io\204I\302y\301U\203In\203)l\203)\211T\262\202)\207" [1 0 -1] 3 (#$ . 49276)]) #@77 Move forward COUNT whitespace sequences [[:space:]]+. (fn &optional COUNT) (defalias 'forward-evil-space #[256 "\300\301\"\207" [evil-forward-chars "[:space:]"] 4 (#$ . 49573)]) #@434 Move forward COUNT words. Moves point COUNT words forward or (- COUNT) words backward if COUNT is negative. Point is placed after the end of the word (if forward) or at the first character of the word (if backward). A word is a sequence of word characters matching [[:word:]] (recognized by `forward-word'), a sequence of non-whitespace non-word characters '[^[:word:]\n\r\t\f ]', or an empty line matching ^$. (fn &optional COUNT) (defalias 'forward-evil-word #[256 "\300\301\302\303$\207" [evil-forward-nearest #[256 " `v\210\211`U\203\202\304*\207" [evil-cjk-word-separating-categories evil-cjk-word-combining-categories word-combining-categories word-separating-categories 0] 6 "\n\n(fn &optional CNT)"] #[256 "\300\301\"\207" [evil-forward-chars "^[:word:]\n \f "] 4 "\n\n(fn &optional CNT)"] forward-evil-empty-line] 6 (#$ . 49760)]) #@337 Move forward COUNT "WORDS". Moves point COUNT WORDS forward or (- COUNT) WORDS backward if COUNT is negative. Point is placed after the end of the WORD (if forward) or at the first character of the WORD (if backward). A WORD is a sequence of non-whitespace characters '[^\n\r\t\f ]', or an empty line matching ^$. (fn &optional COUNT) (defalias 'forward-evil-WORD #[256 "\300\301\302#\207" [evil-forward-nearest #[256 "\300\301\"\207" [evil-forward-chars "^\n \f "] 4 "\n\n(fn &optional CNT)"] forward-evil-empty-line] 5 (#$ . 50622)]) #@385 Move forward COUNT symbols. Moves point COUNT symbols forward or (- COUNT) symbols backward if COUNT is negative. Point is placed after the end of the symbol (if forward) or at the first character of the symbol (if backward). A symbol is either determined by `forward-symbol', or is a sequence of characters not in the word, symbol or whitespace syntax classes. (fn &optional COUNT) (defalias 'forward-evil-symbol #[256 "\300\301\302\303$\207" [evil-forward-nearest #[256 "\300\301\"\207" [evil-forward-syntax "^w_->"] 4 "\n\n(fn &optional CNT)"] #[256 "`\300!\210\211`U\203 \207\301\207" [forward-symbol 0] 4 "\n\n(fn &optional CNT)"] forward-evil-empty-line] 6 (#$ . 51169)]) #@208 Move forward COUNT defuns. Moves point COUNT defuns forward or (- COUNT) defuns backward if COUNT is negative. A defun is defined by `beginning-of-defun' and `end-of-defun' functions. (fn &optional COUNT) (defalias 'forward-evil-defun #[256 "\211\206\300\211\301W\203\302\202\300\3032U\211\262\211\301U\204Q`\301V\203+\304 \210\202.\305 \210`U\2039\306\303\"\210\210\211\301V\203G\211S\262\202K\211T\262\211\262\202\211\2620\207" [1 0 -1 #1=#:donevar end-of-defun beginning-of-defun throw] 8 (#$ . 51860)]) #@258 Move forward COUNT sentences. Moves point COUNT sentences forward or (- COUNT) sentences backward if COUNT is negative. This function is the same as `forward-sentence' but returns the number of sentences that could NOT be moved over. (fn &optional COUNT) (defalias 'forward-evil-sentence #[256 "\211\206\300\211\301W\203\302\202\300\3032S\211\262\211\301U\204O`\3041+\305!0\210\202,\210`U\2037\306\303\"\210\210\211\301V\203E\211S\262\202I\211T\262\211\262\202\211\2620\207" [1 0 -1 #1=#:donevar (error) forward-sentence throw] 8 (#$ . 52400)]) #@234 Move forward COUNT paragraphs. Moves point COUNT paragraphs forward or (- COUNT) paragraphs backward if COUNT is negative. A paragraph is defined by `start-of-paragraph-text' and `forward-paragraph' functions. (fn &optional COUNT) (defalias 'forward-evil-paragraph #[256 "\211\206\300\211\301W\203\302\202\300\3032\\\211\262\211\301U\204X`\301V\203+\304 \210\2025o\2045\305 \210\306 \210`U\203@\307\303\"\210\210\211\301V\203N\211S\262\202R\211T\262\211\262\202\211\2620\207" [1 0 -1 #1=#:donevar forward-paragraph start-of-paragraph-text beginning-of-line throw] 8 (#$ . 52978)]) #@51 The character to be used by `forward-evil-quote'. (defvar evil-forward-quote-char 34 (#$ . 53592)) #@188 Move forward COUNT strings. The quotation character is specified by the global variable `evil-forward-quote-char'. This character is passed to `evil-forward-quote'. (fn &optional COUNT) (defalias 'forward-evil-quote #[256 "\301\"\207" [evil-forward-quote-char evil-forward-quote] 4 (#$ . 53698)]) #@353 Move forward COUNT strings. The quotation character is specified by the global variable `evil-forward-quote-char'. This functions uses Vim's rules parsing from the beginning of the current line for quotation characters. It should only be used when looking for strings within comments and buffer *must* be narrowed to the comment. (fn &optional COUNT) (defalias 'forward-evil-quote-simple #[256 "\211\206\301\302V\203\301\202\303`\302\304 \210`W\203,\305fU\203&\211T\262\305u\210\202\306\307!_\310\306\"Z\262\302V\203fl\204Z\211\302U\204Z\305fU\203T\211S\262\305u\210\202?\211\302U\204\213db\210\202\213n\204\202\211\302U\204\202`SfU\203|\211S\262\303u\210\202f\211\302U\204\213eb\210\211\306\245\207" [evil-forward-quote-char 1 0 -1 beginning-of-line nil 2 abs mod] 9 (#$ . 54005)]) #@101 Move forward to beginning of THING. The motion is repeated COUNT times. (fn THING &optional COUNT) (defalias 'evil-forward-beginning #[513 "\211\206\300\262\211\301W\203\302\"\207\303!\304\203%`AW\203%Ab\210\3051P\302\"\211\262\301U\205M\303!\203Jo\204Jn\203Gm\204J\306u\210\307!0\210\207\210\207" [1 0 forward-thing bounds-of-thing-at-point nil (error) -1 beginning-of-thing] 7 (#$ . 54831)]) #@169 Move backward to beginning of THING. The motion is repeated COUNT times. This is the same as calling `evil-backward-beginning' with -COUNT. (fn THING &optional COUNT) (defalias 'evil-backward-beginning #[513 "\300\206\301[\"\207" [evil-forward-beginning 1] 5 (#$ . 55257)]) #@95 Move forward to end of THING. The motion is repeated COUNT times. (fn THING &optional COUNT) (defalias 'evil-forward-end #[513 "\211\206\300\262\211\301V\203 m\204\302u\210\303\"o\204Q\304u\210\207\305!\302\2033`AW\2033@b\210\3061N\303\"\211\262\301U\205I\307!\210\304u0\210\202O\210\262\207" [1 0 nil forward-thing -1 bounds-of-thing-at-point (error) end-of-thing] 7 (#$ . 55542)]) #@157 Move backward to end of THING. The motion is repeated COUNT times. This is the same as calling `evil-backward-end' with -COUNT. (fn THING &optional COUNT) (defalias 'evil-backward-end #[513 "\300\206\301[\"\207" [evil-forward-end 1] 5 (#$ . 55956)]) #@233 Move by words. Moves point COUNT words forward or (- COUNT) words backward if COUNT is negative. This function is the same as `forward-word' but returns the number of words by which point could *not* be moved. (fn &optional COUNT) (defalias 'evil-forward-word #[256 "\211\206\300\262\211\301Y\203\300\202\302\303!\211\301V\203'v\203'\211S\262\202\207" [1 0 -1 abs] 5 (#$ . 56218)]) #@175 Checks if POS is within a comment according to current syntax. If POS is nil, (point) is used. The return value is the beginning position of the comment. (fn &optional POS) (defalias 'evil-in-comment-p #[256 "\211\206`\262m\203\211\202n\300fz\301U\203\211T\202n\302\303`!@\304\305\306\"\"\307U\204E\302\303`T!@\2065\307\304\305\310\"\"\307U\204E\211\311\\\202n\302\303`!@\304\305\310\"\"\307U\204m\302\303`S!@\206^\307\304\305\306\"\"\307U\204m\211T\202n\211\212\312!)\3138\205|\3148\207" [nil 60 logand syntax-after lsh 1 16 0 17 2 syntax-ppss 4 8] 6 (#$ . 56622)]) #@419 Returns t if point is at the start of a comment. point must be on one of the opening characters of a block comment according to the current syntax table. Futhermore these characters must been parsed as opening characters, i.e. they won't be considered as comment starters inside a string or possibly another comment. Point is moved to the first character of the comment opener if MOVE is non-nil. (fn &optional MOVE) (defalias 'evil-looking-at-start-comment #[256 "\300fz\301U\203`\302`T!\232\207\303\304`!@\305\306\307\"\"\310U\204:\303\304`T!@\206(\310\305\306\311\"\"\310U\204:`\302\312`\\!\232\207\303\304`!@\305\306\311\"\"\310U?\205q\303\304`S!@\206T\310\305\306\307\"\"\310U?\205q`S\302`T!\232\205q\313\203q\314u\210\207" [nil 60 evil-in-comment-p logand syntax-after lsh 1 16 0 17 2 t -1] 6 (#$ . 