;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (defvar haskell-navigate-imports-start-point nil) #@93 Cycle the Haskell import lines or return to point (with prefix arg). (fn &optional RETURN) (defalias 'haskell-navigate-imports #[256 "\211\203\300 \207\301 \207" [haskell-navigate-imports-return haskell-navigate-imports-go] 2 (#$ . 137) "P"]) #@69 Go to the first line of a list of consecutive import lines. Cycles. (defalias 'haskell-navigate-imports-go #[0 "\301 \204\302 e\232\204\212\303y\210\301 )\204`\304 \207" [haskell-navigate-imports-start-point haskell-navigate-imports-line line-beginning-position -1 haskell-navigate-imports-go-internal] 2 (#$ . 389) nil]) #@154 Return to the non-import point we were at before going to the module list. If we were originally at an import list, we can just cycle through easily. (defalias 'haskell-navigate-imports-return #[0 "\205b\207" [haskell-navigate-imports-start-point] 1 (#$ . 725) nil]) #@68 Go to the first line of a list of consecutive import lines. Cycle. (defalias 'haskell-navigate-imports-go-internal #[0 "\301 \203\302 \210\303 \205F\304 \207\303 \211\203\211b\202Deb\210\303 \203(\304 \202D\305=\2032\306\2023\307\310\311\312\313$\205B\314\315\311\312\313$\262\262\207" [haskell-literate haskell-navigate-imports-line haskell-navigate-imports-goto-end haskell-navigate-imports-find-forward-line haskell-navigate-imports-go-internal bird "^> ?module" "^module" search-forward-regexp nil t 1 search-forward "\n\n"] 7 (#$ . 1005)]) #@43 Skip a bunch of consecutive import lines. (defalias 'haskell-navigate-imports-goto-end #[0 "`d\232\206 \300 ??\205\301y\210\202\207" [haskell-navigate-imports-line nil] 2 (#$ . 1571)]) #@52 Return a point with at an import line, or nothing. (defalias 'haskell-navigate-imports-find-forward-line #[0 "\212`d\232\204\300 \204\301 \204\302y\210\202\301 \205`)\207" [haskell-navigate-imports-after-imports-p haskell-navigate-imports-line nil] 2 (#$ . 1767)]) #@44 Try to match the current line as a regexp. (defalias 'haskell-navigate-imports-line #[0 "\301\302 \303 \"\304=\203\305\202\306\307\"\205\207" [haskell-literate buffer-substring-no-properties line-beginning-position line-end-position bird "^> ?import " "^import " string-match] 5 (#$ . 2048)]) #@56 Are we after the imports list? Just for a speed boost. (defalias 'haskell-navigate-imports-after-imports-p #[0 "\212\300 b\210\301\302\303 \304\305$)??\207" [line-beginning-position search-forward-regexp "\\( = \\|\\\\| :: \\)" line-end-position t 1] 5 (#$ . 2357)]) (provide 'haskell-navigate-imports)