;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303\304\305#\210\300\306!\210\300\307!\210\300\310!\210\300\311!\210\300\312!\210\300\313!\210\300\314!\210\300\315!\210\316\317!\2049\320\317\321\"\210\320\322\316\323!\203E\323\202F\324\"\210\325\303!\204\243\320\326\327\"\210\330\326\331\332#\210\333\326\334\335#\210\320\336\337\"\210\330\336\331\332#\210\333\336\334\335#\210\320\340\341\"\210\330\340\331\332#\210\333\340\334\335#\210\320\342\343\"\210\330\342\331\332#\210\333\342\334\335#\210\320\344\345\"\210\330\344\331\332#\210\333\344\334\335#\210\346\347\304\350\351\352\353\354\355\356\355\357& \210\346\360\304\361\351\352\353\347&\210\346\362\304\363\351\352\353\347&\210\346\364\304\365\351\352\353\347&\210\346\366\304\367\351\352\353\347&\210\370\371\372\373\374DD\375\353\347\376\377\201@\201A& \210\370\201B\372\373\201CDD\201D\353\347\376\201E\201F\201G\201H\201I& \210\201J\201B!\207" [require dash seq subr-x nil no-error cl-lib tabulated-list easymenu rx help-mode find-func json ansi-color fboundp string-suffix-p defalias #[770 "GGZ\211\300Y\205\301\302\211\302&\303=\207" [0 compare-strings nil t] 12 "Return non-nil if SUFFIX is a suffix of STRING.\nIf IGNORE-CASE is non-nil, the comparison is done without paying\nattention to case differences.\n\n(fn SUFFIX STRING &optional IGNORE-CASE)"] flycheck--format-message format-message format featurep string-join #[513 "\300\301#\207" [mapconcat identity] 6 "Join all STRINGS using SEPARATOR.\n\n(fn STRINGS &optional SEPARATOR)"] function-put speed -1 put byte-optimizer byte-compile-inline-expand string-trim-left #[257 "\300\301\"\203\302\303\304\211$\207\207" [string-match "\\`[ \n ]+" replace-match #1="" t] 6 "Remove leading whitespace from STRING.\n\n(fn STRING)"] string-trim-right #[257 "\300\301\"\203\302\303\304\211$\207\207" [string-match "[ \n ]+\\'" replace-match #1# t] 6 "Remove trailing whitespace from STRING.\n\n(fn STRING)"] string-trim #[257 "\211\301\302\206\303\304Q\301\305\306#)\266\203\211\203#\307O\266\203\202&\266\203\301\306\310\206.\303\311Q\"\203;\307\225\301O\207\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data nil "\\(?:" "[ \n ]+" "\\)\\'" t string-match 0 "\\`\\(?:" "\\)"] 10 "Remove leading and trailing whitespace from STRING.\n\n(fn STRING)"] string-empty-p #[257 "\211\300\230\207" [#1#] 3 "Check whether STRING is empty.\n\n(fn STRING)"] custom-declare-group flycheck "Modern on-the-fly syntax checking for GNU Emacs." :prefix "flycheck-" :group tools :link (url-link :tag "Website" "http://www.flycheck.org") (url-link :tag "Github" "https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck") flycheck-config-files "Configuration files for on-the-fly syntax checkers." flycheck-options "Options for on-the-fly syntax checkers." flycheck-executables "Executables of syntax checkers." flycheck-faces "Faces used by on-the-fly syntax checking." custom-declare-variable flycheck-checkers funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [(ada-gnat asciidoctor asciidoc awk-gawk bazel-buildifier c/c++-clang c/c++-gcc c/c++-cppcheck cfengine chef-foodcritic coffee coffee-coffeelint coq css-csslint css-stylelint cuda-nvcc cwl d-dmd dockerfile-hadolint elixir-credo emacs-lisp emacs-lisp-checkdoc ember-template erlang-rebar3 erlang eruby-erubis eruby-ruumba fortran-gfortran go-gofmt go-golint go-vet go-build go-test go-errcheck go-unconvert go-staticcheck groovy haml handlebars haskell-stack-ghc haskell-ghc haskell-hlint html-tidy javascript-eslint javascript-jshint javascript-standard json-jsonlint json-python-json json-jq jsonnet less less-stylelint llvm-llc lua-luacheck lua markdown-markdownlint-cli markdown-mdl nix nix-linter opam perl perl-perlcritic php php-phpmd php-phpcs processing proselint protobuf-protoc protobuf-prototool pug puppet-parser puppet-lint python-flake8 python-pylint python-pycompile python-pyright python-mypy r-lintr racket rpm-rpmlint rst-sphinx rst ruby-rubocop ruby-standard ruby-reek ruby-rubylint ruby ruby-jruby rust-cargo rust rust-clippy scala scala-scalastyle scheme-chicken scss-lint scss-stylelint sass/scss-sass-lint sass scss sh-bash sh-posix-dash sh-posix-bash sh-zsh sh-shellcheck slim slim-lint sql-sqlint systemd-analyze tcl-nagelfar terraform terraform-tflint tex-chktex tex-lacheck texinfo textlint typescript-tslint verilog-verilator vhdl-ghdl xml-xmlstarlet xml-xmllint yaml-jsyaml yaml-ruby yaml-yamllint)] 1] "Syntax checkers available for automatic selection.\n\nA list of Flycheck syntax checkers to choose from when syntax\nchecking a buffer. Flycheck will automatically select a suitable\nsyntax checker from this list, unless `flycheck-checker' is set,\neither directly or with `flycheck-select-checker'.\n\nYou should not need to change this variable normally. In order\nto disable syntax checkers, please use\n`flycheck-disabled-checkers'. This variable is intended for 3rd\nparty extensions to tell Flycheck about new syntax checkers.\n\nSyntax checkers in this list must be defined with\n`flycheck-define-checker'." :type (repeat (symbol :tag "Checker")) :risky t flycheck-disabled-checkers #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Syntax checkers excluded from automatic selection.\n\nA list of Flycheck syntax checkers to exclude from automatic\nselection. Flycheck will never automatically select a syntax\nchecker in this list, regardless of the value of\n`flycheck-checkers'.\n\nHowever, syntax checkers in this list are still available for\nmanual selection with `flycheck-select-checker'.\n\nUse this variable to disable syntax checkers, instead of removing\nthe syntax checkers from `flycheck-checkers'. You may also use\nthis option as a file or directory local variable to disable\nspecific checkers in individual files and directories\nrespectively." (repeat (symbol :tag "Checker")) :package-version (flycheck . "0.16") :safe flycheck-symbol-list-p make-variable-buffer-local] 12) #@356 List of syntax checkers automatically disabled for this buffer. A checker can be automatically disabled in two cases: 1. Its `:enabled' predicate returned false. 2. It returned too many errors (see `flycheck-checker-error-threshold'). To trigger a reverification from Emacs Lisp code, do not modify this variable: use `flycheck-reset-enabled-checker'. (defvar flycheck--automatically-disabled-checkers nil (#$ . 5964)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'flycheck--automatically-disabled-checkers) #@854 Syntax checker to use for the current buffer. If unset or nil, automatically select a suitable syntax checker from `flycheck-checkers' on every syntax check. If set to a syntax checker only use this syntax checker and never select one from `flycheck-checkers' automatically. The syntax checker is used regardless of whether it is contained in `flycheck-checkers' or `flycheck-disabled-checkers'. If the syntax checker is unusable in the current buffer an error is signaled. A syntax checker assigned to this variable must be defined with `flycheck-define-checker'. Use the command `flycheck-select-checker' to select a syntax checker for the current buffer, or set this variable as file local variable to always use a specific syntax checker for a file. See Info Node `(emacs)Specifying File Variables' for more information about file variables. (defvar flycheck-checker nil (#$ . 6465)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\210\305\306\307\310\311DD\312\313\314\315\316\317\320& \210\305\321\307\310\322DD\323\313\314\315\324\317\320\325\326& \210\305\327\307\310\330DD\331\313\314\315\316\325\332\317\320& \210\305\333\307\310\334DD\335\313\314\315\336\325\337\340\341& \210\305\342\307\310\343DD\344\313\314\315\345\325\346\317\320& \210\305\347\307\310\350DD\351\313\314\315\352\325\353\317\320& \210\305\354\307\310\355DD\356\313\314\315\357\325\360\317\320& \210\305\361\307\310\362DD\363\313\314\315\364\325\365\317\320& \207" [make-variable-buffer-local flycheck-checker put safe-local-variable flycheck-registered-checker-p custom-declare-variable flycheck-locate-config-file-functions funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Functions to locate syntax checker configuration files.\n\nEach function in this hook must accept two arguments: The value\nof the configuration file variable, and the syntax checker\nsymbol. It must return either a string with an absolute path to\nthe configuration file, or nil, if it cannot locate the\nconfiguration file.\n\nThe functions in this hook are called in order of appearance, until a\nfunction returns non-nil. The configuration file returned by that\nfunction is then given to the syntax checker if it exists.\n\nThis variable is an abnormal hook. See Info\nnode `(elisp)Hooks'." :group flycheck :type hook :risky t flycheck-checker-error-threshold #[0 "\300\207" [400] 1] "Maximum errors allowed per syntax checker.\n\nThe value of this variable is either an integer denoting the\nmaximum number of errors per syntax checker and buffer, or nil to\nnot limit the errors reported from a syntax checker.\n\nIf this variable is a number and a syntax checker reports more\nerrors than the value of this variable, its errors are not\ndiscarded, and not highlighted in the buffer or available in the\nerror list. The affected syntax checker is also disabled for\nfuture syntax checks of the buffer." (choice (const :tag "Do not limit reported errors" nil) (integer :tag "Maximum number of errors")) :package-version (flycheck . "0.22") flycheck-process-error-functions #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Functions to process errors.\n\nEach function in this hook must accept a single argument: A\nFlycheck error to process.\n\nAll functions in this hook are called in order of appearance,\nuntil a function returns non-nil. Thus, a function in this hook\nmay return nil, to allow for further processing of the error, or\nany non-nil value, to indicate that the error was fully processed\nand inhibit any further processing.\n\nThe functions are called for each newly parsed error immediately\nafter the corresponding syntax checker finished. At this stage,\nthe overlays from the previous syntax checks are still present,\nand there may be further syntax checkers in the chain.\n\nThis variable is an abnormal hook. See Info\nnode `(elisp)Hooks'." (flycheck . "0.13") flycheck-display-errors-delay #[0 "\300\207" [0.9] 1] "Delay in seconds before displaying errors at point.\n\nUse floating point numbers to express fractions of seconds." number (flycheck . "0.15") :safe numberp flycheck-display-errors-function #[0 "\300\207" [flycheck-display-error-messages] 1] "Function to display error messages.\n\nIf set to a function, call the function with the list of errors\nto display as single argument. Each error is an instance of the\n`flycheck-error' struct.\n\nIf set to nil, do not display errors at all." (choice (const :tag "Display error messages" flycheck-display-error-messages) (const :tag "Display error messages only if no error list" flycheck-display-error-messages-unless-error-list) (function :tag "Error display function")) (flycheck . "0.13") flycheck-help-echo-function #[0 "\300\207" [flycheck-help-echo-all-error-messages] 1] "Function to compute the contents of the error tooltips.\n\nIf set to a function, call the function with the list of errors\nto display as single argument. Each error is an instance of the\n`flycheck-error' struct. The function is used to set the\nhelp-echo property of flycheck error overlays. It should return\na string, which is displayed when the user hovers over an error\nor presses \\[display-local-help].\n\nIf set to nil, do not show error tooltips." (choice (const :tag "Concatenate error messages to form a tooltip" flycheck-help-echo-all-error-messages) (function :tag "Help echo function")) (flycheck . "0.25") flycheck-command-wrapper-function #[0 "\300\207" [identity] 1] "Function to modify checker commands before execution.\n\nThe value of this option is a function which is given a list\ncontaining the full command of a syntax checker after\nsubstitution through `flycheck-substitute-argument' but before\nexecution. The function may return a new command for Flycheck to\nexecute.\n\nThe default value is `identity' which does not change the\ncommand. You may provide your own function to run Flycheck\ncommands through `bundle exec', `nix-shell' or similar wrappers." (choice (const :tag "Do not modify commands" identity) (function :tag "Modify command with a custom function")) (flycheck . "0.25") flycheck-executable-find #[0 "\300\207" [flycheck-default-executable-find] 1] "Function to search for executables.\n\nThe value of this option is a function which is given the name or\npath of an executable and shall return the full path to the\nexecutable, or nil if the executable does not exit.\n\nThe default is `flycheck-default-executable-find', which searches\nvariable `exec-path' when given a command name, and resolves\npaths to absolute ones. You can customize this option to search\nfor checkers in other environments such as bundle or NixOS\nsandboxes." (choice (const :tag "Search executables in `exec-path'" flycheck-default-executable-find) (function :tag "Search executables with a custom function")) (flycheck . "32")] 12) #@286 Resolve EXECUTABLE to a full path. Like `executable-find', but supports relative paths. Attempts invoking `executable-find' first; if that returns nil, and EXECUTABLE contains a directory component, expands to a full path and tries invoking `executable-find' again. (fn EXECUTABLE) (defalias 'flycheck-default-executable-find #[257 "\300!\206\301!\205\300\302!!\207" [executable-find file-name-directory expand-file-name] 4 (#$ . 13243)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\300\314\302\303\315DD\316\306\307\310\317\320\321\312\313& \207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-indication-mode funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [left-fringe] 1] "The indication mode for Flycheck errors.\n\nThis variable controls how Flycheck indicates errors in buffers.\nMay be `left-fringe', `right-fringe', `left-margin',\n`right-margin', or nil.\n\nIf set to `left-fringe' or `right-fringe', indicate errors via\nicons in the left and right fringe respectively. If set to\n`left-margin' or `right-margin', use the margins instead.\n\nIf set to nil, do not indicate errors and warnings, but just\nhighlight them according to `flycheck-highlighting-mode'." :group flycheck :type (choice (const :tag "Indicate in the left fringe" left-fringe) (const :tag "Indicate in the right fringe" right-fringe) (const :tag "Indicate in the left margin" left-margin) (const :tag "Indicate in the right margin" right-margin) (const :tag "Do not indicate" nil)) :safe symbolp flycheck-highlighting-mode #[0 "\300\207" [symbols] 1] "The highlighting mode for Flycheck errors and warnings.\n\nThe highlighting mode controls how Flycheck highlights errors in\nbuffers when a checker only reports the starting position of an\nerror. The following modes are known:\n\n`columns'\n Highlight a single character. If the error does not have a column,\n highlight the whole line.\n\n`symbols'\n Highlight a full symbol if there is any, otherwise behave like `columns'.\n This is the default.\n\n`sexps'\n Highlight a full expression, if there is any, otherwise behave like\n `columns'. Note that this mode can be *very* slow in some major modes.\n\n`lines'\n Highlight the whole line.\n\nnil\n Do not highlight errors at all. However, errors will still\n be reported in the mode line and in error message popups,\n and indicated according to `flycheck-indication-mode'." (choice (const :tag "Highlight columns only" columns) (const :tag "Highlight symbols" symbols) (const :tag "Highlight expressions" sexps) (const :tag "Highlight whole lines" lines) (const :tag "Do not highlight errors" nil)) :package-version (flycheck . "0.14")] 12) #@177 Refresh fringes and margins of all windows displaying the current buffer. If any errors are currently shown, launch a new check, to adjust to a potential new indication mode. (defalias 'flycheck-refresh-fringes-and-margins #[0 "\305 \211\203\211@\306 #\210\307\n #\210A\266\202\202\210\f\205\"\310 \207" [left-margin-width right-margin-width left-fringe-width right-fringe-width flycheck-current-errors get-buffer-window-list set-window-margins set-window-fringes flycheck-buffer] 6 (#$ . 15931)]) #@358 Set `flycheck-indication-mode' to MODE and adjust margins and fringes. When MODE is nil, adjust window parameters without changing the mode. This function can be useful as a `flycheck-mode-hook', especially if you use margins only in Flycheck buffers. When MODE is `left-margin', the left fringe is reduced to 1 pixel to save space. (fn &optional MODE) (defalias 'flycheck-set-indication-mode #[256 "\211\206\262\211\305\267\202.\306\211\307\211\2022\310\306\310\307\2022\306\211\307\310\2022\311\312!\210\313\300!\210\211\314 \207" [flycheck-indication-mode left-fringe-width right-fringe-width left-margin-width right-margin-width #s(hash-table size 4 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (right-fringe 13 left-fringe 13 left-margin 24 right-margin 35)) 8 0 1 user-error "Invalid indication mode" make-local-variable flycheck-refresh-fringes-and-margins] 4 (#$ . 16446) (byte-code "\301\302\303\304\305\306\305\211\307!&!C\207" [flycheck-indication-mode intern completing-read "Mode: " ("left-fringe" "right-fringe" "left-margin" "right-margin") nil t prin1-to-string] 10)]) (define-widget 'flycheck-highlighting-style 'lazy "A value for `flycheck-highlighting-style'." :offset 2 :format "%t: Use %v" :type '(choice :format "%[Value Menu%] %v" (const :tag "no highlighting" nil) (const :tag "a face indicating the error level" level-face) (list :tag "a pair of delimiters" (const :format #1="" delimiters) (string :tag "Before") (string :tag "After")) (list :tag "a conditional mix of styles" (const :format #1# conditional) (integer :tag "Up to this many lines") (flycheck-highlighting-style :format "Use %v") (flycheck-highlighting-style :format "Otherwise, use %v")))) #@72 Make a highlighting bracket symbol by repeating CHAR twice. (fn CHAR) (defalias 'flycheck--make-highlighting-delimiter #[257 "\300\301\302\303%\207" [compose-chars 32 (Bc Br 30 0) (Bc Bl -30 0)] 7 (#$ . 18180)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\301\311\312\313\314& \210\300\315\302\303\316DD\317\306\307\310\320\311\321\313\322& \210\300\323\302\303\324DD\325\306\307\310\326\311\327\313\330& \210\300\331\302\303\332DD\333\306\307\310\326\311\334\313\330& \210\300\335\302\303\336DD\337\306\307\310\340\311\341\313\342& \210\300\343\302\303\344DD\345\306\307\310\340\311\346\313\342& \210\347\350\351\352\310\353%\210\300\354\302\303\355DD\356\306\307\310\350\313\357\311\360& \210\300\361\302\303\362DD\363\306\307\310\350\313\357\311\364& \210\300\365\302\303\366DD\367\306\307\310\350\313\357\311\370& \210\300\371\302\303\372DD\373\306\307\310\340\311\374\313\342& \210\300\375\302\303\376DD\377\306\307\310\201@\201A\314\311\201B& \210\300\201C\302\303\201DDD\201E\306\307\310\201F\311\201G\201A\314& \210\300\201H\302\303\201IDD\201J\306\307\310\201K\201A\314& \210\300\201L\302\303\201MDD\201N\306\307\310\201K\201A\314& \210\300\201O\302\303\201PDD\201Q\306\307\310\201K\201A\314& \210\300\201R\302\303\201SDD\201T\306\307\310\201K\201A\314& \210\300\201U\302\303\201VDD\201W\306\307\310\201K\201A\314\311\201X& \210\300\201Y\302\303\201ZDD\201[\306\307\310\201K\201A\314\311\201\\& \210\201]\201^\201_\201`\311\201a\306\201b&\210\201]\201c\201d\201`\311\201e\306\201b&\210\201]\201f\201g\201h\311\201i\306\201b&\210\201]\201j\201k\201l\311\201m\306\201b&\210\201]\201n\201o\201p\311\201q\306\201b&\210\201]\201r\201s\201t\311\201u\306\201b&\210\201]\201v\201w\201x\311\201y\306\201b&\210\201]\201z\201{\201|\311\201}\306\201b&\210\201]\201~\201\201\200\311\201\201\306\201b&\210\201]\201\202\201\203\201\204\311\201\205\306\201b&\210\201]\201\206\201\207\201\210\311\201\211\306\201b&\210\201]\201\212\201\213\201\214\306\201b\311\201\215&\210\201]\201\216\201\217\201\214\306\201b\311\201\220&\210\201]\201\221\201\222\201\223\306\201b\311\201\224&\210\201]\201\225\201\226\201\227\306\201b\311\201\230&\210\201]\201\231\201\232\201\233\306\201b\311\201\234&\210\201]\201\235\201\236\201\237\306\201b\311\201\240&\210\201]\201\241\201\242\201\243\306\201b\311\201\244&\210\201]\201\245\201\246\201\247\311\201\250\306\201b&\210\201]\201\251\201\252\201\253\311\201\254\306\201b&\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-highlighting-style funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [(conditional 4 level-face (delimiters #1="" #1#))] 1] "The highlighting style for Flycheck errors and warnings.\n\nThe highlighting style controls how Flycheck highlights error\nregions in buffers. The following styles are supported:\n\nnil\n Do not highlight errors. Same as setting\n `flycheck-highlighting-mode' to nil.\n\n`level-face'\n Chose a face depending on the severity of the error, and\n apply it to the whole error text. See also the\n `flycheck-define-error-level' and `flycheck-error',\n `flycheck-warning', and `flycheck-info' faces.\n\n(`delimiters' BEFORE AFTER)\n Draw delimiters on each side of the error. BEFORE and AFTER\n indicate which delimiters to use. If they are strings, they\n are used as-is. If they are characters, they are repeated\n twice and composed into a single character. Delimiters use\n the fringe face corresponding to the severity of each error,\n as well as the `flycheck-error-delimiter' face. Delimited\n text has the `flycheck-delimited-error' face.\n\n(`conditional' NLINES S1 S2)\n Use style S1 for errors spanning up to NLINES lines, and\n style S2 otherwise.\n\nSee also `flycheck-highlighting-mode' and\n`flycheck-indication-mode'." :group flycheck :type :package-version (flycheck . "32") :safe t flycheck-check-syntax-automatically #[0 "\300\207" [(save idle-change new-line mode-enabled)] 1] "When Flycheck should check syntax automatically.\n\nThis variable is a list of events that may trigger syntax checks.\nThe following events are known:\n\n`save'\n Check syntax immediately after the buffer was saved.\n\n`idle-change'\n Check syntax a short time (see `flycheck-idle-change-delay')\n after the last change to the buffer.\n\n`idle-buffer-switch'\n Check syntax a short time (see `flycheck-idle-buffer-switch-delay')\n after the user switches to a buffer.\n\n`new-line'\n Check syntax immediately after a new line was inserted into\n the buffer.\n\n`mode-enabled'\n Check syntax immediately when variable `flycheck-mode' is\n non-nil.\n\nFlycheck performs a syntax checks only on events, which are\ncontained in this list. For instance, if the value of this\nvariable is `(mode-enabled save)', Flycheck will only check if\nthe mode is enabled or the buffer was saved, but never after\nchanges to the buffer contents.\n\nIf nil, never check syntax automatically. In this case, use\n`flycheck-buffer' to start a syntax check manually." (set (const :tag "After the buffer was saved" save) (const :tag "After the buffer was changed and idle" idle-change) (const :tag "After switching the current buffer" idle-buffer-switch) (const :tag "After a new line was inserted" new-line) (const :tag "After `flycheck-mode' was enabled" mode-enabled)) (flycheck . "0.12") flycheck-symbol-list-p flycheck-idle-change-delay #[0 "\300\207" [0.5] 1] "How many seconds to wait after a change before checking syntax.\n\nAfter the buffer was changed, Flycheck will wait as many seconds\nas the value of this variable before starting a syntax check. If\nthe buffer is modified during this time, Flycheck will wait\nagain.\n\nThis variable has no effect, if `idle-change' is not contained in\n`flycheck-check-syntax-automatically'." number (flycheck . "0.13") numberp flycheck-idle-buffer-switch-delay #[0 "\300\207" [0.5] 1] "How many seconds to wait after switching buffers before checking syntax.\n\nAfter the user switches to a new buffer, Flycheck will wait as\nmany seconds as the value of this variable before starting a\nsyntax check. If the user switches to another buffer during this\ntime, whether a syntax check is still performed depends on the\nvalue of `flycheck-buffer-switch-check-intermediate-buffers'.\n\nThis variable has no effect if `idle-buffer-switch' is not\ncontained in `flycheck-check-syntax-automatically'." (flycheck . "32") flycheck-buffer-switch-check-intermediate-buffers #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to check syntax in a buffer you only visit briefly.\n\nIf nil, then when you switch to a buffer but switch to another\nbuffer before the syntax check is performed, then the check is\ncanceled. If non-nil, then syntax checks due to switching\nbuffers are always performed. This only affects buffer switches\nthat happen less than `flycheck-idle-buffer-switch-delay' seconds\napart.\n\nThis variable has no effect if `idle-buffer-switch' is not\ncontained in `flycheck-check-syntax-automatically'." boolean (flycheck . "32") booleanp flycheck-standard-error-navigation #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to support error navigation with `next-error'.\n\nIf non-nil, enable navigation of Flycheck errors with\n`next-error', `previous-error' and `first-error'. Otherwise,\nthese functions just navigate errors from compilation modes.\n\nFlycheck error navigation with `flycheck-next-error',\n`flycheck-previous-error' and `flycheck-first-error' is always\nenabled, regardless of the value of this variable.\n\nNote that this setting only takes effect when variable\n`flycheck-mode' is non-nil. Changing it will not affect buffers\nwhere variable `flycheck-mode' is already non-nil." (flycheck . "0.15") define-widget flycheck-minimum-level lazy "A radio-type choice of minimum error levels.\n\nSee `flycheck-navigation-minimum-level' and\n`flycheck-error-list-minimum-level'." (radio (const :tag "All locations" nil) (const :tag "Informational messages" info) (const :tag "Warnings" warning) (const :tag "Errors" error) (symbol :tag "Custom error level")) flycheck-navigation-minimum-level #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The minimum level of errors to navigate.\n\nIf set to an error level, only navigate errors whose error level\nis at least as severe as this one. If nil, navigate all errors." flycheck-error-level-p (flycheck . "0.21") flycheck-error-list-minimum-level #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The minimum level of errors to display in the error list.\n\nIf set to an error level, only display errors whose error level\nis at least as severe as this one in the error list. If nil,\ndisplay all errors.\n\nThis is the default level, used when the error list is opened.\nYou can temporarily change the level using\n\\[flycheck-error-list-set-filter], or reset it to this value\nusing \\[flycheck-error-list-reset-filter]." (flycheck . "0.24") flycheck-relevant-error-other-file-minimum-level #[0 "\300\207" [error] 1] "The minimum level of errors from other files to display in this buffer.\n\nIf set to an error level, only display errors from other files\nwhose error level is at least as severe as this one. If nil,\ndisplay all errors from other files." (flycheck . "32") flycheck-relevant-error-other-file-show #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to show errors from other files." (flycheck . "32") flycheck-completing-read-function #[0 "\300\207" [completing-read] 1] "Function to read from minibuffer with completion.\n\nThe function must be compatible to the built-in `completing-read'\nfunction." (choice (const :tag "Default" completing-read) (const :tag "IDO" ido-completing-read) (function :tag "Custom function")) :risky (flycheck . "26") flycheck-temp-prefix #[0 "\300\207" [#2="flycheck"] 1 #2#] "Prefix for temporary files created by Flycheck." string (flycheck . "0.19") flycheck-mode-hook #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Hooks to run after command `flycheck-mode' is toggled." hook flycheck-after-syntax-check-hook #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Functions to run after each syntax check.\n\nThis hook is run after a syntax check was finished.\n\nAt this point, *all* chained checkers were run, and all errors\nwere parsed, highlighted and reported. The variable\n`flycheck-current-errors' contains all errors from all syntax\ncheckers run during the syntax check, so you can apply any error\nanalysis functions.\n\nNote that this hook does *not* run after each individual syntax\nchecker in the syntax checker chain, but only after the *last\nchecker*.\n\nThis variable is a normal hook. See Info node `(elisp)Hooks'." flycheck-before-syntax-check-hook #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Functions to run before each syntax check.\n\nThis hook is run right before a syntax check starts.\n\nError information from the previous syntax check is *not*\ncleared before this hook runs.\n\nNote that this hook does *not* run before each individual syntax\nchecker in the syntax checker chain, but only before the *first\nchecker*.\n\nThis variable is a normal hook. See Info node `(elisp)Hooks'." flycheck-syntax-check-failed-hook #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Functions to run if a syntax check failed.\n\nThis hook is run whenever an error occurs during Flycheck's\ninternal processing. No information about the error is given to\nthis hook.\n\nYou should use this hook to conduct additional cleanup actions\nwhen Flycheck failed.\n\nThis variable is a normal hook. See Info node `(elisp)Hooks'." flycheck-status-changed-functions #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Functions to run if the Flycheck status changed.\n\nThis hook is run whenever the status of Flycheck changes. Each\nhook function takes the status symbol as single argument, as\ngiven to `flycheck-report-status', which see.\n\nThis variable is an abnormal hook. See Info\nnode `(elisp)Hooks'." (flycheck . "0.20") flycheck-error-list-after-refresh-hook #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Functions to run after the error list was refreshed.\n\nThis hook is run whenever the error list is refreshed.\n\nThis variable is a normal hook. See Info node `(elisp)Hooks'." (flycheck . "0.21") custom-declare-face flycheck-error-delimiter ((t)) "Flycheck face for errors spanning multiple lines.\n\nSee `flycheck-highlighting-style' for details on when this face\nis used." (flycheck . "32") flycheck-faces flycheck-delimited-error ((t)) (flycheck . "32") flycheck-error ((((supports :underline (:style wave))) :underline (:style wave :color "Red1")) (t :underline t :inherit error)) "Flycheck face for errors." (flycheck . "0.13") flycheck-warning ((((supports :underline (:style wave))) :underline (:style wave :color "DarkOrange")) (t :underline t :inherit warning)) "Flycheck face for warnings." (flycheck . "0.13") flycheck-info ((((supports :underline (:style wave))) :underline (:style wave :color "ForestGreen")) (t :underline t :inherit success)) "Flycheck face for informational messages." (flycheck . "0.15") flycheck-fringe-error ((t :inherit error)) "Flycheck face for fringe error indicators." (flycheck . "0.13") flycheck-fringe-warning ((t :inherit warning)) "Flycheck face for fringe warning indicators." (flycheck . "0.13") flycheck-fringe-info ((t :inherit success)) "Flycheck face for fringe info indicators." (flycheck . "0.15") flycheck-error-list-error ((t :inherit error)) "Flycheck face for error messages in the error list." (flycheck . "0.16") flycheck-error-list-warning ((t :inherit warning)) "Flycheck face for warning messages in the error list." (flycheck . "0.16") flycheck-error-list-info ((t :inherit success)) "Flycheck face for info messages in the error list." (flycheck . "0.16") flycheck-error-list-line-number ((t)) "Face for line numbers in the error list." (flycheck . "0.16") flycheck-error-list-column-number ((t)) (flycheck . "0.16") flycheck-error-list-filename ((t :inherit mode-line-buffer-id :bold nil)) "Face for filenames in the error list." (flycheck . "32") flycheck-error-list-id ((t :inherit font-lock-type-face)) "Face for the error ID in the error list." (flycheck . "0.22") flycheck-error-list-id-with-explainer ((t :inherit flycheck-error-list-id :box (:style released-button))) "Face for the error ID in the error list, for errors that have an explainer." (flycheck . "30") flycheck-error-list-checker-name ((t :inherit font-lock-function-name-face)) "Face for the syntax checker name in the error list." (flycheck . "0.21") flycheck-error-list-error-message ((t)) "Face for the error message in the error list." (flycheck . "33") flycheck-error-list-highlight ((t :bold t)) "Flycheck face to highlight errors in the error list." (flycheck . "0.15") flycheck-verify-select-checker ((t :box (:style released-button))) "Flycheck face for the 'select' button in the verify setup buffer." (flycheck . "32")] 12) #@42 Keymap of Flycheck interactive commands. (defvar flycheck-command-map (byte-code "\300 \301\302\303#\210\301\304\305#\210\301\306\307#\210\301\310\311#\210\301\312\313#\210\301\314\315#\210\301\316\317#\210\301\320\321#\210\301\322\323#\210\301\324\325#\210\301\326\327#\210\301\330\331#\210\301\332\333#\210\301\334\335#\210\301\336\337#\210\301\340\341#\210\207" [make-sparse-keymap define-key "c" flycheck-buffer "C" flycheck-clear "" flycheck-compile "n" flycheck-next-error "p" flycheck-previous-error "l" flycheck-list-errors "" flycheck-copy-errors-as-kill "s" flycheck-select-checker "?" flycheck-describe-checker "h" flycheck-display-error-at-point "e" flycheck-explain-error-at-point "H" display-local-help "i" flycheck-manual "V" flycheck-version "v" flycheck-verify-setup "x" flycheck-disable-checker] 5) (#$ . 33042)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315\316\317& \210\300\320\302\303\321DD\322\306\307\312\323\314\315\310\324& \210\300\325\302\303\326DD\327\306\307\312\313\310\330& \210\300\331\302\303\332DD\333\306\307\312\323\314\315\310\334& \210\300\335\302\303\336DD\337\306\307\312\340\314\315\310\341& \210\342\343\344E\211\203v\211@\345\346\347#\210A\266\202\202c\210\345\350\351\347#\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-keymap-prefix funcall function #[0 "\300\207" ["!"] 1] "Prefix for key bindings of Flycheck.\n\nChanging this variable outside Customize does not have any\neffect. To change the keymap prefix from Lisp, you need to\nexplicitly re-define the prefix key:\n\n (define-key flycheck-mode-map flycheck-keymap-prefix nil)\n (setq flycheck-keymap-prefix (kbd \"C-c f\"))\n (define-key flycheck-mode-map flycheck-keymap-prefix\n flycheck-command-map)\n\nPlease note that Flycheck's manual documents the default\nkeybindings. Changing this variable is at your own risk." :group flycheck :package-version (flycheck . "0.19") :type string :risky t :set #[514 "\302!\203\302\300!\203\303J\304#\210\303 #\210\305\"\207" [flycheck-mode-map flycheck-command-map boundp define-key nil set-default] 6 "\n\n(fn VARIABLE KEY)"] flycheck-mode-line #[0 "\300\207" [(:eval (flycheck-mode-line-status-text))] 1] "Mode line lighter for Flycheck.\n\nThe value of this variable is a mode line template as in\n`mode-line-format'. See Info Node `(elisp)Mode Line Format' for\nmore information. Note that it should contain a _single_ mode\nline construct only.\n\nCustomize this variable to change how Flycheck reports its status\nin the mode line. You may use `flycheck-mode-line-status-text'\nto obtain a human-readable status text, including an\nerror/warning count.\n\nYou may also assemble your own status text. The current status\nof Flycheck is available in `flycheck-last-status-change'. The\nerrors in the current buffer are stored in\n`flycheck-current-errors', and the function\n`flycheck-count-errors' may be used to obtain the number of\nerrors grouped by error level.\n\nSet this variable to nil to disable the mode line completely." sexp (flycheck . "0.20") flycheck-mode-line-prefix #[0 "\300\207" [#1="FlyC"] 1 #1#] "Base mode line lighter for Flycheck.\n\nThis will have an effect only with the default\n`flycheck-mode-line'.\n\nIf you've customized `flycheck-mode-line' then the customized\nfunction must be updated to use this variable." (flycheck . "26") flycheck-error-list-mode-line #[0 "\300\301!\302B\207" [propertized-buffer-identification "%12b" (" for buffer " (:eval (flycheck-error-list-propertized-source-name)) (:eval (flycheck-error-list-mode-line-filter-indicator)))] 2] "Mode line construct for Flycheck error list.\n\nThe value of this variable is a mode line template as in\n`mode-line-format', to be used as\n`mode-line-buffer-identification' in `flycheck-error-list-mode'.\nSee Info Node `(elisp)Mode Line Format' for more information.\n\nCustomize this variable to change how the error list appears in\nthe mode line. The default shows the name of the buffer and the\nname of the source buffer, i.e. the buffer whose errors are\ncurrently listed." (flycheck . "0.20") flycheck-global-modes #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Modes for which option `flycheck-mode' is turned on.\n\nIf t, Flycheck Mode is turned on for all major modes. If a list,\nFlycheck Mode is turned on for all `major-mode' symbols in that\nlist. If the `car' of the list is `not', Flycheck Mode is turned\non for all `major-mode' symbols _not_ in that list. If nil,\nFlycheck Mode is never turned on by command\n`global-flycheck-mode'.\n\nNote that Flycheck is never turned on for modes whose\n`mode-class' property is `special' (see Info node `(elisp)Major\nMode Conventions'), regardless of the value of this option.\n\nOnly has effect when variable `global-flycheck-mode' is non-nil." (choice (const :tag "none" nil) (const :tag "all" t) (set :menu-tag "mode specific" :tag "modes" :value (not) (const :tag "Except" not) (repeat :inline t (symbol :tag "mode")))) (flycheck . "0.23") flycheck-locate-config-file-by-path flycheck-locate-config-file-ancestor-directories flycheck-locate-config-file-home add-hook flycheck-locate-config-file-functions append flycheck-process-error-functions flycheck-add-overlay] 14) #@34 Menu of command `flycheck-mode'. (defvar flycheck-mode-menu-map (easy-menu-create-menu "Syntax Checking" '(["Enable on-the-fly syntax checking" flycheck-mode :style toggle :selected flycheck-mode :enable (or flycheck-mode (seq-find #'flycheck-checker-supports-major-mode-p flycheck-checkers))] ["Check current buffer" flycheck-buffer flycheck-mode] ["Clear errors in buffer" flycheck-clear t] "---" ["Go to next error" flycheck-next-error flycheck-mode] ["Go to previous error" flycheck-previous-error flycheck-mode] ["Show all errors" flycheck-list-errors flycheck-mode] "---" ["Copy messages at point" flycheck-copy-errors-as-kill (flycheck-overlays-at (point))] ["Explain error at point" flycheck-explain-error-at-point] "---" ["Select syntax checker" flycheck-select-checker flycheck-mode] ["Disable syntax checker" flycheck-disable-checker flycheck-mode] ["Set executable of syntax checker" flycheck-set-checker-executable flycheck-mode] "---" ["Describe syntax checker" flycheck-describe-checker t] ["Verify setup" flycheck-verify-setup t] ["Show Flycheck version" flycheck-version t] ["Read the Flycheck manual" flycheck-info t])) (#$ . 38286)) (easy-menu-add-item nil '("Tools") flycheck-mode-menu-map "Spell Checking") #@451 Get the Flycheck version as string. If called interactively or if SHOW-VERSION is non-nil, show the version in the echo area and the messages buffer. The returned string includes both, the version from package.el and the library version, if both a present and different. If the version number could not be determined, signal an error, if called interactively, or if SHOW-VERSION is non-nil, otherwise just return nil. (fn &optional SHOW-VERSION) (defalias 'flycheck-version #[256 "\300\301!\203\f\302\303\"\210\207" [pkg-info-version-info flycheck message "Flycheck version: %s"] 5 (#$ . 39521) (list t)]) #@31 Unload function for Flycheck. (defalias 'flycheck-unload-function #[0 "\302\303!\210\304\305\306A@#\210\307\310\311\"\210\312\313 \"\211\207" [flycheck-mode-menu-map find-function-regexp-alist global-flycheck-mode -1 easy-menu-remove-item nil ("Tools") remove-hook kill-emacs-hook flycheck-global-teardown assq-delete-all flycheck-checker] 4 (#$ . 40140)]) #@27 Open the Flycheck manual. (defalias 'flycheck-manual #[0 "\300\301!\207" [browse-url "http://www.flycheck.org"] 2 (#$ . 40505) nil]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\302\305#\207" [defalias flycheck-info flycheck-manual "Open the Flycheck manual." make-obsolete "Flycheck 26"] 4) #@111 Convert SEXP to a string. Like `prin1-to-string' but ensure that the returned string is loadable. (fn SEXP) (defalias 'flycheck-sexp-to-string #[257 "\303\304\211\305!+\207" [print-level print-length print-quoted t nil prin1-to-string] 4 (#$ . 40801)]) #@165 Safely convert STRING to a number. If STRING is of string type and a numeric string, convert STRING to a number and return it. Otherwise return nil. (fn STRING) (defalias 'flycheck-string-to-number-safe #[257 "\211;\205\301\302\303\304#)\266\203\205\305!\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data "\\`[[:digit:]]+\\'" nil t string-match string-to-number] 8 (#$ . 41067)]) #@48 Determine if OBJ is a string or nil. (fn OBJ) (defalias 'flycheck-string-or-nil-p #[257 "\211?\206\211;\207" [] 2 (#$ . 41450)]) #@50 Determine if OBJ is a list of strings. (fn OBJ) (defalias 'flycheck-string-list-p #[257 "\211<\205 \300\301\"\207" [seq-every-p stringp] 4 (#$ . 41588)]) #@62 Determine if OBJ is a string or a list of strings. (fn OBJ) (defalias 'flycheck-string-or-string-list-p #[257 "\211;\206\300!\207" [flycheck-string-list-p] 3 (#$ . 41751)]) #@50 Determine if OBJ is a list of symbols. (fn OBJ) (defalias 'flycheck-symbol-list-p #[257 "\211<\205 \300\301\"\207" [seq-every-p symbolp] 4 (#$ . 41934)]) (defvar flycheck--file-truename-cache nil nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'flycheck--file-truename-cache) #@81 Memoize the result of `file-truename' on (directory-file-name FILE). (fn FILE) (defalias 'flycheck--file-truename #[257 "\204 \301\300!\210\302\303\304\"\305\"\206\306\307\310!!#\207" [flycheck--file-truename-cache make-local-variable make-hash-table :test equal gethash puthash file-truename directory-file-name] 6 (#$ . 42204)]) #@191 Determine whether FILE-A and FILE-B refer to the same file. Files are the same if (in the order checked) they are equal, or if they resolve to the same canonical paths. (fn FILE-A FILE-B) (defalias 'flycheck-same-files-p #[514 "\230\206 \300!\300!\230\207" [flycheck--file-truename] 5 (#$ . 42553)]) #@54 Temporary files and directories created by Flycheck. (defvar flycheck-temporaries nil (#$ . 42866)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'flycheck-temporaries) #@160 Create a unique temporary directory. Use `flycheck-temp-prefix' as prefix, and add the directory to `flycheck-temporaries'. Return the path of the directory (defalias 'flycheck-temp-dir-system #[0 "\302\303\"\211 B\207" [flycheck-temp-prefix flycheck-temporaries make-temp-file directory] 3 (#$ . 43024)]) #@495 Create a temporary file named after FILENAME. If FILENAME is non-nil, this function creates a temporary directory with `flycheck-temp-dir-system', and creates a file with the same name as FILENAME in this directory. Otherwise this function creates a temporary file starting with `flycheck-temp-prefix'. If present, SUFFIX is appended; otherwise, a random suffix is used. The path of the file is added to `flycheck-temporaries'. Return the path of the file. (fn FILENAME &optional SUFFIX) (defalias 'flycheck-temp-file-system #[513 "\302\203\303\304!\305 \"\202\306\307#!\211 B\207" [flycheck-temp-prefix flycheck-temporaries convert-standard-filename expand-file-name file-name-nondirectory flycheck-temp-dir-system make-temp-file nil] 7 (#$ . 43341)]) #@290 Create an in-place copy of FILENAME. Prefix the file with `flycheck-temp-prefix' and add the path of the file to `flycheck-temporaries'. If FILENAME is nil, fall back to `flycheck-temp-file-system' with the specified SUFFIX. Return the path of the file. (fn FILENAME &optional SUFFIX) (defalias 'flycheck-temp-file-inplace #[513 "\203\302\303\304!#\305\306\307!\"!\211 B\207\310\"\207" [flycheck-temp-prefix flycheck-temporaries format "%s_%s" file-name-nondirectory convert-standard-filename expand-file-name file-name-directory flycheck-temp-file-system] 8 (#$ . 44116)]) #@133 Return the directory where CHECKER writes temporary files. Return nil if the CHECKER does not write temporary files. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-temp-directory #[257 "\302!\303>\203 \207\304>\203 \203\305 !\207\207\306\207" [temporary-file-directory buffer-file-name flycheck-checker-arguments source source-inplace file-name-directory nil] 4 (#$ . 44712)]) #@259 Whether CHECKER can write temporary files. If CHECKER has `source' or `source-inplace' in its `:command', return whether flycheck has the permissions to create the respective temporary files. Return t if CHECKER does not use temporary files. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-temp-files-writable-p #[257 "\300!\211?\206 \301!\207" [flycheck-temp-directory file-writable-p] 4 (#$ . 45094)]) #@71 Save the contents of the current buffer to FILE-NAME. (fn FILE-NAME) (defalias 'flycheck-save-buffer-to-file #[257 "\301\302!\303\"\210\303\304\305\211\305\306%)\207" [jka-compr-inhibit make-directory file-name-directory t write-region nil 0] 7 (#$ . 45495)]) #@111 Save buffer to temp file returned by TEMP-FILE-FN. Return the name of the temporary file. (fn TEMP-FILE-FN) (defalias 'flycheck-save-buffer-to-temp #[257 "\211\301 !\302\303!\210)\207" [write-region-inhibit-fsync buffer-file-name t flycheck-save-buffer-to-file] 4 (#$ . 45766)]) #@658 Prepend OPTION to each item in ITEMS, using PREPEND-FN. Prepend OPTION to each item in ITEMS. ITEMS is a list of strings to pass to the syntax checker. OPTION is the option, as string. PREPEND-FN is a function called to prepend OPTION to each item in ITEMS. It receives the option and a single item from ITEMS as argument, and must return a string or a list of strings with OPTION prepended to the item. If PREPEND-FN is nil or omitted, use `list'. Return a list of strings where OPTION is prepended to each item in ITEMS using PREPEND-FN. If PREPEND-FN returns a list, it is spliced into the resulting list. (fn OPTION ITEMS &optional PREPEND-FN) (defalias 'flycheck-prepend-with-option #[770 "\211C;\204\f\300\301\"\210\211\242\204\211\302\240\210\303\304#\305\306\307\"\"\207" [error "Option %S is not a string" list make-closure #[257 "\301\242\300\"\211<\203\302\303\"\203\207\211;\203\211C\207\304\305\"\207" [V0 V1 seq-every-p stringp error "Invalid result type for option: %S"] 5 "\n\n(fn ITEM)"] apply append seq-map] 10 (#$ . 46056)]) #@144 Find PATTERN in the current buffer. Return the result of the first matching group of PATTERN, or nil, if PATTERN did not match. (fn PATTERN) (defalias 'flycheck-find-in-buffer #[257 "\212\214~\210eb\210\300\301\302#\205\303\304!*\207" [re-search-forward nil no-error match-string-no-properties 1] 5 (#$ . 47136)]) #@88 Check whether a BUFFER is empty, defaulting to the current one. (fn &optional BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-buffer-empty-p #[256 "\300!\301U\207" [buffer-size 0] 3 (#$ . 47461)]) #@91 Check whether a BUFFER is nonempty, defaulting to the current one. (fn &optional BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-buffer-nonempty-p #[256 "\300!\301V\207" [buffer-size 0] 3 (#$ . 47646)]) #@140 Determine whether the current buffer is an ephemeral buffer. See Info node `(elisp)Buffer Names' for information about ephemeral buffers. (defalias 'flycheck-ephemeral-buffer-p #[0 "\300\301\302 \"\207" [string-prefix-p " " buffer-name] 3 (#$ . 47838)]) #@127 Determine whether the current buffer is an encrypted file. See Info node `(epa)Top' for Emacs' interface to encrypted files. (defalias 'flycheck-encrypted-buffer-p #[0 "\300\301!\207" [local-variable-p epa-file-encrypt-to] 2 (#$ . 48100)]) #@120 Determine whether the current buffer is an autoloads file. Autoloads are generated by package.el during installation. (defalias 'flycheck-autoloads-file-p #[0 "\300\301\302 \"\207" [string-suffix-p "-autoloads.el" buffer-name] 3 (#$ . 48348)]) #@63 Whether FILENAME is in `user-emacs-directory'. (fn FILENAME) (defalias 'flycheck-in-user-emacs-directory-p #[257 "\301\302\303!!\303!\"\207" [user-emacs-directory string-prefix-p file-name-as-directory flycheck--file-truename] 5 (#$ . 48599)]) #@46 Safely delete FILE-OR-DIR. (fn FILE-OR-DIR) (defalias 'flycheck-safe-delete #[257 "\3001\301!\203\302\303\"\202\304!0\207\210\305\207" [(error) file-directory-p delete-directory recursive delete-file nil] 4 (#$ . 48852)]) #@170 Safely delete all temp files and directories of Flycheck. Safely delete all files and directories listed in `flycheck-temporaries' and set the variable's value to nil. (defalias 'flycheck-safe-delete-temporaries #[0 "\301\302\"\210\303\211\207" [flycheck-temporaries seq-do flycheck-safe-delete nil] 3 (#$ . 49091)]) #@72 Translate the `(file-name)' FORM into a regular expression. (fn FORM) (defalias 'flycheck-rx-file-name #[257 "\211A\206\300\301\302\303BB\304\"\207" [((minimal-match (one-or-more not-newline))) rx-to-string group-n 1 t] 6 (#$ . 49417)]) #@70 Translate the `(message)' FORM into a regular expression. (fn FORM) (defalias 'flycheck-rx-message #[257 "\211A\206\300\301\302\303BB\304\"\207" [((one-or-more not-newline)) rx-to-string group-n 4 t] 6 (#$ . 49664)]) #@65 Translate the `(id)' FORM into a regular expression. (fn FORM) (defalias 'flycheck-rx-id #[257 "\300\301\302ABB\303\"\207" [rx-to-string group-n 5 t] 5 (#$ . 49891)]) #@817 Like `rx-to-string' for FORM, but with special keywords: `line' matches the initial line number. `column' matches the initial column number. `end-line' matches the final line number. `end-column' matches the final column number (exclusive). `(file-name SEXP ...)' matches the file name. SEXP describes the file name. If no SEXP is given, use a default body of `(minimal-match (one-or-more not-newline))'. `(message SEXP ...)' matches the message. SEXP constitutes the body of the message. If no SEXP is given, use a default body of `(one-or-more not-newline)'. `(id SEXP ...)' matches an error ID. SEXP describes the ID. NO-GROUP is passed to `rx-to-string'. See `rx' for a complete list of all built-in `rx' forms. (fn FORM &optional NO-GROUP) (defalias 'flycheck-rx-to-string #[513 "\301\302\303\304B\305\306B\307\310\311\312B\313\314B\257\315#\316\")\207" [rx-constituents append (file-name flycheck-rx-file-name 0 nil) line "\\(?2:[[:digit:]]+\\)" column "\\(?3:[[:digit:]]+\\)" (message flycheck-rx-message 0 nil) (id flycheck-rx-id 0 nil) end-line "\\(?6:[[:digit:]]+\\)" end-column "\\(?7:[[:digit:]]+\\)" nil rx-to-string] 11 (#$ . 50067)]) #@197 Get the source file currently being loaded. Always return the name of the corresponding source file, never any byte-compiled file. Return nil, if the currently loaded file cannot be determined. (defalias 'flycheck-current-load-file #[0 "\203 \202\303\302!\203\n\206\304 \211\205*\305!\306P\211\205(\307!\205(\211\262\207" [load-in-progress load-file-name byte-compile-current-file boundp buffer-file-name file-name-sans-extension ".el" file-exists-p] 4 (#$ . 51299)]) #@694 Get the root directory for a MODULE in FILE-NAME. MODULE is a qualified module name, either a string with components separated by a dot, or as list of components. FILE-NAME is the name of the file or directory containing the module as string. When nil or omitted, defaults to the return value of function `buffer-file-name'. Return the root directory of the module, that is, the directory, from which FILE-NAME can be reached by descending directories along each part of MODULE. If the MODULE name does not match the directory hierarchy upwards from FILE-NAME, return the directory containing FILE-NAME. When FILE-NAME is nil, return `default-directory'. (fn MODULE &optional FILE-NAME) (defalias 'flycheck-module-root-directory #[513 "\211\206\301 ;\203\302\303\"\202\304!\211\203C\203C\211\237\305\306!!\203?\307!@\230\203?A\262\305\310!!\262\202$\311!\207\203K\310!\207\312!\207" [default-directory buffer-file-name split-string "\\." copy-sequence directory-file-name file-name-sans-extension file-name-nondirectory file-name-directory file-name-as-directory expand-file-name] 9 (#$ . 51791)]) #@78 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-line-cache-p'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-line-cache-p--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-line-cache-p (and (memq (type-of cl-x) cl-struct-flycheck-line-cache-tags) t)) nil] 9 (#$ . 52929)]) (put 'flycheck-line-cache-p 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-line-cache-p--cmacro) #@13 (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-line-cache-p #[257 "\301!>\205 \302\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-line-cache-tags type-of t] 3 (#$ . 53318)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\301#\207" [function-put flycheck-line-cache-p side-effect-free error-free put flycheck-line-cache cl-deftype-satisfies] 5) #@81 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-line-cache-tick'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-line-cache-tick--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-line-cache-tick (progn (or (flycheck-line-cache-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'flycheck-line-cache cl-x))) (aref cl-x 1))) nil] 9 (#$ . 53629)]) (put 'flycheck-line-cache-tick 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-line-cache-tick--cmacro) #@69 Access slot "tick" of `flycheck-line-cache' struct CL-X. (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-line-cache-tick #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-line-cache-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-line-cache 1] 5 (#$ . 54087)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-line-cache-tick side-effect-free t] 4) #@82 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-line-cache-point'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-line-cache-point--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-line-cache-point (progn (or (flycheck-line-cache-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'flycheck-line-cache cl-x))) (aref cl-x 2))) nil] 9 (#$ . 54465)]) (put 'flycheck-line-cache-point 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-line-cache-point--cmacro) #@70 Access slot "point" of `flycheck-line-cache' struct CL-X. (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-line-cache-point #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-line-cache-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-line-cache 2] 5 (#$ . 54928)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-line-cache-point side-effect-free t] 4) #@81 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-line-cache-line'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-line-cache-line--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-line-cache-line (progn (or (flycheck-line-cache-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'flycheck-line-cache cl-x))) (aref cl-x 3))) nil] 9 (#$ . 55309)]) (put 'flycheck-line-cache-line 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-line-cache-line--cmacro) #@69 Access slot "line" of `flycheck-line-cache' struct CL-X. (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-line-cache-line #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-line-cache-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-line-cache 3] 5 (#$ . 55767)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\"\207" [function-put flycheck-line-cache-line side-effect-free t defalias copy-flycheck-line-cache copy-sequence] 4) #@102 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-line-cache-new'. (fn CL-WHOLE &cl-quote &key TICK POINT LINE) (defalias 'flycheck-line-cache-new--cmacro #[385 "\300\301\"A@\300\302\"A@\300\303\"A@\211\203=\211@\304>\203&\211AA\262\202\305>A@\2034\306\262\202\307\310@\"\210\202\210\311\312\313\306\306&\207" [plist-member :tick :point :line (:tick :point :line :allow-other-keys) :allow-other-keys nil error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:tick :point :line)" cl--defsubst-expand (tick point line) (cl-block flycheck-line-cache-new (record 'flycheck-line-cache tick point line))] 14 (#$ . 56204)]) (put 'flycheck-line-cache-new 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-line-cache-new--cmacro) #@83 Constructor for objects of type `flycheck-line-cache'. (fn &key TICK POINT LINE) (defalias 'flycheck-line-cache-new #[128 "\300\301\"A@\300\302\"A@\300\303\"A@\211\203=\211@\304>\203&\211AA\262\202\305>A@\2034\306\262\202\307\310@\"\210\202\210\311\312$\207" [plist-member :tick :point :line (:tick :point :line :allow-other-keys) :allow-other-keys nil error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:tick :point :line)" record flycheck-line-cache] 9 (#$ . 56907)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\305\303& \207" [function-put flycheck-line-cache-new side-effect-free t cl-struct-define flycheck-line-cache "Cache structure used to speed up `flycheck-goto-line'." cl-structure-object record nil ((cl-tag-slot) (tick) (point) (line)) cl-struct-flycheck-line-cache-tags] 11) #@46 Cache used to speed ip `flycheck-goto-line'. (defvar flycheck--line-cache nil (#$ . 57729)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'flycheck--line-cache) #@52 Initialize or reinitialize `flycheck--line-cache'. (defalias 'flycheck--init-line-cache #[0 "\302 \203_\303! >\204\304\305\306D\"\210\307HU?\205k\303! >\204-\304\305\306D\"\210\211\307I\266\303! >\204C\304\305\306D\"\210\211\310\307I\266\303! >\204Y\304\305\306D\"\210\211\311\307I\207\312\300!\210\313\306\307\211$\211\207" [flycheck--line-cache cl-struct-flycheck-line-cache-tags buffer-modified-tick type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-line-cache 1 2 3 make-local-variable record] 6 (#$ . 57878)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put flycheck--init-line-cache speed -1 put byte-optimizer byte-compile-inline-expand] 5) #@121 Move point to beginning of line number LINE. This function assumes that the current buffer is not narrowed. (fn LINE) (defalias 'flycheck-goto-line #[257 "\302 \203c\303! >\204\304\305\306D\"\210\307HU?\205o\303! >\204-\304\305\306D\"\210\211\307I\266\303! >\204C\304\305\306D\"\210\211\310\307I\266\303! >\204Y\304\305\306D\"\210\211\311\307I\266\202q\312\300!\210\313\306\307\211$\211\266\303! >\204\200\304\305\306D\"\210\310Hb\210\211\303! >\204\225\304\305\306D\"\210\311HZ\211y\314U\205\314\303! >\204\257\304\305\306D\"\210\211\310`I\266\303! >\204\305\304\305\306D\"\210\211\311I\262\207" [flycheck--line-cache cl-struct-flycheck-line-cache-tags buffer-modified-tick type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-line-cache 1 2 3 make-local-variable record 0] 7 (#$ . 58571)]) #@96 Return the point closest to LINE, COLUMN on line LINE. COLUMN is one-based. (fn LINE COLUMN) (defalias 'flycheck-line-column-to-position #[514 "\212\300!\210`S\\\301 ^)\207" [flycheck-goto-line line-end-position] 4 (#$ . 59411)]) #@45 Return the line and column number at point. (defalias 'flycheck-line-column-at-point #[0 "\300 `\301 ZTB\207" [line-number-at-pos line-beginning-position] 3 (#$ . 59651)]) #@84 Return the line and column number at position POS. COLUMN is one-based. (fn POS) (defalias 'flycheck-line-column-at-pos #[257 "\301\212\211b\210\302 *\207" [inhibit-field-text-motion t flycheck-line-column-at-point] 2 (#$ . 59829)]) #@55 `completing-read' history of `flycheck-read-checker'. (defvar flycheck-read-checker-history nil (#$ . 60071)) #@470 Read a value from the minibuffer. Use `flycheck-completing-read-function' to read input from the minibuffer with completion. Show PROMPT and read one of CANDIDATES, defaulting to DEFAULT. HISTORY is passed to `flycheck-completing-read-function'. Note that `flycheck-completing-read-function' may return an empty string instead of nil, even when "" isn't among the candidates. See `completing-read' for more details. (fn PROMPT CANDIDATES DEFAULT &optional HISTORY) (defalias 'flycheck-completing-read #[1027 "\301\302\301&\207" [flycheck-completing-read-function nil require-match] 12 (#$ . 60188)]) #@809 Read a flycheck checker from minibuffer with PROMPT and DEFAULT. PROMPT is a string to show in the minibuffer as prompt. It should end with a single space. DEFAULT is a symbol denoting the default checker to use, if the user did not select any checker. PROPERTY is a symbol denoting a syntax checker property. If non-nil, only complete syntax checkers which have a non-nil value for PROPERTY. CANDIDATES is an optional list of all syntax checkers available for completion, defaulting to all defined checkers. If given, PROPERTY is ignored. Return the checker as symbol, or DEFAULT if no checker was chosen. If DEFAULT is nil and no checker was chosen, signal a `user-error' if the underlying completion system does not provide a default on its own. (fn PROMPT &optional DEFAULT PROPERTY CANDIDATES) (defalias 'flycheck-read-checker #[1025 "\203\300!\204\301\302\"\210\303\304\206\305!\"\205 \304!\306\307$\211\211\310\230\262\203;\2048\311\312!\210\262\313!\300!\204I\301\314\"\210\207" [flycheck-valid-checker-p error "%S is no valid Flycheck checker" seq-map symbol-name flycheck-defined-checkers flycheck-completing-read flycheck-read-checker-history "" user-error "No syntax checker selected" intern "%S is not a valid Flycheck syntax checker"] 11 (#$ . 60807)]) #@149 Read an error level from the user with PROMPT. Only offers level for which errors currently exist, in addition to the default levels. (fn PROMPT) (defalias 'flycheck-read-error-level #[257 "\300\301\302 \"\303\304\"\305!\306\307#\211\211\310\230\262\203\307\262\211\205$\311!\207" [seq-map flycheck-error-level flycheck-error-list-current-errors append (info warning error) seq-uniq flycheck-completing-read nil "" intern] 8 (#$ . 62118)]) #@270 Find all defined syntax checkers, optionally with PROPERTY. PROPERTY is a symbol. If given, only return syntax checkers with a non-nil value for PROPERTY. The returned list is sorted alphapetically by the symbol name of the syntax checkers. (fn &optional PROPERTY) (defalias 'flycheck-defined-checkers #[256 "\300C\301\302\303#!\210\304\242\305\"\207" [nil mapatoms make-closure #[257 "\302!\205\300\203\303\300\"\205\301\301\242B\240\207" [V0 V1 flycheck-valid-checker-p flycheck-checker-get] 4 "\n\n(fn SYMBOL)"] sort string<] 7 (#$ . 62577)]) #@124 Determine whether CHECKER is registered. A checker is registered if it is contained in `flycheck-checkers'. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-registered-checker-p #[257 "\301!\205 \211>\207" [flycheck-checkers flycheck-valid-checker-p] 3 (#$ . 63146)]) #@81 Determine whether CHECKER is disabled, manually or automatically. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-disabled-checker-p #[257 "\300!\206 \301!\207" [flycheck-manually-disabled-checker-p flycheck-automatically-disabled-checker-p] 3 (#$ . 63409)]) #@159 Determine whether CHECKER has been manually disabled. A checker has been manually disabled if it is contained in `flycheck-disabled-checkers'. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-manually-disabled-checker-p #[257 "\211>\207" [flycheck-disabled-checkers] 3 (#$ . 63664)]) #@184 Determine whether CHECKER has been automatically disabled. A checker has been automatically disabled if it is contained in `flycheck--automatically-disabled-checkers'. