;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 26.3 ;;; with all optimizations. ;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29. ;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters, ;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\210\300\306!\210\307\310\311\312\313\314\315\316&\207" [require gited-ci cl-lib tabulated-list dired vc-git find-func custom-declare-group gited nil "Git branch editing." :version "26.1" :group vc] 8) #@45 Variable saving the status of `gited-mode'. (defvar gited-mode nil (#$ . 684)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\207" [make-variable-buffer-local gited-mode put permanent-local t] 4) #@35 The branch currently checked out. (defvar gited-current-branch nil (#$ . 882)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\207" [make-variable-buffer-local gited-current-branch put permanent-local t] 4) #@53 The remote repository where we are pulling/pushing. (defvar gited-current-remote-rep "origin" (#$ . 1090)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\207" [make-variable-buffer-local gited-current-remote-rep put permanent-local t] 4) #@70 Absolute path of the top-level directory for the current repository. (defvar gited-toplevel-dir nil (#$ . 1330)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\210\305\306\307\310\311DD\312\313\314\315\316&\207" [make-variable-buffer-local gited-toplevel-dir put permanent-local t custom-declare-variable gited-one-trunk-repository funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "If non-nil, all repositories use just 1 trunk branch.\nWhen this variable is non-nil and `gited-trunk-branch' is set to the\ntrunk branch, then you are not prompted anymore about which is the trunk\nbranch.\nThe default is nil. This is because generally you want to\npull from several remote branches, for instance, the next release branch,\nand the development branch. Then, you will be prompted whenever\na function need to use the trunk branch." :type boolean :group gited] 8) #@37 The branch name from where to pull. (defvar gited-trunk-branch nil (#$ . 2189)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\210\305\306\307\310\311DD\312\313\314\315\316&\210\305\317\307\310\320DD\321\313\314\315\316&\210\305\322\307\310\323DD\324\313\325\315\316&\210\305\326\307\310\327DD\330\313\325\315\316&\207" [make-variable-buffer-local gited-trunk-branch put permanent-local t custom-declare-variable gited-patch-program funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [#1="patch"] 1 #1#] "Name of the program that applies patches.\nIt is recommended to use GNU-compatible versions." :type string :group gited gited-patch-options #[0 "\300\207" [#2="-f"] 1 #2#] "Options to pass to `gited-patch-program'.\n\nIt is recommended to pass the `-f' option to the patch program, so it won't ask\nquestions. However, some implementations don't accept this option, in which\ncase the default value for this variable should be changed." gited-use-header-line #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "If non-nil, use the header line to display Gited column titles." boolean gited-verbose #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "If non-nil, show the author name and commit date."] 8) (defvar gited--hide-details-set nil nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'gited--hide-details-set) #@96 The kind of Git reference displayed in `gited-buffer'. It must be `local', `remote' or `tags'. (defvar gited-ref-kind nil (#$ . 3426)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\207" [make-variable-buffer-local gited-ref-kind put permanent-local t] 4) #@60 Position of marker char in array `tabulated-list-entries'. (defvar gited-mark-idx 0 (#$ . 3684)) #@55 Position of author in array `tabulated-list-entries'. (defvar gited-author-idx 1 (#$ . 3787)) #@53 Position of date in array `tabulated-list-entries'. (defvar gited-date-idx 2 (#$ . 3887)) #@60 Position of branch name in array `tabulated-list-entries'. (defvar gited-branch-idx 3 (#$ . 3983)) #@69 Position of newest commit tittle in array `tabulated-list-entries'. (defvar gited-commit-idx 4 (#$ . 4088)) #@55 Hook run after make a change in the list of branches. (defvar gited-after-change-hook nil (#$ . 4202)) #@60 Branch where to set point after an asynchronous operation. (defvar gited-branch-after-op nil (#$ . 4311)) #@42 String to describe the actual operation. (defvar gited-op-string nil (#$ . 4423)) #@112 In gited, the current mark character. This is what the do-commands look for, and what the mark-commands store. (defvar gited-marker-char 42 (#$ . 4512)) #@47 Character used to flag branches for deletion. (defvar gited-del-char 68 (#$ . 4671)) (defvar gited-re-mark "^[^ \n]") #@359 Alist with elements (INDEX MARK TIME BRANCH-NAME AUTHOR-NAME TITLE). INDEX identify each row in the table. MARK is the mark character shown in the table for that row. TIME is the time of the last commit in that branch. BRANCH-NAME is the name of the branch. AUTHOR-NAME is the author of the last commit in that branch. TITLE is the title of the last commit. (defvar gited-branch-alist nil (#$ . 4796)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'gited-branch-alist) #@59 Name of the buffer where to list the repository branches. (defvar gited-buffer-name "*gited*" (#$ . 5253)) #@47 Buffer where to list the repository branches. (defvar gited-buffer nil (#$ . 5366)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\207" [make-variable-buffer-local gited-buffer put permanent-local t] 4) #@60 Name of the buffer where to show output from Git commands. (defvar gited-output-buffer-name "*gited-output*" (#$ . 5571)) #@33 Output buffer for Git commands. (defvar gited-output-buffer nil (#$ . 5699)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\207" [make-variable-buffer-local gited-output-buffer put permanent-local t] 4) #@49 Name of the buffer where to show bisect output. (defvar gited-bisect-buf-name "*gited-bisect*" (#$ . 5904)) #@32 Output buffer for Git bisects. (defvar gited-bisect-buffer nil (#$ . 6018)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\207" [make-variable-buffer-local gited-bisect-buffer put permanent-local t] 4) #@44 Name of the output buffer for Git bisects. (defvar gited-bisect-output-name "*gited-bisect*" (#$ . 6222)) #@32 Output buffer for Git bisects. (defvar gited-bisect-buffer nil (#$ . 6334)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\207" [make-variable-buffer-local gited-bisect-buffer put permanent-local t] 4) #@59 Format strings to build a Git command to list references. (defvar gited-list-refs-format-command '("for-each-ref" "--format='(%%(%s:raw) \"%%(refname:short)\" \"%%(%s)\")'" "refs/%s") (#$ . 6538)) #@62 Regular expression to match a date in `gited-buffer' buffer. (defvar gited-date-regexp (byte-code "\301\302G\303OP\207" [directory-listing-before-filename-regexp "\\(" "\\([0-9][BkKMGTPEZY]? " nil] 4) (#$ . 6741)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\207" [custom-declare-variable gited-switches funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [#1="-g"] 1 #1#] "Control how to sort `gited-branch-alist'.\nOption -r reverse order while sorting.\nOption -g do not show the author name." :type (choice (const :tag "Unset" nil) string) :group gited] 8) #@31 Switches used on this buffer. (defvar gited-actual-switches gited-switches (#$ . 7301)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\207" [make-variable-buffer-local gited-actual-switches put permanent-local t] 4) #@43 Format of the columns in the branch list. (defvar gited-list-format nil (#$ . 7519)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306DD\307\310\311\312\313&\207" [make-variable-buffer-local gited-list-format custom-declare-variable gited-reset-mode funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [#1="mixed"] 1 #1#] "Default mode of a Git reset." :type (choice (const :tag "soft" "soft") (const :tag "mixed" "mixed") (const :tag "hard" "hard") (const :tag "merge" "merge") (const :tag "keep" "keep")) :group gited] 8) #@22 Size of mark column. (defvar gited-mark-col-size 2 (#$ . 8026)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\210\300\312\302\303\313DD\314\306\315\310\311&\210\300\316\302\303\317DD\320\306\307\310\311&\210\300\321\302\303\322DD\323\306\307\310\311&\210\300\324\302\303\325DD\326\306\327\310\311&\207" [custom-declare-variable gited-author-col-size funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [16] 1] "Size of author column." :type integer :group gited gited-date-col-size #[0 "\300\207" [17] 1] "Size of date column." (choice (const :tag "Short" 17) (const :tag "Full" 24)) gited-branch-col-size #[0 "\300\207" [50] 1] "Size of branch column." gited-commit-col-size #[0 "\300\207" [65] 1] "Size of commit column." gited-date-format #[0 "\300\207" [#1="%F %R"] 1 #1#] "Format to display the date in `gited-buffer'.\nIf you change this option, then you might want to change\n`gited-date-col-size' as well." (choice (const :tag "Short" "%F %R") (const :tag "Full" "%FT%T%z"))] 8) (defalias 'gited--col-branch-name #[0 "\302\232\203\303\207\304\232\203\305\207\306\307 \"\207" [gited-ref-kind gited-current-remote-rep "tags" "Tags" "remote" "Remote Branches" format "Branches (remote repository: %s)"] 3]) #@144 Initialize `gited-list-format'. Optional arguments COL-NAMES and COL-SIZES are the column names and sizes. (fn &optional COL-NAMES COL-SIZES) (defalias 'gited--list-format-init #[512 "\306\203\f@\202 \307\203@\202\n\310BB\203$A@\202%\311\203/A@\2020 \312BB\203=\3138\202>\314\203H\3138\202I\f\315BB\203W\3168\202Y\317 \203d\3168\202e \320BB\203t\3218\202u\322\203\201\3218\202\203\323BB%\211\207" [gited-switches gited-actual-switches gited-mark-col-size gited-author-col-size gited-date-col-size gited-branch-col-size vector "M" (t) "Authors" (t) 2 "Date" ((lambda (row1 row2) (let* ((reverse-order (member "-r" (split-string gited-actual-switches))) (t1 (aref (cadr row1) gited-date-idx)) (t2 (aref (cadr row2) gited-date-idx)) (earlierp (time-less-p (date-to-time t1) (date-to-time t2)))) (if reverse-order earlierp (not earlierp))))) 3 gited--col-branch-name (t) 4 "Last Commit" (t) gited-commit-col-size gited-list-format] 10 (#$ . 9246)]) (byte-code "\301 \302\303\304\305\306DD\307\310\311\312\313&\210\302\314\304\305\315DD\316\310\311\312\313&\210\302\317\304\305\320DD\321\310\311\312\313&\210\302\322\304\305\323DD\324\310\311\312\313&\207" [gited-list-format gited--list-format-init custom-declare-variable gited-expert funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "If non-nil, don't ask for confirmation for some operations on branches." :type boolean :group gited gited-add-untracked-files #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "If non-nil, `gited-add-patched-files' adds untracked files as well." gited-show-commit-hash #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "If non-nil, show the SHA1 in the 'Last Commit' column'." gited-delete-unmerged-branches #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "If non-nil, `gited-do-delete' delete non-fully merged branches.\nOtherwise, deletion of unmerged branches require call `gited-do-delete'\nwith a prefix."] 8) #@41 Time when was run `gited-remote-prune'. (defvar gited--last-remote-prune nil (#$ . 11123)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\210\305\306\307\310\311DD\312\313\314\315\316&\210\305\317\307\310\320DD\321\313\322\315\316&\210\323\324\325\326\315\316%\207" [make-variable-buffer-local gited--last-remote-prune put permanent-local t custom-declare-variable gited-prune-remotes funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [daily] 1] "Whether if remove references to deleted remote branches." :type (choice (const :tag "Never" nil) (const :tag "Always" t) (const :tag "daily" daily)) :group gited gited-current-branch-face #[0 "\300\207" [font-lock-keyword-face] 1] "Face used for displaying current checkout branch." face custom-declare-face gited-section-highlight ((((class color) (background light)) :background "grey95") (((class color) (background dark)) :background "grey20")) "Face for highlighting the current branch."] 8) (defvar gited-section-highlight-face 'gited-section-highlight) (custom-declare-face 'gited-flag-mark-line '((((background dark)) (:background "#787831311414")) (t (:background "Skyblue"))) "Face used for flagged and marked lines in Gited buffers." :group 'gited :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces) (defvar gited-flag-mark-line-face 'gited-flag-mark-line) (custom-declare-face 'gited-flag-mark '((((background dark)) (:foreground "Blue" :background "#7575D4D41D1D")) (t (:foreground "Yellow" :background "Blueviolet"))) "Face used for flags and marks (except D) in Gited buffers." :group 'gited :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces) (defvar gited-flag-mark-face 'gited-flag-mark) (custom-declare-face 'gited-deletion-branch '((t (:foreground "Red"))) "Face used for branches flagged for deletion in Gited buffers." :group 'gited :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces) (defvar gited-deletion-branch-face 'gited-deletion-branch) (custom-declare-face 'gited-deletion '((t (:foreground "Yellow" :background "Red"))) "Face used for deletion flags (D) in Gited buffers." :group 'gited :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces) (defvar gited-deletion-face 'gited-deletion) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305%\210\300\306\307\310\304\305%\210\300\311\312\313\304\305%\210\314\315\316\317\320DD\321\322\323\304\305&\210\314\324\316\317\325DD\326\322\327\304\305&\207" [custom-declare-face gited-header ((t (:inherit font-lock-type-face))) "Face used used for header when listing Git branches." :group gited gited-status-branch-local ((((class color) (background light)) :foreground "SkyBlue4") (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "LightSkyBlue1")) "Face for local branches in status." gited-status-tag ((((class color) (background light)) :foreground "Goldenrod4") (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "LightGoldenrod2")) "Face for tag labels shown in log buffer." custom-declare-variable gited-protected-branches funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Name of protected branches.\nThese branches cannot be deleted or renamed." :type (repeat (string :tag "Branch name")) gited-short-log-cmd #[0 "\300\207" [("log" "--pretty=format:'%h %an %ad | %s%d'" "--graph" "--date=short")] 1] "Default short format for Git log." string] 8) #@54 Face name used for header when listing Git branches. (defvar gited-header 'gited-header (#$ . 14297)) (custom-declare-face 'gited-modified-branch '((((background dark)) (:foreground "green1")) (t (:foreground "red"))) "*Face used for branches with unstaged/uncommitted changes." :group 'gited :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces) (defvar gited-modified-branch 'gited-modified-branch) (custom-declare-face 'gited-mark '((t (:inherit font-lock-constant-face))) "Face used for Gited marks." :group 'gited-faces) #@33 Face name used for Gited marks. (defvar gited-mark-face 'gited-mark (#$ . 