;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 26.3 ;;; with all optimizations. ;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29. ;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters, ;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\207" [require expand-region-core sgml-mode] 2) #@257 Mark html-attribute presumes that point is at the assignment part of attr="value". If point is inside the value-string, the quotes will be marked first anyway. Does not support html-attributes with spaces around the equal sign or unquotes attributes atm. (defalias 'er/mark-html-attribute #[nil "\300\301!\204\f\302\303!\205!\304\305!\210\306u\210\307`!\210\310\303!\210\311\306!\210\312 \207" [looking-at "\\(\\s_\\|\\sw\\)*=" er/looking-back-exact "=" search-backward " " 1 set-mark search-forward forward-sexp exchange-point-and-mark] 2 (#$ . 491) nil]) #@52 Is point looking at a tag that is entirely marked? (defalias 'er--looking-at-marked-tag #[nil "\300\301!\205\302 \212\303\304!\210`)Y\207" [looking-at "<" mark sgml-skip-tag-forward 1] 3 (#$ . 1057)]) #@24 Is point inside a tag? (defalias 'er--inside-tag-p #[nil "\212\300 )??\207" [sgml-get-context] 1 (#$ . 1266)]) #@55 Mark from opening to closing tag, including the tags. (defalias 'er/mark-outer-tag #[nil "\300 \203\301\302!\203\303 \203\304\305 !@\306Hb\210\301\302!\205)\307`!\210\310\311!\210\312 \207" [er--inside-tag-p looking-at "<" er--looking-at-marked-tag last sgml-get-context 2 set-mark sgml-skip-tag-forward 1 exchange-point-and-mark] 2 (#$ . 1383) nil]) #@59 Mark the contents of an open tag, not including the tags. (defalias 'er/mark-inner-tag #[nil "\300\301 !@\302Hb\210\303`!\210\304u\210\305\306!\210\307\310!\210\311 \207" [last sgml-get-context 3 set-mark -1 sgml-skip-tag-forward 1 search-backward "