57218)]) #@403 Returns t if point is at the end of a comment. point must be on one of the opening characters of a block comment according to the current syntax table. Futhermore these characters must been parsed as opening characters, i.e. they won't be considered as comment starters inside a string or possibly another comment. Point is moved right after the comment closer if MOVE is non-nil. (fn &optional MOVE) (defalias 'evil-looking-at-end-comment #[256 "\300fz\301U\203\302 \205\222\302`T!?\205\222\303\203\300u\210\207\304\305`!@\306\307\310\"\"\311U\204X\304\305`T!@\2067\311\306\307\312\"\"\311U\204X\302 \205\222\302`\313\\!?\205\222\303\203W\313u\210\207\304\305`!@\306\307\312\"\"\311U?\205\222\304\305`S!@\206r\311\306\307\310\"\"\311U?\205\222\302 \205\222\302`T!?\205\222\303\203\222\300u\210\207" [nil 62 evil-in-comment-p t logand syntax-after lsh 1 18 0 19 2] 6 (#$ . 58051)]) #@90 Inserts a new line above point and places point in that line with regard to indentation. (defalias 'evil-insert-newline-above #[0 "\214edBB\303\304 \305 \"\210\306 \210 \203\n\202\307c\210\310y\210\311 *\207" [evil-restriction-stack use-hard-newlines hard-newline evil-narrow field-beginning field-end evil-move-beginning-of-line "\n" -1 back-to-indentation] 3 (#$ . 58961)]) #@90 Inserts a new line below point and places point in that line with regard to indentation. (defalias 'evil-insert-newline-below #[0 "\214edBB\303\304 \305 \"\210\306 \210 \203\n\202\307c\210\310 *\207" [evil-restriction-stack use-hard-newlines hard-newline evil-narrow field-beginning field-end evil-move-end-of-line "\n" back-to-indentation] 3 (#$ . 59349)]) #@50 Whether CHAR denotes a global marker. (fn CHAR) (defalias 'evil-global-marker-p #[257 "\211\300Y\203\f\211\301X\206\211\302\303!\236\207" [65 90 default-value evil-markers-alist] 4 (#$ . 59719)]) #@221 Set the marker denoted by CHAR to position POS. POS defaults to the current position of point. If ADVANCE is t, the marker advances when inserting text at it; otherwise, it stays behind. (fn CHAR &optional POS ADVANCE) (defalias 'evil-set-marker #[769 "\3012\276\302\303\"\304\305!\204\247\203/9\203/\306!\203/\211J\206&\307 L\210J\262\202\247\310=\203@\311 \210\312\301\304\"\210\202\247\313!\203O\314\315\"\210\202\247\316!\203\203\317\300!\262\307 \262\320\321#\203p\241\266\202{B\211\262B\266\203\322\300\"\210\202\247\307 \262\320\321#\203\231\241\266\202\245B\211\262B\266\210\323\324\325\304\303$\210\326\"\210\206\271`\304\223\266\2020\207" [evil-markers-alist done evil-get-marker t nil markerp boundp make-marker evil-jump-backward-swap evil-set-jump throw functionp user-error "Cannot set special marker `%c'" evil-global-marker-p default-value assoc equal set-default add-hook kill-buffer-hook evil-swap-out-markers set-marker-insertion-type] 10 (#$ . 59926) (byte-code "\300 C\207" [read-char] 1)]) #@331 Return the marker denoted by CHAR. This is either a marker object as returned by `make-marker', a number, a cons cell (FILE . POS) with FILE being a string and POS a number, or nil. If RAW is non-nil, then the return value may also be a variable, a movement function, or a marker object pointing nowhere. (fn CHAR &optional RAW) (defalias 'evil-get-marker #[513 "\301!\203\302\300!\236\243\202\236\243\212\203\211\202\200\2119\203+\303!\203+\211J\262\304!\203D\305 \306\307\"\216 \210\310 `\311\223\262)\210\312!\203c\313!p=\203Z\314!\262\202c\313!\205a\211\262\211\247\204\312!\204\211:\205\200\211@;\205\200\211A\247\205\200\211)\207" [evil-markers-alist evil-global-marker-p default-value boundp functionp current-window-configuration make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\207" [V0 set-window-configuration] 2] make-marker nil markerp marker-buffer marker-position] 7 (#$ . 61012)]) #@62 Turn markers into file references when the buffer is killed. (defalias 'evil-swap-out-markers #[0 "\205- \211\205+\211@\302A!\203$\303A!p=\203$\211\304A!B\241\210A\266\202\202\262\207" [buffer-file-name evil-markers-alist markerp marker-buffer marker-position] 6 (#$ . 61934)]) (put 'evil-swap-out-markers 'permanent-local-hook t) #@736 Return contents of REGISTER. Signal an error if empty, unless NOERROR is non-nil. The following special registers are supported. " the unnamed register * the clipboard contents + the clipboard contents the word at point (ex mode only) the WORD at point (ex mode only) the symbol at point (ex mode only) the current file at point (ex mode only) % the current file name (read only) # the alternate file name (read only) / the last search pattern (read only) : the last command line (read only) . the last inserted text (read only) - the last small (less than a line) delete _ the black hole register = the expression register (read only) (fn REGISTER &optional NOERROR) (defalias 'evil-get-register #[513 "\3061\235\307!\205\233\310=\203\311\312!\202\224\313X\2035\314X\2035\313Z\211GW\2050\311\315\"\262\202\224\316\267\202\367\317=\203E\320\202F\321\322\301!\203P \206Q\323\324:\204[C\262\203\200\211\204\200\3251x\326\211A\262\242\"\211\2620\210\202[\210\202[\210\202[\211\203\214\327\312G\330$\210\266\202\202\224\331 \204\232\332\333!\210r\nq\210\334\335!)\202\224\331 \204\256\332\336!\210r\nq\210\334\337!)\202\224\331 \204\302\332\340!\210r\nq\210\334\341!)\202\224\331 \204\326\332\342!\210r\nq\210\334\343!)\202\224\344\331 \205\355\345 \205\355\n!\206\233\332\346!\202\224\347U\203r\350 q\210\344 )\206\233\332\346!\202\224\351\267\202\215\322\303!\203$ \352=\203$\f\206/ \203-;\206/<\242\206\233\332\353!\202\224=\242\206\233\332\354!\202\224>\202\224?\202\224\315@\355\356\357\360!!@!\211;\204i\211\247\204i\2119\203o\361!\202\203\362!\203}\363\361\364#\202\203\332\365\366!\")\262\202\224\367\202\233\227\262\370!\206\233\332\371\"0\207\211?\205\250\372@A\"\207" [kill-ring x-select-request-type evil-ex-current-buffer evil-search-module evil-ex-search-history isearch-regexp (error) characterp 34 current-kill 0 49 57 t #s(hash-table size 7 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (42 59 43 59 23 145 1 165 15 185 6 205 37 225)) 42 PRIMARY CLIPBOARD boundp (UTF8_STRING COMPOUND_TEXT STRING) nil (error) evil-get-selection remove-text-properties (foreign-selection nil) evil-ex-p user-error "Register only available in ex state" thing-at-point evil-word "Register only available in ex state" evil-WORD "Register only available in ex state" evil-symbol "Register only available in ex state" filename buffer-file-name minibufferp "No file name" 35 other-buffer #s(hash-table size 6 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (47 276 58 313 46 325 45 330 61 335 95 393)) evil-search "No previous regular expression" "No previous command line" eval read-from-string read-string "=" prin1-to-string sequencep mapconcat "\n" "Using %s as a string" type-of "" get-register "Register `%c' is empty" signal regexp-search-ring search-ring evil-ex-history evil-last-insertion evil-last-small-deletion enable-recursive-minibuffers] 10 (#$ . 62285)]) #@71 Append TEXT to the contents of register REGISTER. (fn REGISTER TEXT) (defalias 'evil-append-register #[514 "\300!\211\204\f\301\"\207\302\303G\304\305%\204#\302\303G\304\305%\203h\211G\303V\2039\211GSH\306U\2049\211\307P\262G\303V\203O\211GSH\306U\204O\307P\262\211P\262\310\303G\311$\210\312\304\313#\262\301\"\207\301P\"\207" [get-register set-register text-property-not-all 0 yank-handler nil 10 "\n" remove-list-of-text-properties (yank-handler) propertize (evil-yank-line-handler)] 9 (#$ . 65378)]) #@176 Set the contents of register REGISTER to TEXT. If REGISTER is an upcase character then text is appended to that register instead of replacing its content. (fn REGISTER TEXT) (defalias 'evil-set-register #[514 "\305!\204\n\306\307!\207\310\267\202\306\311!\207\312!\207\313X\203=\314X\203=\204,\312!\207 \315\211\316\313Z!\210 \240+\207\317\267\202S\320\321\"\207\320\322\"\207\211\211\207\315\207\323X\203e\324X\203e\325\227\"\207\326\"\207" [kill-ring kill-ring-yank-pointer interprogram-cut-function interprogram-paste-function evil-last-small-deletion characterp user-error "Invalid register" #s(hash-table size 4 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (58 16 46 16 37 16 34 20)) "Can't modify read-only register" kill-new 49 57 nil current-kill #s(hash-table size 4 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (42 67 43 72 45 77 95 81)) evil-set-selection PRIMARY CLIPBOARD 65 90 evil-append-register set-register] 5 (#$ . 