14813)) (custom-declare-face 'gited-author '((((background dark)) (:foreground "orange")) (t (:foreground "black"))) "*Face used for AUTHOR in Gited buffers." :group 'gited :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces) (defvar gited-author-face 'gited-author) (custom-declare-face 'gited-date-time '((((background dark)) (:foreground "#74749A9AF7F7")) (t (:foreground "DarkGoldenrod4"))) "Face used for date and time in Gited buffers." :group 'gited :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces) (defvar gited-date-time-face 'gited-date-time) (custom-declare-face 'gited-branch-name '((((background dark)) (:foreground "Yellow")) (t (:foreground "Blue"))) "Face used for branch names in Gited buffers." :group 'gited :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces) (defvar gited-branch-name-face 'gited-branch-name) (custom-declare-face 'gited-commit-msg '((((class color) (background light)) :foreground "DarkOliveGreen4") (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "DarkSeaGreen2")) "Face used for commit-msg in Gited buffers." :group 'gited :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces) (defvar gited-commit-msg-face 'gited-commit-msg) #@125 Like `vc-git-checkout' with arguments FILE and REV. In Emacs version < 25 `vc-git-checkout' has 3 arguments. (fn FILE REV) (defalias 'gited-git-checkout #[514 "\301W\203\f\302\303#\207\302\"\207" [emacs-major-version 25 vc-git-checkout nil] 6 (#$ . 16005)]) #@188 Set BRANCH temporarily current and execute forms in BODY. BRANCH must be the name of an existing branch. The value returned is the value of the last form in BODY. (fn BRANCH &rest BODY) (defalias 'gited-with-current-branch '(macro . #[385 "\300\301!\302\303BC\304\305\306\307\310 E\311\312\nEBBB\307\310E\311\312EFF\207" [make-symbol "cur-branch" let (gited-current-branch) (when (gited-modified-files-p) (user-error "Cannot checkout a new branch: there are modified files")) unwind-protect progn gited-git-checkout nil setq gited-current-branch] 12 (#$ . 16277)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put gited-with-current-branch lisp-indent-function 1 put edebug-form-spec t] 5) #@886 Eval BODY with point on each marked line. Return a list of BODY's results. If no marked branch could be found, execute BODY on the current line. ARG, if non-nil, specifies the branches to use instead of the marked branches. If ARG is an integer, use the next ARG (or previous -ARG, if ARG<0) files. In that case, point is dragged along. This is so that commands on the next ARG (instead of the marked) files can be chained easily. For any other non-nil value of ARG, use the current file. Search starts at the beginning of the buffer, thus the car of the list corresponds to the line nearest to the buffer's bottom. This is also true for (positive and negative) integer values of ARG. BODY should not be too long as it is expanded four times. If DISTINGUISH-ONE-MARKED is non-nil, then if we find just one marked file, return (t FILENAME) instead of (FILENAME). (fn BODY ARG) (defalias 'gited-map-over-marks '(macro . #[514 "\300\301\302\303\303\304D\305\306 \307\310\311\312\313\314BBEEE\303\315 \316BB\317BBE\320\nDF\301\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\311\312\313\330BBE\331BBBBF\303\332\312\320DFFFE\333BB\207" [prog1 let ((inhibit-read-only t) case-fold-search found results) if integerp progn gited-repeat-over-lines lambda nil setq results cons (results) < (0) ((nreverse results) results) list ((regexp (concat "^" (regexp-quote (char-to-string gited-marker-char)))) next-position) save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (setq next-position (and (re-search-forward regexp nil t) (point-marker)) found (not (null next-position))) while next-position (goto-char next-position) (results) ((goto-char next-position) (forward-line) (set-marker next-position nil) (setq next-position (and (re-search-forward regexp nil t) (point-marker)))) found ((gited-move-to-branchname))] 21 (#$ . 17002)])) #@342 Mark all branches for which PREDICATE eval to non-nil. PREDICATE is evaluated on each line, with point at beginning of line. MSG is a noun phrase for the type of branches being marked. It should end with a noun that can be pluralized by adding `s'. Return value is the number of files marked, or nil if none were marked. (fn PREDICATE MSG) (defalias 'gited-mark-if '(macro . #[514 "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307 \310BBBBE\311\312\313\314\n\315BB\316BBB\314\305\317\320\f\321BBBBE\257\322BBB\207" [let ((inhibit-read-only t) count) save-excursion (setq count 0) when message "%s %ss%s..." (cond ((eq gited-marker-char 32) "Unmarking") ((eq gited-marker-char gited-del-char) "Flagging") (t "Marking")) ((if (eq gited-marker-char gited-del-char) " for deletion" #1="")) (gited--goto-first-branch) while (not (eobp)) if ((progn (gited-insert-marker-char) (gited--fontify-current-row) (cl-incf count))) ((forward-line)) "%s %s%s %s%s." count ((gited-plural-s count) (if (eq gited-marker-char 32) "un" #1#) (if (eq gited-marker-char gited-del-char) "flagged" "marked")) ((and (> count 0) count))] 16 (#$ . 18823)])) (defvar gited-log-buffer "*Gited log*") (defalias 'gited-plural-s 'dired-plural-s) #@184 Pop up a buffer with error log output from Gited. A group of errors from a single command ends with a formfeed. Thus, use \[backward-page] to find the beginning of a group of errors. (defalias 'gited-why #[0 "\302 )\207" [gited-log-buffer dired-log-buffer dired-why] 1 (#$ . 20034) nil]) #@62 Summarize basic Gited commands and show recent Gited errors. (defalias 'gited-summary #[0 "\300 \210\301\302!\207" [gited-why message "d-elete, u-ndelete, x-punge, f-ind, o-rigin, R-ename, C-opy, h-elp"] 2 (#$ . 20330) nil]) #@23 (fn LOG &rest ARGS) (defalias 'gited-log-msg #[385 "\302\")\207" [gited-log-buffer dired-log-buffer dired-log] 5 (#$ . 20561)]) #@24 (fn STRING FAILURES) (defalias 'gited-log-summary #[514 "\302\")\207" [gited-log-buffer dired-log-buffer dired-log-summary] 5 (#$ . 20701)]) #@17 (fn BRANCHES) (defalias 'gited-format-columns-of-files #[257 "`\300!\210\301`\302\303$\207" [completion--insert-strings put-text-property mouse-face nil] 7 (#$ . 20854)]) #@29 Return name of next branch. (defalias 'gited-next-branch #[0 "\212\300y\210\3011\302 0\202\210\300)\207" [nil (error) gited-get-branchname] 1 (#$ . 21035)]) #@33 Return name of previous branch. (defalias 'gited-prev-branch #[0 "\212\300y\210\3011\302 0\202\210\303)\207" [-1 (error) gited-get-branchname nil] 1 (#$ . 21202)]) #@32 Return name of current branch. (defalias 'gited-current-branch #[0 "\300 @\207" [vc-git-branches] 1 (#$ . 21376)]) #@49 Return last commit time of BRANCH. (fn BRANCH) (defalias 'gited-get-last-commit-time #[257 "\3012@\211\205=\211@\211@A\211@A\211@A\211@A\211@A\211@A\232\2034\302\301\303!\"\210\266A\266\202\202\2620\207" [gited-branch-alist --cl-block-nil-- throw date-to-time] 21 (#$ . 21497)]) #@12 (fn COL) (defalias 'gited--get-column #[257 "\301\302\303\304\305\306!\307\"\310\311%\"\207" [tabulated-list-entries mapcar make-byte-code 257 "\211A@\300\234\207" vconcat vector [] 3 "\n\n(fn X)"] 8 (#$ . 21805)]) #@52 Return a list with all listed branches/tags names. (defalias 'gited-listed-branches #[0 "\301!\207" [gited-branch-idx gited--get-column] 2 (#$ . 22031)]) (defalias 'gited-get-branches 'gited-listed-branches) #@257 Execute a Git command with arguments ARGS. Optional arg BUFFER is the output buffer. Optional arg DISPLAY means redisplay buffer as output is inserted. Optional arg UNQUOTE removes single quotes from the output. (fn ARGS &optional BUFFER DISPLAY UNQUOTE) (defalias 'gited-git-command #[1025 "\301\302\303 &\2032\2032\304!\2032rq\210\212eb\210\305\306\303\307#\2031\310\311!\210\202\"*\207" [vc-git-program apply process-file nil buffer-live-p re-search-forward "^'\\(.*\\)'$" t replace-match "\\1"] 11 (#$ . 22247)]) #@52 Update header line with current remote repository. (defalias 'gited--update-header-line #[0 "\302\303\"\205\304 \305\211\306%\307 \207" [header-line-format gited-current-remote-rep "Branches (remote repository: \\([^)]+\\))" string-match replace-match nil 1 force-mode-line-update] 7 (#$ . 22787)]) #@36 Toggle `gited-current-remote-rep'. (defalias 'gited-change-current-remote-rep #[0 "\301\302!\204\n\303\304!\210\305\306!r\211q\210\307\310\311\312\313!\314\"\315$\216\316\317p\"\210\320\321 \322\323#*\262\211A\2047\303\324!\210\202O\211AA\204F\325\"@\202O\326\327\330!\322\331$\332 \210\333\334\"\207" [gited-current-remote-rep derived-mode-p gited-mode user-error "Not a Gited buffer" generate-new-buffer " *temp*" make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" vconcat vector [buffer-name kill-buffer] 2 gited-git-command ("remote") split-string buffer-string nil omit-nulls "Only one remote repository!" delete completing-read format "Choose remote repository" t gited--update-header-line message "Updated remote repository to '%s'"] 7 (#$ . 23098) nil]) (defalias 'gited-toggle-current-remote-rep 'gited-change-current-remote-rep) #@209 Execute a Git command with arguments ARGS and region as input. Optional arg BUFFER is the output buffer. Optional arg DISPLAY means redisplay buffer as output is inserted. (fn ARGS &optional BUFFER DISPLAY) (defalias 'gited-git-command-on-region #[769 "\302!\204\303\304\305\211 \305\n&\207\306\307!\310\311\312\313\314!\315\"\316$\216\317\305\211\305\320%\210\303\321  &)\207" [default-directory vc-git-program file-remote-p apply call-process-region nil make-temp-file "ggcor" make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\207" vconcat vector [delete-file] 2 write-region silent process-file] 12 (#$ . 23954)]) #@62 Return a list with all (local and remote) branches and tags. (defalias 'gited-all-branches #[0 "\300\301\302!r\211q\210\303\304\305\306\307!\310\"\311$\216\312p\313\314$\210\315\316 \317\320#*\262\207" [("for-each-ref" "--format='%(refname:short)'" "refs/heads" "refs/remotes" "refs/tags") generate-new-buffer " *temp*" make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" vconcat vector [buffer-name kill-buffer] 2 gited-git-command nil unquote split-string buffer-string "\n" omit-nulls] 8 (#$ . 24574)]) #@270 Copy names of marked branches into the kill ring. The names are separated by a space. If on a subdir headerline, use absolute subdirname instead; prefix arg and marked files are ignored in this case. You can then feed the file name(s) to other commands with \[yank]. (defalias 'gited-copy-branchname-as-kill #[0 "\301\302\303 \206\n\304 C\305#\211\306\230?\205)\307=\203!\310\311\"\210\202%\312!\210\313\314\"\207" [last-command mapconcat identity gited-get-marked-branches gited-get-branchname " " "" kill-region kill-append nil kill-new message "%s"] 4 (#$ . 25086) nil]) #@27 (fn &optional BUF-NAME) (defalias 'gited--output-buffer #[256 "\211\204\262\211 \232\203\306\n!\205\n\202\306 !\205 \306!\2031\f\307\304\"\232\2031\211\206> \310!r\211q\210)\262 \232\203J\211\211\202M\211\211\207" [gited-output-buffer-name gited-bisect-buf-name gited-bisect-buffer gited-output-buffer default-directory gited-toplevel-dir buffer-live-p buffer-local-value generate-new-buffer] 6 (#$ . 25676)]) #@70 List modified or untracked files according with REGEXP. (fn REGEXP) (defalias 'gited--list-files #[257 "\301\211\302\303!r\211q\210\304\305\306\307\310!\311\"\312$\216\313\314p\"\210eb\210\315\301\316#\2031\317\320!B\262\202*\210\211\237)\207" [case-fold-search nil generate-new-buffer " *temp*" make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" vconcat vector [buffer-name kill-buffer] 2 gited-git-command ("status" "--porcelain") re-search-forward t match-string-no-properties 1] 10 (#$ . 26120)]) #@40 Return a list with all unstaged files. (defalias 'gited-modified-files #[0 "\300\301!\207" [gited--list-files "^\\(?:[[:blank:]][MAUD]\\|[MAU]+\\)[[:blank:]]*\\(.+\\)"] 2 (#$ . 26634)]) #@47 Return non-nil if there are unstaged changes. (defalias 'gited-modified-files-p #[0 "\300 \205\301\207" [gited-modified-files t] 1 (#$ . 26826)]) #@67 Return non-nil if current directory is under Git version control. (defalias 'gited-dir-under-Git-control-p #[0 "\300\301!\302U\207" [gited-git-command ("status") 0] 2 (#$ . 26980)]) #@47 Return non-nil if BRANCH exists. (fn BRANCH) (defalias 'gited-branch-exists-p #[257 "\211\300 \235\207" [gited-listed-branches] 3 (#$ . 27168)]) #@53 Return non-nil if current buffer is a gited buffer. (defalias 'gited-buffer-p #[0 "\301\302p!\"\207" [gited-buffer-name string-prefix-p buffer-name] 4 (#$ . 27320)]) #@44 Return non-nil if point is at header line. (defalias 'gited-at-header-line-p #[0 "?\205\n\301`!\302U\207" [gited-use-header-line line-number-at-pos 1] 2 (#$ . 27493)]) #@49 Return non-nil if current repository is remote. (defalias 'gited-remote-repository-p #[0 "\300\301\302!r\211q\210\303\304\305\306\307!\310\"\311$\216\312\313p\"\210\314b\210\315\316\317#\205%\317*\262\207" ["^remote." generate-new-buffer " *temp*" make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" vconcat vector [buffer-name kill-buffer] 2 gited-git-command ("config" "--local" "--list") 1 re-search-forward nil t] 8 (#$ . 27669)]) #@12 (fn CMD) (defalias 'gited--get-branches-from-command #[257 "\301\232\203 \302\303C\"\262\304\305!r\211q\210\306\307\310\311\312!\313\"\314$\216\315p\316\317$\210eb\210\320\321\316\322#\2039\323\324!\210\202*\325\326 \327\330#*\207" [gited-ref-kind "remote" append "--remote" generate-new-buffer " *temp*" make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" vconcat vector [buffer-name kill-buffer] 2 gited-git-command nil unquote re-search-forward "^\\( \\|\\* \\)" t replace-match "" split-string buffer-string "\n" omit-nulls] 8 (#$ . 28110)]) #@67 Return a list with branch names tracked from a remote repository. (defalias 'gited-trunk-branches #[0 "\300\301\302\303!r\211q\210\304\305\306\307\310!\311\"\312$\216\313\314p\"\210\315b\210\316\301\317#\203/\320\315!B\262\202\237*\262\207" ["^branch.\\([^.]+\\).merge=" nil generate-new-buffer " *temp*" make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" vconcat vector [buffer-name kill-buffer] 2 gited-git-command ("config" "--local" "--list") 1 re-search-forward t match-string-no-properties] 9 (#$ . 28669)]) #@216 Return the trunk branch for this repository. If `gited-trunk-branch' is non-nil, then return it. Otherwise, call `gited-trunk-branches'; if there are > 1 possible trunk, then ask the user to pick up the right one. (defalias 'gited-trunk-branch #[0 "\203\207\302 \211\204\303\304!\202(\211A\204\211@\202(\305\306\307\310\307\211@&\211 \203/\207" [gited-trunk-branch gited-one-trunk-repository gited-trunk-branches user-error "No trunk branch found in repository" completing-read "Choose the trunk branch: " nil t] 9 (#$ . 