;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\207" [require json request s gitlab-api] 2) #@84 Retrieve the Gitlab API complete url using the API version. `URI` is the api path. (defalias 'gitlab--get-rest-uri #[(uri) "\302 \203\303\302 \304\305 %\207\306\307\310\311\"!\207" [gitlab-api-version uri gitlab--get-host s-concat "/api/" "/" error signal gitlab-error ("Gitlab host unknown.")] 6 (#$ . 192)]) #@41 Return the HTTP headers for Gitlab API. (defalias 'gitlab--get-headers #[nil "\303\304BC\305 !?\205 \306 B\211\235\203\202\nB\211))\207" [headers gitlab-token-id #1=#:x "connection" "close" s-blank\? "PRIVATE-TOKEN"] 3 (#$ . 511)]) #@24 Doc string URI PARAMS. (defalias 'gitlab--perform-get-request #[(uri params) "\302\303!\304\305\306\307 \310\311\312 \313\314& \207" [uri params request gitlab--get-rest-uri :type "GET" :headers gitlab--get-headers :sync t :params :parser json-read] 13 (#$ . 760)]) #@24 Doc string URI PARAMS. (defalias 'gitlab--perform-post-request #[(uri params) "\302\303!\304\305\306\307 \310\311\312 \313\314& \207" [uri params request gitlab--get-rest-uri :type "POST" :headers gitlab--get-headers :sync t :data :parser json-read] 13 (#$ . 1033)]) #@24 Doc string URI PARAMS. (defalias 'gitlab--perform-put-request #[(uri params) "\302\303!\304\305\306\307 \310\311\312 \313\314& \207" [uri params request gitlab--get-rest-uri :type "PUT" :headers gitlab--get-headers :sync t :data :parser json-read] 13 (#$ . 1307)]) #@41 Doc string TYPE URI PARAMS STATUS-CODE. (defalias 'perform-gitlab-request #[(type uri params status-code) "\305\230\203 \306 \n\"\202$\307\230\203\310 \n\"\202$\311\230\205$\312 \n\"\f \313HU\2033 \314H\202>\315\316\317\320 \313H &)\207" [type uri params response status-code "POST" gitlab--perform-post-request "GET" gitlab--perform-get-request "PUT" gitlab--perform-put-request 1 3 lwarn (gitlab) :error "HTTP %s Error %s on URI: %s"] 7 (#$ . 1579)]) (provide 'gitlab-http)