65922)]) #@183 Returns an alist of all registers, but only those named with number or character. Registers with symbol or string in names are ignored to keep Vim compatibility with register jumps. (defalias 'evil-register-list #[0 "\301\302\303\304\305\"\306\307\"\310#\311\"\207" [register-alist sort append mapcar #[257 "\211\300\301\"B\207" [evil-get-register t] 5 "\n\n(fn REG)"] (34 42 43 37 35 47 58 46 45 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57) cl-remove-if-not #[257 "\300@!\207" [number-or-marker-p] 3 "\n\n(fn REG)"] nil #[514 "@@W\207" [] 4 "\n\n(fn REG1 REG2)"]] 6 (#$ . 66942)]) #@167 Returns non-nil if a motion error should be suppressed. Whether the motion error should be suppressed depends on the variable `evil-kbd-macro-suppress-motion-error'. (defalias 'evil-kbd-macro-suppress-motion-error #[0 "\203\n \303>\206\n\205 \304>\207" [defining-kbd-macro evil-kbd-macro-suppress-motion-error executing-kbd-macro (t record) (t replay)] 2 (#$ . 67519)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put evil-kbd-macro-suppress-motion-error speed -1 put byte-optimizer byte-compile-inline-expand] 5) #@69 Set buffer's mark to POS. If POS is nil, delete the mark. (fn POS) (defalias 'evil-move-mark #[257 "\211\203 \300!\262\301 \302\223\207" [evil-normalize-position mark-marker nil] 4 (#$ . 68063)]) #@312 Save Transient Mark mode and make it buffer-local. Any changes to Transient Mark mode are now local to the current buffer, until `evil-restore-transient-mark-mode' is called. Variables pertaining to Transient Mark mode are listed in `evil-transient-vars', and their values are stored in `evil-transient-vals'. (defalias 'evil-save-transient-mark-mode #[0 "\211\205.\211@\302!\203'\211 \236\204'\211J\303!E B\304!\210\305\306\307#\210A\266\202\202\207" [evil-transient-vars evil-transient-vals boundp local-variable-p make-variable-buffer-local put permanent-local t] 6 (#$ . 68271)]) #@371 Restore Transient Mark mode. This presupposes that `evil-save-transient-mark-mode' has been called earlier. If Transient Mark mode was disabled before but enabled in the meantime, this function disables it; if it was enabled before but disabled in the meantime, this function enables it. The earlier settings of Transient Mark mode are stored in `evil-transient-vals'. (defalias 'evil-restore-transient-mark-mode #[0 "\301\211\211\211\211A\242\211\262\205Q\211A\262\242\262\211A\262\242\262\211A\262\242\262\204/\302!\210J\232\204\303!\203K\203E\304\202F\305!\210\202\211\262\202\207" [evil-transient-vals nil kill-local-variable fboundp 1 -1] 6 (#$ . 68876)]) #@89 Save the current mark, including whether it is transient. See also `evil-restore-mark'. (defalias 'evil-save-mark #[0 "?\205 \301\302!\303 \207" [evil-visual-previous-mark mark t evil-save-transient-mark-mode] 2 (#$ . 69575)]) #@82 Restore the mark, including whether it was transient. See also `evil-save-mark'. (defalias 'evil-restore-mark #[0 "\205\301 \210\302!\210\303\211\207" [evil-visual-previous-mark evil-restore-transient-mark-mode evil-move-mark nil] 2 (#$ . 69811)]) #@150 Toggle Transient Mark mode. Ensure that the region is properly deactivated. Enable with positive ARG, disable with negative ARG. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'evil-transient-mark #[256 "\211\247\204\203 \301\202\302\262\211\302W\203,\303\301!\210\304\305!\203$\305\301!\210\2058\300\301!\207?\2058\303\301!\210\300\302!\207" [transient-mark-mode -1 1 evil-active-region fboundp cua-mode] 3 (#$ . 70071)]) #@149 Toggle active region. Ensure that Transient Mark mode is properly enabled. Enable with positive ARG, disable with negative ARG. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'evil-active-region #[256 "\211\247\204\304 \203\305\202\306\262\211\306W\203/\204 \205W\307\211\310\303!\203+\307\311\312!\207\313\306!\210\n\2039\307\314\315!\204C\316`!\210\304 \204N\317\314\315!!\210\310\303!\205W\315\211\207" [transient-mark-mode mark-active deactivate-mark cua--explicit-region-start region-active-p -1 1 nil boundp run-hooks deactivate-mark-hook evil-transient-mark mark t evil-move-mark set-mark] 5 (#$ . 70497)]) #@115 Execute BODY with Transient Mark mode. Then restore Transient Mark mode to its previous setting. (fn &rest BODY) (defalias 'evil-with-transient-mark-mode '(macro . #[128 "\300\301\302\303\304\305BBB\306BBE\207" [let ((inhibit-quit t) evil-transient-vals) unwind-protect progn (evil-save-transient-mark-mode) (evil-transient-mark 1) ((evil-restore-transient-mark-mode))] 8 (#$ . 71123)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put evil-with-transient-mark-mode lisp-indent-function defun put edebug-form-spec t] 5) #@78 Execute BODY with an active region from BEG to END. (fn BEG END &rest BODY) (defalias 'evil-with-active-region '(macro . #[642 "\300\301D\302D\303BB\304\305\306\307\310BBBBDE\207" [let beg end (evil-transient-vals) evil-with-transient-mark-mode save-excursion (evil-active-region 1) (evil-move-mark beg) (goto-char end)] 11 (#$ . 71670)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put evil-with-active-region lisp-indent-function 2 put edebug-form-spec t] 5) #@56 Exchange point and mark without activating the region. (defalias 'evil-exchange-point-and-mark #[0 "`\300\301!\206\211\302 \303\223\210\211b\207" [mark t mark-marker nil] 5 (#$ . 72161)]) #@362 Call FUNC for each line of a block selection. The selection is specified by the region BEG and END. FUNC must take at least two arguments, the beginning and end of each line. If PASS-COLUMNS is non-nil, these values are the columns, otherwise tey are buffer positions. Extra arguments to FUNC may be passed via ARGS. (fn FUNC BEG END PASS-COLUMNS &rest ARGS) (defalias 'evil-apply-on-block #[1156 "\303>\205\f \247\205\f \304\211\211\211\212b\210i\262\305 \210`\262b\210i\262\306y\210\307 \262\310D\311\"\211A\262\242\262\211A\262\242\262\210\203n\312\262b\210`W\203a\313\314 !]\262\306y\210\202M\nS\315 !^T^]\262b\210`W\205\241\203\210\316\n $\210\202\233\316\n\212\317!)\212\317\320\") $\210\306y\210\202q)\207" [last-command temporary-goal-column most-positive-fixnum (next-line previous-line) nil beginning-of-line 1 point-marker sort < 0 evil-column line-end-position truncate apply evil-move-to-column t] 16 (#$ . 72359)]) #@272 Like `apply-on-rectangle' but maybe extends to eol. If `temporary-goal-column' is set to a big number, then the region of each line is extended to the end of each line. The end column is set to the maximal column in all covered lines. (fn FUNCTION START END &rest ARGS) (defalias 'evil-apply-on-rectangle #[899 "\300\301\302&\207" [apply evil-apply-on-block t] 11 (#$ . 73345)]) #@259 Concatenate RANGES. RANGES must be a list of ranges. They must be ordered so that successive ranges share their boundaries. The return value is a single range of disjoint union of the ranges or nil if the disjoint union is not a single range. (fn RANGES) (defalias 'evil-concat-ranges #[257 "\211\242A\300\2037\242\211\262\2037\211A@U\203!\211@AB\202.A@U\205.@AB\262A\262\202\207" [nil] 6 (#$ . 73738)]) #@335 Track the last insertion range and its text. The insertion range is stored as a pair of buffer positions in `evil-current-insertion'. If a subsequent change is compatible, then the current range is modified, otherwise it is replaced by a new range. Compatible changes are changes that do not create a disjoin range. (fn BEG END LEN) (defalias 'evil-track-last-insertion #[771 "\211\301V\203&\203$@Y\203$\\AX\203$\211AZ\241\210\202&\302\203A@Y\203AAX\203AZA\\\241\207B\211\207" [evil-current-insertion 0 nil] 6 (#$ . 74173)]) (put 'evil-track-last-insertion 'permanent-local-hook t) #@36 Start tracking the last insertion. (defalias 'evil-start-track-last-insertion #[0 "\301\302\303\304\301\305$\207" [evil-current-insertion nil add-hook after-change-functions evil-track-last-insertion t] 5 (#$ . 