29196)]) (defalias 'gited--get-unmerged-branches #[0 "\300\301\302 E\303!\207" ["branch" "--no-merged" gited-trunk-branch gited--get-branches-from-command] 3]) (defalias 'gited--get-merged-branches #[0 "\300\301\302 E\303!\207" ["branch" "--merged" gited-trunk-branch gited--get-branches-from-command] 3]) #@25 (fn &optional MARKER) (defalias 'gited--check-unmerged-marked-branches #[256 "\300!\206 \301 C\211\211\205A\211@\3021\303 0\202\210\304\211\211\2038\211@\230\2031\305\306\307\310 !\"\210A\266\202\202\266A\266\202\202\n\262\207" [gited-get-marked-branches gited-get-branchname (error) gited--get-unmerged-branches nil user-error "Cannot delete unmerged branches. Try C-u %s" substitute-command-keys this-command-keys] 11 (#$ . 30049)]) #@15 (fn BRANCH) (defalias 'gited--merged-branch-p #[257 "\211\300 \235\205\301\207" [gited--get-merged-branches t] 3 (#$ . 30511)]) #@41 Return a list with all untracked files. (defalias 'gited-untracked-files #[0 "\300\301!\207" [gited--list-files "^[?]\\{2\\}[[:blank:]]+\\(.+\\)"] 2 (#$ . 30649)]) #@37 Return a list with all the stashes. (defalias 'gited-stashes #[0 "\300\301\302\303!r\211q\210\304\305\306\307\310!\311\"\312$\216\313p\"\210eb\210m\2040\314 \315 {B\262\301y\210\202*\210\211\237\207" [("stash" "list") nil generate-new-buffer " *temp*" make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" vconcat vector [buffer-name kill-buffer] 2 gited-git-command point-at-bol point-at-eol] 9 (#$ . 30819)]) #@269 Return some data from COMMIT, a string. DATA is a string to specify what we want to extract. For instance: '%s', the title. '%B', the raw commit message. '%an', the author name. '%ai', the author date, ISO 8601-like format. '%ae', the author email. (fn COMMIT DATA) (defalias 'gited--extract-from-commit #[514 "\300\301\302\"\303F\304\305!r\211q\210\306\307\310\311\312!\313\"\314$\216\315p\316\317$\210\320 *\262\207" ["log" format "--pretty=format:'%s'" "-n1" generate-new-buffer " *temp*" make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" vconcat vector [buffer-name kill-buffer] 2 gited-git-command nil unquote buffer-string] 10 (#$ . 31238)]) #@48 Return the last commit. (fn &optional BRANCH) (defalias 'gited--last-commit-msg #[256 "\300\206\301\302\"\207" [gited--extract-from-commit "HEAD" "%B"] 4 (#$ . 31897)]) #@57 Return title of the last commit. (fn &optional BRANCH) (defalias 'gited--last-commit-title #[256 "\300\206\301\302\"\207" [gited--extract-from-commit "HEAD" "%s"] 4 (#$ . 32076)]) #@48 Return the last commit. (fn &optional BRANCH) (defalias 'gited--last-commit-author #[256 "\300\206\301\302\"\207" [gited--extract-from-commit "HEAD" "%an <%ae>"] 4 (#$ . 32266)]) #@48 Return the last commit. (fn &optional BRANCH) (defalias 'gited--last-commit-date #[256 "\300\206\301\302\"\207" [gited--extract-from-commit "HEAD" "%ai"] 4 (#$ . 32455)]) #@60 Return the last commit hash string. (fn &optional BRANCH) (defalias 'gited--last-commit-hash #[256 "\300\206\301\302\"\207" [gited--extract-from-commit "HEAD" "%H"] 4 (#$ . 32636)]) (defalias 'gited--last-trunk-commit #[0 "\300\301 !\207" [gited--last-commit-hash gited-trunk-branch] 2]) (defvar gited--running-async-op nil nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'gited--running-async-op) #@74 A function to call once the current async process sucessfully completes. (defvar gited-async-operation-callback nil (#$ . 33029)) #@446 Run COMMAND asynchronously. COMMAND perform a branch operation, i.e., rename or delete a branch. Optional arg REMOTE-OP-P, means the operation modify the remote repository. Otherwise, the operation just change local branches. Optional arg BUFFER is the output buffer for the operation. Otherwise, use `gited-output-buffer'. Optional arg CALLBACK is called if COMMAND completes successfully. (fn COMMAND &optional REMOTE-OP-P BUFFER CALLBACK) (defalias 'gited-async-operation #[1025 "\203\305\306!\207p\206\307 \310rq\210\203\311\312\"\210\313\314\n#\262\315rq\210\316)\317\320!\210\321 \210\322\323\"\210\324\325\"\210\211)\207" [gited--running-async-op default-directory mode-line-process gited-async-operation-callback gited-buffer user-error "Cannot run 2 Gited async process in parallel" gited--output-buffer nil display-buffer (nil (allow-no-window . t)) start-file-process-shell-command "*gited-async-operation*" (":%s") t require shell shell-mode set-process-sentinel gited-async-operation-sentinel set-process-filter comint-output-filter] 12 (#$ . 33166) nil]) #@125 Sentinel for asynchronous operations on branches. PROC is the process. STATE is the state of process PROC. (fn PROC STATE) (defalias 'gited-async-operation-sentinel #[514 "\306!\307!\205 \310\311\"\312\313!\314>\203+rq\210\315\316 \203*\317\306!!\210)\307!\205eq\210\320\321!\210 \203D\322 !\210\315\211\323\324\"\203[\325\326\"\210\f\205e\f \315\202e\327 \210\325\330!\210\331 !)\207" [gited-op-string inhibit-read-only gited--running-async-op gited-branch-after-op gited-async-operation-callback gited-output-buffer process-buffer buffer-live-p buffer-local-value gited-buffer t process-status (exit signal) nil gited-bisecting-p gited--bisect-after-run run-hooks gited-after-change-hook gited-goto-branch string-prefix-p "finished" message "%s done!" beep "Process exited with non-zero status. Please check" display-buffer] 9 (#$ . 34272)]) #@115 Non-nil if Gited-Hide-Details mode is enabled. Use the command `gited-hide-details-mode' to change this variable. (defvar gited-hide-details-mode nil (#$ . 35150)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'gited-hide-details-mode) #@187 Toggle visibility of detailed information in current Gited buffer. When this minor mode is enabled, details such as last commit author and date are hidden from view. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'gited-hide-details-mode #[256 "\302 \303=\203 ?\202\304!\305V\306\307!\204\310\311!\210?\312 \210\313\314\203-\315\202.\316\"\210\317\320!\203R\302 \203B\211\302 \232\203R\321\322\323\203M\324\202N\325#\266\210\326 \210\207" [gited-hide-details-mode gited-verbose current-message toggle prefix-numeric-value 0 derived-mode-p gited-mode user-error "Not a Gited buffer" gited-hide-details-update-invisibility-spec run-hooks gited-hide-details-mode-hook gited-hide-details-mode-on-hook gited-hide-details-mode-off-hook called-interactively-p any " in current buffer" message "Gited-Hide-Details mode %sabled%s" "en" "dis" force-mode-line-update] 7 (#$ . 35375) (byte-code "\206\301C\207" [current-prefix-arg toggle] 1)]) (defvar gited-hide-details-mode-hook nil) (byte-code "\301\302N\204\f\303\301\302\304#\210\305\306\307\310\300!\205\307\211%\210\303\306\311\312#\207" [gited-hide-details-mode-map gited-hide-details-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering or leaving `gited-hide-details-mode'.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)" add-minor-mode gited-hide-details-mode nil boundp permanent-local t] 6) #@65 Update `gited-branch-alist' and redisplay the list of branches. (defalias 'gited-update #[0 "\304\305\"\204 \306\307!\210\310\311d\"\3121\313 0\202\210\314\315 \316\n\314\317#\210\301\203-\311\202.\320!\210\2038\321!\210\204B\322!\202E\322 !\207" [major-mode gited-hide-details-mode gited-ref-kind gited-current-branch derived-mode-p gited-mode user-error "Cannot enable Gited mode in this buffer" gited-remember-marks 1 (error) gited-get-branchname nil gited-at-header-line-p gited-list-branches update 0 gited-mark-remembered gited-goto-branch] 8 (#$ . 36825) nil]) (add-hook 'gited-after-change-hook 'gited-update) #@61 Rename branch OLD-NAME to NEW-NAME. (fn OLD-NAME NEW-NAME) (defalias 'gited-rename-branch #[514 "\235\203\n\306\307!\210\310 \311\312rq\210\313 \210) \2040\314\315\316#!\2040\317\320!\202\231\321\f\322\232\203]\323G\312O\324\323\"\203L\323G\312O\202M\311\262\315\325 %\266\202\202}\f\326\232\203n\315\327 $\202}\f\330\232\203z\306\331!\202}\306\332!\"\203\222\315\333#\211\202\231\334\335#)\207" [gited-protected-branches inhibit-read-only gited-output-buffer gited-expert gited-ref-kind vc-git-program user-error "Cannot rename a protected branch" gited--output-buffer t nil erase-buffer y-or-n-p format "Rename branch '%s' to '%s'? " message "OK, rename canceled" gited-async-operation "remote" "origin/" string-prefix-p "%s push origin origin/%s:refs/heads/%s :%s" "local" "%s branch --move %s %s" "tags" "Rename tags not implemented!" "Unsupported gited-ref-kind: must be local, remote or tags" "Rename branch '%s' to '%s'" error "Cannot rename branch '%s' to '%s'" gited-branch-after-op gited-op-string] 14 (#$ . 37466) (byte-code "\300 \301\302\303\"\304\211$D\207" [gited-get-branchname read-string format "Rename %s to: " nil] 6)]) #@108 Merge BRANCH with another one. That means, changes from another branch are added into BRANCH. (fn BRANCH) (defalias 'gited-merge-branch #[257 "\301\302\303\"\304 \305\306$\307 \203\310\311!\210\312\313\314\315\316!\317\"\320$\216\321\305\"\210\322\323D!\313U\2039\324\325#\202>\326\327#)\262\207" [gited-current-branch completing-read format "Merge %s with: " gited-listed-branches nil t gited-modified-files-p user-error "Cannot checkout a new branch: there are modified files" make-byte-code 0 "\302\303\300\"\210\300\211\207" vconcat vector [gited-current-branch gited-git-checkout nil] 3 gited-git-checkout gited-git-command "merge" message "Merged %s into %s!" error "Cannot merge '%s' into '%s'"] 9 (#$ . 38671) (byte-code "\300 C\207" [gited-get-branchname] 1)]) #@321 Reset current branch to an earlier state. COMMIT is a SHA1 string or HEAD~N, to reset BRANCH to that commit. Interactively prompt for the limit commit: 0 means HEAD, 1 means HEAD~, and so on. Interactively with a prefix argument prompts for the reset mode. Defaults to `gited-reset-mode'. (fn COMMIT &optional MODE) (defalias 'gited-reset-branch #[513 "\211\204\262\301 \302\303PE\304\305\306$!\204!\307\310!\202:\311!\312U\2033\307\313$\202:\314\315$\207" [gited-reset-mode gited-current-branch "reset" "--" y-or-n-p format "Reset --%s '%s' to '%s'? " message "OK, reset canceled" gited-git-command 0 "Reseted --%s '%s' to '%s'!" error "Cannot reset --%s '%s' to '%s'"] 10 (#$ . 39466) (byte-code "\302\203\303\304\305\306\307\310\307\211\311&\"A\202 \312\313\314\"\307\211\315$\316!\203*\211\202-\317PD\207" [current-prefix-arg gited-reset-mode (("s" . "soft") ("m" . "mixed") ("h" . "hard") ("g" . "merged") ("k" . "keep")) assoc completing-read "Reset mode (s = soft, m = mixed, h = hard, g = merged, k = keep): " ("s" "m" "h" "g" "k") nil mustmatch "h" read-string format "Reset --%s to commit (0 = HEAD, 1 = HEAD~1, ... or SHA1): " "0" gited--valid-ref-p "HEAD~"] 10)]) #@52 Remove references to deleted remote branches/tags. (defalias 'gited-remote-prune #[0 "\301 \302\303!\210\304\305!\207" [gited--last-remote-prune current-time message "Prunning remote branches ..." gited-git-command ("fetch" "--all" "--prune")] 2 (#$ . 40688)]) #@176 Delete branch BRANCH. BRANCH default to the branch at current line. Optional arg FORCE, if non-nil then delete non-fully merged branches as well. (fn BRANCH &optional FORCE) (defalias 'gited-delete-branch #[513 "\306 \206\f\307 \206\f\303 \310 \206\311rq\210\312 \210) \230\203)\313\314!\210\f\235\2033\313\315!\210 \204G\316\317\320\"!\204G\321\322!\202\256(\323\232\203T\313\324!\202\256(\325\232\203\207\326\327\203e\330\202f\331E\"\332U\203|\333!\210\321\334\"\202\256\313\335\336\337!#\202\256(\340\232\203\253\341\317\342)\343G\344O#\345\"\210*\317\346\"\211+\202\256\313\347!)\207" [gited-delete-unmerged-branches inhibit-read-only gited-output-buffer gited-current-branch gited-protected-branches gited-expert gited-next-branch gited-prev-branch gited--output-buffer t erase-buffer user-error "Cannot delete the current branch" "Cannot delete a protected branch" y-or-n-p format "Delete branch '%s'? " message "OK, deletion canceled" "tags" "Delete tags not implemented!" "local" gited-git-command "branch" "-D" "--delete" 0 gited-goto-branch "Delete branch '%s'!" "Cannot delete unmerged branch '%s'. Try C-u %s" substitute-command-keys "\\[gited-do-flagged-delete]" "remote" gited-async-operation "%s push origin :%s" "origin/" nil remote-op-p "Delete branch '%s'" "Unsupported gited-ref-kind: must be local, remote or tags" gited-ref-kind vc-git-program gited-branch-after-op gited-op-string] 12 (#$ . 40957) (byte-code "\301 D\207" [current-prefix-arg gited-get-branchname] 2)]) #@147 Delete all marked (or next ARG) branches. Optional arg FORCE, if non-nil then delete non-fully merged branches as well. (fn &optional ARG FORCE) (defalias 'gited-do-delete #[512 "\206\211\262\211\204\305 !\210\306\307\310\211\211C\203U\250\203G\311\312\313\314\315\316!\317\"\320$\"\210\313W\203B\211\242\237\202\272\211\242\202\272\321 \206O\322\323!`BC\202\272\324\325\326\f!!P\310\212eb\210\327\310\307#\205k\330 \262\211??\262\211\203\243\211b\210\321 \206\202\322\323!`B\242B\240\210\211b\210\310y\210\211\310\211\223\210\327\310\307#\205\236\330 \262\202r)\203\255\242\202\270\321 \206\265\322\323!`BC\266\202*\266\204\331 \210#\210\332\333!\207" [gited-delete-unmerged-branches gited-del-char case-fold-search inhibit-read-only gited-marker-char gited--check-unmerged-marked-branches gited-internal-do-deletions t nil gited-repeat-over-lines make-byte-code 0 "\300\301 \206 \302\303!`B\300\242B\240\207" vconcat vector [gited-get-branchname error #1="No branch on this line"] 3 gited-get-branchname error #1# "^" regexp-quote char-to-string re-search-forward point-marker gited-move-to-branchname run-hooks gited-after-change-hook] 15 (#$ . 42507) (byte-code "\211\301\232D\207" [current-prefix-arg (4)] 4)]) #@931 Return FUNCTION's result on ARGS after showing which branches are marked. Displays the branch names in a window showing a buffer named BUFFER-OR-NAME; the default name being " *Marked Branches*". The window is not shown if there is just one branch, `gited-no-confirm' is t, or OP-SYMBOL is a member of the list in `gited-no-confirm'. By default, Gited shrinks the display buffer to fit the marked branches. To disable this, use the Customization interface to add a new rule to `display-buffer-alist' where condition regexp is "^ \*Marked Branches\*$", action argument symbol is `window-height' and its value is nil. BRANCHES is the list of marked branches. It can also be (t BRANCHNAME) in the case of one marked branch, to distinguish that from using just the current branch. FUNCTION should not manipulate branches, just read input (an argument or confirmation). (fn BUFFER-OR-NAME OP-SYMBOL BRANCHES FUNCTION &rest ARGS) (defalias 'gited-mark-pop-up #[1156 "G\302U\203\f\303\"\207\304\206\305!\306r\211q\210\211\307\310B\311\312\313\314\315  \"\316\"\317\320%\321!\211\322\211rq\210\323\n!\210\324ed\325#\262\326\"\262)\327!\203X\"\202Y\211)\266\206*\207" [display-buffer-mark-dedicated standard-output 1 apply get-buffer-create " *Marked Branches*" soft display-buffer-below-selected ((window-height . fit-window-to-buffer)) make-byte-code 514 "\302!r\303\304\305\306\307!