;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 26.3 ;;; with all optimizations. ;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29. ;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters, ;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\207" [require expand-region-core ruby-mode] 2) #@35 like ruby-mode's but also for '}' (defvar er/ruby-block-end-re (concat ruby-block-end-re "\\|}") (#$ . 490)) #@47 If line is blockend, move point to next line. (defalias 'er/ruby-skip-past-block-end #[nil "\301!\205\302y\207" [er/ruby-block-end-re looking-at 1] 2 (#$ . 605)]) #@138 By default `ruby-end-of-block' goes to BOL of line containing end-re. This moves point to the next line to include the end of the block (defalias 'er/ruby-end-of-block #[(&optional arg) "\302\303\304Q\305 \306#\203\307\224b\210\310 \206\311!\210\312 \207" [ruby-block-beg-re arg re-search-forward "\\<\\(" "\\)\\>" point-at-eol t 0 ruby-end-of-block 1 er/ruby-skip-past-block-end] 4 (#$ . 778) "p"]) #@57 Return the point where current line's indentation ends. (defalias 'er/point-at-indentation #[nil "\212\300 \210`)\207" [back-to-indentation] 1 (#$ . 1190)]) #@28 a la `paredit-backward-up' (defalias 'er/ruby-backward-up #[nil "\212\306 \210\307\310!)\262)\203\311y\210`\312\211\313 \210\314 \210\315 \fW?\205f\3162f\314 \210``eU\203<\317\316\312\"\210\313 \210 \307\310!)\262\203Q\320\321!\202T\320\322! b\210\n\fV\203,\317\316\312\"\210\202,+\207" [ruby-block-end-re inhibit-changing-match-data progress-end progress-beg orig-point er/ruby-block-end-re back-to-indentation t looking-at -1 nil ruby-end-of-block ruby-beginning-of-block er/point-at-indentation --cl-block-nil-- throw point-at-bol 0 1] 3 (#$ . 1353) nil]) #@27 a la `paredit-forward-up' (defalias 'er/ruby-forward-up #[nil "\300 \210\301 \207" [er/ruby-backward-up er/ruby-end-of-block] 1 (#$ . 1939) nil]) #@37 return (beg . end) of current block (defalias 'er/get-ruby-block #[(&optional pos) "\206`\212b\210\303\211\304 \210\305 \306 \210`+B\207" [pos end beg nil er/ruby-backward-up er/point-at-indentation er/ruby-end-of-block] 2 (#$ . 2091)]) (defalias 'er/mark-ruby-block-up-1 #[nil "\300 \210\301\302 !\210\303 \210\304 \207" [er/ruby-backward-up set-mark er/point-at-indentation er/ruby-end-of-block exchange-point-and-mark] 2]) #@25 mark the next level up. (defalias 'er/mark-ruby-block-up #[(&optional no-recurse) "\306 \203\202\307 \310  Z\212b\210\311y\210\312 \210 \313\314!)\262\203+\315\311!\202:\316\317 \320Q\321 \313#\205:\315\322!)\206?`\323!\211@A\211Z Y\203}X\203}\nW\203}\324 \210b\210\206\325\326!\202\327 .\207\327 \207" [orig-end orig-beg orig-len er/ruby-block-end-re inhibit-changing-match-data ruby-block-beg-re use-region-p region-end region-beginning 0 back-to-indentation t looking-at point-at-bol re-search-forward "\\<\\(" "\\)\\>" point-at-eol 2 er/get-ruby-block deactivate-mark er/mark-ruby-block-up no-recurse er/mark-ruby-block-up-1 prev-block-point prev-block-info prev-block-beg prev-block-end prev-block-len] 5 (#$ . 2530) nil]) #@128 Marks instance variables in ruby. Assumes that point is at the @ - if it is inside the word, that will be marked first anyway. (defalias 'er/mark-ruby-instance-variable #[nil "\300\301!\203 \302u\210\303\301!\205\304 \210\305u\207" [looking-at "@" 1 er/looking-back-exact er/mark-symbol -1] 2 (#$ . 3313)]) #@76 Marks a heredoc, since `er/mark-inside-quotes' assumes single quote chars. (defalias 'er/mark-ruby-heredoc #[nil "\305 \211\306\234\205O\307\234\211b\210\212\310 \210\311\312 \313#)\205N\314\315!\316\230\314\317!\212\313y\210`)\320\315!\210\321y\210\322\323\f\203?\324\202@\325 \326R!\205M\327\n!\210\330 +))\207" [ppss s-start heredoc-start terminator allow-indent syntax-ppss 3 8 beginning-of-line re-search-forward "<<\\(-?\\)['\"]?\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)" nil match-string 1 "-" 2 forward-sexp -1 looking-at "^" "[ ]*" "" "$" set-mark exchange-point-and-mark] 6 (#$ . 3629)]) #@56 Adds Ruby-specific expansions for buffers in ruby-mode (defalias 'er/add-ruby-mode-expansions #[nil "\301\300!\210\302\303\304\305\300!\306\"\"\211\207" [er/try-expand-list make-local-variable remove er/mark-defun append default-value (er/mark-ruby-instance-variable er/mark-ruby-block-up er/mark-ruby-heredoc)] 5 (#$ . 4223)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\"\210\303\304!\207" [er/enable-mode-expansions ruby-mode er/add-ruby-mode-expansions provide ruby-mode-expansions] 3)