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-automatically-disabled-checker-p #[257 "\211>\207" [flycheck--automatically-disabled-checkers] 3 (#$ . 63942)]) #@151 The internal version of generic syntax checker declarations. Flycheck will not use syntax checkers whose generic version is less than this constant. (defconst flycheck-generic-checker-version 2 (#$ . 64265)) #@65 Return the SYMBOL property for checker PROPERTY. (fn PROPERTY) (defalias 'flycheck--checker-property-name #[257 "\300\301\302!P!\207" [intern "flycheck-" symbol-name] 5 (#$ . 64480)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put flycheck--checker-property-name speed -1 put byte-optimizer byte-compile-inline-expand] 5) #@61 Get the value of CHECKER's PROPERTY. (fn CHECKER PROPERTY) (defalias 'flycheck-checker-get #[514 "\300\301\302!P!\262N\207" [intern "flycheck-" symbol-name] 8 (#$ . 64829)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-checker-get gv-expander #[385 "\300\301\302$\207" [gv--defsetter flycheck-checker-get #[771 "\300\301\302DEE\207" [setf get flycheck--checker-property-name] 8 "\n\n(fn VALUE CHECKER PROPERTY)"]] 7 "\n\n(fn DO &rest ARGS)"]] 4) #@268 Validate NEXT checker. With STRICT non-nil, also check whether the syntax checker and the error level in NEXT are valid. Otherwise just check whether these are symbols. Signal an error if NEXT is not a valid entry for `:next-checkers'. (fn NEXT &optional STRICT) (defalias 'flycheck-validate-next-checker #[513 "9\203\n\300B\262:\203R\242\243\2039\300=\204*\301!\204*\302\303\"\210\304!\204M\302\305\"\266\202W9\204C\302\306\"\210\2119\204M\302\307\"\210\266\202W\302\310\"\210\300\207" [t flycheck-error-level-p error "%S is not a valid Flycheck error level" flycheck-valid-checker-p "%s is not a valid Flycheck syntax checker" "Error level %S must be a symbol" "Checker %S must be a symbol" "%S must be a symbol or cons cell"] 9 (#$ . 65309)]) #@9273 Define SYMBOL as generic syntax checker. Any syntax checker defined with this macro is eligible for manual syntax checker selection with `flycheck-select-checker'. To make the new syntax checker available for automatic selection, it must be registered in `flycheck-checkers'. DOCSTRING is the documentation of the syntax checker, for `flycheck-describe-checker'. The following PROPERTIES constitute a generic syntax checker. Unless otherwise noted, all properties are mandatory. `:start FUNCTION' A function to start the syntax checker. FUNCTION shall take two arguments and return a context object if the checker is started successfully. Otherwise it shall signal an error. The first argument is the syntax checker being started. The second is a callback function to report state changes to Flycheck. The callback takes two arguments STATUS DATA, where STATUS is a symbol denoting the syntax checker status and DATA an optional argument with additional data for the status report. See `flycheck-report-buffer-checker-status' for more information about STATUS and DATA. FUNCTION may be synchronous or asynchronous, i.e. it may call the given callback either immediately, or at some later point (e.g. from a process sentinel). A syntax checker _must_ call CALLBACK at least once with a STATUS that finishes the current syntax checker. Otherwise Flycheck gets stuck at the current syntax check with this syntax checker. The context object returned by FUNCTION is passed to `:interrupt'. `:interrupt FUNCTION' A function to interrupt the syntax check. FUNCTION is called with the syntax checker and the context object returned by the `:start' function and shall try to interrupt the syntax check. The context may be nil, if the syntax check is interrupted before actually started. FUNCTION should handle this situation. If it cannot interrupt the syntax check, it may either signal an error or silently ignore the attempt to interrupt the syntax checker, depending on the severity of the situation. If interrupting the syntax check failed, Flycheck will let the syntax check continue, but ignore any status reports. Notably, it won't highlight any errors reported by the syntax check in the buffer. This property is optional. If omitted, Flycheck won't attempt to interrupt syntax checks with this syntax checker, and simply ignore their results. `:print-doc FUNCTION' A function to print additional documentation into the Help buffer of this checker. FUNCTION is called when creating the Help buffer for the syntax checker, with the syntax checker as single argument, after printing the name of the syntax checker and its modes and predicate, but before printing DOCSTRING. It may insert additional documentation into the current buffer. The call occurs within `with-help-window'. Hence `standard-output' points to the current buffer, so you may use `princ' and friends to add content. Also, the current buffer is put into Help mode afterwards, which automatically turns symbols into references, if possible. This property is optional. If omitted, no additional documentation is printed for this syntax checker. :verify FUNCTION A function to verify the checker for the current buffer. FUNCTION is called with the syntax checker as single argument, and shall return a list of `flycheck-verification-result' objects indicating whether the syntax checker could be used in the current buffer, and highlighting potential setup problems. This property is optional. If omitted, no additional verification occurs for this syntax checker. It is however absolutely recommended that you add a `:verify' function to your syntax checker, because it will help users to spot potential setup problems. `:modes MODES' A major mode symbol or a list thereof, denoting major modes to use this syntax checker in. This syntax checker will only be used in buffers whose `major-mode' is contained in MODES. If `:predicate' is also given the syntax checker will only be used in buffers for which the `:predicate' returns non-nil. `:predicate FUNCTION' A function to determine whether to use the syntax checker in the current buffer. FUNCTION is called without arguments and shall return non-nil if this syntax checker shall be used to check the current buffer. Otherwise it shall return nil. If this checker has a `:working-directory' FUNCTION is called with `default-directory' bound to the checker's working directory. FUNCTION is only called in matching major modes. This property is optional. `:enabled FUNCTION' A function to determine whether to use the syntax checker in the current buffer. This property behaves as `:predicate', except that it's only called the first time a syntax checker is to be used in a buffer. FUNCTION is called without arguments and shall return non-nil if this syntax checker shall be used to check the current buffer. Otherwise it shall return nil. If FUNCTION returns a non-nil value the checker is put in a whitelist in `flycheck--automatically-enabled-checkers' to prevent further invocations of `:enabled'. Otherwise it is disabled via `flycheck--automatically-disabled-checkers' to prevent any further use of it. If this checker has a `:working-directory' FUNCTION is called with `default-directory' bound to the checker's working directory. FUNCTION is only called in matching major modes. This property is optional. `:error-filter FUNCTION' A function to filter the errors returned by this checker. FUNCTION is called with the list of `flycheck-error' objects returned by the syntax checker and shall return another list of `flycheck-error' objects, which is considered the final result of this syntax checker. FUNCTION is free to add, remove or modify errors, whether in place or by copying. This property is optional. The default filter is `identity'. `:error-explainer FUNCTION' A function to return an explanation text for errors generated by this checker. FUNCTION is called with a `flycheck-error' object, in the buffer of that error. It shall return an explanation message for the error. The message can take any of the following forms: - A string, which will be displayed to the user - A function (likely a closure), which will be called with `standard-output' set to a `flycheck-explain-error-mode' buffer, and should write to it. - A cons `(url . ,URL), indicating that the explanation can be found online at URL. - nil if there is no explanation for this error. If URL is provided by the checker, and cannot be composed from other elements in the `flycheck-error' object, consider passing the URL via text properties: ;; During the error object creation (put-text-property 0 1 'explainer-url .url .check_id) ;; In the error-explainer FUNCTION (let ((id (flycheck-error-id err))) (and id `(url . ,(get-text-property 0 'explainer-url id)))) This property is optional. `:next-checkers NEXT-CHECKERS' A list denoting syntax checkers to apply after this syntax checker, in what we call "chaining" of syntax checkers. Each ITEM is a cons cell `(LEVEL . CHECKER)'. CHECKER is a syntax checker to run after this syntax checker. LEVEL is an error level. CHECKER will only be used if there are no current errors of at least LEVEL. LEVEL may also be t, in which case CHECKER is used regardless of the current errors. ITEM may also be a syntax checker symbol, which is equivalent to `(t . ITEM)'. Flycheck tries all items in order of declaration, and uses the first whose LEVEL matches and whose CHECKER is registered and can be used for the current buffer. This feature is typically used to apply more than one syntax checker to a buffer. For instance, you might first use a compiler to check a buffer for syntax and type errors, and then run a linting tool that checks for insecure code, or questionable style. This property is optional. If omitted, it defaults to the nil, i.e. no other syntax checkers are applied after this syntax checker. `:working-directory FUNCTION' The value of `default-directory' when invoking `:start'. FUNCTION is a function taking the syntax checker as sole argument. It shall return the absolute path to an existing directory to use as `default-directory' for `:start' or nil to fall back to the `default-directory' of the current buffer. This property is optional. If omitted, invoke `:start' from the `default-directory' of the buffer being checked. Signal an error, if any property has an invalid value. (fn SYMBOL DOCSTRING &rest PROPERTIES) (defalias 'flycheck-define-generic-checker #[642 "\301\302\"\301\303\"\301\304\"\301\305\"\301\306\"\301\307\"\301\310\"\301\311\"\206'\312\301 \313\"\301\n\314\"\315 \301\f\316\"<\204CC\262 \317\f!\204R\320\321 #\210\n\203f\317 !\204f\320\322\f#\210 \203z\317\n!\204z\320\323 #\210\203\216\317!\204\216\320\324#\210\203\241\317!\204\241\320\325#\210\204\254\320\326\"\210\211\203\311\211@\2119\204\302\320\327\f$\210A\266\202\202\256\210\203\336\317!\204\336\320\330 #\210\317!\204\354\320\331#\210\203\375\317!\204\375\320\332#\210\211\203\211@\333!\210A\266\202\202\376\210\205\334\335\n#\334\336 #\337B\340B\341B\342B\343B\344B\345B\346B\347B\350B\351B\352B\353B\257 \211\203\202\211@\211\242\243\354\355\356!P!\262\357#\266 A\266\202\202Y\266\211\360\354\355\356!P!\262\357#\207" [flycheck-generic-checker-version plist-get :start :interrupt :print-doc :modes :predicate :verify :enabled :error-filter identity :error-explainer :next-checkers flycheck-current-load-file :working-directory functionp error ":start %S of syntax checker %s is not a function" ":interrupt %S of syntax checker %s is not a function" ":print-doc %S of syntax checker %s is not a function" ":verify %S of syntax checker %S is not a function" ":enabled %S of syntax checker %S is not a function" "Missing :modes in syntax checker %s" "Invalid :modes %s in syntax checker %s, %s must be a symbol" ":predicate %S of syntax checker %s is not a function" ":error-filter %S of syntax checker %s is not a function" ":error-explainer %S of syntax checker %S is not a function" flycheck-validate-next-checker make-closure #[0 "\303\300!\301 )\207" [V0 V1 default-directory flycheck-compute-working-directory] 2] #[0 "\303\300!\203\301?\206\304\300!\301 )\207\305\306\307\310\300$\210\311\207" [V0 V1 default-directory flycheck-valid-checker-p flycheck-compute-working-directory lwarn flycheck :warning "%S is no valid Flycheck syntax checker.\nTry to reinstall the package defining this syntax checker." nil] 5] start interrupt print-doc modes predicate verify enabled error-filter error-explainer next-checkers documentation file working-directory intern "flycheck-" symbol-name put generic-checker-version] 31 (#$ . 66097)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\301\304\305#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-define-generic-checker lisp-indent-function 1 doc-string-elt 2] 5) #@136 Check whether a CHECKER is valid. A valid checker is a symbol defined as syntax checker with `flycheck-define-checker'. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-valid-checker-p #[257 "\2119\205\211\300N\206\f\301U\207" [flycheck-generic-checker-version 0] 3 (#$ . 77890)]) #@377 Whether CHECKER supports the given major MODE. CHECKER is a syntax checker symbol and MODE a major mode symbol. Look at the `modes' property of CHECKER to determine whether CHECKER supports buffers in the given major MODE. MODE defaults to the value of `major-mode' if omitted or nil. Return non-nil if CHECKER supports MODE and nil otherwise. (fn CHECKER &optional MODE) (defalias 'flycheck-checker-supports-major-mode-p #[513 "\211\206\211\301\302\">\207" [major-mode flycheck-checker-get modes] 7 (#$ . 78168)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\211\203(\211@\301N\203!\302N\204!\305\302\301N#\210A\266\202\202\210\306\301\302\307#\207" [defvaralias flycheck-enabled-checkers flycheck--automatically-enabled-checkers nil (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "32"] 7) #@142 Syntax checkers included in automatic selection. A list of Flycheck syntax checkers included in automatic selection for the current buffer. (defvar flycheck--automatically-enabled-checkers nil (#$ . 78994)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'flycheck--automatically-enabled-checkers) #@214 Whether a generic CHECKER may be enabled for current buffer. Return non-nil if CHECKER may be used for the current buffer, and nil otherwise. The result of the `:enabled' check, if any, is cached. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-may-enable-checker #[257 "\302!\205M\303!?\205M\211>\206M\304\305\"\211?\206\211 \211\2038\306\"\2030\266\202K\211B\210\202K\306 \"\203F \266\202K\211 B\210\262\207" [flycheck--automatically-enabled-checkers flycheck--automatically-disabled-checkers flycheck-valid-checker-p flycheck-disabled-checker-p flycheck-checker-get enabled memql] 7 (#$ . 79280)]) #@333 Reset the `:enabled' test of CHECKER. Forget that CHECKER has been enabled or automatically disabled from a previous `:enabled' test. The result of the `:enabled' test is cached in `flycheck-may-enable-checker': if you wish to test the `:enabled' predicate again, you must first reset its state using this function. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-reset-enabled-checker #[257 "\211>\203 \302\"\211 >\203\302 \"\303 \207" [flycheck--automatically-disabled-checkers flycheck--automatically-enabled-checkers remq flycheck-buffer] 4 (#$ . 79903)]) #@136 Whether a generic CHECKER may be used. Return non-nil if CHECKER may be used for the current buffer, and nil otherwise. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-may-use-checker #[257 "\300\301\"\302!\205\303!\205\304!\205\211?\206\211 \207" [flycheck-checker-get predicate flycheck-valid-checker-p flycheck-checker-supports-major-mode-p flycheck-may-enable-checker] 4 (#$ . 80467)]) #@64 Determine whether NEXT-CHECKER may be used. (fn NEXT-CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-may-use-next-checker #[257 "\2119\203\n\300B\262\211@A\300=\204\301!\205#\302!\205#\303!\207" [t flycheck-has-max-current-errors-p flycheck-registered-checker-p flycheck-may-use-checker] 5 (#$ . 80862)]) (define-button-type 'help-flycheck-checker-def :supertype 'help-xref 'help-function 'flycheck-goto-checker-definition 'help-echo "mouse-1, RET: find Flycheck checker definition") #@50 Regular expression to find a checker definition. (defconst flycheck-find-checker-regexp "^\\s-*(\\_<\\(?:flycheck-define-c\\(?:\\(?:ommand-c\\)?hecker\\)\\)\\_>\\(?:\\(?:\\s-\\|\n\\|;.*\n\\)+\\)'?\\_<%s\\_>\\(?:\\s-\\|$\\)" (#$ . 81346)) (add-to-list 'find-function-regexp-alist '(flycheck-checker . flycheck-find-checker-regexp)) #@64 Go to to the definition of CHECKER in FILE. (fn CHECKER FILE) (defalias 'flycheck-goto-checker-definition #[514 "\300\301#\302@!\210\211A\203\211Ab\207\303\304!\207" [find-function-search-for-symbol flycheck-checker pop-to-buffer message "Unable to find checker location in file"] 6 (#$ . 81683)]) #@91 Return the Flycheck checker found at or before point. Return nil if there is no checker. (defalias 'flycheck-checker-at-point #[0 "\300\301!\302!\205\n\211\207" [variable-at-point any-symbol flycheck-valid-checker-p] 3 (#$ . 81993)]) #@140 Display the documentation of CHECKER. CHECKER is a checker symbol. Pop up a help buffer with the documentation of CHECKER. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-describe-checker #[257 "\306!\204\n\307\310!\210\311\312\"\311\313\"\311\314\"\311\315\"\311\316\"\205% \317=\320\321D\322\323!\"\210\212\n\324\211\223\210\325 B\326\fB\327 \330 \331!\211<\324\211\332\333\334\f\"!\210\203x\332\333\335\336\f!\"!\210r\205 \302\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-verification-result-tags type-of t] 3 (#$ . 85115)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\301#\207" [function-put flycheck-verification-result-p side-effect-free error-free put flycheck-verification-result cl-deftype-satisfies] 5) #@91 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-verification-result-label'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-verification-result-label--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-verification-result-label (progn (or (flycheck-verification-result-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'flycheck-verification-result cl-x))) (aref cl-x 1))) nil] 9 (#$ . 85462)]) (put 'flycheck-verification-result-label 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-verification-result-label--cmacro) #@79 Access slot "label" of `flycheck-verification-result' struct CL-X. (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-verification-result-label #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-verification-result-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-verification-result 1] 5 (#$ . 85988)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-verification-result-label side-effect-free t] 4) #@93 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-verification-result-message'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-verification-result-message--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-verification-result-message (progn (or (flycheck-verification-result-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'flycheck-verification-result cl-x))) (aref cl-x 2))) nil] 9 (#$ . 86414)]) (put 'flycheck-verification-result-message 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-verification-result-message--cmacro) #@81 Access slot "message" of `flycheck-verification-result' struct CL-X. (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-verification-result-message #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-verification-result-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-verification-result 2] 5 (#$ . 86950)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-verification-result-message side-effect-free t] 4) #@90 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-verification-result-face'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-verification-result-face--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-verification-result-face (progn (or (flycheck-verification-result-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'flycheck-verification-result cl-x))) (aref cl-x 3))) nil] 9 (#$ . 87382)]) (put 'flycheck-verification-result-face 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-verification-result-face--cmacro) #@78 Access slot "face" of `flycheck-verification-result' struct CL-X. (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-verification-result-face #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-verification-result-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-verification-result 3] 5 (#$ . 87903)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\"\207" [function-put flycheck-verification-result-face side-effect-free t defalias copy-flycheck-verification-result copy-sequence] 4) #@114 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-verification-result-new'. (fn CL-WHOLE &cl-quote &key LABEL MESSAGE FACE) (defalias 'flycheck-verification-result-new--cmacro #[385 "\300\301\"A@\300\302\"A@\300\303\"A@\211\203=\211@\304>\203&\211AA\262\202\305>A@\2034\306\262\202\307\310@\"\210\202\210\311\312\313\306\306&\207" [plist-member :label :message :face (:label :message :face :allow-other-keys) :allow-other-keys nil error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:label :message :face)" cl--defsubst-expand (label message face) (cl-block flycheck-verification-result-new (record 'flycheck-verification-result label message face))] 14 (#$ . 88394)]) (put 'flycheck-verification-result-new 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-verification-result-new--cmacro) #@95 Constructor for objects of type `flycheck-verification-result'. (fn &key LABEL MESSAGE FACE) (defalias 'flycheck-verification-result-new #[128 "\300\301\"A@\300\302\"A@\300\303\"A@\211\203=\211@\304>\203&\211AA\262\202\305>A@\2034\306\262\202\307\310@\"\210\202\210\311\312$\207" [plist-member :label :message :face (:label :message :face :allow-other-keys) :allow-other-keys nil error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:label :message :face)" record flycheck-verification-result] 9 (#$ . 89169)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\305\303& \207" [function-put flycheck-verification-result-new side-effect-free t cl-struct-define flycheck-verification-result "Structure for storing a single verification result.\n\nSlots:\n\n`label'\n A label for this result, as string\n\n`message'\n A message for this result, as string\n\n`face'\n The face to use for the `message'.\n\n You can either use a face symbol, or a list of face symbols." cl-structure-object record nil ((cl-tag-slot) (label) (message) (face)) cl-struct-flycheck-verification-result-tags] 11) #@121 Verify a generic CHECKER in the current buffer. Return a list of `flycheck-verification-result' objects. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-verify-generic-checker #[257 "\300\301\302\"\301\303\"\301\304\"\2031 \305\306\307\310\311\312#\203\"\313\202#\314\203+\315\202,\316$C\262\210\203R \305\306\307\317\311\320#\321??!\203K\315\202L\322$B\262\210\323\237\205]!\"\207" [nil flycheck-checker-get predicate enabled verify record flycheck-verification-result propertize "may enable" help-echo ":enable" "yes" "no" success (bold warning) "may run" ":predicate" prin1-to-string (bold warning) append] 12 (#$ . 90296)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\300\310\311\312\313\314\315\316&\210\300\317\302\310\320\321\306\322&\210\300\323\302\310\320\324\306\325&\210\300\326\302\310\320\327\306\330&\207" [define-button-type help-flycheck-checker-doc :supertype help-xref help-function flycheck-describe-checker help-echo "mouse-1, RET: describe Flycheck checker" flycheck-button follow-link t action #[257 "\300\301\302\"\301\303\"\"\210\304 \207" [apply get-text-property flycheck-action flycheck-data revert-buffer] 6 "\n\n(fn POS)"] face flycheck-verify-select-checker flycheck-checker-select flycheck-action #[514 "rq\210\300!)\207" [flycheck-select-checker] 4 "\n\n(fn BUFFER CHECKER)"] "mouse-1, RET: select this checker" flycheck-checker-enable #[514 "rq\210\300\301\"\210\302 )\207" [flycheck--toggle-checker t flycheck-buffer] 5 "\n\n(fn BUFFER CHECKER)" nil] "mouse-1, RET: re-enable this checker in this buffer" flycheck-checker-reset-enabled #[514 "rq\210\300!)\207" [flycheck-reset-enabled-checker] 4 "\n\n(fn BUFFER CHECKER)"] "mouse-1, RET: try to re-enable this checker"] 8) #@263 Print verification result of CHECKER for BUFFER. When WITH-MM is given and non-nil, also include the major mode into the verification results. When WITH-SELECT is non-nil, add a button to select this checker. (fn CHECKER BUFFER &optional WITH-MM WITH-SELECT) (defalias 'flycheck--verify-princ-checker #[1026 "\302\303!\210\304\305!\306\307\310C%\210rq\210\311!)\2031\312\313\314\315#c\210\316\317\306\320\321 D%\210\202Orq\210\322!)\203O\312\323\314\324#c\210\316\325\306\326\321 D%\210\327\330\"=\203_\312\331\314\332#c\210\211\203s\302\303!\210\316\333\306\334\321 D%\210\302\335!\210rq\210\336\337!\340!\")\203\257rq\210\341!\203\234\342\343\"\344B\202\242\342\345\"\346B\347\350\351@A$B\266\202)\352\353\354\"!\355\\\211\203$\211@\302\356!\210\302\357! >\204\323\360\361\350D\"\210\362H!\210\302\363!\210\302\364iZ\365\"!\210\357! >\204\364\360\361\350D\"\210\211\366H\357! >\204\360\361\350D\"\210\367H\211\203\312\314#\202c\266\302\335!\210A\266\202\202\271\266\302\335!\207" [major-mode cl-struct-flycheck-verification-result-tags princ " " insert-button symbol-name type help-flycheck-checker-doc help-args flycheck-manually-disabled-checker-p propertize " (manually disabled) " face (bold error) insert-text-button "enable" flycheck-checker-enable flycheck-data flycheck-automatically-disabled-checker-p " (automatically disabled) " (bold error) "reset" flycheck-checker-reset-enabled buffer-local-value flycheck-checker " (explicitly selected)" bold "select" flycheck-checker-select "\n" append flycheck-verify-generic-checker flycheck--verify-next-checkers flycheck-checker-supports-major-mode-p format "`%s' supported" success "`%s' not supported" error record flycheck-verification-result "major mode" seq-max mapcar #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305HG\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-verification-result-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-verification-result 1] 5 "\n\n(fn RES)"] 8 " - " type-of signal wrong-type-argument 1 ": " make-string 32 2 3] 15 (#$ . 92045)]) #@119 Get the checker symmbol of NEXT checker. NEXT should be either a cons (NEXT-CHECKER . LEVEL) or a symbol. (fn NEXT) (defalias 'flycheck--get-next-checker-symbol #[257 "\211:\203\211A\207\207" [] 2 (#$ . 94130)]) #@161 Return the immediate next checkers of CHECKER. This is a list of checker symbols. The error levels of the `:next-checker' property are ignored. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-get-next-checkers #[257 "\300\301\302\303\"\"\207" [mapcar flycheck--get-next-checker-symbol flycheck-checker-get next-checkers] 6 (#$ . 94353)]) #@185 Return all checkers that may follow CHECKER. Return the transitive closure of the next-checker relation. The return value is a list of checkers, not including CHECKER. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-all-next-checkers #[257 "\300\211C\211\203G\211A\262\242\211B\262\301!\211\203B\211@\211B\262\211>\204;\211\302\"\2035\210\202;\211B\262\210A\266\202\202\266\202\303!\207" [nil flycheck-get-next-checkers memql seq-uniq] 11 (#$ . 94687)]) #@78 Return a verification result for the next checkers of CHECKER. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck--verify-next-checkers #[257 "\300!\211\205\301\302\303\304\305\306\307#$C\207" [flycheck-get-next-checkers flycheck-verification-result-new :label "next checkers" :message mapconcat #[257 "\300\301!\302\303\304\305C&\207" [make-text-button symbol-name nil type help-flycheck-checker-doc help-args] 8 "\n\n(fn CHECKER)"] ", "] 10 (#$ . 95162)]) #@300 Print a title with DESC for BUFFER in the current buffer. DESC is an arbitrary string containing a description, and BUFFER is the buffer being verified. The name and the major mode mode of BUFFER are printed. DESC and information about BUFFER are printed in the current buffer. (fn DESC BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck--verify-print-header #[514 "\300!\210\301\302!\303\304#c\210\300\305!\210\306\307\"\310\311!\312\313\314C%\266\300\315!\207" [princ propertize buffer-name face bold " in " buffer-local-value major-mode insert-button symbol-name type help-function help-args ":\n\n"] 9 (#$ . 95619)]) #@101 Print a footer for BUFFER in the current buffer. BUFFER is the buffer being verified. (fn BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck--verify-print-footer #[257 "\303\304!\210\305\306\"\307\203\310\202\311\312\203\313\202\314#c\266\303rq\210\315\316!)!\210\212`\317 \210\320`\"\266)\303\321!\210\303\322\323\324 \"!\210\303\322\325\"!\210\303\322\326 \"!\210\303\322\327\n\"!\207" [emacs-version system-configuration window-system princ "Flycheck Mode is " buffer-local-value flycheck-mode propertize "enabled" "disabled" face success (warning bold) substitute-command-keys ". Use \\[universal-argument] \\[flycheck-disable-checker] to enable disabled checkers." backward-paragraph fill-region-as-paragraph "\n\n--------------------\n\n" format "Flycheck version: %s\n" flycheck-version "Emacs version: %s\n" "System: %s\n" "Window system: %S\n"] 6 (#$ . 96234)]) (defvar flycheck-verify-mode-hook nil) (byte-code "\300\301N\204\f\302\300\301\303#\210\304\305!\204\302\305\306\307#\210\300\207" [flycheck-verify-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering Flycheck verification mode.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)" boundp flycheck-verify-mode-map definition-name flycheck-verify-mode] 4) (defvar flycheck-verify-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (byte-code "\301\302N\204\303\301\302\304\305!#\210\306\307!\204\303\307\310\311#\210\312\313 !\210\307\302N\204-\303\307\302\304\314!#\210\306\300!\204B\303\300\310\311#\210\315\316\300\317\"\210!\210\300\302N\204P\303\300\302\304\320!#\210\303\311\321\322#\207" [flycheck-verify-mode-abbrev-table flycheck-verify-mode-map variable-documentation put purecopy "Keymap for `flycheck-verify-mode'." boundp flycheck-verify-mode-syntax-table definition-name flycheck-verify-mode (lambda (def-tmp-var) (defvar flycheck-verify-mode-syntax-table def-tmp-var)) make-syntax-table "Syntax table for `flycheck-verify-mode'." (lambda (def-tmp-var) (defvar flycheck-verify-mode-abbrev-table def-tmp-var)) define-abbrev-table nil "Abbrev table for `flycheck-verify-mode'." derived-mode-parent help-mode] 5) #@262 Major mode to display Flycheck verification results. In addition to any hooks its parent mode `help-mode' might have run, this mode runs the hook `flycheck-verify-mode-hook', as the final or penultimate step during initialization. \{flycheck-verify-mode-map} (defalias 'flycheck-verify-mode #[0 "\306\300!\210\307\310 \210\311\312\310\313N\203\314\311\313\310\313N#\210\315 !\204'\316 \317 \"\210\320\f!\211\2035\211\321 =\203;\322\f\323 \"\210\210\324 \325\"\204R =\204R\326 \325C#\210\327 !\210\330\f!\210 \331)\332\333!\207" [delay-mode-hooks major-mode mode-name flycheck-verify-mode-map flycheck-verify-mode-syntax-table flycheck-verify-mode-abbrev-table make-local-variable t help-mode flycheck-verify-mode "Flycheck verification" mode-class put keymap-parent set-keymap-parent current-local-map char-table-parent standard-syntax-table set-char-table-parent syntax-table abbrev-table-get :parents abbrev-table-put use-local-map set-syntax-table nil run-mode-hooks flycheck-verify-mode-hook local-abbrev-table buffer-read-only] 5 (#$ . 98422) nil]) #@312 Check whether a CHECKER can be used in this buffer. Show a buffer listing possible problems that prevent CHECKER from being used for the current buffer. Note: Do not use this function to check whether a syntax checker is applicable from Emacs Lisp code. Use `flycheck-may-use-checker' instead. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-verify-checker #[257 "\305!\204 \306\307\"\210\310 \203\311 \203\312 \210p\313\211\223\210\314 B\315\nB\316 \317\320!\211\313\211r\fq\210\321 \210\322\323\"\210\324\325#\210rq\210\326!)\203W\327\330\331\332#c\210\202^\327\333\331\334#c\210\335c\210\336!)\262rq\210\337\313\"\262)\340\341!\203\341\"\202\200\211)\266\203*\207" [help-window-point-marker temp-buffer-window-setup-hook temp-buffer-window-show-hook help-window-old-frame standard-output flycheck-valid-checker-p user-error "%s is not a syntax checker" buffer-file-name buffer-modified-p save-buffer nil help-mode-setup help-mode-finish selected-frame temp-buffer-window-setup "*Flycheck checker*" flycheck-verify-mode flycheck--verify-print-header "Syntax checker in buffer " flycheck--verify-princ-checker with-mm flycheck-may-use-checker propertize "Flycheck can use this syntax checker for this buffer.\n" face success "Flycheck cannot use this syntax checker for this buffer.\n" error "\n" flycheck--verify-print-footer temp-buffer-window-show functionp help-window-setup] 9 (#$ . 99503) (byte-code "\300\301!C\207" [flycheck-read-checker "Checker to verify: "] 2)]) #@206 Check whether Flycheck can be used in this buffer. Display a new buffer listing all syntax checkers that could be applicable in the current buffer. For each syntax checkers, possible problems are shown. (defalias 'flycheck-verify-setup #[0 "\306 \203 \307 \203 \310 \210p\311 \312\313\314\"\"\205!\315\316!\"\317\"\317\313\320\"B\" \321\211\223\210\322\nB\323 B\324 \325\326!\211\321\211r q\210\327 \210\330\331\n\"\210\203e\332\333!\210\334\n\"\210\202l\335\336\337\340#c\210\203\211\332\341!\210\211\203\210\211@\334\f\"\210A\266\202\202u\210\203\250\332\342!\210\211\203\247\211@\334\f\321\343$\210A\266\202\202\222\210\203\305\332\344!\210\211\203\304\211@\334\f\"\210A\266\202\202\261\210\204\332\204\332\204\332\335\345\337\346#c\210\317\347 \"\211\203 \335\350\337\351#c\210\211\211\203\211@\332\352!\210\332!\210\332\353!\210A\266\202\202\353\210\332\354!\210\210\355 !\210\356\357!\210\360\361\n\"\211/)\262rq\210\362\321\"\262)\363\364!\2036\364\"\2027\211)\266\203*\207" [flycheck-checkers help-window-point-marker temp-buffer-window-setup-hook temp-buffer-window-show-hook help-window-old-frame standard-output buffer-file-name buffer-modified-p save-buffer flycheck-get-checker-for-buffer remq seq-filter flycheck-may-use-checker seq-intersection flycheck-all-next-checkers seq-difference flycheck-checker-supports-major-mode-p nil help-mode-setup help-mode-finish selected-frame temp-buffer-window-setup "*Flycheck checkers*" flycheck-verify-mode flycheck--verify-print-header "Syntax checkers for buffer " princ "First checker to run:\n\n" flycheck--verify-princ-checker propertize "No checker to run in this buffer.\n\n" face (bold error) "Checkers that may run as part of the first checker's chain:\n\n" "Checkers that could run if selected:\n\n" with-select "Checkers that are compatible with this mode, but will not run until properly configured:\n\n" "No checkers are available for this buffer.\n\n" (bold error) flycheck-defined-checkers "The following syntax checkers are not registered:\n" (bold warning) " - " "\n" "Try adding these syntax checkers to `flycheck-checkers'.\n\n" flycheck--verify-print-footer make-local-variable revert-buffer-function make-closure #[514 "r\300q\210\301 )\207" [V0 flycheck-verify-setup] 3 "\n\n(fn IGNORE-AUTO NOCONFIRM)"] temp-buffer-window-show functionp help-window-setup] 16 (#$ . 101003) nil]) #@242 Determine whether BUFFER is saved to a file. BUFFER is the buffer to check. If omitted or nil, use the current buffer as BUFFER. Return non-nil if the BUFFER is backed by a file, and not modified, or nil otherwise. (fn &optional BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-buffer-saved-p #[256 "\300!\211\205\301!\205\302!?\207" [buffer-file-name file-exists-p buffer-modified-p] 4 (#$ . 103444)]) #@204 After CHECKER remove a NEXT checker. CHECKER is a syntax checker symbol, from which to remove NEXT checker. NEXT is a cons or a symbol, as documented in `flycheck-add-next-checker'. (fn CHECKER NEXT) (defalias 'flycheck-remove-next-checker #[514 "\300!\204 \301\302\"\210\303!\211\304\305\306\307!P!\262\310\311\312\313 \"\314 \304\"\"#\207" [flycheck-valid-checker-p error "%s is not a valid syntax checker" flycheck--get-next-checker-symbol next-checkers intern "flycheck-" symbol-name put seq-remove make-closure #[257 "\301!\300=\207" [V0 flycheck--get-next-checker-symbol] 3 "\n\n(fn NEXT)"] flycheck-checker-get] 14 (#$ . 103844)]) #@644 After CHECKER add a NEXT checker. CHECKER is a syntax checker symbol, to which to add NEXT checker. NEXT is a cons cell `(LEVEL . NEXT-CHECKER)'. NEXT-CHECKER is a symbol denoting the syntax checker to run after CHECKER. LEVEL is an error level. NEXT-CHECKER will only be used if there is no current error whose level is more severe than LEVEL. LEVEL may also be t, in which case NEXT-CHECKER is used regardless of the current errors. NEXT can also be a syntax checker symbol only, which is equivalent to `(t . NEXT)'. NEXT-CHECKER is prepended before other next checkers, unless APPEND is non-nil. (fn CHECKER NEXT &optional APPEND) (defalias 'flycheck-add-next-checker #[770 "\300!\204 \301\302\"\210\303\304\"\210\305\"\210\306\307\"\211\307\310\311\312!P!\262\313\2037\314\nC\"\202<B#\207" [flycheck-valid-checker-p error "%s is not a valid syntax checker" flycheck-validate-next-checker strict flycheck-remove-next-checker flycheck-checker-get next-checkers intern "flycheck-" symbol-name put append] 13 (#$ . 104504)]) #@238 To CHECKER add a new major MODE. CHECKER and MODE are symbols denoting a syntax checker and a major mode respectively. Add MODE to the `:modes' property of CHECKER, so that CHECKER will be used in buffers with MODE. (fn CHECKER MODE) (defalias 'flycheck-add-mode #[514 "\300!\204 \301\302\"\210\2119\204\301\303\"\210\211\304\305\306\307!P!\262\310\311\304\"B#\207" [flycheck-valid-checker-p error "%s is not a valid syntax checker" "%s is not a symbol" modes intern "flycheck-" symbol-name put flycheck-checker-get] 12 (#$ . 105568)]) #@80 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-syntax-check-p'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-syntax-check-p--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-syntax-check-p (and (memq (type-of cl-x) cl-struct-flycheck-syntax-check-tags) t)) nil] 9 (#$ . 106128)]) (put 'flycheck-syntax-check-p 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-syntax-check-p--cmacro) #@13 (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-syntax-check-p #[257 "\301!>\205 \302\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-syntax-check-tags type-of t] 3 (#$ . 106530)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\301#\207" [function-put flycheck-syntax-check-p side-effect-free error-free put flycheck-syntax-check cl-deftype-satisfies] 5) #@85 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-syntax-check-buffer'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-syntax-check-buffer--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-syntax-check-buffer (progn (or (flycheck-syntax-check-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'flycheck-syntax-check cl-x))) (aref cl-x 1))) nil] 9 (#$ . 106850)]) (put 'flycheck-syntax-check-buffer 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-syntax-check-buffer--cmacro) #@73 Access slot "buffer" of `flycheck-syntax-check' struct CL-X. (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-syntax-check-buffer #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-syntax-check-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-syntax-check 1] 5 (#$ . 107333)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-syntax-check-buffer side-effect-free t] 4) #@86 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-syntax-check-checker'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-syntax-check-checker--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-syntax-check-checker (progn (or (flycheck-syntax-check-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'flycheck-syntax-check cl-x))) (aref cl-x 2))) nil] 9 (#$ . 107728)]) (put 'flycheck-syntax-check-checker 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-syntax-check-checker--cmacro) #@74 Access slot "checker" of `flycheck-syntax-check' struct CL-X. (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-syntax-check-checker #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-syntax-check-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-syntax-check 2] 5 (#$ . 108216)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-syntax-check-checker side-effect-free t] 4) #@86 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-syntax-check-context'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-syntax-check-context--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-syntax-check-context (progn (or (flycheck-syntax-check-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'flycheck-syntax-check cl-x))) (aref cl-x 3))) nil] 9 (#$ . 108614)]) (put 'flycheck-syntax-check-context 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-syntax-check-context--cmacro) #@74 Access slot "context" of `flycheck-syntax-check' struct CL-X. (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-syntax-check-context #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-syntax-check-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-syntax-check 3] 5 (#$ . 109102)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-syntax-check-context side-effect-free t] 4) #@96 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-syntax-check-working-directory'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-syntax-check-working-directory--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-syntax-check-working-directory (progn (or (flycheck-syntax-check-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'flycheck-syntax-check cl-x))) (aref cl-x 4))) nil] 9 (#$ . 109500)]) (put 'flycheck-syntax-check-working-directory 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-syntax-check-working-directory--cmacro) #@84 Access slot "working-directory" of `flycheck-syntax-check' struct CL-X. (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-syntax-check-working-directory #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-syntax-check-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-syntax-check 4] 5 (#$ . 110038)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\"\207" [function-put flycheck-syntax-check-working-directory side-effect-free t defalias copy-flycheck-syntax-check copy-sequence] 4) #@129 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-syntax-check-new'. (fn CL-WHOLE &cl-quote &key BUFFER CHECKER CONTEXT WORKING-DIRECTORY) (defalias 'flycheck-syntax-check-new--cmacro #[385 "\300\301\"A@\300\302\"A@\300\303\"A@\300\304\"A@\211\203D\211@\305>\203,\211AA\262\202\306>A@\203;\307\262\202\310\311@\"\210\202\210\312\313\314\307 \307    & \207" [plist-member :buffer :checker :context :working-directory (:buffer :checker :context :working-directory :allow-other-keys) :allow-other-keys nil error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:buffer :checker :context :working-directory)" cl--defsubst-expand (buffer checker context working-directory) (cl-block flycheck-syntax-check-new (record 'flycheck-syntax-check buffer checker context working-directory))] 16 (#$ . 110527)]) (put 'flycheck-syntax-check-new 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-syntax-check-new--cmacro) #@110 Constructor for objects of type `flycheck-syntax-check'. (fn &key BUFFER CHECKER CONTEXT WORKING-DIRECTORY) (defalias 'flycheck-syntax-check-new #[128 "\300\301\"A@\300\302\"A@\300\303\"A@\300\304\"A@\211\203D\211@\305>\203,\211AA\262\202\306>A@\203;\307\262\202\310\311@\"\210\202\210\312\313%\207" [plist-member :buffer :checker :context :working-directory (:buffer :checker :context :working-directory :allow-other-keys) :allow-other-keys nil error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:buffer :checker :context :working-directory)" record flycheck-syntax-check] 11 (#$ . 111413)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\305\303& \207" [function-put flycheck-syntax-check-new side-effect-free t cl-struct-define flycheck-syntax-check "Structure for storing syntax check state.\n\nSlots:\n\n`buffer'\n The buffer being checked.\n\n`checker'\n The syntax checker being used.\n\n`context'\n The context object.\n\n`working-directory'\n Working directory for the syntax checker. Serve as a value for\n `default-directory' for a checker." cl-structure-object record nil ((cl-tag-slot) (buffer) (checker) (context) (working-directory)) cl-struct-flycheck-syntax-check-tags] 11) #@65 Start a SYNTAX-CHECK with CALLBACK. (fn SYNTAX-CHECK CALLBACK) (defalias 'flycheck-syntax-check-start #[514 "\302!>\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\302!>\204!\303\304\305D\"\210\307H\302!>\2044\303\304\305D\"\210\211\310\311\312\"\"I\262)\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-syntax-check-tags default-directory type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-syntax-check 2 4 3 flycheck-checker-get start] 9 (#$ . 112657)]) #@46 Interrupt a SYNTAX-CHECK. (fn SYNTAX-CHECK) (defalias 'flycheck-syntax-check-interrupt #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\306\307\"\301!>\204%\302\303\304D\"\210\310H\2050\"\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-syntax-check-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-syntax-check 2 flycheck-checker-get interrupt 3] 7 (#$ . 113091)]) #@36 Keymap of command `flycheck-mode'. (defvar flycheck-mode-map (byte-code "\303 \304 #\210\304\305\n#\210\207" [flycheck-keymap-prefix flycheck-command-map flycheck-mode-menu-map make-sparse-keymap define-key [menu-bar flycheck]] 5) (#$ . 113453)) #@41 Remember the old `next-error-function'. (defvar flycheck-old-next-error-function nil (#$ . 113708)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'flycheck-old-next-error-function) #@206 Hooks which Flycheck needs to hook in. The `car' of each pair is a hook variable, the `cdr' a function to be added or removed from the hook variable if Flycheck mode is enabled and disabled respectively. (defconst flycheck-hooks-alist '((after-save-hook . flycheck-handle-save) (after-change-functions . flycheck-handle-change) (window-configuration-change-hook . flycheck-perform-deferred-syntax-check) (post-command-hook . flycheck-perform-deferred-syntax-check) (kill-buffer-hook . flycheck-teardown) (change-major-mode-hook . flycheck-teardown) (before-revert-hook . flycheck-teardown) (post-command-hook . flycheck-error-list-update-source) (post-command-hook . flycheck-error-list-highlight-errors) (post-command-hook . flycheck-maybe-display-error-at-point-soon) (focus-in-hook . flycheck-display-error-at-point-soon) (focus-out-hook . flycheck-cancel-error-display-error-at-point-timer) (post-command-hook . flycheck-hide-error-buffer) (next-error-hook . flycheck-display-error-at-point)) (#$ . 113878)) #@95 Non-nil if Flycheck mode is enabled. Use the command `flycheck-mode' to change this variable. (defvar flycheck-mode nil (#$ . 114897)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'flycheck-mode) #@1684 Flycheck is a minor mode for on-the-fly syntax checking. In `flycheck-mode' the buffer is automatically syntax-checked using the first suitable syntax checker from `flycheck-checkers'. Use `flycheck-select-checker' to select a checker for the current buffer manually. If you run into issues, use `\[flycheck-verify-setup]' to get help. Flycheck supports many languages out of the box, and many additional ones are available on MELPA. Adding new ones is very easy. Complete documentation is available online at URL `https://www.flycheck.org/en/latest/'. Please report issues and request features at URL `https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck'. Flycheck displays its status in the mode line. In the default configuration, it looks like this: `FlyC' This buffer has not been checked yet. `FlyC-' Flycheck doesn't have a checker for this buffer. `FlyC*' Flycheck is running. Expect results soon! `FlyC:3|2' This buffer contains three warnings and two errors. Use `\[flycheck-list-errors]' to see the list. You may also see the following icons: `FlyC!' The checker crashed. `FlyC.' The last syntax check was manually interrupted. `FlyC?' The checker did something unexpected, like exiting with 1 but returning no errors. The following keybindings are available in `flycheck-mode': \{flycheck-mode-map} (you can change the prefix by customizing `flycheck-keymap-prefix') If called interactively, enable Flycheck mode if ARG is positive, and disable it if ARG is zero or negative. If called from Lisp, also enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil, and toggle it if ARG is ‘toggle’; disable the mode otherwise. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'flycheck-mode #[256 "\306 \307=\203 ?\202\247\203\310W\203\311\202\312\313\301!\2031\314\300 \"\2031\300 B\203o\315 \210\316\n!\211\203V\211@\211\242\243\317\311\320$\266A\266\202\202;\210 \203_\f\202`\321 \203g\322\317\323\324\"\210\202\226 \321=\204w \n\211\203\222\211@\211\242\243\325\320#\266A\266\202\202x\210\326 \210\327\330\203\240\331\202\241\332\"\210\333\334!\203\303\306 \203\265\211\306 \232\203\303\335\336\203\277\337\202\300\340\341#\210\342\343\344\"\266\345 \210\207" [flycheck-mode local-minor-modes flycheck-hooks-alist flycheck-standard-error-navigation next-error-function flycheck-old-next-error-function current-message toggle 1 nil t boundp delq flycheck-clear reverse add-hook local :unset flycheck-next-error-function buffer-list-update-hook flycheck-handle-buffer-switch remove-hook flycheck-teardown run-hooks flycheck-mode-hook flycheck-mode-on-hook flycheck-mode-off-hook called-interactively-p any message "Flycheck mode %sabled%s" "en" "dis" " in current buffer" flycheck-buffer-automatically mode-enabled force-deferred force-mode-line-update] 13 (#$ . 115084) (byte-code "\203\n\301!\202 \302C\207" [current-prefix-arg prefix-numeric-value toggle] 2)]) (defvar flycheck-mode-hook nil) (byte-code "\301\302N\204\f\303\301\302\304#\210\303\301\305\306#\210\303\301\307\310C#\210\311\312\313\310\211%\207" [flycheck-mode-map flycheck-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering or leaving `flycheck-mode'.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)" custom-type hook standard-value nil add-minor-mode flycheck-mode flycheck-mode-line] 6) #@244 Find the checker for the current buffer. Use the selected checker for the current buffer, if any, otherwise search for the best checker from `flycheck-checkers'. Return checker if there is a checker for the current buffer, or nil otherwise. (defalias 'flycheck-get-checker-for-buffer #[0 "\203\f\302!\205\207\303\302 \"\207" [flycheck-checker flycheck-checkers flycheck-may-use-checker seq-find] 3 (#$ . 118522)]) #@76 Get the checker to run after CHECKER for the current buffer. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-get-next-checker-for-buffer #[257 "\300\301\302\303\"\"\211\205\2119\203\207\211A\207" [seq-find flycheck-may-use-next-checker flycheck-checker-get next-checkers] 6 (#$ . 118950)]) #@672 Select CHECKER for the current buffer. CHECKER is a syntax checker symbol (see `flycheck-checkers') or nil. In the former case, use CHECKER for the current buffer, otherwise deselect the current syntax checker (if any) and use automatic checker selection via `flycheck-checkers'. If called interactively prompt for CHECKER. With prefix arg deselect the current syntax checker and enable automatic selection again. Set `flycheck-checker' to CHECKER and automatically start a new syntax check if the syntax checker changed. CHECKER will be used, even if it is not contained in `flycheck-checkers', or if it is disabled via `flycheck-disabled-checkers'. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-select-checker #[257 "\211=?\205\"\211\203\302!\204\303!\210\304\305\"\210\211 \205\"\306 \207" [flycheck-checker flycheck-mode flycheck-may-use-checker flycheck-verify-checker user-error "Can't use syntax checker %S in this buffer" flycheck-buffer] 4 (#$ . 119238) (byte-code "\203\301C\207\302\303\304 \"C\207" [current-prefix-arg nil flycheck-read-checker "Select checker: " flycheck-get-checker-for-buffer] 3)]) #@272 Enable or disable CHECKER for the current buffer. If ENABLE, re-enable CHECKER by removing it from the buffer-local value of `flycheck-disabled-checkers'. Otherwise, add the syntax checker to the buffer-local value of `flycheck-disabled-checkers'. (fn CHECKER ENABLE) (defalias 'flycheck--toggle-checker #[514 "\211\203>\203\302\" >\205(\302 \"\211\207>?\205(B\211\207" [flycheck-disabled-checkers flycheck--automatically-disabled-checkers remq] 5 (#$ . 120366)]) #@384 Interactively disable CHECKER for the current buffer. Prompt for a syntax checker to disable, and add the syntax checker to the buffer-local value of `flycheck-disabled-checkers'. With non-nil ENABLE or with prefix arg, prompt for a disabled syntax checker and re-enable it by removing it from the buffer-local value of `flycheck-disabled-checkers'. (fn CHECKER &optional ENABLE) (defalias 'flycheck-disable-checker #[513 "\204\300\301!\210\302\"\210\303 \207" [user-error "No syntax checker given" flycheck--toggle-checker flycheck-buffer] 5 (#$ . 120859) (byte-code "\211\203\f\304 \n\"\202 \203\305\202\306\203\"\204\"\307\310!\210\311\312\211$D\207" [current-prefix-arg flycheck-disabled-checkers flycheck--automatically-disabled-checkers flycheck-checkers append "Enable syntax checker: " "Disable syntax checker: " user-error "No syntax checkers disabled in this buffer" flycheck-read-checker nil] 8)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-disable-checker interactive-only "Directly set `flycheck-disabled-checkers' instead"] 4) #@46 The current syntax check in the this buffer. (defvar flycheck-current-syntax-check nil (#$ . 121949)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\207" [make-variable-buffer-local flycheck-current-syntax-check put permanent-local t] 4) #@122 Start a syntax check in the current buffer with CHECKER. Set `flycheck-current-syntax-check' accordingly. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-start-current-syntax-check #[257 "\301\302p\303\304\305\306\307 !&\310!\311\312!\210\313\"\207" [flycheck-current-syntax-check flycheck-syntax-check-new :buffer :checker :context nil :working-directory flycheck-compute-working-directory flycheck-buffer-status-callback flycheck-report-status running flycheck-syntax-check-start] 11 (#$ . 122190)]) #@68 Determine whether a syntax check is running in the current buffer. (defalias 'flycheck-running-p #[0 "??\207" [flycheck-current-syntax-check] 1 (#$ . 122693)]) #@54 Stop any ongoing syntax check in the current buffer. (defalias 'flycheck-stop #[0 "\301 \205\302!\210\303\304\305!\207" [flycheck-current-syntax-check flycheck-running-p flycheck-syntax-check-interrupt nil flycheck-report-status interrupted] 2 (#$ . 122860)]) #@85 Create a status callback for SYNTAX-CHECK in the current buffer. (fn SYNTAX-CHECK) (defalias 'flycheck-buffer-status-callback #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [make-closure #[128 "\301\302\300#\207" [V0 apply flycheck-report-buffer-checker-status] 5 "\n\n(fn &rest ARGS)"]] 4 (#$ . 123130)]) #@145 Start checking syntax in the current buffer. Get a syntax checker for the current buffer with `flycheck-get-checker-for-buffer', and start it. (defalias 'flycheck-buffer #[0 "\301 \210\203;\302 ?\205>\303\304!\210\305 \210\306 \210\30711\310 \211\203'\311!\202-\312 \210\313\314!\2620\207\315 \210\316@A\"\207\317\320!\207" [flycheck-mode flycheck-clean-deferred-check flycheck-running-p run-hooks flycheck-before-syntax-check-hook flycheck-clear-errors flycheck-mark-all-overlays-for-deletion (error) flycheck-get-checker-for-buffer flycheck-start-current-syntax-check flycheck-clear flycheck-report-status no-checker flycheck-report-failed-syntax-check signal user-error "Flycheck mode disabled"] 4 (#$ . 123422) nil]) #@1316 In BUFFER, report a SYNTAX-CHECK STATUS with DATA. SYNTAX-CHECK is the `flycheck-syntax-check' which reported STATUS. STATUS denotes the status of CHECKER, with an optional DATA. STATUS may be one of the following symbols: `errored' The syntax checker has errored. DATA is an optional error message. This report finishes the current syntax check. `interrupted' The syntax checker was interrupted. DATA is ignored. This report finishes the current syntax check. `finished' The syntax checker has finished with a proper error report for the current buffer. DATA is the (potentially empty) list of `flycheck-error' objects reported by the syntax check. This report finishes the current syntax check. `suspicious' The syntax checker encountered a suspicious state, which the user needs to be informed about. DATA is an optional message. A syntax checker _must_ report a status at least once with any symbol that finishes the current syntax checker. Otherwise Flycheck gets stuck with the current syntax check. If CHECKER is not the currently used syntax checker in `flycheck-current-syntax-check', the status report is largely ignored. Notably, any errors reported by the checker are discarded. (fn SYNTAX-CHECK STATUS &optional DATA) (defalias 'flycheck-report-buffer-checker-status #[770 "\302!>\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\307!\205\217\310\311\"=\205\217r\211q\210\302!>\2045\303\304\305D\"\210\312H\313\267\202\207\314!\210\315=\205\214\316\317\206P\320#\202\214 \203b\316\321\206`\320#\210\322\323!\202\214 \205\214\324\302!>\204\303\304\305 D\"\210\325H\"\202\214\326\327#\262)\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-syntax-check-tags flycheck-mode type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-syntax-check 1 buffer-live-p buffer-local-value flycheck-current-syntax-check 2 #s(hash-table size 4 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (interrupted 62 errored 62 suspicious 84 finished 104)) flycheck-report-failed-syntax-check errored message "Error from syntax checker %s: %s" "UNKNOWN!" "Suspicious state from syntax checker %s: %s" flycheck-report-status suspicious flycheck-finish-current-syntax-check 4 error "Unknown status %s from syntax checker %s"] 11 (#$ . 124162)]) #@496 Finish the current syntax-check in the current buffer with ERRORS. ERRORS is a list of `flycheck-error' objects reported by the current syntax check in `flycheck-current-syntax-check'. Report all ERRORS and potentially start any next syntax checkers. If the current syntax checker reported excessive errors, it is disabled via `flycheck-disable-excessive-checker' for subsequent syntax checks. Relative file names in ERRORS will be expanded relative to WORKING-DIR. (fn ERRORS WORKING-DIR) (defalias 'flycheck-finish-current-syntax-check #[514 "\302! >\204\303\304\305D\"\210\211\306H\307\310\311\312!\"\"!\313\"\204*\314!\210\315!\211\2035\316!\207\317\320\321!\210\322 \210\323 \210\324\325!\210p\326 =\203O\327 \210\330 \207" [flycheck-current-syntax-check cl-struct-flycheck-syntax-check-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-syntax-check 2 flycheck-relevant-errors flycheck-fill-and-expand-error-file-names flycheck-filter-errors flycheck-assert-error-list-p flycheck-disable-excessive-checker flycheck-report-current-errors flycheck-get-next-checker-for-buffer flycheck-start-current-syntax-check nil flycheck-report-status finished flycheck-delete-marked-overlays flycheck-error-list-refresh run-hooks flycheck-after-syntax-check-hook window-buffer flycheck-display-error-at-point flycheck-perform-deferred-syntax-check] 9 (#$ . 126486)]) #@273 Disable CHECKER if it reported excessive ERRORS. If ERRORS has more items than `flycheck-checker-error-threshold', add CHECKER to `flycheck--automatically-disabled-checkers', and show a warning. Return t when CHECKER was disabled, or nil otherwise. (fn CHECKER ERRORS) (defalias 'flycheck-disable-excessive-checker #[514 "\205\211GV\205\302\303\304\305\306!G%\210 B\307\207" [flycheck-checker-error-threshold flycheck--automatically-disabled-checkers lwarn (flycheck syntax-checker) :warning substitute-command-keys "Syntax checker %s reported too many errors (%s) and is disabled.\nUse `\\[customize-variable] RET flycheck-checker-error-threshold' to\nchange the threshold or `\\[universal-argument] \\[flycheck-disable-checker]' to re-enable the checker." t] 8 (#$ . 127873)]) #@159 Clear all errors in the current buffer. With prefix arg or SHALL-INTERRUPT non-nil, also interrupt the current syntax check. (fn &optional SHALL-INTERRUPT) (defalias 'flycheck-clear #[256 "\211\203\300 \210\301 \210\302 \210\303 \210\304 \207" [flycheck-stop flycheck-delete-all-overlays flycheck-clear-errors flycheck-error-list-refresh flycheck-hide-error-buffer] 2 (#$ . 128672) "P"]) #@35 Empty variables used by Flycheck. (defalias 'flycheck--empty-variables #[0 "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\207" [kill-local-variable flycheck--file-truename-cache flycheck--idle-trigger-timer flycheck--idle-trigger-conditions flycheck--last-error-display-tick] 2 (#$ . 129070)]) #@368 Teardown Flycheck in the current buffer. Completely clear the whole Flycheck state. Remove overlays, kill running checks, and empty all variables used by Flycheck. Unless optional argument IGNORE-GLOBAL is non-nil, check to see if no more Flycheck buffers remain (aside from the current buffer), and if so then clean up global hooks. (fn &optional IGNORE-GLOBAL) (defalias 'flycheck-teardown #[256 "\300 \210\301 \210\302 \210\303 \210\304 \210\305 \210\306 \210\211\206\307\310\311 \"?\205%\312\313!\207" [flycheck-safe-delete-temporaries flycheck-stop flycheck-clean-deferred-check flycheck-clear flycheck-cancel-error-display-error-at-point-timer flycheck--clear-idle-trigger-timer flycheck--empty-variables seq-some #[257 "\211p\232?\205 \300\301\"\207" [buffer-local-value flycheck-mode] 4 "\n\n(fn BUF)"] buffer-list flycheck-global-teardown ignore-local] 4 (#$ . 129374)]) #@294 Determine whether the buffer may be checked under one of CONDITIONS. Read-only buffers may never be checked automatically. If CONDITIONS are given, determine whether syntax may be checked under at least one of them, according to `flycheck-check-syntax-automatically'. (fn &rest CONDITIONS) (defalias 'flycheck-may-check-automatically #[128 "\206\302 ?\205\303 !\205\211?\206\304\305\"\207" [buffer-read-only default-directory flycheck-ephemeral-buffer-p file-exists-p seq-some #[257 "\211>\207" [flycheck-check-syntax-automatically] 3 "\n\n(fn CONDITION)"]] 4 (#$ . 130270)]) #@59 Timer used to trigger a syntax check after an idle delay. (defvar flycheck--idle-trigger-timer nil (#$ . 130866)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'flycheck--idle-trigger-timer) #@351 List of conditions under which an idle syntax check will be triggered. This will be some subset of the allowable values for `flycheck-check-syntax-automatically'. For example, if the user switches to a buffer and then makes an edit, this list will have the values `idle-change' and `idle-buffer-switch' in it, at least until the idle timer expires. (defvar flycheck--idle-trigger-conditions nil (#$ . 131046)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'flycheck--idle-trigger-conditions) #@334 Automatically check syntax at CONDITION. Syntax is not checked if `flycheck-may-check-automatically' returns nil for CONDITION. (CONDITION may be a single condition or a list of them.) The syntax check is deferred if FORCE-DEFERRED is non-nil, or if `flycheck-must-defer-check' returns t. (fn &optional CONDITION FORCE-DEFERRED) (defalias 'flycheck-buffer-automatically #[512 "\2057<\203\302\303\"\202\303!