\310\"\311$\216\312@\313\"\210\303\304\314\306\307!\315\"\316$\216\317\300\301\"+\207" vconcat vector [internal--before-with-selected-window make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\207" vconcat vector [internal--after-with-selected-window] 2 select-window norecord "\301\300!\205\n\302\300\303\"\207" [window-live-p quit-restore-window kill] 3 apply] 9 "\n\n(fn WINDOW VALUE)" temp-buffer-window-setup nil gited-format-columns-of-files remove-text-properties (mouse-face nil help-echo nil) temp-buffer-window-show functionp] 16 (#$ . 43780)]) #@30 (fn L ARG &optional FORCE) (defalias 'gited-internal-do-deletions #[770 "\304\305\"G\306\204,\307\310\311\312\313\314\315\316\317 \320\232\203\320\202 \321\322\"##%\203\266\212\323\324#\325\203\226@Ab\210\326\3271|@@\326 \320\232\203W\330!\210\202]\331\"\210T\262\211\247\203o\211@Y\205s\332\"\266\202)\2620\202\214\333\334\"\210@@B\211\262\262\210)A\262\2023\211\204\241\335!\210\202\260\336\313\337G\340 !$\"\210\266)\202\272\341\342!\210\266\343 !\207" [gited-expert gited-ref-kind inhibit-read-only gited-current-branch mapcar car 0 gited-mark-pop-up " *Deletions*" delete y-or-n-p format "%s %s " "Delete" replace-regexp-in-string "files" "tags" "branches" dired-mark-prompt make-progress-reporter "Deleting..." nil t (error) gited-tag-delete gited-delete-branch progress-reporter-do-update gited-log-msg "%s\n" progress-reporter-done gited-log-summary "%d of %d deletion%s failed" gited-plural-s message "(No deletions performed)" gited-goto-branch] 20 (#$ . 45730)]) #@153 In Gited, delete the branches flagged for deletion. Optional arg FORCE, if non-nil then delete non-fully merged branches as well. (fn &optional FORCE) (defalias 'gited-do-flagged-delete #[256 "\305\306\307 !!P\n\206\310\211\204\311!\210\212eb\210\312\310\313#)\203\230\314\313\310\211\211C\305\306\307 !!P\310\212eb\210\312\310\313#\205E\315 \262\211??\262\211\203w\211b\210\316 `B\242B\240\210\211b\210\310y\210\211\310\211\223\210\312\310\313#\205r\315 \262\202L)\203\201\242\202\206\316 `BC\266\202*\266\204\317 \210\310#\210\320\321!\202\233\322\323!*\207" [gited-del-char gited-marker-char gited-delete-unmerged-branches case-fold-search inhibit-read-only "^" regexp-quote char-to-string nil gited--check-unmerged-marked-branches re-search-forward t gited-internal-do-deletions point-marker gited-get-branchname gited-move-to-branchname run-hooks gited-after-change-hook message "(No deletions requested)"] 14 (#$ . 46776) "P"]) #@306 Copy branch OLD to branch NEW. OLD default to branch at current line. Optional arg COMMIT, if non-nil then is a SHA1 string or HEAD~N, to copy OLD until that commit, inclusive. When called with a prefix, prompt for the limit commit: 0 means HEAD, 1 means HEAD~, and so on. (fn OLD NEW &optional COMMIT) (defalias 'gited-copy-branch #[770 "\211\204\301\262\302!\204\303Q\262\304D\304\305F\304D\306!\307U\203H\306!\307U\203H\306!\307U\203H\310\311#\210\312\313!\210\314!\202O\315\316#\207" [gited-current-branch "HEAD" gited--valid-ref-p "~" "checkout" "-b" gited-git-command 0 message "Copied %s to %s!" run-hooks gited-after-change-hook gited-goto-branch error "Cannot copy '%s' to '%s'"] 10 (#$ . 47750) (byte-code "\301 \302\303\304\"\305\211$\211\203\302\306\305\211\307$\202\310E\207" [current-prefix-arg gited-get-branchname read-string format "Copy %s to: " nil "Show commit (0 = HEAD, 1 = HEAD~1, ... or SHA1): " "0" "HEAD"] 8)]) #@136 Visit source code for current revision. If optional arg OTHER-WINDOW is non-nil, then use another window. (fn &optional OTHER-WINDOW) (defalias 'gited-visit-branch-sources #[256 "\303 \203\304 \232\204\305\306!\210\304 \307\310\311\"!\211\204\"\312\313!\202:\211\314!\210\2033\315\n!\210\2027\316\n!\210\317 )\207" [gited-current-branch gited-expert default-directory gited-modified-files-p gited-get-branchname user-error "Cannot checkout a new branch: there are modified files" y-or-n-p format "Visit '%s' branch sources? " message "OK, canceled" gited-checkout-branch dired-other-window dired dired-revert] 6 (#$ . 48735) "P"]) (defalias 'gited--fontify-current-row-1 #[0 "\305\306 \307 \310#\210\311\312\212\313 \210`\262\314 \210\315`\316 $\210\317 \210`\262\320 \210\315`\316\n$\210\321 \210`\262\322 \210\315`\316 $\210`\262\315\307 \316\f$*\207" [inhibit-read-only gited-author-face gited-date-time-face gited-branch-name-face gited-commit-msg-face remove-text-properties point-at-bol point-at-eol (face) t nil gited-move-to-author gited-move-to-end-of-author put-text-property face gited-move-to-date gited-move-to-end-of-date gited-move-to-branchname gited-move-to-end-of-branchname] 7]) #@47 Fontify the current row. (fn &optional MARK) (defalias 'gited--fontify-current-row #[256 "\211\206\306\307 !\310\311 \210\312\313 \314 \315#\210\211\316=\2032\317 \230\203-\320\313 \314 \321\n$\202j\322 \202j\211 =\203N\320\313 \313 T\321\f$\210\320\313 T\314 \321 $\202j\211=\205j\320\313 \313 T\321$\210\320\313 T\314 \321$)\207" [inhibit-read-only gited-current-branch gited-section-highlight-face gited-marker-char gited-flag-mark-face gited-flag-mark-line-face string-to-char gited-get-mark t gited-move-to-branchname remove-text-properties point-at-bol point-at-eol (face) 32 gited-get-branchname put-text-property face gited--fontify-current-row-1 gited-del-char gited-deletion-face gited-deletion-branch-face] 7 (#$ . 49963)]) #@154 Checkout BRANCH. If the gited buffer lists local branches and BRANCH is not local, then prompt for a branch name where to check out BRANCH. (fn BRANCH) (defalias 'gited-checkout-branch #[257 "\303 \203\304 \232\204\305\306!\210 \307\232\205\310 \235?\311\211\203.\312\313\314\211\315!$\202/\212\316!\210\317\320 \210)\204F\321\314\"\210\202S\322\323\324F!\210\325\326!\210\211)\327 \210\203a\316!\210)\266\330\331\"\207" [gited-current-branch gited-ref-kind inhibit-read-only gited-modified-files-p gited-get-branchname user-error "Cannot checkout a new branch: there are modified files" "local" gited-get-branches t read-string "Checkout in local branch: " nil file-name-nondirectory gited-goto-branch "" gited--fontify-current-row gited-git-checkout gited-git-command "checkout" "-b" run-hooks gited-after-change-hook gited-fontify-current-branch message "Current branch is %s"] 9 (#$ . 50723) (byte-code "\300\301\302 \303\304\305 \303&C\207" [completing-read "Checkout branch: " gited-all-branches nil mustmatch gited-get-branchname] 7)]) #@25 (fn &optional COMMIT) (defalias 'gited--patch-or-commit-buffer #[256 "\211\203\300\202 \301\302\303\203\304\202\305\306\307\310\311\312\313 !\314\"\315\316%\317\320\321 \"\"\"!\207" ["\\`\\*gited-commit-\\([0-9]+\\)\\*\\'" "\\`\\*gited-patch-\\([0-9]+\\)\\*\\'" get-buffer completing-read "Use commit message in buffer: " "Apply patch from buffer: " cl-delete-if-not make-byte-code 257 "\301\300\"\207" vconcat vector [string-match] 4 "\n\n(fn X)" mapcar buffer-name buffer-list] 12 (#$ . 51804)]) #@53 Regexp to match new or deleted files in a Git diff. (defconst gited-new-or-deleted-files-re (format "^\\(%s\\|%s\\|%s\\|%s\\|%s\\|%s\\)" "deleted file mode" "new file mode" "copy from" "copy to" "rename from" "rename to") (#$ . 52320)) #@18 (fn PATCH-BUF) (defalias 'gited--handle-new-or-delete-files #[257 "\301\302b\210rq\210\303\301\304#\203@\305\306!\307\230\204'\305\306!\310\230\204'\311\312\305\306!\"\210\313\314\306!\315\306!\"\316\317\"\210\305\302\"\211B\266\203\202)\320\321B!\306U\203V\322\323\324\325\326#\"\202Y\327\330!\207" [gited-new-or-deleted-files-re nil 1 re-search-forward t match-string-no-properties 0 "new file mode" "deleted file mode" user-error "Only creation/deletion of files is implemented: %s" buffer-substring-no-properties point-at-bol point-at-eol string-match "diff --git a/\\(.*\\) b/.*" gited-git-command "add" message "Sucessfully staged new files: %s" mapconcat shell-quote-argument " " error "Cannot stage some new files. Please check"] 8 (#$ . 52562)]) #@156 Apply patch at BUF-PATCH into current branch. If optional arg UPDATE is non-nil, then call `gited-update' after checkout. (fn BUF-PATCH &optional UPDATE) (defalias 'gited-apply-patch #[513 "\303\304\305!r\211q\210\306\307\310\311\312!\313\"\314$\216\315!\316!\210\317b\210\320\n\303\321#\262\322\323!\307U\2049\324\325\326!\"\202O\322\327!\210\203E\330p!\210\203L\331 \210\332\333!*\262\207" [gited-toplevel-dir default-directory gited-new-or-deleted-files-re nil generate-new-buffer " *temp*" make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" vconcat vector [buffer-name kill-buffer] 2 file-name-as-directory insert-buffer-substring-no-properties 1 re-search-forward t gited-git-command-on-region ("apply" "--check") error "Cannot apply patch at '%s'. Please check" buffer-name ("apply") gited--handle-new-or-delete-files gited-update message "Patch applied successfully!"] 11 (#$ . 53341) (byte-code "\301 D\207" [current-prefix-arg gited--patch-or-commit-buffer] 2)]) #@510 Stage FILES for next commit. If optional arg UNTRACKED-OK is non-nil, then stage untracked files. Otherwise ignore them. To always stage untracked files, you can customize the option `gited-add-untracked-files'. If optional arg ASK is non-nil, then prompt the user before to add every hunk, and display the output buffer in other window. Interactively, with a prefix C-u stage the untracked files as well. Interactively, with 2 prefices C-u C-u set arg ASK non-nil. (fn FILES &optional UNTRACKED-OK ASK) (defalias 'gited-add-patched-files #[769 "\204\305 \306 \210\211\203\307\310\311\312!\"\202\307\313!\207\314 \203;r\211q\210\315\316 \210)\317\320\321 \"\315#\210\322\323!\202r \324\325!r\211q\210\326\327\330\331\332!\333\"\334$\216\335!\336\337B!\327U\204d\340\341!\202m\307\342\343\344 \345#\"*\262\262\207" [buffer-read-only vc-git-program gited-op-string gited-toplevel-dir default-directory gited-untracked-files beep message "Only untracked files. Call 'C-u %s' to add them." substitute-command-keys "\\[gited-add-patched-files]" "No modified files" gited--output-buffer nil erase-buffer gited-async-operation format "%s add --patch" "add --patch" display-buffer generate-new-buffer " *temp*" make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" vconcat vector [buffer-name kill-buffer] 2 file-name-as-directory gited-git-command "add" error "Cannot add files. Please check" "Successfully added files: %s" mapconcat shell-quote-argument " "] 12 (#$ . 54335) (byte-code "\211\302\232\303\232\204 \203\304 \305 \244\202\304 \211E\207" [current-prefix-arg gited-add-untracked-files (4) (16) gited-modified-files gited-untracked-files] 7)]) #@362 Amend the last commit message. If optional arg AUTHOR is non-nil, then update the author and keep the original message. If optional arg DATE is non-nil, then update just the date and keep the original message. Called with a prefix argument prompt to AUTHOR, and update it. Called with a 2 prefices prompts to DATE, and update it. (fn &optional AUTHOR DATE) (defalias 'gited-amend-commit #[512 "\304 \204\n\205\f\305 \306\307\203\310\202\311\203 \202!\311\203/\312\313\n!P\2020\311\203>\314\313\n!P\202?\311&\315\306\316\203\\\203S\317\202]\205]\320\202]\311\"rq\210\321 \210)\322!)\207" [vc-git-program inhibit-read-only gited-output-buffer gited-op-string gited--output-buffer gited--last-commit-msg format "%s commit --amend%s%s%s%s" " -m " "" " --author=" shell-quote-argument " --date=" t "git commit --amend%s" " --date" " --author" erase-buffer gited-async-operation] 13 (#$ . 56026) (byte-code "\211\301\232\205\f\302\303\304 \"\305\232\205\302\306\307 \"D\207" [current-prefix-arg (4) read-string "Author: " gited--last-commit-author (16) "Date: " gited--last-commit-date] 5)]) #@176 Commit latest changes using COMMENT as the message. Optional argument AUTHOR is the author of the commit. A prefix argument prompts for AUTHOR. (fn COMMENT &optional AUTHOR) (defalias 'gited-commit #[513 "\300 \204 \301\302!\210\303\304!\305\306\307\203\310\311\"\202\306\312F\"\313\"\314U\2045\315!\210\316\317\320!\"\210rq\210\310\321\"c\210)\322!\210\315!\207" [gited-modified-files user-error "No changes to commit" generate-new-buffer "*git-commit*" delete "" "commit" format "--author=\"%s\"" "-m" gited-git-command 0 display-buffer error "Commit failt: please check %s" buffer-name "\nCommit successfully with message:\n\n\"%s\"" gited--set-output-buffer-mode] 9 (#$ . 57170) (byte-code "\301 \206\302\303!\205\304\305!\304\306!\211D\207" [current-prefix-arg gited-modified-files user-error "No changes to commit" read-string "Author: " "Message: "] 5)]) #@102 Apply patch at BUF-PATCH, stage it and commit it with message BUF-COMMIT. (fn BUF-PATCH BUF-COMMIT) (defalias 'gited-apply-add-and-commit-patch #[514 "\3001 \301!0\202 \210\302\204\303\304\305!\"\207p\306\307 !\210\310!\210rq\210\311 )\312\313E\314!\315U\203:\316\317!\202A\303\320\305!\"\266\202\207" [(error) gited-apply-patch nil error "Cannot apply patch at %s" buffer-name gited-add-patched-files gited-modified-files switch-to-buffer buffer-string "commit" "-m" gited-git-command 0 message "Patch applied and committed successfully!" "Cannot commit patch at %s"] 9 (#$ . 58065) (byte-code "\300 \300\301!D\207" [gited--patch-or-commit-buffer commit] 3)]) (defvar gited-edit-commit-mode-map (byte-code "\300 \301\302\303#\210\211\207" [make-sparse-keymap define-key "" gited-finish-commit-edit] 5)) #@34 Finish the revert and commit it. (defalias 'gited-finish-commit-edit #[0 "\303=\204\n\304\305!\210\306b\210\307\310\311\312#\203\313\314!\210\202 \315\316\317 E!\320U\204,\304\321 \"\210\315\322\323\324 E!\320U\204=\304\325 \"\210\326\n!\210\327\330!\207" [major-mode gited--revert-commit gited-original-buffer gited-edit-commit-mode error "This command is valid only in buffers created by `gited-edit-commit-mode'" 1 re-search-forward "^#.*\n?" nil t replace-match "" gited-git-command "revert" "--no-commit" 0 "Cannot revert commit %s" "commit" "-m" buffer-string "Reverted commit %s but cannot commit the revert" switch-to-buffer run-hooks gited-after-change-hook] 4 (#$ . 58893) nil]) (defalias 'gited-edit-commit-mode #[0 "\300\301!\207" [user-error "This mode can be enabled only by `gited-edit-commit'"] 2 nil nil]) (put 'gited-edit-commit-mode 'mode-class 'special) #@47 Edit message to revert a commit. (fn COMMIT) (defalias 'gited-edit-commit #[257 "\306\307\310\311\"\312\313\314&p\315\316!\317!\210\320 \210\321!\210\322\323\324\325\304!\210\325\305!\210\326 \210c\210\327\330!\266\202\207" [gited-edit-commit-mode-map buffer-read-only major-mode mode-name gited-original-buffer gited--revert-commit format "Revert '%s'\n\nThis reverts commit %s\n\n%s\n%s\n%s\n" gited--extract-from-commit "%s" "# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting" "# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit." "# Press 'C-c C-c' once done to commit. Press C-x k RET to cancel." get-buffer-create "*Edit Commit*" switch-to-buffer kill-all-local-variables use-local-map nil gited-edit-commit-mode "Edit Commit" make-local-variable erase-buffer recenter (4)] 8 (#$ . 