;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\207" [require s gitlab-http] 2) #@69 Get a list of project milestones. PROJECT-ID : The ID of a project (defalias 'gitlab-list-project-milestones #[(project-id) "\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\"!\310#\311\312$\207" [project-id perform-gitlab-request "GET" s-concat "projects/" url-hexify-string format "%s" "/milestones" nil 200] 8 (#$ . 154)]) #@65 Create milestone uri for PROJECT-ID identified by MILESTONE-ID. (defalias 'gitlab--get-milestone-uri #[(project-id milestone-id) "\302\303\304\305\306\"!\307\310 !$\207" [project-id milestone-id s-concat "projects/" url-hexify-string format "%s" "/milestones/" number-to-string] 6 (#$ . 468)]) #@113 Gets a single project milestone. PROJECT-ID : The ID of a project MILESTONE-ID : The ID of a project milestone (defalias 'gitlab-get-milestone #[(project-id milestone-id) "\302\303\304\305\306\307\"! \"\310\311$\207" [project-id milestone-id perform-gitlab-request "GET" gitlab--get-milestone-uri url-hexify-string format "%s" nil 200] 7 (#$ . 770)]) #@113 Gets a single project milestone. PROJECT-ID : The ID of a project MILESTONE-ID : The ID of a project milestone (defalias 'gitlab-get-milestone-issues #[(project-id milestone-id) "\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\"! \"\311\"\312\313$\207" [project-id milestone-id perform-gitlab-request "GET" s-concat gitlab--get-milestone-uri url-hexify-string format "%s" "/issues" nil 200] 8 (#$ . 1130)]) #@126 Create a project milestone. PROJECT-ID: The ID or NAMESPACE%2FPROJECT_NAME of a project MILESTONE-TITLE: Title of milestone (defalias 'gitlab-create-milestone #[(project-id milestone-title milestone-deadline milestone-description) "\304\305\306\307\310\306\311\"!\"\306\312 \n $\313$\207" [project-id milestone-title milestone-deadline milestone-description perform-gitlab-request "POST" format "projects/%s/milestones" url-hexify-string "%s" "title=%s&due_date=%s&description=%s" 201] 8 (#$ . 1527)]) #@240 Edit milestone. PROJECT-ID: the ID or NAMESPACE%2FPROJECT_NAME of a project MILESTONE-ID: the ID office milestone TITLE: title of milestone DESCRIPTION: description of milestone DUE-DATE: deadline STATE-EVENT: activate or close milestone (defalias 'gitlab-edit-milestone #[(project-id milestone-id &optional title description due-date state-event) "\306\307\310\311\312\310\313\"! #\310\313\n\205\310\314\n\" \205\310\315 \"\f\205&\310\316\f\" \205.\310\317 \"R\"\320$\207" [project-id milestone-id title description due-date state-event perform-gitlab-request "PUT" format "projects/%s/milestones/%s" url-hexify-string "%s" "&title=%s" "&description=%s" "&due_date=%s" "&state_event=%s" 200] 11 (#$ . 2038)]) (provide 'gitlab-milestones)