;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\207" [require dash s gitlab-http] 2) #@130 Get a list of projects accessible by the authenticated user. PAGE: current page number PER-PAGE: number of items on page max 100 (defalias 'gitlab-list-projects #[(&optional page per-page) "\305 \203\306\307\n!B\211\235\203\210\202 B)\n\2036\301\307 !B\211\235\2031\210\2025\fB)\310\311\312\313$)\207" [params page per-page #1=#:x #2=#:x nil per_page number-to-string perform-gitlab-request "GET" "projects" 200] 6 (#$ . 173)]) #@66 Get a list of all projects accessible by the authenticated user. (defalias 'gitlab-list-all-projects #[nil "\305\306\307\310 \"\211G\f _Y\203)\310 \"\311 \n\"\211GT\202 -\207" [page per-page projects all-projects all-projects-count 1 100 nil gitlab-list-projects vconcat] 4 (#$ . 628) nil]) #@67 Get a list of projects which are owned by the authenticated user. (defalias 'gitlab-list-owned-projects #[nil "\300\301\302\303\304$\207" [perform-gitlab-request "GET" "projects" ((owned . "true")) 200] 5 (#$ . 941)]) #@51 Get a specific project, identified by PROJECT-ID. (defalias 'gitlab-get-project #[(project-id) "\301\302\303\304\305\303\306\"!\"\307\310$\207" [project-id perform-gitlab-request "GET" format "projects/%s" url-hexify-string "%s" nil 200] 8 (#$ . 1165)]) #@125 Search for projects by name which are accessible to the authenticated user. NAME is a string contained in the project name. (defalias 'gitlab-search-projects #[(name) "\301\302\303\304\"\305\306$\207" [name perform-gitlab-request "GET" s-concat "projects/search/" nil 200] 5 (#$ . 1427)]) #@102 Get a list of a project's team members. PROJECT-ID is The ID or NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME of a project. (defalias 'gitlab-list-project-members #[(project-id) "\301\302\303\304\305\303\306\"!\"\307\310$\207" [project-id perform-gitlab-request "GET" format "projects/%s/members" url-hexify-string "%s" nil 200] 8 (#$ . 1724)]) #@53 Add a specific project, identified by PROJECT-NAME. (defalias 'gitlab-add-project #[(project-name) "\301\302\303\304\305\303\306\"!\"\307\310$\207" [project-name perform-gitlab-request "POST" format "projects/%s" url-hexify-string "%s" nil 201] 8 (#$ . 2053)]) #@99 Get the events for the specified project, identified by PROJECT-ID. Sorted from newest to latest. (defalias 'gitlab-list-project-events #[(project-id) "\301\302\303\304\305\303\306\"!\"\307\310$\207" [project-id perform-gitlab-request "GET" format "projects/%s/events" url-hexify-string "%s" nil 200] 8 (#$ . 2321)]) #@102 Create the URL to show a project's issue. `PROJECT-ID' is the project ID `ISSUE-ID' is the issue ID. (defalias 'gitlab-projects--get-issue-link #[(project-id issue-id) "\303!\211\205\304\305 \306\307\310 \"\311\312\n!%)\207" [project-id project issue-id gitlab-get-project s-concat gitlab--get-host "/" assoc-default path_with_namespace "/issues/" number-to-string] 8 (#$ . 2646)]) #@58 Get the labels for the project identified by PROJECT-ID. (defalias 'gitlab-list-project-labels #[(project-id) "\301\302\303\304\305\303\306\"!\"\307\310$\207" [project-id perform-gitlab-request "GET" format "projects/%s/labels" url-hexify-string "%s" nil 200] 8 (#$ . 3038)]) #@34 Get a list of the labels' names. (defalias 'gitlab-list-project-labels-names #[(project-id) "\302!\303\304 \")\207" [project-id labels gitlab-list-project-labels mapcar #[(it) "\210\301\302\"\207" [it assoc-default name] 3]] 3 (#$ . 3321)]) (provide 'gitlab-projects)