\2057\304 \210\305\211\204$\306 \203'\307 \207\3101/\311 0\207\312\313\"\210\305\262\207" [flycheck-mode flycheck--idle-trigger-conditions apply flycheck-may-check-automatically flycheck--clear-idle-trigger-timer nil flycheck-must-defer-check flycheck-buffer-deferred (debug error) flycheck-buffer message "Error while checking syntax automatically: %S"] 6 (#$ . 131528)]) #@31 Clear the idle trigger timer. (defalias 'flycheck--clear-idle-trigger-timer #[0 "\205 \301!\210\302\211\207" [flycheck--idle-trigger-timer cancel-timer nil] 2 (#$ . 132333)]) #@118 Run a syntax check in BUFFER if appropriate. This function is called by `flycheck--idle-trigger-timer'. (fn BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck--handle-idle-trigger #[257 "p\302!\205&rq\210\204=\204\303\304 \" \205%\305 !\210\306\211)\207" [flycheck-buffer-switch-check-intermediate-buffers flycheck--idle-trigger-conditions buffer-live-p delq idle-buffer-switch flycheck-buffer-automatically nil] 5 (#$ . 132519)]) #@212 Handle a buffer change between BEG and END. BEG and END mark the beginning and end of the change text. _LEN is ignored. Start a syntax check if a new line has been inserted into the buffer. (fn BEG END LEN) (defalias 'flycheck-handle-change #[771 "\306 \307\310\"\216\205D\311{\312\313\314#)\266\203\203$\315\316\317\"\202D\320\n>\205D\321 \210\320 >\2038 \210\202<\320 B\322\f\312\323p$\211)\207" [flycheck-mode inhibit-changing-match-data flycheck-check-syntax-automatically flycheck--idle-trigger-conditions flycheck-idle-change-delay flycheck--idle-trigger-timer match-data make-closure #[0 "\301\300\302\"\207" [V0 set-match-data evaporate] 3] "\n" nil t string-match flycheck-buffer-automatically new-line force-deferred idle-change flycheck--clear-idle-trigger-timer run-at-time flycheck--handle-idle-trigger] 11 (#$ . 132948)]) #@198 The current buffer or the buffer that was previously current. This is usually equal to the current buffer, unless the user just switched buffers. After a buffer switch, it is the previous buffer. (defvar flycheck--last-buffer (current-buffer) (#$ . 133811)) #@109 Handle a possible switch to another buffer. If a buffer switch actually happened, schedule a syntax check. (defalias 'flycheck-handle-buffer-switch #[0 "r\306 q\210p\232\206 \307 ?\2057p \2057\310\n>\2057\311 \210\310 >\203+ \210\202/\310 B\312\f\313\314p$\211)\207" [flycheck--last-buffer flycheck-mode flycheck-check-syntax-automatically flycheck--idle-trigger-conditions flycheck-idle-buffer-switch-delay flycheck--idle-trigger-timer window-buffer minibufferp idle-buffer-switch flycheck--clear-idle-trigger-timer run-at-time nil flycheck--handle-idle-trigger] 5 (#$ . 134077)]) #@30 Handle a save of the buffer. (defalias 'flycheck-handle-save #[0 "\300\301!\207" [flycheck-buffer-automatically save] 2 (#$ . 134676)]) #@49 If non-nil, a deferred syntax check is pending. (defvar flycheck-deferred-syntax-check nil (#$ . 134818)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'flycheck-deferred-syntax-check) #@220 Determine whether the syntax check has to be deferred. A check has to be deferred if the buffer is not visible, or if the buffer is currently being reverted. Return t if the check is to be deferred, or nil otherwise. (defalias 'flycheck-must-defer-check #[0 "\301 ?\206\f\302 \206\f\207" [revert-buffer-in-progress-p get-buffer-window flycheck-running-p] 1 (#$ . 134992)]) #@95 Determine whether the current buffer has a deferred check. Return t if so, or nil otherwise. (defalias 'flycheck-deferred-check-p #[0 "\207" [flycheck-deferred-syntax-check] 1 (#$ . 135376)]) #@44 Defer syntax check for the current buffer. (defalias 'flycheck-buffer-deferred #[0 "\301\211\207" [flycheck-deferred-syntax-check t] 2 (#$ . 135576)]) #@41 Clean a deferred syntax checking state. (defalias 'flycheck-clean-deferred-check #[0 "\301\211\207" [flycheck-deferred-syntax-check nil] 2 (#$ . 135734)]) #@36 Perform the deferred syntax check. (defalias 'flycheck-perform-deferred-syntax-check #[0 "\300 \205\n\301 \210\302 \207" [flycheck-deferred-check-p flycheck-clean-deferred-check flycheck-buffer-automatically] 1 (#$ . 135896)]) #@454 Determine whether Flycheck mode may be enabled. Flycheck mode is not enabled for - the minibuffer, - `fundamental-mode' - major modes whose `mode-class' property is `special', - ephemeral buffers (see `flycheck-ephemeral-buffer-p'), - encrypted buffers (see `flycheck-encrypted-buffer-p'), - remote files (see `file-remote-p'), - and major modes excluded by `flycheck-global-modes'. Return non-nil if Flycheck mode may be enabled, and nil otherwise. (defalias 'flycheck-may-enable-mode #[0 "\302=\2045:\203,\242\211\303=\203!\243\211 >?\262\262\202' >\262\262\2022 >\262\205]\304 \206\\ \305=\206\\ \306N\307=\206\\\310 \206\\\311 \206\\\312 \205\\\313\312 \314\"?\207" [flycheck-global-modes major-mode t not minibufferp fundamental-mode mode-class special flycheck-ephemeral-buffer-p flycheck-encrypted-buffer-p buffer-file-name file-remote-p method] 5 (#$ . 136131)]) #@153 Enable command `flycheck-mode' if it is safe to do so. Command `flycheck-mode' is only enabled if `flycheck-may-enable-mode' returns a non-nil result. (defalias 'flycheck-mode-on-safe #[0 "\300 \205\301 \207" [flycheck-may-enable-mode flycheck-mode] 1 (#$ . 137038)]) (put 'global-flycheck-mode 'globalized-minor-mode t) (defvar flycheck-mode-major-mode nil nil) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306DD\307\310\311\312\313\314\315& \207" [make-variable-buffer-local flycheck-mode-major-mode custom-declare-variable global-flycheck-mode funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Non-nil if Global Flycheck mode is enabled.\nSee the `global-flycheck-mode' command\nfor a description of this minor mode.\nSetting this variable directly does not take effect;\neither customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')\nor call the function `global-flycheck-mode'." :set custom-set-minor-mode :initialize custom-initialize-default :type boolean] 10) #@354 Toggle Flycheck mode in all buffers. With prefix ARG, enable Global Flycheck mode if ARG is positive; otherwise, disable it. If called from Lisp, enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil. Flycheck mode is enabled in all buffers where `flycheck-mode-on-safe' would do it. See `flycheck-mode' for more information on Flycheck mode. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'global-flycheck-mode #[256 "\303 \304\301\305=\203\306\301!?\202!\247\203 \307W\203 \310\202!\311\"\210\312\300!\2038\313\301\"\306\301!\2038\301B \203N\314\315\316\"\210\314\317\320\"\210\314\321\322\"\210\202]\323\315\316\"\210\323\317\320\"\210\323\321\322\"\210\324 \211\203\203\211@r\211q\210 \203s\325 \210\202{\n\203{\302\326!\210)A\266\202\202_\210\327\330\306\301!\203\220\331\202\221\332\"\210\333\334!\203\271\335\301!\210\303 \203\251\211\303 \232\203\271\336\337\306\301!\203\265\340\202\266\341\342#\210\210\343 \210\306\301!\207" [global-minor-modes global-flycheck-mode flycheck-mode current-message set-default toggle default-value 1 nil t boundp delq add-hook after-change-major-mode-hook global-flycheck-mode-enable-in-buffers find-file-hook global-flycheck-mode-check-buffers change-major-mode-hook global-flycheck-mode-cmhh remove-hook buffer-list flycheck-mode-on-safe -1 run-hooks global-flycheck-mode-hook global-flycheck-mode-on-hook global-flycheck-mode-off-hook called-interactively-p any customize-mark-as-set message "Global Flycheck mode %sabled%s" "en" "dis" "" force-mode-line-update] 6 (#$ . 138004) (byte-code "\203\n\301!\202 \302C\207" [current-prefix-arg prefix-numeric-value toggle] 2)]) (defvar global-flycheck-mode-hook nil) (byte-code "\301\302N\204\f\303\301\302\304#\210\303\301\305\306#\210\303\301\307\310C#\210\311\312\310\313\300!\205#\310\211%\207" [global-flycheck-mode-map global-flycheck-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering or leaving `global-flycheck-mode'.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)" custom-type hook standard-value nil add-minor-mode global-flycheck-mode boundp] 6) (defvar flycheck-mode-set-explicitly nil nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'flycheck-mode-set-explicitly) (defalias 'flycheck-mode-set-explicitly #[0 "\301\211\207" [flycheck-mode-set-explicitly t] 2]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\301\"\207" [put flycheck-mode-set-explicitly definition-name global-flycheck-mode add-hook flycheck-mode-hook] 4) (defvar global-flycheck-mode-buffers nil) (defalias 'global-flycheck-mode-enable-in-buffers #[0 "\305\211\211\2059\211@\306!\2032r\211q\210 \204/\n =\204/\f\203,\304\307!\210\310 \210\202/\310 \210 )A\266\202\202\207" [global-flycheck-mode-buffers flycheck-mode-set-explicitly flycheck-mode-major-mode major-mode flycheck-mode nil buffer-live-p -1 flycheck-mode-on-safe] 5]) (put 'global-flycheck-mode-enable-in-buffers 'definition-name 'global-flycheck-mode) (defalias 'global-flycheck-mode-check-buffers #[0 "\300 \210\301\302\303\"\207" [global-flycheck-mode-enable-in-buffers remove-hook post-command-hook global-flycheck-mode-check-buffers] 3]) (put 'global-flycheck-mode-check-buffers 'definition-name 'global-flycheck-mode) (defalias 'global-flycheck-mode-cmhh #[0 "\300\301p\"\210\302\303\304\"\207" [add-to-list global-flycheck-mode-buffers add-hook post-command-hook global-flycheck-mode-check-buffers] 3]) (put 'global-flycheck-mode-cmhh 'definition-name 'global-flycheck-mode) #@337 Teardown Flycheck in all buffers. Completely clear the whole Flycheck state in all buffers, stop all running checks, remove all temporary files, and empty all variables of Flycheck. Also remove global hooks. (If optional argument IGNORE-LOCAL is non-nil, then only do this and skip per-buffer teardown.) (fn &optional IGNORE-LOCAL) (defalias 'flycheck-global-teardown #[256 "\211\204'\301 \211\203&\211@\302!\203r\211q\210\203\303\304!\210)A\266\202\202\210\305\306\307\"\207" [flycheck-mode buffer-list buffer-live-p flycheck-teardown ignore-global remove-hook buffer-list-update-hook flycheck-handle-buffer-switch] 5 (#$ . 141519)]) (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'flycheck-global-teardown) #@73 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-error-p'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error-p--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-error-p (and (memq (type-of cl-x) cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags) t)) nil] 9 (#$ . 142229)]) (put 'flycheck-error-p 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-error-p--cmacro) #@13 (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error-p #[257 "\301!>\205 \302\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of t] 3 (#$ . 142589)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\301#\207" [function-put flycheck-error-p side-effect-free error-free put flycheck-error cl-deftype-satisfies] 5) #@78 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-error-buffer'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error-buffer--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-error-buffer (progn (or (flycheck-error-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'flycheck-error cl-x))) (aref cl-x 1))) nil] 9 (#$ . 142881)]) (put 'flycheck-error-buffer 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-error-buffer--cmacro) #@66 Access slot "buffer" of `flycheck-error' struct CL-X. (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error-buffer #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 1] 5 (#$ . 143315)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-error-buffer side-effect-free t] 4) #@79 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-error-checker'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error-checker--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-error-checker (progn (or (flycheck-error-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'flycheck-error cl-x))) (aref cl-x 2))) nil] 9 (#$ . 143675)]) (put 'flycheck-error-checker 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-error-checker--cmacro) #@67 Access slot "checker" of `flycheck-error' struct CL-X. (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error-checker #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 2] 5 (#$ . 144114)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-error-checker side-effect-free t] 4) #@80 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-error-filename'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error-filename--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-error-filename (progn (or (flycheck-error-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'flycheck-error cl-x))) (aref cl-x 3))) nil] 9 (#$ . 144477)]) (put 'flycheck-error-filename 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-error-filename--cmacro) #@68 Access slot "filename" of `flycheck-error' struct CL-X. (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error-filename #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 3] 5 (#$ . 144921)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-error-filename side-effect-free t] 4) #@76 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-error-line'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error-line--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-error-line (progn (or (flycheck-error-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'flycheck-error cl-x))) (aref cl-x 4))) nil] 9 (#$ . 145287)]) (put 'flycheck-error-line 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-error-line--cmacro) #@64 Access slot "line" of `flycheck-error' struct CL-X. (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error-line #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 4] 5 (#$ . 145711)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-error-line side-effect-free t] 4) #@78 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-error-column'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error-column--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-error-column (progn (or (flycheck-error-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'flycheck-error cl-x))) (aref cl-x 5))) nil] 9 (#$ . 146065)]) (put 'flycheck-error-column 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-error-column--cmacro) #@66 Access slot "column" of `flycheck-error' struct CL-X. (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error-column #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 5] 5 (#$ . 146499)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-error-column side-effect-free t] 4) #@79 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-error-message'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error-message--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-error-message (progn (or (flycheck-error-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'flycheck-error cl-x))) (aref cl-x 6))) nil] 9 (#$ . 146859)]) (put 'flycheck-error-message 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-error-message--cmacro) #@67 Access slot "message" of `flycheck-error' struct CL-X. (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error-message #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 6] 5 (#$ . 147298)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-error-message side-effect-free t] 4) #@77 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-error-level'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error-level--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-error-level (progn (or (flycheck-error-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'flycheck-error cl-x))) (aref cl-x 7))) nil] 9 (#$ . 147661)]) (put 'flycheck-error-level 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-error-level--cmacro) #@65 Access slot "level" of `flycheck-error' struct CL-X. (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error-level #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 7] 5 (#$ . 148090)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-error-level side-effect-free t] 4) #@74 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-error-id'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error-id--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-error-id (progn (or (flycheck-error-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'flycheck-error cl-x))) (aref cl-x 8))) nil] 9 (#$ . 148447)]) (put 'flycheck-error-id 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-error-id--cmacro) #@62 Access slot "id" of `flycheck-error' struct CL-X. (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error-id #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 8] 5 (#$ . 148861)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-error-id side-effect-free t] 4) #@77 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-error-group'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error-group--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-error-group (progn (or (flycheck-error-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'flycheck-error cl-x))) (aref cl-x 9))) nil] 9 (#$ . 149209)]) (put 'flycheck-error-group 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-error-group--cmacro) #@65 Access slot "group" of `flycheck-error' struct CL-X. (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error-group #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 9] 5 (#$ . 149638)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-error-group side-effect-free t] 4) #@81 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-error--end-line'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error--end-line--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-error--end-line (progn (or (flycheck-error-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'flycheck-error cl-x))) (aref cl-x 10))) nil] 9 (#$ . 149995)]) (put 'flycheck-error--end-line 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-error--end-line--cmacro) #@69 Access slot "-end-line" of `flycheck-error' struct CL-X. (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error--end-line #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 10] 5 (#$ . 150445)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-error--end-line side-effect-free t] 4) #@83 compiler-macro for inlining `flycheck-error--end-column'. (fn CL-WHOLE-ARG CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error--end-column--cmacro #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211\211&\207" [cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block flycheck-error--end-column (progn (or (flycheck-error-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'flycheck-error cl-x))) (aref cl-x 11))) nil] 9 (#$ . 150815)]) (put 'flycheck-error--end-column 'compiler-macro 'flycheck-error--end-column--cmacro) #@71 Access slot "-end-column" of `flycheck-error' struct CL-X. (fn CL-X) (defalias 'flycheck-error--end-column #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 11] 5 (#$ . 151275)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\"\207" [function-put flycheck-error--end-column side-effect-free t defalias copy-flycheck-error copy-sequence] 4) #@171 Constructor for objects of type `flycheck-error'. (fn POS &optional LEVEL MESSAGE &key END-POS CHECKER ID GROUP (FILENAME (buffer-file-name)) (BUFFER (current-buffer))) (defalias 'flycheck-error-new-at-pos #[897 "\300\301\"A@\300\302\"A@\300\303\"A@\300\304\"A@\300\305\"\206#\306\307 DA@\300\310\"\2060\306pDA@ \203>\311\n!\202?\312\211\203L\211A\262\242\202S\313\314\315GD\"\203_\311!\202`\316\211\203m\211A\262\242\202t\313\314\315GD\"\n\211\203\241\211@\317>\203\211\211AA\262\202v\320\f>A@\203\230\306\262\202v\321\322@\"\210\202v\210\323\324     &\f\207" [plist-member :end-pos :checker :id :group :filename nil buffer-file-name :buffer flycheck-line-column-at-pos (nil) signal wrong-number-of-arguments flycheck-error-new-at-pos (nil) (:end-pos :checker :id :group :filename :buffer :allow-other-keys) :allow-other-keys error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:end-pos :checker :id :group :filename :buffer)" record flycheck-error] 27 (#$ . 151705)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-error-new-at-pos side-effect-free t] 4) #@191 Constructor for objects of type `flycheck-error'. (fn LINE COLUMN &optional LEVEL MESSAGE &key END-LINE END-COLUMN CHECKER ID GROUP (FILENAME (buffer-file-name)) (BUFFER (current-buffer))) (defalias 'flycheck-error-new-at #[1154 "\300\301\"A@\300\302\"A@\300\303\"A@\300\304\"A@\300\305\"A@\300\306\"\206*\307\310 DA@\300\311\"\2067\307pDA@ \211\203j\211@\312>\203R\211AA\262\202?\313 >A@\203a\307\262\202?\314\315@\"\210\202?\210\316\317 \f\f&\f\207" [plist-member :end-line :end-column :checker :id :group :filename nil buffer-file-name :buffer (:end-line :end-column :checker :id :group :filename :buffer :allow-other-keys) :allow-other-keys error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:end-line :end-column :checker :id :group :filename :buffer)" record flycheck-error] 27 (#$ . 152829)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-error-new-at side-effect-free t] 4) #@141 Constructor for objects of type `flycheck-error'. (fn &key LINE COLUMN END-LINE END-COLUMN BUFFER CHECKER FILENAME MESSAGE LEVEL ID GROUP) (defalias 'flycheck-error-new #[128 "\300\301\"A@\300\302\"A@\300\303\"A@\300\304\"A@\300\305\"A@\300\306\"A@\300\307\"A@\300\310\"A@\300 \311\"A@\300\n\312\"A@\300 \313\"A@ \211\203y\211@\314>\203a\211AA\262\202N\315>A@\203p\316\262\202N\317\320@\"\210\202N\210\321\322\n\n\n\f\f\f\f\f\f&\f\207" [plist-member :line :column :end-line :end-column :buffer :checker :filename :message :level :id :group (:line :column :end-line :end-column :buffer :checker :filename :message :level :id :group :allow-other-keys) :allow-other-keys nil error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:line :column :end-line :end-column :buffer :checker :filename :message :level :id :group)" record flycheck-error] 27 (#$ . 153767)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\305\303& \207" [function-put flycheck-error-new side-effect-free t cl-struct-define flycheck-error "Structure representing an error reported by a syntax checker.\nSlots:\n\n`buffer'\n The buffer that the error was reported for, as buffer object.\n\n`checker'\n The syntax checker which reported this error, as symbol.\n\n`filename'\n The file name the error refers to, as string.\n\n`line'\n The line on which the error starts, as number.\n\n`column' (optional)\n The column at which the error starts, as number.\n\n For compatibility with external tools and unlike Emacs\n itself (e.g. in Compile Mode) Flycheck uses _1-based_\n columns: The first character on a line is column 1.\n\n Occasionally some tools try to proactively adapt to Emacs\n and emit 0-based columns automatically. In these cases, the\n columns must be adjusted for Flycheck, see\n `flycheck-increment-error-columns'.\n\n If nil, the whole line is highlighted.\n\n`end-line' (optional)\n The line on which the error ends. If nil, this is computed according to\n `flycheck-highlighting-mode'.\n\n`end-column'\n The column at which the error ends. If nil, this is computed according to\n `flycheck-highlighting-mode'. Error intervals are right-open: the\n end-column points to the first character not included in the error. For\n example, 1:1 is an empty range. and in \"line-number-at-pos\", the range\n 6:12 covers the word \"number\".\n\n`message' (optional)\n The error message as a string, if any.\n\n`level'\n The error level, as either `info', `warning' or `error'.\n\n`id' (optional)\n An ID identifying the kind of error.\n\n`group' (optional)\n A symbol identifying the group the error belongs to.\n\n Some tools will emit multiple errors that relate to the same\n issue (e.g., lifetime errors in Rust). All related errors\n collected by a checker should have the same `group` value,\n in order to be able to present them to the user.\n\n See `flycheck-related-errors`." cl-structure-object record nil ((cl-tag-slot) (buffer) (checker) (filename) (line) (column) (message) (level) (id) (group) (-end-line) (-end-column)) cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags] 11) #@56 Return the end line of a Flycheck error ERR. (fn ERR) (defalias 'flycheck-error-end-line #[257 "\3011\302!>\204\303\304\305D\"\210\211\306H0\207\210\307\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags (args-out-of-range) type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 10 nil] 5 (#$ . 156974)]) #@58 Return the end column of a Flycheck error ERR. (fn ERR) (defalias 'flycheck-error-end-column #[257 "\3011\302!>\204\303\304\305D\"\210\211\306H0\207\210\307\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags (args-out-of-range) type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 11 nil] 5 (#$ . 157273)]) #@66 Set the end line of a Flycheck error ERR to LINE. (fn ERR LINE) (defalias 'flycheck-error--set-end-line #[514 "\3011\302!>\204\303\304\305D\"\210\211\306I\2620\207\210\307\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags (args-out-of-range) type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 10 nil] 6 (#$ . 157576)]) #@72 Set the end column of a Flycheck error ERR to COLUMN. (fn ERR COLUMN) (defalias 'flycheck-error--set-end-column #[514 "\3011\302!>\204\303\304\305D\"\210\211\306I\2620\207\210\307\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags (args-out-of-range) type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 11 nil] 6 (#$ . 157897)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\304\302\305#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-error-end-line gv-expander #[385 "\300\301\302$\207" [gv--defsetter flycheck-error-end-line #[385 "\300\301C\"B\207" [flycheck-error--set-end-line append] 6 "\n\n(fn VAL &rest ARGS)"]] 7 "\n\n(fn DO &rest ARGS)"] flycheck-error-end-column #[385 "\300\301\302$\207" [gv--defsetter flycheck-error-end-column #[385 "\300\301C\"B\207" [flycheck-error--set-end-column append] 6 "\n\n(fn VAL &rest ARGS)"]] 7 "\n\n(fn DO &rest ARGS)"]] 5) #@131 Switch to the buffer of ERR and evaluate FORMS. If the buffer of ERR is not live, FORMS are not evaluated. (fn ERR &rest FORMS) (defalias 'flycheck-error-with-buffer '(macro . #[385 "\300\301\302DD\303\302DBBE\207" [when buffer-live-p flycheck-error-buffer with-current-buffer] 7 (#$ . 158747)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put flycheck-error-with-buffer lisp-indent-function 1 put edebug-form-spec t] 5) #@262 Get the region of ERR, if ERR specifies a range. Return a cons cell `(BEG . END)'. If the input range is empty, it is expanded to cover at least one character so that END is always greater than BEG. If ERR doesn't specify an end-column return nil. (fn ERR) (defalias 'flycheck--exact-region #[257 "\302!>\204\303\304\305D\"\210\211\306H\211\205n\302!>\204%\303\304\305D\"\210\307H\211\205l\310!\2063\211\205j\311!\211\205h\312\313\"\313\"W\203TB\202e\211dU\203a\211SB\202e\211TB)\266\202\262\262\262\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags inhibit-field-text-motion type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 4 5 flycheck-error-end-line flycheck-error-end-column t flycheck-line-column-to-position] 9 (#$ . 159199)]) #@186 Get the line region of position POS. Return a cons cell `(BEG . END)' where BEG is the first non-whitespace character on the line ERR refers to, and END the end of the line. (fn POS) (defalias 'flycheck--line-region #[257 "\212\211b\210\300y\210`\301 \302\303\"\210\304 \210l\203&U\203\"\301\300!\202'\202'`B\266\202)\207" [0 line-end-position skip-syntax-forward " " backward-prefix-chars] 6 (#$ . 159966)]) #@157 Get the column region of position POS. Return a cons cell `(BEG . END)' where BEG is the character before the column, and END the actual column. (fn POS) (defalias 'flycheck--column-region #[257 "\212\211b\210m\203dSdB\202\211TB)\207" [] 3 (#$ . 160393)]) #@221 Get the region of THING at position POS. THING is a understood by `thing-at-point'. Return a cons cell `(BEG . END)' where BEG is the beginning of the THING at the column, and END the end of the THING. (fn THING POS) (defalias 'flycheck-bounds-of-thing-at-point #[514 "\212\211b\210\300!)\207" [bounds-of-thing-at-point] 4 (#$ . 160663)]) #@83 Compute the region of ERR based on MODE and ERR's line and column. (fn ERR MODE) (defalias 'flycheck--approximate-region #[514 "\302\303! >\204\304\305\306D\"\210\307H\303! >\204#\304\305\306D\"\210\310H\311\206-\312\"\2038\313=\203>\314!\202m\315\267\202feX\203j\211dW\203j\211fz\316>\203j\317\320\"\202g\317\321\"\202g\322\206m\323!)\207" [inhibit-field-text-motion cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags t type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 4 5 flycheck-line-column-to-position 1 lines flycheck--line-region #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (symbols 68 sexps 95)) (119 95) flycheck-bounds-of-thing-at-point symbol sexp nil flycheck--column-region] 8 (#$ . 161012)]) #@260 Get the region of ERR for the highlighting MODE. ERR is a Flycheck error. If its position is fully specified, use that to compute a region; otherwise, use MODE, as documented in `flycheck-highlighting-mode'. If MODE is nil, signal an error. (fn ERR MODE) (defalias 'flycheck-error-region-for-mode #[514 "\301\302!>\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H!\205:r\302!>\204'\303\304\305D\"\210\306Hq\210\214~\210\307!\2069\310\"*\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags buffer-live-p type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 1 flycheck--exact-region flycheck--approximate-region] 7 (#$ . 161778)]) #@217 Get the buffer position of ERR. ERR is a Flycheck error whose position to get. The error position is the error column, or the first non-whitespace character of the error line, if ERR has no error column. (fn ERR) (defalias 'flycheck-error-pos #[257 "\301\"@\207" [flycheck-highlighting-mode flycheck-error-region-for-mode] 4 (#$ . 162394)]) #@279 Extract the text that ERR refers to from the buffer. Newlines and blanks are replaced by single spaces. If ERR doesn't include an end-position, return nil. MAX-LENGTH is how many characters to read from the buffer, at most. It defaults to 20. (fn ERR &optional MAX-LENGTH) (defalias 'flycheck-error-format-snippet #[513 "\301\302!>\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H!\205Vr\302!>\204'\303\304\305D\"\210\306Hq\210\214~\210\307!\211:\205S\211\242\243\310\311\312\313d^{#\206M\314\315\211\316%\266\204\262*\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags buffer-live-p type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 1 flycheck--exact-region truncate-string-to-width replace-regexp-in-string "\\s-+" " " 20 nil t] 14 (#$ . 162747)]) #@302 Format the message and id of ERR as human-readable string. If INCLUDE-SNIPPET is non-nil, prepend the message with a snippet of the text that the error applies to (such text can only be determined if the error contains a full span, not just a beginning position). (fn ERR &optional INCLUDE-SNIPPET) (defalias 'flycheck-error-format-message-and-id #[513 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\305H\301!>\204!\302\303\304D\"\210\306H\211\205-\211\307 \232?\211\2057\310\311\312!\"\205I\313!\211\205G\314\315\"\262\301!>\204Z\302\303\304 D\"\210\316H\206y\310\317\301 !>\204t\302\303\304 D\"\210\320H\"\205\202\310\321\"R\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 8 3 buffer-file-name format "In %S:\n" file-relative-name flycheck-error-format-snippet flycheck--format-message "`%s': " 6 "Unknown %S" 7 " [%s]"] 13 (#$ . 163496)]) #@66 Format the position of ERR as a human-readable string. (fn ERR) (defalias 'flycheck-error-format-position #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\301!>\204!\302\303\304D\"\210\306H\307!\310!\203\\\203\\\203<\232\203T\211\203GS\232\203M\311\312#\207\311\313$\207\311\314%\207\203f\232\203k\311\315\"\207\311\316#\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 4 5 flycheck-error-end-line flycheck-error-end-column format "%d:%d" "%d:%d-%d" "(%d:%d)-(%d:%d)" "%d" "%d-%d"] 11 (#$ . 164407)]) #@239 Format ERR as human-readable string, optionally WITH-FILE-NAME. Return a string that represents the given ERR. If WITH-FILE-NAME is given and non-nil, include the file-name as well, otherwise omit it. (fn ERR &optional WITH-FILE-NAME) (defalias 'flycheck-error-format #[513 "\301\302!>\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H!\301\302!>\204%\303\304\305D\"\210\307H!\310\205C\302!>\204>\303\304\305D\"\210\311H\312D\313!\312\314\315\n!\316\317BBBBBBB\"\320\321\"\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags symbol-name type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 7 2 append 3 ":" flycheck-error-format-position ": " flycheck-error-format-message-and-id " (" (")") apply concat] 14 (#$ . 164992)]) #@71 Determine whether ERR1 is less than ERR2 by location. (fn ERR1 ERR2) (defalias 'flycheck-error-< #[514 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\305H\301!>\204!\302\303\304D\"\210\305HU\204.W\207\301!>\204>\302\303\304D\"\210\306H\206E\307\301!>\204U\302\303\304D\"\210\306H\206\\\307U\204fW\207\310!\206n\310!\206vU\204\200W\207\311!\206\210\307\311!\206\220\307W\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 4 5 1 flycheck-error-end-line flycheck-error-end-column] 12 (#$ . 165711)]) #@195 Determine whether ERR1 is less than ERR2 by error level. Like `flycheck-error-<', but compares by error level severity first. Levels of the same severity are compared by name. (fn ERR1 ERR2) (defalias 'flycheck-error-level-< #[514 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\305H\301!>\204!\302\303\304D\"\210\305H\306!\306!U\203A\230\203=\307\"\207\231\207W\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 7 flycheck-error-level-severity flycheck-error-<] 9 (#$ . 166291)]) #@207 Assert that all items in ERRORS are of `flycheck-error' type. Signal an error if any item in ERRORS is not a `flycheck-error' object, as by `flycheck-error-p'. Otherwise return ERRORS again. (fn ERRORS) (defalias 'flycheck-assert-error-list-p #[257 "\211<\204\f\301\302\303D\"\210\211\211\203)\211@\304!>\204\"\301\302\305D\"\210A\266\202\202 \210\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags signal wrong-type-argument listp type-of flycheck-error-p] 7 (#$ . 166828)]) #@58 A list of all errors and warnings in the current buffer. (defvar flycheck-current-errors nil (#$ . 167307)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'flycheck-current-errors) #@156 Report ERRORS in the current buffer. Add ERRORS to `flycheck-current-errors' and process each error with `flycheck-process-error-functions'. (fn ERRORS) (defalias 'flycheck-report-current-errors #[257 "\301\"\302d!\210\303\304\305\306\"\"\207" [flycheck-current-errors append overlay-recenter seq-do #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [run-hook-with-args-until-success flycheck-process-error-functions] 4 "\n\n(fn ERR)"] seq-sort #[514 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\305H\301!>\204!\302\303\304D\"\210\305HW\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 4] 7 "\n\n(fn E1 E2)"]] 6 (#$ . 167476)]) #@55 Remove all error information from the current buffer. (defalias 'flycheck-clear-errors #[0 "\301\302\303!\207" [flycheck-current-errors nil flycheck-report-status not-checked] 2 (#$ . 168124)]) #@281 Fill and expand file names in ERRORS relative to DIRECTORY. Expand all file names of ERRORS against DIRECTORY. If the file name of an error is nil fill in the result of function `buffer-file-name' in the current buffer. Return ERRORS, modified in-place. (fn ERRORS DIRECTORY) (defalias 'flycheck-fill-and-expand-error-file-names #[514 "\300\301\302\"\"\210\207" [seq-do make-closure #[257 "\302! >\204\303\304\305D\"\210\211\211\306\302! >\204\"\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\211\2030\307\300\"\2022\310 \262I\207" [V0 cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 3 expand-file-name buffer-file-name] 8 "\n\n(fn ERR)"]] 6 (#$ . 168326)]) #@71 Determine whether ERR is a relevant error for another file. (fn ERR) (defalias 'flycheck-relevant-error-other-file-p #[257 "\304!>\204\305\306\307D\"\210\211\310H\211\205? \205?\n\203&\311\n\"?\205?\312 !\312\304!>\204:\305\306\307D\"\210\313H!X\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags flycheck-relevant-error-other-file-show buffer-file-name flycheck-relevant-error-other-file-minimum-level type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 3 flycheck-same-files-p flycheck-error-level-severity 7] 8 (#$ . 169019)]) #@141 Determine whether ERR is relevant for the current buffer. Return t if ERR may be shown for the current buffer, or nil otherwise. (fn ERR) (defalias 'flycheck-relevant-error-p #[257 "\302\303!>\204\304\305\306D\"\210\307H!\205\220r\303!>\204'\304\305\306D\"\210\211\307Hq\210\303!>\204;\304\305\306D\"\210\211\310H\303!>\204M\304\305\306D\"\210\311H\204X \203m \203g\203g\312 \"\204m\313!\205\215\211\205\215\211\211\314\230\262?\205\215\303!>\204\212\304\305\306D\"\210\315H\266\202)\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags buffer-file-name buffer-live-p type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 1 3 6 flycheck-same-files-p flycheck-relevant-error-other-file-p "" 4] 7 (#$ . 169556)]) #@133 Filter the relevant errors from ERRORS. Return a list of all errors that are relevant for their corresponding buffer. (fn ERRORS) (defalias 'flycheck-relevant-errors #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [seq-filter flycheck-relevant-error-p] 4 (#$ . 170293)]) #@268 Get all the errors that are in the same group as ERR. Return a list of all errors (from ERROR-SET) that have the same `flycheck-error-group' as ERR, including ERR itself. If ERROR-SET is nil, `flycheck-current-errors' is used instead. (fn ERR &optional ERROR-SET) (defalias 'flycheck-related-errors #[513 "\302!>\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\302!>\204!\303\304\305D\"\210\307H\2035\310\311\312#\2063 \"\207C\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags flycheck-current-errors type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 9 2 seq-filter make-closure #[257 "\303!\n>\204\304\305\306D\"\210\211\307H\301=\205+\303!\n>\204&\304\305\306D\"\210\211\310H\300=\207" [V0 V1 cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 2 9] 5 "\n\n(fn E)"]] 9 (#$ . 170549)]) #@47 The last status change in the current buffer. (defvar flycheck-last-status-change 'not-checked (#$ . 171365)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'flycheck-last-status-change) #@248 Report a failed Flycheck syntax check with STATUS. STATUS is a status symbol for `flycheck-report-status', defaulting to `errored'. Clear Flycheck state, run `flycheck-syntax-check-failed-hook' and report an error STATUS. (fn &optional STATUS) (defalias 'flycheck-report-failed-syntax-check #[256 "\301 \210\302\303\304!\210\305\206\306!\207" [flycheck-current-syntax-check flycheck-clear nil run-hooks flycheck-syntax-check-failed-hook flycheck-report-status errored] 3 (#$ . 171540)]) #@678 Report Flycheck STATUS. STATUS is one of the following symbols: `not-checked' The current buffer was not checked. `no-checker' Automatic syntax checker selection did not find a suitable syntax checker. `running' A syntax check is now running in the current buffer. `errored' The current syntax check has errored. `finished' The current syntax check was finished normally. `interrupted' The current syntax check was interrupted. `suspicious' The last syntax check had a suspicious result. Set `flycheck-last-status-change' and call `flycheck-status-changed-functions' with STATUS. Afterwards refresh the mode line. (fn STATUS) (defalias 'flycheck-report-status #[257 "\211\301\302\"\210\303 \207" [flycheck-last-status-change run-hook-with-args flycheck-status-changed-functions force-mode-line-update] 4 (#$ . 172041)]) #@148 Get a text describing STATUS for use in the mode line. STATUS defaults to `flycheck-last-status-change' if omitted or nil. (fn &optional STATUS) (defalias 'flycheck-mode-line-status-text #[256 "\211\206\211\303\267\202P\304\202Q\305\202Q\306\202Q\307\202Q\310 !\311\236A\312\236A\204.\211\203@\313\314\2065\315\206:\315#\266\202\202C\266\304\262\202Q\316\202Q\317\202Q\320\262\321\nQ\207" [flycheck-last-status-change flycheck-current-errors flycheck-mode-line-prefix #s(hash-table size 7 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (not-checked 11 no-checker 15 running 19 errored 23 finished 27 interrupted 72 suspicious 76)) "" "-" "*" "!" flycheck-count-errors error warning format ":%s|%s" 0 "." "?" nil " "] 9 (#$ . 172921)]) #@117 Make a display spec to indicate errors in the margins. Returns MARGIN-STR with FACE applied. (fn MARGIN-STR FACE) (defalias 'flycheck-make-margin-spec #[514 "\300\301\302B#\207" [propertize face (default)] 7 (#$ . 173707)]) #@48 String used to indicate errors in the margins. (defconst flycheck-default-margin-str "»" (#$ . 173941)) #@60 String used to indicate continuation lines in the margins. (defconst flycheck-default-margin-continuation-str "â‹®" (#$ . 174052)) #@2255 Define a new error LEVEL with PROPERTIES. The following PROPERTIES constitute an error level: `:severity SEVERITY' A number denoting the severity of this level. The higher the number, the more severe is this level compared to other levels. Defaults to 0; info is -10, warning is 10, and error is 100. The severity is used by `flycheck-error-level-<' to determine the ordering of errors according to their levels. `:compilation-level LEVEL' A number indicating the broad class of messages that errors at this level belong to: one of 0 (info), 1 (warning), or 2 or nil (error). Defaults to nil. This is used by `flycheck-checker-pattern-to-error-regexp' to map error levels into `compilation-mode''s hierarchy and to get proper highlighting of errors in `compilation-mode'. `:overlay-category CATEGORY' A symbol denoting the overlay category to use for error highlight overlays for this level. See Info node `(elisp)Overlay Properties' for more information about overlay categories. A category for an error level overlay should at least define the `face' property, for error highlighting. Another useful property for error level categories is `priority', to influence the stacking of multiple error level overlays. `:fringe-bitmap BITMAPS' A fringe bitmap symbol denoting the bitmap to use for fringe indicators for this level, or a cons of two bitmaps (one for narrow fringes and one for wide fringes). See Info node `(elisp)Fringe Bitmaps' for more information about fringe bitmaps, including a list of built-in fringe bitmaps. `:fringe-face FACE' A face symbol denoting the face to use for fringe indicators for this level. `:margin-spec SPEC' A display specification indicating what to display in the margin when `flycheck-indication-mode' is `left-margin' or `right-margin'. See Info node `(elisp)Displaying in the Margins'. If omitted, Flycheck generates an image spec from the fringe bitmap. `:error-list-face FACE' A face symbol denoting the face to use for messages of this level in the error list. See `flycheck-list-errors'. (fn LEVEL &rest PROPERTIES) (defalias 'flycheck-define-error-level #[385 "\302\303\304#\266\302\305\306\307\"\206\310#\266\302\311\306\312\"#\266\302\313\306\314\"#\266\302\315\306\316\"\211:\203>\211\202A\211B\262#\266\302\317\315N@#\266\302\320\306\321\"#\266\302\322\306\323\"\206r\324\320N\206q\325\"#\266\302\326\324 \320N\206\203\325\"#\266\302\327\306\330\"#\207" [flycheck-default-margin-str flycheck-default-margin-continuation-str put flycheck-error-level t flycheck-error-severity plist-get :severity 0 flycheck-compilation-level :compilation-level flycheck-overlay-category :overlay-category flycheck-fringe-bitmaps :fringe-bitmap flycheck-fringe-bitmap-double-arrow flycheck-fringe-face :fringe-face flycheck-margin-spec :margin-spec flycheck-make-margin-spec default flycheck-margin-continuation flycheck-error-list-face :error-list-face] 10 (#$ . 174191)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-define-error-level lisp-indent-function 1] 4) #@64 Determine whether LEVEL is a Flycheck error level. (fn LEVEL) (defalias 'flycheck-error-level-p #[257 "\211\300N\207" [flycheck-error-level] 3 (#$ . 177454)]) #@48 Get the numeric severity of LEVEL. (fn LEVEL) (defalias 'flycheck-error-level-severity #[257 "\211\300N\206\301\207" [flycheck-error-severity 0] 3 (#$ . 177620)]) #@50 Get the compilation level for LEVEL. (fn LEVEL) (defalias 'flycheck-error-level-compilation-level #[257 "\211\300N\207" [flycheck-compilation-level] 3 (#$ . 177792)]) #@49 Get the overlay category for LEVEL. (fn LEVEL) (defalias 'flycheck-error-level-overlay-category #[257 "\211\300N\207" [flycheck-overlay-category] 3 (#$ . 177966)]) #@44 Get the margin spec for LEVEL. (fn LEVEL) (defalias 'flycheck-error-level-margin-spec #[257 "\211\300N\207" [flycheck-margin-spec] 3 (#$ . 178137)]) #@57 Get the margin continuation spec for LEVEL. (fn LEVEL) (defalias 'flycheck-error-level-margin-continuation-spec #[257 "\211\300N\207" [flycheck-margin-continuation] 3 (#$ . 178293)]) #@165 Get the fringe bitmap for LEVEL. Optional argument HI-RES non-nil means that the returned bitmap will be the high resolution version. (fn LEVEL &optional HI-RES) (defalias 'flycheck-error-level-fringe-bitmap #[513 "\300N\203\n\211A\207\211@\207" [flycheck-fringe-bitmaps] 4 (#$ . 178484)]) #@44 Get the fringe face for LEVEL. (fn LEVEL) (defalias 'flycheck-error-level-fringe-face #[257 "\211\300N\207" [flycheck-fringe-face] 3 (#$ . 178785)]) #@48 Get the error list face for LEVEL. (fn LEVEL) (defalias 'flycheck-error-level-error-list-face #[257 "\211\300N\207" [flycheck-error-list-face] 3 (#$ . 178941)]) #@745 Create the fringe or margin icon for LEVEL at SIDE. Return a propertized string that shows an indicator according to LEVEL and the given fringe or margin SIDE. LEVEL is a Flycheck error level defined with `flycheck-define-error-level', and SIDE is either `left-fringe', `right-fringe', `left-margin', or `right-margin'. CONTINUATION indicates which fringe bitmap or margin spec to use: either the `:fringe-bitmap' and `:margin-spec' properties of LEVEL when CONTINUATION is nil or omitted, or bitmaps and specs indicating an error spanning more than one line. Return a propertized string representing the fringe icon, intended for use as `before-string' of an overlay to actually show the indicator. (fn LEVEL SIDE &optional CONTINUATION) (defalias 'flycheck-error-level-make-indicator #[770 "\300\301\302\303\267\202R\203\304\2020\305\267\202%\306 @\202&\306 A@\202&\307\211\310Y\311 \"\266\202\312!E\202W\313D\203F\314!\202J\315!\206N\316D\202W\317\320\"#\207" [propertize "!" display #s(hash-table size 4 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (right-fringe 9 left-fringe 9 right-margin 56 left-margin 56)) flycheck-fringe-bitmap-continuation #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (left-fringe 24 right-fringe 30)) window-fringes nil 16 flycheck-error-level-fringe-bitmap flycheck-error-level-fringe-face margin flycheck-error-level-margin-continuation-spec flycheck-error-level-margin-spec "" error "Invalid fringe side: %S"] 12 (#$ . 179110)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\302\305#\207" [defalias flycheck-error-level-make-fringe-icon flycheck-error-level-make-indicator nil make-obsolete "33"] 4) #@49 Bitmaps used to indicate errors in the fringes. (defconst flycheck-fringe-bitmap-double-arrow [216 108 54 27 54 108 216] (#$ . 180837)) #@64 High-resolution bitmap used to indicate errors in the fringes. (defconst flycheck-fringe-bitmap-double-arrow-hi-res [62400 31200 15600 7800 3900 1950 1950 3900 7800 15600 31200 62400] (#$ . 180979)) #@60 Bitmap used to indicate continuation lines in the fringes. (defconst flycheck-fringe-bitmap-continuation [32896 8224 2056 514] (#$ . 181184)) (byte-code "\303\304!\203\304\300\"\210\304\301 \305\306$\210\304\302\n\305\306\307%\210\305\207" [flycheck-fringe-bitmap-double-arrow flycheck-fringe-bitmap-double-arrow-hi-res flycheck-fringe-bitmap-continuation fboundp define-fringe-bitmap nil 16 (top repeat)] 6) #@308 Redefine Flycheck's standard error levels. This is useful to change the character drawn in the margins (MARGIN-STR, a string) or the bitmap drawn in the fringes (FRINGE-BITMAP, a fringe bitmap symbol or a cons of such symbols, as in `flycheck-define-error-level'). (fn &optional MARGIN-STR FRINGE-BITMAP) (defalias 'flycheck-redefine-standard-error-levels #[512 "\204\262\211\204\301\302B\262\303\304\305\306#\210\303\304\307\310#\210\311\312\313\314\315\316\317\304\320\321 \322\"\323 \324\322\325\326&\210\303\327\305\330#\210\303\327\307\314#\210\311\331\313\332\315\333\317\327\320\321 \334\"\323 \324\334\325\335&\210\303\336\305\337#\210\303\336\307\340#\210\311\341\313\342\315\343\317\336\320\321 \344\"\323 \324\344\325\345&\207" [flycheck-default-margin-str flycheck-fringe-bitmap-double-arrow flycheck-fringe-bitmap-double-arrow-hi-res put flycheck-error-overlay face flycheck-error priority 110 flycheck-define-error-level error :severity 100 :compilation-level 2 :overlay-category :margin-spec flycheck-make-margin-spec flycheck-fringe-error :fringe-bitmap :fringe-face :error-list-face flycheck-error-list-error flycheck-warning-overlay flycheck-warning warning 10 1 flycheck-fringe-warning flycheck-error-list-warning flycheck-info-overlay flycheck-info 90 info -10 0 flycheck-fringe-info flycheck-error-list-info] 18 (#$ . 181603)]) (flycheck-redefine-standard-error-levels) #@192 Filter ERRORS from CHECKER. Apply the error filter of CHECKER to ERRORs and return the result. If CHECKER has no error filter, fall back to `flycheck-sanitize-errors'. (fn ERRORS CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-filter-errors #[514 "\300\301\"\206\302\211!\207" [flycheck-checker-get error-filter flycheck-sanitize-errors] 5 (#$ . 183020)]) #@204 Sanitize ERRORS. Sanitize ERRORS by trimming leading and trailing whitespace in all error messages, and by replacing 0 columns and empty error messages with nil. Returns sanitized ERRORS. (fn ERRORS) (defalias 'flycheck-sanitize-errors #[257 "\211\211\203\362\211@\301\302!>\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H!\203\353r\302!>\204.\303\304\305D\"\210\211\306Hq\210\302!>\204B\303\304\305D\"\210\211\307H\302!>\204T\303\304\305D\"\210\310H\203\211\311\211\312\313\"\"\266\203\262\302!>\204x\303\304\305D\"\210\211\307\211\314\230\262?\205\206I\266\211\203\254\211\211\314\230\262\203\254\302!>\204\245\303\304\305D\"\210\211\310\311I\266\302!>\204\273\303\304\305D\"\210\315H\316=\203\331\302!>\204\322\303\304\305D\"\210\211\315\311I\266\317!\316=\203\350\320\311\"\266\266)A\266\202\202\210\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags buffer-live-p type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 1 6 8 nil string-trim-left string-trim-right "" 5 0 flycheck-error-end-column flycheck-error--set-end-column] 12 (#$ . 183371)]) #@204 Remove matching FILE-NAME from ERRORS. Use as `:error-filter' for syntax checkers that output faulty filenames. Flycheck will later fill in the buffer file name. Return ERRORS. (fn FILE-NAME ERRORS) (defalias 'flycheck-remove-error-file-names #[514 "\300\301\302\"\"\210\207" [seq-do make-closure #[257 "\302! >\204\303\304\305D\"\210\211\306H\205B\302! >\204$\303\304\305D\"\210\211\306H\300\230\205B\302! >\204;\303\304\305D\"\210\211\211\306\307I\262\207" [V0 cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 3 nil] 5 "\n\n(fn ERR)"]] 6 (#$ . 184462)]) #@165 Increment all columns of ERRORS by OFFSET (default: 1). Use this as `:error-filter' if a syntax checker outputs 0-based columns. (fn ERRORS &optional OFFSET) (defalias 'flycheck-increment-error-columns #[513 "\211C\211\242\206 \300\240\210\301\302\303\"\"\210\207" [1 seq-do make-closure #[257 "\302! >\204\303\304\305D\"\210\211\306H\2030\302! >\204$\303\304\305D\"\210\211\211\306\306H\300\242\\I\266\307!\205B\211\310\307!\300\242\\\"\262\207" [V0 cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 5 flycheck-error-end-column flycheck-error--set-end-column] 6 "\n\n(fn ERR)"]] 7 (#$ . 185075)]) #@77 Collapse whitespace in all messages of ERRORS. Return ERRORS. (fn ERRORS) (defalias 'flycheck-collapse-error-message-whitespace #[257 "\211\211\203B\211@\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\211\203:\301!>\204,\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305\306\307\310\311\312%I\266\210A\266\202\202\210\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 6 replace-regexp-in-string "[\n [:space:]]+" " " fixed-case literal] 13 (#$ . 185735)]) #@239 Dedent all messages of ERRORS. For each error in ERRORS, determine the indentation offset from the leading whitespace of the first line, and dedent all further lines accordingly. Return ERRORS, with in-place modifications. (fn ERRORS) (defalias 'flycheck-dedent-error-messages #[257 "\211\211\203z\211@\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\211\203r\306\307\310\"r\211q\210\311\312\"\216c\210eb\210\313 \210`eZm\204Q\313 \210`\314 ZY\203K\315[!\210\316y\210\2026\210\317ed\"\210\301!>\204f\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305\320ed\"I\266*\210\210A\266\202\202\210\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 6 generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] back-to-indentation line-beginning-position delete-char 1 delete-trailing-whitespace buffer-substring-no-properties] 11 (#$ . 186222)]) #@399 Fold levels of ERRORS from included files. ERRORS is a list of `flycheck-error' objects. SENTINEL-MESSAGE is a regular expression matched against the error message to determine whether the error denotes errors from an included file. Alternatively, it is a function that is given an error and shall return non-nil, if the error denotes errors from an included file. (fn ERRORS SENTINEL-MESSAGE) (defalias 'flycheck-fold-include-levels #[514 "\211;\204\301!\204\302\303\"\210\301!\203\211\202\304\305\"\211\203\360\211A\262\242!\203\354\306!>\204>\307\310\311D\"\210\211\312H\313\211\211?\211\204\267\306@!>\204]\307\310\311 @D\"\210@\312H\262\204q\230\204q\262\211A\262\242\306!>\204\207\307\310\311D\"\210\211\314H !\204\243\203\240\315!\315!V\203\243\211\262\266?\206\262\205\262\230\262\202F\306!>\204\310\307\310\311D\"\210\211\314I\266\306!>\204\341\307\310\311D\"\210\211\316\317\320\"I\266\210\202\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags functionp error "Sentinel must be string or function: %S" make-closure #[257 "\300\303! >\204\304\305\306D\"\210\307H\310\311\312#)\207" [V0 cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags inhibit-changing-match-data type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 6 nil t string-match] 8 "\n\n(fn ERR)"] type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 3 nil 7 flycheck-error-level-severity 6 format "In include %s"] 16 (#$ . 187147)]) #@398 De-qualify error ids in ERRORS. Remove all qualifications from error ids in ERRORS, by stripping all leading dotted components from error IDs. For instance, if the error ID is com.foo.E100, replace it with E100. This error filter is mainly useful to simplify error IDs obtained from parsing Checkstyle XML, which frequently has very verbose IDs, that include the name of the tool. (fn ERRORS) (defalias 'flycheck-dequalify-error-ids #[257 "\300\301\"\210\207" [seq-do #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\211\2055\301!>\204%\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305\306\307\310\311\312\313&I\262\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 8 replace-regexp-in-string "\\`\\(\\(?:.*\\.\\)?\\)[^.]+\\'" "" fixedcase literal 1] 12 "\n\n(fn ERR)"]] 4 (#$ . 188619)]) #@48 Remove all error ids from ERRORS. (fn ERRORS) (defalias 'flycheck-remove-error-ids #[257 "\300\301\"\210\207" [seq-do #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\211\305\306I\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 8 nil] 5 "\n\n(fn ERR)"]] 4 (#$ . 189445)]) #@151 Set ERRORS without lines to line 0. Use as `:error-filter' for syntax checkers that output errors without line numbers. Return ERRORS. (fn ERRORS) (defalias 'flycheck-fill-empty-line-numbers #[257 "\300\301\"\210\207" [seq-do #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H?\205,\301!>\204%\302\303\304D\"\210\211\211\305\306I\262\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 4 0] 5 "\n\n(fn ERR)"]] 4 (#$ . 189761)]) #@195 Count the number of ERRORS, grouped by level. Return an alist, where each ITEM is a cons cell whose `car' is an error level, and whose `cdr' is the number of errors of that level. (fn ERRORS) (defalias 'flycheck-count-errors #[257 "\301\211\203<\211@\302!>\204\303\304\305D\"\210\211\306H\211\236\211\203,\211\211AT\241\266\2025\307BB\262\266A\266\202\202\210\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags nil type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 7 1] 9 (#$ . 190240)]) #@81 Check if there is no error in ERRORS more severe than LEVEL. (fn ERRORS LEVEL) (defalias 'flycheck-has-max-errors-p #[514 "\300!\301\302\303\"\"\207" [flycheck-error-level-severity seq-every-p make-closure #[257 "\302\303! >\204\304\305\306D\"\210\307H!\300X\207" [V0 cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags flycheck-error-level-severity type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 7] 6 "\n\n(fn E)"]] 7 (#$ . 190740)]) #@72 Check if there is no current error more severe than LEVEL. (fn LEVEL) (defalias 'flycheck-has-max-current-errors-p #[257 "\301\"\207" [flycheck-current-errors flycheck-has-max-errors-p] 4 (#$ . 191171)]) #@66 Determine if there are any ERRORS with LEVEL. (fn ERRORS LEVEL) (defalias 'flycheck-has-errors-p #[514 "\300\301\302\"\"\207" [seq-some make-closure #[257 "\302! >\204\303\304\305D\"\210\211\306H\300=\207" [V0 cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 7] 5 "\n\n(fn E)"]] 6 (#$ . 191384)]) #@144 Determine if the current buffer has errors with LEVEL. If LEVEL is omitted if the current buffer has any errors at all. (fn &optional LEVEL) (defalias 'flycheck-has-current-errors-p #[256 "\211\203 \301\"\207\205\302\207" [flycheck-current-errors flycheck-has-errors-p t] 4 (#$ . 191726)]) #@156 Last index given to a Flycheck overlay. These indices are used to preserve error order (Emacs doesn't preserve overlay order when calling `overlays-at'). (defvar flycheck--last-overlay-index 0 (#$ . 192031)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'flycheck--last-overlay-index) #@56 Compute the index to assign to a new Flycheck overlay. (defalias 'flycheck--next-overlay-index #[0 "T\211\207" [flycheck--last-overlay-index] 2 (#$ . 192305)]) #@178 Determine the highlighting style to apply to ERR. Styles are documented in `flycheck-highlighting-style'; this functions resolves `conditional' style specifications. (fn ERR) (defalias 'flycheck--highlighting-style #[257 "\302! >\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\307!\206\211\211Z\242\310=\203HA\211\242\243\211\242\243\211\242\243\nW\203@\202A\211\262\266\n\202:\203\223\242\211\311=\203\222\243\211:\203\221\211\242\243\211:\203\217\211\242\243\211\204\215\312!\203z\313!\262\312!\203\205\313!\262\311E\262\f\266\266\266\210\210\207" [flycheck-highlighting-style cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 4 flycheck-error-end-line conditional delimiters characterp flycheck--make-highlighting-delimiter] 17 (#$ . 192474)]) #@65 Apply properties to OVERLAY to highlight ERR. (fn ERR OVERLAY) (defalias 'flycheck--setup-highlighting #[514 "\303!>\204\304\305\306D\"\210\307H \204\310\311\312#\266\n\2039\310\313\314\n\"#\266\310\315\314\n\316##\266\317\320!\211\204E!\207 \204M!\207\211\321=\203W\266\312\207\211:\203\316\211\242\211\322=\203\310\243\211:\203\302\211\242\243\211:\203\274\211\242\243\211\204\265\323 !\324D \310\311\325#\266 \310\313\326\311#\327\313\"\206\243\330P#\266 \310\331\326\311##\207\332\333\"\207\332\333\"\207\332\333\"\207\332\333\"\207\211\332\333\"\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags flycheck-highlighting-mode flycheck-indication-mode type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 7 overlay-put face nil before-string flycheck-error-level-make-indicator line-prefix t #[257 "\211\300\301\302#\207" [overlay-put face nil] 6 "\n\n(fn OVERLAY)"] flycheck--highlighting-style level-face delimiters flycheck-error-level-fringe-face flycheck-error-delimiter flycheck-delimited-error propertize overlay-get "" after-string error "Unsupported highlighting style: %S"] 23 (#$ . 193293)]) #@61 Add overlay for ERR. Return the created overlay. (fn ERR) (defalias 'flycheck-add-overlay #[257 "\302!\203e\212eb\210\303 )B\202\304\206\305\"\211\242\243\306\"\307! >\2045\310\311\312 D\"\210\313H\314!\315 \316!\204I\317\320\"\210\321\322#\266\321\323\324#\266\321\312 #\266\321\325#\266\321\326\327#\266\330\n\"\210\207" [flycheck-highlighting-mode cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags flycheck-relevant-error-other-file-p point-at-eol flycheck-error-region-for-mode lines make-overlay type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 7 flycheck-error-level-overlay-category flycheck--next-overlay-index flycheck-error-level-p error "Undefined error level: %S" overlay-put flycheck-error-index flycheck-overlay t category help-echo flycheck-help-echo flycheck--setup-highlighting] 15 (#$ . 194458)]) #@353 Construct a tooltip message. Most of the actual work is done by calling `flycheck-help-echo-function' with the appropriate list of errors. Arguments WINDOW, OBJECT and POS are as described in info node `(elisp)Special properties', as this function is intended to be used as the 'help-echo property of flycheck error overlays. (fn WINDOW OBJECT POS) (defalias 'flycheck-help-echo #[771 "\301!\203\n\202\302!\205\303!\211\2053r\211q\210\211\2050\304!\211\205.\305!\306\307#\262\262)\207" [flycheck-help-echo-function bufferp overlayp overlay-buffer flycheck-overlay-errors-at propertize help-echo-inhibit-substitution t] 10 (#$ . 195308)]) #@58 Concatenate error messages and ids from ERRS. (fn ERRS) (defalias 'flycheck-help-echo-all-error-messages #[257 "\300\301\302\"\211:\203\211\242\243\211\204\303!\207!\207!\207" [#[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [mapconcat #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [flycheck-error-format-message-and-id include-snippet] 4 "\n\n(fn ERR)"] "\n"] 5 "\n\n(fn ERRS)"] delq nil flycheck-error-format-message-and-id] 8 (#$ . 195973)]) #@76 Get all Flycheck overlays from OVERLAYS, in original order. (fn OVERLAYS) (defalias 'flycheck-filter-overlays #[257 "\300\301\302\303\"\"\207" [seq-sort #[514 "\300\301\"\300\301\"W\207" [overlay-get flycheck-error-index] 6 "\n\n(fn O1 O2)"] seq-filter #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [overlay-get flycheck-overlay] 4 "\n\n(fn O)"]] 6 (#$ . 196394)]) #@45 Get all Flycheck overlays at POS. (fn POS) (defalias 'flycheck-overlays-at #[257 "\300\301!!\207" [flycheck-filter-overlays overlays-at] 4 (#$ . 196747)]) #@62 Get all Flycheck overlays between BEG and END. (fn BEG END) (defalias 'flycheck-overlays-in #[514 "\300\301\"!\207" [flycheck-filter-overlays overlays-in] 6 (#$ . 196910)]) #@65 Return a list of all flycheck errors overlaid at POS. (fn POS) (defalias 'flycheck-overlay-errors-at #[257 "\300\301\302!\"\207" [seq-map #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [overlay-get flycheck-error] 4 "\n\n(fn O)"] flycheck-overlays-at] 5 (#$ . 