74791)]) #@90 Stop tracking the last insertion. The tracked insertion is set to `evil-last-insertion'. (defalias 'evil-stop-track-last-insertion #[0 "\205@eY\205AdX\205\302@A\"\303\304\305\306#\207" [evil-current-insertion evil-last-insertion buffer-substring-no-properties remove-hook after-change-functions evil-track-last-insertion t] 4 (#$ . 75018)]) #@120 Saves the characters defined by the region BEG and END in the kill-ring. (fn BEG END &optional REGISTER YANK-HANDLER) (defalias 'evil-yank-characters #[1026 "\301\"\203\302\303C#\262\203\304\"\210\203\"\304\305\"\210\306=?\205,\307!\207" [evil-was-yanked-without-register filter-buffer-substring propertize yank-handler evil-set-register 48 95 kill-new] 9 (#$ . 75378)]) #@109 Saves the lines in the region BEG and END into the kill-ring. (fn BEG END &optional REGISTER YANK-HANDLER) (defalias 'evil-yank-lines #[1026 "\301\"\206 \302\303\304EG\305U\204\211GSH\306U\204\"\307P\262\310\311#\262\2032\312\"\210\203;\312\313\"\210\314=?\205E\315!\207" [evil-was-yanked-without-register filter-buffer-substring evil-yank-line-handler nil t 0 10 "\n" propertize yank-handler evil-set-register 48 95 kill-new] 10 (#$ . 75776)]) #@117 Saves the rectangle defined by region BEG and END into the kill-ring. (fn BEG END &optional REGISTER YANK-HANDLER) (defalias 'evil-yank-rectangle #[1026 "\301C\302\303$\210\211A\237\262\206\304\305\306F\307\310\311\312#\313#\203+\314\"\210\2034\314\315\"\210\316=?\205>\317!\207" [evil-was-yanked-without-register nil evil-apply-on-rectangle extract-rectangle-line evil-yank-block-handler t evil-delete-yanked-rectangle propertize mapconcat identity "\n" yank-handler evil-set-register 48 95 kill-new] 11 (#$ . 76253)]) #@58 Removes `yank-excluded-properties' from TEXT. (fn TEXT) (defalias 'evil-remove-yank-excluded-properties #[257 "\301=\203\302\303G\304$\207\305\303G$\207" [yank-excluded-properties t set-text-properties 0 nil remove-list-of-text-properties] 6 (#$ . 76802)]) #@47 Inserts the current text linewise. (fn TEXT) (defalias 'evil-yank-line-handler #[257 "\303\304\305\206\306\"\"`\307!\210 \310\267\202q\311 \210\312`!\210c\210\313\314\315!`\257\316\317\314 \"\210\316\320`S\"\210\321 \210\322 \207\323 \210\312`!\210\324c\210c\210\316\317\314 T\"\210\316\320`S\"\210\325\326!\210\327\314\315!`\257\312\314\315!T!\210\321 \210\322 \207c\207" [evil-paste-count this-command evil-last-paste apply concat make-list 1 evil-remove-yank-excluded-properties #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (evil-paste-before 22 evil-paste-after 60)) evil-move-beginning-of-line evil-move-mark evil-paste-before mark t evil-set-marker 91 93 evil-exchange-point-and-mark back-to-indentation evil-move-end-of-line "\n" delete-char -1 evil-paste-after] 8 (#$ . 77074)]) #@48 Inserts the current text as block. (fn LINES) (defalias 'evil-yank-block-handler #[257 "\206\303 \304=\203iT\202i\305`!`\306\211\203\237\211@\307\310\311 \"\"\262\312\313\"\210\314\303\"\303\224\315\225\303\225Z\305`!W\203Idb\210\316c\210\2027T\262\317\320 ! W\203_G\315U\204\224\317\320 ! W\203t\321 \\\322\"\210\202\200\321 \322\"\210\323\324\"c\210\325!\210c\210l\204\221\323\324\"c\210`\262\303y\266A\266\202\202\210 G\n@G_\257\326\327\"\210\326\330S\"\210b\210 \304=\205\313l?\205\313\306u\207" [evil-paste-count this-command evil-last-paste 1 evil-paste-after line-number-at-pos nil apply concat make-list string-match "^ *\\(.*?\\) *$" match-string 0 "\n" evil-column line-end-position move-to-column t make-string 32 evil-remove-yank-excluded-properties evil-set-marker 91 93] 14 (#$ . 77925)]) #@92 Special function to delete the block yanked by a previous paste command. (fn NROWS NCOLS) (defalias 'evil-delete-yanked-rectangle #[514 "`\301=\203\fiT\202 i\302\211W\2038\303\212\304!\210`)\212\304\\!\210`)|\210m\2040\303y\210\210\211T\262\202\266b\207" [last-command evil-paste-after 0 nil move-to-column] 11 (#$ . 78790)]) #@496 Replace the just-yanked stretch of killed text with a different stretch. This command is allowed only immediatly after a `yank', `evil-paste-before', `evil-paste-after' or `evil-paste-pop'. This command uses the same paste command as before, i.e., when used after `evil-paste-after' the new text is also yanked using `evil-paste-after', used with the same paste-count argument. The COUNT argument inserts the COUNTth previous kill. If COUNT is negative this is a more recent kill. (fn COUNT) (defalias 'evil-paste-pop #[257 "\306>\204 \307\310\"\210 \204\307\311!\210\312 \210\313 8b\210 @\314\315V\2030\316 8\2030T\2021!C \317=\203B\320\321 \210) @ A@!\210\317=\205T\322 \233\323\241*\207" [last-command evil-last-paste this-command kill-ring kill-ring-yank-pointer evil-no-display (evil-paste-after evil-paste-before evil-visual-paste) user-error "Previous command was not an evil-paste: %s" "Previous paste command used a register" evil-undo-pop 2 current-kill 0 5 evil-visual-paste t evil-visual-restore 4 nil] 4 (#$ . 79140) "p"]) #@66 Same as `evil-paste-pop' but with negative argument. (fn COUNT) (defalias 'evil-paste-pop-next #[257 "\300[!\207" [evil-paste-pop] 3 (#$ . 80204) "p"]) #@168 Match an interactive code at position POS in string INTERACTIVE. Returns the first matching entry in `evil-interactive-alist', or nil. (fn INTERACTIVE &optional POS) (defalias 'evil-match-interactive-code #[513 "G\206\301\3022;\211\2058\211@\211@\211G\\\211X\203/O\230\203/\303\302\"\210\266A\266\202\202\f\2620\207" [evil-interactive-alist 0 done throw] 12 (#$ . 80365)]) #@149 Concatenate interactive list expressions FORMS. Returns a single expression where successive expressions are joined, if possible. (fn &rest FORMS) (defalias 'evil-concatenate-interactive-forms #[128 "\300\205hA\203E@\204A\262\202@@\301=\2038A@@\301=\2038\302@A@A\"AAB\262\202\211A\262\242B\262\202@\203T\211A\262\242B\262\211\237\262\211?\206h\211A\204e\211@\207\302B\207" [nil list append] 5 (#$ . 80769)]) #@333 Evaluate the interactive string STRING. The string may contain extended interactive syntax. The return value is a cons cell (FORM . PROPERTIES), where FORM is a single list-expression to be passed to a standard `interactive' statement, and PROPERTIES is a list of command properties as passed to `evil-define-command'. (fn STRING) (defalias 'evil-interactive-string #[257 "\211G\300\301\211\211\211\211\211\211 W\203\214 H\302=\203$T\262\202\n\303\n \"\262\204=\304\305 \n\301O\"\210\202\n@\262A@\262AA\262G\\\262\306!\203{ \307\310 \f#\206j\nO\262G\\\262\311E\262\312C\"\262\312\"\262\202\n\312BB\207" [0 nil 10 evil-match-interactive-code user-error "Unknown interactive code: `%s'" functionp string-match "\n" funcall append] 16 (#$ . 81222)]) #@278 Evaluate interactive forms ARGS. The return value is a cons cell (FORM . PROPERTIES), where FORM is a single list-expression to be passed to a standard `interactive' statement, and PROPERTIES is a list of command properties as passed to `evil-define-command'. (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'evil-interactive-form #[128 "\300\211\211\2033\211@\211;\204\301C\"\262\202,\302!\262\301@A\"\262\301A\"\262A\266\202\202\210\303\304\"B\207" [nil append evil-interactive-string apply evil-concatenate-interactive-forms] 8 (#$ . 82037)]) #@79 Return the type of OBJECT, or DEFAULT if none. (fn OBJECT &optional DEFAULT) (defalias 'evil-type #[513 "\300\301!\203\302\303\"\262\202E\304!\203\3058\262\202E<\203,\306\303\"\262\202E\307!\203;\310\303\"\262\202E9\203E\311N\262\211\206J\262\312!\205S\211\207" [nil overlayp overlay-get :type evil-range-p 2 plist-get commandp evil-get-command-property type evil-type-p] 6 (#$ . 82589)]) #@151 Set the type of OBJECT to TYPE. For example, (evil-set-type 'next-line 'line) will make `line' the type of the `next-line' command. (fn OBJECT TYPE) (defalias 'evil-set-type #[514 "\300!\203\301\302#\210\202E\303!\203\304\"\210\202E<\203+\305\302#\210\202E\306!\203:\307\302#\210\202E9\203E\310\311#\210\207" [overlayp overlay-put :type evil-range-p evil-set-range-type plist-put commandp evil-set-command-property put type] 6 (#$ . 83017)]) #@48 Return property PROP for TYPE. (fn TYPE PROP) (defalias 'evil-type-property #[514 "\301#\207" [evil-type-properties evil-get-property] 6 (#$ . 83493)]) #@46 Whether SYM is the name of a type. (fn SYM) (defalias 'evil-type-p #[257 "\211\236\207" [evil-type-properties] 3 (#$ . 