59780)]) #@29 Revert COMMIT. (fn COMMIT) (defalias 'gited-revert-commit #[257 "\300!\207" [gited-edit-commit] 3 (#$ . 60632) (byte-code "\300\301!r\211q\210\302\303\304\305\306!\307\"\310$\216\311\312p\"\210\313dS{*\262\314\315\"C\207" [generate-new-buffer " *temp*" make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" vconcat vector [buffer-name kill-buffer] 2 gited-git-command ("rev-parse" "HEAD") 1 read-string "Revert commit: "] 7)]) #@49 Return number of Git commits in current buffer. (defalias 'gited-number-of-commits #[0 "\300\212eb\210\301\302\303\304#\203\211T\262\202\305\306!\203\"\307\310\"\202#\211\262)\207" ["^commit[:]? \\([[:xdigit:]]+\\)" 0 re-search-forward nil t called-interactively-p interactive message "%d commits in current buffer"] 6 (#$ . 61064)]) (defalias 'gited--case-ref-kind #[0 "\301\232\203\302\207\303\232\203\304\207\305\232\203\306\207\307\310!\207" [gited-ref-kind "remote" "remotes/" "local" "heads/" "tags" "tags/" user-error "Unsupported gited-ref-kind: must be local, remote or tags"] 2]) #@39 (fn BUFFER &optional MODE EDITABLE) (defalias 'gited--set-output-buffer-mode #[769 "\301!\211\203\f\302e\"\210\210rq\210eb\210\303\304!\210\211\204\305\306=\203)\307 \2026\310=\2034\311 \2026\312 )\207" [buffer-read-only get-buffer-window set-window-point set-buffer-modified-p nil t diff diff-mode outline outline-mode fundamental-mode] 7 (#$ . 61679)]) #@133 Show diff of REF with another ref. REF defaults to the branch at current line. The actual diff run is: diff OLD-REF REF. (fn REF) (defalias 'gited-diff #[257 "\303\304\305\"\306 \307\211\232\203\310P\202%\311 \211r\211q\210\312\313 \210\314\315\316BBBp\"\210)\317!\210)\320\321\"\207" [gited-current-branch gited-output-buffer inhibit-read-only completing-read format "Diff %s with: " gited-listed-branches nil "^" gited--output-buffer t erase-buffer gited-git-command "diff" ("--") display-buffer gited--set-output-buffer-mode diff] 8 (#$ . 62056) (byte-code "\300 C\207" [gited-get-branchname] 1)]) #@12 (fn STR) (defalias 'gited--valid-ref-p #[257 "\300\301\"?\205\302D\303!\304U\262\207" [string-match "\\`[0-9]+\\'" "rev-parse" gited-git-command 0] 4 (#$ . 62680)]) #@288 Show a commit of BRANCH. BRANCH default to the branch at current line. Optional arg COMMIT, if non-nil then is a SHA1 string or HEAD~N, to indicate which commit to display. Interactively prompt for the limit commit: 0 means HEAD, 1 means HEAD~, and so on. (fn BRANCH &optional COMMIT) (defalias 'gited-show-commit #[513 "\302 \303!\203\304D\202\304\305 \306RDrq\210\307\310 \210\311p\"\210)\312!\210)\313\314\"\207" [gited-output-buffer inhibit-read-only gited--output-buffer gited--valid-ref-p "show" gited--case-ref-kind "~" t erase-buffer gited-git-command display-buffer gited--set-output-buffer-mode diff] 8 (#$ . 62860) (byte-code "\300 \301\302\303\211\304$D\207" [gited-get-branchname read-string "Show commit (0 = HEAD, 1 = HEAD~1, ... or SHA1): " nil "0"] 6)]) #@129 Show repository status. If `magit' is installed, then this calls `magit-status'. Otherwise, show similar info as that command. (defalias 'gited-status #[0 "\305  \3061\307\310!0\202\210\202\203\311 !\202rq\210\312\313 \314 \315 \316 \317 \210\320\321\322 \323\324#\325 #c\210\203\307\320\326\322\327\323\330#rq\210\331\332!)#c\210\333\334\211\335\336!r\211q\210\337\340\341\342\343!\344\"\345$\216\346\347p\"\210eb\210\212\350\351\334\312#\203\200\352\353!\262)\350\354\334\312#\203\225\355\356 `\"B\262\202\201\237\262G\262*\210\320\357\322\360\323\330#T#c\210\211\203\274\211A\262\242\361Pc\210\202\253\203\305\362Pc\210\266\203\337\320\357\322\363\323\330#G#c\210\364\365\361#c\210\203\366\320\366\322\367\323\330#G#c\210\364\365\361#c\210\211\203 \320\366\322\370\323\330#G#c\210\364\365\361#c\210\371!\210\372\373\")\266\205)\207" [gited-current-branch gited-buffer gited-output-buffer default-directory inhibit-read-only gited--output-buffer (error) find-library-name "magit" magit-status-internal t gited-untracked-files gited-modified-files gited-bisecting-p gited-stashes erase-buffer format "Head: %s %s\n" propertize font-lock-face gited-status-branch-local gited--last-commit-title "\n%s\nCall C-u C-u %s to reset\n" "You are bisecting:" gited-status-tag substitute-command-keys "\\[gited-bisect]" -1 nil generate-new-buffer " *temp*" make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" vconcat vector [buffer-name kill-buffer] 2 gited-git-command ("bisect" "log") re-search-forward "# first bad commit: \\[\\([[:xdigit:]]+\\)\\]" match-string-no-properties 1 "^[^#]+$" buffer-substring-no-properties point-at-bol "\n%s (%d)\n" "Bisect Log:" "\n" " is the first bad commit\n" "Untracked files" mapconcat identity "\n\n%s (%d)\n" "Unstaged changes" "Stashes" display-buffer gited--set-output-buffer-mode outline] 18 (#$ . 63657) nil]) #@38 Pull from current remote repository. (defalias 'gited-pull #[0 "\204\306\307\310 \"!\204\311\312!\207\313 \314 \307\315\n #\316\211rq\210\317 \210)\320\321\322\323$)\207" [gited-expert gited-current-remote-rep vc-git-program inhibit-read-only gited-output-buffer gited-op-string y-or-n-p format "Pull from remote repository '%s'? " message "OK, pull canceled" gited--output-buffer gited--last-trunk-commit "%s pull %s" t erase-buffer gited-async-operation remote-op-p nil gited-pull-callback gited-last-trunk-commit] 8 (#$ . 65567) nil]) #@229 Run git push in current branch. If optional arg FORCE-WITH-LEASE is non-nil, then use Git flag --force-with-lease. Otherwise, reject the pull if the remote ref is not ancestor of the local ref. (fn &optional FORCE-WITH-LEASE) (defalias 'gited-push #[256 "\204\306\307\310 \"!\204\311\312!\207\313 \307\314\n \301 \203\"\315\202#\316%\211rq\210\317\320 \210)\321\322\"\207" [gited-expert gited-current-branch vc-git-program gited-current-remote-rep gited-output-buffer gited-op-string y-or-n-p format "Push '%s' branch? " message "OK, push canceled" gited--output-buffer "%s push %s %s %s" "--force-with-lease" "" nil erase-buffer gited-async-operation remote-op-p buffer-read-only] 8 (#$ . 66126) "P"]) #@70 Push OBJECT to origin. OBJECT is a local branch or tag. (fn OBJECT) (defalias 'gited-set-object-upstream #[257 "\306\230\203\n\307\310!\210 \204&\311\312\313\314\232\203\315\202\316#!\204&\317\320!\207\321 \312\322\n\314\232\2035\323\2026\324\314\232\203@\324\202A\325%\326\312\327\314\232\203T\315\202U\325#rq\210\330\331 \210)\332\333\")\207" [gited-ref-kind gited-expert vc-git-program inhibit-read-only gited-output-buffer gited-op-string "remote" user-error "Gited should be listing local branches or tags" y-or-n-p format "Push '%s' %s upstream? " "local" "branch" "tag" message "OK, push canceled" gited--output-buffer "%s push %sorigin %s%s" "--set-upstream " "" "tag " t "Set %s '%s' upstream" nil erase-buffer gited-async-operation remote-op-p buffer-read-only] 8 (#$ . 66853) (byte-code "\300 C\207" [gited-get-branchname] 1)]) #@402 Run git log origin..BRANCH. BRANCH defaults to the branch at point. If optional arg NO-DISPLAY is non-nil, then don't display the output buffer. Return output buffer. Note that this command only has sense if you have a remote branch called origin in your Git configuration. Otherwise, if you wish to see the newest N commits then use `\[gited-log-last-n-commits]'. (fn BRANCH &optional NO-DISPLAY) (defalias 'gited-origin #[513 "\304\230\204\n\305\306!\210\307 \204\305\310\311\312!\311\313!#\210\314 \315\316\317 QD \320rq\210\321\320\322 \210\323p\"\262\211\324U\204Lrq\210\325\326\311\312!\311\313!#\210)eb\210)\266\327 \262\204^\330!\210)\331\332\"\210\333\334\211\335V\203q\336\202r\337\340!$\210\207" [gited-ref-kind gited-buffer gited-output-buffer inhibit-read-only "local" user-error "Not listing local branches" gited-remote-repository-p "Not a remote repository. Try '%s' or '%s'" substitute-command-keys "\\[gited-log]" "\\[gited-log-last-n-commits]" gited--output-buffer "log" "origin.." gited--case-ref-kind nil t erase-buffer gited-git-command 0 error "Command 'git log origin..BRANCH' fails. Try '%s' or '%s'" gited-number-of-commits display-buffer gited--set-output-buffer-mode diff message "%d commit%s in '%s'" 1 "s" "" buffer-name] 13 (#$ . 67730) (byte-code "\301 D\207" [current-prefix-arg gited-get-branchname] 2)]) #@218 Show Git log for BRANCH between START-DATE and END-DATE. If optional arg SHORT is non-nil, then use a short format. Interactively, prompt for START-DATE and END-DATE. (fn BRANCH START-DATE END-DATE &optional SHORT) (defalias 'gited-log #[1027 "\303 \304\203 \202\f\305\306 PC\"rq\210\307\310 \210\304\311\312\"C\311\313\"C#\262\314\"\210)\315!\210)\316\317\"\207" [gited-short-log-cmd gited-output-buffer inhibit-read-only gited--output-buffer append ("log") gited--case-ref-kind t erase-buffer format "--after=\"%s\"" "--before=\"%s\"" gited-git-command display-buffer gited--set-output-buffer-mode outline] 12 (#$ . 69108) (byte-code "\301 \302!\303\304\305\306\307!\"\"\310\311\312\211\211%\303\304!\310\313\312\211\211%F\207" [current-prefix-arg gited-get-branchname gited-get-last-commit-time format-time-string "%F" time-subtract days-to-time 7 read-string "start-date: " nil "end-date: "] 11)]) #@315 Show newest N log entries for BRANCH. When N is of the form N1-N2, then skip the N1 newest log entries and show the remaining newest N2 entries. The actual command run in this case is as follows: git-log --skip=N1 --max-count=N2. If optional arg SHORT is non-nil use a short format. (fn BRANCH N &optional SHORT) (defalias 'gited-log-last-n-commits #[770 "\303 \211r\211q\210\304\305\306\"\205\307\310\311\"!\307\203$\310\312\"\202%!\313\203/\n\2020\314\2059\315\316\"C\315\317\"C C$\320 \210\321\"\210)\266\322!\210)\323\324\"\207" [gited-output-buffer inhibit-read-only gited-short-log-cmd gited--output-buffer t string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)-\\([0-9]+\\)" string-to-number match-string-no-properties 1 2 append ("log") format "--skip=%d" "--max-count=%d" erase-buffer gited-git-command display-buffer gited--set-output-buffer-mode outline] 12 (#$ . 70047) (byte-code "\301 \302\303\304\211\305$E\207" [current-prefix-arg gited-get-branchname read-string "Show newest N commits, or those in (N1, N1 + N2]: " nil "1"] 6)]) (defalias 'gited--clean-previous-patches #[0 "\300\301\302 \302\303!\244\"\207" [mapc #[257 "\300!\205 \301!\207" [buffer-live-p kill-buffer] 3 "\n\n(fn X)"] gited--get-patch-or-commit-buffers commit] 5]) #@270 Extract the patches from the N newest commits. Optional arg ORIGIN, means extract the patches from all commits accesible from the trunk, and not being in the trunk. Optional arg WRITE-FILE if non-nil, then write the patches to disk. (fn N &optional ORIGIN WRITE-FILE) (defalias 'gited-extract-patches #[769 "\303 \203 \304\305\"\202\306\"\210\307\211rq\210\310 \311U\203'\312\313!\210\2026\314 \210\212eb\210\315 \262\262)) \316 \203A\312\317!\210\320\311\321\322\323!\324\"\325$\216\326\307\"\210\311\211W\203\357\211\327\330\331\"!\327\330\332\"!rq\210\333\334\335\330\336\"\337BBBp\"\210\340p\341\342#\210)r\211q\210\333\343\344\345\330\336\"Fp\"\210\346\347!\203\244\350\351!\210\202\227)\n\203\341\352\353!\354\351O\n\"\327\355\356!!\320\311\357\322\323!\360\"\361$\216r\211q\210rq\210\362 )c\210)r\211q\210\363\307\211\307\311%\210*\266S\262\266\211T\262\202W\266)\210\203\364\365\n#\210\202\364\366\"\210\266\367\207" [gited-output-buffer gited-current-branch temporary-file-directory gited-get-branchname gited-origin no-display gited-log-last-n-commits nil buffer-size 0 user-error "No new patches" gited--clean-previous-patches gited-number-of-commits gited-modified-files-p "Cannot checkout a new branch: there are modified files" make-byte-code "\302\303\300\"\210\300\211\207" vconcat vector [gited-current-branch gited-git-checkout nil] 3 gited-git-checkout get-buffer-create format "*gited-patch-%d*" "*gited-commit-%d*" gited-git-command "format-patch" "-1" "HEAD~%d" ("--stdout") gited--set-output-buffer-mode diff editable "show" "-s" "--format=%B" looking-at "^$" delete-char -1 expand-file-name buffer-name 1 generate-new-buffer-name " *temp file*" "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [buffer-name kill-buffer] 2 buffer-string write-region message "Extracted %d patches and saved in %s" "Extracted %d patches" t] 21 (#$ . 71310) (byte-code "\211?\205\f\301\302\303\211\304$\205\305\232\205\306\232E\207" [current-prefix-arg read-string "Extract N newest patches: " nil "1" (4) (16)] 7)]) #@25 (fn &optional COMMIT) (defalias 'gited--get-patch-or-commit-buffers #[256 "\211\203\300\202 \301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310!\311\"\312\313%\314 \"\315\"\207" ["\\`\\*gited-commit-\\([0-9]+\\)\\*\\'" "\\`\\*gited-patch-\\([0-9]+\\)\\*\\'" sort cl-delete-if-not make-byte-code 257 "\301\300\302!\"\207" vconcat vector [string-match buffer-name] 5 "\n\n(fn X)" buffer-list #[514 "\300!\300!\231\207" [buffer-name] 5 "\n\n(fn X Y)"]] 10 (#$ . 73390)]) #@25 (fn &optional BRANCH) (defalias 'gited--sync-with-trunk-target-name #[256 "\211\204\300 \262\301\302\"\203 \303\304\305\306\224O\307\310\306\"!T#\207\211\311P\207" [gited-get-branchname string-match "-new\\([0-9]*\\)\\'" format "%s%d" 0 1 string-to-number match-string-no-properties "-new1"] 8 (#$ . 73855)]) #@422 Extract latest patches in branch at point and apply then into BRANCH-TARGET. BRANCH-TARGET is a new branch copied from (gited-trunk-branch). The effect is similar than merge the branch at point with the trunk; one difference is that we don't modify the trunk, instead we copy it; another difference is that we don't get a 'Merge branch...' commit in the log. This command sets BRANCH-TARGET current. (fn BRANCH-TARGET) (defalias 'gited-sync-with-trunk #[257 "\301 \210\302 \204\f\303\304!\210\305!\203\303\306\"\210\3071#\310\311\312\"0\202%\210\311\204,\303\313!\207\211\314 \235\204E\315 \203A\316\317 \"\210\202E\303\320!\210\311\321 \203P\303\322!\210\323\324\325\326\327!\330\"\331$\216\332\311\"\210\333 \333\334!G\262\203\202\335@@\"\210A\262\211A\262\202l\266)\210\336!\210\337\340\"\207" [gited-current-branch gited--clean-previous-patches gited-remote-repository-p user-error "This command only works for repositories tracking a remote repository" gited-branch-exists-p "Branch '%s' already exists" (error) gited-extract-patches nil t "No new patches to apply" gited-listed-branches gited-trunk-branches gited-copy-branch gited-trunk-branch "I don't know what is your master branch" gited-modified-files-p "Cannot checkout a new branch: there are modified files" make-byte-code 0 "\302\303\300\"\210\300\211\207" vconcat vector [gited-current-branch gited-git-checkout nil] 3 gited-git-checkout gited--get-patch-or-commit-buffers commit gited-apply-add-and-commit-patch gited-checkout-branch message "Successfully applied and committed %d commits!"] 9 (#$ . 