197092)]) #@82 Return a list of all flycheck errors overlaid between BEG and END. (fn BEG END) (defalias 'flycheck-overlay-errors-in #[514 "\300\301\302\"\"\207" [seq-map #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [overlay-get flycheck-error] 4 "\n\n(fn O)"] flycheck-overlays-in] 7 (#$ . 197347)]) #@63 Overlays mark for deletion after all syntax checks completed. (defvar flycheck-overlays-to-delete nil (#$ . 197621)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\207" [make-variable-buffer-local flycheck-overlays-to-delete put permanent-local t] 4) #@53 Remove all flycheck overlays in the current buffer. (defalias 'flycheck-delete-all-overlays #[0 "\301d!\210\302 \210\303\214~\210\304\305\306ed\"\")\207" [flycheck--last-overlay-index overlay-recenter flycheck-delete-marked-overlays 0 seq-do delete-overlay flycheck-overlays-in] 5 (#$ . 197874)]) #@41 Mark all current overlays for deletion. (defalias 'flycheck-mark-all-overlays-for-deletion #[0 "\301\302ed\"\"\211\207" [flycheck-overlays-to-delete append flycheck-overlays-in] 4 (#$ . 198178)]) #@42 Delete all overlays marked for deletion. (defalias 'flycheck-delete-marked-overlays #[0 "\301d!\210\302\303\"\210\304\211\207" [flycheck-overlays-to-delete overlay-recenter seq-do delete-overlay nil] 3 (#$ . 198382)]) #@87 Check if error severity at POS passes `flycheck-error-level-interesting-p'. (fn POS) (defalias 'flycheck-error-level-interesting-at-pos-p #[257 "\300\301\302\"!\207" [flycheck-error-level-interesting-p get-char-property flycheck-error] 5 (#$ . 198608)]) #@212 Check if ERR severity is >= `flycheck-navigation-minimum-level'. ERR is also interesting (the function returns true) if there are no errors as or more severe than `flycheck-navigation-minimum-level'. (fn ERR) (defalias 'flycheck-error-level-interesting-p #[257 "\302!>\2053 \211\2030\303!\303\302!>\204!\304\305\306D\"\210\307H!X\2061\310!?\2021\311\262\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags flycheck-navigation-minimum-level type-of flycheck-error-level-severity signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 7 flycheck-has-current-errors-p t] 8 (#$ . 198871)]) #@371 Get the position of the N-th next error. With negative N, get the position of the (-N)-th previous error instead. With non-nil RESET, search from `point-min', otherwise search from the current point. Return the position of the next or previous error, or nil if there is none. If N is zero, return `point', or `point-min' if RESET is non-nil. (fn N &optional RESET) (defalias 'flycheck-next-error-pos #[513 "\206\300\203 e\202`\301Y\203V\211\203\226\301V\203\226S\262\302\303\"\203/\304\303\"\262\211dU\204D\305!\204D\304\303\"\262\202/\211dU\203\305!\204\306\262\202\211\203\226\301W\203\226T\262\211eU\204z\305S!\204z\307\303\"\262\202d\211eU\203\211\305!\204\211\306\262\211\203V\307\303\"\262\202V\207" [1 0 get-char-property flycheck-error next-single-char-property-change flycheck-error-level-interesting-at-pos-p nil previous-single-char-property-change] 7 (#$ . 199452)]) #@295 Visit the N-th error from the current point. N is the number of errors to advance by, where a negative N advances backwards. With non-nil RESET, advance from the beginning of the buffer, otherwise advance from the current position. Intended for use with `next-error-function'. (fn N RESET) (defalias 'flycheck-next-error-function #[514 "\300\"\211\203\301\302\"\211\203\303!\207\304\305!\207\304\305!\207" [flycheck-next-error-pos get-char-property flycheck-error flycheck-jump-to-error user-error "No more Flycheck errors"] 6 (#$ . 200394)]) #@259 Visit the N-th error from the current point. N is the number of errors to advance by, where a negative N advances backwards. With non-nil RESET, advance from the beginning of the buffer, otherwise advance from the current position. (fn &optional N RESET) (defalias 'flycheck-next-error #[512 ":\203 \300\262\301\262\302\"\210\303 \207" [t nil flycheck-next-error-function flycheck-display-error-at-point] 5 (#$ . 200956) "P"]) #@157 Visit the N-th previous error. If given, N specifies the number of errors to move backwards by. If N is negative, move forwards instead. (fn &optional N) (defalias 'flycheck-previous-error #[256 "\300\206\301[!\207" [flycheck-next-error 1] 3 (#$ . 201399) "P"]) #@164 Visit the N-th error from beginning of the buffer. If given, N specifies the number of errors to move forward from the beginning of the buffer. (fn &optional N) (defalias 'flycheck-first-error #[256 "\300\301\"\207" [flycheck-next-error reset] 4 (#$ . 201673) "P"]) #@45 The name of the buffer to show error lists. (defconst flycheck-error-list-buffer "*Flycheck errors*" (#$ . 201948)) #@77 Evaluate BODY in flycheck-error-list-buffer, if it exists. (fn &rest BODY) (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-with-buffer '(macro . #[128 "\300\301\302\303BBE\207" [when (get-buffer flycheck-error-list-buffer) with-current-buffer flycheck-error-list-buffer] 6 (#$ . 202070)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put flycheck-error-list-with-buffer lisp-indent-function 0 put edebug-form-spec t] 5) #@43 The keymap of `flycheck-error-list-mode'. (defvar flycheck-error-list-mode-map (byte-code "\300 \301\302\303#\210\301\304\305#\210\301\306\307#\210\301\310\311#\210\301\312\313#\210\301\314\315#\210\301\316\317#\210\207" [make-sparse-keymap define-key "f" flycheck-error-list-set-filter "F" flycheck-error-list-reset-filter "n" flycheck-error-list-next-error "p" flycheck-error-list-previous-error "g" flycheck-error-list-check-source "e" flycheck-error-list-explain-error " " flycheck-error-list-goto-error] 5) (#$ . 202499)) #@172 Compute contents of the last error list cell. MESSAGE and CHECKER are displayed in a single column to allow the message to stretch arbitrarily far. (fn MESSAGE CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-make-last-column #[514 "\300\301!\302\303#\300\302\304#\305\306#\207" [propertize symbol-name face flycheck-error-list-checker-name flycheck-error-list-error-message format "%s (%s)"] 8 (#$ . 203040)]) #@34 Table format for the error list. (defconst flycheck-error-list-format (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\"\311B&\207" [vector ("File" 6) ("Line" 5 flycheck-error-list-entry-< :right-align t) ("Col" 3 nil :right-align t) ("Level" 8 flycheck-error-list-entry-level-<) ("ID" 6 t) flycheck-error-list-make-last-column "Message" Checker (0 t)] 9) (#$ . 203454)) #@29 Padding used in error list. (defconst flycheck-error-list-padding 1 (#$ . 203832)) #@63 Amount of space to use in `flycheck-flush-multiline-message'. (defconst flycheck--error-list-msg-offset (byte-code "\302\303\304\305\306# #\207" [flycheck-error-list-format flycheck-error-list-padding seq-reduce #[514 "\211\243\211\242\243\211\243\300\301\"\206\302\\\\\207" [plist-get :pad-right 1] 11 "\n\n(fn OFFSET FMT)"] seq-subseq 0 -1] 6) (#$ . 203921)) (defvar flycheck-error-list-mode-hook nil) (byte-code "\300\301N\204\f\302\300\301\303#\210\304\305!\204\302\305\306\307#\210\300\207" [flycheck-error-list-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering Flycheck errors mode.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)" boundp flycheck-error-list-mode-map definition-name flycheck-error-list-mode] 4) (defvar flycheck-error-list-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (byte-code "\301\302N\204\303\301\302\304\305!#\210\306\307!\204\303\307\310\311#\210\312\313 !\210\307\302N\204-\303\307\302\304\314!#\210\306\300!\204B\303\300\310\311#\210\315\316\300\317\"\210!\210\300\302N\204P\303\300\302\304\320!#\210\303\311\321\322#\207" [flycheck-error-list-mode-abbrev-table flycheck-error-list-mode-map variable-documentation put purecopy "Keymap for `flycheck-error-list-mode'." boundp flycheck-error-list-mode-syntax-table definition-name flycheck-error-list-mode (lambda (def-tmp-var) (defvar flycheck-error-list-mode-syntax-table def-tmp-var)) make-syntax-table "Syntax table for `flycheck-error-list-mode'." (lambda (def-tmp-var) (defvar flycheck-error-list-mode-abbrev-table def-tmp-var)) define-abbrev-table nil "Abbrev table for `flycheck-error-list-mode'." derived-mode-parent tabulated-list-mode] 5) #@267 Major mode for listing Flycheck errors. \{flycheck-error-list-mode-map} In addition to any hooks its parent mode `tabulated-list-mode' might have run, this mode runs the hook `flycheck-error-list-mode-hook', as the final or penultimate step during initialization. (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-mode #[0 "\306\300!\210\307\310 \210\311\312\310\313N\203\314\311\313\310\313N#\210\315 !\204'\316 \317 \"\210\320\f!\211\2035\211\321 =\203;\322\f\323 \"\210\210\324 \325\"\204R !=\204R\326 \325!C#\210\327 !\210\330\f!\210 !\"#\331C$%&\332'()\333\334!\203}\306\334!\210\335\336 \210)\337\340!\207" [delay-mode-hooks major-mode mode-name flycheck-error-list-mode-map flycheck-error-list-mode-syntax-table flycheck-error-list-mode-abbrev-table make-local-variable t tabulated-list-mode flycheck-error-list-mode "Flycheck errors" mode-class put keymap-parent set-keymap-parent current-local-map char-table-parent standard-syntax-table set-char-table-parent syntax-table abbrev-table-get :parents abbrev-table-put use-local-map set-syntax-table "Line" flycheck-error-list-entries boundp truncate-string-ellipsis "…" tabulated-list-init-header run-mode-hooks flycheck-error-list-mode-hook local-abbrev-table flycheck-error-list-format tabulated-list-format tabulated-list-sort-key flycheck-error-list-padding tabulated-list-padding tabulated-list-entries flycheck-error-list-mode-line mode-line-buffer-identification] 5 (#$ . 205658) nil]) #@46 The current source buffer of the error list. (defvar flycheck-error-list-source-buffer nil (#$ . 207123)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\207" [make-variable-buffer-local flycheck-error-list-source-buffer put permanent-local t] 4) #@65 Set BUFFER as the source buffer of the error list. (fn BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-set-source #[257 "\302!\205rq\210\211\303 )\207" [flycheck-error-list-buffer flycheck-error-list-source-buffer get-buffer flycheck-error-list-refresh] 3 (#$ . 207371)]) #@188 Make the error list display errors from the current buffer. The update is skipped if the current buffer is the error list or if the error list is already pointing to the current buffer. (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-update-source #[0 "p\302!\302!\205rq\210 )D>?\205\303p!\207" [flycheck-error-list-buffer flycheck-error-list-source-buffer get-buffer flycheck-error-list-set-source] 4 (#$ . 207647)]) #@64 Trigger a syntax check in the source buffer of the error list. (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-check-source #[0 "\301!\302!\205r\211q\210\303 )\207" [flycheck-error-list-source-buffer get-buffer buffer-live-p flycheck-buffer] 3 (#$ . 208062) nil]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\300\310\302\310\304\311%\207" [define-button-type flycheck-error-list action flycheck-error-list-goto-error help-echo "mouse-1, RET: goto error" face nil flycheck-error-list-explain-error "mouse-1, RET: explain error"] 8) #@623 Make an error list cell with TEXT and FACE. If FACE is nil don't set a FACE on TEXT. If TEXT already has face properties, do not specify a FACE. Note though, that if TEXT gets truncated it will not inherit any previous face properties. If you expect TEXT to be truncated in the error list, do specify a FACE explicitly! If HELP-ECHO is non-nil, set a help-echo property on TEXT, with value HELP-ECHO. This is convenient if you expect TEXT to be truncated. The cell will have the type TYPE unless TYPE is nil, and the default type `flycheck-error-list' will be used instead. (fn TEXT &optional FACE HELP-ECHO TYPE) (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-make-cell #[1025 "\300\301\203 \202\f\302E\205\303D\205\304D#\207" [append type flycheck-error-list face help-echo] 9 (#$ . 208593)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put flycheck-error-list-make-cell speed -1 put byte-optimizer byte-compile-inline-expand] 5) #@162 Make a table cell for a NUMBER with FACE. Convert NUMBER to string, fontify it with FACE and return the string with attached text properties. (fn NUMBER FACE) (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-make-number-cell #[514 "\247\203 \300!\202\f\301\302\211\303\304\203\202\305E\205#\306D\205*\307D#\207" [number-to-string "" nil append type flycheck-error-list face help-echo] 11 (#$ . 209555)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put flycheck-error-list-make-number-cell speed -1 put byte-optimizer byte-compile-inline-expand] 5) #@104 Make a table cell for the given ERROR. Return a list with the contents of the table cell. (fn ERROR) (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-make-entry #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\306!\301!>\204$\302\303\304D\"\210\307H\301!>\2047\302\303\304D\"\210\310H\301!>\204J\302\303\304D\"\210\311H\301!>\204^\302\303\304D\"\210\312H\206i\313\314\"\315!\301!>\204}\302\303\304\nD\"\210\316H\211\203\214\313\317\"\202\215\320\301\n!>\204\236\302\303\304\fD\"\210 \321H\322\"\323\324\"\f\325 \203\271\326\f!\202\272\320\327\330\211\331\332\203\310\202\311\333E\205\321\334D\205\330\335D#\266\204 \336\247\203\351\337!\202\352\320\330\211\331\332\203\370\202\371\333E\205\334D\205\335D#\266\206 \340\247\203\337!\202\320\330\211\331\332\203(\202)\333E\2051\334D\2058\335D#\266\206\341\301!>\204M\302\303\304D\"\210\305H!\330\211\331\332\203a\202b\333E\205j\334D\205q\335D#\266\204 \203\342\202\200\343 \344\331\332\203\216\202\217\333E\205\227\334D\205\236\335D#\266\204\330\n\330\331\332\203\262\202\263\333E\205\273\334D\205\302\335D#\266\204&D\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 7 flycheck-error-level-error-list-face 3 4 5 6 format "Unknown %S" flycheck-flush-multiline-message 8 "%s" "" 2 flycheck-error-list-make-last-column flycheck-checker-get error-explainer vector file-name-nondirectory flycheck-error-list-filename nil append type flycheck-error-list face help-echo flycheck-error-list-line-number number-to-string flycheck-error-list-column-number symbol-name flycheck-error-list-id-with-explainer flycheck-error-list-id flycheck-error-list-explain-error] 29 (#$ . 210130)]) #@197 Prepare error message MSG for display in the error list. Prepend all lines of MSG except the first with enough space to ensure that they line up properly once the message is displayed. (fn MSG) (defalias 'flycheck-flush-multiline-message #[257 "\301\302E\303\304\305#\306\307Q\310\311#\207" [flycheck--error-list-msg-offset space :width propertize " " display "\\1" "\\2" replace-regexp-in-string "\\([ \n]+\\)\\(.\\)"] 8 (#$ . 211935)]) #@65 Read the list of errors in `flycheck-error-list-source-buffer'. (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-current-errors #[0 "\301!\205\n\302\303\"\207" [flycheck-error-list-source-buffer buffer-live-p buffer-local-value flycheck-current-errors] 3 (#$ . 212387)]) #@40 Create the entries for the error list. (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-entries #[0 "\300 \211\205\301!\211\205\302\303\"\262\207" [flycheck-error-list-current-errors flycheck-error-list-apply-filter seq-map flycheck-error-list-make-entry] 5 (#$ . 212649)]) #@101 Determine whether ENTRY1 is before ENTRY2 by location. See `flycheck-error-<'. (fn ENTRY1 ENTRY2) (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-entry-< #[514 "\300@@\"\207" [flycheck-error-<] 5 (#$ . 212919)]) #@104 Determine whether ENTRY1 is before ENTRY2 by level. See `flycheck-error-level-<'. (fn ENTRY1 ENTRY2) (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-entry-level-< #[514 "\300@@\"?\207" [flycheck-error-level-<] 5 (#$ . 213125)]) #@34 Keymap for error list mode line. (defvar flycheck-error-list-mode-line-map (byte-code "\300 \301\302\303#\210\207" [make-sparse-keymap define-key [mode-line mouse-1] flycheck-error-list-mouse-switch-to-source] 5) (#$ . 213346)) #@179 Get the name of the current source buffer for the mode line. Propertize the name of the current source buffer for use in the mode line indication of `flycheck-error-list-mode'. (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-propertized-source-name #[0 "\302\303\304\305!\306\307%\310\311\312\313\314\315\316\317 & \207" [flycheck-error-list-source-buffer flycheck-error-list-mode-line-map replace-regexp-in-string "%" "%%" buffer-name fixed-case literal propertize face mode-line-buffer-id mouse-face mode-line-highlight help-echo "mouse-1: switch to source" local-map] 11 (#$ . 213582)]) #@73 Switch to the error list source buffer of the EVENT window. (fn EVENT) (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-mouse-switch-to-source #[257 "\301 r\302\303\"\216\304!\203\305\306!\211@\262!\210\307!\205!\310!*\207" [flycheck-error-list-source-buffer internal--before-save-selected-window make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\207" [V0 internal--after-save-selected-window] 2] eventp select-window event-start buffer-live-p switch-to-buffer] 5 (#$ . 214164) "e"]) #@149 Get all windows displaying the error list. ALL-FRAMES specifies the frames to consider, as in `get-buffer-window-list'. (fn &optional ALL-FRAMES) (defalias 'flycheck-get-error-list-window-list #[256 "\301!\211\205\f\302\303#\207" [flycheck-error-list-buffer get-buffer get-buffer-window-list nil] 6 (#$ . 214625)]) #@157 Get a window displaying the error list, or nil if none. ALL-FRAMES specifies the frames to consider, as in `get-buffer-window'. (fn &optional ALL-FRAMES) (defalias 'flycheck-get-error-list-window #[256 "\301!\211\205 \302\"\207" [flycheck-error-list-buffer get-buffer get-buffer-window] 5 (#$ . 214953)]) #@43 Recenter the error list at POS. (fn POS) (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-recenter-at #[257 "\301\302!\211\205)\211@\303!r\304\305\"\216\306@\307\"\210b\210\310\311 \210+\210A\266\202\202\207" [recenter-redisplay flycheck-get-error-list-window-list t internal--before-with-selected-window make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\207" [V0 internal--after-with-selected-window] 2] select-window norecord nil recenter] 7 (#$ . 215270)]) #@150 Refresh the current error list. Add all errors currently reported for the current `flycheck-error-list-source-buffer', and recenter the error list. (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-refresh #[0 "\301\302!\211\205)\303!r\304\305\"\216\306@\307\"\210\310 \210*\210\311\312!\210p\313!=\314!\262\207" [flycheck-error-list-buffer flycheck-get-error-list-window t internal--before-with-selected-window make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\207" [V0 internal--after-with-selected-window] 2] select-window norecord revert-buffer run-hooks flycheck-error-list-after-refresh-hook get-buffer flycheck-error-list-highlight-errors] 5 (#$ . 215707)]) #@61 Create a string representing the current error list filter. (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-mode-line-filter-indicator #[0 "\203 \301\302\"\207\303\207" [flycheck-error-list-minimum-level format " [>= %s]" ""] 3 (#$ . 216345)]) #@143 Restrict the error list to errors at level LEVEL or higher. LEVEL is either an error level symbol, or nil, to remove the filter. (fn LEVEL) (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-set-filter #[257 "\211\203\302!\204\303\304\"\210\305!\205)rq\210\306\301!\210\211\307 \210\310 \210\311e!)\207" [flycheck-error-list-buffer flycheck-error-list-minimum-level flycheck-error-level-p user-error "Invalid level: %s" get-buffer make-local-variable force-mode-line-update flycheck-error-list-refresh flycheck-error-list-recenter-at] 4 (#$ . 216582) (byte-code "\300\301!C\207" [flycheck-read-error-level "Minimum error level (errors at lower levels will be hidden): "] 2)]) #@150 Remove local error filters and reset to the default filter. Interactively, or with non-nil REFRESH, refresh the error list. (fn &optional REFRESH) (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-reset-filter #[256 "\301!\205rq\210\302\303!\210\211\205\304 \210\305e!\210\306 )\207" [flycheck-error-list-buffer get-buffer kill-local-variable flycheck-error-list-minimum-level flycheck-error-list-refresh flycheck-error-list-recenter-at force-mode-line-update] 3 (#$ . 217257) '(t)]) #@78 Filter ERRORS according to `flycheck-error-list-minimum-level'. (fn ERRORS) (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-apply-filter #[257 "\211\203\301!\211\203\302\303\304\"\"\207\207\207" [flycheck-error-list-minimum-level flycheck-error-level-severity seq-filter make-closure #[257 "\302\303! >\204\304\305\306D\"\210\307H!\300Y\207" [V0 cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags flycheck-error-level-severity type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 7] 6 "\n\n(fn ERR)"]] 7 (#$ . 217736)]) #@105 Go to the location of the error at POS in the error list. POS defaults to `point'. (fn &optional POS) (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-goto-error #[256 "\211\300\206`\301\"\262\211\205\302!\207" [get-text-property tabulated-list-id flycheck-jump-to-error] 5 (#$ . 218238) nil]) #@42 Go to the location of ERROR. (fn ERROR) (defalias 'flycheck-jump-to-error #[257 "\303!\304!>\204\305\306\307D\"\210\310H\311!\203\"\312!\2025\304!>\2042\305\306\307D\"\210\313H\314!\205o\304!>\204K\305\306\307D\"\210\211\313I\266\315\"\210\205or\211q\210\316 \317#?\205n\n\205n\320 )\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags flycheck-current-errors flycheck-mode copy-flycheck-error type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 3 flycheck-relevant-error-other-file-p find-file-noselect 1 buffer-live-p flycheck-jump-in-buffer seq-contains equal flycheck-buffer] 9 (#$ . 218529)]) #@46 In BUFFER, jump to ERROR. (fn BUFFER ERROR) (defalias 'flycheck-jump-in-buffer #[514 "\301 \302!=\203\303\304\"\210\202\305!\210\306!\211b`=\204$~\210\211b\210\210\307\310!\207" [flycheck-error-list-buffer window-buffer get-buffer pop-to-buffer other-window switch-to-buffer flycheck-error-pos flycheck-error-list-highlight-errors preserve-pos] 5 (#$ . 219151)]) #@91 Explain the error at POS in the error list. POS defaults to `point'. (fn &optional POS) (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-explain-error #[256 "\211\301\206`\302\"\262\211\205c\303\304!>\204\305\306\307D\"\210\310H\311\"\211\205a\312\304!>\2048\305\306\307D\"\210\313H!\205ar\304!>\204O\305\306\307D\"\210\313Hq\210\211!\211\205^\314!\262)\262\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags get-text-property tabulated-list-id flycheck-checker-get type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 2 error-explainer buffer-live-p 1 flycheck-display-error-explanation] 8 (#$ . 219530) nil]) #@256 Starting from POS get the N'th next error in the error list. N defaults to 1. If N is negative, search for the previous error instead. Get the beginning position of the N'th next error from POS, or nil, if there is no next error. (fn POS &optional N) (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-next-error-pos #[513 "\211\206\300\211\301Y\203\"\2037\211\301U\2047\211S\262\302\303\"\262\202 \211\301U\2047\211T\262\304\303\305e$\262\202\"\207" [1 0 next-single-property-change tabulated-list-id previous-single-property-change nil] 8 (#$ . 220142)]) #@58 Go to the N'th previous error in the error list. (fn N) (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-previous-error #[257 "\300\206\301[!\207" [flycheck-error-list-next-error 1] 3 (#$ . 220705) "P"]) #@54 Go to the N'th next error in the error list. (fn N) (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-next-error #[257 "\300`\"\211\205\211`U?\205\211b\210\301 r\302\303\"\216\304 *\262\207" [flycheck-error-list-next-error-pos internal--before-save-selected-window make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\207" [V0 internal--after-save-selected-window] 2] flycheck-error-list-goto-error] 6 (#$ . 220901) "P"]) #@52 Error highlight overlays in the error list buffer. (defvar flycheck-error-list-highlight-overlays nil (#$ . 221293)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\207" [make-variable-buffer-local flycheck-error-list-highlight-overlays put permanent-local t] 4) #@265 Highlight errors in the error list. Highlight all errors in the error list that are at point in the source buffer, and on the same line as point. Then recenter the error list to the highlighted error, unless PRESERVE-POS is non-nil. (fn &optional PRESERVE-POS) (defalias 'flycheck-error-list-highlight-errors #[256 "\303!\205\216rq\210\304 !\205r q\210\305\306 \307 \")\nde\310\203le\211\203k\211\311!\312\2064`\313\"\262\211\235\203e^\262]\262\314\206Pd\"\211\nB\211\315\316\317#\266\211\315\320\321#\266\266\204\202%\210\322\323\"\210?\205\211\205\211Z\324\245\\b\210\325 \210\326`!\266\203\262)\207" [flycheck-error-list-buffer flycheck-error-list-source-buffer flycheck-error-list-highlight-overlays get-buffer buffer-live-p flycheck-overlay-errors-in line-beginning-position line-end-position nil flycheck-error-list-next-error-pos get-text-property tabulated-list-id make-overlay overlay-put flycheck-error-highlight-overlay t face flycheck-error-list-highlight seq-do delete-overlay 2 beginning-of-line flycheck-error-list-recenter-at] 15 (#$ . 221558)]) #@45 Show the error list for the current buffer. (defalias 'flycheck-list-errors #[0 "\204\302\303!\210\304 !\204r\305 !q\210\306 \210)\307 \210p\310 !\210\311!\207" [flycheck-mode flycheck-error-list-buffer user-error "Flycheck mode not enabled" get-buffer get-buffer-create flycheck-error-list-mode flycheck-error-list-reset-filter display-buffer flycheck-error-list-set-source] 3 (#$ . 222671) nil]) (defalias 'list-flycheck-errors 'flycheck-list-errors) #@71 Display ERRORS using `flycheck-display-errors-function'. (fn ERRORS) (defalias 'flycheck-display-errors #[257 "\205!\207" [flycheck-display-errors-function] 3 (#$ . 223136)]) #@37 Timer to automatically show errors. (defvar flycheck-display-error-at-point-timer nil (#$ . 223323)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'flycheck-display-error-at-point-timer) #@56 Cancel the error display timer for the current buffer. (defalias 'flycheck-cancel-error-display-error-at-point-timer #[0 "\205 \301!\210\302\211\207" [flycheck-display-error-at-point-timer cancel-timer nil] 2 (#$ . 223498)]) #@50 Return point and tick counter of current buffer. (defalias 'flycheck--error-display-tick #[0 "`\300 B\207" [buffer-modified-tick] 2 (#$ . 223733)]) #@74 Value of `flycheck--error-display-tick' when errors were last displayed. (defvar flycheck--last-error-display-tick nil (#$ . 223887)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'flycheck--last-error-display-tick) #@42 Display all the error messages at point. (defalias 'flycheck-display-error-at-point #[0 "\3021\303 \210\304  \205\305`!\211\205\306!\2620\207\307\310\"\210\311\207" [flycheck--last-error-display-tick flycheck-mode (debug error) flycheck-cancel-error-display-error-at-point-timer flycheck--error-display-tick flycheck-overlay-errors-at flycheck-display-errors message "Flycheck error display error: %s" nil] 4 (#$ . 224091) nil]) #@48 Display error messages at point, with a delay. (defalias 'flycheck-display-error-at-point-soon #[0 "\301\302 \207" [flycheck--last-error-display-tick nil flycheck-maybe-display-error-at-point-soon] 1 (#$ . 224536)]) #@72 Display error message at point with a delay, unless already displayed. (defalias 'flycheck-maybe-display-error-at-point-soon #[0 "\303 \210\304 \211\232?\205\305`!\205\306 \307\310#\211\207" [flycheck--last-error-display-tick flycheck-display-errors-delay flycheck-display-error-at-point-timer flycheck-cancel-error-display-error-at-point-timer flycheck--error-display-tick flycheck-overlays-at run-at-time nil flycheck-display-error-at-point] 4 (#$ . 224759)]) #@56 The name of the buffer to show long error messages in. (defconst flycheck-error-message-buffer "*Flycheck error messages*" (#$ . 225234)) #@159 Get the buffer object to show long error messages in. Get the buffer named by variable `flycheck-error-message-buffer', or nil if the buffer does not exist. (defalias 'flycheck-error-message-buffer #[0 "\301!\207" [flycheck-error-message-buffer get-buffer] 2 (#$ . 225379)]) #@170 Determine whether the echo area may be used. The echo area may be used if the cursor is not in the echo area, and if the echo area is not occupied by minibuffer input. (defalias 'flycheck-may-use-echo-area-p #[0 "\206\301 ?\207" [cursor-in-echo-area active-minibuffer-window] 1 (#$ . 225663)]) (defvar flycheck-error-message-mode-hook nil) (byte-code "\300\301N\204\f\302\300\301\303#\210\304\305!\204\302\305\306\307#\210\300\207" [flycheck-error-message-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering Flycheck error messages mode.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)" boundp flycheck-error-message-mode-map definition-name flycheck-error-message-mode] 4) (defvar flycheck-error-message-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (byte-code "\301\302N\204\303\301\302\304\305!#\210\306\307!\204\303\307\310\311#\210\312\313 !\210\307\302N\204-\303\307\302\304\314!#\210\306\300!\204B\303\300\310\311#\210\315\316\300\317\"\210!\210\300\302N\204P\303\300\302\304\320!#\210\303\311\321\322#\207" [flycheck-error-message-mode-abbrev-table flycheck-error-message-mode-map variable-documentation put purecopy "Keymap for `flycheck-error-message-mode'." boundp flycheck-error-message-mode-syntax-table definition-name flycheck-error-message-mode (lambda (def-tmp-var) (defvar flycheck-error-message-mode-syntax-table def-tmp-var)) make-syntax-table "Syntax table for `flycheck-error-message-mode'." (lambda (def-tmp-var) (defvar flycheck-error-message-mode-abbrev-table def-tmp-var)) define-abbrev-table nil "Abbrev table for `flycheck-error-message-mode'." derived-mode-parent text-mode] 5) #@263 Major mode for extended error messages. In addition to any hooks its parent mode `text-mode' might have run, this mode runs the hook `flycheck-error-message-mode-hook', as the final or penultimate step during initialization. \{flycheck-error-message-mode-map} (defalias 'flycheck-error-message-mode #[0 "\306\300!\210\307\310 \210\311\312\310\313N\203\314\311\313\310\313N#\210\315 !\204'\316 \317 \"\210\320\f!\211\2035\211\321 =\203;\322\f\323 \"\210\210\324 \325\"\204R =\204R\326 \325C#\210\327 !\210\330\f!\210 )\331\332!\207" [delay-mode-hooks major-mode mode-name flycheck-error-message-mode-map flycheck-error-message-mode-syntax-table flycheck-error-message-mode-abbrev-table make-local-variable t text-mode flycheck-error-message-mode "Flycheck error messages" mode-class put keymap-parent set-keymap-parent current-local-map char-table-parent standard-syntax-table set-char-table-parent syntax-table abbrev-table-get :parents abbrev-table-put use-local-map set-syntax-table run-mode-hooks flycheck-error-message-mode-hook local-abbrev-table] 5 (#$ . 227366) nil]) #@466 Display the messages of ERRORS. Concatenate all non-nil messages of ERRORS as with `flycheck-help-echo-all-error-messages', and display them with `display-message-or-buffer', which shows the messages either in the echo area or in a separate buffer, depending on the number of lines. See Info node `(elisp)Displaying Messages' for more information. In the latter case, show messages in the buffer denoted by variable `flycheck-error-message-buffer'. (fn ERRORS) (defalias 'flycheck-display-error-messages #[257 "\211\205+\301 \205+\302!\303\304#\210\305!\211\205'r\211q\210\306\307!?\205&\307 )\262\262\207" [flycheck-error-message-buffer flycheck-may-use-echo-area-p flycheck-help-echo-all-error-messages display-message-or-buffer not-this-window get-buffer derived-mode-p flycheck-error-message-mode] 6 (#$ . 228466)]) #@220 Show messages of ERRORS unless the error list is visible. Like `flycheck-display-error-messages', but only if the error list (see `flycheck-list-errors') is not visible in any window in the current frame. (fn ERRORS) (defalias 'flycheck-display-error-messages-unless-error-list #[257 "\300\301!?\205\n\302!\207" [flycheck-get-error-list-window current-frame flycheck-display-error-messages] 3 (#$ . 229307)]) #@103 Hide the Flycheck error buffer if necessary. Hide the error buffer if there is no error under point. (defalias 'flycheck-hide-error-buffer #[0 "\300 \211\205%\301!\211\205#\302`!?\205#\303 r\304\305\"\216\306\307\"*\262\262\207" [flycheck-error-message-buffer get-buffer-window flycheck-overlays-at internal--before-save-selected-window make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\207" [V0 internal--after-save-selected-window] 2] quit-window nil] 6 (#$ . 229727)]) #@431 Copy each error at POS into kill ring, using FORMATTER. FORMATTER is a function to turn an error into a string, defaulting to `flycheck-error-message'. Interactively, use `flycheck-error-format-message-and-id' as FORMATTER with universal prefix arg, and `flycheck-error-id' with normal prefix arg, i.e. copy the message and the ID with universal prefix arg, and only the id with normal prefix arg. (fn POS &optional FORMATTER) (defalias 'flycheck-copy-errors-as-kill #[513 "\300\301\302\206\303\304!\"\"\211\205$\305\306\307!\"\210\310\311\312\313#\266\202!\207" [delq nil seq-map flycheck-error-message flycheck-overlay-errors-at seq-do kill-new reverse message "\n" mapconcat identity] 10 (#$ . 230193) (byte-code "`\204 \301\202:\203\302\202\303D\207" [current-prefix-arg flycheck-error-message flycheck-error-format-message-and-id flycheck-error-id] 2)]) #@302 Display an explanation for the first explainable error at point. The first explainable error at point is the first error at point with a non-nil `:error-explainer' function defined in its checker. The `:error-explainer' function is then called with this error to produce the explanation to display. (defalias 'flycheck-explain-error-at-point #[0 "\301\302\303`!\"\211\2051\304\305!>\204\306\307\310D\"\210\311H\312\"\211\205/\211!\211\205-\313!\262\262\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags seq-find #[257 "\301\302!>\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\307\"\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags flycheck-checker-get type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 2 error-explainer] 6 "\n\n(fn ERROR)"] flycheck-overlay-errors-at flycheck-checker-get type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 2 error-explainer flycheck-display-error-explanation] 6 (#$ . 231081) nil]) #@52 The name of the buffer to show error explanations. (defconst flycheck-explain-error-buffer "*Flycheck error explanation*" (#$ . 231978)) (defvar flycheck-explain-error-mode-hook nil) (byte-code "\300\301N\204\f\302\300\301\303#\210\304\305!\204\302\305\306\307#\210\300\207" [flycheck-explain-error-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering Error explanation mode.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)" boundp flycheck-explain-error-mode-map definition-name flycheck-explain-error-mode] 4) (defvar flycheck-explain-error-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (byte-code "\301\302N\204\303\301\302\304\305!#\210\306\307!\204\303\307\310\311#\210\312\313 !\210\307\302N\204-\303\307\302\304\314!#\210\306\300!\204B\303\300\310\311#\210\315\316\300\317\"\210!\210\300\302N\204P\303\300\302\304\320!#\210\303\311\321\322#\207" [flycheck-explain-error-mode-abbrev-table flycheck-explain-error-mode-map variable-documentation put purecopy "Keymap for `flycheck-explain-error-mode'." boundp flycheck-explain-error-mode-syntax-table definition-name flycheck-explain-error-mode (lambda (def-tmp-var) (defvar flycheck-explain-error-mode-syntax-table def-tmp-var)) make-syntax-table "Syntax table for `flycheck-explain-error-mode'." (lambda (def-tmp-var) (defvar flycheck-explain-error-mode-abbrev-table def-tmp-var)) define-abbrev-table nil "Abbrev table for `flycheck-explain-error-mode'." derived-mode-parent help-mode] 5) #@269 Major mode for displaying error explanations. In addition to any hooks its parent mode `help-mode' might have run, this mode runs the hook `flycheck-explain-error-mode-hook', as the final or penultimate step during initialization. \{flycheck-explain-error-mode-map} (defalias 'flycheck-explain-error-mode #[0 "\306\300!\210\307\310 \210\311\312\310\313N\203\314\311\313\310\313N#\210\315 !\204'\316 \317 \"\210\320\f!\211\2035\211\321 =\203;\322\f\323 \"\210\210\324 \325\"\204R =\204R\326 \325C#\210\327 !\210\330\f!\210 \307)\331\332!\207" [delay-mode-hooks major-mode mode-name flycheck-explain-error-mode-map flycheck-explain-error-mode-syntax-table flycheck-explain-error-mode-abbrev-table make-local-variable t help-mode flycheck-explain-error-mode "Error explanation" mode-class put keymap-parent set-keymap-parent current-local-map char-table-parent standard-syntax-table set-char-table-parent syntax-table abbrev-table-get :parents abbrev-table-put use-local-map set-syntax-table run-mode-hooks flycheck-explain-error-mode-hook local-abbrev-table buffer-read-only] 5 (#$ . 233514) nil]) #@57 Display the EXPLANATION for an error. (fn EXPLANATION) (defalias 'flycheck-display-error-explanation #[257 "\300\204\301\207:\203\242\211\302=\203\243\211\303!\207!\207\211!\207" [#[257 "\303\304!r q\210\305 \210)\306!\203\211 \210\202+\211;\203&\307!\210\202+\310\311\"\210\312 \313\314#*\207" [flycheck-explain-error-buffer standard-output inhibit-read-only t temp-buffer-window-setup flycheck-explain-error-mode functionp princ error "Unsupported error explanation: %S" display-message-or-buffer nil not-this-window] 5 "\n\n(fn EXPLANATION)"] nil url browse-url] 7 (#$ . 234636)]) #@58 Check whether ARG is a valid command argument. (fn ARG) (defalias 'flycheck-command-argument-p #[257 "\211;\203\300\207\211\301>\203\300\207\211:\203?\211\242\211\302\267\202=\243\211:\2053\211\242\243\211?\2051\211;\262\266\202\207\243\211:\205{\211\242\243\211:\205y\211\242\243\211\204V;\205U\2119\207\211:\203v\211\242\243\211?\205u;\205s9\205s\2119\266\203\207\266\303\266\202\207\243\211:\205\211\242\243\211:\205\377\211\242\243\211\204\236;\205\235\2119\207\304>\204\250\266\303\207\211:\203\374\211\242\243\211\204\305;\205\3049\205\304\2119\207\305>\204\320\266\303\207\211:\203\370\211\242\243\211?\205\367;\205\3659\205\3659\205\365\2119\266\204\207\266\303\207\266\303\266\202\207\243\211:\205*\211\242\243\211:\205(\211\242\243\211?\205&;\205$\2119\266\202\266\202\266\202\207\243\211:\205<\211\243\211?\205:\300\262\207\303\207\211\306\267\202I\300\207\300\207\303\207" [t (source-original source-inplace source) #s(hash-table size 7 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (source-inplace 28 source 28 config-file 52 option-list 124 option 124 option-flag 258 eval 299)) nil (option-list option) (option-list option) #s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (temporary-file-name 325 temporary-directory 325 null-device 327))] 16 (#$ . 235252)]) #@472 Get the default working directory for CHECKER. Compute the value of `default-directory' for the invocation of the syntax checker command, by calling the function in the `working-directory' property of CHECKER, with CHECKER as sole argument, and returning its value. Signal an error if the function returns a non-existing working directory. If the property is undefined or if the function returns nil return the `default-directory' of the current buffer. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-compute-working-directory #[257 "\301\302\"\211\203\211!\206\303!\204\304\305#\210\207" [default-directory flycheck-checker-get working-directory file-exists-p error ":working-directory %s of syntax checker %S does not exist"] 7 (#$ . 236682)]) #@2980 Define SYMBOL as syntax checker to run a command. Define SYMBOL as generic syntax checker via `flycheck-define-generic-checker', which uses an external command to check the buffer. SYMBOL and DOCSTRING are the same as for `flycheck-define-generic-checker'. In addition to the properties understood by `flycheck-define-generic-checker', the following PROPERTIES constitute a command syntax checker. Unless otherwise noted, all properties are mandatory. Note that the default `:error-filter' of command checkers is `flycheck-sanitize-errors'. `:command COMMAND' The command to run for syntax checking. COMMAND is a list of the form `(EXECUTABLE [ARG ...])'. EXECUTABLE is a string with the executable of this syntax checker. It can be overridden with the variable `flycheck-SYMBOL-executable'. Note that this variable is NOT implicitly defined by this function. Use `flycheck-def-executable-var' to define this variable. Each ARG is an argument to the executable, either as string, or as special symbol or form for `flycheck-substitute-argument', which see. `:error-patterns PATTERNS' A list of patterns to parse the output of the `:command'. Each ITEM in PATTERNS is a list `(LEVEL SEXP ...)', where LEVEL is a Flycheck error level (see `flycheck-define-error-level'), followed by one or more RX `SEXP's which parse an error of that level and extract line, column, file name and the message. See `rx' for general information about RX, and `flycheck-rx-to-string' for some special RX forms provided by Flycheck. All patterns are applied in the order of declaration to the whole output of the syntax checker. Output already matched by a pattern will not be matched by subsequent patterns. In other words, the first pattern wins. This property is optional. If omitted, however, an `:error-parser' is mandatory. `:error-parser FUNCTION' A function to parse errors with. The function shall accept three arguments OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER. OUTPUT is the syntax checker output as string, CHECKER the syntax checker that was used, and BUFFER a buffer object representing the checked buffer. The function must return a list of `flycheck-error' objects parsed from OUTPUT. This property is optional. If omitted, it defaults to `flycheck-parse-with-patterns'. In this case, `:error-patterns' is mandatory. `:standard-input t' Whether to send the buffer contents on standard input. If this property is given and has a non-nil value, send the contents of the buffer on standard input. Defaults to nil. Note that you may not give `:start', `:interrupt', and `:print-doc' for a command checker. You can give a custom `:verify' function, though, whose results will be appended to the default `:verify' function of command checkers. (fn SYMBOL DOCSTRING &rest PROPERTIES) (defalias 'flycheck-define-command-checker #[642 "\301\211\203\211@\302\"\203\303\304#\210A\266\202\202\210\302\305\"\204+\306\305\307#\262\302\310\"\306\310\311\312\"#\266\202\302\313\"\302\314\"\302\315\"\206I\316\302\317\"\302\320\"\204\\\303\321\"\210@;\204k\303\322@#\210A\211\203\207\211@\323!\204\200\303\324 #\210A\266\202\202m\210\316=\203\230\204\230\303\325\"\210\306\317\311\326 ##\262\327\330\331\332\333\334\335\336&\n\210\337\340\"\341B\342B\343B\300BF\211\205\360\211@\211\242\243 \344\345\346!P!\262\347#\266 A\266\202\202\307\262\262)\207" [standard-input (:start :interrupt :print-doc) plist-get error "%s not allowed in definition of command syntax checker %s" :error-filter plist-put flycheck-sanitize-errors :verify make-closure #[257 "\301\302!\300\205 \300!\"\207" [V0 append flycheck-verify-command-checker] 5 "\n\n(fn CHECKER)"] :command :error-patterns :error-parser flycheck-parse-with-patterns :enabled :standard-input "Missing :command in syntax checker %s" "Command executable for syntax checker %s must be a string: %S" flycheck-command-argument-p "Invalid command argument %S in syntax checker %s" "Missing :error-patterns in syntax checker %s" #[0 "\302\300!\205\303\300!\205\301?\206\301 \207" [V0 V1 flycheck-find-checker-executable flycheck-temp-files-writable-p] 2] apply flycheck-define-generic-checker :start flycheck-start-command-checker :interrupt flycheck-interrupt-command-checker :print-doc flycheck-command-checker-print-doc seq-map #[257 "\300\301AB\302\"@B\207" [flycheck-rx-to-string and no-group] 4 "\n\n(fn P)"] command error-parser error-patterns intern "flycheck-" symbol-name put] 22 (#$ . 237438)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\301\304\305#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-define-command-checker lisp-indent-function 1 doc-string-elt 2] 5) #@120 Get the executable variable of CHECKER. The executable variable is named `flycheck-CHECKER-executable'. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-checker-executable-variable #[257 "\300\301\302\"!\207" [intern format "flycheck-%s-executable"] 5 (#$ . 242320)]) #@54 Get the default executable of CHECKER. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-checker-default-executable #[257 "\300\301\"@\207" [flycheck-checker-get command] 4 (#$ . 242581)]) #@227 Get the command executable of CHECKER. The executable is either the value of the variable `flycheck-CHECKER-executable', or the default executable given in the syntax checker definition, if the variable is nil. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-checker-executable #[257 "\300!\301!\203\211J\206\302!\207" [flycheck-checker-executable-variable boundp flycheck-checker-default-executable] 4 (#$ . 242762)]) #@165 Get the full path of the executable of CHECKER. Return the full absolute path to the executable of CHECKER, or nil if the executable does not exist. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-find-checker-executable #[257 "\301!!\207" [flycheck-executable-find flycheck-checker-executable] 4 (#$ . 243182)]) #@358 Call CHECKER's executable with ARGS. Return nil (or raise an error if ERROR is non-nil) when CHECKER's executable cannot be found, and return a numeric exit status or a signal description string otherwise. CHECKER's input is taken from INFILE, and its output is sent to DESTINATION, as in `call-process'. (fn CHECKER INFILE DESTINATION ERROR &rest ARGS) (defalias 'flycheck-call-checker-process #[1156 "\300!\211\203$\3011\302\303\304&0\207\205#\305@A\"\207\205/\306\307\310!\"\207" [flycheck-find-checker-executable (error) apply call-process nil signal user-error "Cannot find `%s' using `flycheck-executable-find'" flycheck-checker-executable] 13 (#$ . 243491)]) #@413 Call CHECKER's executable with ARGS and return its output. Call `flycheck-call-checker-process' with INFILE, ERROR, and ARGS. If it returns 0, return the process' output. Otherwise, return nil or throw an error. This function is similar to `flycheck-call-checker-process' called in a `with-output-to-string' block, but it takes care of the error checking automatically. (fn CHECKER INFILE ERROR &rest ARGS) (defalias 'flycheck-call-checker-process-for-output #[899 "\300\301!\302\303\"\216\304\305&rq\210\306 )\307=\203(\211\266\202\2025\2053\310\311$\266\202)\207" [generate-new-buffer " *temp*" make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\207" [V0 kill-buffer] 2] apply flycheck-call-checker-process buffer-string 0 error "Process %s failed with %S (%s)"] 12 (#$ . 244187)]) #@53 Get the command arguments of CHECKER. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-checker-arguments #[257 "\300\301\"A\207" [flycheck-checker-get command] 4 (#$ . 244980)]) #@4692 Substitute ARG for CHECKER. Return a list of real arguments for the executable of CHECKER, substituted for the symbolic argument ARG. Single arguments, e.g. if ARG is a literal strings, are wrapped in a list. ARG may be one of the following forms: STRING Return ARG unchanged. `source', `source-inplace' Create a temporary file to check and return its path. With `source-inplace' create the temporary file in the same directory as the original file. The value of `flycheck-temp-prefix' is used as prefix of the file name. With `source', try to retain the non-directory component of the buffer's file name in the temporary file. `source' is the preferred way to pass the input file to a syntax checker. `source-inplace' should only be used if the syntax checker needs other files from the source directory, such as include files in C. `(source SUFFIX)', `(source-inplace SUFFIX)' Like `source' and `source-inplace', but ensure generated file names end with the given suffix. Use this when the checker requires that file names on its command line have a certain suffix (file extension). `source-original' Return the path of the actual file to check, or an empty string if the buffer has no file name. Note that the contents of the file may not be up to date with the contents of the buffer to check. Do not use this as primary input to a checker, unless absolutely necessary. When using this symbol as primary input to the syntax checker, add `flycheck-buffer-saved-p' to the `:predicate'. `temporary-directory' Create a unique temporary directory and return its path. `temporary-file-name' Return a unique temporary filename. The file is *not* created. To ignore the output of syntax checkers, try symbol `null-device' first. symbol `null-device' Return the value of variable `null-device', i.e the system null device. Use this option to ignore the output of a syntax checker. If the syntax checker cannot handle the null device, or won't write to an existing file, try `temporary-file-name' instead. `(config-file OPTION VARIABLE [PREPEND-FN])' Search the configuration file bound to VARIABLE with `flycheck-locate-config-file' and return a list of arguments that pass this configuration file to the syntax checker, or nil if the configuration file was not found. PREPEND-FN is called with the OPTION and the located configuration file, and should return OPTION prepended before the file, either a string or as list. If omitted, PREPEND-FN defaults to `list'. `(option OPTION VARIABLE [PREPEND-FN [FILTER]])' Retrieve the value of VARIABLE and return a list of arguments that pass this value as value for OPTION to the syntax checker. PREPEND-FN is called with the OPTION and the value of VARIABLE, and should return OPTION prepended before the file, either a string or as list. If omitted, PREPEND-FN defaults to `list'. FILTER is an optional function to be applied to the value of VARIABLE before prepending. This function must return nil or a string. In the former case, return nil. In the latter case, return a list of arguments as described above. `(option-list OPTION VARIABLE [PREPEND-FN [FILTER]])' Retrieve the value of VARIABLE, which must be a list, and prepend OPTION before each item in this list, using PREPEND-FN. PREPEND-FN is called with the OPTION and each item of the list as second argument, and should return OPTION prepended before the item, either as string or as list. If omitted, PREPEND-FN defaults to `list'. FILTER is an optional function to be applied to each item in the list before prepending OPTION. It shall return the option value for each item as string, or nil, if the item is to be ignored. `(option-flag OPTION VARIABLE)' Retrieve the value of VARIABLE and return OPTION, if the value is non-nil. Otherwise return nil. `(eval FORM)' Return the result of evaluating FORM in the buffer to be checked. FORM must either return a string or a list of strings, or nil to indicate that nothing should be substituted for CELL. For all other return types, signal an error _No_ further substitutions are performed, neither in FORM before it is evaluated, nor in the result of evaluating FORM. In all other cases, signal an error. Note that substitution is *not* recursive. No symbols or cells are substituted within the body of cells! (fn ARG CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-substitute-argument #[514 ";\203C\207\301\267\202\302\303!C\207\302\304!C\207:\203\254\242\211\305\267\202\247\243\211:\203C\211\242\243\211\204=\302\306\307\"!C\207\310\311\"\207\310\311\"\207\243\211:\203f\211\242\243\211\204`\302\306\312\"!C\207\310\311\"\207\310\311\"\207\243\211:\203\326\211\242\243\211:\203\320\211\242\243\211\204\234\211J\211\205\233\313 \"\211\205\231\314C\"\262\207\211:\203\312\211\242\243\211\204\304J\211\205\303\313\"\211\205\301\314C#\262\207\310\311 \"\207\310\311 \"\207\310\311\"\207\310\311\"\207\243\211:\203\201\211\242\243\211:\203{\211\242\243\211\204\211J\211\205 \211;\204\310\315$\210\314C\"\207\211:\203u\211\242\243\211\2048J\211\2057\211;\2041\310\315$\210\314C#\207\211:\203o\211\242\243\211\204i\211J!\211\205h\211;\204b\310\316 %\210\314C#\207\310\311 \"\207\310\311 \"\207\310\311 \"\207\310\311\"\207\310\311\"\207\243\211:\2036\211\242\243\211:\2030\211\242\243\211\204\273\211J\211<\203\256\317\320\"\204\266\310\321$\210\314\"\207\211:\203*\211\242\243\211\204\347J\211<\203\331\317\320\"\204\341\310\321$\210\314#\207\211:\203$\211\242\243\211\204\322\323\324J\"\"\211<\203\317\320\"\204\310\321$\210\314#\207\310\311 \"\207\310\311 \"\207\310\311 \"\207\310\311\"\207\310\311\"\207\243\211:\203i\211\242\243\211:\203c\211\242\243\211\204]\211J\205\\C\207\310\311 \"\207\310\311\"\207\310\311\"\207\243\211:\203\242\211\242\243\211\204\234\325!\211<\203\216\317\320\"\203\216\207\211;\203\226\211C\207\310\326#\207\310\311\"\207\310\311\"\207\310\311\"\207\327\267\202\313\330 \206\270\331C\207\332 C\207\332 \333\334\335\"!C\207C\207\310\311\"\207" [null-device #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (source 14 source-inplace 19)) flycheck-save-buffer-to-temp flycheck-temp-file-system flycheck-temp-file-inplace #s(hash-table size 7 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (source 37 source-inplace 72 config-file 107 option 219 option-list 390 option-flag 571 eval 622)) make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 flycheck-temp-file-system] 4 "\n\n(fn FILENAME)"] error "Unsupported argument %S" #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 flycheck-temp-file-inplace] 4 "\n\n(fn FILENAME)"] flycheck-locate-config-file flycheck-prepend-with-option "Value %S of %S for option %s is not a string" "Value %S of %S (filter: %S) for option %s is not a string" seq-every-p stringp "Value %S of %S for option %S is not a list of strings" delq nil seq-map eval "Invalid result from evaluation of %S: %S" #s(hash-table size 4 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (source-original 690 temporary-directory 698 temporary-file-name 702 null-device 712)) buffer-file-name "" flycheck-temp-dir-system make-temp-name expand-file-name "flycheck"] 23 (#$ . 245152)]) #@185 Get the substituted arguments of a CHECKER. Substitute each argument of CHECKER using `flycheck-substitute-argument'. This replaces any special symbols in the command. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-checker-substituted-arguments #[257 "\300\301\302\303\304\"\305!\"\"\207" [apply append seq-map make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 flycheck-substitute-argument] 4 "\n\n(fn ARG)"] flycheck-checker-arguments] 7 (#$ . 252885)]) #@300 Send contents of current buffer to PROCESS in small batches. Send the entire buffer to the standard input of PROCESS in chunks of 4096 characters. Chunking is done in Emacs Lisp, hence this function is probably far less efficient than `send-process-region'. Use only when required. (fn PROCESS) (defalias 'flycheck--process-send-buffer-contents-chunked #[257 "e\211dW\205\211\300\\d^\301#\210\262\202\207" [4096 process-send-region] 7 (#$ . 253329)]) #@216 If non-nil send process input in small chunks. If this variable is non-nil `flycheck-process-send-buffer' sends buffer contents in small chunks. Defaults to nil, except on Windows to work around Emacs bug #22344. (defvar flycheck-chunked-process-input (byte-code "\301=\205\n\302\303!?\207" [system-type windows-nt boundp w32-pipe-buffer-size] 2) (#$ . 253799)) #@436 Send all contents of current buffer to PROCESS. Sends all contents of the current buffer to the standard input of PROCESS, and terminates standard input with EOF. If `flycheck-chunked-process-input' is non-nil, send buffer contents in chunks via `flycheck--process-send-buffer-contents-chunked', which see. Otherwise use `process-send-region' to send all contents at once and rely on Emacs' own buffering and chunking. (fn PROCESS) (defalias 'flycheck-process-send-buffer #[257 "\214~\210\203\301!\210\202\302ed#\210)\303!\207" [flycheck-chunked-process-input flycheck--process-send-buffer-contents-chunked process-send-region process-send-eof] 5 (#$ . 254172)]) #@79 Wrap PROG and ARGS using `flycheck-command-wrapper-function'. (fn PROG ARGS) (defalias 'flycheck--wrap-command #[514 "B!\207" [flycheck-command-wrapper-function] 5 (#$ . 254852)]) #@63 Start a command CHECKER with CALLBACK. (fn CHECKER CALLBACK) (defalias 'flycheck-start-command-checker #[514 "\303\3041\227\305!\306!\307\"\303C\303\310\311\312\313\n\"\303$\262\314\315\316\"\"\266\317\320\"\266\321\303\"\210\322\323 #\210\322\324#\210\322\325p#\210\322\326 #\210\322\302\n#\210\303\327\330\"\203s\3311k\332!0\210\202s\322\333#\266\314\334\"\266\211\242\237\211\203\220\211@\334\"\210A\266\202\202}\210)\266\2040\207\335 \210\203\242\336!\210\337@A\"\207" [process-connection-type default-directory flycheck-temporaries nil (error) flycheck-find-checker-executable flycheck-checker-substituted-arguments flycheck--wrap-command apply start-process format "flycheck-%s" set-process-sentinel make-closure #[514 "\300\300\242B\240\207" [V0] 5 "\n\n(fn _ EVENT)"] set-process-filter flycheck-receive-checker-output set-process-query-on-exit-flag process-put flycheck-checker flycheck-callback flycheck-buffer flycheck-working-directory flycheck-checker-get standard-input (error) flycheck-process-send-buffer flycheck-error flycheck-handle-signal flycheck-safe-delete-temporaries delete-process signal] 13 (#$ . 255042)]) #@44 Interrupt a PROCESS. (fn CHECKER PROCESS) (defalias 'flycheck-interrupt-command-checker #[514 "\211\205\300!\207" [delete-process] 4 (#$ . 256235)]) #@69 Print additional documentation for a command CHECKER. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-command-checker-print-doc #[257 "\301!\302\303\"\304\305\302\306\"\"\307\310!\210rq\210d)\307\311!\210\307!\210\307\312!\210\2036\307\313!\210\307\314!!\210\307\315!\210\307\316!\210\307\314\317!!!\210\307\320!\210rq\210\212\321d\"\210*\210\307\310!\210\211\205v\307\322!\210\211\211\205t\211@\307\323\324\"!\210A\266\202\202`\262\207" [standard-output flycheck-checker-default-executable flycheck-checker-get config-file-var seq-sort string< option-vars princ "\n" " This syntax checker executes \"" "\"" ", using a configuration file from `" symbol-name "'" ". The executable can be overridden with `" flycheck-checker-executable-variable "'." fill-region-as-paragraph "\n This syntax checker can be configured with these options:\n\n" format " * `%s'\n"] 10 (#$ . 256394)]) #@133 Verify a command CHECKER in the current buffer. Return a list of `flycheck-verification-result' objects for CHECKER. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-verify-command-checker #[257 "\300!\301\302\"\303\304\305\203\306\307\"\202\310\203\311\202 \312$\313\205MJ\211\2051\314\"\303\304\315\203?\306\316\"\202@\310\203H\311\202I\317$C\266\202\320!?\205e\321\322\323\324\306\325\326\f!\"\327\330&C\"B\207" [flycheck-find-checker-executable flycheck-checker-get config-file-var record flycheck-verification-result "executable" format "Found at %s" "Not found" success (bold error) append flycheck-locate-config-file "configuration file" "Found at %S" warning flycheck-temp-files-writable-p flycheck-verification-result-new :label "temp directory" :message "%s is not writable" flycheck-temp-directory :face error] 14 (#$ . 257290)]) #@64 Receive a syntax checking PROCESS OUTPUT. (fn PROCESS OUTPUT) (defalias 'flycheck-receive-checker-output #[514 "\300\301\302\301\"B#\207" [process-put flycheck-pending-output process-get] 10 (#$ . 258155)]) #@51 Get the complete output of PROCESS. (fn PROCESS) (defalias 'flycheck-get-output #[257 "\3001\301\302\"\303\304\237\"\2620\207\305\306\"\210\307\207" [(debug error) process-get flycheck-pending-output apply concat message "Error while retrieving process output: %S" nil] 5 (#$ . 258373)]) #@91 Handle a signal from the syntax checking PROCESS. _EVENT is ignored. (fn PROCESS EVENT) (defalias 'flycheck-handle-signal #[514 "\300!\301>\205p\302\303\"\302\304\"\302\305\"\302\306\"\302\307\"\310\311\"\210\312!\205nrq\210\3131e\300!\211\314\267\202^\315!\202_\316\302 \317\"\206O\320\n!\321\f!&\202_\322\2620\202m\323\324!\"\262)\266\205\207" [process-status (signal exit) process-get flycheck-temporaries flycheck-buffer flycheck-callback flycheck-working-directory flycheck-error seq-do flycheck-safe-delete buffer-live-p (debug error) #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (signal 59 exit 65)) interrupted flycheck-finish-checker-process flycheck-checker process-exit-status flycheck-get-output nil errored error-message-string] 15 (#$ . 258674)]) #@501 Finish a checker process from CHECKER with EXIT-STATUS. EXIT-STATUS can be a number or an arbitrary form (if it is not 0, a `suspicious' status is reported to CALLBACK). FILES is a list of files given as input to the checker. OUTPUT is the output of the syntax checker. CALLBACK is the status callback to use for reporting. Parse the OUTPUT and report an appropriate error status. Resolve all errors in OUTPUT using CWD as working directory. (fn CHECKER EXIT-STATUS FILES OUTPUT CALLBACK CWD) (defalias 'flycheck-finish-checker-process #[1542 "\300p#\301=\204\211\204\302\303\304\n\n  %\"\210\305\306\307\310 #\"\"\207" [flycheck-parse-output 0 suspicious format "Flycheck checker %S returned %S, but its output contained no errors: %s\nTry installing a more recent version of %S, and please open a bug report if the issue persists in the latest release. Thanks!" finished seq-map make-closure #[257 "\302\300\301#\207" [V0 V1 flycheck-fix-error-filename] 5 "\n\n(fn E)"]] 15 (#$ . 259521)]) #@373 Define the executable variable for CHECKER. DEFAULT-EXECUTABLE is the default executable. It is only used in the docstring of the variable. The variable is defined with `defcustom' in the `flycheck-executables' group. It's also defined to be risky as file-local variable, to avoid arbitrary executables being used for syntax checking. (fn CHECKER DEFAULT-EXECUTABLE) (defalias 'flycheck-def-executable-var '(macro . #[514 "\300!\301\302\303\304\305#\306BBBBD\207" [flycheck-checker-executable-variable progn defcustom nil format "The executable of the %s syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is %S." (:type '(choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group 'flycheck-executables :risky t)] 11 (#$ . 260547)])) #@966 Set the executable of CHECKER in the current buffer. CHECKER is a syntax checker symbol. EXECUTABLE is a string with the name of an executable or the path to an executable file, which is to be used as executable for CHECKER. If omitted or nil, reset the executable of CHECKER. Interactively, prompt for a syntax checker and an executable file, and set the executable of the selected syntax checker. With prefix arg, prompt for a syntax checker only, and reset the executable of the select checker to the default. Set the executable variable of CHECKER, that is, `flycheck-CHECKER-executable' to EXECUTABLE. Signal `user-error', if EXECUTABLE does not denote a command or an executable file. This command is intended for interactive use only. In Lisp, just `let'-bind the corresponding variable, or set it directly. Use `flycheck-checker-executable-variable' to obtain the executable variable symbol for a syntax checker. (fn CHECKER &optional EXECUTABLE) (defalias 'flycheck-set-checker-executable #[513 "\211\203!\204\301\302\"\210\303!\304!L\207" [flycheck-executable-find user-error "%s is no executable" flycheck-checker-executable-variable make-local-variable] 5 (#$ . 261460) (byte-code "\302\303!\304!?