83655)]) #@171 Expand BEG and END as TYPE with PROPERTIES. Returns a list (BEG END TYPE PROPERTIES ...), where the tail may contain a property list. (fn BEG END TYPE &rest PROPERTIES) (defalias 'evil-expand #[899 "\300\301\302\303\"?\205 \304&\207" [apply evil-transform plist-get :expanded :expand] 11 (#$ . 83792)]) #@173 Contract BEG and END as TYPE with PROPERTIES. Returns a list (BEG END TYPE PROPERTIES ...), where the tail may contain a property list. (fn BEG END TYPE &rest PROPERTIES) (defalias 'evil-contract #[899 "\300\301\302&\207" [apply evil-transform :contract] 11 (#$ . 84114)]) #@174 Normalize BEG and END as TYPE with PROPERTIES. Returns a list (BEG END TYPE PROPERTIES ...), where the tail may contain a property list. (fn BEG END TYPE &rest PROPERTIES) (defalias 'evil-normalize #[899 "\300\301\302&\207" [apply evil-transform :normalize] 11 (#$ . 84404)]) #@240 Apply TRANSFORM on BEG and END with PROPERTIES. Returns a list (BEG END TYPE PROPERTIES ...), where the tail may contain a property list. If TRANSFORM is undefined, return positions unchanged. (fn TRANSFORM BEG END TYPE &rest PROPERTIES) (defalias 'evil-transform #[1156 "\206\300!\211\205\205\301\"\211\203\"\302$\207\302\303%\207" [evil-type evil-type-property apply evil-range] 13 (#$ . 84697)]) #@145 Return description of BEG and END with PROPERTIES. If no description is available, return the empty string. (fn BEG END TYPE &rest PROPERTIES) (defalias 'evil-describe #[899 "\206\300!\301\302#\303\304\"\211\203\305$\206 \306\207" [evil-type plist-put :type evil-type-property :string apply ""] 12 (#$ . 85131)]) #@220 Return a list (BEG END [TYPE] PROPERTIES...). BEG and END are buffer positions (numbers or markers), TYPE is a type as per `evil-type-p', and PROPERTIES is a property list. (fn BEG END &optional TYPE &rest PROPERTIES) (defalias 'evil-range #[898 "\300!\300!\247\205#\211\247\205#\301^]D\302!\205!C#\207" [evil-normalize-position append evil-type-p] 10 (#$ . 85468)]) #@41 Whether OBJECT is a range. (fn OBJECT) (defalias 'evil-range-p #[257 "\211<\205\211G\300Y\205\211@\247\205\211A@\247\207" [2] 3 (#$ . 85856)]) #@40 Return beginning of RANGE. (fn RANGE) (defalias 'evil-range-beginning #[257 "\300!\205\301@!\301A@!^\266\202\207" [evil-range-p evil-normalize-position] 5 (#$ . 86012)]) #@34 Return end of RANGE. (fn RANGE) (defalias 'evil-range-end #[257 "\300!\205\301@!\301A@!]\266\202\207" [evil-range-p evil-normalize-position] 5 (#$ . 86196)]) #@41 Return properties of RANGE. (fn RANGE) (defalias 'evil-range-properties #[257 "\300!\205\301!\203\302\233\207\211AA\207" [evil-range-p evil-type 3] 3 (#$ . 86368)]) #@37 Return a copy of RANGE. (fn RANGE) (defalias 'evil-copy-range #[257 "\300!\207" [copy-sequence] 3 (#$ . 86547)]) #@340 Set RANGE to have beginning BEG and end END. The TYPE and additional PROPERTIES may also be specified. If an argument is nil, it's not used; the previous value is retained. See also `evil-set-range-beginning', `evil-set-range-end', `evil-set-range-type' and `evil-set-range-properties'. (fn RANGE &optional BEG END TYPE &rest PROPERTIES) (defalias 'evil-set-range #[1153 "\300!\205_\301!\206\302!\301!\206\303!\206!\304!\305!\306D\307\"\211A\262\242\262\211A\262\242\262\210\310\"\262\311 \"\210\312 \"\210\313 \"\210\314 \"\210\266\204\207" [evil-range-p evil-normalize-position evil-range-beginning evil-range-end evil-type evil-range-properties sort < evil-concat-plists evil-set-range-beginning evil-set-range-end evil-set-range-type evil-set-range-properties] 12 (#$ . 86669)]) #@106 Set RANGE's beginning to BEG. If COPY is non-nil, return a copy of RANGE. (fn RANGE BEG &optional COPY) (defalias 'evil-set-range-beginning #[770 "\211\203 \300!\262\240\210\207" [evil-copy-range] 5 (#$ . 87499)]) #@100 Set RANGE's end to END. If COPY is non-nil, return a copy of RANGE. (fn RANGE END &optional COPY) (defalias 'evil-set-range-end #[770 "\211\203 \300!\262A\240\210\207" [evil-copy-range] 5 (#$ . 87727)]) #@103 Set RANGE's type to TYPE. If COPY is non-nil, return a copy of RANGE. (fn RANGE TYPE &optional COPY) (defalias 'evil-set-range-type #[770 "\211\203 \300!\262\203A\301!B\241\210\202 A\301!\241\210\207" [evil-copy-range evil-range-properties] 7 (#$ . 87944)]) #@121 Set RANGE's properties to PROPERTIES. If COPY is non-nil, return a copy of RANGE. (fn RANGE PROPERTIES &optional COPY) (defalias 'evil-set-range-properties #[770 "\211\203 \300!\262\301!\203AA\241\210\202A\241\210\207" [evil-copy-range evil-type] 5 (#$ . 88223)]) #@177 Return the union of the ranges RANGE1 and RANGE2. If the ranges have conflicting types, use RANGE1's type. This can be overridden with TYPE. (fn RANGE1 RANGE2 &optional TYPE) (defalias 'evil-range-union #[770 "\300!\205*\300!\205*\301\302!\302!^\303!\303!]\206)\304!\206)\304!#\207" [evil-range-p evil-range evil-range-beginning evil-range-end evil-type] 8 (#$ . 88508)]) #@64 Whether RANGE1 is contained within RANGE2. (fn RANGE1 RANGE2) (defalias 'evil-subrange-p #[514 "\300!\205\300!\205\301!\301!X\205\302!\302!Y\207" [evil-range-p evil-range-beginning evil-range-end] 5 (#$ . 88901)]) #@463 Return an inner text object range of COUNT objects. If COUNT is positive, return objects following point; if COUNT is negative, return objects preceding point. If one is unspecified, the other is used with a negative argument. THING is a symbol understood by thing-at-point. BEG, END and TYPE specify the current selection. If LINE is non-nil, the text object should be linewise, otherwise it is character wise. (fn THING BEG END TYPE &optional COUNT LINE) (defalias 'evil-select-inner-object #[1540 "\206\300\301!\211\205`AW\205\211\262\206\302!\203E\203E@V\204EAW\204E\303=\203uTU\203u\203R\211@W\203V\211@\262\203b\211AV\203f\211A\262\304V\203qS\202sT\262\304W\203\200\202\201b\210\305\306\307 \"\306\310\f\"#\210\311\304Y\203\235\202\236`\304W\203\251\202\252`\203\262\312\202\264\313\314%\207" [1 bounds-of-thing-at-point evil-bounds-of-not-thing-at-point inclusive 0 evil-forward-nearest make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 forward-thing] 4 "\n\n(fn CNT)"] #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 evil-forward-not-thing] 4 "\n\n(fn CNT)"] evil-range line :expanded t] 14 (#$ . 89135)]) #@463 Return an outer text object range of COUNT objects. If COUNT is positive, return objects following point; if COUNT is negative, return objects preceding point. If one is unspecified, the other is used with a negative argument. THING is a symbol understood by thing-at-point. BEG, END and TYPE specify the current selection. If LINE is non-nil, the text object should be linewise, otherwise it is character wise. (fn THING BEG END TYPE COUNT &optional LINE) (defalias 'evil-select-an-object #[1541 "\206\301\302V\203\301\202\303\304\206\301!\305!\211\205&`AW\205&\211\262\211\2060\306 !\307\211\n\203\\ \203\\\n@V\204\\ AW\204\\\310=\203\205\nT\nU\203\205\n\203i@ W\203m@\262  \203zA\nV\203~A\262\n\203\205\311\262\302V\203\226 b\210\n\262\202\236\nb\210 \262\n@U\203\" AU\203\"\203\214edBB\312?\205\302\313 ?\205\312\314 \"\210\306\f\"*\211\203\341\211b\210\311\262\210\202\"\212b\210\214edBB\312?\205\365\313  ?\205\375\314 \"\210\306 [\"*\262\211\203\211\262\311\262)\210\202\"\315\f\"\210\311\262\203*S\262\302\211W\203m\307\306\n\"\211\203N\211`U\204N\315 \"\266\202f\315 \"\210\306 \"\262\211\203d\211b\210\266\211T\262\202,\266\316\302V\203{\202|`\302W\203\207\202\210` \203\221\317\202\223 \320\311%\207" [evil-restriction-stack 1 0 -1 abs bounds-of-thing-at-point evil-bounds-of-not-thing-at-point nil inclusive t evil-narrow line-beginning-position line-end-position forward-thing evil-range line :expanded] 19 (#$ . 90309)]) #@572 Return the exclusive range of a visual selection. OP and CL are pairs of buffer positions for the opening and closing delimiter of a range. SELECTION-TYPE is the desired type of selection. It is a symbol that determines which parts of the block are selected. If it is 'inclusive or t the returned range is (cons (car OP) (cdr CL)). If it is 'exclusive or nil the returned range is (cons (cdr OP) (car CL)). If it is 'exclusive-line the returned range will skip whitespace at the end of the line of OP and at the beginning of the line of CL. (fn OP CL SELECTION-TYPE) (defalias 'evil--get-block-range #[771 "\211\300\267\202K@AB\207A@B\207A@\212b\210l\203'm\204'\301\302!