;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\207" [require s gitlab-http] 2) #@49 Compose notes URI for PROJECT-ID with ISSUE-ID. (defalias 'gitlab--get-notes-uri #[(project-id issue-id) "\302\303\304\305\306\"!\307\310 !\311%\207" [project-id issue-id s-concat "projects/" url-hexify-string format "%s" "/issues/" number-to-string "/notes"] 6 (#$ . 154)]) #@175 Get a list of project issue notes. PROJECT-ID : The ID of a project ISSUE-ID : The ID of a project issue PAGE: current page number PER-PAGE: number of items on page max 100 (defalias 'gitlab-list-project-issue-notes #[(project-id issue-id &optional page per-page) "\306\307\310 !B\211\235\203\210\202\nB)\303\310 !B\211\235\203)\210\202-\fB)\311\312\313  \"\314$)\207" [params per-page #1=#:x page #2=#:x project-id nil per_page number-to-string perform-gitlab-request "GET" gitlab--get-notes-uri 200 issue-id] 6 (#$ . 437)]) #@110 Get a list of allproject issue notes. PROJECT-ID : The ID of a project ISSUE-ID : The ID of a project issue (defalias 'gitlab-list-all-project-issue-notes #[(project-id issue-id) "\306\307\310\311 \f $\211G   _Y\2030\311 \f $\312 \n\"\211G T\202 -\207" [page per-page notes project-id issue-id all-notes 1 100 nil gitlab-list-project-issue-notes vconcat all-notes-count] 6 (#$ . 990) nil]) #@34 Doc PROJECT-ID ISSUE-ID NOTE-ID. (defalias 'gitlab-get-issue-note #[(project-id issue-id note-id) "\300\207" ["Doc PROJECT-ID ISSUE-ID NOTE-ID."] 1 (#$ . 1404)]) #@114 Add note for project issue. PROJECT-ID: The ID of a project ISSUE-ID: The ID of an issue BODY: Body part of note (defalias 'gitlab-add-issue-note #[(project-id issue-id body) "\303\304\305\306\307\305\310\"! #\305\311\n\"\312$\207" [project-id issue-id body perform-gitlab-request "POST" format "projects/%s/issues/%s/notes" url-hexify-string "%s" "body=%s" 201] 8 (#$ . 1573)]) #@140 Add note for project issue. PROJECT-ID: The ID of a project ISSUE-ID: The ID of an issue NOTE-ID: The ID of a note BODY: Body part of note (defalias 'gitlab-edit-issue-note #[(project-id issue-id note-id body) "\304\305\306\307\310\306\311\"! \n$\306\312 \"\313$\207" [project-id issue-id note-id body perform-gitlab-request "PUT" format "projects/%s/issues/%s/notes/%s" url-hexify-string "%s" "body=%s" 200] 8 (#$ . 1960)]) (provide 'gitlab-notes)