\205\305\306\307\307\211 &D\207" [current-prefix-arg flycheck-executable-find flycheck-read-checker "Syntax checker: " flycheck-checker-default-executable read-file-name "Executable: " nil] 9)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-set-checker-executable interactive-only "Set the executable variable directly instead"] 4) #@122 Register VAR as config file var for CHECKERS. CHECKERS is a single syntax checker or a list thereof. (fn VAR CHECKERS) (defalias 'flycheck-register-config-file-var #[514 "\2119\203 \211C\262\211\211\205+\211@\211\211\300\301\302\303!P!\262\304 #\266A\266\202\202\n\207" [config-file-var intern "flycheck-" symbol-name put] 11 (#$ . 263052)]) #@547 Define SYMBOL as config file variable for CHECKER, with default FILE-NAME. SYMBOL is declared as customizable variable using `defcustom', to provide configuration files for the given syntax CHECKER. CUSTOM-ARGS are forwarded to `defcustom'. FILE-NAME is the initial value of the new variable. If omitted, the default value is nil. It can be either a string or a list of strings. Use this together with the `config-file' form in the `:command' argument to `flycheck-define-checker'. (fn SYMBOL CHECKER &optional FILE-NAME &rest CUSTOM-ARGS) (defalias 'flycheck-def-config-file-var '(macro . #[898 "\300\301\302\303\"\304\305\306\307\310\311 BBBBBBBBBB\312\313D\313DEE\207" [progn defcustom format "Configuration file for `%s'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." :type '(choice (const :tag "No configuration file" nil) (string :tag "File name or path") (repeat :tag "File names or paths" string)) :safe #'flycheck-string-or-string-list-p :group 'flycheck-config-files flycheck-register-config-file-var quote] 16 (#$ . 263414)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-def-config-file-var lisp-indent-function 3] 4) #@335 Locate the configuration file for CHECKER, based on FILENAMES. FILENAMES can be either a single file, or a list. Each filename is passed to all `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions', until one returns non-nil. Return the absolute path of the configuration file, or nil if no configuration file was found. (fn FILENAMES CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-locate-config-file #[514 ";\203 C\262\300\203!\211\204!\301\302\211A\262\242#\262\202\n\211\205,\303!\205,\211\207" [nil run-hook-with-args-until-success flycheck-locate-config-file-functions file-exists-p] 7 (#$ . 264966)]) #@244 Locate a configuration file by a FILEPATH. If FILEPATH is a contains a path separator, expand it against the default directory and return it if it points to an existing file. Otherwise return nil. _CHECKER is ignored. (fn FILEPATH CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-locate-config-file-by-path #[514 "\300!\230?\205\301!\302!\205\211\262\207" [file-name-nondirectory expand-file-name file-exists-p] 5 (#$ . 265567)]) #@328 Locate a configuration FILENAME in ancestor directories. If the current buffer has a file name, search FILENAME in the directory of the current buffer and all ancestors thereof (see `locate-dominating-file'). If the file is found, return its absolute path. Otherwise return nil. _CHECKER is ignored. (fn FILENAME CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-locate-config-file-ancestor-directories #[514 "\300 \211\205\301\"\211\205\302\"\262\207" [buffer-file-name locate-dominating-file expand-file-name] 7 (#$ . 265996)]) #@173 Locate a configuration FILENAME in the home directory. Return the absolute path, if FILENAME exists in the user's home directory, or nil otherwise. (fn FILENAME CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-locate-config-file-home #[514 "\300\301\"\302!\205 \211\207" [expand-file-name "~" file-exists-p] 5 (#$ . 266526)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\"\304\"\207" [seq-do apply-partially custom-add-frequent-value flycheck-locate-config-file-functions (flycheck-locate-config-file-by-path flycheck-locate-config-file-ancestor-directories flycheck-locate-config-file-home)] 4) #@211 Register an option VAR with CHECKERS. VAR is an option symbol, and CHECKERS a syntax checker symbol or a list thereof. Register VAR with all CHECKERS so that it appears in the help output. (fn VAR CHECKERS) (defalias 'flycheck-register-option-var #[514 "\2119\203 \211C\262\211\211\205A\211@\211\300\301\302\303!P!\262\304\305\300\"\306\"\2031\211\2025B\262#\266A\266\202\202\n\207" [option-vars intern "flycheck-" symbol-name put flycheck-checker-get memql] 15 (#$ . 267098)]) #@532 Define SYMBOL as option variable with INIT-VALUE for CHECKER. SYMBOL is declared as customizable variable using `defcustom', to provide an option for the given syntax CHECKERS (a checker or a list of checkers). INIT-VALUE is the initial value of the variable, and DOCSTRING is its docstring. CUSTOM-ARGS are forwarded to `defcustom'. Use this together with the `option', `option-list' and `option-flag' forms in the `:command' argument to `flycheck-define-checker'. (fn SYMBOL INIT-VALUE CHECKERS DOCSTRING &rest CUSTOM-ARGS) (defalias 'flycheck-def-option-var '(macro . #[1156 "\300\301\302\303\304\n9\203\nC\202\n\305#Q\306\307BBBBBB\310\311D\311DEE\207" [progn defcustom "\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n" mapconcat #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [format " - `%s'"] 4 "\n\n(fn C)"] "\n" :group 'flycheck-options flycheck-register-option-var quote] 15 (#$ . 267609)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\301\304\305#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-def-option-var lisp-indent-function 3 doc-string-elt 4] 5) #@136 Convert an integral option VALUE to a string. If VALUE is nil, return nil. Otherwise return VALUE converted to a string. (fn VALUE) (defalias 'flycheck-option-int #[257 "\211\205\300!\207" [number-to-string] 3 (#$ . 268679)]) #@130 Convert a symbol option VALUE to string. If VALUE is nil return nil. Otherwise return VALUE converted to a string. (fn VALUE) (defalias 'flycheck-option-symbol #[257 "\211\205\300!\207" [symbol-name] 3 (#$ . 268918)]) #@504 Convert VALUE into a list separated by SEPARATOR. SEPARATOR is a string to separate items in VALUE, defaulting to ",". FILTER is an optional function, which takes a single argument and returns either a string or nil. If VALUE is a list, apply FILTER to each item in VALUE, remove all nil items, and return a single string of all remaining items separated by SEPARATOR. Otherwise, apply FILTER to VALUE and return the result. SEPARATOR is ignored in this case. (fn VALUE &optional SEPARATOR FILTER) (defalias 'flycheck-option-comma-separated-list #[769 "\211\206\300\206\n\301<\203%\302\303\304\"\"\211\205$\211\305\300#\266\202\207!\207" [identity "," delq nil seq-map mapconcat] 12 (#$ . 269149)]) #@409 Define SYMBOL as argument variable for CHECKERS. SYMBOL is declared as customizable, risky and buffer-local variable using `defcustom' to provide an option for arbitrary arguments for the given syntax CHECKERS (either a single checker or a list of checkers). CUSTOM-ARGS is forwarded to `defcustom'. Use the `eval' form to splice this variable into the `:command'. (fn SYMBOL CHECKERS &rest CUSTOM-ARGS) (defalias 'flycheck-def-args-var '(macro . #[642 "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306 BBBBBBBBB\207" [flycheck-def-option-var nil "A list of additional command line arguments.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings with additional\ncommand line arguments." :risky t :type '(repeat (string :tag "Argument"))] 13 (#$ . 269875)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-def-args-var lisp-indent-function 2] 4) #@162 Convert PATTERN into an error regexp for compile.el. Return a list representing PATTERN, suitable as element in `compilation-error-regexp-alist'. (fn PATTERN) (defalias 'flycheck-checker-pattern-to-error-regexp #[257 "\211@A\300!\301\302\303\257\207" [flycheck-error-level-compilation-level 1 (2 . 6) (3 . 7)] 9 (#$ . 270728)]) #@181 Convert error patterns of CHECKER for use with compile.el. Return an alist of all error patterns of CHECKER, suitable for use with `compilation-error-regexp-alist'. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-checker-compilation-error-regexp-alist #[257 "\300\301\302\303\"\"\207" [seq-map flycheck-checker-pattern-to-error-regexp flycheck-checker-get error-patterns] 6 (#$ . 271070)]) #@141 Substitute ARG for CHECKER. Like `flycheck-substitute-argument', except for source, source-inplace, and source-original. (fn ARG CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck--substitute-shell-command-argument #[514 "\301>\203 C\207\302\"\207" [buffer-file-name (source source-inplace source-original) flycheck-substitute-argument] 5 (#$ . 271455)]) #@174 Get the substituted arguments of a CHECKER to run as a shell command. Substitute each argument of CHECKER using `flycheck-substitute-shell-command-argument'. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck--checker-substituted-shell-command-arguments #[257 "\300\301\302\303\304\"\305!\"\"\207" [apply append seq-map make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 flycheck--substitute-shell-command-argument] 4 "\n\n(fn ARG)"] flycheck-checker-arguments] 7 (#$ . 271802)]) #@234 Get a shell command for CHECKER. Perform substitution in the arguments of CHECKER, but with `flycheck--substitute-shell-command-argument'. Return the command of CHECKER as single string, suitable for shell execution. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-checker-shell-command #[257 "\300!\301!\206\302\303\304!\"\305\"\306@!\206\302\307@\"\310\311AB\312#\313\314\"\2037\211\315\311\316 !Q\207\207" [flycheck--checker-substituted-shell-command-arguments flycheck-find-checker-executable user-error "Cannot find `%s' using `flycheck-executable-find'" flycheck-checker-executable flycheck--wrap-command executable-find "Cannot find `%s' using `executable-find'" mapconcat shell-quote-argument " " flycheck-checker-get standard-input " < " buffer-file-name] 10 (#$ . 272265)]) #@77 Get a name for a Flycheck compilation buffer. _NAME is ignored. (fn NAME) (defalias 'flycheck-compile-name #[257 "\300\301\302 \"\207" [format "*Flycheck %s*" buffer-file-name] 4 (#$ . 273059)]) #@306 Run CHECKER via `compile'. CHECKER must be a valid syntax checker. Interactively, prompt for a syntax checker to run. Instead of highlighting errors in the buffer, this command pops up a separate buffer with the entire output of the syntax checker tool, just like `compile' (\[compile]). (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-compile #[257 "\302!\204 \303\304\"\210\305 \204\303\306!\210\307!\204\303\310\"\210\311!\204*\303\312\"\210\313 \210\314!\315!\316\317\320#r\211q\210\321\301!\210\322!\211*\207" [default-directory compilation-error-regexp-alist flycheck-valid-checker-p user-error "%S is not a valid syntax checker" buffer-file-name "Cannot compile a buffer without a backing file" flycheck-may-use-checker "Cannot use syntax checker %S in this buffer" flycheck-checker-executable "Cannot run checker %S as shell command" save-some-buffers flycheck-compute-working-directory flycheck-checker-shell-command compilation-start nil flycheck-compile-name make-local-variable flycheck-checker-compilation-error-regexp-alist] 6 (#$ . 273263) (byte-code "\300 \301\302\303\304\"\205\f\304#C\207" [flycheck-get-checker-for-buffer flycheck-read-checker "Run syntax checker as compile command: " flycheck-checker-get command] 6)]) #@238 Parse OUTPUT from CHECKER in BUFFER. OUTPUT is a string with the output from the checker symbol CHECKER. BUFFER is the buffer which was checked. Return the errors parsed with the error patterns of CHECKER. (fn OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-output #[771 "\300\301\"#\207" [flycheck-checker-get error-parser] 7 (#$ . 274520)]) #@275 Fix the file name of ERR from BUFFER-FILES. Resolves error file names relative to CWD directory. Make the file name of ERR absolute. If the absolute file name of ERR is in BUFFER-FILES, replace it with the value of variable `buffer-file-name'. (fn ERR BUFFER-FILES CWD) (defalias 'flycheck-fix-error-filename #[771 "\302\303!>\204\304\305\306D\"\210\307H!\203\267r\303!>\204(\304\305\306D\"\210\307Hq\210\303!>\204<\304\305\306D\"\210\310H\211\203\265\311\312\313\314\"\"\"\203\265\303!>\204a\304\305\306D\"\210\211\310 I\266 \203\265\303!>\204|\304\305\306D\"\210\315H\203\265\303!>\204\222\304\305\306D\"\210\211\315\316\317! \303\n!>\204\253\304\305\306\fD\"\210 \315H\320\321%I\266\210)\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags buffer-file-name buffer-live-p type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 1 3 seq-some apply-partially flycheck-same-files-p expand-file-name 6 replace-regexp-in-string regexp-quote fixed-case literal] 14 (#$ . 274879)]) #@250 Parse the xml region between BEG and END. Wrapper around `xml-parse-region' which transforms the return value of this function into one compatible to `libxml-parse-xml-region' by simply returning the first element from the node list. (fn BEG END) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-xml-region #[514 "\3001 \301\"@0\207\210\302\207" [(error) xml-parse-region nil] 5 (#$ . 275898)]) #@374 Parse the xml region between BEG and END. Try parsing with libxml first; if that fails, revert to `flycheck-parse-xml-region'. Failures can be caused by incorrect XML (see URL `https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck/issues/1298'), or on Windows by a missing libxml DLL with a libxml-enabled Emacs (see URL `https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck/issues/1330'). (fn BEG END) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-xml-region-with-fallback #[514 "\300\301!\203 \301\"\206\302\"\207" [fboundp libxml-parse-xml-region flycheck-parse-xml-region] 5 (#$ . 276282)]) #@149 Function used to parse an xml string from a region. The default uses libxml if available, and falls back to `flycheck-parse-xml-region' otherwise. (defvar flycheck-xml-parser 'flycheck-parse-xml-region-with-fallback (#$ . 276841)) #@354 Parse an XML string. Return the document tree parsed from XML in the form `(ROOT ATTRS BODY...)'. ROOT is a symbol identifying the name of the root element. ATTRS is an alist of the attributes of the root node. BODY is zero or more body elements, either as strings (in case of text nodes) or as XML nodes, in the same for as the root node. (fn XML) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-xml-string #[257 "\301\302\303\"r\211q\210\304\305\"\216c\210ed\"*\207" [flycheck-xml-parser generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2]] 5 (#$ . 277080)]) #@377 Parse Checkstyle errors from OUTPUT. Parse Checkstyle-like XML output. Use this error parser for checkers that have an option to output errors in this format. CHECKER and BUFFER denoted the CHECKER that returned OUTPUT and the BUFFER that was checked respectively. See URL `http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/' for information about Checkstyle. (fn OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-checkstyle #[771 "\300!\211:\205\305\211\242\211\301=\205\303\243\211:\205\301\211\243\211\302\211\203\270\211@\211:\203\261\211\242\211\303=\203\260\243\211:\203\257\211\242\243\211\211\203\255\211@\211:\203\246\211\242\211\304=\203\245\243\211:\203\244\211\242\211\211\305\236A\306\236A\307\236A\310\236A\311\236A\312\313!\313!\314\267\202\212\304\202\213\315\202\213\316\202\213\304\317!\320\321$\322\323\236A&\fB\262\266\210\210A\266\202\202=\266\210\210A\266\202\202\210\211\237\262\262\262\262\262\207" [flycheck-parse-xml-string checkstyle nil file error line column severity message source flycheck-error-new-at flycheck-string-to-number-safe #s(hash-table size 3 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data ("error" 126 "warning" 130 "info" 134)) warning info :checker :id :buffer :filename name] 43 (#$ . 277693)]) #@283 Parse Cppcheck errors from OUTPUT. Parse Cppcheck XML v2 output. CHECKER and BUFFER denoted the CHECKER that returned OUTPUT and the BUFFER that was checked respectively. See URL `http://cppcheck.sourceforge.net/' for more information about Cppcheck. (fn OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-cppcheck #[771 "\300!\211:\205\360\211\242\211\301=\205\356\243\211:\205\354\211\243\211\302\211\203\343\211@\211:\203\334\211\242\211\303=\203\333\243\211:\203\332\211\243\211\211\211\203\330\211@\211:\203\321\211\242\211\304=\203\320\243\211:\203\317\211\242\243\305\236A\306\236A\307\236A\211\310\267\202x\304\202y\311\202y\311\202y\312\262\211\203\315\211@\211:\203\306\211\242\211\313=\203\305\243\211:\203\304\211\242\211\211\314\236A\315\236A\316\317!\302\f\320\321\322#\323\324)\325*\326\f&\fB\262\266\210\210A\266\202\202|\266\210\210A\266\202\202:\266\210\210A\266\202\202\210\211\237\262\262\262\262\262\207" [flycheck-parse-xml-string results nil errors error id verbose severity #s(hash-table size 3 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data ("error" 108 "style" 112 "information" 116)) info warning location line file flycheck-error-new-at flycheck-string-to-number-safe replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\012" "\n" :id :checker :buffer :filename] 48 (#$ . 279005)]) #@231 Parse phpmd errors from OUTPUT. CHECKER and BUFFER denoted the CHECKER that returned OUTPUT and the BUFFER that was checked respectively. See URL `http://phpmd.org/' for more information about phpmd. (fn OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-phpmd #[771 "\300!\211:\205\311\211\242\211\301=\205\307\243\211:\205\305\211\243\211\302\211\203\274\211@\211:\203\265\211\242\211\303=\203\264\243\211:\203\263\211\242\243\304\236A\211\203\261\211@\211:\203\252\211\242\211\305=\203\251\243\211:\203\250\211\242\243\211:\203\246\211\242\211;\203\245\243\211\204\244\306\236A\307\236A\310\311!\302\312\302\211\313\314\"\"\266\203\315\316%\317&\320&\fB\262\266\210\210\266\210\210A\266\202\202A\266\210\210A\266\202\202\210\211\237\262\262\262\262\262\207" [flycheck-parse-xml-string pmd nil file name violation beginline rule flycheck-error-new-at flycheck-string-to-number-safe warning string-trim-left string-trim-right :id :checker :buffer :filename] 44 (#$ . 280383)]) #@251 Parse Reek warnings from JSON OUTPUT. CHECKER and BUFFER denote the CHECKER that returned OUTPUT and the BUFFER that was checked respectively. See URL `https://github.com/troessner/reek' for more information about Reek. (fn OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-reek #[771 "\300\301!@\211\203V\211@\211\302\236A\303\236A\304\236A\305\236A\306\236A\307!\211\203M\211@\310\300\311 \312\nQ\313 \314\315\316&\f B\262 A\266\202\202#\266A\266\202\202\210\211\237\207" [nil flycheck-parse-json lines context message smell_type source delete-dups flycheck-error-new-at warning " " :id :checker :buffer :filename] 27 (#$ . 281428)]) #@268 Parse staticheck warnings from JSON OUTPUT. CHECKER and BUFFER denote the CHECKER that returned OUTPUT and the BUFFER that was checked respectively. See URL `https://staticcheck.io/docs/formatters' for more information about staticheck. (fn OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-go-staticcheck #[771 "\300\301!\211\203d\211@\211\302\303\236A\236A\304\303\236A\236A\305\236A\306\236A\307\236A\310\303\236A\236A\311\312\267\202E\313\202F\314\202F\315\202F\314\316\317\320\321\f&\f\nB\262\n\266A\266\202\202\210\211\237\207" [nil flycheck-parse-json line location column severity message code file flycheck-error-new-at #s(hash-table size 3 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data ("error" 57 "warning" 61 "ignored" 65)) error warning info :id :checker :buffer :filename] 26 (#$ . 282099)]) #@255 Parse TSLint errors from JSON OUTPUT. CHECKER and BUFFER denoted the CHECKER that returned OUTPUT and the BUFFER that was checked respectively. See URL `https://palantir.github.io/tslint/' for more information about TSLint. (fn OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-tslint #[771 "\300\301\302#\303!@\"\207" [seq-map make-closure #[257 "\211\302\303\236A\236A\304\303\236A\236A\305\236A\306\236A\307\236A\310\236A\302\311\236A\236A\304\311 \236A\236A\312TT\313\267\202F\314\202G\315\202G\315\316 \317\300\320\301\321\322T\323T&\207" [V0 V1 line startPosition character ruleSeverity failure ruleName name endPosition flycheck-error-new-at #s(hash-table size 2 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data ("ERROR" 62 "WARNING" 66)) error warning :id :checker :buffer :filename :end-line :end-column] 27 "\n\n(fn MESSAGE)"] flycheck-parse-json] 8 (#$ . 282968)]) #@63 Return a list of spans contained in a SPAN object. (fn SPAN) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-rust-collect-spans #[257 "\300\301\236A\302\303\236A\236A\304\230\204C\262\211\203\"\305\306!\"\207\207" [nil file_name span expansion "" append flycheck-parse-rust-collect-spans] 8 (#$ . 283902)]) #@384 Turn a rustc DIAGNOSTIC into a `flycheck-error'. CHECKER and BUFFER denote the CHECKER that returned DIAGNOSTIC and the BUFFER that was checked respectively. DIAGNOSTIC should be a parsed JSON object describing a rustc diagnostic, following the format described there: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/src/librustc_errors/json.rs#L154 (fn DIAGNOSTIC CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-rustc-diagnostic #[771 "\300\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\301\302!\300\211\211\303\236A\304\236A\305\211\236A\236A\306\236A\307\236A\262\310\267\202<\311\202=\312\202=\313\202=\311\262\262\314\315\"\262 \262\266\211\203\323\211@\211\316\236A\317\236A\320\236A\321\236A\322\236A\323\236A\324\236A\203\206\262\262\262\262\262\325 \203\223\202\224\313\n\203\250\205\244\326\327\"P\202\256\206\256\330\331\332 \333\334\335\336& B\262 \266A\266\202\202M\210\211\203R\211@\211\303\236A\211\262\262\306\236A\211\262\262@\320\236A\321\236A\337\236A\322\236A\323\236A\325\206 \206\313\203!\326\340\f #\202#\n\330\331\332\333\334\335\206:\336\206B&\nB\262\n\266A\266\202\202\325\210 \203u\204u\325\341\211 \330\331\332\334&\fB\262\211\237\207" [nil make-symbol "group" message level code spans children #s(hash-table size 3 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data ("error" 48 "warning" 52 "note" 56)) error warning info seq-mapcat flycheck-parse-rust-collect-spans is_primary file_name line_start column_start line_end column_end label flycheck-error-new-at format " (%s)" :id :checker :buffer :filename :group :end-line :end-column suggested_replacement "%s: `%s`" 1] 44 (#$ . 284219)]) #@40 Function to use to parse JSON strings. (defconst flycheck--json-parser (byte-code "\301\302!\203\303Y\203\304\207\305\207" [emacs-major-version functionp json-parse-buffer 27 #[0 "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\306&\207" [json-parse-buffer :object-type alist :array-type list :null-object nil :false-object] 9] json-read] 2) (#$ . 285992)) #@328 Return parsed JSON data from OUTPUT. OUTPUT is a string that contains JSON data. Each line of OUTPUT may be either plain text, a JSON array (starting with `['), or a JSON object (starting with `{'). This function ignores the plain text lines, parses the JSON lines, and returns the parsed JSON lines in a list. (fn OUTPUT) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-json #[257 "\303\304\303\305\306\307\"r\211q\210\310\311\"\216c\210eb\210m\204/\303f\312>\203)\n B\262\303y\210\202*\210\211\237*\207" [json-false json-array-type flycheck--json-parser nil list generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] (123 91)] 6 (#$ . 286347)]) #@584 Parse rustc errors from OUTPUT and return a list of `flycheck-error'. CHECKER and BUFFER denote the CHECKER that returned OUTPUT and the BUFFER that was checked respectively. The expected format for OUTPUT is a mix of plain text lines and JSON lines. This function ignores the plain text lines and parses only JSON lines. Each JSON line is expected to be a JSON object that corresponds to a diagnostic from the compiler. The expected diagnostic format is described there: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/src/libsyntax/json.rs#L67-L139 (fn OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-rustc #[771 "\300\301\302#\303!\"\207" [seq-mapcat make-closure #[257 "\302\300\301#\207" [V0 V1 flycheck-parse-rustc-diagnostic] 5 "\n\n(fn MSG)"] flycheck-parse-json] 8 (#$ . 287051)]) #@555 Parse Cargo errors from OUTPUT and return a list of `flycheck-error'. CHECKER and BUFFER denote the CHECKER that returned OUTPUT and the BUFFER that was checked respectively. The expected format for OUTPUT is a mix of plain text lines and JSON lines. This function ignores the plain text lines and parses only JSON lines. Each JSON line is expected to be a JSON object that represents a message from Cargo. The format of messages emitted by Cargo is described in cargo's machine_message.rs at URL `https://git.io/vh24R'. (fn OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-cargo-rustc #[771 "\300\301!\211\203.\211@\211\302\236A\303\236A\304\230\203%\305  #B\262\266A\266\202\202\210\306\307\"\207" [nil flycheck-parse-json reason message "compiler-message" flycheck-parse-rustc-diagnostic apply nconc] 13 (#$ . 287858)]) #@148 Strip color codes from OUTPUT before passing it to the default behavior. CHECKER and BUFFER are passed along as well. (fn OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-with-patterns-without-color #[771 "\300\301\302!\205\n\302!#\207" [flycheck-parse-with-patterns fboundp ansi-color-filter-apply] 7 (#$ . 288711)]) #@66 Create a single regular expression from PATTERNS. (fn PATTERNS) (defalias 'flycheck-get-regexp #[257 "\300\301\302\303\"B\304\"\207" [rx-to-string or seq-map #[257 "\300@D\207" [regexp] 3 "\n\n(fn P)"] no-group] 6 (#$ . 289041)]) #@384 Tokenize OUTPUT with PATTERNS. Split the output into error tokens, using all regular expressions from the error PATTERNS. An error token is simply a string containing a single error from OUTPUT. Such a token can then be parsed into a structured error by applying the PATTERNS again, see `flycheck-parse-errors-with-patterns'. Return a list of error tokens. (fn OUTPUT PATTERNS) (defalias 'flycheck-tokenize-output-with-patterns #[514 "\300!\301\302\303#\203\304\301\"B\262\301\225\262\202\305!\207" [flycheck-get-regexp 0 nil string-match match-string reverse] 9 (#$ . 289281)]) #@309 Try to parse a single ERR with a PATTERN for CHECKER. Return the parsed error if PATTERN matched ERR, or nil otherwise. `end-line' defaults to the value of `line' when `end-column' is set, since checkers often omit redundant end lines (as in ::-). (fn ERR PATTERN CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-try-parse-error-with-pattern #[771 "@A\300\"\205\207\301\302\"\303\301\304\"!\303\301\305 \"!\301\306 \"\301\307\n\"\303\301\310\f\"!\303\301\311 \"!\312\n\211\313\230\262?\205K\314\211\313\230\262?\205Y\315\316\203l\211\313\230\262\203q\317 \202s\320 \206\200\f\205\200\321&\266\207\207" [string-match match-string 1 flycheck-string-to-number-safe 2 3 4 5 6 7 flycheck-error-new-at "" :id :checker :filename buffer-file-name :end-line :end-column] 27 (#$ . 289887)]) #@175 Parse a single ERR with error PATTERNS for CHECKER. Apply each pattern in PATTERNS to ERR, in the given order, and return the first parsed error. (fn ERR PATTERNS CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-error-with-patterns #[771 "\300\203\301@#\211\262\204A\262\202\207" [nil flycheck-try-parse-error-with-pattern] 8 (#$ . 290743)]) #@423 Parse OUTPUT from CHECKER with error patterns. Uses the error patterns of CHECKER to tokenize the output and tries to parse each error token with all patterns, in the order of declaration. Hence an error is never matched twice by two different patterns. The pattern declared first always wins. _BUFFER is ignored. Return a list of parsed errors and warnings (as `flycheck-error' objects). (fn OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-with-patterns #[771 "r\211q\210\300\301\"\302\303\304#\305\"\"\262)\207" [flycheck-checker-get error-patterns seq-map make-closure #[257 "\302\301\300#\207" [V0 V1 flycheck-parse-error-with-patterns] 5 "\n\n(fn ERR)"] flycheck-tokenize-output-with-patterns] 9 (#$ . 291093)]) #@284 Define SYMBOL as command syntax checker with DOCSTRING and PROPERTIES. Like `flycheck-define-command-checker', but PROPERTIES must not be quoted. Also, implicitly define the executable variable for SYMBOL with `flycheck-def-executable-var'. (fn SYMBOL DOCSTRING &rest PROPERTIES) (defalias 'flycheck-define-checker '(macro . #[642 "\300\301\"\300\302\"\300\303\"\300\304\"\300\305\"\300\306\"\300\307\"\310\311  @E\312\313 D\f\301\313 D\314 \205>\302\315DD\316\313\300\316\"DD\205R\303\315DD\205]\304\315DD\317\313\300\317\"DD\205q\305\315DD\320\313\300\320\"DD\205\205\306\315DD\205\220\307\315DD\321\313\300\321\"D\322\313\300\322\"DF&\nBBBBBE\207" [plist-get :command :error-parser :error-filter :error-explainer :predicate :enabled :verify progn flycheck-def-executable-var flycheck-define-command-checker quote append function :error-patterns :modes :next-checkers :standard-input :working-directory] 34 (#$ . 291832)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\301\304\305#\306\307\310\311\312DD\313\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323& \210\324\307\325\"\210\306\326\310\311\327DD\330\314\315\320\331\332\333\322\334& \210\324\326\325\"\210\306\335\310\311\336DD\337\314\315\320\340\332\341\322\342& \210\324\335\325\"\210\306\343\310\311\344DD\345\314\315\320\346\332\333\322\347& \210\324\343\325\"\210\306\350\310\311\351DD\352\320\353\314\354\316\317& \210\355\325\356\357\360\361\362\363\364\365\366\367\366\370\366&\210\306\371\310\311\372DD\373\320\353\314\354\316\317& \210\355\374\375\357\376\361\377\363\201@\365\366\367\317\370\366&\210\306\201A\310\311\201BDD\201C\320\353\314\354\316\317& \210\355\201D\201E\357\201F\361\201G\363\201@\365\366\367\317\370\366&\207" [function-put flycheck-define-checker lisp-indent-function 1 doc-string-elt 2 custom-declare-variable flycheck-gnat-args funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of additional command line arguments.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings with additional\ncommand line arguments.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `ada-gnat'" :group flycheck-options :risky t :type (repeat (string :tag "Argument")) :package-version (flycheck . "0.20") flycheck-register-option-var ada-gnat flycheck-gnat-include-path #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of include directories for GNAT.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a directory to add to the include path of gcc.\nRelative paths are relative to the file being checked.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `ada-gnat'" (repeat (directory :tag "Include directory")) :safe flycheck-string-list-p (flycheck . "0.20") flycheck-gnat-language-standard #[0 "\300\207" [#1="2012"] 1 #1#] "The language standard to use in GNAT.\n\nThe value of this variable is either a string denoting a language\nstandard, or nil, to use the default standard. When non-nil, pass\nthe language standard via the `-std' option.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `ada-gnat'" (choice (const :tag "Default standard" nil) (string :tag "Language standard")) flycheck-string-or-nil-p (flycheck . "0.20") flycheck-gnat-warnings #[0 "\300\207" [("wa")] 1] "A list of additional Ada warnings to enable in GNAT.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is the name of a warning category to enable. By default,\nmost optional warnings are recommended, as in `-gnata'.\n\nRefer to Info Node `(gnat_ugn_unw)Warning Message Control' for\nmore information about GNAT warnings.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `ada-gnat'" (repeat :tag "Warnings" (string :tag "Warning name")) (flycheck . "0.20") flycheck-ada-gnat-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the ada-gnat syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"gnatmake\"." (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) flycheck-executables flycheck-define-command-checker "An Ada syntax checker using GNAT.\n\nUses the GNAT compiler from GCC. See URL\n`https://www.adacore.com/community/'." :command ("gnatmake" "-c" "-f" "-u" "-gnatf" "-gnatef" "-D" temporary-directory (option-list "-gnat" flycheck-gnat-warnings concat) (option-list "-I" flycheck-gnat-include-path concat) (option "-gnat" flycheck-gnat-language-standard concat) (eval flycheck-gnat-args) source) :error-patterns ((error line-start (message "In file included from") " " (file-name) ":" line ":" column ":" line-end) (info line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": note: " (message) line-end) (warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": warning: " (message) line-end) (error line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": " (message) line-end)) :modes ada-mode :next-checkers nil :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-asciidoc-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the asciidoc syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"asciidoc\"." asciidoc "A AsciiDoc syntax checker using the AsciiDoc compiler.\n\nSee URL `http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc'." ("asciidoc" "-o" null-device "-") ((error line-start "asciidoc: ERROR: : Line " line ": " (message) line-end) (warning line-start "asciidoc: WARNING: : Line " line ": " (message) line-end) (info line-start "asciidoc: DEPRECATED: : Line " line ": " (message) line-end)) adoc-mode flycheck-asciidoctor-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the asciidoctor syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"asciidoctor\"." asciidoctor "An AsciiDoc syntax checker using the Asciidoctor compiler.\n\nSee URL `http://asciidoctor.org'." ("asciidoctor" "-o" null-device "-") ((error line-start "asciidoctor: ERROR: : Line " line ": " (message) line-end) (warning line-start "asciidoctor: WARNING: : Line " line ": " (message) line-end))] 17) #@77 Remove the repeated file-name/line from the error message of ERR. (fn ERR) (defalias 'flycheck-awk-gawk-fix-message #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\211\305\306\307\310\306\311\312\301\n!>\204)\302\303\304\fD\"\210 \305H##I\266\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 6 replace-regexp-in-string "^\\([ ]*\\)\\(.*\n\\)\\1" "\\2" "\ngawk: [^ ]*:" "\n"] 14 (#$ . 298186)]) #@58 Remove repeated file-name/line from ERRORS. (fn ERRORS) (defalias 'flycheck-awk-gawk-error-filter #[257 "\300\301\"\210\207" [seq-do flycheck-awk-gawk-fix-message] 4 (#$ . 298629)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\330\332\330&\210\300\333\302\303\334DD\335\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\336\337\317\340\321\341\325\342\327\330\331\313\332\330&\210\300\343\302\303\344DD\345\310\346\312\313\306\347\350\351& \210\352\343\353\"\210\300\354\302\303\355DD\356\310\346\306\357\360\361\350\362& \210\352\354\353\"\210\300\363\302\303\364DD\365\310\346\306\366\360\367\350\370& \210\352\363\353\"\210\300\371\302\303\372DD\373\310\346\306\374\360\367\350\375& \210\352\371\353\"\210\300\376\302\303\377DD\201@\310\346\306\201A\360\367\350\201B& \210\352\376\353\"\210\300\201C\302\303\201DDD\201E\310\346\306\201F\360\201G\350\201H& \210\352\201C\353\"\210\201I\201C!\210\300\201J\302\303\201KDD\201L\310\346\306\357\360\361\350\201M& \210\352\201J\353\"\210\300\201N\302\303\201ODD\201P\310\346\306\357\360\361\350\201Q& \210\352\201N\353\"\210\300\201R\302\303\201SDD\201T\310\346\306\357\360\361\350\201U& \210\352\201R\353\"\210\300\201V\302\303\201WDD\201X\310\346\306\357\360\361\350\201Y& \210\352\201V\353\"\210\300\201Z\302\303\201[DD\201\\\310\346\306\357\360\361\350\201]& \210\352\201Z\353\"\210\300\201^\302\303\201_DD\201`\310\346\306\201a\360\201G\350\201b& \210\352\201^\353\"\210\300\201c\302\303\201dDD\201e\310\346\306\201f\360\367\350\201g& \210\352\201c\353\"\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-awk-gawk-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the awk-gawk syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"gawk\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker awk-gawk "GNU awk's built-in --lint checker." :command ("gawk" "--source" "'BEGIN{exit} END{exit 1}'" "-f" source "--lint" "/dev/null") :error-patterns ((warning line-start "gawk: " (file-name) ":" line ":" (optional column ":") (message (one-or-more not-newline) (optional "\n" (one-or-more not-newline) " ^ " (one-or-more not-newline))) line-end)) :error-filter flycheck-awk-gawk-error-filter :modes awk-mode :next-checkers nil :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-bazel-buildifier-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the bazel-buildifier syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"buildifier\"." bazel-buildifier "An Bazel checker using the buildifier.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/blob/master/buildifier'." ("buildifier" "-lint=warn") ((error line-start ":" line ":" column ": " (message) line-end) (warning line-start ":" line ": " (id (one-or-more (in word "-"))) ": " (message) line-end)) bazel-mode flycheck-clang-args #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of additional command line arguments.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings with additional\ncommand line arguments.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-clang'" flycheck-options (repeat (string :tag "Argument")) :package-version (flycheck . "0.22") flycheck-register-option-var c/c++-clang flycheck-clang-blocks #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Enable blocks in Clang.\n\nWhen non-nil, enable blocks in Clang with `-fblocks'. See URL\n`http://clang.llvm.org/docs/BlockLanguageSpec.html' for more\ninformation about blocks.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-clang'" boolean :safe booleanp (flycheck . "0.20") flycheck-clang-definitions #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Additional preprocessor definitions for Clang.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is an additional definition to pass to Clang, via the `-D'\noption.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-clang'" (repeat (string :tag "Definition")) flycheck-string-list-p (flycheck . "0.15") flycheck-clang-include-path #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of include directories for Clang.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a directory to add to the include path of Clang.\nRelative paths are relative to the file being checked.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-clang'" (repeat (directory :tag "Include directory")) (flycheck . "0.14") flycheck-clang-includes #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of additional include files for Clang.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a file to include before syntax checking. Relative\npaths are relative to the file being checked.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-clang'" (repeat (file :tag "Include file")) (flycheck . "0.15") flycheck-clang-language-standard #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The language standard to use in Clang.\n\nThe value of this variable is either a string denoting a language\nstandard, or nil, to use the default standard. When non-nil,\npass the language standard via the `-std' option.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-clang'" (choice (const :tag "Default standard" nil) (string :tag "Language standard")) flycheck-string-or-nil-p (flycheck . "0.15") make-variable-buffer-local flycheck-clang-ms-extensions #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to enable Microsoft extensions to C/C++ in Clang.\n\nWhen non-nil, enable Microsoft extensions to C/C++ via\n`-fms-extensions'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-clang'" (flycheck . "0.16") flycheck-clang-no-exceptions #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to disable exceptions in Clang.\n\nWhen non-nil, disable exceptions for syntax checks, via\n`-fno-exceptions'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-clang'" (flycheck . "0.20") flycheck-clang-no-rtti #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to disable RTTI in Clang.\n\nWhen non-nil, disable RTTI for syntax checks, via `-fno-rtti'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-clang'" (flycheck . "0.15") flycheck-clang-pedantic #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to warn about language extensions in Clang.\n\nFor ISO C, follows the version specified by any -std option used.\nWhen non-nil, disable non-ISO extensions to C/C++ via\n`-pedantic'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-clang'" (flycheck . "0.23") flycheck-clang-pedantic-errors #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to error on language extensions in Clang.\n\nFor ISO C, follows the version specified by any -std option used.\nWhen non-nil, disable non-ISO extensions to C/C++ via\n`-pedantic-errors'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-clang'" (flycheck . "0.23") flycheck-clang-standard-library #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The standard library to use for Clang.\n\nThe value of this variable is the name of a standard library as\nstring, or nil to use the default standard library.\n\nRefer to the Clang manual at URL\n`http://clang.llvm.org/docs/UsersManual.html' for more\ninformation about the standard library.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-clang'" (choice (const :tag "Default standard library" nil) (const "libc++") (const :tag "GNU libstdc++" "libstdc++") (string :tag "Library name")) (flycheck . "0.15") flycheck-clang-warnings #[0 "\300\207" [("all" "extra")] 1] "A list of additional warnings to enable in Clang.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each string\nis the name of a warning category to enable. By default, all\nrecommended warnings and some extra warnings are enabled (as by\n`-Wall' and `-Wextra' respectively).\n\nRefer to the Clang manual at URL\n`http://clang.llvm.org/docs/UsersManual.html' for more\ninformation about warnings.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-clang'" (choice (const :tag "No additional warnings" nil) (repeat :tag "Additional warnings" (string :tag "Warning name"))) (flycheck . "0.14")] 17) #@412 Get the directory for quoted includes. C/C++ compilers typically look up includes with quotation marks in the directory of the file being compiled. However, since Flycheck uses temporary copies for syntax checking, it needs to explicitly determine the directory for quoted includes. This function determines the directory by looking at function `buffer-file-name', or if that is nil, at `default-directory'. (defalias 'flycheck-c/c++-quoted-include-directory #[0 "\301 \211\203\n\302!\207\207" [default-directory buffer-file-name file-name-directory] 3 (#$ . 307207)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\313\332\333&\210\300\334\302\303\335DD\336\310\337\312\313\306\340\341\342& \210\343\334\344\"\210\300\345\302\303\346DD\347\310\337\306\350\351\352\341\353& \210\343\345\344\"\210\300\354\302\303\355DD\356\310\337\306\357\351\352\341\360& \210\343\354\344\"\210\300\361\302\303\362DD\363\310\337\306\364\351\352\341\365& \210\343\361\344\"\210\300\366\302\303\367DD\370\310\337\306\371\351\372\341\373& \210\343\366\344\"\210\374\366!\210\300\375\302\303\376DD\377\310\337\306\201@\351\201A\341\201B& \210\343\375\344\"\210\300\201C\302\303\201DDD\201E\310\337\306\201@\351\201A\341\201F& \210\343\201C\344\"\210\300\201G\302\303\201HDD\201I\310\337\306\201@\351\201A\341\201J& \210\343\201G\344\"\210\300\201K\302\303\201LDD\201M\310\337\306\201@\351\201A\341\201N& \210\343\201K\344\"\210\300\201O\302\303\201PDD\201Q\310\337\306\201@\351\201A\341\201R& \210\343\201O\344\"\210\300\201S\302\303\201TDD\201U\310\337\306\201V\351\352\341\201W& \210\343\201S\344\"\210\300\201X\302\303\201YDD\201Z\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\344\201[\317\201\\\321\201]\325\201^\327\201_\331\313\332\333&\210\300\201`\302\303\201aDD\201b\310\337\306\201c\351\352\341\201d& \210\343\201`\201e\"\210\300\201f\302\303\201gDD\201h\310\337\306\201i\351\352\341\201j& \210\343\201f\201e\"\210\374\201f!\210\300\201k\302\303\201lDD\201m\310\337\306\201n\351\372\341\201o& \210\343\201k\201e\"\210\374\201k!\210\300\201p\302\303\201qDD\201r\310\337\306\201s\351\352\341\201t& \210\343\201p\201e\"\210\300\201u\302\303\201vDD\201w\310\337\306\201@\351\201A\341\201x& \210\343\201u\201e\"\210\300\201y\302\303\201zDD\201{\310\337\306\201|\351\352\341\201}& \210\343\201y\201e\"\210\300\201~\302\303\201DD\201\200\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201e\201\201\317\201\202\201\203\201\204\321\333\325\201\205\327\333\331\333\332\333&\210\300\201\206\302\303\201\207DD\201\210\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201\211\201\212\317\201\213\321\201\214\325\201\215\327\333\331\333\332\333&\210\300\201\216\302\303\201\217DD\201\220\310\337\306\201\221\351\352\341\201\222& \210\343\201\216\201\223\"\210\300\201\224\302\303\201\225DD\201\226\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201\223\201\227\317\201\230\321\201\231\325\201\232\201\233\201\234\327\333\331\333\332\333&\210\300\201\235\302\303\201\236DD\201\237\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201\240\201\241\317\201\242\321\201\243\325\201\244\327\201\245\331\313\332\333&\210\300\201\246\302\303\201\247DD\201\250\306\201\251\351\201\252\310\201\253& \210\201\254\201\246\201\255\"\210\300\201\256\302\303\201\257DD\201\260\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201\255\201\261\317\201\262\201\203\201\263\321\333\323\201\264\325\201\244\327\333\331\313\332\333&\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-c/c++-clang-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the c/c++-clang syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"clang\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker c/c++-clang "A C/C++ syntax checker using Clang.\n\nSee URL `http://clang.llvm.org/'." :command ("clang" "-fsyntax-only" "-fno-color-diagnostics" "-fno-caret-diagnostics" "-fno-diagnostics-show-option" "-iquote" (eval (flycheck-c/c++-quoted-include-directory)) (option "-std=" flycheck-clang-language-standard concat) (option-flag "-pedantic" flycheck-clang-pedantic) (option-flag "-pedantic-errors" flycheck-clang-pedantic-errors) (option "-stdlib=" flycheck-clang-standard-library concat) (option-flag "-fms-extensions" flycheck-clang-ms-extensions) (option-flag "-fno-exceptions" flycheck-clang-no-exceptions) (option-flag "-fno-rtti" flycheck-clang-no-rtti) (option-flag "-fblocks" flycheck-clang-blocks) (option-list "-include" flycheck-clang-includes) (option-list "-W" flycheck-clang-warnings concat) (option-list "-D" flycheck-clang-definitions concat) (option-list "-I" flycheck-clang-include-path) (eval flycheck-clang-args) "-x" (eval (pcase major-mode (`c++-mode "c++") (`c-mode "c"))) "-") :error-patterns ((info line-start (or "" (file-name)) ":" line ":" column ": note: " (optional (message)) line-end) (warning line-start (or "" (file-name)) ":" line ":" column ": warning: " (optional (message)) line-end) (error line-start (or "" (file-name)) ":" line ":" column ": " (or "fatal error" "error") ": " (optional (message)) line-end)) :error-filter #[257 "\301!\211\211\203=\211@\302!>\204\303\304\305D\"\210\211\211\306\302!>\204,\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\2063\307I\266A\266\202\202\210\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags flycheck-sanitize-errors type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 6 "no message"] 11 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] :modes (c-mode c++-mode) :next-checkers ((warning . c/c++-cppcheck)) :standard-input :working-directory nil flycheck-gcc-args #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of additional command line arguments.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings with additional\ncommand line arguments.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-gcc'" flycheck-options (repeat (string :tag "Argument")) :package-version (flycheck . "0.22") flycheck-register-option-var c/c++-gcc flycheck-gcc-definitions #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Additional preprocessor definitions for GCC.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is an additional definition to pass to GCC, via the `-D'\noption.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-gcc'" (repeat (string :tag "Definition")) :safe flycheck-string-list-p (flycheck . "0.20") flycheck-gcc-include-path #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of include directories for GCC.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a directory to add to the include path of gcc.\nRelative paths are relative to the file being checked.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-gcc'" (repeat (directory :tag "Include directory")) (flycheck . "0.20") flycheck-gcc-includes #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of additional include files for GCC.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a file to include before syntax checking. Relative\npaths are relative to the file being checked.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-gcc'" (repeat (file :tag "Include file")) (flycheck . "0.20") flycheck-gcc-language-standard #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The language standard to use in GCC.\n\nThe value of this variable is either a string denoting a language\nstandard, or nil, to use the default standard. When non-nil,\npass the language standard via the `-std' option.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-gcc'" (choice (const :tag "Default standard" nil) (string :tag "Language standard")) flycheck-string-or-nil-p (flycheck . "0.20") make-variable-buffer-local flycheck-gcc-no-exceptions #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to disable exceptions in GCC.\n\nWhen non-nil, disable exceptions for syntax checks, via\n`-fno-exceptions'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-gcc'" boolean booleanp (flycheck . "0.20") flycheck-gcc-no-rtti #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to disable RTTI in GCC.\n\nWhen non-nil, disable RTTI for syntax checks, via `-fno-rtti'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-gcc'" (flycheck . "0.20") flycheck-gcc-openmp #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to enable OpenMP in GCC.\n\nWhen non-nil, enable OpenMP for syntax checkers, via\n`-fopenmp'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-gcc'" (flycheck . "0.21") flycheck-gcc-pedantic #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to warn about language extensions in GCC.\n\nFor ISO C, follows the version specified by any -std option used.\nWhen non-nil, disable non-ISO extensions to C/C++ via\n`-pedantic'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-gcc'" (flycheck . "0.23") flycheck-gcc-pedantic-errors #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to error on language extensions in GCC.\n\nFor ISO C, follows the version specified by any -std option used.\nWhen non-nil, disable non-ISO extensions to C/C++ via\n`-pedantic-errors'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-gcc'" (flycheck . "0.23") flycheck-gcc-warnings #[0 "\300\207" [("all" "extra")] 1] "A list of additional warnings to enable in GCC.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each string\nis the name of a warning category to enable. By default, all\nrecommended warnings and some extra warnings are enabled (as by\n`-Wall' and `-Wextra' respectively).\n\nRefer to the gcc manual at URL\n`https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/' for more information about\nwarnings.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-gcc'" (choice (const :tag "No additional warnings" nil) (repeat :tag "Additional warnings" (string :tag "Warning name"))) (flycheck . "0.20") flycheck-c/c++-gcc-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the c/c++-gcc syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"gcc\"." "A C/C++ syntax checker using GCC.\n\nRequires GCC 4.4 or newer. See URL `https://gcc.gnu.org/'." ("gcc" "-fshow-column" "-iquote" (eval (flycheck-c/c++-quoted-include-directory)) (option "-std=" flycheck-gcc-language-standard concat) (option-flag "-pedantic" flycheck-gcc-pedantic) (option-flag "-pedantic-errors" flycheck-gcc-pedantic-errors) (option-flag "-fno-exceptions" flycheck-gcc-no-exceptions) (option-flag "-fno-rtti" flycheck-gcc-no-rtti) (option-flag "-fopenmp" flycheck-gcc-openmp) (option-list "-include" flycheck-gcc-includes) (option-list "-W" flycheck-gcc-warnings concat) (option-list "-D" flycheck-gcc-definitions concat) (option-list "-I" flycheck-gcc-include-path) (eval flycheck-gcc-args) "-x" (eval (pcase major-mode (`c++-mode "c++") (`c-mode "c"))) "-S" "-o" null-device "-") ((info line-start (or "" (file-name)) ":" line (optional ":" column) ": note: " (message) line-end) (warning line-start (or "" (file-name)) ":" line (optional ":" column) ": warning: " (message (one-or-more (not (any "\n[")))) (optional "[" (id (one-or-more not-newline)) "]") line-end) (error line-start (or "" (file-name)) ":" line (optional ":" column) ": " (or "fatal error" "error") ": " (message) line-end)) (c-mode c++-mode) ((warning . c/c++-cppcheck)) flycheck-cppcheck-checks #[0 "\300\207" [("style")] 1] "Enabled checks for Cppcheck.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is the name of an additional check to enable. By default,\nall coding style checks are enabled.\n\nSee section \"Enable message\" in the Cppcheck manual at URL\n`http://cppcheck.sourceforge.net/manual.pdf', and the\ndocumentation of the `--enable' option for more information,\nincluding a list of supported checks.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-cppcheck'" (repeat :tag "Additional checks" (string :tag "Check name")) (flycheck . "0.14") c/c++-cppcheck flycheck-cppcheck-standards #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The standards to use in cppcheck.\n\nThe value of this variable is either a list of strings denoting\nthe standards to use, or nil to pass nothing to cppcheck. When\nnon-nil, pass the standards via one or more `--std=' options.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-cppcheck'" (choice (const :tag "Default" nil) (repeat :tag "Custom standards" (string :tag "Standard name"))) (flycheck . "28") flycheck-cppcheck-suppressions-file #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The suppressions file to use in cppcheck.\n\nThe value of this variable is a file with the suppressions to\nuse, or nil to pass nothing to cppcheck. When non-nil, pass the\nsuppressions file via the `--suppressions-list=' option.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-cppcheck'" (choice (const :tag "Default" nil) (file :tag "Suppressions file")) (flycheck . "32") flycheck-cppcheck-suppressions #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The suppressions to use in cppcheck.\n\nThe value of this variable is either a list of strings denoting\nthe suppressions to use, or nil to pass nothing to cppcheck.\nWhen non-nil, pass the suppressions via one or more `--suppress='\noptions.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-cppcheck'" (choice (const :tag "Default" nil) (repeat :tag "Additional suppressions" (string :tag "Suppression"))) (flycheck . "28") flycheck-cppcheck-inconclusive #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to enable Cppcheck inconclusive checks.\n\nWhen non-nil, enable Cppcheck inconclusive checks. This allows Cppcheck to\nreport warnings it's not certain of, but it may result in false positives.\n\nThis will have no effect when using Cppcheck 1.53 and older.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-cppcheck'" (flycheck . "0.19") flycheck-cppcheck-include-path #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of include directories for cppcheck.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a directory to add to the include path of cppcheck.\nRelative paths are relative to the file being checked.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `c/c++-cppcheck'" (repeat (directory :tag "Include directory")) (flycheck . "0.24") flycheck-c/c++-cppcheck-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the c/c++-cppcheck syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"cppcheck\"." "A C/C++ checker using cppcheck.\n\nSee URL `http://cppcheck.sourceforge.net/'." ("cppcheck" "--quiet" "--xml-version=2" "--inline-suppr" (option "--enable=" flycheck-cppcheck-checks concat flycheck-option-comma-separated-list) (option-flag "--inconclusive" flycheck-cppcheck-inconclusive) (option-list "-I" flycheck-cppcheck-include-path) (option-list "--std=" flycheck-cppcheck-standards concat) (option-list "--suppress=" flycheck-cppcheck-suppressions concat) (option "--suppressions-list=" flycheck-cppcheck-suppressions-file concat) "-x" (eval (pcase major-mode (`c++-mode "c++") (`c-mode "c"))) source) :error-parser flycheck-parse-cppcheck (c-mode c++-mode) flycheck-cfengine-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the cfengine syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"cf-promises\"." cfengine "A CFEngine syntax checker using cf-promises.\n\nSee URL `https://cfengine.com/'." ("cf-promises" "-Wall" "-f" source-inplace) ((warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": warning: " (message) line-end) (error line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": error: " (message) line-end)) (cfengine-mode cfengine3-mode) flycheck-foodcritic-tags #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of tags to select for Foodcritic.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings where each string\nis a tag expression describing Foodcritic rules to enable or\ndisable, via the `--tags' option. To disable a tag, prefix it\nwith `~'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `chef-foodcritic'" (repeat :tag "Tags" (string :tag "Tag expression")) (flycheck . "0.23") chef-foodcritic flycheck-chef-foodcritic-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the chef-foodcritic syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"foodcritic\"." "A Chef cookbooks syntax checker using Foodcritic.\n\nSee URL `http://www.foodcritic.io'." ("foodcritic" (option-list "--tags" flycheck-foodcritic-tags) source-inplace) ((error line-start (id (one-or-more alnum)) ": " (message) ": " (file-name) ":" line line-end)) (enh-ruby-mode ruby-mode) :predicate #[0 "\301\302\303!!!\304\305\"\206\304\306\"\207" [default-directory file-name-directory directory-file-name expand-file-name locate-dominating-file "recipes" "cookbooks"] 4] flycheck-coffee-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the coffee syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"coffee\"." coffee "A CoffeeScript syntax checker using coffee.\n\nSee URL `https://coffeescript.org/'." ("coffee" "--compile" "--print" "--stdio") ((error line-start "[stdin]:" line ":" column ": error: " (message) line-end)) coffee-mode ((warning . coffee-coffeelint)) flycheck-coffeelintrc #[0 "\300\207" [#1=".coffeelint.json"] 1 #1#] "Configuration file for `coffee-coffeelint'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." (choice (const :tag "No configuration file" nil) (string :tag "File name or path") (repeat :tag "File names or paths" string)) flycheck-string-or-string-list-p flycheck-config-files flycheck-register-config-file-var coffee-coffeelint flycheck-coffee-coffeelint-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the coffee-coffeelint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"coffeelint\"." "A CoffeeScript style checker using coffeelint.\n\nSee URL `http://www.coffeelint.org/'." ("coffeelint" (config-file "--file" flycheck-coffeelintrc) "--stdin" "--reporter" "checkstyle") flycheck-parse-checkstyle #[257 "\300\301\302\303!!\"\207" [flycheck-remove-error-file-names "stdin" flycheck-remove-error-ids flycheck-sanitize-errors] 6 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"]] 19) #@73 Sanitize Coq ERRORS and compute end-lines and end-columns. (fn ERRORS) (defalias 'flycheck-coq-error-filter #[257 "\301!\210\211\211\203z\211@\302!>\204\303\304\305D\"\210\211\211\306\307\310\311\302!>\2041\303\304\305 D\"\210\306H\312\313%I\266\314!\211\203r\302!>\204Q\303\304\305D\"\210\315H\212\316!\210`S\\b\210\317 )\320@\"\266\321A\"\266\210A\266\202\202\210\322!\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags flycheck-increment-error-columns type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 6 replace-regexp-in-string "\\s-+$" "" fixedcase literal flycheck-error-end-column 4 flycheck-goto-line flycheck-line-column-at-point flycheck-error--set-end-line flycheck-error--set-end-column flycheck-sanitize-errors] 13 (#$ . 326774)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\330\332\330&\210\300\333\302\303\334DD\335\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\336\337\317\340\341\342\321\330\323\343\325\344\327\330\331\330\332\330&\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-coq-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the coq syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"coqtop\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker coq "A Coq syntax checker using the Coq compiler.\n\nSee URL `https://coq.inria.fr/'." :command ("coqtop" "-batch" "-load-vernac-source" source) :error-patterns ((error line-start "File \"" (file-name) "\", line " line ", characters " column "-" end-column ":\n" (or "Syntax error:" "Error:") (message (or (and (one-or-more (or not-newline "\n")) ".") (one-or-more not-newline))) line-end)) :error-filter flycheck-coq-error-filter :modes coq-mode :next-checkers nil :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-css-csslint-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the css-csslint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"csslint\"." css-csslint "A CSS syntax and style checker using csslint.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/CSSLint/csslint'." ("csslint" "--format=checkstyle-xml" source) :error-parser flycheck-parse-checkstyle flycheck-dequalify-error-ids css-mode] 19) #@44 Common arguments to stylelint invocations. (defconst flycheck-stylelint-args '("--formatter" "json") (#$ . 329334)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\301\315\"\210\300\316\302\303\317DD\320\312\321\306\322\310\323\324\325& \210\326\316\327\"\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-stylelintrc funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Configuration file for `(css-stylelint scss-stylelint less-stylelint)'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." :type (choice (const :tag "No configuration file" nil) (string :tag "File name or path") (repeat :tag "File names or paths" string)) :safe flycheck-string-or-string-list-p :group flycheck-config-files flycheck-register-config-file-var (css-stylelint scss-stylelint less-stylelint) flycheck-stylelint-quiet #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to run stylelint in quiet mode.\n\nWhen non-nil, enable quiet mode, via `--quiet'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `css-stylelint'\n - `scss-stylelint'\n - `less-stylelint'" flycheck-options boolean booleanp :package-version (flycheck . 26) flycheck-register-option-var (css-stylelint scss-stylelint less-stylelint)] 12) (defconst flycheck-stylelint-error-re (flycheck-rx-to-string '(: line-start (id (one-or-more word)) ": " (message) line-end))) #@300 Parse stylelint errors from OUTPUT. CHECKER and BUFFER denoted the CHECKER that returned OUTPUT and the BUFFER that was checked respectively. The CHECKER usually returns the errors as JSON. If the CHECKER throws an Error it returns an Error message with a stacktrace. (fn OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-stylelint #[771 "\3011 \302#0\207\210\303\"\2050\304\305\306\307\310\311\"\312\310\313\n\"\314 \315\n\316\317 !