\262\211b\210\303\304x\210n\203F`\262b\210n\204FW\203F\211S\262)B\207\305\306\"\207" [#s(hash-table size 5 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (inclusive 6 t 6 exclusive 12 nil 12 exclusive-line 18)) line-beginning-position 2 " " nil user-error "Unknown selection-type %s"] 7 (#$ . 91901)]) #@1171 Return a range (BEG END) of COUNT delimited text objects. BEG END TYPE are the currently selected (visual) range. The delimited object must be given by THING-up function (see `evil-up-block'). SELECTION-TYPE is symbol that determines which parts of the block are selected. If it is 'inclusive or t OPEN and CLOSE are included in the range. If it is 'exclusive or nil the delimiters are not contained. If it is 'exclusive-line the delimiters are not included as well as adjacent whitespace until the beginning of the next line or the end of the previous line. If the resulting selection consists of complete lines only and visual state is not active, the returned selection is linewise. If COUNTCURRENT is non-nil an objected is counted if the current selection matches that object exactly. Usually scanning for the surrounding block starts at (1+ beg) and (1- end). If this might fail due to the behavior of THING then FIXEDSCAN can be set to t. In this case the scan starts at BEG and END. One example where this might fail is if BEG and END are the delimiters of a string or comment. (fn THING BEG END TYPE COUNT &optional SELECTION-TYPE COUNTCURRENT FIXEDSCAN) (defalias 'evil-select-block #[2053 "\212\300 \301\302\"\216 \206` \206`\303 \206\304!\305\211\211\211U\2030T\262\n\203:\202=Tb\210\304!\306U\203m\306\224\203m\306\224\306\225B\262@b\210\307!\306U\203m\306\224\203m\306\224\306\225B\262\n\203v\202xSb\210\307!\306U\203\250\306\224\203\250\306\224\306\225B\262Ab\210\304!\306U\203\250\306\224\203\250\306\224\306\225B\262\204\267\211\204\267\310\311!\210\202\345\203\337\211\203\345@@Y\203\345\211AAX\203\345@X\203\345\211AY\203\345\262\211\262\262\262\203\203 \204\312# @X\203AY\203\202S\262\202S\211\306V\203V@b\210[!\210\306\224\203:\306\224\306\225B\202;\262Ab\210!\210\306\224\203S\306\224\306\225B\202T\262\210\312#\211@\262\211A\262\210 \232\203\214\232\203\214 \203\204 \203\214\304U\204\214\310\311!\266\211\202\277\212\313 ?\205\245\314=\205\245b\210n\205\245b\210n)\203\265\315\316\317\320%\266\211\202\277\315\317\320%\266\211)\262)\207" [match-data make-closure #[0 "\301\300\302\"\207" [V0 set-match-data evaporate] 3] abs 1 nil 0 -1 error "No surrounding delimiters found" evil--get-block-range evil-visual-state-p inclusive evil-range line :expanded t] 24 (#$ . 92925)]) #@729 Return a range (BEG END) of COUNT delimited text objects. OPEN and CLOSE specify the opening and closing delimiter, respectively. BEG END TYPE are the currently selected (visual) range. If INCLUSIVE is non-nil, OPEN and CLOSE are included in the range; otherwise they are excluded. The types of OPEN and CLOSE specify which kind of THING is used for parsing with `evil-select-block'. If OPEN and CLOSE are characters `evil-up-paren' is used. Otherwise OPEN and CLOSE must be regular expressions and `evil-up-block' is used. If the selection is exclusive, whitespace at the end or at the beginning of the selection until the end-of-line or beginning-of-line is ignored. (fn OPEN CLOSE BEG END TYPE COUNT &optional INCLUSIVE) (defalias 'evil-select-paren #[1798 "\211\204\301\262\302!\203\277\302!\203\277\303\304#\305\306!\206F\305\307!\206F`\206/`U\205F\212\2069`Tb\210\305\306!\206E\305\307!)\211\204Y\310&\207\214edBB\311@A\"\210\3121}\310&0\202\210\313*\206\276\212\206\212`\262\206\221`\262\211@b\210@^A]\310\n\n\nW\206\270V\314&\266\202)\207\310\303\315  #&\207" [evil-restriction-stack exclusive-line characterp make-closure #[256 "\302\300\301#\207" [V0 V1 evil-up-paren] 5 "\n\n(fn &optional CNT)"] bounds-of-thing-at-point evil-string evil-comment evil-select-block evil-narrow (error) nil t #[256 "\302\300\301#\207" [V0 V1 evil-up-block] 5 "\n\n(fn &optional CNT)"]] 20 (#$ . 95403)]) #@208 Selection THING as if it described a quoted object. THING is typically either 'evil-quote or 'evil-chars. This function is called from `evil-select-quote'. (fn THING BEG END TYPE COUNT &optional INCLUSIVE) (defalias 'evil-select-quote-thing #[1541 "\212\206\300\211\301V\203\300\202\302\303!\211\205!`AW\205!\211\262\304\211\203/\305\262\202C\306!\307U\203=\262\310\262\304\262\n\304\262  \203r\203r\212\301V\203Y \202[b\210\311 \"\210 `X\205n` W)\204x\304\262\n\304\262 \204\246\311 \"\301U\203\220\303 !\211\262\204\224\312\313!\210\301V\203\240`\262 \202\243`\262\n\305\262 \203\300\203\300 @V\204\300AW\203\350 \203\315@\nW\203\321@\262\n\203\336A V\203\342A\262 \305\262\305\262\203\373\301V\203\367S\202\371T\262\301V\203\202 b\210\204\311\f\"U\203\312\313!\210\301V\203)`\262 \202,`\262\n\204= T\262\nS\262 \202\234\310=\204\234\301V\203N\202P b\210\303\314!\211\262\203o\301V\203hA\262 \202\234@\262\n\202\234\301V\203z \202|b\210\211\203\234\303\314!\211\262\203\234\301V\203\230@\262\n\202\234A\262 \315\n\n\316 \203\252\317\202\253\320\321\305%\266\205)\207" [1 0 -1 bounds-of-thing-at-point nil t abs 2 quote-only forward-thing error "No quoted string found" evil-space evil-range evil-visual-state-p inclusive exclusive :expanded] 17 (#$ . 96909)]) #@1212 Return a range (BEG END) of COUNT quoted text objects. QUOTE specifies the quotation delimiter. BEG END TYPE are the currently selected (visual) range. If INCLUSIVE is nil the previous selection is ignore. If there is quoted string at point this object will be selected, otherwise the following (if (> COUNT 0)) or preceeding object (if (< COUNT 0)) is selected. If (/= (abs COUNT) 2) the delimiting quotes are not contained in the range, otherwise they are contained in the range. If INCLUSIVE is non-nil the selection depends on the previous selection. If the currently selection contains at least one character that is contained in a quoted string then the selection is extended, otherwise it is thrown away. If there is a non-selected object at point then this object is added to the selection. Otherwise the selection is extended to the following (if (> COUNT 0)) or preceeding object (if (< COUNT 0)). Any whitespace following (or preceeding if (< COUNT 0)) the new selection is added to the selection. If no such whitespace exists and the selection contains only one quoted string then the preceeding (or following) whitespace is added to the range. (fn QUOTE BEG END TYPE COUNT &optional INCLUSIVE) (defalias 'evil-select-quote #[1541 "\302\303!\206 \302\304!\211\205V`AW\205V\211@fU?\205V\211A\206&`SfU?\205V\214edB B\305@A\"\210\3061S\307\310&0\202U\210\311*\262\206l\307\312&))\207" [evil-forward-quote-char evil-restriction-stack bounds-of-thing-at-point evil-comment evil-string evil-narrow (error) evil-select-quote-thing evil-quote-simple nil evil-quote] 14 (#$ . 98326)]) #@173 Return a range (BEG END) of COUNT matching XML tags. If INCLUSIVE is non-nil, the tags themselves are included from the range. (fn BEG END TYPE &optional COUNT INCLUSIVE) (defalias 'evil-select-xml-tag #[1283 "\211\204O\300\206\n\301!\301U\203O\302\303\304\305&\2036\306!U\2036\2036\307!U\204@\306!\307!U\203N\302\303\305&\207\207\302\303&\207" [abs 1 evil-select-block evil-up-xml-tag nil t evil-range-beginning evil-range-end] 13 (#$ . 99969)]) #@103 Expand RANGE according to its type. Return a new range if COPY is non-nil. (fn RANGE &optional COPY) (defalias 'evil-expand-range #[513 "\211\203 \300!\262\301\302!\303\"\204\304\305\"\262\207" [evil-copy-range plist-get evil-range-properties :expanded evil-transform-range :expand] 5 (#$ . 100470)]) #@105 Contract RANGE according to its type. Return a new range if COPY is non-nil. (fn RANGE &optional COPY) (defalias 'evil-contract-range #[513 "\300\301#\207" [evil-transform-range :contract] 6 (#$ . 100788)]) #@106 Normalize RANGE according to its type. Return a new range if COPY is non-nil. (fn RANGE &optional COPY) (defalias 'evil-normalize-range #[513 "\300\301#\207" [evil-transform-range :normalize] 6 (#$ . 