;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 26.3 ;;; with all optimizations. ;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29. ;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters, ;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (require 'gnu-elpa-features) (defalias 'gnu-elpa--autoloaded-function #[0 "\300 \301\2030\211A\262\242\211@A\211@\211\2119\203+\302!\211\242\303=\262\203+\211\262\301\262\266\202\211\2048\304\305!\210\207" [backtrace-frames nil indirect-function autoload error "Can't find the autoload call!"] 10]) #@60 Return the package that provides function FUNC. (fn FUNC) (defalias 'gnu-elpa--package #[257 "\301\211\203$\211@\211@A\211\302\303\n!\"\203\262\266A\266\202\202\210\211\207" [gnu-elpa--autoloads-table nil string-prefix-p symbol-name] 12 (#$ . 722)]) #@245 Prompt to install the package that provides the currently autoloaded function. The relevant function is found by walking the stack until we find a function. Presumes we're in the process of calling an autoloaded function that's not yet loaded. (defalias 'gnu-elpa--perform-autoload #[0 "\302 \303!\304\305\306\"!\204\307\310!\210\311\300!\203\204 \312\313!\210 \204'\314 \210\315\316!!\207" [package--initialized package-archive-contents gnu-elpa--autoloaded-function gnu-elpa--package yes-or-no-p format "Install package %s? " error "Abort!" boundp package-initialize t package-refresh-contents package-install intern] 6 (#$ . 994)]) (provide 'gnu-elpa-utils)