74181) (byte-code "\300 \301\302\"\303!\304\305 \306\211%C\207" [gited-get-branchname format "Syncronized '%s' into new branch: " gited--sync-with-trunk-target-name completing-read gited-listed-branches nil] 9)]) #@291 Run `gited-sync-with-trunk' in the marked branches. If optional arg DONT-ASK is non-nil, then do not prompt user for the target branch. Otherwise, prompt user. If no marked files use the branch at point. Called interactively with a prefix set DONT-ASK to non-nil. (fn &optional DONT-ASK) (defalias 'gited-do-sync-with-trunk #[256 "\300 \206\301 C\211\2035\211@\302\303\"\304!\203\211\202%\305\306 \307\211%\310!\210\311!\266A\266\202\202\210\312 \207" [gited-get-marked-branches gited-get-branchname format "Syncronized '%s' into new branch: " gited--sync-with-trunk-target-name completing-read gited-listed-branches nil gited-goto-branch gited-sync-with-trunk gited-update] 11 (#$ . 76007) "P"]) #@47 Return non-nil if a Git bisect is on process. (defalias 'gited-bisecting-p #[0 "\300\301!\302U\207" [gited-git-command ("bisect" "log") 0] 2 (#$ . 76729)]) #@16 (fn COMMAND) (defalias 'gited--bisect-executable-p #[257 "\300!@\301!?\205\302\303\"\207" [split-string file-executable-p user-error "File '%s' not executable"] 5 (#$ . 76891)]) #@15 (fn BUFFER) (defalias 'gited--bisect-after-run #[257 "\300\301\211\302!\210rq\210\212eb\210\303\301\304#\203$\305\224\262\306\305\224\305\225\307\310$\210*\311!\262\2052\312\"\207" ["^[[:xdigit:]]+ is the first bad commit" nil gited--set-output-buffer-mode re-search-forward t 0 put-text-property font-lock-face gited-status-tag display-buffer set-window-point] 9 (#$ . 77082)]) #@284 Execute a Git bisect. Optional arg SCRIPT if non-nil, then is a script to pass to git bisect run. Optional arg RESET if non-nil, then means abort the current bisect. Interactively, a prefix 'C-u' prompts for SCRIPT; a prefix 'C-u C-u' set RESET non-nil. (fn &optional SCRIPT RESET) (defalias 'gited-bisect #[512 "\305 \306!\307 rq\210\310)\203)\204\311\312!\202\334\310\313\314\"\210\311\315!\202\334\204trq\210\316 \210)\317\320\310\211$\317\321\310\211$\205I\322\323!\211\203Q\324!\210\313\325\326F\"\210\211\203l\327\330\331 #\310#\210\332\333!\266\203\202\334\203\236\203\236\205\203\322\323!\211\203\213\324!\210\327\330\331 #\310#\210\332\210\333!\202\334\334\335!\211?\205\251\334\336!\206\256\211?\205\265\334\337!\203\275\340\202\320\203\305\341\202\320\211\203\315\342\202\320\343\344!\313\"\210\333!\266\204\207" [gited-bisect-buf-name buffer-read-only gited--running-async-op vc-git-program gited-op-string gited-bisecting-p gited--output-buffer gited-get-branchname nil message "Not bisecting. Nothing to do" gited-git-command ("bisect" "reset") "Successfully reseted git bisect!" erase-buffer read-string "Start bisect with bad/new revision: " "Good/Old revision: " read-shell-command "Bisect shell command: " gited--bisect-executable-p "bisect" "start" gited-async-operation format "%s bisect run %s" "bisect run" display-buffer y-or-n-p "Is current revision Bad/New? " "Is current revision Good/Old? " "Do you want to skip this commit? " ("bisect" "bad") ("bisect" "good") ("bisect" "skip") user-error "Commit should be either bad, good or skip"] 13 (#$ . 77481) (byte-code "\211\301\232\302\232D\207" [current-prefix-arg (4) (16)] 4)]) #@205 Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away. If called with prefix argument, then include untracked files. With two prefix arguments includes the ignored files as well. (fn &optional UNTRACKED) (defalias 'gited-stash #[256 "\300\301\302\303\304 \"\"\305\306\307C\205C$\310!\207" [read-string "Stash message: " format "WIP on %s: " gited-current-branch append ("stash") ("save") gited-git-command] 7 (#$ . 79208) (byte-code "\211\203\211\301\232\203\302\202\211\205\211\303\232\205\304C\207" [current-prefix-arg (4) "--include-untracked" (16) "--all"] 3)]) #@36 Apply a stash to the working tree. (defalias 'gited-stash-apply #[0 "\300 \204 \301\302!\207\303\304\305\211\306$\307\310E\311!\207" [gited-stashes message "Empty stash list" read-string "Apply stash: " nil "stash@{0}" "stash" "apply" gited-git-command] 5 (#$ . 79797) nil]) #@66 Apply a stash to the working tree and remove it from stash list. (defalias 'gited-stash-pop #[0 "\300 \204 \301\302!\207\303\304\305\211\306$\307\310E\311!\207" [gited-stashes message "Empty stash list" read-string "Apply pop: " nil "stash@{0}" "stash" "pop" gited-git-command] 5 (#$ . 80081) nil]) (defalias 'gited--stash-branch #[0 "\300 \204 \301\302!\207\303 \203\301\304!\207\305\207" [gited-stashes user-error "Empty stash list" gited-modified-files "Commit your local changes before you switch branches" t] 2]) #@65 Create and checkout a new BRANCH from STASH. (fn BRANCH STASH) (defalias 'gited-stash-branch #[514 "\300 \205\301\302F\303!\304U\204\305\306\"\202\307 \262\207" [gited--stash-branch "stash" "branch" gited-git-command 0 error "Cannot apply stash in branch '%s'. Please check" gited-update] 6 (#$ . 80611) (byte-code "\300 \205 \301\302\303\211\304$\301\305!\211D\207" [gited--stash-branch read-string "Branch stash: " nil "stash@{0}" "Branch name: "] 5)]) #@37 Remove a stash from the stash list. (defalias 'gited-stash-drop #[0 "\300 \204 \301\302!\207\303\304\305\211\306$\307\310E\311!\207" [gited-stashes message "Empty stash list" read-string "Drop stash: " nil "stash@{0}" "stash" "drop" gited-git-command] 5 (#$ . 81087) nil]) #@41 Remove all stashes from the stash list. (defalias 'gited-branch-clear #[0 "\300 \204 \301\302!\207\303\304!\203\305\306!\207\301\307!\207" [gited-stashes message "Empty stash list" y-or-n-p "Remove all stashes? " gited-git-command ("stash" "clear") "OK, canceled"] 2 (#$ . 81369) nil]) (defalias 'gited-delete-all-stashes 'gited-branch-clear) #@314 Create a new tag with name NAME at COMMIT. Called with a prefix argument C-u, annotate the tag. Called with a numeric prefix ARG > 0, make a GPG-signed tag using the default e-mail address's key. Called with a numeric prefix ARG < 0, prompt for the key and make a GPG-signed tag. (fn NAME COMMIT &optional ARG) (defalias 'gited-tag-add #[770 "\303!\304 \305:\203\306\202,\203\307V\203\310\202,\205,\307W\205,\311\312\313!PFrq\210\314)\315\316\317\320 C\321\314\"\"\322#\314#\210\323\324\"\211\207" [buffer-read-only vc-git-program gited-op-string prefix-numeric-value gited--output-buffer "tag" "--annotate" 0 "--sign" "-u" read-string "Key-id: " nil gited-async-operation mapconcat identity append delq " " format "Add '%s' tag"] 14 (#$ . 81722) (byte-code "\301 \302\303!\211E\207" [current-prefix-arg gited-get-branchname read-string "Tag name: "] 5)]) #@177 Delete local tag NAME. This does not delete the remote tag with same name. After this command, you can fetch the remote tag again with: \[gited-fetch-remote-tags]. (fn NAME) (defalias 'gited-tag-delete #[257 "\301 r\211q\210\302)\303\304\305E\"\306U\203\307\310!\202\311\312!\207" [buffer-read-only gited--output-buffer nil gited-git-command "tag" "-d" 0 run-hooks gited-after-change-hook error "Cannot delete tag. Please check"] 6 (#$ . 82617) (byte-code "\300 C\207" [gited-get-branchname] 1)]) #@205 Call `gited-remote-prune' and update the Gited buffer. If the Gited buffer is listing tags and you have deleted a local tag TAG hat also exists remotely, then after this command a local TAG is recreated. (defalias 'gited-fetch-remote-tags #[0 "\300 \210\301 \207" [gited-remote-prune gited-update] 1 (#$ . 83131) nil]) #@87 Delete remote tag NAME. This does not delete the local tag with same name. (fn NAME) (defalias 'gited-remote-tag-delete #[257 "\306 \235\204 \307\310\"\210\204 \311\312\313\"!\204 \314\315!\202A\316 \312\317 #\320\312\321\"rq\210\322\323 \210)\324\325\")\266\202\207" [gited-expert vc-git-program inhibit-read-only gited-output-buffer gited-op-string buffer-read-only gited-remote-tags user-error "Tag '%s' is local" y-or-n-p format "Delete remote tag '%s' " message "OK, push canceled" gited--output-buffer "%s push origin :%s" t "Delete remote tag '%s'" nil erase-buffer gited-async-operation remote-op-p] 7 (#$ . 83456) (byte-code "\300 C\207" [gited-get-branchname] 1)]) #@29 Return list of remote tags. (defalias 'gited-remote-tags #[0 "\301 \302rq\210\303 \210)\304\305!\210\306\307\"\210rq\210\310b\210\311\312\302\313#\203?\314\310!\315\302\313\316#)\266\203\204;\211B\262\210\202)\304\317!\210\211\237\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data gited--output-buffer nil erase-buffer message "Collecting remote tags..." gited-git-command ("ls-remote" "--tags") 1 re-search-forward "refs/tags/\\(.*\\)" t match-string-no-properties "\\^{}$" string-match "Done!"] 10 (#$ . 84156)]) #@84 Return list of local tags. These are tags that only exist in the local repository. (defalias 'gited-mark-local-tags #[0 "\304\232\204\n\305\306!\207\307 \310 \311\312\313$\314\315\212\316\262\317\320\n\321=\203(\322\2023\n =\2032\323\2023\324\325\n =\203>\326\202?\327$\210\330 \210m\204rl\204l\203l\331 \211\235\211\332\"\262\266\202\203l\333 \210\334 \210\211T\262\315y\210\202D\317\335\325\336!\n\321=\203\203\337\202\204\327\n =\203\216\340\202\217\341&\210)\211\316V\205\232\211)\266\202\207" [gited-ref-kind inhibit-read-only gited-marker-char gited-del-char "tags" user-error "Not listing tags" gited-listed-branches gited-remote-tags cl-set-difference :test string= t nil 0 message "%s %ss%s..." 32 "Unmarking" "Flagging" "Marking" "matching local tag" " for deletion" "" gited--goto-first-branch gited-get-branchname delete gited-insert-marker-char gited--fontify-current-row "%s %s%s %s%s." gited-plural-s "un" "flagged" "marked"] 13 (#$ . 84675) nil]) #@67 Go to start of branch name in next ARG lines. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'gited-next-line #[256 "\211y\210\3001 \301 0\207\210\302y\210\301 \210\303\304!\210\305 \210\306\307!\210\303\310!\207" [(error) gited-move-to-branchname -1 message "At last branch!" ding sit-for 1 nil] 3 (#$ . 85677) "p"]) #@71 Go to start of branch name in previous ARG lines. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'gited-prev-line #[256 "\300 \301\302!\203 [\262y\210\303 \210\300 \262U\204'\304!ZW\2055\305\306!\210\307 \210\310\311!\210\305\301!\207" [line-number-at-pos nil natnump gited-move-to-branchname abs message "At first branch!" ding sit-for 1] 6 (#$ . 85985) "p"]) (defalias 'gited--goto-first-branch #[0 "eb\210\300e!\205 \301y\207" [overlays-at nil] 2]) #@45 Go to first branch in current Gited buffer. (defalias 'gited-goto-first-branch #[0 "\300 \210\301 \207" [gited--goto-first-branch gited-move-to-branchname] 1 (#$ . 86440) nil]) #@44 Go to last branch in current Gited buffer. (defalias 'gited-goto-last-branch #[0 "db\210\300y\210\301 \207" [-1 gited-move-to-branchname] 1 (#$ . 86623) nil]) #@12 (fn COL) (defalias 'gited--goto-column #[257 "\300y\210\211S\300\211W\205\211\301`\302\"b\266\211T\262\202\207" [0 next-single-property-change tabulated-list-column-name] 7 (#$ . 86788)]) #@110 Go to line describing BRANCH in this Gited buffer. Return buffer position on success, else nil. (fn BRANCH) (defalias 'gited-goto-branch #[257 "\301!\205&\302\303 \304\305$eb\210\306e!\203\211T\202\211y\210\307T!\210`\262\207" [gited-branch-idx gited-branch-exists-p cl-position gited-listed-branches :test equal overlays-at gited--goto-column] 6 (#$ . 86992) (byte-code "\301\302\303 \304\305\304\211&C\207" [gited-current-branch completing-read "Jump to branch: " gited-listed-branches nil t] 9)]) #@153 Move to the next ARG marked branch. If WRAP is non-nil, wrap around to the beginning of the buffer if we reach the end. (fn ARG &optional WRAP OPOINT) (defalias 'gited-next-marked-branch #[769 "\211\204`\262\301V\203\302\303\304$\202\"\305 \210\306\303\304[$\203(\307 \207\2043\211b\210\310\311!\207\312\313!\210\301V\203Ae\202Bdb\210\314\303#\207" [gited-re-mark 0 re-search-forward nil t beginning-of-line re-search-backward gited-move-to-branchname user-error "No next marked branch" message "(Wraparound for next marked branch)" gited-next-marked-branch] 8 (#$ . 87513) "p\np"]) #@164 Move to the previous ARG marked branch. If WRAP is non-nil, wrap around to the end of the buffer if we reach the beginning of the buffer. (fn ARG &optional WRAP) (defalias 'gited-prev-marked-branch #[513 "\300[\"\207" [gited-next-marked-branch] 5 (#$ . 88125) "p\np"]) #@12 (fn IDX) (defalias 'gited-get-element-in-row #[257 "\300\301\206`\302\"\262\211\203\211H\202\303\304!\207" [nil get-text-property tabulated-list-entry user-error "No branch at point"] 5 (#$ . 88403)]) (defalias 'gited-get-branchname #[0 "\301!\207" [gited-branch-idx gited-get-element-in-row] 2]) (defalias 'gited-get-mark #[0 "\301!\207" [gited-mark-idx gited-get-element-in-row] 2]) (defalias 'gited-get-date #[0 "\301!\207" [gited-date-idx gited-get-element-in-row] 2]) (defalias 'gited-get-commit #[0 "\301!\207" [gited-commit-idx gited-get-element-in-row] 2]) (defalias 'gited--move-to-column 'gited--goto-column) #@12 (fn COL) (defalias 'gited--move-to-end-of-column #[257 "\300!\210\301`\302\"b\207" [gited--move-to-column next-single-property-change tabulated-list-column-name] 4 (#$ . 89043)]) #@16 (fn PATTERN) (defalias 'gited--list-refs-format #[257 "\301\302!\303\304!@\203%\305\232\203\306\202&\307\232\203!\310\202&\202&\306\"C\"\211\211A\303A@\311\232\203:\312\202;\313\311\232\203F\314\202G\315#\240\266\211\207" [gited-list-refs-format-command append butlast format last "local" "heads" "remote" "remotes" "tags" "taggerdate" "authordate" "taggername" "authorname"] 9 (#$ . 89231)]) #@59 Return alist with branches infor. (fn &optional PATTERN) (defalias 'gited--get-branch-info #[256 "\300!\301\302\303!r\211q\210\304\305\306\307\310!\311\"\312$\216\313c\210\314p\301\315$\305U\204)\316\317!\210\320c\210\321\322 !@\262\323\324\"*\262\207" [gited--list-refs-format nil generate-new-buffer " *temp*" make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" vconcat vector [buffer-name kill-buffer] 2 "(\n" gited-git-command unquote user-error "No Git repository in current directory" ")" read-from-string buffer-string mapcar #[257 "\211@;\203 \300B\262\211G\301U\203%\211\211@A@B\240\266\211\211AA\241\266\302!@;\203>\302!@\303\230\203>\302!\211\304\240\266\207" ["1970-01-01 00:00" 4 last "" "Unknown"] 5 "\n\n(fn X)"]] 10 (#$ . 89654)]) #@33 (fn TIME-SECS &optional ZONE) (defalias 'gited--format-time #[513 "\302Y\211\203\303 \304\305\306\307!\"\"\205\310_#\202\213\306\307!! \311\230\203.\311\202/\312\313\203A\314!\211\315_\240\266\303 \304\305\"\"\262 \311\230\204\210\203\210\316U\203d\317\320\"\262\202\210\317\321\316V\203r\322\202s\323\324 !\325V\203\200\326\202\201\327\324\n!%\262)\266\202\207" [emacs-major-version gited-date-format 25 format-time-string apply encode-time decode-time seconds-to-time 36 "%F %R" "%FT%T" nil last 3600 0 format "%s+0000" "%s%s%s%d" "+" "-" abs 999 "" "0"] 13 (#$ . 90426)]) #@14 (fn ENTRY) (defalias 'gited--get-mark-for-entry #[257 "\3001 \301A@!0\202\210\202\203\302 C\207\303\207" [(error) gited-goto-branch gited-get-mark (" ")] 3 (#$ . 