101005)]) #@125 Apply TRANSFORM to RANGE according to its type. Return a new range if COPY is non-nil. (fn TRANSFORM RANGE &optional COPY) (defalias 'evil-transform-range #[770 "\211\203 \300!\262\301!\203\302\303\302\304##\210\207" [evil-copy-range evil-type apply evil-set-range evil-transform] 10 (#$ . 101225)]) #@99 Return description of RANGE. If no description is available, return the empty string. (fn RANGE) (defalias 'evil-describe-range #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [apply evil-describe] 4 (#$ . 101544)]) #@233 Start a undo step. All following buffer modifications are grouped together as a single action. If CONTINUE is non-nil, preceding modifications are included. The step is terminated with `evil-end-undo-step'. (fn &optional CONTINUE) (defalias 'evil-start-undo-step #[256 "<\205$ ?\205$\n\203\303 \207\211\204\242\203\304 \210\206\"\305\211\207" [buffer-undo-list evil-in-single-undo evil-undo-list-pointer evil-refresh-undo-step undo-boundary t] 3 (#$ . 101744)]) #@131 End a undo step started with `evil-start-undo-step'. Adds an undo boundary unless CONTINUE is specified. (fn &optional CONTINUE) (defalias 'evil-end-undo-step #[256 "<\205 \205 \n?\205 \303 \210\211\204\242\203\304 \210\305\211\207" [buffer-undo-list evil-undo-list-pointer evil-in-single-undo evil-refresh-undo-step undo-boundary nil] 3 (#$ . 102227)]) #@195 Refresh `buffer-undo-list' entries for current undo step. Undo boundaries until `evil-undo-list-pointer' are removed to make the entries undoable as a single action. See `evil-start-undo-step'. (defalias 'evil-refresh-undo-step #[0 "\205\302\303 #\211\206\304\211\207" [evil-undo-list-pointer buffer-undo-list evil-filter-list null t] 5 (#$ . 102600)]) #@180 Execute BODY with enabled undo. If undo is disabled in the current buffer, the undo information is stored in `evil-temporary-undo' instead of `buffer-undo-list'. (fn &rest BODY) (defalias 'evil-with-undo '(macro . #[128 "\300\301\302\300\303B\304BBE\305BB\207" [unwind-protect let (buffer-undo-list) progn ((setq evil-temporary-undo buffer-undo-list) (unless (null (car-safe evil-temporary-undo)) (push nil evil-temporary-undo))) ((unless (eq buffer-undo-list t) (setq buffer-undo-list (if (cdr evil-temporary-undo) (nconc evil-temporary-undo buffer-undo-list) buffer-undo-list) evil-temporary-undo nil)))] 7 (#$ . 102968)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put evil-with-undo lisp-indent-function defun put edebug-form-spec t] 5) #@54 Execute BODY as a single undo step. (fn &rest BODY) (defalias 'evil-with-single-undo '(macro . #[128 "\300\301\302\303\304\305\300\306BBE\307BBDE\207" [let (evil-undo-list-pointer) evil-with-undo unwind-protect progn (evil-start-undo-step) ((evil-in-single-undo t)) ((evil-end-undo-step))] 10 (#$ . 103737)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put evil-with-single-undo lisp-indent-function defun put edebug-form-spec t] 5) #@186 Undo the last buffer change. Removes the last undo information from `buffer-undo-list'. If undo is disabled in the current buffer, use the information in `evil-temporary-undo' instead. (defalias 'evil-undo-pop #[0 "\305C\306=\203\f \202 \211\203\211@\203\307\310!\210\211\203*\211@\204*\211A\262\202\211\203@\211@\203@\211A\262\242B\262\202*\237\306\305\211\311\216\312 \210\313 \210-\306=\203\\\305\211\207\211\211\207" [buffer-undo-list evil-temporary-undo evil-write-echo-area evil-echo-area-message inhibit-quit nil t user-error "Can't undo previous change" #[0 "\300 \207" [evil-echo-area-restore] 1] evil-echo-area-save undo] 5 (#$ . 104199)]) #@34 (fn REGEXP REPLACEMENTS-ALIST) (defalias 'evil-transform-regexp #[514 "\300\301\302\303\"\304\305%\207" [replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\+[^\\\\]" make-closure #[257 "\301\224\301\225SH\302\300\"\211\203$\303G\304\"\301U\203$\304ZOAP\207\207" [V0 0 assoc mod 2] 9 "\n\n(fn TXT)"] nil t] 8 (#$ . 104884)]) #@1443 Transforms STR with magic characters. MAGIC is a regexp that matches all potential magic characters. Each occurence of CHAR as magic character within str is replaced by the result of calling the associated TRANSFORM function. TRANSFORM is a function taking two arguments, the character to be transformed and the rest of string after the character. The function should return a triple (REPLACEMENT REST . STOP) where REPLACEMENT is the replacement and REST is the rest of the string that has not been transformed. If STOP is non-nil then the substitution stops immediately. The replacement starts at position START, everything before that position is returned literally. The result is a pair (RESULT . REST). RESULT is a list containing the transformed parts in order. If two subsequents parts are both strings, they are concatenated. REST is the untransformed rest string (usually "" but may be more if TRANSFORM stopped the substitution). Which characters are considered as magic characters (i.e. the transformation happens if the character is NOT preceeded by a backslash) is determined by `evil-magic'. The special tokens \v, \V, \m and \M have always a special meaning (like in Vim) and should not be contained in TRANSFORMS, otherwise their meaning is overwritten. The parameter QUOTE is a quoting function applied to literal transformations, usually `regexp-quote' or `replace-quote'. (fn STR MAGIC QUOTE TRANSFORM &optional START) (defalias 'evil-transform-magic #[1284 "\301 \302\303\"\216\304\305\306\260\307!\206\310\311\211\211\204\352 \203\352\312 \"\203\352\313\224\314U\204@ \314\313\224OB\262\315\316 \"\206U\315\317 \"\206U\315\320 \"\f\314\225\311O\320\224\203\217\312\"\203\202\n\314H\"\211@B\262\211A@\262\211AA\266\204\202!B\262\262 \210\202\316\224\203\303\312\"\204\266\n\314H\"\211@B\262\211A@\262\211AA\266\204\202!B\262\262 \210\202\314H\321>\203\335\314H\322\236A\307!\262\262 \210\202!B\262\262 \210\202 \203\377\211\204\377 B\262\323\262\f\202 \204\323\262\f\311\203J@;\203!@G\314U\203!A\262\202@;\203=A@;\203=A@@PAAB\262\202\211A\262\242B\262\202\211 B\262)\266\206)\207" [evil-magic match-data make-closure #[0 "\301\300\302\"\207" [V0 set-match-data evaporate] 3] "\\(?:\\`\\|[^\\]\\)\\(\\\\\\(?:\\(" "\\)\\|\\(.\\)\\)\\|\\(" "\\)\\)" evil-get-magic identity nil string-match 1 0 match-string 2 3 4 (109 77 118 86) ((109 . t) (77) (118 . very-magic) (86 . very-nomagic)) ""] 17 (#$ . 105210)]) (defconst evil-vim-regexp-replacements '((110 . "\n") (114 . " ") (116 . " ") (98 . "") (115 . "[[:space:]]") (83 . "[^[:space:]]") (100 . "[[:digit:]]") (68 . "[^[:digit:]]") (120 . "[[:xdigit:]]") (88 . "[^[:xdigit:]]") (111 . "[0-7]") (79 . "[^0-7]") (97 . "[[:alpha:]]") (65 . "[^[:alpha:]]") (108 . "[a-z]") (76 . "[^a-z]") (117 . "[A-Z]") (85 . "[^A-Z]") (121 . "\\s") (89 . "\\S") (40 . "\\(") (41 . "\\)") (123 . "\\{") (125 . "\\}") (91 . "[") (93 . "]") (60 . "\\<") (62 . "\\>") (95 . "\\_") (42 . "*") (43 . "+") (63 . "?") (61 . "?") (46 . ".") (96 . "`") (94 . "^") (36 . "$") (124 . "\\|"))) (defconst evil-regexp-magic "[][(){}<>_dDsSxXoOaAlLuUwWyY.*+?=^$`|nrtb]") #@286 Transforms vim-style backslash codes to Emacs regexp. This includes the backslash codes \d, \D, \s, \S, \x, \X, \o, \O, \a, \A, \l, \L, \u, \U and \w, \W. The new codes \y and \Y can be used instead of the Emacs code \s and \S which have a different meaning in Vim-style. (fn REGEXP) (defalias 'evil-transform-vim-style-regexp #[257 "\301\302\303$@@\207" [evil-regexp-magic evil-transform-magic regexp-quote #[514 "\301\"\211\203 \211AD\207\302\303!PD\207" [evil-vim-regexp-replacements assoc "\\" char-to-string] 6 "\n\n(fn CHAR REST)"]] 6 (#$ . 108449)]) #@55 Return STR with the first letter downcased. (fn STR) (defalias 'evil-downcase-first #[257 "\211G\300U\203\207\211\300\301O\227\301\302OP\207" [0 1 nil] 5 (#$ . 109021)]) #@53 Return STR with the first letter upcased. (fn STR) (defalias 'evil-upcase-first #[257 "\211G\300U\203\207\211\300\301O\226\301\302OP\207" [0 1 nil] 5 (#$ . 109201)]) #@270 Returns a regexp matching the magic characters according to MAGIC. Depending on the value of MAGIC the following characters are considered magic. t [][{}*+?.&~$^ nil [][{}*+?$^ 'very-magic not 0-9A-Za-z_ 'very-nomagic empty. (fn MAGIC) (defalias 'evil-get-magic #[257 "\211\300\267\202\f\301\207\302\207\303\207\304\207" [#s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (t 6 very-magic 8 very-nomagic 10)) "[][}{*+?.