&\fC\207" [flycheck-stylelint-error-re (json-error) flycheck-parse-stylelint-json string-match flycheck-error-new-at 1 nil error match-string 4 :id 5 :checker :buffer :filename buffer-file-name] 17 (#$ . 331045)]) #@288 Parse stylelint JSON errors from OUTPUT. CHECKER and BUFFER denoted the CHECKER that returned OUTPUT and the BUFFER that was checked respectively. See URL `http://stylelint.io/developer-guide/formatters/' for information about the JSON format of stylelint. (fn OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-stylelint-json #[771 "\301\302!\303\234\304!\305\306\307$\310\311\"\"\305\306\312$\310\313\"\"\305\306\314$\310\315\"\"\316#\266\205)\207" [json-object-type plist json-read-from-string 0 buffer-file-name mapcar make-closure #[257 "\303\304\305\306\307\310\"\311\312\313\300\314\301\315\302&\f\207" [V0 V1 V2 flycheck-error-new-at 1 nil warning plist-get :text :id "Deprecation Warning" :checker :buffer :filename] 14 "\n\n(fn D)"] plist-get :deprecations #[257 "\303\304\305\306\307\310\"\311\312\313\300\314\301\315\302&\f\207" [V0 V1 V2 flycheck-error-new-at 1 nil error plist-get :text :id "Invalid Option" :checker :buffer :filename] 14 "\n\n(fn IO)"] :invalidOptionWarnings #[257 "\303\304\305\"\304\306\"\304\307\"\211\310\267\202\311\202\312\202\313\262\304\314\"\315\304\316\"\317\300\320\301\321\302&\f\207" [V0 V1 V2 flycheck-error-new-at plist-get :line :column :severity #s(hash-table size 2 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data ("error" 19 "warning" 23)) error warning info :text :id :rule :checker :buffer :filename] 14 "\n\n(fn W)"] :warnings append] 13 (#$ . 331715)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\324\332\313\333\324&\210\300\334\302\303\335DD\336\310\337\306\340\341\342\343\344& \210\345\334\346\"\210\347\334!\210\300\350\302\303\351DD\352\310\337\306\353\341\354\343\355& \210\345\350\346\"\210\300\356\302\303\357DD\360\310\337\306\361\341\354\343\362& \210\345\356\346\"\210\300\363\302\303\364DD\365\310\337\306\366\341\354\343\367& \210\345\363\346\"\210\300\370\302\303\371DD\372\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\346\373\317\374\323\375\325\376\331\324\332\324\333\324&\210\300\377\302\303\201@DD\201A\310\337\306\201B\341\342& \210\345\377\201C\"\210\300\201D\302\303\201EDD\201F\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201C\201G\317\201H\323\201I\325\201J\331\324\332\324\333\324&\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-css-stylelint-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the css-stylelint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"stylelint\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker css-stylelint "A CSS syntax and style checker using stylelint.\n\nSee URL `http://stylelint.io/'." :command ("stylelint" (eval flycheck-stylelint-args) (option-flag "--quiet" flycheck-stylelint-quiet) (config-file "--config" flycheck-stylelintrc) "--stdin-filename" (eval (or (buffer-file-name) "style.css"))) :error-parser flycheck-parse-stylelint :error-patterns nil :modes (css-mode) :predicate flycheck-buffer-nonempty-p :next-checkers :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-cuda-language-standard #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Our CUDA Language Standard.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `cuda-nvcc'" flycheck-options (choice (const :tag "Default standard" nil) (string :tag "Language standard")) :safe flycheck-string-or-nil-p :package-version (flycheck . "32") flycheck-register-option-var cuda-nvcc make-variable-buffer-local flycheck-cuda-includes #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Our include directories to pass to nvcc.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `cuda-nvcc'" (repeat (file :tag "Include file")) flycheck-string-list-p (flycheck . "32") flycheck-cuda-definitions #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Additional preprocessor definitions for nvcc.\nA list of strings to pass to cuda, a la flycheck-clang\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `cuda-nvcc'" (repeat (string :tag "Definitions")) (flycheck . "32") flycheck-cuda-include-path #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of include directories for nvcc.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `cuda-nvcc'" (repeat (directory :tag "Include directory")) (flycheck . "32") flycheck-cuda-nvcc-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the cuda-nvcc syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"nvcc\"." "A CUDA C/C++ syntax checker using nvcc.\n\nSee URL `https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-llvm-compiler'." ("nvcc" "-c" "--output-file" "/dev/null" "--x=cu" (option "-std=" flycheck-cuda-language-standard concat) (option-list "-include" flycheck-cuda-includes) (option-list "-D" flycheck-cuda-definitions concat) (option-list "-I" flycheck-cuda-include-path) source) ((error line-start (message "In file included from") " " (or "" (file-name)) ":" line ":" line-end) (error line-start (or "" (file-name)) "(" line "): error: " (message) line-end) (error line-start (or "" (file-name)) ":" line ":" column ": fatal error: " (optional (message)) line-end) (warning line-start (or "" (file-name)) "(" line "): warning: " (message) line-end)) cuda-mode flycheck-cwl-schema-path #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A path for the schema file for Common Workflow Language.\n\nThe value of this variable is a string that denotes a path for\nthe schema file of Common Workflow Language.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `cwl'" (choice (const :tag "None" nil) (file :tag "Schema file")) cwl flycheck-cwl-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the cwl syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"schema-salad-tool\"." "A CWL syntax checker using Schema Salad validator.\n\nRequires Schema Salad 2.6.20171101113912 or newer.\nSee URL `https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/SchemaSalad.html'." ("schema-salad-tool" "--quiet" "--print-oneline" (eval flycheck-cwl-schema-path) source-inplace) ((error line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ":" (zero-or-more blank) (message (one-or-more not-newline)) line-end)) cwl-mode] 19) #@53 Regular expression to match a D module declaration. (defconst flycheck-d-module-re "module\\s-+\\(\\S-+\\)\\s-*;" (#$ . 338293)) #@55 Get the relative base directory path for this module. (defalias 'flycheck-d-base-directory #[0 "\301 \211\203\302!\303\230\203\304\305!!\202\211\306\307!\"\207" [flycheck-d-module-re buffer-file-name file-name-nondirectory "package.d" directory-file-name file-name-directory flycheck-module-root-directory flycheck-find-in-buffer] 5 (#$ . 338428)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315& \210\316\301\317\"\210\300\320\302\303\321DD\322\306\307\323\324\310\325\314\326& \210\316\320\317\"\210\300\327\302\303\330DD\331\310\332\306\333\323\324& \210\334\317\335\336\337\340\341\342\343\344\345\346\345\347\345&\210\300\350\302\303\351DD\352\310\332\306\333\323\324& \210\334\353\354\336\355\340\356\357\360\342\361\344\345\346\324\347\345&\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-dmd-include-path funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of include directories for dmd.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a directory to add to the include path of dmd.\nRelative paths are relative to the file being checked.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `d-dmd'" :group flycheck-options :type (repeat (directory :tag "Include directory")) :safe flycheck-string-list-p :package-version (flycheck . "0.18") flycheck-register-option-var d-dmd flycheck-dmd-args #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of additional command line arguments.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings with additional\ncommand line arguments.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `d-dmd'" :risky t (repeat (string :tag "Argument")) (flycheck . "0.24") flycheck-d-dmd-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the d-dmd syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"dmd\"." (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) flycheck-executables flycheck-define-command-checker "A D syntax checker using the DMD compiler.\n\nRequires DMD 2.066 or newer. See URL `https://dlang.org/'." :command ("dmd" "-debug" "-o-" "-vcolumns" "-wi" (eval (concat "-I" (flycheck-d-base-directory))) (option-list "-I" flycheck-dmd-include-path concat) (eval flycheck-dmd-args) (source ".d")) :error-patterns ((error line-start (file-name) "(" line "," column "): Error: " (message) line-end) (warning line-start (file-name) "(" line "," column "): " (or "Warning" "Deprecation") ": " (message) line-end) (info line-start (file-name) "(" line "," column "): " (one-or-more " ") (message) line-end)) :modes d-mode :next-checkers nil :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-dockerfile-hadolint-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the dockerfile-hadolint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"hadolint\"." dockerfile-hadolint "A Dockerfile syntax checker using the hadolint.\n\nSee URL `http://github.com/hadolint/hadolint/'." ("hadolint" "--no-color" "-") ((error line-start (file-name) ":" line " " (id (one-or-more alnum)) " error: " (message) line-end) (warning line-start (file-name) ":" line " " (id (one-or-more alnum)) " warning: " (message) line-end) (info line-start (file-name) ":" line " " (id (one-or-more alnum)) " info: " (message) line-end) (error line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column " " (message) line-end)) :error-filter #[257 "\300\301\302\"!\207" [flycheck-sanitize-errors flycheck-remove-error-file-names "/dev/stdin"] 5 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] dockerfile-mode] 17) #@85 Check if `credo' is installed as dependency in the application. (fn &rest IGNORED) (defalias 'flycheck-credo--working-directory #[128 "\205\301\302\"\207" [buffer-file-name locate-dominating-file "deps/credo"] 4 (#$ . 342192)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315& \210\316\301\317\"\210\300\320\302\303\321DD\322\310\323\306\324\325\326& \210\327\317\330\331\332\333\334\335\336\337\340\341\342\343\326\344\342&\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-elixir-credo-strict funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Enable strict mode in `credo'.\n\nWhen non-nil, pass the `--strict' flag to credo.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `elixir-credo'" :group flycheck-options :type boolean :safe booleanp :package-version (flycheck . "32") flycheck-register-option-var elixir-credo flycheck-elixir-credo-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the elixir-credo syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"mix\"." (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker "An Elixir checker for static code analysis using Credo.\n\nSee `http://credo-ci.org/'." :command ("mix" "credo" (option-flag "--strict" flycheck-elixir-credo-strict) "--format" "flycheck" "--read-from-stdin" source-original) :error-patterns ((info line-start (file-name) ":" line (optional ":" column) ": " (or "F" "R" "C") ": " (message) line-end) (warning line-start (file-name) ":" line (optional ":" column) ": " (or "D" "W") ": " (message) line-end)) :modes elixir-mode :next-checkers nil :enabled flycheck-credo--working-directory :standard-input :working-directory] 17) #@53 The path to the currently running Emacs executable. (defconst flycheck-this-emacs-executable (concat invocation-directory invocation-name) (#$ . 344064)) #@40 Common arguments to Emacs invocations. (defconst flycheck-emacs-args '("-Q" "--batch") (#$ . 344224)) #@70 Prepare BODY for use as check form in a subprocess. (fn &rest BODY) (defalias 'flycheck-prepare-emacs-lisp-form '(macro . #[128 "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307BBB\310BBEDD\207" [flycheck-sexp-to-string quote progn (defvar jka-compr-inhibit) unwind-protect let ((jka-compr-inhibit t)) (when (equal (car command-line-args-left) "--") (setq command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left))) ((setq command-line-args-left nil))] 10 (#$ . 344332)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put flycheck-prepare-emacs-lisp-form lisp-indent-function 0] 4) #@60 Prepare an Emacs Lisp form to set byte-compiler variables. (defalias 'flycheck-emacs-lisp-bytecomp-config-form #[0 "\302\303\304\305\306\203\307!\202 EE!\207" [buffer-file-name default-directory flycheck-sexp-to-string progn (require 'bytecomp) setq byte-compile-root-dir file-name-directory] 7 (#$ . 344905)]) (defconst flycheck-emacs-lisp-check-form (flycheck-sexp-to-string '(progn (defvar jka-compr-inhibit) (unwind-protect (let ((jka-compr-inhibit t)) (when (equal (car command-line-args-left) "--") (setq command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left))) (require 'bytecomp) (defvar flycheck-byte-compiled-files nil) (let ((byte-compile-dest-file-function (lambda (source) (let ((temp-file (make-temp-file (file-name-nondirectory source)))) (push temp-file flycheck-byte-compiled-files) temp-file)))) (unwind-protect (byte-compile-file (car command-line-args-left)) (mapc (lambda (f) (ignore-errors (delete-file f))) flycheck-byte-compiled-files)) (when (bound-and-true-p flycheck-emacs-lisp-check-declare) (check-declare-file (car command-line-args-left))))) (setq command-line-args-left nil))))) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315& \210\316\301\317\"\210\300\320\302\303\321DD\322\306\307\310\323\312\313\314\324& \210\316\320\317\"\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-emacs-lisp-load-path funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Load path to use in the Emacs Lisp syntax checker.\n\nWhen set to `inherit', use the `load-path' of the current Emacs\nsession during syntax checking.\n\nWhen set to a list of strings, add each directory in this list to\nthe `load-path' before invoking the byte compiler. Relative\npaths in this list are expanded against the `default-directory'\nof the buffer to check.\n\nWhen nil, do not explicitly set the `load-path' during syntax\nchecking. The syntax check only uses the built-in `load-path' of\nEmacs in this case.\n\nNote that changing this variable can lead to wrong results of the\nsyntax check, e.g. if an unexpected version of a required library\nis used.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `emacs-lisp'" :group flycheck-options :type (choice (const :tag "Inherit current `load-path'" inherit) (repeat :tag "Load path" directory)) :risky t :package-version (flycheck . "0.14") flycheck-register-option-var emacs-lisp flycheck-emacs-lisp-initialize-packages #[0 "\300\207" [auto] 1] "Whether to initialize packages in the Emacs Lisp syntax checker.\n\nWhen nil, never initialize packages. When `auto', initialize\npackages only when checking `user-init-file' or files from\n`user-emacs-directory'. For any other non-nil value, always\ninitialize packages.\n\nWhen initializing packages is enabled the `emacs-lisp' syntax\nchecker calls `package-initialize' before byte-compiling the file\nto be checked. It also sets `package-user-dir' according to\n`flycheck-emacs-lisp-package-user-dir'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `emacs-lisp'" (choice (const :tag "Do not initialize packages" nil) (const :tag "Initialize packages for configuration only" auto) (const :tag "Always initialize packages" t)) (flycheck . "0.14")] 12) #@35 Form used to initialize packages. (defconst flycheck-emacs-lisp-package-initialize-form (flycheck-sexp-to-string '(with-demoted-errors "Error during package initialization: %S" (package-initialize))) (#$ . 348117)) #@80 Option VALUE filter for `flycheck-emacs-lisp-initialize-packages'. (fn VALUE) (defalias 'flycheck-option-emacs-lisp-package-initialize #[257 "\211\304=\203\305\206\f !\206 \n\205 \205 \306\n\"\202 \211\211\205% \207" [buffer-file-name default-directory user-init-file flycheck-emacs-lisp-package-initialize-form auto flycheck-in-user-emacs-directory-p flycheck-same-files-p] 4 (#$ . 348338)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315& \210\316\301\317\"\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-emacs-lisp-package-user-dir funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Package directory for the Emacs Lisp syntax checker.\n\nIf set to a string set `package-user-dir' to the value of this\nvariable before initializing packages. If set to nil just inherit\nthe value of `package-user-dir' from the running Emacs session.\n\nThis variable has no effect, if\n`flycheck-emacs-lisp-initialize-packages' is nil.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `emacs-lisp'" :group flycheck-options :type (choice (const :tag "Default package directory" nil) (directory :tag "Custom package directory")) :risky t :package-version (flycheck . "0.14") flycheck-register-option-var emacs-lisp] 12) #@77 Option VALUE filter for `flycheck-emacs-lisp-package-user-dir'. (fn VALUE) (defalias 'flycheck-option-emacs-lisp-package-user-dir #[257 "\211\206 \301\300!\205 \211\205\302\303\300E!\207" [package-user-dir boundp flycheck-sexp-to-string setq] 6 (#$ . 349591)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315& \210\316\301\317\"\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-emacs-lisp-check-declare funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "If non-nil, check ‘declare-function’ forms using ‘check-declare-file’.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `emacs-lisp'" :group flycheck-options :type (choice (const :tag "Do not check declare forms" nil) (const :tag "Check declare forms" t)) :risky t :package-version (flycheck . "31") flycheck-register-option-var emacs-lisp] 12) #@74 Option VALUE filter for `flycheck-emacs-lisp-check-declare'. (fn VALUE) (defalias 'flycheck-option-emacs-lisp-check-declare #[257 "\211\205 \300\301\302\303\304EE!\207" [flycheck-sexp-to-string progn (defvar flycheck-emacs-lisp-check-declare) setq flycheck-emacs-lisp-check-declare] 7 (#$ . 350438)]) #@67 Check whether to enable Emacs Lisp checker in the current buffer. (defalias 'flycheck--emacs-lisp-enabled-p #[0 "\300 \206\301 \205\302\301 !\303\235?\207" [flycheck-autoloads-file-p buffer-file-name file-name-nondirectory ("Cask" "Carton" ".dir-locals.el" ".dir-locals-2.el")] 2 (#$ . 350748)]) #@68 Check whether to enable Emacs Lisp Checkdoc in the current buffer. (defalias 'flycheck--emacs-lisp-checkdoc-enabled-p #[0 "\300 \205\n\301 \302\235?\207" [flycheck--emacs-lisp-enabled-p buffer-file-name ("Eldev" "Eldev-local")] 2 (#$ . 351054)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\332\333\334\335\336\337\336&\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-emacs-lisp-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the emacs-lisp syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"emacs\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker emacs-lisp "An Emacs Lisp syntax checker using the Emacs Lisp Byte compiler.\n\nSee Info Node `(elisp)Byte Compilation'." :command ("emacs" (eval flycheck-emacs-args) (eval (let ((path (pcase flycheck-emacs-lisp-load-path (`inherit load-path) (p (seq-map #'expand-file-name p))))) (flycheck-prepend-with-option "--directory" path))) (option "--eval" flycheck-emacs-lisp-package-user-dir nil flycheck-option-emacs-lisp-package-user-dir) (option "--eval" flycheck-emacs-lisp-initialize-packages nil flycheck-option-emacs-lisp-package-initialize) (option "--eval" flycheck-emacs-lisp-check-declare nil flycheck-option-emacs-lisp-check-declare) "--eval" (eval (flycheck-emacs-lisp-bytecomp-config-form)) "--eval" (eval flycheck-emacs-lisp-check-form) "--" source-inplace) :error-patterns ((error line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ":" (zero-or-more whitespace) "Error:" (zero-or-more whitespace) (message (zero-or-more not-newline) (zero-or-more "\n " (zero-or-more not-newline))) line-end) (warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ":" (zero-or-more whitespace) "Warning:" (zero-or-more whitespace) (message (zero-or-more not-newline) (zero-or-more "\n " (zero-or-more not-newline))) line-end) (warning line-start (file-name) ":" line (optional ":" column) ":" (zero-or-more whitespace) "Warning (check-declare): said\n" (message (zero-or-more " " (zero-or-more not-newline)) (zero-or-more "\n " (zero-or-more not-newline))) line-end) (warning line-start "Warning (check-declare): " (file-name) " said " (message (zero-or-more not-newline)) line-end)) :error-filter #[257 "\300\301\302!!!\207" [flycheck-fill-empty-line-numbers flycheck-collapse-error-message-whitespace flycheck-sanitize-errors] 5 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] :modes (emacs-lisp-mode lisp-interaction-mode) :predicate #[0 "\301\300!\205?\207" [no-byte-compile boundp] 2] :next-checkers (emacs-lisp-checkdoc) :enabled flycheck--emacs-lisp-enabled-p :standard-input nil :working-directory] 21) (defconst flycheck-emacs-lisp-checkdoc-form (flycheck-sexp-to-string '(progn (defvar jka-compr-inhibit) (unwind-protect (let ((jka-compr-inhibit t)) (when (equal (car command-line-args-left) "--") (setq command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left))) (unless (require 'elisp-mode nil 'no-error) (require 'lisp-mode)) (require 'checkdoc) (let ((source (car command-line-args-left)) (process-default-directory default-directory)) (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents source 'visit) (setq buffer-file-name source) (setq default-directory process-default-directory) (with-demoted-errors "Error in checkdoc: %S" (delay-mode-hooks (emacs-lisp-mode)) (setq delayed-mode-hooks nil) (checkdoc-current-buffer t) (with-current-buffer checkdoc-diagnostic-buffer (princ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))) (kill-buffer)))))) (setq command-line-args-left nil))))) #@49 Variables inherited by the checkdoc subprocess. (defconst flycheck-emacs-lisp-checkdoc-variables '(checkdoc-symbol-words checkdoc-arguments-in-order-flag checkdoc-force-history-flag checkdoc-permit-comma-termination-flag checkdoc-force-docstrings-flag checkdoc-package-keywords-flag checkdoc-spellcheck-documentation-flag checkdoc-verb-check-experimental-flag checkdoc-max-keyref-before-warn sentence-end-double-space) (#$ . 354814)) #@134 Make a sexp to pass relevant variables to a checkdoc subprocess. Variables are taken from `flycheck-emacs-lisp-checkdoc-variables'. (defalias 'flycheck-emacs-lisp-checkdoc-variables-form #[0 "\301\302\303\304\305\"\"B\207" [flycheck-emacs-lisp-checkdoc-variables progn seq-map #[257 "\300\301JDE\207" [setq-default quote] 5 "\n\n(fn OPT)"] seq-filter boundp] 6 (#$ . 355255)]) (byte-code "\301\302\303\304\305DD\306\307\310\311\312\313\314& \210\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\332\327\333\327&\210\334\211\203<\211@\335\336\"\211\240\266A\266\202\202&\207" [flycheck-this-emacs-executable custom-declare-variable flycheck-emacs-lisp-checkdoc-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the emacs-lisp-checkdoc syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"emacs\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker emacs-lisp-checkdoc "An Emacs Lisp style checker using CheckDoc.\n\nThe checker runs `checkdoc-current-buffer'." :command ("emacs" (eval flycheck-emacs-args) "--eval" (eval (flycheck-sexp-to-string (flycheck-emacs-lisp-checkdoc-variables-form))) "--eval" (eval flycheck-emacs-lisp-checkdoc-form) "--" source) :error-patterns ((info line-start (file-name) ":" line ": " (message) line-end)) :modes (emacs-lisp-mode) :next-checkers nil :enabled flycheck--emacs-lisp-checkdoc-enabled-p :standard-input :working-directory (emacs-lisp emacs-lisp-checkdoc) flycheck-checker-get command] 17) #@85 Check the required config file is available up the file system. (fn &rest IGNORED) (defalias 'flycheck-ember-template--check-for-config #[128 "\205\301\302\"\207" [buffer-file-name locate-dominating-file ".template-lintrc.js"] 4 (#$ . 356969)]) #@194 Parse Ember-template-lint errors/warnings from JSON OUTPUT. CHECKER and BUFFER denote the CHECKER that returned OUTPUT and the BUFFER that was checked respectively. (fn OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-ember-template--parse-error #[771 "\300\301\302#\303!@@A\"\207" [mapcar make-closure #[257 "\211\302\236A\303\236A\304\236A\305\236A\306\236A\307\310\267\202&\311\202'\312\202'\312\313\314\300\315\301\316\317\301!&\f\207" [V0 V1 line column severity message rule flycheck-error-new-at #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (2 30 1 34)) error warning :id :checker :buffer :filename buffer-file-name] 21 "\n\n(fn ERR)"] flycheck-parse-json] 8 (#$ . 357226)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\301\315\"\210\300\316\302\303\317DD\320\306\321\312\322\323\324& \210\325\315\326\327\330\331\332\333\334\335\336\337\334\340\341\342\324\343\341&\210\300\344\302\303\345DD\346\312\347\306\350\310\351\352\353& \210\354\344\355\"\210\300\356\302\303\357DD\360\312\347\306\361\310\351\352\362& \210\354\356\355\"\210\300\363\302\303\364DD\365\306\321\312\322\323\324& \210\325\355\366\327\367\333\370\335\371\337\334\340\372\342\334\343\334&\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-ember-template-lintrc funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [#1=".template-lintrc.js"] 1 #1#] "Configuration file for `ember-template'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." :type (choice (const :tag "No configuration file" nil) (string :tag "File name or path") (repeat :tag "File names or paths" string)) :safe flycheck-string-or-string-list-p :group flycheck-config-files flycheck-register-config-file-var ember-template flycheck-ember-template-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the ember-template syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"ember-template-lint\"." (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker "An Ember template checker using ember-template-lint." :command ("ember-template-lint" (config-file "--config-path" flycheck-ember-template-lintrc) "--filename" source-original "--json") :error-parser flycheck-ember-template--parse-error :error-patterns nil :modes web-mode :next-checkers :enabled flycheck-ember-template--check-for-config :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-erlang-include-path #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of include directories for Erlang.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a directory to add to the include path of erlc.\nRelative paths are relative to the file being checked.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `erlang'" flycheck-options (repeat (directory :tag "Include directory")) flycheck-string-list-p :package-version (flycheck . "0.24") flycheck-register-option-var erlang flycheck-erlang-library-path #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of library directories for Erlang.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a directory to add to the library path of erlc.\nRelative paths are relative to the file being checked.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `erlang'" (repeat (directory :tag "Library directory")) (flycheck . "0.24") flycheck-erlang-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the erlang syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"erlc\"." "An Erlang syntax checker using the Erlang interpreter.\n\nSee URL `http://www.erlang.org/'." ("erlc" "-o" temporary-directory (option-list "-I" flycheck-erlang-include-path) (option-list "-pa" flycheck-erlang-library-path) "-Wall" source) ((warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ": Warning:" (message) line-end) (error line-start (file-name) ":" line ": " (message) line-end)) erlang-mode #[0 "\300\301\302 \"\207" [string-suffix-p ".erl" buffer-file-name] 3]] 19) #@88 Return DIR-NAME if rebar config file exists in DIR-NAME, nil otherwise. (fn DIR-NAME) (defalias 'flycheck--contains-rebar-config #[257 "\300\301\302\"!\204\300\301\303\"!\205\211\207" [file-exists-p expand-file-name "rebar.config" "rebar.config.script"] 5 (#$ . 361844)]) #@509 Find the top-most rebar project root for source FILE-NAME. A project root directory is any directory containing a rebar.config file. Find the top-most directory to move out of any nested dependencies. FILE-NAME is a source file for which to find the project. PREV-FILE-NAME helps us prevent infinite looping ACC is an accumulator that keeps the list of results, the first non-nil of which will be our project root. Return the absolute path to the directory (fn FILE-NAME &optional PREV-FILE-NAME ACC) (defalias 'flycheck--locate-rebar3-project-root #[769 "\230\203\f\300\301\"@\207\302!\303\304!\305!B#\207" [remove nil file-name-directory flycheck--locate-rebar3-project-root directory-file-name flycheck--contains-rebar-config] 9 (#$ . 362130)]) #@73 Return directory where rebar.config is located. (fn &optional CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-rebar3-project-root #[256 "\301!\207" [buffer-file-name flycheck--locate-rebar3-project-root] 3 (#$ . 362900)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315& \210\316\301\317\"\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-erlang-rebar3-profile funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The rebar3 profile to use.\n\nThe profile used when compiling, if VALUE is nil \"test\" will be used\nwhen the file is located in test directory, otherwise \"default\" will be\nused as profile.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `erlang-rebar3'" :group flycheck-options :type (choice (const :tag "Automatic" nil) (string :tag "Profile")) :safe flycheck-string-or-nil-p :package-version (flycheck . "32") flycheck-register-option-var erlang-rebar3] 12) #@159 Return rebar3 profile. Use flycheck-erlang-rebar3-profile if set, otherwise use test or eqc profile if directory name is "test" or "eqc", or else "default". (defalias 'flycheck-erlang-rebar3-get-profile #[0 "\206\302\303 \205\304\305\306 !!!\"\206\307\207" [flycheck-erlang-rebar3-profile buffer-file-name seq-contains ("test" "eqc") file-name-base directory-file-name file-name-directory "default"] 6 (#$ . 363795)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\332\333\334\335\332\336\334&\210\300\337\302\303\340DD\341\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\342\343\317\344\323\345\325\346\331\347\335\332\336\332&\210\300\350\302\303\351DD\352\306\353\354\355\310\356& \210\357\350\360\"\210\300\361\302\303\362DD\363\310\364\354\365\306\366\367\370& \210\371\361\360\"\210\300\372\302\303\373DD\374\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\360\375\317\376\323\377\325\201@\331\332\335\313\336\201A&\210\300\201B\302\303\201CDD\201D\310\364\312\313\306\201E\367\201F& \210\371\201B\201G\"\210\300\201H\302\303\201IDD\201J\310\364\306\201K\354\201L\367\201M& \210\371\201H\201G\"\210\300\201N\302\303\201ODD\201P\310\364\306\201Q\367\201R& \210\371\201N\201G\"\210\300\201S\302\303\201TDD\201U\310\364\306\201V\354\201W\367\201X& \210\371\201S\201G\"\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-erlang-rebar3-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the erlang-rebar3 syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"rebar3\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker erlang-rebar3 "An Erlang syntax checker using the rebar3 build tool." :command ("rebar3" "as" (eval (flycheck-erlang-rebar3-get-profile)) "compile") :error-parser flycheck-parse-with-patterns-without-color :error-patterns ((warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ": Warning:" (message) line-end) (error line-start (file-name) ":" line ": " (message) line-end)) :modes erlang-mode :predicate flycheck-buffer-saved-p :next-checkers nil :enabled flycheck-rebar3-project-root :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-eruby-erubis-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the eruby-erubis syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"erubis\"." eruby-erubis "An eRuby syntax checker using the `erubis' command.\n\nSee URL `http://www.kuwata-lab.com/erubis/'." ("erubis" "-z" source) ((error line-start (file-name) ":" line ": " (message) line-end)) (html-erb-mode rhtml-mode) ((warning . eruby-ruumba)) flycheck-ruumbarc #[0 "\300\207" [#1=".ruumba.yml"] 1 #1#] "Configuration file for `eruby-ruumba'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." (choice (const :tag "No configuration file" nil) (string :tag "File name or path") (repeat :tag "File names or paths" string)) :safe flycheck-string-or-string-list-p flycheck-config-files flycheck-register-config-file-var eruby-ruumba flycheck-ruumba-lint-only #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to only report code issues in Ruumba.\n\nWhen non-nil, only report code issues in Ruumba, via `--lint'.\nOtherwise report style issues as well.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `eruby-ruumba'" flycheck-options booleanp boolean :package-version (flycheck . "32") flycheck-register-option-var flycheck-eruby-ruumba-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the eruby-ruumba syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"ruumba\"." "An eRuby syntax and style checker using the Ruumba tool.\n\nYou need at least Ruumba 0.1.7 for this syntax checker.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/ericqweinstein/ruumba'." ("ruumba" "--display-cop-names" "--force-exclusion" "--format" "emacs" "--cache" "false" (config-file "--config" flycheck-ruumbarc) (option-flag "--lint" flycheck-ruumba-lint-only) "--stdin" source-original) ((info line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": C: " (optional (id (one-or-more (not (any ":")))) ": ") (message) line-end) (warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": W: " (optional (id (one-or-more (not (any ":")))) ": ") (message) line-end) (error line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": " (or "E" "F") ": " (optional (id (one-or-more (not (any ":")))) ": ") (message) line-end)) (html-erb-mode rhtml-mode) flycheck-ruby--find-project-root flycheck-gfortran-args #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of additional command line arguments.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings with additional\ncommand line arguments.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `fortran-gfortran'" (repeat (string :tag "Argument")) (flycheck . "0.22") fortran-gfortran flycheck-gfortran-include-path #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of include directories for GCC Fortran.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a directory to add to the include path of gcc.\nRelative paths are relative to the file being checked.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `fortran-gfortran'" (repeat (directory :tag "Include directory")) flycheck-string-list-p (flycheck . "0.20") flycheck-gfortran-language-standard #[0 "\300\207" [#2="f95"] 1 #2#] "The language standard to use in GFortran.\n\nThe value of this variable is either a string denoting a language\nstandard, or nil, to use the default standard. When non-nil,\npass the language standard via the `-std' option.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `fortran-gfortran'" (choice (const :tag "Default standard" nil) (string :tag "Language standard")) (flycheck . "0.20") flycheck-gfortran-layout #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The source code layout to use in GFortran.\n\nThe value of this variable is one of the following symbols:\n\nnil\n Let gfortran determine the layout from the extension\n\n`free'\n Use free form layout\n\n\n`fixed'\n Use fixed form layout\n\nIn any other case, an error is signaled.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `fortran-gfortran'" (choice (const :tag "Guess layout from extension" nil) (const :tag "Free form layout" free) (const :tag "Fixed form layout" fixed)) #[257 "\211?\206\211\300>\207" [(free fixed)] 3 "\n\n(fn VALUE)"] (flycheck . "0.20")] 21) #@65 Option VALUE filter for `flycheck-gfortran-layout'. (fn VALUE) (defalias 'flycheck-option-gfortran-layout #[257 "\211\204\300\207\211\301\267\202\302\207\303\207\304\305\"\207" [nil #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (free 12 fixed 14)) "free-form" "fixed-form" error "Invalid value for flycheck-gfortran-layout: %S"] 4 (#$ . 370977)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315& \210\316\301\317\"\210\300\320\302\303\321DD\322\310\323\306\324\325\326& \210\327\317\330\331\332\333\334\335\336\337\340\341\340\342\340&\210\300\343\302\303\344DD\345\310\323\306\324\325\326& \210\327\346\347\331\350\333\351\335\352\337\353\341\326\342\340&\210\300\354\302\303\355DD\356\310\323\306\324\325\326& \210\327\357\360\331\361\333\362\335\352\337\363\341\340\342\340&\210\300\364\302\303\365DD\366\306\307\310\367\312\313& \210\316\364\370\"\210\300\371\302\303\372DD\373\310\323\306\324\325\326& \210\327\370\374\331\375\333\376\335\352\337\377\201@\201A\341\340\342\340&\210\300\201B\302\303\201CDD\201D\306\307\310\201E\312\201F\314\201G& \210\316\201B\201H\"\210\300\201I\302\303\201JDD\201K\306\307\310\201L\312\313\314\201M& \210\316\201I\201N\"\210\300\201O\302\303\201PDD\201Q\306\307\310\201R\312\201S\314\201T& \210\316\201O\201U\"\210\300\201V\302\303\201WDD\201X\310\323\306\324\325\326& \210\327\201Y\201Z\331\201[\333\201\\\201]\201^\335\352\201_\201`\337\201a\341\340\342\340&\210\300\201b\302\303\201cDD\201d\310\323\306\324\325\326& \210\327\201e\201f\331\201g\333\201h\335\352\201_\201i\337\201j\341\340\342\340&\210\300\201k\302\303\201lDD\201m\310\323\306\324\325\326& \210\327\201n\201o\331\201p\333\201q\201]\201r\335\352\201_\201s\337\201t\341\340\342\340&\210\300\201u\302\303\201vDD\201w\310\323\306\324\325\326& \210\327\201x\201y\331\201z\333\201{\335\352\201_\201|\337\340\341\340\342\340&\210\300\201}\302\303\201~DD\201\310\323\306\324\325\326& \210\327\201U\201\200\331\201\201\201\202\201\203\333\340\335\352\337\340\341\340\342\340&\210\300\201\204\302\303\201\205DD\201\206\310\323\306\324\325\326& \210\327\201\207\201\210\331\201\211\333\201\212\335\201\213\337\340\341\326\342\340&\210\300\201\214\302\303\201\215DD\201\216\310\323\306\324\325\326& \210\327\201\217\201\220\331\201\221\333\201\222\335\201\223\337\340\341\326\342\340&\210\300\201\224\302\303\201\225DD\201\226\310\323\306\324\325\326& \210\327\201\227\201\230\331\201\231\333\201\232\335\201\233\201_\201\234\337\340\341\326\342\340&\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-gfortran-warnings funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [("all" "extra")] 1] "A list of warnings for GCC Fortran.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each string\nis the name of a warning category to enable. By default, all\nrecommended warnings and some extra warnings are enabled (as by\n`-Wall' and `-Wextra' respectively).\n\nRefer to the gfortran manual at URL\n`https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gfortran/' for more information\nabout warnings\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `fortran-gfortran'" :group flycheck-options :type (choice (const :tag "No additional warnings" nil) (repeat :tag "Additional warnings" (string :tag "Warning name"))) :safe flycheck-string-list-p :package-version (flycheck . "0.20") flycheck-register-option-var fortran-gfortran flycheck-fortran-gfortran-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the fortran-gfortran syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"gfortran\"." (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker "An Fortran syntax checker using GCC.\n\nUses GCC's Fortran compiler gfortran. See URL\n`https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gfortran/'." :command ("gfortran" "-fsyntax-only" "-fshow-column" "-fno-diagnostics-show-caret" "-fno-diagnostics-show-option" "-iquote" (eval (flycheck-c/c++-quoted-include-directory)) (option "-std=" flycheck-gfortran-language-standard concat) (option "-f" flycheck-gfortran-layout concat flycheck-option-gfortran-layout) (option-list "-W" flycheck-gfortran-warnings concat) (option-list "-I" flycheck-gfortran-include-path concat) (eval flycheck-gfortran-args) source) :error-patterns ((error line-start (file-name) ":" line (or ":" ".") column (or ": " ":\n") (or (= 3 (zero-or-more not-newline) "\n") #1="") (or "Error" "Fatal Error") ": " (message) line-end) (warning line-start (file-name) ":" line (or ":" ".") column (or ": " ":\n") (or (= 3 (zero-or-more not-newline) "\n") #1#) "Warning: " (message) line-end)) :modes (fortran-mode f90-mode) :next-checkers nil :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-go-gofmt-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the go-gofmt syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"gofmt\"." go-gofmt "A Go syntax and style checker using the gofmt utility.\n\nSee URL `https://golang.org/cmd/gofmt/'." ("gofmt") ((error line-start ":" line ":" column ": " (message) line-end)) go-mode ((warning . go-golint) (warning . go-vet) (warning . go-build) (warning . go-test) (warning . go-errcheck) (warning . go-unconvert) (warning . go-staticcheck)) flycheck-go-golint-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the go-golint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"golint\"." go-golint "A Go style checker using Golint.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/golang/lint'." ("golint" source) ((warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": " (message) line-end)) (go-vet go-build go-test go-errcheck go-unconvert) flycheck-go-vet-print-functions #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of print-like functions for `go vet'.\n\nGo vet will check these functions for format string problems and\nissues, such as a mismatch between the number of formats used,\nand the number of arguments given.\n\nEach entry is in the form Name:N where N is the zero-based\nargument position of the first argument involved in the print:\neither the format or the first print argument for non-formatted\nprints. For example, if you have Warn and Warnf functions that\ntake an io.Writer as their first argument, like Fprintf,\n-printfuncs=Warn:1,Warnf:1 \n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `go-vet'" (repeat :tag "print-like functions" (string :tag "function")) go-vet flycheck-go-vet-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the go-vet syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"go\"." "A Go syntax checker using the `go vet' command.\n\nSee URL `https://golang.org/cmd/go/' and URL\n`https://golang.org/cmd/vet/'." ("go" "vet" (option "-printf.funcs=" flycheck-go-vet-print-functions concat flycheck-option-comma-separated-list) (source ".go")) ((warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ": " (message) line-end)) (go-build go-test go-errcheck go-unconvert go-staticcheck) :verify #[257 "\300\301!\302\3031\304\305\"0\202\210\306\235\307\310\311\203\312\202\313\203'\314\202(\315$C\207" [flycheck-checker-executable go-vet "vet" (error) process-lines "tool" nil record flycheck-verification-result "go tool vet" "present" "missing" success (bold error)] 8 "\n\n(fn _)"] flycheck-go-build-install-deps #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to install dependencies in `go build' and `go test'.\n\nIf non-nil automatically install dependencies with `go build'\nwhile syntax checking.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `go-build'\n - `go-test'" boolean booleanp (flycheck . "0.25") (go-build go-test) flycheck-go-build-tags #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of tags for `go build'.\n\nEach item is a string with a tag to be given to `go build'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `go-build'\n - `go-test'\n - `go-errcheck'\n - `go-staticcheck'" (repeat (string :tag "Tag")) (flycheck . "0.25") (go-build go-test go-errcheck go-staticcheck) flycheck-go-version #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The version of go that should be targeted by `staticcheck'.\n\nShould be a string representing a version, like 1.6 or 1.11.4.\nSee `https://staticcheck.io/docs/#targeting-go-versions' for\ndetails.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `go-staticcheck'" (choice (const :tag "Unspecified" nil) (string :tag "Version")) flycheck-string-or-nil-p (flycheck . "0.32") go-staticcheck flycheck-go-build-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the go-build syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"go\"." go-build "A Go syntax and type checker using the `go build' command.\n\nRequires Go 1.6 or newer. See URL `https://golang.org/cmd/go'." ("go" "build" (option-flag "-i" flycheck-go-build-install-deps) (option-list "-tags=" flycheck-go-build-tags concat) "-o" null-device) ((error line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" (optional column ":") " " (message (one-or-more not-newline) (zero-or-more "\n " (one-or-more not-newline))) line-end) (info line-start (message "can't load package: package " (one-or-more (not (any 58 10))) ": found packages " (one-or-more not-newline)) line-end)) :error-filter #[257 "\211\211\2039\211@\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\2042\301!>\204+\302\303\304D\"\210\211\211\305\306I\266A\266\202\202\210\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 4 1] 7 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] :predicate #[0 "\300 \205 \301\302\303 \"?\207" [flycheck-buffer-saved-p string-suffix-p "_test.go" buffer-file-name] 3] ((warning . go-errcheck) (warning . go-unconvert) (warning . go-staticcheck)) flycheck-go-test-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the go-test syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"go\"." go-test "A Go syntax and type checker using the `go test' command.\n\nRequires Go 1.6 or newer. See URL `https://golang.org/cmd/go'." ("go" "test" (option-flag "-i" flycheck-go-build-install-deps) (option-list "-tags=" flycheck-go-build-tags concat) "-c" "-o" null-device) ((error line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" (optional column ":") " " (message (one-or-more not-newline) (zero-or-more "\n " (one-or-more not-newline))) line-end)) #[0 "\300 \205\n\301\302\303 \"\207" [flycheck-buffer-saved-p string-suffix-p "_test.go" buffer-file-name] 3] ((warning . go-errcheck) (warning . go-unconvert) (warning . go-staticcheck)) flycheck-go-errcheck-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the go-errcheck syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"errcheck\"." go-errcheck "A Go checker for unchecked errors.\n\nRequires errcheck newer than commit 8515d34 (Aug 28th, 2015).\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/kisielk/errcheck'." ("errcheck" "-abspath" (option-list "-tags=" flycheck-go-build-tags concat) ".") ((warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column (or (one-or-more " ") ": " ": ") (message) line-end)) #[257 "\301!\211\211\203A\211@\302!>\204\303\304\305D\"\210\211\306H\211\2039\302!>\204/\303\304\305D\"\210\211\306\307\310\"I\266\210A\266\202\202\266\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags flycheck-sanitize-errors type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 6 format "Ignored `error` returned from `%s`"] 11 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] #[0 "\300 \207" [flycheck-buffer-saved-p] 1] ((warning . go-unconvert) (warning . go-staticcheck)) flycheck-go-unconvert-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the go-unconvert syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"unconvert\"." go-unconvert "A Go checker looking for unnecessary type conversions.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/mdempsky/unconvert'." ("unconvert" ".") ((warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": " (message) line-end)) #[0 "\300 \207" [flycheck-buffer-saved-p] 1] flycheck-go-staticcheck-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the go-staticcheck syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"staticcheck\"." "A Go checker that performs static analysis and linting using\nthe `staticcheck' command.\n\n`staticcheck' is explicitly fully compatible with \"the last two\nversions of go\". `staticheck' can target earlier versions (with\nlimited features) if `flycheck-go-version' is set. See URL\n`https://staticcheck.io/'." ("staticcheck" "-f" "json" (option-list "-tags" flycheck-go-build-tags concat) (option "-go" flycheck-go-version)) :error-parser flycheck-parse-go-staticcheck flycheck-groovy-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the groovy syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"groovy\"." groovy "A groovy syntax checker using groovy compiler API.\n\nSee URL `http://www.groovy-lang.org'." ("groovy" "-e" "import org.codehaus.groovy.control.*\n\nunit = new CompilationUnit()\nunit.addSource(\"input\", System.in)\n\ntry {\n unit.compile(Phases.CONVERSION)\n} catch (MultipleCompilationErrorsException e) {\n e.errorCollector.write(new PrintWriter(System.out, true), null)\n}") ((error line-start "input: " line ":" (message) " @ line " line ", column " column "." line-end)) groovy-mode flycheck-haml-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the haml syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"haml\"." haml "A Haml syntax checker using the Haml compiler.\n\nSee URL `http://haml.info'." ("haml" "-c" "--stdin") ((error line-start "Syntax error on line " line ": " (message) line-end) (error line-start ":" line ": syntax error, " (message) line-end)) haml-mode flycheck-handlebars-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the handlebars syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"handlebars\"." handlebars "A Handlebars syntax checker using the Handlebars compiler.\n\nSee URL `http://handlebarsjs.com/'." ("handlebars" "-i-") ((error line-start "Error: Parse error on line " line ":" (optional " ") "\n" (zero-or-more not-newline) "\n" (zero-or-more not-newline) "\n" (message) line-end)) (handlebars-mode handlebars-sgml-mode web-mode) #[0 "\303=\203*\304\301!\205 \305\306\"A\211\205)\307 \205)\211\307 \310\311\312#)\266\203\207\311\207" [major-mode web-mode-engine-file-regexps inhibit-changing-match-data web-mode boundp assoc "handlebars" buffer-file-name nil t string-match] 9]] 19) #@47 Regular expression for a Haskell module name. (defconst flycheck-haskell-module-re "^\\(?:\n\\|[[:space:]]\\)*module\\(?:\n\\|[[:space:]]\\)+\\([^\n([:space:]]+\\)" (#$ . 386990)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315& \210\316\301\317\"\210\300\320\302\303\321DD\322\306\307\312\323\324\325\314\326& \210\316\320\327\"\210\300\330\302\303\331DD\332\306\307\312\333\324\334\314\335& \210\316\330\327\"\210\300\336\302\303\337DD\340\306\307\312\323\324\325\314\341& \210\316\336\342\"\210\300\343\302\303\344DD\345\306\307\312\346\324\347\314\350& \210\316\343\342\"\210\300\351\302\303\352DD\353\306\307\312\354\324\347\314\355& \210\316\351\356\"\210\300\357\302\303\360DD\361\306\307\312\362\324\347\314\363& \210\316\357\364\"\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-ghc-args funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of additional command line arguments.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings with additional\ncommand line arguments.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `haskell-stack-ghc'\n - `haskell-ghc'" :group flycheck-options :risky t :type (repeat (string :tag "Argument")) :package-version (flycheck . "0.22") flycheck-register-option-var (haskell-stack-ghc haskell-ghc) flycheck-ghc-stack-use-nix #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to enable nix support in stack.\n\nWhen non-nil, stack will append '--nix' flag to any call.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `haskell-stack-ghc'" boolean :safe booleanp (flycheck . "26") haskell-stack-ghc flycheck-ghc-stack-project-file #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Override project stack.yaml file.\n\nThe value of this variable is a file path that refers to a yaml\nfile for the current stack project. Relative file paths are\nresolved against the checker's working directory. When non-nil,\nstack will get overridden value via `--stack-yaml'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `haskell-stack-ghc'" (choice (const :tag "Unspecified" nil) (file :tag "Project file")) flycheck-string-or-nil-p (flycheck . "32") flycheck-ghc-no-user-package-database #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to disable the user package database in GHC.\n\nWhen non-nil, disable the user package database in GHC, via\n`-no-user-package-db'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `haskell-ghc'" (flycheck . "0.16") haskell-ghc flycheck-ghc-package-databases #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Additional module databases for GHC.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a directory of a package database. Each package\ndatabase is given to GHC via `-package-db'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `haskell-ghc'" (repeat (directory :tag "Package database")) flycheck-string-list-p (flycheck . "0.16") flycheck-ghc-search-path #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Module search path for (Stack) GHC.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a directory containing Haskell modules. Each directory\nis added to the GHC search path via `-i'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `haskell-stack-ghc'\n - `haskell-ghc'" (repeat (directory :tag "Module directory")) (flycheck . "0.16") (haskell-stack-ghc haskell-ghc) flycheck-ghc-language-extensions #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Language extensions for (Stack) GHC.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a Haskell language extension, as in the LANGUAGE\npragma. Each extension is enabled via `-X'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `haskell-stack-ghc'\n - `haskell-ghc'" (repeat (string :tag "Language extension")) (flycheck . "0.19") (haskell-stack-ghc haskell-ghc)] 12) #@39 The cache directory for `ghc' output. (defvar flycheck-haskell-ghc-cache-directory nil (#$ . 390817)) #@157 Get the cache location for `ghc' output. If no cache directory exists yet, create one and return it. Otherwise return the previously used cache directory. (defalias 'flycheck-haskell-ghc-cache-directory #[0 "\206\301\302\303\"\211\207" [flycheck-haskell-ghc-cache-directory make-temp-file "flycheck-haskell-ghc-cache" directory] 3 (#$ . 390926)]) #@191 Search for a file in directory hierarchy starting at DIRECTORY. Look up the directory hierarchy from DIRECTORY for a directory containing a file that matches REGEXP. (fn DIRECTORY REGEXP) (defalias 'flycheck--locate-dominating-file-matching #[514 "\300\301\302\"\"\207" [locate-dominating-file make-closure #[257 "\301\302\300\303$\207" [V0 directory-files nil t] 6 "\n\n(fn DIR)"]] 7 (#$ . 391285)]) #@156 Find a directory to run haskell-stack-ghc. Return a parent directory with a stack*.y[a]ml file, or the directory returned by "stack path --project-root". (defalias 'flycheck-haskell--find-stack-default-directory #[0 "\301 \203\302\303\301 !\304\"\206=\305!\211\205;\3061$\307\310\311\312$0\202&\210\313\211\2059\211@\211\2057\314!\2057\211\262\262\262\207" [flycheck-executable-find buffer-file-name flycheck--locate-dominating-file-matching file-name-directory "stack.*\\.\\(?:y\\(?:a?ml\\)\\)\\'" "stack" (error) process-lines "--no-install-ghc" "path" "--project-root" nil file-directory-p] 6 (#$ . 391698)]) #@80 Find a parent directory containing a cabal or package.yaml file. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-haskell--ghc-find-default-directory #[257 "\300 \205\f\301\302\300 !\303\"\207" [buffer-file-name flycheck--locate-dominating-file-matching file-name-directory "\\.cabal\\'\\|\\`package\\.yaml\\'"] 4 (#$ . 392332)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\332\333\334\335\336\337\340&\210\300\341\302\303\342DD\343\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\344\345\317\346\321\347\323\350\325\351\327\352\335\336\337\353&\210\300\354\302\303\355DD\356\306\357\360\361\310\362& \210\363\354\364\"\210\300\365\302\303\366DD\367\310\370\312\313\306\371\372\373& \210\374\365\364\"\210\300\375\302\303\376DD\377\310\370\306\201@\360\201A\372\201B& \210\374\375\364\"\210\300\201C\302\303\201DDD\201E\310\370\306\201F\360\201A\372\201G& \210\374\201C\364\"\210\300\201H\302\303\201IDD\201J\310\370\306\201K\360\201A\372\201L& \210\374\201H\364\"\210\300\201M\302\303\201NDD\201O\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\364\201P\317\201Q\321\201R\325\201S\327\336\335\336\337\336&\210\300\201T\302\303\201UDD\201V\306\357\360\361\310\362& \210\363\201T\201W\"\210\300\201X\302\303\201YDD\201Z\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201W\201[\317\201\\\321\201]\325\201^\327\336\335\313\337\336&\210\300\201_\302\303\201`DD\201a\306\357\360\361\310\362& \210\363\201_\201b\"\210\300\201c\302\303\201dDD\201e\310\370\306\201f\360\201g\372\201h& \210\374\201c\201b\"\210\300\201i\302\303\201jDD\201k\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201b\201l\317\201m\201n\201o\321\336\323\201p\325\201q\327\336\335\313\337\336&\210\300\201r\302\303\201sDD\201t\310\370\312\313\306\371\372\201u& \210\374\201r\201v\"\210\300\201w\302\303\201xDD\201y\310\370\306\201z\360\201A\372\201{& \210\374\201w\201v\"\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-haskell-stack-ghc-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the haskell-stack-ghc syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"stack\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker haskell-stack-ghc "A Haskell syntax and type checker using `stack ghc'.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack'." :command ("stack" "--no-install-ghc" (option "--stack-yaml" flycheck-ghc-stack-project-file) (option-flag "--nix" flycheck-ghc-stack-use-nix) "ghc" "--" "-Wall" "-no-link" "-outputdir" (eval (flycheck-haskell-ghc-cache-directory)) (option-list "-X" flycheck-ghc-language-extensions concat) (option-list "-i" flycheck-ghc-search-path concat) (eval (concat "-i" (flycheck-module-root-directory (flycheck-find-in-buffer flycheck-haskell-module-re)))) (eval flycheck-ghc-args) "-x" (eval (pcase major-mode (`haskell-mode "hs") (`haskell-literate-mode "lhs"))) source) :error-patterns ((warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ":" (or " " "\n ") (in "Ww") "arning:" (optional " " "[" (id (one-or-more not-newline)) "]") (optional "\n") (message (one-or-more " ") (one-or-more not-newline) (zero-or-more "\n" (one-or-more " ") (one-or-more (not (any 10 124))))) line-end) (error line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ":" (optional " error:") (or (message (one-or-more not-newline)) (and "\n" (message (one-or-more " ") (one-or-more not-newline) (zero-or-more "\n" (one-or-more " ") (one-or-more (not (any 10 124))))))) line-end)) :error-filter #[257 "\300\301!!\207" [flycheck-sanitize-errors flycheck-dedent-error-messages] 4 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] :modes (haskell-mode haskell-literate-mode) :next-checkers ((warning . haskell-hlint)) :enabled flycheck-haskell--find-stack-default-directory :verify #[257 "\300 \301\302\303\206\n\304\203\305\202\306$C\207" [flycheck-haskell--find-stack-default-directory record flycheck-verification-result "stack config" "Not found" success (bold error)] 7 "\n\n(fn _)"] :standard-input nil :working-directory (lambda (_) (flycheck-haskell--find-stack-default-directory)) flycheck-haskell-ghc-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the haskell-ghc syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"ghc\"." haskell-ghc "A Haskell syntax and type checker using ghc.\n\nSee URL `https://www.haskell.org/ghc/'." ("ghc" "-Wall" "-no-link" "-outputdir" (eval (flycheck-haskell-ghc-cache-directory)) (option-flag "-no-user-package-db" flycheck-ghc-no-user-package-database) (option-list "-package-db" flycheck-ghc-package-databases) (option-list "-i" flycheck-ghc-search-path concat) (eval (concat "-i" (flycheck-module-root-directory (flycheck-find-in-buffer flycheck-haskell-module-re)))) (option-list "-X" flycheck-ghc-language-extensions concat) (eval flycheck-ghc-args) "-x" (eval (pcase major-mode (`haskell-mode "hs") (`haskell-literate-mode "lhs"))) source) ((warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ":" (or " " "\n ") (in "Ww") "arning:" (optional " " "[" (id (one-or-more not-newline)) "]") (optional "\n") (message (one-or-more " ") (one-or-more not-newline) (zero-or-more "\n" (one-or-more " ") (one-or-more (not (any 10 124))))) line-end) (error line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ":" (optional " error:") (or (message (one-or-more not-newline)) (and "\n" (message (one-or-more " ") (one-or-more not-newline) (zero-or-more "\n" (one-or-more " ") (one-or-more (not (any 10 124))))))) line-end)) #[257 "\300\301!!\207" [flycheck-sanitize-errors flycheck-dedent-error-messages] 4 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] (haskell-mode haskell-literate-mode) ((warning . haskell-hlint)) flycheck-haskell--ghc-find-default-directory flycheck-hlintrc #[0 "\300\207" [#1="HLint.hs"] 1 #1#] "Configuration file for `haskell-hlint'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." (choice (const :tag "No configuration file" nil) (string :tag "File name or path") (repeat :tag "File names or paths" string)) :safe flycheck-string-or-string-list-p flycheck-config-files flycheck-register-config-file-var haskell-hlint flycheck-hlint-args #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of additional command line arguments.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings with additional\ncommand line arguments.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `haskell-hlint'" flycheck-options (repeat (string :tag "Argument")) :package-version (flycheck . "0.25") flycheck-register-option-var flycheck-hlint-language-extensions #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Extensions list to enable for hlint.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a name of extension to enable in\nhlint (e.g. \"QuasiQuotes\").\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `haskell-hlint'" (repeat :tag "Extensions" (string :tag "Extension")) flycheck-string-list-p (flycheck . "0.24") flycheck-hlint-ignore-rules #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Ignore rules list for hlint checks.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is an ignore rule (e.g. \"Use fmap\").\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `haskell-hlint'" (repeat :tag "Ignore rules" (string :tag "Ignore rule")) (flycheck . "0.24") flycheck-hlint-hint-packages #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Hint packages to include for hlint checks.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a default hint package (e.g. (\"Generalise\"\n\"Default\" \"Dollar\")).\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `haskell-hlint'" (repeat :tag "Hint packages" (string :tag "Hint package")) (flycheck . "0.24") flycheck-haskell-hlint-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the haskell-hlint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"hlint\"." "A Haskell style checker using hlint.