91053)]) #@26 (fn &optional PATTERN) (defalias 'gited--fill-branch-alist #[256 "\302!\303\304\305G#\305\306\211\203\242:\204GW\203\242:\203+\211A\262\242\202.H\262\211\247\203>\211@Y\205B\307\"\266\310\203M\311\202N\312A@\313\314\257\315\316!r\211q\210\317\305\320\321\322!\323\"\324$\216\325p\306#\210\326 *\262@:\203\210\211\327@@@A\"\240\266T\330\331!C#B\266\202B\262T\262\202 \211\237\266\204\332!\210 \207" [gited-show-commit-hash gited-branch-alist gited--get-branch-info make-progress-reporter "Collecting branch info..." 0 nil progress-reporter-do-update "log" "--pretty=format:%h | %s" "--pretty=format:%s" "-n1" "--" generate-new-buffer " *temp*" make-byte-code "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" vconcat vector [buffer-name kill-buffer] 2 gited-git-command buffer-string gited--format-time append gited--get-mark-for-entry progress-reporter-done] 15 (#$ . 91240)]) (defalias 'gited-hide-details-update-invisibility-spec #[0 "\203 \306\307 \310BB\202\306\311\312\307 \313BBBB\203% \n\314\211 \257\202, \f \n \257\315\"\210\203=\316\202>\317\320!\210\203I\316\202J\317\321!\210\322 \210\323?!\207" [gited-hide-details-mode gited-mark-col-size gited-branch-col-size gited-commit-col-size gited-author-col-size gited-date-col-size "M" gited--col-branch-name (#1="" #1# "Last Commit") "Authors" "Date" ("Last Commit") -1 gited--list-format-init add-to-invisibility-spec remove-from-invisibility-spec gited-hide-details-author gited-hide-details-date tabulated-list-init-header gited--update-padding gited-list-format tabulated-list-format] 6]) #@68 Update columns padding after `gited-hide-details-mode'. (fn UNDO) (defalias 'gited--update-padding #[257 "\305\203\306 \n \307%\202\306 \310#\212\311 \210m\204F\312 \210\313\314x\210\315u\210iU\204@\316``T\317\320\321E$\210`T\312 |\210\315y\210\202*\314\207" [gited-mark-col-size gited-author-col-size gited-date-col-size gited-branch-col-size inhibit-read-only t + 4 2 gited-goto-first-branch gited-move-to-end-of-branchname " " nil 1 put-text-property display space :align-to] 10 (#$ . 92858)]) #@37 Map FN on each Gited line. (fn FN) (defalias 'gited-map-lines #[257 "\300\211\212\301 \210\3021\303 \262\304 \211\2620\202\210\300\202*\205*\"\210\300y\210\202)\207" [nil gited--goto-first-branch (error) gited-get-branchname gited-get-mark] 6 (#$ . 93379)]) #@68 Return a list of branches currently marked. (fn &optional MARKER) (defalias 'gited-get-marked-branches #[256 "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307!\310\"\311\312%\313 \"\"\207" [delq nil mapcar make-byte-code 257 "\302A!\300\206 \232\205\211@\207" vconcat vector [gited-marker-char string-to-char] 3 "\n\n(fn E)" gited-current-state-list] 10 (#$ . 93657)]) #@231 Return a list like (BRANCH . MARK) of all branches in an Gited buffer. If POS is non-nil, return a list like (BRANCH MARK POINT), where POINT is the value of point at the beginning of the line for that buffer. (fn &optional POS) (defalias 'gited-current-state-list #[256 "\300C\203\301\302\303\304\305\306!\307\"\310\311%!\210\202)\301\302\303\312\305\306!\307\"\313\311%!\210\211\242\237\207" [nil gited-map-lines make-byte-code 514 "\300`E\300\242B\240\207" vconcat vector [] 6 "\n\n(fn BRANCH MARK)" "\300B\300\242B\240\207" 5] 9 (#$ . 94025)]) #@60 Return a list like (BRANCH . MARK) of all listed branches. (defalias 'gited-current-branches-with-marks #[0 "\300 \301\302\303\304\305\306!\307\"\310\311%\312 \"\207" [gited-current-state-list mapcar make-byte-code 257 "\301\300\"\211\203\f\211\202\302B\207" vconcat vector [assoc 32] 4 "\n\n(fn X)" gited-listed-branches] 8 (#$ . 94592)]) #@74 Return alist of branches and their marks, from BEG to END. (fn BEG END) (defalias 'gited-remember-marks #[514 "\203\303\304\305\306$\210)\307\211\211\212b\210\310\n\303#\2032\311 \211\262\203h\262BB\262\202)\207" [selective-display inhibit-read-only gited-re-mark t subst-char-in-region 13 10 nil re-search-forward gited-get-branchname] 9 (#$ . 94945)]) #@108 Mark all branches remembered in ALIST. Each element of ALIST looks like (BRANCH . MARKERCHAR). (fn ALIST) (defalias 'gited-mark-remembered #[257 "\300\211\211\212\205,@\262A\262@\262A\262\301!\203\302 \210\303!\210\304!\210\202)\207" [nil gited-goto-branch beginning-of-line gited-insert-marker-char gited--fontify-current-row] 6 (#$ . 95326)]) #@30 Set font for current branch. (defalias 'gited-fontify-current-branch #[0 "\304\212\305 !\210\306 \307\230\205&\310\311 \312 \313#\210\314`\315 \316\n$\210\314\311 \312 \316 $*\207" [inhibit-read-only gited-current-branch gited-current-branch-face gited-section-highlight-face t gited-goto-branch gited-get-mark " " remove-text-properties point-at-bol point-at-eol (face) put-text-property gited-move-to-end-of-branchname face] 5 (#$ . 95695)]) #@25 (fn &optional MARKER) (defalias 'gited-insert-marker-char #[256 "\302\303\206 !\304#\207" [gited-mark-idx gited-marker-char tabulated-list-set-col char-to-string change] 5 (#$ . 96147)]) #@317 In Gited, flag the branch at current line (or next ARG) for deletion. If the region is active, flag all branches in the region. Otherwise, with a prefix arg, flag branches on the next ARG lines. If the region is active in Transient Mark mode, flag all branches in the active region. (fn ARG &optional INTERACTIVE) (defalias 'gited-flag-branch-deletion #[513 "\301#\207" [gited-del-char gited-mark] 6 (#$ . 96347) (list current-prefix-arg t)]) #@173 Toggle marks: marked branches become unmarked, and vice versa. Branches marked with other flags (such as `D') are not affected. As always, hidden subdirs are not affected. (defalias 'gited-toggle-marks #[0 "\212\301 \210m?\2056\302\303 !\211\304=\203\202\"=\203!\304\202\"\305\211\203.\306!\210\307!\210\266\305y\210\202)\207" [gited-marker-char gited--goto-first-branch string-to-char gited-get-mark 32 nil gited-insert-marker-char gited--fontify-current-row] 4 (#$ . 96802) nil]) #@196 Kill the current line or next ARG lines (not the branches). With a prefix argument, kill that many lines starting with the current line. (A negative argument kills backward.) (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'gited-kill-line #[256 "\302!\262\303\211\304U\204<\305 \262\211\204\306\307!\210\202 \310\311 @ \"\304V\2032S\262\202 T\262\312y\210\202 \313 )\207" [buffer-read-only tabulated-list-entries prefix-numeric-value nil 0 gited-get-branchname user-error "Can only kill branch lines" assq-delete-all tabulated-list-delete-entry -1 gited-move-to-branchname] 6 (#$ . 97306) "P"]) #@182 Kill all marked lines (not the branches). With a prefix argument, kill that many lines starting with the current line. (A negative argument kills backward.) (fn &optional ARG FMT) (defalias 'gited-do-kill-lines #[512 "\203\303!\207\212\304 \210\305\306\307\310\311!!Pm\2041\312\305\313#\2031T\262\314\315 @\n\"\202\316\232\204C\317\206=\320\321!#\210)\266\203)\207" [gited-marker-char buffer-read-only tabulated-list-entries gited-kill-line gited--goto-first-branch nil 0 "^" regexp-quote char-to-string re-search-forward t assq-delete-all tabulated-list-delete-entry "" message "Killed %d line%s." gited-plural-s] 10 (#$ . 97910) "P"]) #@145 Mark all branches matching REGEXP for use in later commands. A prefix argument means to unmark them instead. (fn REGEXP &optional MARKER-CHAR) (defalias 'gited-mark-branches-regexp #[513 "\211\206\304\305\212\306\262\307\310\311=\203\312\202%\n=\203$\313\202%\314\315\n=\2030\316\2021\317$\210\320 \210m\204fl\204`\321 \211\205Q\305\304\322#)\266\203\262\203`\323 \210\324 \210\211T\262\305y\210\2026\307\325\315\326!\311=\203w\327\202x\317\n=\203\202\330\202\203\331&\210)\211\306V\205\216\211)\266\202)\207" [gited-marker-char inhibit-read-only gited-del-char inhibit-changing-match-data t nil 0 message "%s %ss%s..." 32 "Unmarking" "Flagging" "Marking" "matching branch" " for deletion" "" gited--goto-first-branch gited-get-branchname string-match gited-insert-marker-char gited--fontify-current-row "%s %s%s %s%s." gited-plural-s "un" "flagged" "marked"] 12 (#$ . 98577) (byte-code "\301\203 \302\202\n\303\304P\305\"\205\306D\207" [current-prefix-arg read-regexp "Unmark" "Mark" " branches (regexp): " nil 32] 3)]) #@244 Mark all branches whose last commit time was after MIN-TIME. Interactively, a prefix argument means to unmark them instead. MIN-TIME must be a string suitable for `date-to-time' like "2017-06-05 20:32:32". (fn MIN-TIME &optional MARKER-CHAR) (defalias 'gited-mark-branches-by-date #[513 "\211\206\303!\262\211@\204\211\211\304\240\266\211A@\204#\211\211A\304\240\266\211AA@\2042\211A\211A\304\240\266\305\306\"\262\307\310\212\304\262\311\312\313=\203N\314\202Y\n=\203X\315\202Y\316\317\n=\203d\320\202e\321$\210\322 \210m\204\217l\204\211\323\324 !\325\"\262\203\211\326 \210\327 \210\211T\262\310y\210\202j\311\330\317\331!\313=\203\240\332\202\241\321\n=\203\253\333\202\254\334&\210)\211\304V\205\267\211)\266\202)\207" [gited-marker-char inhibit-read-only gited-del-char parse-time-string 0 apply encode-time t nil message "%s %ss%s..." 32 "Unmarking" "Flagging" "Marking" "matching branch" " for deletion" "" gited--goto-first-branch date-to-time gited-get-date time-less-p gited-insert-marker-char gited--fontify-current-row "%s %s%s %s%s." gited-plural-s "un" "flagged" "marked"] 14 (#$ . 99652) (byte-code "\301\302\303\304\305 !\306\"\"\307\203\310\202\311\312P\"\211\205\313D\207" [current-prefix-arg format-time-string "%F" time-subtract date-to-time gited-get-date 604800 read-string "Unmark" "Mark" " branches with last commit after time: " 32] 6)]) #@379 Mark all branches containing REGEXP in some commit message. A prefix argument means to unmark them instead. Optional arg DAYS, if non-nil then limit the search to DAYS before the newest commit. Otherwise, limit the search to commits until 1 month earlier than the newest commit. In interactive calls, a prefix C-u C-u prompts for DAYS. (fn REGEXP &optional MARKER-CHAR DAYS) (defalias 'gited-mark-branches-containing-regexp #[769 "\206\304\305\212\306\262\307\310\311=\203\312\202%\n=\203$\313\202%\314\315\n=\2030\316\2021\317$\210\320 \210m\204\337l\204\331\321 \203\331\321 \3222\205 \211\205\202\211@\211@A\211@A\211@A\211@A\211@A\211@A\232\203y\323\322\324!\"\210\266A\266\202\202J\2620\325\326\206\216\327!\"\330\331\332\333\334\"\"\331\335\333\334\"\"\331\336\f\"\337\257\340\341!r\211q\210\342\306\343\344\345!\346\"\347$\216\350p\"\210\351 \317\230*?\262\266\204\203\331\352 \210\353 \210\211T\262\305y\210\2026\307\354\315\355!\311=\203\360\356\202\361\317\n=\203\373\357\202\374\360&\210)\211\306V\205\211)\266\202)\207" [gited-marker-char inhibit-read-only gited-del-char gited-branch-alist t nil 0 message "%s %ss%s..." 32 "Unmarking" "Flagging" "Marking" "matching branch" " for deletion" "" gited--goto-first-branch gited-get-branchname --cl-block-nil-- throw date-to-time time-subtract days-to-time 30 "log" format "--after=%s" format-time-string "%F" "--before=%s" "--grep=%s" "--" generate-new-buffer " *temp*" make-byte-code "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" vconcat vector [buffer-name kill-buffer] 2 gited-git-command buffer-string gited-insert-marker-char gited--fontify-current-row "%s %s%s %s%s." gited-plural-s "un" "flagged" "marked"] 26 (#$ . 101081) (byte-code "\302C\302C\302C\303:\203\215@\211\304=\203\203A\211\204Y\305\306\307\302\211\310$!\240\210\311\312\313\"\211\313=\2047\211\314=\204; \202<\315\262\240\210\306\316\317\320 \242 \"\203Q\321\202R\322\"!\240\210\202\323\240\210\203f\315\202g \240\210\306\316\317\320 \242 \"\203z\321\202{\322\"!\240\210\210\202\211#\210\210\202\223\211#\210\210\242\242\242E\207" [current-prefix-arg gited-marker-char nil #[771 "\211\302\240\210\203 \303\202 \240\210\304\305\306\307\242 \"\203!\310\202\"\311\"!\240\207" [current-prefix-arg gited-marker-char 30 32 read-string format "%s branches containing regexp: " char-equal "Mark" "UNmark"] 10 "\n\n(fn REGEX MARKER INTERVAL)"] 16 string-to-number read-string "Number of days before newest commit: " "30" read-number "Mark (0) or Unmark (1): " 0 1 32 format "%s branches containing regexp: " char-equal "Mark" "UNmark" 30] 14)]) #@155 Mark all branches containing COMMIT. A prefix argument means to unmark them instead. COMMIT is the sha1 of the commit. (fn COMMIT &optional MARKER-CHAR) (defalias 'gited-mark-branches-containing-commit #[513 "\303\304PD\305!\206 \306\307\212\310\262\311\312\313=\203\"\314\202-\n=\203,\315\202-\316\317\n=\2038\320\2029\321$\210\322 \210m\204dl\204^\323 \211\205O\211\235\262\203^\324 \210\325 \210\211T\262\307y\210\202>\311\326\317\327!\313=\203u\330\202v\321\n=\203\200\331\202\201\332&\210)\211\310V\205\214\211)\266\202)\207" [gited-marker-char inhibit-read-only gited-del-char "branch" "--contains=" gited--get-branches-from-command t nil 0 message "%s %ss%s..." 32 "Unmarking" "Flagging" "Marking" "matching branch" " for deletion" "" gited--goto-first-branch gited-get-branchname gited-insert-marker-char gited--fontify-current-row "%s %s%s %s%s." gited-plural-s "un" "flagged" "marked"] 14 (#$ . 103762) (byte-code "\301\302\303\203 \304\202\f\305\"!\205\306D\207" [current-prefix-arg read-string format "%s branches containing sha1 commit: " "UNmark" "Mark" 32] 4)]) (defvar gited--op nil) #@15 (fn OP-VAL) (defalias 'gited--mark-merged-or-unmerged-branches-spec #[257 "\211\303\304\305 \203 \306\202\307\310=\203\311\202\312#\313\211\n$\207" [gited--op current-prefix-arg gited-current-branch read-string format "%s branches %s with branch: " "UNmark" "Mark" merged "merged" "unmerged" nil] 7 (#$ . 104911)]) #@22 (fn BRANCH PREFIX) (defalias 'gited--mark-merged-branches-spec #[514 "\302\303!\203 \304\202\f D\207" [current-prefix-arg gited-marker-char gited--mark-merged-or-unmerged-branches-spec merged 32] 4 (#$ . 105243) "i\nP"]) #@22 (fn BRANCH PREFIX) (defalias 'gited--mark-unmerged-branches-spec #[514 "\302\303!\203 \304\202\f D\207" [current-prefix-arg gited-marker-char gited--mark-merged-or-unmerged-branches-spec unmerged 32] 4 (#$ . 105475) "i\nP"]) #@30 (fn BRANCH OP MARKER-CHAR) (defalias 'gited--mark-merged-or-unmerged-branches #[771 "\303\304\230\203 \305\202\f\306E\307!\206\310\311\212\312\262\313\314\315=\203+\316\2026\n=\2035\317\2026\320\321\n=\203A\322\202B\323$\210\324 \210m\204ml\204g\325 \211\205X\211\235\262\203g\326 \210\327 \210\211T\262\311y\210\202G\313\330\321\331!\315=\203~\332\202\323\n=\203\211\333\202\212\334&\210)\211\312V\205\225\211)\266\202)\207" [gited-marker-char inhibit-read-only gited-del-char "branch" "merged" "--merged" "--no-merged" gited--get-branches-from-command t nil 0 message "%s %ss%s..." 32 "Unmarking" "Flagging" "Marking" "matching branch" " for deletion" "" gited--goto-first-branch gited-get-branchname gited-insert-marker-char gited--fontify-current-row "%s %s%s %s%s." gited-plural-s "un" "flagged" "marked"] 15 (#$ . 