&~$^]" "[^0-9A-Za-z_]" "\\\\" "[][}{*+?$^]"] 3 (#$ . 109378)]) #@46 All magic characters in a replacement string (defconst evil-replacement-magic "[eElLuU0-9&#,rnbt=]" (#$ . 109934)) #@253 Convert a regexp replacement TO to Lisp from START until \e or \E. Returns a pair (RESULT . REST). RESULT is a list suitable for `perform-replace' if necessary, the original string if not. REST is the unparsed remainder of TO. (fn TO &optional START) (defalias 'evil-compile-subreplacement #[513 "\301\302\303%\211A@\304!\210\211A\203\305B\202 \211@\206 \306B\207" [evil-replacement-magic evil-transform-magic replace-quote #[514 "\300\267\202\233\301D\207\302D\207\303D\207\304D\207\305D\207\306\307BB\207\310!\311\312\"A\211\313\314@\315BBDDAD\207\211G\316U\204E\211\316H\317=\204I\320\321!\210\211G\322W\203T\320\323!\210\324\325H!\322\326OD\207\327!\313@D@9\204|@\242\330=\203\216\316H\331U\204\216\332\333A#A=\203\216AT\202\220A\326OD\207\334D\207\335\336!PD\207" [#s(hash-table size 14 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (35 6 114 10 110 14 98 18 116 22 101 26 69 26 108 32 76 32 117 32 85 32 61 54 44 95 48 151)) (number-to-string replace-count) " " "\n" "" " " #1="" t evil-compile-subreplacement assoc ((108 . evil-downcase-first) (76 . downcase) (117 . evil-upcase-first) (85 . upcase)) replace-quote evil-match-substitute-replacement ((not case-replace)) 0 64 user-error "Expected @ after \\=" 2 "Expected register after \\=@" evil-get-register 1 nil read-from-string quote 40 string-match " " "\\&" "\\" char-to-string] 9 "\n\n(fn CHAR REST)"] replace-match-string-symbols concat #1#] 8 (#$ . 110056)]) #@294 Maybe convert a regexp replacement TO to Lisp. Returns a list suitable for `perform-replace' if necessary, the original string if not. Currently the following magic characters in replacements are supported: 0-9&#lLuUrnbt, The magic character , (comma) start an Emacs-lisp expression. (fn TO) (defalias 'evil-compile-replacement #[257 "\211;\205\300 \301\302\"\216\303\304!@)B\262\207" [match-data make-closure #[0 "\301\300\302\"\207" [V0 set-match-data evaporate] 3] replace-eval-replacement evil-compile-subreplacement] 5 (#$ . 111558)]) #@235 Replace text match by last search with REPLACEMENT. If REPLACEMENT is an expression it will be evaluated to compute the replacement text, otherwise the function behaves as `replace-match'. (fn REPLACEMENT &optional FIXEDCASE STRING) (defalias 'evil-replace-match #[769 ";\203\f\300\301$\207\300@A\302\"\301$\207" [replace-match nil 0] 8 (#$ . 112111)]) #@113 Return REPLACEMENT as it will be inserted by `evil-replace-match'. (fn REPLACEMENT &optional FIXEDCASE STRING) (defalias 'evil-match-substitute-replacement #[769 ";\203\f\300\301$\207\300@A\302\"\301$\207" [match-substitute-replacement nil 0] 8 (#$ . 112481)]) #@355 Justifes all lines in a range. BEG and END specify the range of those lines to be justified. JUSTIFY is either 'left, 'right or 'center according to the justification type. POSITION is the maximal text width for right and center justification or the column at which the lines should be left-aligned for left justification. (fn BEG END JUSTIFY POSITION) (defalias 'evil-justify-lines #[1028 "\211\304\211\214edB B\305\212b\210\306 )\212b\210n\203#\307\310!\202%\307 )\"\210eb\210\311=\2038\312!\210\202L\313\314\304\315#\203F\310\224\310\225|\210\316\304\315#\210\304y\310U\203Wn\204+eb\210\317 -\207" [fill-prefix adaptive-fill-mode fill-column evil-restriction-stack nil evil-narrow line-beginning-position line-end-position 0 left indent-line-to re-search-forward "^[[:space:]]*" t justify-current-line back-to-indentation] 8 (#$ . 112759)]) (defvar evil-list-view-select-action nil nil) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\207" [make-variable-buffer-local evil-list-view-select-action put permanent-local t] 4) (defvar evil-list-view-mode-hook nil) (byte-code "\300\301N\204\f\302\300\301\303#\210\304\305!\204\302\305\306\307#\210\300\207" [evil-list-view-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering Evil List View mode.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)" boundp evil-list-view-mode-map definition-name evil-list-view-mode] 4) (defvar evil-list-view-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (byte-code "\301\302N\204\303\301\302\304\305!#\210\306\307!\204\303\307\310\311#\210\312\313 !\210\307\302N\204-\303\307\302\304\314!#\210\306\300!\204B\303\300\310\311#\210\315\316\300\317\"\210!\210\300\302N\204P\303\300\302\304\320!#\210\303\311\321\322#\207" [evil-list-view-mode-abbrev-table evil-list-view-mode-map variable-documentation put purecopy "Keymap for `evil-list-view-mode'." boundp evil-list-view-mode-syntax-table definition-name evil-list-view-mode (lambda (def-tmp-var) (defvar evil-list-view-mode-syntax-table def-tmp-var)) make-syntax-table "Syntax table for `evil-list-view-mode'." (lambda (def-tmp-var) (defvar evil-list-view-mode-abbrev-table def-tmp-var)) define-abbrev-table nil "Abbrev table for `evil-list-view-mode'." derived-mode-parent tabulated-list-mode] 5) #@541 Major mode derived from `tabulated-list-mode' by `define-derived-mode'. It inherits all of the parent's attributes, but has its own keymap, abbrev table and syntax table: `evil-list-view-mode-map', `evil-list-view-mode-abbrev-table' and `evil-list-view-mode-syntax-table' which more-or-less shadow tabulated-list-mode's corresponding tables. In addition to any hooks its parent mode might have run, this mode runs the hook `evil-list-view-mode-hook', as the final or penultimate step during initialization. \{evil-list-view-mode-map} (defalias 'evil-list-view-mode #[0 "\306\300!\210\307\310 \210\311\312\310\313N\203\314\311\313\310\313N#\210\315 !\204'\316 \317 \"\210\320\f!\211\2035\211\321 =\203;\322\f\323 \"\210\210\324 \325\"\204R =\204R\326 \325C#\210\327 !\210\330\f!\210 \331 \210\332 \210)\333\334!\207" [delay-mode-hooks major-mode mode-name evil-list-view-mode-map evil-list-view-mode-syntax-table evil-list-view-mode-abbrev-table make-local-variable t tabulated-list-mode evil-list-view-mode "Evil List View" mode-class put keymap-parent set-keymap-parent current-local-map char-table-parent standard-syntax-table set-char-table-parent syntax-table abbrev-table-get :parents abbrev-table-put use-local-map set-syntax-table tabulated-list-init-header tabulated-list-print run-mode-hooks evil-list-view-mode-hook local-abbrev-table] 5 (#$ . 115091) nil]) (defalias 'evil-list-view-goto-entry #[0 "\205m?\205\302`! S\234A@!\266\202\207" [evil-list-view-select-action tabulated-list-entries line-number-at-pos] 4 nil nil]) (defalias 'evil-list-view-quit #[0 "\300\301!\207" [quit-window kill] 2 nil nil]) (byte-code "\301\302\303#\210\301\304\305#\210\301\306\307#\210\301\310\307#\207" [evil-list-view-mode-map define-key "q" evil-list-view-quit [follow-link] nil [mouse-1] evil-list-view-goto-entry [return]] 4) #@594 Opens new list view buffer. PROPERTIES is a property-list which supports the following properties: :name (required) The name of the buffer. :mode-name (required) The name for the mode line. :format (required) The value for `tabulated-list-format'. :entries (required) The value for `tabulated-list-entries'. :select-action (optional) A function for row selection. It takes in a single parameter, which is the selected row's vector value that is passed into `:entries'. (fn &rest PROPERTIES) (defalias 'evil-with-view-list '(macro . #[128 "\300\301\302\303\304\305\"\306BBBD\307B\310\300\311\312\313\314\315\304\n\316\"E\314\317\304 \320\"E\314\321\304\f\322\"E\323\314\324\304\325\"E\326BBBBBBB\327BBBF\207" [let bufname concat "*" plist-get :name ("*") ((inhibit-read-only t)) (and (get-buffer bufname) (kill-buffer bufname)) ((buf (get-buffer-create bufname))) with-current-buffer buf setq tabulated-list-format :format tabulated-list-entries :entries evil-list-view-select-action :select-action (evil-list-view-mode) mode-name :mode-name ((evil-motion-state)) ((switch-to-buffer-other-window buf))] 17 (#$ . 116957)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\210\307\310!\207" [function-put evil-with-view-list lisp-indent-function defun put edebug-form-spec t provide evil-common] 5)