;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. #@26 The Gitlab API endpoint. (defvar gitlab-host nil (#$ . 87)) #@46 The Gitlab tokenID to perform HTTP requests. (defvar gitlab-token-id nil (#$ . 153)) #@25 The Gitlab API version. (defconst gitlab-api-version "v4" (#$ . 244)) #@81 Retrieve the Gitlab host. Use `gitlab-host' or GITLAB_HOST environment variable (defalias 'gitlab--get-host #[nil "\203\207\301\302!\207" [gitlab-host getenv "GITLAB_HOST"] 2 (#$ . 320)]) #@93 Retrieve the Gitlab token ID. Use `gitlab-token-id' or GITLAB_TOKEN_ID environment variable (defalias 'gitlab--get-token-id #[nil "\203\207\301\302!\207" [gitlab-token-id getenv "GITLAB_TOKEN_ID"] 2 (#$ . 518)]) (provide 'gitlab-api)