105711)]) #@122 Mark all merged branches with BRANCH. A prefix argument means to unmark them instead. (fn BRANCH &optional MARKER-CHAR) (defalias 'gited-mark-merged-branches #[513 "\300\301#\207" [gited--mark-merged-or-unmerged-branches "merged"] 6 (#$ . 106591) (byte-code "\300\301!\207" [call-interactively gited--mark-merged-branches-spec] 2)]) #@124 Mark all unmerged branches with BRANCH. A prefix argument means to unmark them instead. (fn BRANCH &optional MARKER-CHAR) (defalias 'gited-mark-unmerged-branches #[513 "\300\301#\207" [gited--mark-merged-or-unmerged-branches "unmerged"] 6 (#$ . 106934) (byte-code "\300\301!\207" [call-interactively gited--mark-unmerged-branches-spec] 2)]) #@21 (fn ARG FUNCTION) (defalias 'gited-repeat-over-lines #[514 "\300 \301 \210\302V\2034m\2044S\262\301 \210\303 \203\304y\210\212\304y\210\211`T\304\223\210)\212 \210)\211b\210\202\302W\203[o\204[T\262\305y\210\303 \204P\305y\210\202E\301 \210\212 \210)\2024\211\304\211\223\210\3061j\307 0\202n\210\202o\210m\205\202\305y\210\3101\200\307 0\202\202\210\304\207" [make-marker beginning-of-line 0 gited-at-header-line-p nil -1 (error) gited-move-to-branchname (error)] 6 (#$ . 107284)]) #@341 Mark the branch at point in the Gited buffer with MARK. If the region is active, mark all branches in the region. Otherwise, with a prefix arg, mark branches on the next ARG lines. Use \[gited-unmark-all-branches] to remove all marks and \[gited-unmark] on a subdir to remove the marks in this subdir. (fn ARG MARK &optional INTERACTIVE) (defalias 'gited-mark #[770 "\211\203 \301 \203 \212\302 \303 \304b\210\305 b\210\305 #\266\202)\207\306\307\310!\311\312\313\314\315!\316\"\317$\")\207" [inhibit-read-only use-region-p region-beginning region-end gited--mark-branches-in-region point-at-bol t gited-repeat-over-lines prefix-numeric-value make-byte-code 0 "\3011\n\302 0\202 \210\303\207\205\304\300!\210\305\300!\207" vconcat vector [(error) gited-get-branchname nil gited-insert-marker-char gited--fontify-current-row] 2] 11 (#$ . 107801) (list current-prefix-arg gited-marker-char t)]) #@23 (fn START END MARK) (defalias 'gited--mark-branches-in-region #[771 "V\203\n\300\301!\210b\210`W\205&\302 \203 \303!\210\304!\210\305y\210\202 \207" [user-error "Wrong input values: start, end, <" gited-get-branchname gited-insert-marker-char gited--fontify-current-row nil] 5 (#$ . 108716)]) #@53 Unmark the branches in the region, or ARG branches. (defalias 'gited-unmark-backward #[0 "\300y\210\301 \205\302\303!\210\304\303!\210\305 \207" [-1 gited-get-branchname gited-insert-marker-char 32 gited--fontify-current-row gited-move-to-branchname] 2 (#$ . 109027) nil]) #@48 Remove all branches with flag MARK. (fn MARK) (defalias 'gited-unmark-all-branches #[257 "\212\301 \210m?\205>\302\303\206`\304\"\262H\305 \2037\306=\203'\211\307\230\203/\310!\230\2037\311\312!\210\313\312!\210\302y\266\202)\207" [gited-mark-idx gited--goto-first-branch nil get-text-property tabulated-list-entry gited-get-branchname 13 " " char-to-string gited-insert-marker-char 32 gited--fontify-current-row] 5 (#$ . 109308) "cRemove marks (RET means all):"]) #@64 Remove all marks from all marked branches in the Gited buffer. (defalias 'gited-unmark-all-marks #[0 "\300\301!\207" [gited-unmark-all-branches 13] 2 (#$ . 109796) nil]) #@68 Move point to the beginning of the Branches column in current row. (defalias 'gited-move-to-branchname #[0 "\301\302\206`\303\"\262\205\304T!\207" [gited-branch-idx nil get-text-property tabulated-list-id gited--move-to-column] 4 (#$ . 109972) nil]) #@62 Move point to the end of the Branches column in current row. (defalias 'gited-move-to-end-of-branchname #[0 "\301\302\206`\303\"\262\205\304T!\207" [gited-branch-idx nil get-text-property tabulated-list-id gited--move-to-end-of-column] 4 (#$ . 110235) nil]) #@67 Move point to the beginning of the Authors column in current row. (defalias 'gited-move-to-author #[0 "\301\302\206`\303\"\262\205\304T!\207" [gited-author-idx nil get-text-property tabulated-list-id gited--move-to-column] 4 (#$ . 110506) nil]) #@61 Move point to the end of the Authors column in current row. (defalias 'gited-move-to-end-of-author #[0 "\301\302\206`\303\"\262\205\304T!\207" [gited-author-idx nil get-text-property tabulated-list-id gited--move-to-end-of-column] 4 (#$ . 110764) nil]) #@64 Move point to the beginning of the Date column in current row. (defalias 'gited-move-to-date #[0 "\301\302\206`\303\"\262\205\304T!\207" [gited-date-idx nil get-text-property tabulated-list-id gited--move-to-column] 4 (#$ . 111030) nil]) #@58 Move point to the end of the Date column in current row. (defalias 'gited-move-to-end-of-date #[0 "\301\302\206`\303\"\262\205\304T!\207" [gited-date-idx nil get-text-property tabulated-list-id gited--move-to-end-of-column] 4 (#$ . 111281) nil]) #@301 Unmark the branch at point in the Gited buffer. If the region is active, unmark all branches in the region. Otherwise, with a prefix arg, unmark branches on the next ARG lines. If the region is active in Transient Mark mode, unmark all branches in the active region. (fn ARG &optional INTERACTIVE) (defalias 'gited-unmark #[513 "\300\301#\207" [gited-mark 32] 6 (#$ . 111541) (list current-prefix-arg t)]) #@32 Return number of marked files. (defalias 'gited-number-marked #[0 "\212eb\210\300m\204\301\302!\204\211T\262\303y\210\202\211\300U\203'\304\305!\210\2027\304\306\211\307V\2034\310\2025\311#\210\262)\207" [0 looking-at "^[[:blank:]]" nil message "No marked branches" "%d marked %s" 1 "branches" "branch"] 7 (#$ . 111957) nil]) (defvar gited-mode-map (byte-code "\300 \301\302\303#\210\301\304\305#\210\301\306\307#\210\301\310\311#\210\301\312\313#\210\301\314\315#\210\301\316\317#\210\301\320\321#\210\301\322\323#\210\301\324\325#\210\301\326\327#\210\301\330\325#\210\301\331\327#\210\301\332\333#\210\301\334\335#\210\301\336\337#\210\301\340\341#\210\301\342\343#\210\301\344\345#\210\301\346\347#\210\301\350\351#\210\301\352\353#\210\301\354\355#\210\301\356\357#\210\301\360\361#\210\301\362\363#\210\301\364\365#\210\301\366\367#\210\301\370\367#\210\301\371\372#\210\301\373\374#\210\301\375\367#\210\301\376\377#\210\301\201@\201A#\210\301\201B\201C#\210\301\201D\201E#\210\301\201F\201G#\210\301\201H\201I#\210\301\201J\201E#\210\301\201K\201L#\210\301\201M\201N#\210\301\201O\201P#\210\301\201Q\201R#\210\301\201S\201T#\210\301\201U\201V#\210\301\201W\201X#\210\301\201Y\201Z#\210\301\201[\201\\#\210\301\201]\201^#\210\301\201_\201`#\210\301\201a\201b#\210\301\201c\201d#\210\301\201e\201f#\210\301\201g\201h#\210\301\201i\201j#\210\301\201k\201l#\210\301\201m\201n#\210\301\201o\201p#\210\301\201q\201r#\210\301\201s\201t#\210\301\201u\201v#\210\301\201w\201x#\210\301\201y\201z#\210\301\201{\201|#\210\301\201}\201~#\210\301\201\201\200#\210\301\201\201\201\202#\210\211\207" [make-keymap define-key "t" gited-toggle-marks "(" gited-hide-details-mode "u" gited-unmark "=" gited-diff "j" gited-goto-branch "" gited-unmark-backward "U" gited-unmark-all-marks [134217855] gited-unmark-all-branches "x" gited-do-flagged-delete "<" gited-goto-first-branch ">" gited-goto-last-branch [134217788] [134217790] "n" gited-next-line " " next-line "p" gited-prev-line [134217853] gited-next-marked-branch [134217851] gited-prev-marked-branch "a" gited-apply-patch "A" gited-add-patched-files "B" gited-bisect "c" gited-commit "w" gited-copy-branchname-as-kill "e" gited-extract-patches "T" gited-do-sync-with-trunk "M" gited-merge-branch "c" gited-checkout-branch "v" gited-visit-branch-sources "f" "s" gited-show-commit "S" gited-status " " "g" gited-update "" gited-list-branches "k" gited-do-kill-lines "P" gited-pull "r" gited-reset-branch "*p" gited-set-object-upstream "*<" "*>" gited-push "*r" gited-change-current-remote-rep "o" gited-origin "l" gited-log "L" gited-log-last-n-commits "*ta" gited-tag-add "*td" gited-tag-delete "*tD" gited-remote-tag-delete "*tf" gited-fetch-remote-tags "m" gited-mark "%n" gited-mark-branches-regexp "%t" gited-mark-branches-by-date "%c" gited-mark-branches-containing-commit "%g" gited-mark-branches-containing-regexp "%m" gited-mark-merged-branches "%M" gited-mark-unmerged-branches "d" gited-flag-branch-deletion "%l" gited-mark-local-tags "*ss" gited-stash "*sa" gited-stash-apply "*sA" gited-stash-pop "*sb" gited-stash-branch "*sd" gited-stash-drop "*N" gited-number-marked "R" gited-rename-branch "C" gited-copy-branch "D" gited-do-delete "?" gited-summary] 5)) #@622 List all branches or tags for the current repository. Optional arg PATTERN if non-nil, then must be "local", "remote", or "tags". That lists local branches, remote branches and tags, respectively. When PATTERN is nil, then list the local branches. Optional arg OTHER-WINDOW means to display the Gited buffer in another window. Optional arg UPDATE if non-nil, then force to update the gited buffer. Otherwise, just switch to the Gited buffer if already exists. When called interactively prompt for PATTERN. When called interactively with a prefix set OTHER-WINDOW non-nil. (fn &optional PATTERN OTHER-WINDOW UPDATE) (defalias 'gited-list-branches #[768 "\306!\203\211\204\203 \232\203\307!\207\310 \204!\311\312!\210\306!\203+\2060\313\n!\211 \232\2048\203C\314!\210\202G\307!\210 \204N\303 \210\f\204t\313\315!r\211q\210\316\317\320\321\322!\323\"\324$\216\325\326p\"\210\327\330dS{!*\262 ,\211\331 \332-.\333=\203\215\333C. \334\232\203\267/\333=\204\264/\335=\203\2670\203\264\336\337\340!\341\342 0\"\"\203\267\343 \210\344 \210\345 \210\346!\203\314\347!\210\350 \2101\204\3352\204\332\351\330!\210\3331\352\230\205\345\353 \207" [gited-buffer gited-ref-kind gited-buffer-name gited-mode gited-toplevel-dir gited-use-header-line buffer-live-p switch-to-buffer gited-dir-under-Git-control-p user-error "No Git repository in current directory" generate-new-buffer switch-to-buffer-other-window " *temp*" make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" vconcat vector [buffer-name kill-buffer] 2 gited-git-command ("rev-parse" "--show-toplevel") file-name-as-directory 1 gited-current-branch gited-print-entry t "remote" daily time-less-p seconds-to-time 86400 time-subtract current-time gited-remote-prune gited-tabulated-list-entries tabulated-list-print gited-branch-exists-p gited-goto-branch gited-fontify-current-branch gited-hide-details-mode "local" gited-pull-callback tabulated-list-use-header-line tabulated-list-printer buffer-invisibility-spec gited-prune-remotes gited--last-remote-prune gited--hide-details-set gited-verbose] 11 (#$ . 115334) (byte-code "\301 \204 \302\303!\210\304\305\306\307\310\307\211\311&\211\307E\207" [current-prefix-arg gited-dir-under-Git-control-p user-error "No Git repository in current directory" ("local" "remote" "tags") completing-read "List (local, remote, tags): " nil t "local"] 9)]) (defalias 'gited-list 'gited-list-branches) #@142 Insert a Gited entry at point. ID is a Lisp object identifying the entry to print, and COLS is a vector of column descriptors. (fn ID COLS) (defalias 'gited-print-entry #[514 "`\306] G\307\306V\203\310\311\"c\210\211\306\211W\203z\211`\312 H#\262 U\203<\313`\314\315\316\fF#\210\202q U\203P\313`\314\317\316F#\210\202qU\203b\320`\316$\210\202qU\203q\320`\316$\210\266\211T\262\202\266\321c\210\313`\322\323 F#)\207" [tabulated-list-padding tabulated-list-format inhibit-read-only gited-author-idx gited-author-face gited-date-idx 0 t make-string 32 tabulated-list-print-col add-text-properties invisible gited-hide-details-author font-lock-face gited-hide-details-date put-text-property 10 tabulated-list-id tabulated-list-entry gited-date-time-face gited-branch-idx gited-branch-name-face gited-commit-idx gited-commit-msg-face] 16 (#$ . 117795)]) (defalias 'gited-tabulated-list-entries #[0 "\302!\303\211\203H\211@\211@A\211@A\211@A\211@A\211@A\211@A\n \211\304 %DB\262\266A\266\202\202\210\211\237\305 \207" [gited-ref-kind tabulated-list-entries gited--fill-branch-alist nil vector tabulated-list-init-header] 29]) (defvar gited-mode-hook nil) (byte-code "\300\301N\204\f\302\300\301\303#\210\304\305!\204\302\305\306\307#\210\300\207" [gited-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering Gited mode.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)" boundp gited-mode-map definition-name gited-mode] 4) (defvar gited-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (byte-code "\301\302N\204\303\301\302\304\305!#\210\306\307!\204\303\307\310\311#\210\312\313 !\210\307\302N\204-\303\307\302\304\314!#\210\306\300!\204B\303\300\310\311#\210\315\316\300\317\"\210!\210\300\302N\204P\303\300\302\304\320!#\210\303\311\321\322#\207" [gited-mode-abbrev-table gited-mode-map variable-documentation put purecopy "Keymap for `gited-mode'." boundp gited-mode-syntax-table definition-name gited-mode (lambda (#1=#:def-tmp-var) (defvar gited-mode-syntax-table #1#)) make-syntax-table "Syntax table for `gited-mode'." (lambda (#1#) (defvar gited-mode-abbrev-table #1#)) define-abbrev-table nil "Abbrev table for `gited-mode'." derived-mode-parent tabulated-list-mode] 5) #@484 Toggle gited-mode. Interactively with no argument, this command toggles the mode. A positive prefix argument enables the mode, any other prefix argument disables it. From Lisp, argument omitted or nil enables the mode, `toggle' toggles the state. Mode to edit Git branches as Dired. In addition to any hooks its parent mode `tabulated-list-mode' might have run, this mode runs the hook `gited-mode-hook', as the final or penultimate step during initialization. \{gited-mode-map} (defalias 'gited-mode #[0 "\306\300!\210\307\310 \210\311\312\310\313N\203\314\311\313\310\313N#\210\315 !\204'\316 \317 \"\210\320\f!\211\2035\211\321 =\203;\322\f\323 \"\210\210\324 \325\"\204R $=\204R\326 \325$C#\210\327 !\210\330\f!\210 $\331 \204f\332\333!\210\334 \210%&\335\336\337\340\307$\210'\206z\341')\342\343!\207" [delay-mode-hooks major-mode mode-name gited-mode-map gited-mode-syntax-table gited-mode-abbrev-table make-local-variable t tabulated-list-mode gited-mode "Gited" mode-class put keymap-parent set-keymap-parent current-local-map char-table-parent standard-syntax-table set-char-table-parent syntax-table abbrev-table-get :parents abbrev-table-put use-local-map set-syntax-table gited-buffer-p user-error "Gited mode cannot be enabled in this buffer" gited--list-format-init add-hook tabulated-list-revert-hook gited-tabulated-list-entries nil ("Date") run-mode-hooks gited-mode-hook local-abbrev-table gited-list-format tabulated-list-format tabulated-list-sort-key] 5 (#$ . 120137) nil]) #@28 (fn ORIG-FUN &rest ARGS) (defalias 'gited--advice-sort-by-column #[385 "\302\303!\204 \304\"\207\203\300\305!\210\304\"\210\300\306!\210\202$\304\"\210\307 !\205,\310 \207" [gited-hide-details-mode gited-current-branch derived-mode-p gited-mode apply 0 1 gited-branch-exists-p gited-fontify-current-branch] 5 (#$ . 121661)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305!\207" [advice-add tabulated-list-col-sort :around gited--advice-sort-by-column provide gited] 4)