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/ndmitchell/hlint'." ("hlint" (option-list "-X" flycheck-hlint-language-extensions concat) (option-list "-i=" flycheck-hlint-ignore-rules concat) (option-list "-h" flycheck-hlint-hint-packages concat) (config-file "-h" flycheck-hlintrc) (eval flycheck-hlint-args) source-inplace) ((info line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column (optional "-" end-column) ": Suggestion: " (message (one-or-more (and (one-or-more (not (any 10))) 10))) line-end) (warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column (optional "-" end-column) ": Warning: " (message (one-or-more (and (one-or-more (not (any 10))) 10))) line-end) (error line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column (optional "-" end-column) ": Error: " (message (one-or-more (and (one-or-more (not (any 10))) 10))) line-end)) (haskell-mode haskell-literate-mode) flycheck-tidyrc #[0 "\300\207" [#2=".tidyrc"] 1 #2#] "Configuration file for `html-tidy'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." html-tidy flycheck-html-tidy-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the html-tidy syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"tidy\"." "A HTML syntax and style checker using Tidy.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/htacg/tidy-html5'." ("tidy" (config-file "-config" flycheck-tidyrc) "-lang" "en" "-e" "-q") ((error line-start "line " line " column " column " - Error: " (message) line-end) (warning line-start "line " line " column " column " - Warning: " (message) line-end)) (html-mode mhtml-mode nxhtml-mode) flycheck-jshintrc #[0 "\300\207" [#3=".jshintrc"] 1 #3#] "Configuration file for `javascript-jshint'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." javascript-jshint flycheck-jshint-extract-javascript #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether jshint should extract Javascript from HTML.\n\nIf nil no extract rule is given to jshint. If `auto' only\nextract Javascript if a HTML file is detected. If `always' or\n`never' extract Javascript always or never respectively.\n\nRefer to the jshint manual at the URL\n`http://jshint.com/docs/cli/#flags' for more information.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `javascript-jshint'" (choice (const :tag "No extraction rule" nil) (const :tag "Try to extract Javascript when detecting HTML files" auto) (const :tag "Always try to extract Javascript" always) (const :tag "Never try to extract Javascript" never)) symbolp (flycheck . "26") flycheck-javascript-jshint-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the javascript-jshint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"jshint\"." "A Javascript syntax and style checker using jshint.\n\nSee URL `http://www.jshint.com'." ("jshint" "--reporter=checkstyle" "--filename" source-original (config-file "--config" flycheck-jshintrc) (option "--extract=" flycheck-jshint-extract-javascript concat flycheck-option-symbol) "-") :error-parser flycheck-parse-checkstyle #[257 "\300\301\302!\"\207" [flycheck-remove-error-file-names "stdin" flycheck-dequalify-error-ids] 5 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] (js-mode js2-mode js3-mode rjsx-mode) flycheck-eslint-args #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of additional command line arguments.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings with additional\ncommand line arguments.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `javascript-eslint'" (flycheck . "32") javascript-eslint flycheck-eslint-rules-directories #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of directories with custom rules for ESLint.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a directory with custom rules for ESLint.\n\nRefer to the ESLint manual at URL\n`http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/command-line-interface#--rulesdir'\nfor more information about the custom directories.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `javascript-eslint'" (repeat (directory :tag "Custom rules directory")) (flycheck . "29")] 21) #@64 Whether there is a valid eslint config for the current buffer. (defalias 'flycheck-eslint-config-exists-p #[0 "\301\302\303\211\211\304\206 \305&\306=\207" [buffer-file-name flycheck-call-checker-process javascript-eslint nil "--print-config" "index.js" 0] 7 (#$ . 406008)]) #@247 Parse ESLint errors/warnings from JSON OUTPUT. CHECKER and BUFFER denote the CHECKER that returned OUTPUT and the BUFFER that was checked respectively. See URL `https://eslint.org' for more information about ESLint. (fn OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-eslint #[771 "\300\301\302#\303!@@\304\236A\211\262\262\"\207" [mapcar make-closure #[257 "\211\302\236A\303\236A\304\236A\305\236A\306\236A\307\236A\310\236A\311\312\267\2023\313\2024\314\2024\314\315\316\300\317\301\320\321\301!\322\323&\207" [V0 V1 line column severity message ruleId endLine endColumn flycheck-error-new-at #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (2 43 1 47)) error warning :id :checker :buffer :filename buffer-file-name :end-line :end-column] 26 "\n\n(fn ERR)"] flycheck-parse-json messages] 8 (#$ . 406293)]) #@295 Look for a working directory to run ESLint CHECKER in. This will be the directory that contains the `node_modules' directory. If no such directory is found in the directory hierarchy, it looks first for `.eslintignore' and then for `.eslintrc' files to detect the project root. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-eslint--find-working-directory #[257 "\301\205\302\303\"\206\302\304\"\206\302\305!\306\307\"\"\207" [buffer-file-name "\\`\\.eslintrc\\(\\.\\(js\\|ya?ml\\|json\\)\\)?\\'" locate-dominating-file "node_modules" ".eslintignore" file-name-directory make-closure #[257 "\301\302\300\303$G\304V\207" [V0 directory-files nil t 0] 6 "\n\n(fn DIRECTORY)"]] 7 (#$ . 407183)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\324\332\333\334\335\336\313\337\340&\210\300\341\302\303\342DD\343\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\344\345\317\346\323\347\327\350\331\324\336\313\337\324&\210\300\351\302\303\352DD\353\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\354\355\317\356\323\357\360\361\327\362\331\324\336\324\337\324&\210\300\363\302\303\364DD\365\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\366\367\317\370\323\371\327\362\372\373\331\324\336\324\337\324&\210\300\374\302\303\375DD\376\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\377\201@\317\201A\323\201B\327\362\331\324\336\324\337\324&\210\300\201C\302\303\201DDD\201E\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201F\201G\317\201H\323\201I\360\201J\327\201K\331\324\336\324\337\324&\210\300\201L\302\303\201MDD\201N\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201O\201P\317\201Q\323\201R\327\201S\331\324\336\313\337\324&\210\300\201T\302\303\201UDD\201V\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201W\201X\317\201Y\321\201Z\323\324\327\201[\372\373\331\324\336\313\337\324&\210\300\201\\\302\303\201]DD\201^\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201_\201`\317\201a\323\201b\360\201c\327\201d\331\324\336\324\337\324&\210\300\201e\302\303\201fDD\201g\306\201h\201i\201j\310\201k& \210\201l\201e\201m\"\210\300\201n\302\303\201oDD\201p\310\201q\306\201r\201i\201s& \210\201t\201n\201m\"\210\201u\201n!\210\300\201v\302\303\201wDD\201x\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201m\201y\317\201z\323\201{\327\201|\331\324\336\313\337\324&\210\300\201}\302\303\201~DD\201\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201\200\201\201\317\201\202\323\201\203\327\201|\331\324\336\313\337\324&\210\300\201\204\302\303\201\205DD\201\206\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201\207\201\210\317\201\211\323\201\212\360\201\213\327\201\214\331\324\336\313\337\324&\210\300\201\215\302\303\201\216DD\201\217\310\201q\306\201\220\201i\201s\201\221\201\222& \210\201t\201\215\201\223\"\210\300\201\224\302\303\201\225DD\201\226\310\201q\306\201\227\201i\201s\201\221\201\230& \210\201t\201\224\201\223\"\210\300\201\231\302\303\201\232DD\201\233\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201\223\201\234\317\201\235\323\201\236\327\201\237\331\201\240\336\313\337\324&\210\300\201\241\302\303\201\242DD\201\243\310\201q\306\201\244\201i\201\245\201\221\201\246& \210\201t\201\241\201\247\"\210\300\201\250\302\303\201\251DD\201\252\310\201q\306\201\253\201i\201\254\201\221\201\255& \210\201t\201\250\201\247\"\210\300\201\256\302\303\201\257DD\201\260\306\201h\201i\201j\310\201k\201\221\201\261& \210\201l\201\256\201\247\"\210\300\201\262\302\303\201\263DD\201\264\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201\247\201\265\317\201\266\323\201\267\327\201\270\331\324\336\313\337\324&\210\300\201\271\302\303\201\272DD\201\273\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201\274\201\275\317\201\276\323\201\277\327\201\300\331\201\301\336\324\337\324&\210\300\201\302\302\303\201\303DD\201\304\310\201q\306\201\305\201i\201s& \210\201t\201\302\201\306\"\210\300\201\307\302\303\201\310DD\201\311\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201\306\201\312\317\201\313\321\201\314\323\324\327\201\315\331\201\316\336\324\337\324&\210\300\201\317\302\303\201\320DD\201\321\310\201q\306\201\322\201i\201\254& \210\201t\201\317\201\323\"\210\300\201\324\302\303\201\325DD\201\326\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201\323\201\327\317\201\330\321\201\331\323\324\360\201\332\327\201\333\372\373\331\324\336\313\337\324&\210\300\201\334\302\303\201\335DD\201\336\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201\337\201\340\317\201\341\323\201\342\327\201\343\372\201\344\331\324\336\324\337\324&\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-javascript-eslint-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the javascript-eslint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"eslint\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker javascript-eslint "A Javascript syntax and style checker using eslint.\n\nSee URL `https://eslint.org/'." :command ("eslint" "--format=json" (option-list "--rulesdir" flycheck-eslint-rules-directories) (eval flycheck-eslint-args) "--stdin" "--stdin-filename" source-original) :error-parser flycheck-parse-eslint :error-patterns nil :error-explainer #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\211\205$\306\307\"?\205$\310\311\312\"B\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 8 seq-contains 47 url format "https://eslint.org/docs/rules/%s"] 6 "\n\n(fn ERR)"] :modes (js-mode js-jsx-mode js2-mode js2-jsx-mode js3-mode rjsx-mode typescript-mode) :next-checkers :enabled #[0 "\300 \207" [flycheck-eslint-config-exists-p] 1] :verify #[257 "\301\302!\303 \304\305\306\203\307\202\310\203\311\202\312$)C\207" [default-directory flycheck-compute-working-directory javascript-eslint flycheck-eslint-config-exists-p record flycheck-verification-result "config file" "found" "missing or incorrect" success (bold error)] 7 "\n\n(fn _)"] :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-eslint--find-working-directory flycheck-javascript-standard-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the javascript-standard syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"standard\"." javascript-standard "A Javascript code and style checker for the (Semi-)Standard Style.\n\nThis checker works with `standard' and `semistandard', defaulting\nto the former. To use it with the latter, set\n`flycheck-javascript-standard-executable' to `semistandard'.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/standard/standard' and URL\n`https://github.com/Flet/semistandard'." ("standard" "--stdin") ((error line-start " :" line ":" column ":" (message) line-end)) (js-mode js-jsx-mode js2-mode js2-jsx-mode js3-mode rjsx-mode) flycheck-json-jsonlint-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the json-jsonlint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"jsonlint\"." json-jsonlint "A JSON syntax and style checker using jsonlint.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/zaach/jsonlint'." ("jsonlint" "-c" "-q" source) ((error line-start (file-name) ": line " line ", col " column ", " (message) line-end)) :error-filter #[257 "\300\301!!\207" [flycheck-sanitize-errors flycheck-increment-error-columns] 4 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] json-mode flycheck-json-python-json-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the json-python-json syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"python3\"." json-python-json "A JSON syntax checker using Python json.tool module.\n\nSee URL `https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/json.html#command-line-interface'." ("python3" "-m" "json.tool" source null-device) ((error line-start (message) ": line " line " column " column (one-or-more not-newline) line-end)) :predicate flycheck-buffer-nonempty-p flycheck-json-jq-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the json-jq syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"jq\"." json-jq "JSON checker using the jq tool.\n\nThis checker accepts multiple consecutive JSON values in a\nsingle input, which is useful for jsonlines data.\n\nSee URL `https://stedolan.github.io/jq/'." ("jq" "." source null-device) ((error line-start (optional "parse error: ") (message) "at line " line ", column " column (zero-or-more not-newline) line-end)) flycheck-jsonnet-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the jsonnet syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"jsonnet\"." jsonnet "A Jsonnet syntax checker using the jsonnet binary.\n\nSee URL `https://jsonnet.org'." ("jsonnet" source-inplace) ((error line-start "STATIC ERROR: " (file-name) ":" (or (seq line ":" column (zero-or-one (seq "-" end-column))) (seq "(" line ":" column ")" "-" "(" end-line ":" end-column ")")) ": " (message) line-end) (error line-start "RUNTIME ERROR: " (message) "\n" (32 " " (file-name) ":" (or (seq line ":" column (zero-or-one (seq "-" end-column))) (seq "(" line ":" column ")" "-" "(" end-line ":" end-column ")"))))) #[257 "\211\211\2039\211@\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\2042\301!>\204+\302\303\304D\"\210\211\211\305\306I\266A\266\202\202\210\307!\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 4 1 flycheck-sanitize-errors] 7 "\n\n(fn ERRS)"] jsonnet-mode flycheck-less-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the less syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"lessc\"." less "A LESS syntax checker using lessc.\n\nRequires lessc 1.4 or newer.\n\nSee URL `http://lesscss.org'." ("lessc" "--lint" "--no-color" "-") ((error line-start (one-or-more word) ":" (message) " in - on line " line ", column " column ":" line-end)) less-css-mode flycheck-less-stylelint-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the less-stylelint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"stylelint\"." less-stylelint "A LESS syntax and style checker using stylelint.\n\nSee URL `http://stylelint.io/'." ("stylelint" (eval flycheck-stylelint-args) "--syntax" "less" (option-flag "--quiet" flycheck-stylelint-quiet) (config-file "--config" flycheck-stylelintrc)) flycheck-parse-stylelint (less-css-mode) flycheck-llvm-llc-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the llvm-llc syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"llc\"." llvm-llc "Flycheck LLVM IR checker using llc.\n\nSee URL `http://llvm.org/docs/CommandGuide/llc.html'." ("llc" "-o" null-device source) ((error line-start (zero-or-one (minimal-match (one-or-more not-newline)) ": ") (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": error: " (message) line-end)) #[257 "\300\301\302\"!\207" [flycheck-sanitize-errors flycheck-remove-error-file-names ""] 5 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] llvm-mode flycheck-luacheckrc #[0 "\300\207" [#1=".luacheckrc"] 1 #1#] "Configuration file for `lua-luacheck'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." (choice (const :tag "No configuration file" nil) (string :tag "File name or path") (repeat :tag "File names or paths" string)) :safe flycheck-string-or-string-list-p flycheck-config-files flycheck-register-config-file-var lua-luacheck flycheck-luacheck-standards #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The standards to use in luacheck.\n\nThe value of this variable is either a list of strings denoting\nthe standards to use, or nil to pass nothing to luacheck. When\nnon-nil, pass the standards via one or more `--std' options.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `lua-luacheck'" flycheck-options (choice (const :tag "Default" nil) (repeat :tag "Custom standards" (string :tag "Standard name"))) flycheck-string-list-p flycheck-register-option-var make-variable-buffer-local flycheck-lua-luacheck-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the lua-luacheck syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"luacheck\"." "A Lua syntax checker using luacheck.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/mpeterv/luacheck'." ("luacheck" "--formatter" "plain" "--codes" "--no-color" (option-list "--std" flycheck-luacheck-standards) (config-file "--config" flycheck-luacheckrc) "--filename" source-original "-") ((warning line-start (optional (file-name)) ":" line ":" column ": (" (id "W" (one-or-more digit)) ") " (message) line-end) (error line-start (optional (file-name)) ":" line ":" column ":" (optional " (" (id "E" (one-or-more digit)) ") ") (message) line-end)) lua-mode flycheck-lua-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the lua syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"luac\"." lua "A Lua syntax checker using the Lua compiler.\n\nSee URL `http://www.lua.org/'." ("luac" "-p" "-") ((error line-start (minimal-match (zero-or-more not-newline)) ": stdin:" line ": " (message) line-end)) flycheck-opam-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the opam syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"opam\"." opam "A Opam syntax and style checker using opam lint.\n\nSee URL `https://opam.ocaml.org/doc/man/opam-lint.html'." ("opam" "lint" "-") ((error line-start (one-or-more space) "error " (id 50) ": File format error" (or (and " at line " line ", column " column ": " (message)) (and ": " (message))) line-end) (error line-start (one-or-more space) "error " (id 51) (minimal-match (zero-or-more not-newline)) "at line " line ", column " column ": " (message) line-end) (error line-start (one-or-more space) "error " (id (one-or-more num)) ": " (message (one-or-more not-newline)) line-end) (warning line-start (one-or-more space) "warning " (id (one-or-more num)) ": " (message) line-end)) #[257 "\300\301!!\207" [flycheck-increment-error-columns flycheck-fill-empty-line-numbers] 4 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] tuareg-opam-mode flycheck-perl-include-path #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of include directories for Perl.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a directory to add to the include path of Perl.\nRelative paths are relative to the file being checked.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `perl'" (repeat (directory :tag "Include directory")) :package-version (flycheck . "0.24") perl flycheck-perl-module-list #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of modules to use for Perl.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a module to 'use' in Perl.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `perl'" (repeat :tag "Module") (flycheck . "32") flycheck-perl-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the perl syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"perl\"." "A Perl syntax checker using the Perl interpreter.\n\nSee URL `https://www.perl.org'." ("perl" "-w" "-c" (option-list "-I" flycheck-perl-include-path) (option-list "-M" flycheck-perl-module-list concat)) ((error line-start (minimal-match (message)) " at - line " line (or "." (and ", " (zero-or-more not-newline))) line-end)) (perl-mode cperl-mode) (perl-perlcritic) flycheck-perlcritic-severity #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The message severity for Perl Critic.\n\nThe value of this variable is a severity level as integer, for\nthe `--severity' option to Perl Critic.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `perl-perlcritic'" (integer :tag "Severity level") integerp (flycheck . "0.18") perl-perlcritic flycheck-perlcritic-theme #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The theme expression for Perl Critic.\n\nThe value of this variable is passed as the `--theme' option to\n`Perl::Critic'. See the documentation of `Perl::Critic' for\ndetails.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `perl-perlcritic'" (choice (const :tag "None" nil) (string :tag "Theme expression")) flycheck-string-or-nil-p (flycheck . "32-csv") flycheck-perlcriticrc #[0 "\300\207" [#2=".perlcriticrc"] 1 #2#] "Configuration file for `perl-perlcritic'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." (flycheck . "26") flycheck-perl-perlcritic-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the perl-perlcritic syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"perlcritic\"." "A Perl syntax checker using Perl::Critic.\n\nSee URL `https://metacpan.org/pod/Perl::Critic'." ("perlcritic" "--no-color" "--verbose" "%f/%l/%c/%s/%p/%m (%e)\n" (config-file "--profile" flycheck-perlcriticrc) (option "--severity" flycheck-perlcritic-severity nil flycheck-option-int) (option "--theme" flycheck-perlcritic-theme)) ((info line-start "STDIN/" line "/" column "/" (any "1") "/" (id (one-or-more (not (any "/")))) "/" (message) line-end) (warning line-start "STDIN/" line "/" column "/" (any "234") "/" (id (one-or-more (not (any "/")))) "/" (message) line-end) (error line-start "STDIN/" line "/" column "/" (any "5") "/" (id (one-or-more (not (any "/")))) "/" (message) line-end)) (cperl-mode perl-mode) flycheck-php-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the php syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"php\"." php "A PHP syntax checker using the PHP command line interpreter.\n\nSee URL `http://php.net/manual/en/features.commandline.php'." ("php" "-l" "-d" "error_reporting=E_ALL" "-d" "display_errors=1" "-d" "log_errors=0" source) ((error line-start (or "Parse" "Fatal" "syntax") " error" (any ":" ",") " " (message) " in " (file-name) " on line " line line-end)) (php-mode php+-mode) ((warning . php-phpmd) (warning . php-phpcs)) flycheck-phpmd-rulesets #[0 "\300\207" [("cleancode" "codesize" "controversial" "design" "naming" "unusedcode")] 1] "The rule sets for PHP Mess Detector.\n\nSet default rule sets and custom rule set files.\n\nSee section \"Using multiple rule sets\" in the PHP Mess Detector\nmanual at URL `https://phpmd.org/documentation/index.html'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `php-phpmd'" (repeat :tag "rule sets" (string :tag "A filename or rule set")) php-phpmd flycheck-php-phpmd-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the php-phpmd syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"phpmd\"." "A PHP style checker using PHP Mess Detector.\n\nSee URL `https://phpmd.org/'." ("phpmd" source "xml" (eval (flycheck-option-comma-separated-list flycheck-phpmd-rulesets))) flycheck-parse-phpmd (php-mode php+-mode) (php-phpcs) flycheck-phpcs-standard #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The coding standard for PHP CodeSniffer.\n\nWhen nil, use the default standard from the global PHP\nCodeSniffer configuration. When set to a string, pass the string\nto PHP CodeSniffer which will interpret it as name as a standard,\nor as path to a standard specification.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `php-phpcs'" (choice (const :tag "Default standard" nil) (string :tag "Standard name or file")) php-phpcs flycheck-php-phpcs-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the php-phpcs syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"phpcs\"." "A PHP style checker using PHP Code Sniffer.\n\nNeeds PHP Code Sniffer 2.6 or newer.\n\nSee URL `http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer/'." ("phpcs" "--report=checkstyle" "-q" (option "--standard=" flycheck-phpcs-standard concat) (eval (-when-let* ((fname buffer-file-name) (ext (file-name-extension fname))) (concat "--extensions=" ext))) (eval (when (buffer-file-name) (concat "--stdin-path=" (buffer-file-name)))) "-") flycheck-parse-checkstyle #[257 "\300\301\302\"!\207" [flycheck-sanitize-errors flycheck-remove-error-file-names "STDIN"] 5 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] (php-mode php+-mode) flycheck-processing-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the processing syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"processing-java\"." processing "Processing command line tool.\n\nSee https://github.com/processing/processing/wiki/Command-Line" ("processing-java" "--force" (eval (concat "--sketch=" (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name)))) (eval (concat "--output=" (flycheck-temp-dir-system))) "--build") ((error line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column (zero-or-more (or digit ":")) (message) line-end)) processing-mode #[0 "\300 \207" [buffer-file-name] 1]] 23) #@255 Parse proselint json output errors from OUTPUT. CHECKER and BUFFER denoted the CHECKER that returned OUTPUT and the BUFFER that was checked respectively. See URL `http://proselint.com/' for more information about proselint. (fn OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-proselint-parse-errors #[771 "\300\301\302#\303!@\304\305\236A\236A\211\262\262\"\207" [mapcar make-closure #[257 "\211\302\236A\303\236A\304\236A\305\236A\306\236A\307\310\267\202)\311\202*\312\202*\313\202*\313\314\315\301\316\300\317 & \207" [V0 V1 start severity message check end flycheck-error-new-at-pos #s(hash-table size 3 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data ("suggestion" 29 "warning" 33 "error" 37)) info warning error :id :buffer :checker :end-pos] 19 "\n\n(fn ERR)"] flycheck-parse-json errors data] 9 (#$ . 430523)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\324\330\313\331\324&\210\300\332\302\303\333DD\334\310\335\306\336\337\340\341\342& \210\343\332\344\"\210\300\345\302\303\346DD\347\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\344\350\317\351\323\352\325\353\354\355\327\324\330\324\331\324&\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-proselint-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the proselint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"proselint\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker proselint "Flycheck checker using Proselint.\n\nSee URL `http://proselint.com/'." :command ("proselint" "--json" "-") :error-parser flycheck-proselint-parse-errors :error-patterns nil :modes (text-mode markdown-mode gfm-mode message-mode org-mode) :next-checkers :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-protoc-import-path #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of directories to resolve import directives.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a directory to add to the import path. Relative paths\nare relative to the file being checked.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `protobuf-protoc'" flycheck-options (repeat (directory :tag "Import directory")) :safe flycheck-string-list-p :package-version (flycheck . "32") flycheck-register-option-var protobuf-protoc flycheck-protobuf-protoc-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the protobuf-protoc syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"protoc\"." "A protobuf syntax checker using the protoc compiler.\n\nSee URL `https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/'." ("protoc" "--error_format" "gcc" (eval (concat "--java_out=" (flycheck-temp-dir-system))) (eval (concat "--proto_path=" (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name)))) (option-list "--proto_path=" flycheck-protoc-import-path concat) source-inplace) ((info line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": note: " (message) line-end) (error line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": " (message) line-end) (error line-start (message "In file included from") " " (file-name) ":" line ":" column ":" line-end)) protobuf-mode :predicate #[0 "\300 \207" [buffer-file-name] 1]] 17) #@96 Return the nearest directory holding the prototool.yaml configuration. (fn &optional CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-prototool-project-root #[256 "\205\301\302\"\207" [buffer-file-name locate-dominating-file "prototool.yaml"] 4 (#$ . 434055)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\332\333\330\334\330&\210\300\335\302\303\336DD\337\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\340\341\317\342\321\343\323\344\327\330\333\313\334\330&\210\300\345\302\303\346DD\347\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\350\351\317\352\321\353\323\354\327\355\333\313\334\330&\210\300\356\302\303\357DD\360\306\361\362\363\310\364\365\366& \210\367\356\370\"\210\300\371\302\303\372DD\373\310\374\306\375\365\376& \210\377\371\370\"\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-protobuf-prototool-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the protobuf-prototool syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"prototool\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker protobuf-prototool "A protobuf syntax checker using prototool.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/uber/prototool'." :command ("prototool" "lint" source-original) :error-patterns ((warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ":" (message) line-end)) :modes protobuf-mode :predicate flycheck-buffer-saved-p :next-checkers nil :enabled flycheck-prototool-project-root :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-pug-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the pug syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"pug\"." pug "A Pug syntax checker using the pug compiler.\n\nSee URL `https://pugjs.org/'." ("pug" "-p" (eval (expand-file-name (buffer-file-name)))) ((error "Error: " (message) (zero-or-more not-newline) "\n" (zero-or-more not-newline) "at " (zero-or-more not-newline) " line " line) (error line-start "Error: " (file-name) ":" line ":" column "\n\n" (message) line-end) (error line-start (optional "Type") "Error: " (file-name) ":" line (optional ":" column) (zero-or-more not-newline) "\n" (one-or-more (or (zero-or-more not-newline) "|" (zero-or-more not-newline) "\n") (zero-or-more "-") (zero-or-more not-newline) "|" (zero-or-more not-newline) "\n") (zero-or-more not-newline) "\n" (one-or-more (zero-or-more not-newline) "|" (zero-or-more not-newline) "\n") (zero-or-more not-newline) "\n" (message) line-end)) pug-mode flycheck-puppet-parser-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the puppet-parser syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"puppet\"." puppet-parser "A Puppet DSL syntax checker using puppet's own parser.\n\nSee URL `https://puppet.com/'." ("puppet" "parser" "validate" "--color=false") ((error line-start "Error: Could not parse for environment " (one-or-more (in "a-z" "0-9" "_")) ":" (message) "(line: " line ", column: " column ")" line-end) (error line-start "Error: Could not parse for environment " (one-or-more (in "a-z" "0-9" "_")) ":" (message (minimal-match (one-or-more anything))) " at line " line line-end) (error line-start (minimal-match (zero-or-more not-newline)) ": Could not parse for environment " (one-or-more word) ": " (message (minimal-match (zero-or-more anything))) " at " (file-name "/" (zero-or-more not-newline)) ":" line line-end)) puppet-mode ((warning . puppet-lint)) flycheck-puppet-lint-rc #[0 "\300\207" [#1=".puppet-lint.rc"] 1 #1#] "Configuration file for `puppet-lint'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." (choice (const :tag "No configuration file" nil) (string :tag "File name or path") (repeat :tag "File names or paths" string)) :safe flycheck-string-or-string-list-p flycheck-config-files :package-version (flycheck . "26") flycheck-register-config-file-var puppet-lint flycheck-puppet-lint-disabled-checks #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Disabled checkers for `puppet-lint'.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is the name of a check to disable (e.g. \"80chars\" or\n\"double_quoted_strings\").\n\nSee URL `http://puppet-lint.com/checks/' for a list of all checks\nand their names.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `puppet-lint'" flycheck-options (repeat (string :tag "Check Name")) (flycheck . "26") flycheck-register-option-var] 19) #@63 Create an argument to disable a puppetlint CHECK. (fn CHECK) (defalias 'flycheck-puppet-lint-disabled-arg-name #[257 "\300\301Q\207" ["--no-" "-check"] 4 (#$ . 439267)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\330\332\330&\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-puppet-lint-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the puppet-lint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"puppet-lint\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker puppet-lint "A Puppet DSL style checker using puppet-lint.\n\nSee URL `http://puppet-lint.com/'." :command ("puppet-lint" (config-file "--config" flycheck-puppet-lint-rc) "--log-format" "%{path}:%{line}:%{kind}: %{message} (%{check})" (option-list "" flycheck-puppet-lint-disabled-checks concat flycheck-puppet-lint-disabled-arg-name) source-original) :error-patterns ((warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ":warning: " (message) line-end) (error line-start (file-name) ":" line ":error: " (message) line-end)) :modes puppet-mode :predicate flycheck-buffer-saved-p :next-checkers nil :standard-input :working-directory] 17) #@121 Run a python SNIPPET and return the output. CHECKER's executable is assumed to be a Python REPL. (fn CHECKER SNIPPET) (defalias 'flycheck-python-run-snippet #[514 "\300\301\211\302%\211\205\211\301\211\303\304\"\"\266\203\207" [flycheck-call-checker-process-for-output nil "-c" string-trim-left string-trim-right] 10 (#$ . 440710)]) #@76 Compute the current Python path (CHECKER is a Python REPL) . (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-python-get-path #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [flycheck-python-run-snippet "import sys; print(sys.path[1:])"] 4 (#$ . 441058)]) #@88 Check if a Python MODULE is available (CHECKER is a Python REPL). (fn CHECKER MODULE) (defalias 'flycheck-python-find-module #[514 "\300\301\302\303\211#P\"\207" [flycheck-python-run-snippet "import sys; sys.path.pop(0);" format "import %s; print(%s.__file__)"] 9 (#$ . 441281)]) #@326 Determines whether CHECKER needs to be invoked through Python. Previous versions of Flycheck called pylint and flake8 directly, while new version call them through `python -c'. This check ensures that we don't break existing code; it also allows people who use virtualenvs to run globally-installed checkers. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-python-needs-module-p #[257 "\301\302!\303\304\305#)\266\203?\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data "\\(?:flake8\\|pylint3?\\)\\(?:-script\\.pyw\\|\\.\\(?:bat\\|exe\\)\\)?\\'" flycheck-checker-executable nil t string-match] 8 (#$ . 441571)]) #@176 Verify that a Python MODULE is available. Return nil if CHECKER's executable is not a Python REPL. This function's is suitable for a checker's :verify. (fn CHECKER MODULE) (defalias 'flycheck-python-verify-module #[514 "\300!\2054\301\"\302\303\304\305\"\306\203\304\307\"\202$\304\310\311 !\"\312\203.\313\202/\314&C\262\207" [flycheck-python-needs-module-p flycheck-python-find-module flycheck-verification-result-new :label format "`%s' module" :message "Found at %S" "Missing; sys.path is %s" flycheck-python-get-path :face success (bold error)] 11 (#$ . 442166)]) #@272 Compute arguments to pass to CHECKER's executable to run MODULE-NAME. Return nil if CHECKER's executable is not a Python REPL. Otherwise, return a list starting with -c (-m is not enough because it adds the current directory to Python's path). (fn CHECKER MODULE-NAME) (defalias 'flycheck-python-module-args #[514 "\300!\205\301\302\303\304\"PD\207" [flycheck-python-needs-module-p "-c" "import sys;sys.path.pop(0);import runpy;" format "runpy.run_module(%S)"] 7 (#$ . 442763)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\301\315\"\210\300\316\302\303\317DD\320\312\321\306\322\323\324& \210\325\316\315\"\210\300\326\302\303\327DD\330\312\321\306\331\310\332& \210\325\326\315\"\210\300\333\302\303\334DD\335\312\321\306\336\310\332& \210\325\333\315\"\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-flake8rc funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [#1=".flake8rc"] 1 #1#] "Configuration file for `python-flake8'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." :type (choice (const :tag "No configuration file" nil) (string :tag "File name or path") (repeat :tag "File names or paths" string)) :safe flycheck-string-or-string-list-p :group flycheck-config-files flycheck-register-config-file-var python-flake8 flycheck-flake8-error-level-alist #[0 "\300\207" [(("^E9.*$" . error) ("^F82.*$" . error) ("^F83.*$" . error) ("^D.*$" . info) ("^N.*$" . info))] 1] "An alist mapping flake8 error IDs to Flycheck error levels.\n\nEach item in this list is a cons cell `(PATTERN . LEVEL)' where\nPATTERN is a regular expression matched against the error ID, and\nLEVEL is a Flycheck error level symbol.\n\nEach PATTERN is matched in the order of appearance in this list\nagainst the error ID. If it matches the ID, the level of the\ncorresponding error is set to LEVEL. An error that is not\nmatched by any PATTERN defaults to warning level.\n\nThe default value of this option matches errors from flake8\nitself and from the following flake8 plugins:\n\n- pep8-naming\n- flake8-pep257\n\nYou may add your own mappings to this option in order to support\nfurther flake8 plugins.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `python-flake8'" flycheck-options (repeat (cons (regexp :tag "Error ID pattern") (symbol :tag "Error level"))) :package-version (flycheck . "0.22") flycheck-register-option-var flycheck-flake8-maximum-complexity #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The maximum McCabe complexity of methods.\n\nIf nil, do not check the complexity of methods. If set to an\ninteger, report any complexity greater than the value of this\nvariable as warning.\n\nIf set to an integer, this variable overrules any similar setting\nin the configuration file denoted by `flycheck-flake8rc'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `python-flake8'" (choice (const :tag "Do not check McCabe complexity" nil) (integer :tag "Maximum complexity")) integerp flycheck-flake8-maximum-line-length #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The maximum length of lines.\n\nIf set to an integer, the value of this variable denotes the\nmaximum length of lines, overruling any similar setting in the\nconfiguration file denoted by `flycheck-flake8rc'. An error will\nbe reported for any line longer than the value of this variable.\n\nIf set to nil, use the maximum line length from the configuration\nfile denoted by `flycheck-flake8rc', or the PEP 8 recommendation\nof 79 characters if there is no configuration with this setting.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `python-flake8'" (choice (const :tag "Default value") (integer :tag "Maximum line length in characters"))] 10) #@120 Fix the error level of ERR. Update the error level of ERR according to `flycheck-flake8-error-level-alist'. (fn ERR) (defalias 'flycheck-flake8-fix-error-level #[257 "\211\203S\211@\211\242\243\303! >\204\304\305\306\nD\"\210\307H\310\311\312#)\266\203\203J\303! >\204B\304\305\306 D\"\210\211\313I\266\266A\266\202\202\210\207" [flycheck-flake8-error-level-alist cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags inhibit-changing-match-data type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 8 nil t string-match 7] 14 (#$ . 446803)]) #@75 Find setup.cfg in a parent directory of the current buffer. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-flake8--find-project-root #[257 "\302\206 \303\"\207" [buffer-file-name default-directory locate-dominating-file "setup.cfg"] 4 (#$ . 447356)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\332\333\334\335\313\336\337&\210\300\340\302\303\341DD\342\306\343\344\345\310\346& \210\347\340\350\"\210\300\351\302\303\352DD\353\310\354\306\355\344\356\357\360& \210\361\351\350\"\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-python-flake8-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the python-flake8 syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"python3\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker python-flake8 "A Python syntax and style checker using Flake8.\n\nRequires Flake8 3.0 or newer. See URL\n`https://flake8.readthedocs.io/'." :command ("python3" (eval (flycheck-python-module-args 'python-flake8 "flake8")) "--format=default" (config-file "--append-config" flycheck-flake8rc) (option "--max-complexity" flycheck-flake8-maximum-complexity nil flycheck-option-int) (option "--max-line-length" flycheck-flake8-maximum-line-length nil flycheck-option-int) (eval (when buffer-file-name (concat "--stdin-display-name=" buffer-file-name))) "-") :error-patterns ((warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" (optional column ":") " " (id (one-or-more (any alpha)) (one-or-more digit)) " " (message (one-or-more not-newline)) line-end)) :error-filter #[257 "\300!\301\302\"\207" [flycheck-sanitize-errors seq-map flycheck-flake8-fix-error-level] 5 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] :modes python-mode :next-checkers ((warning . python-pylint) (warning . python-mypy)) :enabled #[0 "\300\301!?\206 \302\301\303\"\207" [flycheck-python-needs-module-p python-flake8 flycheck-python-find-module "flake8"] 3] :verify #[257 "\300\301\302\"\207" [flycheck-python-verify-module python-flake8 "flake8"] 4 "\n\n(fn _)"] :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-flake8--find-project-root flycheck-pylintrc #[0 "\300\207" [#1=".pylintrc"] 1 #1#] "Configuration file for `python-pylint'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." (choice (const :tag "No configuration file" nil) (string :tag "File name or path") (repeat :tag "File names or paths" string)) :safe flycheck-string-or-string-list-p flycheck-config-files flycheck-register-config-file-var python-pylint flycheck-pylint-use-symbolic-id #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to use pylint message symbols or message codes.\n\nA pylint message has both an opaque identifying code (such as `F0401') and a\nmore meaningful symbolic code (such as `import-error'). This option governs\nwhich should be used and reported to the user.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `python-pylint'" flycheck-options boolean booleanp :package-version (flycheck . "0.25") flycheck-register-option-var] 21) #@86 Parse JSON OUTPUT of CHECKER on BUFFER as Pylint errors. (fn OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-pylint #[771 "\300\301\302#\303!@\"\207" [mapcar make-closure #[257 "\211\303\236A\304\236A\305\236A\306\236A\307\236A\310\236A\311\236A\312\205)\313]\2053T\313]\314\267\202F\315\202G\316\202G\317\202G\317\320\321 \"\205T\322\323 \"\324\n\203^\202`\325\300\326\301\327\f&\f\207" [V0 V1 flycheck-pylint-use-symbolic-id line column type message symbol message-id path flycheck-error-new-at 1 #s(hash-table size 6 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data ("error" 58 "fatal" 58 "convention" 62 "info" 62 "refactor" 66 "warning" 66)) error info warning string-match ".*?$" match-string 0 :id :checker :buffer :filename] 22 "\n\n(fn ERR)"] flycheck-parse-json] 8 (#$ . 450959)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\332\333\334\335\336\337\324\340\324&\210\300\341\302\303\342DD\343\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\344\345\317\346\323\347\327\330\331\350\337\324\340\324&\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-python-pylint-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the python-pylint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"python3\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker python-pylint "A Python syntax and style checker using Pylint.\n\nThis syntax checker requires Pylint 1.0 or newer.\n\nSee URL `https://www.pylint.org/'." :command ("python3" (eval (flycheck-python-module-args 'python-pylint "pylint")) "--reports=n" "--output-format=json" (config-file "--rcfile=" flycheck-pylintrc concat) source-inplace) :error-parser flycheck-parse-pylint :error-patterns nil :error-explainer #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\211\205(\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\310\315\"\316\317 \"C\"%\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 8 apply flycheck-call-checker-process-for-output python-pylint nil t append flycheck-python-module-args "pylint" format "--help-msg=%s"] 12 "\n\n(fn ERR)"] :modes python-mode :next-checkers ((warning . python-mypy)) :enabled #[0 "\300\301!?\206 \302\301\303\"\207" [flycheck-python-needs-module-p python-pylint flycheck-python-find-module "pylint"] 3] :verify #[257 "\300\301\302\"\207" [flycheck-python-verify-module python-pylint "pylint"] 4 "\n\n(fn _)"] :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-python-pycompile-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the python-pycompile syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"python3\"." python-pycompile "A Python syntax checker using Python's builtin compiler.\n\nSee URL `https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/py_compile.html'." ("python3" "-m" "py_compile" source) ((error line-start " File \"" (file-name) "\", line " line "\n" (>= 2 (zero-or-more not-newline) "\n") "SyntaxError: " (message) line-end) (error line-start "Sorry: IndentationError: " (message) "(" (file-name) ", line " line ")" line-end) (error line-start "SyntaxError: ('" (message (one-or-more (not (any "'")))) "', ('" (file-name (one-or-more (not (any "'")))) "', " line ", " column ", " (one-or-more not-newline) line-end)) ((warning . python-mypy))] 23) #@182 Parse pyright errors/warnings from JSON OUTPUT. CHECKER and BUFFER denote the CHECKER that returned OUTPUT and the BUFFER that was checked respectively. (fn OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-pyright--parse-error #[771 "\300\301\302#\303\304!@8A\"\207" [seq-map make-closure #[257 "\211\302\303\304\236A\236A\236A\305\303\304\236A\236A\236A\306\236A\307\236A\302\310\304\236A\236A\236A\305\310\304\236A\236A\236A\311TT\312\267\202I\313\202J\314\202J\314\315T\316T\317\300\320\301\321\322\301!&\207" [V0 V1 line start range character severity message end flycheck-error-new-at #s(hash-table size 2 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data ("error" 65 "warning" 69)) error warning :end-line :end-column :checker :buffer :filename buffer-file-name] 24 "\n\n(fn ERR)"] 2 flycheck-parse-json] 8 (#$ . 454654)]) #@71 Find project root by searching for pyright config file. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-pyright--find-project-root #[257 "\302\206 \303\"\207" [buffer-file-name default-directory locate-dominating-file "pyrightconfig.json"] 4 (#$ . 455529)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\324\330\324\331\332&\210\333\334\335\324#\210\336\211\203M\211@\334N\203F\335N\204F\337\335\334N#\210A\266\202\202,\210\340\334\335\341#\210\300\335\302\303\342DD\343\306\344\345\346\310\347& \210\350\335\351\"\210\300\352\302\303\353DD\354\310\355\306\356\345\357\360\361& \210\362\352\351\"\210\300\363\302\303\364DD\365\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\351\366\317\367\323\370\325\326\371\372\327\324\330\324\331\324&\210\300\373\302\303\374DD\375\310\355\306\376\345\377\360\201@& \210\362\373\201A\"\210\300\201B\302\303\201CDD\201D\310\355\306\201E\312\313\360\201F& \210\362\201B\201A\"\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-python-pyright-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the python-pyright syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"pyright\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker python-pyright "Static type checker for Python\n\nSee URL https://github.com/microsoft/pyright." :command ("pyright" "--outputjson" source-inplace) :error-parser flycheck-pyright--parse-error :error-patterns nil :modes python-mode :next-checkers :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-pyright--find-project-root defvaralias flycheck-python-mypy-ini flycheck-python-mypy-config (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "32" #[0 "\300\207" [("mypy.ini" "setup.cfg")] 1] "Configuration file for `python-mypy'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." (choice (const :tag "No configuration file" nil) (string :tag "File name or path") (repeat :tag "File names or paths" string)) :safe flycheck-string-or-string-list-p flycheck-config-files flycheck-register-config-file-var python-mypy flycheck-python-mypy-cache-dir #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Directory used to write .mypy_cache directories.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `python-mypy'" flycheck-options (choice (const :tag "Write to the working directory" nil) (const :tag "Never write .mypy_cache directories" null-device) (string :tag "Path")) flycheck-string-or-nil-p :package-version (flycheck . "32") flycheck-register-option-var flycheck-python-mypy-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the python-mypy syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"mypy\"." "Mypy syntax and type checker. Requires mypy>=0.580.\n\nSee URL `http://mypy-lang.org/'." ("mypy" "--show-column-numbers" (config-file "--config-file" flycheck-python-mypy-config) (option "--cache-dir" flycheck-python-mypy-cache-dir) source-original) ((error line-start (file-name) ":" line (optional ":" column) ": error:" (message) line-end) (warning line-start (file-name) ":" line (optional ":" column) ": warning:" (message) line-end) (info line-start (file-name) ":" line (optional ":" column) ": note:" (message) line-end)) :predicate flycheck-buffer-saved-p flycheck-lintr-caching #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to enable caching in lintr.\n\nBy default, lintr caches all expressions in a file and re-checks\nonly those that have changed. Setting this option to nil\ndisables caching in case there are problems.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `r-lintr'" boolean booleanp (flycheck . "0.23") r-lintr flycheck-lintr-linters #[0 "\300\207" [#1="default_linters"] 1 #1#] "Linters to use with lintr.\n\nThe value of this variable is a string containing an R\nexpression, which selects linters for lintr.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `r-lintr'" string (flycheck . "0.23")] 17) #@70 Whether CHECKER (R) has installed the `lintr' library. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-r-has-lintr #[257 "\300\301\211\211\302\303\304\305\306& \307=\207" [flycheck-call-checker-process nil "--slave" "--restore" "--no-save" "-e" "library('lintr')" 0] 11 (#$ . 460211)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\332\333\330\334\330&\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-r-lintr-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the r-lintr syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"R\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker r-lintr "An R style and syntax checker using the lintr package.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/jimhester/lintr'." :command ("R" "--slave" "--restore" "--no-save" "-e" (eval (concat "library(lintr);" "try(lint(commandArgs(TRUE)" ", cache=" (if flycheck-lintr-caching "TRUE" "FALSE") ", " flycheck-lintr-linters "))")) "--args" source) :error-patterns ((info line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": style: " (message) line-end) (warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": warning: " (message) line-end) (error line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": error: " (message) line-end)) :modes (ess-mode ess-r-mode) :predicate #[0 "\301\232\205 \302\303!\207" [ess-language "S" flycheck-r-has-lintr r-lintr] 2] :next-checkers nil :verify #[257 "\300!\301\302\303\203\304\202\305\203\306\202\307$C\207" [flycheck-r-has-lintr record flycheck-verification-result "lintr library" "present" "missing" success (bold error)] 7 "\n\n(fn CHECKER)"] :standard-input :working-directory] 19) #@80 Whether the executable of CHECKER provides the `expand' command. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-racket-has-expand-p #[257 "\300\301\211\211\302%\303=\207" [flycheck-call-checker-process nil "expand" 0] 7 (#$ . 462124)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\332\333\334\335\332\336\332&\210\300\337\302\303\340DD\341\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\342\343\317\344\321\345\323\346\347\350\325\351\327\352\331\332\335\332\336\332&\210\300\353\302\303\354DD\355\306\356\357\360\310\361\362\363& \210\364\353\365\"\210\300\366\302\303\367DD\370\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\365\371\317\372\321\373\323\374\325\375\331\332\335\332\336\332&\210\300\376\302\303\377DD\201@\310\201A\306\201B\357\201C\362\201D& \210\201E\376\201F\"\210\300\201G\302\303\201HDD\201I\310\201A\306\201J\357\201C\362\201K& \210\201E\201G\201F\"\210\300\201L\302\303\201MDD\201N\306\356\357\360\310\361\362\201O& \210\364\201L\201F\"\210\300\201P\302\303\201QDD\201R\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201F\201S\317\201T\321\201U\323\201V\325\201W\331\332\335\313\336\332&\210\300\201X\302\303\201YDD\201Z\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201[\201\\\317\201]\321\201^\323\201_\325\201`\331\201a\335\313\336\332&\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-racket-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the racket syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"raco\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker racket "A Racket syntax checker with `raco expand'.\n\nThe `compiler-lib' racket package is required for this syntax\nchecker.\n\nSee URL `https://racket-lang.org/'." :command ("raco" "expand" source-inplace) :error-patterns ((error line-start (zero-or-more space) (file-name) ":" line ":" column ":" (message) line-end)) :error-filter #[257 "\300\301\302\303\"!!\207" [flycheck-sanitize-errors flycheck-increment-error-columns seq-remove #[257 "\301\302\303!>\204\304\305\306D\"\210\307H\"\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags string-suffix-p "/share/racket/pkgs/compiler-lib/compiler/commands/expand.rkt" type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 3] 7 "\n\n(fn ERR)"]] 6 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] :modes (racket-mode scheme-mode) :predicate #[0 "\302=\203\303\301!\205 \304=\205\305\304!\207" [major-mode geiser-impl--implementation scheme-mode boundp racket flycheck-racket-has-expand-p] 2] :next-checkers nil :verify #[257 "\302!\303=\304\301!\205 \305\306\307\203\310\202\311\203\"\312\202#\313$\314\315\316\317\2041\320\202H\321=\203;\322\202H\203G\323\324\"\202H\325\326\203U\321=\203Y\312\202Z\327&D\207" [major-mode geiser-impl--implementation flycheck-racket-has-expand-p scheme-mode boundp record flycheck-verification-result "compiler-lib package" "present" "missing" success (bold error) flycheck-verification-result-new :label "Geiser Implementation" :message "Using Racket Mode" racket "Racket" format "Other: %s" "Geiser not active" :face (bold error)] 13 "\n\n(fn CHECKER)"] :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-rpm-rpmlint-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the rpm-rpmlint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"rpmlint\"." rpm-rpmlint "A RPM SPEC file syntax checker using rpmlint.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpmlint'." ("rpmlint" source) ((error line-start (file-name) ":" (optional line ":") " E: " (message) line-end) (warning line-start (file-name) ":" (optional line ":") " W: " (message) line-end)) #[257 "\301\302\"\211\203<\211@\303!>\204\304\305\306D\"\210\211\307H\2045\303!>\204.\304\305\306D\"\210\211\211\307\310I\266A\266\202\202\210\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags seq-remove #[257 "\301\302\303!>\204\304\305\306D\"\210\307H\"\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags string-suffix-p "(none)" type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 3] 7 "\n\n(fn ERR)"] type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 4 1] 7 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] :error-explainer #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\211\2056\306 \307\310\"\216\311\312\"\210\313\314\")\262\211\2054\315\316\317\320\321%\262\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 6 match-data make-closure #[0 "\301\300\302\"\207" [V0 set-match-data evaporate] 3] string-match "\\([^ ]+\\)" match-string 1 flycheck-call-checker-process-for-output rpm-rpmlint nil t "-I"] 9 "\n\n(fn ERROR)"] (sh-mode rpm-spec-mode) #[0 "\302=?\206\n \303=\207" [major-mode sh-shell sh-mode rpm] 2] flycheck-markdown-markdownlint-cli-config #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Configuration file for `markdown-markdownlint-cli'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." (choice (const :tag "No configuration file" nil) (string :tag "File name or path") (repeat :tag "File names or paths" string)) :safe flycheck-string-or-string-list-p flycheck-config-files :package-version (flycheck . "32") flycheck-register-config-file-var markdown-markdownlint-cli flycheck-markdown-markdownlint-cli-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the markdown-markdownlint-cli syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"markdownlint\"." "Markdown checker using markdownlint-cli.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/igorshubovych/markdownlint-cli'." ("markdownlint" (config-file "--config" flycheck-markdown-markdownlint-cli-config) source) ((error line-start (file-name) ":" line (32 ":" column) " " (id (one-or-more (not (any space)))) " " (message) line-end)) #[257 "\300\301\302\"!\207" [flycheck-sanitize-errors flycheck-remove-error-file-names "(string)"] 5 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] (markdown-mode gfm-mode) flycheck-markdown-mdl-rules #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Rules to enable for mdl.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings each of which is\nthe name of a rule to enable.\n\nBy default all rules are enabled.\n\nSee URL `https://git.io/vhi2t'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `markdown-mdl'" flycheck-options (repeat :tag "Enabled rules" (string :tag "rule name")) flycheck-string-list-p (flycheck . "27") flycheck-register-option-var markdown-mdl flycheck-markdown-mdl-tags #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Rule tags to enable for mdl.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings each of which is\nthe name of a rule tag. Only rules with these tags are enabled.\n\nBy default all rules are enabled.\n\nSee URL `https://git.io/vhi2t'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `markdown-mdl'" (repeat :tag "Enabled tags" (string :tag "tag name")) (flycheck . "27") flycheck-markdown-mdl-style #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Configuration file for `markdown-mdl'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." (flycheck . "27") flycheck-markdown-mdl-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the markdown-mdl syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"mdl\"." "Markdown checker using mdl.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/markdownlint/markdownlint'." ("mdl" (config-file "--style" flycheck-markdown-mdl-style) (option "--tags=" flycheck-markdown-mdl-tags concat flycheck-option-comma-separated-list) (option "--rules=" flycheck-markdown-mdl-rules concat flycheck-option-comma-separated-list)) ((error line-start (file-name) ":" line ": " (id (one-or-more alnum)) " " (message) line-end)) #[257 "\300\301\302\"!\207" [flycheck-sanitize-errors flycheck-remove-error-file-names "(stdin)"] 5 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] (markdown-mode gfm-mode) flycheck-nix-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the nix syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"nix-instantiate\"." nix "Nix checker using nix-instantiate.\n\nSee URL `https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#sec-nix-instantiate'." ("nix-instantiate" "--parse" "-") ((error line-start "error: " (message) (one-or-more "\n") (zero-or-more space) "at «stdin»:" line ":" column ":" line-end) (error line-start "at: (" line ":" column ") from stdin" (one-or-more "\n" (zero-or-more space (one-or-more not-newline))) (message) line-end) (error line-start "error: " (message) " at " (file-name) ":" line ":" column line-end)) #[257 "\300\301\302\"!\207" [flycheck-sanitize-errors flycheck-remove-error-file-names "(string)"] 5 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] nix-mode ((warning . nix-linter))] 21) #@271 Parse nix-linter warnings from JSON OUTPUT. CHECKER and BUFFER denote the CHECKER that returned OUTPUT and the BUFFER that was checked respectively. See URL `https://github.com/Synthetica9/nix-linter' for more information about nix-linter. (fn OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-nix-linter #[771 "\300\301\302#\303!\"\207" [mapcar make-closure #[257 "\211\302\303\304\236A\236A\236A\305\303\304\236A\236A\236A\306\236A\307\236A\302\310\304\236A\236A\236A\305\310\304\236A\236A\236A\311\312\313\314\300\315\301\316\317\301!\320\321&\207" [V0 V1 sourceLine spanBegin pos sourceColumn description offense spanEnd flycheck-error-new-at warning :id :checker :buffer :filename buffer-file-name :end-line :end-column] 25 "\n\n(fn ERR)"] flycheck-parse-json] 8 (#$ . 472061)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\324\332\313\333\324&\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-nix-linter-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the nix-linter syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"nix-linter\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker nix-linter "Nix checker using nix-linter.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/Synthetica9/nix-linter'." :command ("nix-linter" "--json-stream" "-") :error-parser flycheck-parse-nix-linter :error-patterns nil :error-explainer #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\211\205\306\307\310\311\312%\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 8 flycheck-call-checker-process-for-output nix-linter nil t "--help-for"] 8 "\n\n(fn ERROR)"] :modes nix-mode :next-checkers :standard-input :working-directory] 19) #@153 Locate the Sphinx source directory for the current buffer. Return the source directory, or nil, if the current buffer is not part of a Sphinx project. (defalias 'flycheck-locate-sphinx-source-directory #[0 "\300 \211\205\301\302\"\211\205\303!\262\207" [buffer-file-name locate-dominating-file "conf.py" expand-file-name] 4 (#$ . 474074)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\313\330\326&\210\300\331\302\303\332DD\333\310\334\306\335\336\337\340\341& \210\342\331\343\"\210\300\344\302\303\345DD\346\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\343\347\317\350\321\351\323\324\352\353\325\326\327\326\330\326&\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-rst-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the rst syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"rst2pseudoxml.py\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker rst "A ReStructuredText (RST) syntax checker using Docutils.