;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 26.3 ;;; with all optimizations. ;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29. ;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters, ;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (require 'expand-region-core) #@51 Mark the entire word around or in front of point. (defalias 'er/mark-word #[nil "\301\302!\204\303!\205\304\305!\210\306`!\210\307\305!)\207" [word-regexp "\\sw" looking-at er/looking-back-on-line skip-syntax-forward "w" set-mark skip-syntax-backward] 2 (#$ . 438) nil]) #@53 Mark the entire symbol around or in front of point. (defalias 'er/mark-symbol #[nil "\301\302!\204\303!\205\304\305!\210\306`!\210\307\305!)\207" [symbol-regexp "\\s_\\|\\sw" looking-at er/looking-back-on-line skip-syntax-forward "_w" set-mark skip-syntax-backward] 2 (#$ . 722) nil]) #@71 Mark the entire symbol around or in front of point, including prefix. (defalias 'er/mark-symbol-with-prefix #[nil "\302\303\304!\204\304 !\204\305 !\205)\306\307!\210\306\310!\210\311`!\210\312\310!\210\312\307!*\207" [prefix-regexp symbol-regexp "\\s_\\|\\sw" "\\s'" looking-at er/looking-back-on-line skip-syntax-forward "'" "_w" set-mark skip-syntax-backward] 2 (#$ . 1020) nil]) #@94 Presumes that current symbol is already marked, skips over one period and marks next symbol. (defalias 'er/mark-next-accessor #[nil "\301 \205!`\302 W\203\303 \210\304\305\306!\205 \307u\210\310\311!\210\303 )\207" [symbol-regexp use-region-p mark exchange-point-and-mark "\\s_\\|\\sw" looking-at "\\." 1 skip-syntax-forward "_w"] 2 (#$ . 1417) nil]) #@75 Mark the current symbol (including dots) and then paren to closing paren. (defalias 'er/mark-method-call #[nil "\301\302!\204\303!\205+\304\305!\210\306`!\210\302!\203 \307\225b\210\302\310!\203)\311 \210\312 )\207" [symbol-regexp "\\(\\s_\\|\\sw\\|\\.\\)+" looking-at er/looking-back-on-line skip-syntax-backward "_w." set-mark 0 "(" forward-list exchange-point-and-mark] 2 (#$ . 1779) nil]) #@41 t if point is in comment, otherwise nil (defalias 'er--point-is-in-comment-p #[nil "\300\301 8\206 \302`\303\"\304>\207" [4 syntax-ppss get-text-property face (font-lock-comment-face font-lock-comment-delimiter-face)] 3 (#$ . 2187)]) #@39 Mark the entire comment around point. (defalias 'er/mark-comment #[nil "\301 \205/`\301 \203m\204\302u\210\202\303\304x\210\305`!\210b\210\301 \203,\306u\210\202!\302u)\207" [p er--point-is-in-comment-p 1 "\n " nil set-mark -1] 2 (#$ . 2428) nil]) #@46 The char that is the current quote delimiter (defalias 'er--current-quotes-char #[nil "\300\301 8\207" [3 syntax-ppss] 2 (#$ . 2693)]) (defalias 'er--point-inside-string-p 'er--current-quotes-char) #@62 Move point forward until it exits the current quoted string. (defalias 'er--move-point-forward-out-of-string #[nil "\300 \210\301 \207" [er--move-point-backward-out-of-string forward-sexp] 1 (#$ . 2897)]) #@63 Move point backward until it exits the current quoted string. (defalias 'er--move-point-backward-out-of-string #[nil "\300\301 8b\207" [8 syntax-ppss] 2 (#$ . 3108)]) #@75 Mark the inside of the current string, not including the quotation marks. (defalias 'er/mark-inside-quotes #[nil "\300 \205\301 \210\302u\210\303`!\210\304 \210\305u\210\306 \207" [er--point-inside-string-p er--move-point-backward-out-of-string nil set-mark er--move-point-forward-out-of-string -1 exchange-point-and-mark] 2 (#$ . 3281) nil]) #@57 Mark the current string, including the quotation marks. (defalias 'er/mark-outside-quotes #[nil "\300 \203 \301 \210\202\302 \204\303\304!\203\305u\210\301 \210\306\304!\205.\307`!\210\310u\210\311 \210\312 \207" [er--point-inside-string-p er--move-point-backward-out-of-string use-region-p er/looking-back-on-line "\\s\"" -1 looking-at set-mark nil er--move-point-forward-out-of-string exchange-point-and-mark] 2 (#$ . 3632) nil]) #@28 Is point inside any pairs? (defalias 'er--point-inside-pairs-p #[nil "\300 @\301V\207" [syntax-ppss 0] 2 (#$ . 4078)]) #@70 Mark inside pairs (as defined by the mode), not including the pairs. (defalias 'er/mark-inside-pairs #[nil "\301 \205$\302 A@b\210\303\212\304u\210\305w\210`)!\210\306 \210\307u\210\305x\210\310 \207" [er--space-str er--point-inside-pairs-p syntax-ppss set-mark 1 nil forward-list -1 exchange-point-and-mark] 3 (#$ . 4203) nil]) #@43 Is point looking at an opening pair char? (defalias 'er--looking-at-pair #[nil "\300\301!\207" [looking-at "\\s("] 2 (#$ . 4541)]) #@53 Is point looking at a pair that is entirely marked? (defalias 'er--looking-at-marked-pair #[nil "\300 \205\301 \205\302 \212\303 \210`)Y\207" [er--looking-at-pair use-region-p mark forward-list] 2 (#$ . 4678)]) #@64 Mark pairs (as defined by the mode), including the pair chars. (defalias 'er/mark-outside-pairs #[nil "\301\302!\203\303 \204\3041\305\306!0\202\210\202\"\210\202\"\307w\210\310 \2037\303 \2031\311 \2037\312 A@b\210\303 \205E\313`!\210\314 \210\315 \207" [er--space-str er/looking-back-on-line "\\s)+\\=" er--looking-at-pair (error) backward-list 1 nil er--point-inside-pairs-p er--looking-at-marked-pair syntax-ppss set-mark forward-list exchange-point-and-mark] 2 (#$ . 4899) nil]) (require 'thingatpt) (defalias 'er/mark-url #[nil "\300\301!\210\302`!\210\303\301!\207" [end-of-thing url set-mark beginning-of-thing] 2 nil nil]) (defalias 'er/mark-email #[nil "\300\301!\210\302`!\210\303\301!\207" [end-of-thing email set-mark beginning-of-thing] 2 nil nil]) #@41 Mark defun around or in front of point. (defalias 'er/mark-defun #[nil "\301 \210\302x\210\303`!\210\304 \210\302w\207" [er--space-str end-of-defun nil set-mark beginning-of-defun] 2 (#$ . 5683) nil]) (byte-code "\301\302\"\303\304!\207" [er/try-expand-list append (er/mark-word er/mark-symbol er/mark-symbol-with-prefix er/mark-next-accessor er/mark-method-call er/mark-inside-quotes er/mark-outside-quotes er/mark-inside-pairs er/mark-outside-pairs er/mark-comment er/mark-url er/mark-email er/mark-defun) provide er-basic-expansions] 3)