\n\nSee URL `http://docutils.sourceforge.net/'." :command ("rst2pseudoxml.py" "--report=2" "--halt=5" "-" null-device) :error-patterns ((warning line-start ":" line ": (WARNING/2) " (message) line-end) (error line-start ":" line ": (" (or "ERROR/3" "SEVERE/4") ") " (message) line-end)) :modes rst-mode :next-checkers nil :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-sphinx-warn-on-missing-references #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to warn about missing references in Sphinx.\n\nWhen non-nil (the default), warn about all missing references in\nSphinx via `-n'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `rst-sphinx'" flycheck-options boolean :safe booleanp :package-version (flycheck . "0.17") flycheck-register-option-var rst-sphinx flycheck-rst-sphinx-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the rst-sphinx syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"sphinx-build\"." "A ReStructuredText (RST) syntax checker using Sphinx.\n\nRequires Sphinx 1.2 or newer. See URL `http://sphinx-doc.org'." ("sphinx-build" "-b" "pseudoxml" "-q" "-N" (option-flag "-n" flycheck-sphinx-warn-on-missing-references) (eval (flycheck-locate-sphinx-source-directory)) temporary-directory source-original) ((warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ": WARNING: " (message) line-end) (error line-start (file-name) ":" line ": " (or "ERROR" "SEVERE") ": " (message) line-end)) :predicate #[0 "\300 \205\301 \207" [flycheck-buffer-saved-p flycheck-locate-sphinx-source-directory] 1]] 17) #@140 Compute an appropriate working-directory for flycheck-ruby. This is either a parent directory containing a Gemfile, or nil. (fn CHECKER) (defalias 'flycheck-ruby--find-project-root #[257 "\205\301\302\"\207" [buffer-file-name locate-dominating-file "Gemfile"] 4 (#$ . 476990)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\301\315\"\210\300\316\302\303\317DD\320\312\321\310\322\306\323\324\325& \210\326\316\327\"\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-rubocoprc funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [#1=".rubocop.yml"] 1 #1#] "Configuration file for `ruby-rubocop'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." :type (choice (const :tag "No configuration file" nil) (string :tag "File name or path") (repeat :tag "File names or paths" string)) :safe flycheck-string-or-string-list-p :group flycheck-config-files flycheck-register-config-file-var ruby-rubocop flycheck-rubocop-lint-only #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to only report code issues in Rubocop and Standard.\n\nWhen non-nil, only report code issues, via `--lint'. Otherwise\nreport style issues as well.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `ruby-rubocop'\n - `ruby-standard'" flycheck-options booleanp boolean :package-version (flycheck . "0.16") flycheck-register-option-var (ruby-rubocop ruby-standard)] 12) (defconst flycheck-ruby-rubocop-error-patterns '((info line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": C: " (optional (id (one-or-more (not (any ":")))) ": ") (message) line-end) (warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": W: " (optional (id (one-or-more (not (any ":")))) ": ") (message) line-end) (error line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": " (or "E" "F") ": " (optional (id (one-or-more (not (any ":")))) ": ") (message) line-end))) (byte-code "\301\302\303\304\305DD\306\307\310\311\312\313\314& \210\315\316\317\320\321\322\314\323\324\325\326\327\330\331&\210\301\332\303\304\333DD\334\307\335\336\337\311\340& \210\341\332\342\"\210\301\343\303\304\344DD\345\307\310\311\312\313\314& \210\315\342\346\320\347\322\314\323\324\325\326\350\330\351&\210\301\352\303\304\353DD\354\307\335\336\337\311\340\336\355\356\357& \210\341\352\360\"\210\301\361\303\304\362DD\363\307\310\311\312\313\314& \210\315\360\364\320\365\366\367\325\370\326\371\330\372\322\370\323\370&\210\301\373\303\304\374DD\375\307\335\336\337\311\340& \210\341\373\376\"\210\301\377\303\304\201@DD\201A\307\310\311\312\313\314& \210\315\376\201B\320\201C\325\201D\326\201E\330\370\322\370\323\370&\210\301\201F\303\304\201GDD\201H\307\310\311\312\313\314& \210\315\201I\201J\320\201K\325\201L\326\201M\330\201N\322\314\323\370&\210\301\201O\303\304\201PDD\201Q\307\310\311\312\313\314& \210\315\201R\201S\320\201T\325\201U\326\201V\330\201W\322\314\323\370&\210\301\201X\303\304\201YDD\201Z\311\201[\313\314\307\201\\\356\201]& \210\201^\201X\201_\"\210\301\201`\303\304\201aDD\201b\311\201[\313\314\307\201\\\356\201c& \210\201^\201`\201d\"\210\301\201e\303\304\201fDD\201g\311\201[\307\201h\336\201i\356\201j& \210\201^\201e\201k\"\210\301\201l\303\304\201mDD\201n\311\201[\307\201o\336\201p\356\201q& \210\201^\201l\201r\"\210\201s\201l!\210\301\201t\303\304\201uDD\201v\311\201[\307\201w\336\201x\356\201y& \210\201^\201t\201z\"\210\201s\201t!\210\301\201{\303\304\201|DD\201}\311\201[\307\201~\336\201p\356\201& \210\201^\201{\201\200\"\210\201s\201{!\210\301\201\201\303\304\201\202DD\201\203\311\201[\307\201\204\336\201\205\356\201\206& \210\201^\201\201\201\200\"\210\201s\201\201!\210\301\201\207\303\304\201\210DD\201\211\311\201[\307\201\212\336\201\205\356\201\213& \210\201^\201\207\201r\"\207" [flycheck-ruby-rubocop-error-patterns custom-declare-variable flycheck-ruby-rubocop-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the ruby-rubocop syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"rubocop\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker ruby-rubocop "A Ruby syntax and style checker using the RuboCop tool.\n\nYou need at least RuboCop 0.34 for this syntax checker.\n\nSee URL `https://rubocop.org/'." :command ("rubocop" "--display-cop-names" "--force-exclusion" "--format" "emacs" "--cache" "false" (config-file "--config" flycheck-rubocoprc) (option-flag "--lint" flycheck-rubocop-lint-only) "--stdin" source-original) :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-ruby--find-project-root :error-patterns :modes (enh-ruby-mode ruby-mode) :next-checkers ((warning . ruby-reek) (warning . ruby-rubylint)) flycheck-ruby-standardrc #[0 "\300\207" [#1=".standard.yml"] 1 #1#] "Configuration file for `ruby-standard'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." (choice (const :tag "No configuration file" nil) (string :tag "File name or path") (repeat :tag "File names or paths" string)) :safe flycheck-string-or-string-list-p flycheck-config-files flycheck-register-config-file-var ruby-standard flycheck-ruby-standard-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the ruby-standard syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"standardrb\"." "A Ruby syntax and style checker using the StandardRB gem.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/testdouble/standard' for more information." ("standardrb" "--display-cop-names" "--force-exclusion" "--format" "emacs" "--cache" "false" (config-file "--config" flycheck-ruby-standardrc) (option-flag "--lint" flycheck-rubocop-lint-only) "--stdin" source-original) (enh-ruby-mode ruby-mode) ((warning . ruby-reek) (warning . ruby-rubylint)) flycheck-reekrc #[0 "\300\207" [#2=".reek.yml"] 1 #2#] "Configuration file for `ruby-reek'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." string-or-null-p :package-version (flycheck . "30") ruby-reek flycheck-ruby-reek-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the ruby-reek syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"reek\"." "A Ruby smell checker using reek.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/troessner/reek'." ("reek" "--format" "json" (config-file "--config" flycheck-reekrc) source) :error-parser flycheck-parse-reek nil (enh-ruby-mode ruby-mode) ((warning . ruby-rubylint)) flycheck-rubylintrc #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Configuration file for `ruby-rubylint'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." ruby-rubylint flycheck-ruby-rubylint-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the ruby-rubylint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"ruby-lint\"." "A Ruby syntax and code analysis checker using ruby-lint.\n\nRequires ruby-lint 2.0.2 or newer. See URL\n`https://github.com/YorickPeterse/ruby-lint'." ("ruby-lint" "--presenter=syntastic" (config-file "--config" flycheck-rubylintrc) source) ((info line-start (file-name) ":I:" line ":" column ": " (message) line-end) (warning line-start (file-name) ":W:" line ":" column ": " (message) line-end) (error line-start (file-name) ":E:" line ":" column ": " (message) line-end)) (enh-ruby-mode ruby-mode) flycheck-ruby-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the ruby syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"ruby\"." ruby "A Ruby syntax checker using the standard Ruby interpreter.\n\nPlease note that the output of different Ruby versions and\nimplementations varies wildly. This syntax checker supports\ncurrent versions of MRI and JRuby, but may break when used with\nother implementations or future versions of these\nimplementations.\n\nPlease consider using `ruby-rubocop' or `ruby-reek' instead.\n\nSee URL `https://www.ruby-lang.org/'." ("ruby" "-w" "-c") ((error line-start "SyntaxError in -:" line ": " (message) line-end) (warning line-start "-:" line ":" (optional column ":") " warning: " (message) line-end) (error line-start "-:" line ": " (message) line-end)) (enh-ruby-mode ruby-mode) ((warning . ruby-rubylint)) flycheck-ruby-jruby-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the ruby-jruby syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"jruby\"." ruby-jruby "A Ruby syntax checker using the JRuby interpreter.\n\nThis syntax checker is very primitive, and may break on future\nversions of JRuby.\n\nPlease consider using `ruby-rubocop' or `ruby-rubylint' instead.\n\nSee URL `http://jruby.org/'." ("jruby" "-w" "-c") ((error line-start "SyntaxError in -:" line ": " (message) line-end) (warning line-start "-:" line ": warning: " (message) line-end) (error line-start "-:" line ": " (message) line-end)) (enh-ruby-mode ruby-mode) ((warning . ruby-rubylint)) flycheck-cargo-check-args #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of additional command line arguments.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings with additional\ncommand line arguments.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `rust-cargo'" flycheck-options (repeat (string :tag "Argument")) (flycheck . "32") flycheck-register-option-var (rust-cargo) flycheck-rust-args #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of additional command line arguments.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings with additional\ncommand line arguments.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `rust'" (flycheck . "0.24") (rust) flycheck-rust-check-tests #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to check test code in Rust.\n\nFor the `rust' checker: When non-nil, `rustc' is passed the\n`--test' flag, which will check any code marked with the\n`#[cfg(test)]' attribute and any functions marked with\n`#[test]'. Otherwise, `rustc' is not passed `--test' and test\ncode will not be checked. Skipping `--test' is necessary when\nusing `#![no_std]', because compiling the test runner requires\n`std'.\n\nFor the `rust-cargo' checker: When non-nil, calls `cargo test\n--no-run' instead of `cargo check'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `rust-cargo'\n - `rust'" boolean booleanp ("flycheck" . "0.19") (rust-cargo rust) flycheck-rust-crate-root #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A path to the crate root for the current buffer.\n\nThe value of this variable is either a string with the path to\nthe crate root for the current buffer, or nil if the current buffer\nis a crate. A relative path is relative to the current buffer.\n\nIf this variable is non nil the current buffer will only be checked\nif it is not modified, i.e. after it has been saved.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `rust'" (choice (const :tag "Unspecified" nil) (file :tag "Root")) flycheck-string-or-nil-p (flycheck . "0.20") rust make-variable-buffer-local flycheck-rust-crate-type #[0 "\300\207" [#3="lib"] 1 #3#] "The type of the Rust Crate to check.\n\nFor `rust-cargo', the value should be a string denoting the\ntarget type passed to Cargo. See\n`flycheck-rust-valid-crate-type-p' for the list of allowed\nvalues.\n\nFor `rust', the value should be a string denoting the crate type\nfor the `--crate-type' flag of rustc.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `rust-cargo'\n - `rust'" (choice (const :tag "nil (rust/rust-cargo)" nil) (const :tag "lib (rust/rust-cargo)" "lib") (const :tag "bin (rust/rust-cargo)" "bin") (const :tag "example (rust-cargo)" "example") (const :tag "test (rust-cargo)" "test") (const :tag "bench (rust-cargo)" "bench") (const :tag "rlib (rust)" "rlib") (const :tag "dylib (rust)" "dylib") (const :tag "cdylib (rust)" "cdylib") (const :tag "staticlib (rust)" "staticlib") (const :tag "metadata (rust)" "metadata")) stringp (flycheck . "0.20") (rust-cargo rust) flycheck-rust-binary-name #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The name of the binary to pass to `cargo check --CRATE-TYPE'.\n\nThe value of this variable is a string denoting the name of the\ntarget to check: usually the name of the crate, or the name of\none of the files under `src/bin', `tests', `examples' or\n`benches'.\n\nThis always requires a non-nil value, unless\n`flycheck-rust-crate-type' is `lib' or nil, in which case it is\nignored.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `rust-cargo'" (choice (const :tag "Unspecified" nil) (string :tag "Binary name")) (flycheck . "28") rust-cargo flycheck-rust-features #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "List of features to activate during build or check.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings denoting features\nthat will be activated to build the target to check. Features will\nbe passed to `cargo check --features=FEATURES'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `rust-cargo'" (repeat :tag "Features to activate" (string :tag "Feature")) flycheck-string-list-p (flycheck . "32") flycheck-rust-library-path #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of library directories for Rust.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a directory to add to the library path of Rust.\nRelative paths are relative to the file being checked.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `rust'" (repeat (directory :tag "Library directory")) (flycheck . "0.18")] 17) #@62 Place current buffer in `markdown-view-mode' and fontify it. (defalias 'flycheck--fontify-as-markdown #[0 "\303\304!\205\305\306\211\304 \210\307 \210\310 +\207" [markdown-hide-markup markdown-fontify-code-blocks-natively markdown-fontify-code-block-default-mode fboundp markdown-view-mode rust-mode t font-lock-flush font-lock-ensure] 3 (#$ . 492514)]) #@73 Return an explanation for the given `flycheck-error' ERROR. (fn ERROR) (defalias 'flycheck-rust-error-explainer #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\211\205\306\307\"\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 8 make-closure #[0 "\302\303\304 \305\306\300&\210r q\210\307 )\207" [V0 standard-output flycheck-call-checker-process rust nil t "--explain" flycheck--fontify-as-markdown] 7]] 5 (#$ . 492879)]) #@78 Filter ERRORS from rustc output that have no explanatory value. (fn ERRORS) (defalias 'flycheck-rust-error-filter #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [seq-remove #[257 "\302!>\204\303\304\305D\"\210\211\306H\211\205#\307\310\311\312#)\266\203\262\206M\302!>\2047\303\304\305D\"\210\211\313H\211\205K\314\310\311\312#)\266\203\262\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags inhibit-changing-match-data type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 3 "macros>$" nil t string-match 6 "aborting due to \\(?:[[:digit:]]+ \\)?previous error\\|For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain [[:alnum:]]+`\\."] 9 "\n\n(fn ERR)"]] 4 (#$ . 493352)]) #@281 Return the nearest directory holding the Cargo manifest. Return the nearest directory containing the `Cargo.toml' manifest file, starting from the current buffer and using `locate-dominating-file'. Return nil if there is no such file, or if the current buffer has no file name. (defalias 'flycheck-rust-manifest-directory #[0 "\205\301\302\"\207" [buffer-file-name locate-dominating-file "Cargo.toml"] 3 (#$ . 494022)]) #@67 Run 'cargo metadata' and return the result as parsed JSON object. (defalias 'flycheck-rust-cargo-metadata #[0 "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310&!@\207" [flycheck-parse-json flycheck-call-checker-process-for-output rust-cargo nil t "metadata" "--no-deps" "--format-version" "1"] 9 (#$ . 494454)]) #@151 Return the path to the workspace root of a Rust Cargo project. Return nil if the workspace root does not exist (for Rust versions inferior to 1.25). (defalias 'flycheck-rust-cargo-workspace-root #[0 "\300 \301\236A\207" [flycheck-rust-cargo-metadata workspace_root] 3 (#$ . 494762)]) #@130 Whether Cargo has COMMAND in its list of commands. Execute `cargo --list' to find out whether COMMAND is present. (fn COMMAND) (defalias 'flycheck-rust-cargo-has-command-p #[257 "\301!\302\303\3041\305\306\"0\202\210\307\"\235\207" [flycheck-executable-find "cargo" mapcar string-trim-left (error) process-lines "--list" nil] 8 (#$ . 495055)]) #@152 Whether CRATE-TYPE is a valid target type for Cargo. A valid Cargo target type is one of `lib', `bin', `example', `test' or `bench'. (fn CRATE-TYPE) (defalias 'flycheck-rust-valid-crate-type-p #[257 "\211\300\235\207" [(nil "lib" "bin" "example" "test" "bench")] 3 (#$ . 495415)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\332\333\334\335\324\336\337\340\341\342\324\343\344&\210\300\345\302\303\346DD\347\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\350\351\317\352\321\353\323\324\325\354\327\330\331\332\333\334\335\324\342\324\343\324&\210\300\355\302\303\356DD\357\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\360\361\317\362\321\322\323\324\325\354\327\330\331\332\333\334\335\324\336\363\340\364\342\324\343\365&\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-rust-cargo-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the rust-cargo syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"cargo\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker rust-cargo "A Rust syntax checker using Cargo.\n\nThis syntax checker requires Rust 1.17 or newer. See URL\n`https://www.rust-lang.org'." :command ("cargo" (eval (if flycheck-rust-check-tests "test" "check")) (eval (when flycheck-rust-check-tests "--no-run")) (eval (when flycheck-rust-crate-type (concat "--" flycheck-rust-crate-type))) (eval (when (and flycheck-rust-crate-type (not (string= flycheck-rust-crate-type "lib"))) flycheck-rust-binary-name)) (option "--features=" flycheck-rust-features concat flycheck-option-comma-separated-list) (eval flycheck-cargo-check-args) "--message-format=json") :error-parser flycheck-parse-cargo-rustc :error-patterns nil :error-filter #[257 "\300 \301\302\303\"\304!\"\207" [flycheck-rust-cargo-workspace-root seq-do make-closure #[257 "\302! >\204\303\304\305D\"\210\211\306H\205@\302! >\204$\303\304\305D\"\210\211\211\306\307\302! >\2048\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\300\"I\262\207" [V0 cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 3 expand-file-name] 9 "\n\n(fn ERR)"] flycheck-rust-error-filter] 6 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] :error-explainer flycheck-rust-error-explainer :modes rust-mode :predicate flycheck-buffer-saved-p :next-checkers :enabled flycheck-rust-manifest-directory :verify #[257 "\205v\303 \304 ! \205 \305\230?\306\307\310\203\311\202\312\203&\313\202'\314$\306\307\315\2036\316\317 \"\202:\316\320 \"\203C\313\202D\321$\322\323\324\325\204R\326\202^\n\204Z\327\202^\316\317\n\"\330\204h\313\202q\n\204p\331\202q\313&E\266\203\207" [buffer-file-name flycheck-rust-crate-type flycheck-rust-binary-name flycheck-rust-manifest-directory flycheck-rust-valid-crate-type-p "lib" record flycheck-verification-result "Cargo.toml" "Found" "Missing" success (bold warning) "Crate type" format "%s" "%s (invalid, should be one of 'lib', 'bin', 'test', 'example' or 'bench')" (bold error) flycheck-verification-result-new :label "Binary name" :message "Not required" "Required" :face (bold error)] 13 "\n\n(fn _)"] :standard-input :working-directory (lambda (_) (flycheck-rust-manifest-directory)) flycheck-rust-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the rust syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"rustc\"." rust "A Rust syntax checker using Rust compiler.\n\nThis syntax checker needs Rust 1.18 or newer. See URL\n`https://www.rust-lang.org'." ("rustc" (option "--crate-type" flycheck-rust-crate-type) "--emit=mir" "-o" "/dev/null" "--error-format=json" (option-flag "--test" flycheck-rust-check-tests) (option-list "-L" flycheck-rust-library-path concat) (eval flycheck-rust-args) (eval (or flycheck-rust-crate-root (flycheck-substitute-argument 'source-original 'rust)))) flycheck-parse-rustc flycheck-rust-error-filter flycheck-rust-clippy-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the rust-clippy syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"cargo\"." rust-clippy "A Rust syntax checker using clippy.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rust-clippy'." ("cargo" "clippy" "--message-format=json") #[0 "\300\301!\205\302 \207" [flycheck-rust-cargo-has-command-p "clippy" flycheck-rust-manifest-directory] 2] #[257 "\2059\301 \302\303!\304\305\306\203\307\202\310\203\311\202\312$\304\305\313\203*\307\202+\314\2034\311\2025\315$D\266\202\207" [buffer-file-name flycheck-rust-manifest-directory flycheck-rust-cargo-has-command-p "clippy" record flycheck-verification-result "Clippy" "Found" "Cannot find the `cargo clippy' command" success (bold warning) "Cargo.toml" "Missing" (bold warning)] 9 "\n\n(fn _)"] (lambda (_) (flycheck-rust-manifest-directory))] 27) #@44 The cache directory for `sass' and `scss'. (defvar flycheck-sass-scss-cache-directory nil (#$ . 500652)) #@162 Get the cache location for `sass' and `scss'. If no cache directory exists yet, create one and return it. Otherwise return the previously used cache directory. (defalias 'flycheck-sass-scss-cache-location #[0 "\206\301\302\303\"\211\207" [flycheck-sass-scss-cache-directory make-temp-file "flycheck-sass-scss-cache" directory] 3 (#$ . 500764)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315& \210\316\301\317\"\210\300\320\302\303\321DD\322\310\323\306\324\325\326& \210\327\317\330\331\332\333\334\335\336\337\340\341\326\342\340&\210\300\343\302\303\344DD\345\310\346\312\347\306\350\314\351& \210\352\343\353\"\210\300\354\302\303\355DD\356\310\323\306\324\325\326& \210\327\353\357\331\360\361\362\333\340\335\363\337\340\341\340\342\340&\210\300\364\302\303\365DD\366\310\323\306\324\325\326& \210\327\367\370\331\371\333\372\335\373\337\374\341\340\342\340&\210\300\375\302\303\376DD\377\310\346\312\347\306\350\314\201@& \210\352\375\201A\"\210\300\201B\302\303\201CDD\201D\310\323\306\324\325\326& \210\327\201A\201E\331\201F\333\201G\201H\201I\335\373\201J\201K\337\340\201L\201M\341\340\342\340&\210\300\201N\302\303\201ODD\201P\306\307\325\326\310\201Q\314\201R& \210\316\201N\201S\"\210\300\201T\302\303\201UDD\201V\310\323\306\324\325\326& \210\327\201S\201W\331\201X\333\201Y\201H\201Z\335\201[\201J\201\\\337\340\201L\201]\341\340\342\340&\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-sass-compass funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to enable the Compass CSS framework.\n\nWhen non-nil, enable the Compass CSS framework, via `--compass'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `sass'" :group flycheck-options :type boolean :safe booleanp :package-version (flycheck . "0.16") flycheck-register-option-var sass flycheck-sass-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the sass syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"sass\"." (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker "A Sass syntax checker using the Sass compiler.\n\nSee URL `http://sass-lang.com'." :command ("sass" "--cache-location" (eval (flycheck-sass-scss-cache-location)) (option-flag "--compass" flycheck-sass-compass) "--check" "--stdin") :error-patterns ((error line-start (or "Syntax error: " "Error: ") (message (one-or-more not-newline) (zero-or-more "\n" (one-or-more " ") (one-or-more not-newline))) (optional " ") "\n" (one-or-more " ") "on line " line " of standard input" line-end) (warning line-start "WARNING: " (message (one-or-more not-newline) (zero-or-more "\n" (one-or-more " ") (one-or-more not-newline))) (optional " ") "\n" (one-or-more " ") "on line " line " of " (one-or-more not-newline) line-end)) :modes sass-mode :next-checkers nil :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-sass-lintrc #[0 "\300\207" [#1=".sass-lint.yml"] 1 #1#] "Configuration file for `sass/scss-sass-lint'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." (choice (const :tag "No configuration file" nil) (string :tag "File name or path") (repeat :tag "File names or paths" string)) flycheck-string-or-string-list-p flycheck-config-files (flycheck . "30") flycheck-register-config-file-var sass/scss-sass-lint flycheck-sass/scss-sass-lint-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the sass/scss-sass-lint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"sass-lint\"." "A SASS/SCSS syntax checker using sass-Lint.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/sasstools/sass-lint'." ("sass-lint" "--verbose" "--no-exit" "--format" "Checkstyle" (config-file "--config" flycheck-sass-lintrc) source) :error-parser flycheck-parse-checkstyle (sass-mode scss-mode) flycheck-scala-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the scala syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"scalac\"." scala "A Scala syntax checker using the Scala compiler.\n\nSee URL `https://www.scala-lang.org/'." ("scalac" "-Ystop-after:parser" source) ((error line-start (file-name) ":" line ": error: " (message) line-end)) scala-mode ((warning . scala-scalastyle)) flycheck-scalastylerc #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Configuration file for `scala-scalastyle'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." (flycheck . "0.20") scala-scalastyle flycheck-scala-scalastyle-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the scala-scalastyle syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"scalastyle\"." "A Scala style checker using scalastyle.\n\nNote that this syntax checker is not used if\n`flycheck-scalastylerc' is nil or refers to a non-existing file.\n\nSee URL `http://www.scalastyle.org'." ("scalastyle" (config-file "-c" flycheck-scalastylerc) source) ((error line-start "error file=" (file-name) " message=" (message) " line=" line (optional " column=" column) line-end) (warning line-start "warning file=" (file-name) " message=" (message) " line=" line (optional " column=" column) line-end)) :error-filter #[257 "\300\301!!\207" [flycheck-sanitize-errors flycheck-increment-error-columns] 4 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] :predicate #[0 "\205\301\302\"\207" [flycheck-scalastylerc flycheck-locate-config-file scala-scalastyle] 3] :verify #[257 "\205\301\"\302\303\304\305\204\306\202$\204\307\310\"\202$\307\311\"\312\204-\313\2027\2046\314\2027\315&C\207" [flycheck-scalastylerc flycheck-locate-config-file flycheck-verification-result-new :label "Configuration file" :message "`flycheck-scalastyletrc' not set" format "file %s not found" "found at %s" :face (bold warning) (bold error) success] 9 "\n\n(fn CHECKER)"] flycheck-scheme-chicken-args #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of additional command line arguments.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings with additional\ncommand line arguments.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `scheme-chicken'" (repeat (string :tag "Argument")) (flycheck . "32") scheme-chicken flycheck-scheme-chicken-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the scheme-chicken syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"csc\"." "A CHICKEN Scheme syntax checker using the CHICKEN compiler `csc'.\n\nSee URL `http://call-cc.org/'." ("csc" "-analyze-only" "-local" (eval flycheck-scheme-chicken-args) source) ((info line-start "Note: " (zero-or-more not-newline) ":\n" (one-or-more (any space)) "(" (file-name) ":" line ") " (message) line-end) (warning line-start "Warning: " (zero-or-more not-newline) ",\n" (one-or-more (any space)) (zero-or-more not-newline) ":\n" (one-or-more (any space)) "(" (file-name) ":" line ") " (message) line-end) (warning line-start "Warning: " (zero-or-more not-newline) ":\n" (one-or-more (any space)) "(" (file-name) ":" line ") " (message) line-end) (error line-start "Error: (line " line ") " (message) line-end) (error line-start "Syntax error: (" (file-name) ":" line ")" (zero-or-more not-newline) " - " (message (one-or-more not-newline) (zero-or-more "\n" (zero-or-more space) (zero-or-more not-newline)) (one-or-more space) "<--") line-end) (error line-start "Syntax error: " (message (one-or-more not-newline) (zero-or-more "\n" (zero-or-more space) (zero-or-more not-newline)) (one-or-more space) "<--") line-end) (error line-start "Error: " (zero-or-more not-newline) ":\n" (one-or-more (any space)) "(" (file-name) ":" line ") " (message) line-end) (error line-start "Error: " (message (one-or-more not-newline) (zero-or-more "\n" (zero-or-more space) (zero-or-more not-newline)) (one-or-more space) "<--"))) flycheck-fill-empty-line-numbers scheme-mode #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302=\207" [geiser-impl--implementation boundp chicken] 2] #[257 "\301\300!\205\302\303\304\305\306=\203\307\202\"\203!\310\311\"\202\"\312\313\306=\203.\314\202/\315&C\207" [geiser-impl--implementation boundp flycheck-verification-result-new :label "Geiser Implementation" :message chicken "Chicken Scheme" format "Other: %s" "Geiser not active" :face success (bold error)] 10 "\n\n(fn CHECKER)"]] 21) #@55 Regular expression to parse missing checkstyle error. (defconst flycheck-scss-lint-checkstyle-re "cannot load such file.+scss_lint_reporter_checkstyle" (#$ . 510300)) #@181 Parse SCSS-Lint OUTPUT from CHECKER and BUFFER. Like `flycheck-parse-checkstyle', but catches errors about missing checkstyle reporter from SCSS-Lint. (fn OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-scss-lint #[771 "\302\303\304#)\266\203\203$\305\306\302\307\310\311\312\313\314 !&\nC\207\315#\207" [flycheck-scss-lint-checkstyle-re inhibit-changing-match-data nil t string-match flycheck-error-new-at 1 error "Checkstyle reporter for SCSS-Lint missing.\nPlease run gem install scss_lint_reporter_checkstyle" :checker :buffer :filename buffer-file-name flycheck-parse-checkstyle] 15 (#$ . 510474)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315& \210\316\301\317\"\210\300\320\302\303\321DD\322\306\323\312\324\325\326& \210\327\317\330\331\332\333\334\335\336\337\340\341\336\342\343\344\326\345\336&\210\300\346\302\303\347DD\350\306\323\312\324\325\326& \210\327\351\352\331\353\333\354\335\336\337\355\356\357\341\336\344\326\345\336&\210\300\360\302\303\361DD\362\312\363\306\364\310\365\314\366& \210\367\360\370\"\210\300\371\302\303\372DD\373\306\323\312\324\325\326& \210\327\370\374\331\375\335\376\337\340\341\336\344\326\345\336&\210\300\377\302\303\201@DD\201A\312\363\325\326\306\201B\314\201C& \210\367\377\201D\"\210\300\201E\302\303\201FDD\201G\306\323\312\324\325\326& \210\327\201H\201I\331\201J\335\201K\337\201L\356\201M\341\201N\344\326\345\336&\210\300\201O\302\303\201PDD\201Q\306\323\312\324\325\326& \210\327\201R\201S\331\201T\335\201U\337\201L\356\201V\341\201W\344\326\345\336&\210\300\201X\302\303\201YDD\201Z\306\323\312\324\325\326& \210\327\201[\201\\\331\201]\335\201^\337\201L\356\201_\341\201`\344\326\345\336&\210\300\201a\302\303\201bDD\201c\306\323\312\324\325\326& \210\327\201d\201e\331\201f\335\201g\337\201L\356\201h\341\201i\344\336\345\336&\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-scss-lintrc funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [#1=".scss-lint.yml"] 1 #1#] "Configuration file for `scss-lint'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." :type (choice (const :tag "No configuration file" nil) (string :tag "File name or path") (repeat :tag "File names or paths" string)) :safe flycheck-string-or-string-list-p :group flycheck-config-files :package-version (flycheck . "0.23") flycheck-register-config-file-var scss-lint flycheck-scss-lint-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the scss-lint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"scss-lint\"." (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker "A SCSS syntax checker using SCSS-Lint.\n\nNeeds SCSS-Lint 0.43.2 or newer.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/brigade/scss-lint'." :command ("scss-lint" "--require=scss_lint_reporter_checkstyle" "--format=Checkstyle" (config-file "--config" flycheck-scss-lintrc) "--stdin-file-path" source-original "-") :error-parser flycheck-parse-scss-lint :error-patterns nil :modes scss-mode :next-checkers :verify #[257 "\302\303\211\304$\211\2050\303\305\306#)\266\203\307\310\311\203\"\312\202#\313\203+\314\202,\315$C\262\207" [flycheck-scss-lint-checkstyle-re inhibit-changing-match-data flycheck-call-checker-process-for-output nil "--require=scss_lint_reporter_checkstyle" t string-match record flycheck-verification-result "checkstyle reporter" "scss_lint_reporter_checkstyle plugin missing" "present" (bold error) success] 9 "\n\n(fn CHECKER)"] :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-scss-stylelint-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the scss-stylelint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"stylelint\"." scss-stylelint "A SCSS syntax and style checker using stylelint.\n\nSee URL `http://stylelint.io/'." ("stylelint" (eval flycheck-stylelint-args) "--syntax" "scss" (option-flag "--quiet" flycheck-stylelint-quiet) (config-file "--config" flycheck-stylelintrc)) flycheck-parse-stylelint (scss-mode) :predicate flycheck-buffer-nonempty-p flycheck-scss-compass #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to enable the Compass CSS framework.\n\nWhen non-nil, enable the Compass CSS framework, via `--compass'.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `scss'" flycheck-options boolean booleanp (flycheck . "0.16") flycheck-register-option-var scss flycheck-scss-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the scss syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"scss\"." "A SCSS syntax checker using the SCSS compiler.\n\nSee URL `http://sass-lang.com'." ("scss" "--cache-location" (eval (flycheck-sass-scss-cache-location)) (option-flag "--compass" flycheck-scss-compass) "--check" "--stdin") ((error line-start (or "Syntax error: " "Error: ") (message (one-or-more not-newline) (zero-or-more "\n" (one-or-more " ") (one-or-more not-newline))) (optional " ") "\n" (one-or-more " ") "on line " line " of standard input" line-end) (warning line-start "WARNING: " (message (one-or-more not-newline) (zero-or-more "\n" (one-or-more " ") (one-or-more not-newline))) (optional " ") "\n" (one-or-more " ") "on line " line " of an unknown file" line-end)) flycheck-sh-bash-args #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of additional command line arguments.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings with additional\ncommand line arguments.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `sh-bash'" (repeat (string :tag "Argument")) (flycheck . "32") (sh-bash) flycheck-sh-bash-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the sh-bash syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"bash\"." sh-bash "A Bash syntax checker using the Bash shell.\n\nSee URL `http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/'." ("bash" "--norc" "-n" (eval flycheck-sh-bash-args) "--") ((error line-start (one-or-more (not (any ":"))) ":" (one-or-more (not (any digit))) line (zero-or-more " ") ":" (zero-or-more " ") (message) line-end)) sh-mode #[0 "\301=\207" [sh-shell bash] 2] ((warning . sh-shellcheck)) flycheck-sh-posix-dash-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the sh-posix-dash syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"dash\"." sh-posix-dash "A POSIX Shell syntax checker using the Dash shell.\n\nSee URL `http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/dash/'." ("dash" "-n") ((error line-start (one-or-more (not (any ":"))) ": " line ": " (message))) #[0 "\301=\207" [sh-shell sh] 2] ((warning . sh-shellcheck)) flycheck-sh-posix-bash-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the sh-posix-bash syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"bash\"." sh-posix-bash "A POSIX Shell syntax checker using the Bash shell.\n\nSee URL `http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/'." ("bash" "--posix" "--norc" "-n" "--") ((error line-start (one-or-more (not (any ":"))) ":" (one-or-more (not (any digit))) line (zero-or-more " ") ":" (zero-or-more " ") (message) line-end)) #[0 "\301=\207" [sh-shell sh] 2] ((warning . sh-shellcheck)) flycheck-sh-zsh-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the sh-zsh syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"zsh\"." sh-zsh "A Zsh syntax checker using the Zsh shell.\n\nSee URL `http://www.zsh.org/'." ("zsh" "--no-exec" "--no-globalrcs" "--no-rcs" source) ((error line-start (file-name) ":" line ": " (message) line-end)) #[0 "\301=\207" [sh-shell zsh] 2] ((warning . sh-shellcheck))] 19) #@33 Shells supported by ShellCheck. (defconst flycheck-shellcheck-supported-shells '(bash ksh88 sh) (#$ . 519261)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315& \210\316\301\317\"\210\300\320\302\303\321DD\322\306\307\310\323\312\324\314\325& \210\316\320\317\"\210\300\326\302\303\327DD\330\310\331\306\332\333\334& \210\335\317\336\337\340\341\342\343\344\345\346\347\350\351\352\353\354\355\344\356\357\360\334\361\344&\210\300\362\302\303\363DD\364\310\331\306\332\333\334& \210\335\365\366\337\367\343\370\351\371\355\372\360\334\361\344&\210\300\373\302\303\374DD\375\310\331\306\332\333\334& \210\335\376\377\337\201@\341\342\343\344\351\371\355\344\360\344\361\344&\210\300\201A\302\303\201BDD\201C\310\331\306\332\333\334& \210\335\201D\201E\337\201F\343\201G\351\201H\355\344\360\334\361\344&\210\300\201I\302\303\201JDD\201K\310\331\306\332\333\334& \210\335\201L\201M\337\201N\341\201O\343\201P\345\201Q\351\201R\355\344\360\344\361\344&\210\300\201S\302\303\201TDD\201U\310\201V\312\201W\306\201X& \210\201Y\201S\201Z\"\210\300\201[\302\303\201\\DD\201]\310\331\306\332\333\334& \210\335\201^\201_\337\201`\343\201a\351\201b\355\344\360\344\361\344&\210\300\201c\302\303\201dDD\201e\310\331\306\332\333\334& \210\335\201f\201g\337\201h\343\201i\351\201j\355\201k\360\334\361\344&\210\300\201l\302\303\201mDD\201n\306\307\310\201o\312\313\314\201p& \210\316\201l\201q\"\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-shellcheck-excluded-warnings funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of excluded warnings for ShellCheck.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a warning code to be excluded from ShellCheck reports.\nBy default, no warnings are excluded.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `sh-shellcheck'" :group flycheck-options :type (repeat :tag "Excluded warnings" (string :tag "Warning code")) :safe flycheck-string-list-p :package-version (flycheck . "0.21") flycheck-register-option-var sh-shellcheck flycheck-shellcheck-follow-sources #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to follow external sourced files in scripts.\n\nShellcheck will follow and parse sourced files so long as a\npre-runtime resolvable path to the file is present. This can\neither be part of the source command itself:\n source /full/path/to/file.txt\nor added as a shellcheck directive before the source command:\n # shellcheck source=/full/path/to/file.txt.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `sh-shellcheck'" boolean booleanp (flycheck . "31") flycheck-sh-shellcheck-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the sh-shellcheck syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"shellcheck\"." (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker "A shell script syntax and style checker using Shellcheck.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/'." :command ("shellcheck" "--format" "checkstyle" "--shell" (eval (symbol-name sh-shell)) (option-flag "--external-sources" flycheck-shellcheck-follow-sources) (option "--exclude" flycheck-shellcheck-excluded-warnings list flycheck-option-comma-separated-list) "-") :error-parser flycheck-parse-checkstyle :error-patterns nil :error-filter #[257 "\300\301\302!\"\207" [flycheck-remove-error-file-names "-" flycheck-dequalify-error-ids] 5 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] :error-explainer #[257 "\301!>\204\302\303\304D\"\210\211\305H\211\205\306\307\310\"B\207" [cl-struct-flycheck-error-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument flycheck-error 8 url format "https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/%s"] 6 "\n\n(fn ERR)"] :modes sh-mode :predicate #[0 " >\207" [sh-shell flycheck-shellcheck-supported-shells] 2] :next-checkers :verify #[257 " >\302\303\304\305\"\203\306\202\307\203\310\202\311$C\207" [sh-shell flycheck-shellcheck-supported-shells record flycheck-verification-result format "Shell %s supported" "yes" "no" success (bold warning)] 7 "\n\n(fn _)"] :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-slim-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the slim syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"slimrb\"." slim "A Slim syntax checker using the Slim compiler.\n\nSee URL `http://slim-lang.com'." ("slimrb" "--compile") ((error line-start "Slim::Parser::SyntaxError:" (message) (optional " ") "\n " "STDIN, Line " line (optional ", Column " column) line-end)) slim-mode ((warning . slim-lint)) flycheck-slim-lint-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the slim-lint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"slim-lint\"." slim-lint "A Slim linter.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/sds/slim-lint'." ("slim-lint" "--reporter=checkstyle" source) flycheck-sql-sqlint-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the sql-sqlint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"sqlint\"." sql-sqlint "A SQL syntax checker using the sqlint tool.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/purcell/sqlint'." ("sqlint") ((warning line-start "stdin:" line ":" column ":WARNING " (message (one-or-more not-newline) (zero-or-more "\n" (one-or-more " ") (one-or-more not-newline))) line-end) (error line-start "stdin:" line ":" column ":ERROR " (message (one-or-more not-newline) (zero-or-more "\n" (one-or-more " ") (one-or-more not-newline))) line-end)) (sql-mode) flycheck-systemd-analyze-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the systemd-analyze syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"systemd-analyze\"." systemd-analyze "A systemd unit checker using systemd-analyze(1).\n\nSee URL\n`https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-analyze.html'." ("systemd-analyze" "verify" source) flycheck-parse-with-patterns-without-color ((error line-start (file-name) ":" (optional line ":") (message) line-end) (error line-start "[" (file-name) ":" line "]" (message) line-end)) #[257 "\300\301!!\207" [flycheck-sanitize-errors flycheck-fill-empty-line-numbers] 4 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] (systemd-mode) flycheck-chktexrc #[0 "\300\207" [#1=".chktexrc"] 1 #1#] "Configuration file for `tex-chktex'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." (choice (const :tag "No configuration file" nil) (string :tag "File name or path") (repeat :tag "File names or paths" string)) flycheck-string-or-string-list-p flycheck-config-files flycheck-register-config-file-var tex-chktex flycheck-tcl-nagelfar-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the tcl-nagelfar syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"nagelfar\"." tcl-nagelfar "An extensible tcl syntax checker\n\nSee URL `http://nagelfar.sourceforge.net/'." ("nagelfar" "-H" source) ((info line-start (file-name) ": " line ": N " (message) line-end) (warning line-start (file-name) ": " line ": W " (message) line-end) (error line-start (file-name) ": " line ": E " (message) line-end)) tcl-mode flycheck-terraform-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the terraform syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"terraform\"." terraform "A Terraform syntax checker with `terraform fmt'.\n\nSee URL `https://www.terraform.io/docs/commands/fmt.html'." ("terraform" "fmt" "-no-color" "-") ((error line-start "Error: " (one-or-more not-newline) "\n\n on line " line ", in " (one-or-more not-newline) ":" (one-or-more "\n" (zero-or-more space (one-or-more not-newline))) (message (one-or-more (and (one-or-more (not (any 10))) 10))) line-end) (error line-start "Error: " (one-or-more not-newline) "\n\n on line " line ":\n (source code not available)\n\n" (message (one-or-more (and (one-or-more (not (any 10))) 10))) line-end)) terraform-mode ((warning . terraform-tflint)) flycheck-tflint-variable-files #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of files to resolve terraform variables.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a file to add to the terraform variables files.\nRelative files are relative to the file being checked.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `terraform-tflint'" (repeat (directory :tag "Variable file")) (flycheck . "32") terraform-tflint] 25) #@255 Parse tflint warnings from JSON OUTPUT. CHECKER and BUFFER denote the CHECKER that returned OUTPUT and the BUFFER that was checked respectively. See URL `https://github.com/wata727/tflint' for more information about tflint. (fn OUTPUT CHECKER BUFFER) (defalias 'flycheck-parse-tflint-linter #[771 "\300\301\302#\303\304!@\236A\"\207" [mapcar make-closure #[257 "\211\302\303\304\236A\236A\236A\305\303\304\236A\236A\236A\306\307\236A\236A\310\236A\302\311\304\236A\236A\236A\305\311\304\236A\236A\236A\312\307\236A\236A\313\314\267\202R\315\202S\316\202S\315\317\320 \321\n\322\300\323\301\324\325\301!&\207" [V0 V1 line start range column severity rule message end name flycheck-error-new-at #s(hash-table size 2 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data ("error" 74 "warning" 78)) error warning :end-line :end-column :id :checker :buffer :filename buffer-file-name] 27 "\n\n(fn ERR)"] issues flycheck-parse-json] 8 (#$ . 528893)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\324\332\324\333\324&\210\300\334\302\303\335DD\336\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\337\340\317\341\323\342\343\344\325\345\331\324\332\313\333\324&\210\300\346\302\303\347DD\350\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\351\352\317\353\323\354\325\355\331\324\332\324\333\324&\210\300\356\302\303\357DD\360\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\361\362\317\363\323\364\325\365\331\324\332\313\333\324&\210\300\366\302\303\367DD\370\306\371\372\373\310\374& \210\375\366\376\"\210\300\377\302\303\201@DD\201A\310\201B\306\201C&\210\201D\377\376\"\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-terraform-tflint-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the terraform-tflint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"tflint\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker terraform-tflint "A Terraform checker using tflint.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/wata727/tflint'." :command ("tflint" "--format=json" (option-list "--var-file=" flycheck-tflint-variable-files concat) source-original) :error-parser flycheck-parse-tflint-linter :error-patterns nil :modes terraform-mode :predicate flycheck-buffer-saved-p :next-checkers :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-tex-chktex-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the tex-chktex syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"chktex\"." tex-chktex "A TeX and LaTeX syntax and style checker using chktex.\n\nSee URL `http://www.nongnu.org/chktex/'." ("chktex" (config-file "--localrc" flycheck-chktexrc) "--verbosity=0" "--quiet" "--inputfiles") ((warning line-start "stdin:" line ":" column ":" (id (one-or-more digit)) ":" (message) line-end)) :error-filter #[257 "\300\301!!\207" [flycheck-sanitize-errors flycheck-increment-error-columns] 4 "\n\n(fn ERRORS)"] (latex-mode plain-tex-mode) flycheck-tex-lacheck-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the tex-lacheck syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"lacheck\"." tex-lacheck "A LaTeX syntax and style checker using lacheck.\n\nSee URL `http://www.ctan.org/pkg/lacheck'." ("lacheck" source-inplace) ((warning line-start "\"" (file-name) "\", line " line ": " (message) line-end)) latex-mode flycheck-texinfo-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the texinfo syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"makeinfo\"." texinfo "A Texinfo syntax checker using makeinfo.\n\nSee URL `http://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/'." ("makeinfo" "-o" null-device "-") ((warning line-start "-:" line (optional ":" column) ": " "warning: " (message) line-end) (error line-start "-:" line (optional ":" column) ": " (message) line-end)) texinfo-mode flycheck-textlint-config #[0 "\300\207" [#1="textlintrc.json"] 1 #1#] "Configuration file for `textlint'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." (choice (const :tag "No configuration file" nil) (string :tag "File name or path") (repeat :tag "File names or paths" string)) :safe flycheck-string-or-string-list-p flycheck-config-files flycheck-register-config-file-var textlint flycheck-textlint-plugin-alist #[0 "\300\207" [((markdown-mode . "@textlint/markdown") (gfm-mode . "@textlint/markdown") (t . "@textlint/text"))] 1] "An alist mapping major modes to textlint plugins.\n\nEach item is a cons cell `(MAJOR-MODE . PLUGIN)', where MAJOR-MODE is a mode\n`flycheck-textlint' supports and PLUGIN is a textlint plugin. As a catch-all,\nwhen MAJOR-MODE is t, that PLUGIN will be used for any supported mode that\nisn't specified.\n\nSee URL `https://npms.io/search?q=textlint-plugin' for all textlint plugins\npublished on NPM.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `textlint'" flycheck-options (repeat (choice (cons symbol string) (cons (const t) string))) flycheck-register-option-var] 19) #@50 Return the textlint plugin for the current mode. (defalias 'flycheck--textlint-get-plugin #[0 "\301\302\"A\207" [flycheck-textlint-plugin-alist -first #[257 "\211\242\243\300!\203\211\206\301!\207" [booleanp derived-mode-p] 6 "\n\n(fn ARG)"]] 3 (#$ . 534843)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\324\330\331\332\333\334\324\335\324&\210\300\336\302\303\337DD\340\306\341\342\343\310\344\345\346& \210\347\336\350\"\210\300\351\302\303\352DD\353\310\354\306\355\342\356\345\357& \210\360\351\350\"\210\300\361\302\303\362DD\363\310\354\312\313\306\364\345\365& \210\360\361\366\"\210\300\367\302\303\370DD\371\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\350\372\317\373\321\374\323\324\325\375\327\324\334\324\335\324&\210\300\376\302\303\377DD\201@\310\354\306\201A\342\201B\345\201C& \210\360\376\201D\"\210\300\201E\302\303\201FDD\201G\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201D\201H\317\201I\323\201J\325\201K\327\324\334\324\335\324&\210\300\201L\302\303\201MDD\201N\310\354\306\201O\342\356\345\201P& \210\360\201L\201Q\"\210\201R\201L!\210\300\201S\302\303\201TDD\201U\310\354\306\201V\342\356\345\201W& \210\360\201S\201Q\"\210\201R\201S!\210\300\201X\302\303\201YDD\201Z\310\354\306\201[\342\356\345\201\\& \210\360\201X\201Q\"\210\201R\201X!\210\300\201]\302\303\201^DD\201_\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201Q\201`\317\201a\323\201b\325\201c\327\324\334\324\335\324&\210\300\201d\302\303\201eDD\201f\310\354\306\201g\342\356\345\201h& \210\360\201d\201i\"\210\300\201j\302\303\201kDD\201l\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201i\201m\317\201n\323\201o\325\201p\327\324\334\313\335\324&\210\300\201q\302\303\201rDD\201s\310\354\306\201t\342\356\345\201u& \210\360\201q\201v\"\210\300\201w\302\303\201xDD\201y\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201v\201z\317\201{\323\201|\325\201}\327\324\334\313\335\324&\210\300\201~\302\303\201DD\201\200\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201\201\201\202\317\201\203\323\201\204\325\201\205\327\201\206\334\313\335\324&\210\300\201\207\302\303\201\210DD\201\211\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201\212\201\213\317\201\214\323\201\215\325\201\205\327\201\216\334\313\335\324&\210\300\201\217\302\303\201\220DD\201\221\306\341\342\343\310\344& \210\347\201\217\201\222\"\210\300\201\223\302\303\201\224DD\201\225\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\201\222\201\226\317\201\227\323\201\230\325\201\205\327\201\231\334\313\335\324&\210\201\232\201\233!\207" [custom-declare-variable flycheck-textlint-executable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the textlint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"textlint\"." :type (choice (const :tag "Default executable" nil) (string :tag "Name or path")) :group flycheck-executables :risky t flycheck-define-command-checker textlint "A text prose linter using textlint.\n\nSee URL `https://textlint.github.io/'." :command ("textlint" (config-file "--config" flycheck-textlint-config) "--format" "json" "--plugin" (eval (flycheck--textlint-get-plugin)) source) :error-parser flycheck-parse-eslint :error-patterns nil :modes (text-mode markdown-mode gfm-mode message-mode adoc-mode mhtml-mode latex-mode org-mode rst-mode) :next-checkers :enabled #[0 "\300 \207" [flycheck--textlint-get-plugin] 1] :verify #[257 "\300 \301\302\303\304$C\207" [flycheck--textlint-get-plugin record flycheck-verification-result "textlint plugin" success] 7 "\n\n(fn _)"] :standard-input :working-directory flycheck-typescript-tslint-config #[0 "\300\207" [#1="tslint.json"] 1 #1#] "Configuration file for `typescript-tslint'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." (choice (const :tag "No configuration file" nil) (string :tag "File name or path") (repeat :tag "File names or paths" string)) :safe flycheck-string-or-string-list-p flycheck-config-files :package-version (flycheck . "27") flycheck-register-config-file-var typescript-tslint flycheck-typescript-tslint-rulesdir #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The directory of custom rules for TSLint.\n\nThe value of this variable is either a string containing the path\nto a directory with custom rules, or nil, to not give any custom\nrules to TSLint.\n\nRefer to the TSLint manual at URL\n`http://palantir.github.io/tslint/usage/cli/'\nfor more information about the custom directory.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `typescript-tslint'" flycheck-options (choice (const :tag "No custom rules directory" nil) (directory :tag "Custom rules directory")) flycheck-string-or-nil-p (flycheck . "27") flycheck-register-option-var flycheck-tslint-args #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of additional command line arguments.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings with additional\ncommand line arguments.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `typescript-tslint'" (repeat (string :tag "Argument")) (flycheck . "31") (typescript-tslint) flycheck-typescript-tslint-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the typescript-tslint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"tslint\"." "TypeScript style checker using TSLint.\n\nNote that this syntax checker is not used if\n`flycheck-typescript-tslint-config' is nil or refers to a\nnon-existing file.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/palantir/tslint'." ("tslint" "--format" "json" (config-file "--config" flycheck-typescript-tslint-config) (option "--rules-dir" flycheck-typescript-tslint-rulesdir) (eval flycheck-tslint-args) source-inplace) flycheck-parse-tslint (typescript-mode) flycheck-verilator-include-path #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of include directories for Verilator.\n\nThe value of this variable is a list of strings, where each\nstring is a directory to add to the include path of Verilator.\nRelative paths are relative to the file being checked.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `verilog-verilator'" (repeat (directory :tag "Include directory")) flycheck-string-list-p (flycheck . "0.24") verilog-verilator flycheck-verilog-verilator-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the verilog-verilator syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"verilator\"." "A Verilog syntax checker using the Verilator Verilog HDL simulator.\n\nSee URL `https://www.veripool.org/wiki/verilator'." ("verilator" "--lint-only" "-Wall" (option-list "-I" flycheck-verilator-include-path concat) source) ((warning line-start "%Warning-" (zero-or-more not-newline) ": " (file-name) ":" line ": " (message) line-end) (error line-start "%Error: " (file-name) ":" line ": " (message) line-end)) verilog-mode flycheck-ghdl-language-standard #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The language standard to use in GHDL.\n\nThe value of this variable is either a string denoting a language\nstandard, or nil, to use the default standard. When non-nil,\npass the language standard via the `--std' option.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `vhdl-ghdl'" (choice (const :tag "Default standard" nil) (string :tag "Language standard")) (flycheck . "32") vhdl-ghdl make-variable-buffer-local flycheck-ghdl-workdir #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The directory to use for the file library.\n\nThe value of this variable is either a string with the directory\nto use for the file library, or nil, to use the default value.\nWhen non-nil, pass the directory via the `--workdir' option.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `vhdl-ghdl'" (choice (const :tag "Default directory" nil) (string :tag "Directory for the file library")) (flycheck . "32") flycheck-ghdl-ieee-library #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The standard to use for the IEEE library.\n\nThe value of this variable is either a string denoting an ieee library\nstandard, or nil, to use the default standard. When non-nil,\npass the ieee library standard via the `--ieee' option.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `vhdl-ghdl'" (choice (const :tag "Default standard" nil) (const :tag "No IEEE Library" "none") (const :tag "IEEE standard" "standard") (const :tag "Synopsys standard" "synopsys") (const :tag "Mentor standard" "mentor")) (flycheck . "32") flycheck-vhdl-ghdl-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the vhdl-ghdl syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"ghdl\"." "A VHDL syntax checker using GHDL.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/ghdl/ghdl'." ("ghdl" "-s" (option "--std=" flycheck-ghdl-language-standard concat) (option "--workdir=" flycheck-ghdl-workdir concat) (option "--ieee=" flycheck-ghdl-ieee-library concat) source) ((error line-start (file-name) ":" line ":" column ": " (message) line-end)) vhdl-mode flycheck-xml-xmlstarlet-xsd-path #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "An XSD schema to validate against.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `xml-xmlstarlet'" (choice (const :tag "None" nil) (file :tag "XSD schema")) (flycheck . "31") xml-xmlstarlet flycheck-xml-xmlstarlet-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the xml-xmlstarlet syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"xmlstarlet\"." "A XML syntax checker and validator using the xmlstarlet utility.\n\nSee URL `http://xmlstar.sourceforge.net/'." ("xmlstarlet" "val" "--err" "--quiet" (option "--xsd" flycheck-xml-xmlstarlet-xsd-path) "-") ((error line-start "-:" line "." column ": " (message) line-end)) (xml-mode nxml-mode) flycheck-xml-xmllint-xsd-path #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "An XSD schema to validate against.\n\nThis variable is an option for the following syntax checkers:\n\n - `xml-xmllint'" (choice (const :tag "None" nil) (file :tag "XSD schema")) (flycheck . "31") xml-xmllint flycheck-xml-xmllint-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the xml-xmllint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"xmllint\"." "A XML syntax checker and validator using the xmllint utility.\n\nThe xmllint is part of libxml2, see URL\n`http://www.xmlsoft.org/'." ("xmllint" "--noout" (option "--schema" flycheck-xml-xmllint-xsd-path) "-") ((error line-start "-:" line ": " (message) line-end)) (xml-mode nxml-mode) flycheck-yaml-jsyaml-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the yaml-jsyaml syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"js-yaml\"." yaml-jsyaml "A YAML syntax checker using JS-YAML.\n\nSee URL `https://github.com/nodeca/js-yaml'." ("js-yaml") ((error line-start (or "JS-YAML" "YAMLException") ": " (message) " at line " line ", column " column ":" line-end) (error line-start (or "JS-YAML" "YAMLException") ": " (message) " (" line ":" column ")" line-end)) yaml-mode ((warning . yaml-yamllint) (warning . cwl)) flycheck-yaml-ruby-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the yaml-ruby syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"ruby\"." yaml-ruby "A YAML syntax checker using Ruby's YAML parser.\n\nThis syntax checker uses the YAML parser from Ruby's standard\nlibrary.\n\nSee URL `http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.0.0/libdoc/yaml/rdoc/YAML.html'." ("ruby" "-ryaml" "-e" "begin;\n YAML.load(STDIN); rescue Exception => e; STDERR.puts \"stdin:#{e}\"; end") ((error line-start "stdin:" (zero-or-more not-newline) ":" (message) "at line " line " column " column line-end)) ((warning . yaml-yamllint) (warning . cwl)) flycheck-yamllintrc #[0 "\300\207" [#2=".yamllint"] 1 #2#] "Configuration file for `yaml-yamllint'.\n\nIf set to a string, locate the configuration file using the\nfunctions from `flycheck-locate-config-file-functions'. If the\nfile is found pass it to the syntax checker as configuration\nfile.\n\nIf no configuration file is found, or if this variable is set to\nnil, invoke the syntax checker without a configuration file.\n\nUse this variable as file-local variable if you need a specific\nconfiguration file for a buffer." yaml-yamllint flycheck-yaml-yamllint-executable #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The executable of the yaml-yamllint syntax checker.\n\nEither a string containing the name or the path of the\nexecutable, or nil to use the default executable from the syntax\nchecker declaration.\n\nThe default executable is \"yamllint\"." "A YAML syntax checker using YAMLLint.\nSee URL `https://github.com/adrienverge/yamllint'." ("yamllint" "-f" "parsable" "-" (config-file "-c" flycheck-yamllintrc)) ((error line-start "stdin:" line ":" column ": [error] " (message) line-end) (warning line-start "stdin:" line ":" column ": [warning] " (message) line-end)) ((warning . cwl)) provide flycheck] 21)