;;; haskell-unicode-input-method.el --- Haskell Unicode helper functions -*- coding: utf-8; lexical-binding: t -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Roel van Dijk ;; Author: Roel van Dijk ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: (require 'quail) ;;;###autoload (defun haskell-unicode-input-method-enable () "Set input method `haskell-unicode'." (interactive) (set-input-method "haskell-unicode")) ;;;###autoload (define-obsolete-function-alias 'turn-on-haskell-unicode-input-method 'haskell-unicode-input-method-enable "2020-04") (quail-define-package "haskell-unicode" ;; name "UTF-8" ;; language "\\" ;; title t ;; guidance "Haskell Unicode input method. Designed to be used with the Haskell UnicodeSyntax language extension in combination with the x-unicode-symbols set of packages (base-unicode-symbols and containers-unicode-symbols). " ;; docstring nil ;; translation-keys nil ;; forget-last-selection nil ;; deterministic nil ;; kbd-translate nil ;; show-layout nil ;; create-decode-map nil ;; maximum-shortest nil ;; overlay-plist nil ;; update-translation-function nil ;; conversion-keys t ;; simple ) (quail-define-rules ;; Greek letters ("alpha " ["α"]) ("Alpha " ["Α"]) ("beta " ["β"]) ("Beta " ["Β"]) ("gamma " ["γ"]) ("Gamma " ["Γ"]) ("delta " ["δ"]) ("Delta " ["Δ"]) ("epsilon " ["ε"]) ("Epsilon " ["Ε"]) ("zeta " ["ζ"]) ("Zeta " ["Ζ"]) ("eta " ["η"]) ("Eta " ["Η"]) ("theta " ["θ"]) ("Theta " ["Θ"]) ("iota " ["ι"]) ("Iota " ["Ι"]) ("kappa " ["κ"]) ("Kappa " ["Κ"]) ("lambda " ["λ"]) ("Lambda " ["Λ"]) ("lamda " ["λ"]) ("Lamda " ["Λ"]) ("mu " ["μ"]) ("Mu " ["Μ"]) ("nu " ["ν"]) ("Nu " ["Ν"]) ("xi " ["ξ"]) ("Xi " ["Ξ"]) ("omicron " ["ο"]) ("Omicron " ["Ο"]) ("pi " ["π"]) ("Pi " ["Π"]) ("rho " ["ρ"]) ("Rho " ["Ρ"]) ("sigma " ["σ"]) ("Sigma " ["Σ"]) ("tau " ["τ"]) ("Tau " ["Τ"]) ("upsilon " ["υ"]) ("Upsilon " ["Υ"]) ("phi " ["φ"]) ("Phi " ["Φ"]) ("chi " ["χ"]) ("Chi " ["Χ"]) ("psi " ["ψ"]) ("Psi " ["Ψ"]) ("omega " ["ω"]) ("Omega " ["Ω"]) ("digamma " ["ϝ"]) ("Digamma " ["Ϝ"]) ("san " ["ϻ"]) ("San " ["Ϻ"]) ("qoppa " ["ϙ"]) ("Qoppa " ["Ϙ"]) ("sampi " ["ϡ"]) ("Sampi " ["Ϡ"]) ("stigma " ["ϛ"]) ("Stigma " ["Ϛ"]) ("heta " ["ͱ"]) ("Heta " ["Ͱ"]) ("sho " ["ϸ"]) ("Sho " ["Ϸ"]) ;; Double-struck letters ("|A|" ["𝔸"]) ("|B|" ["𝔹"]) ("|C|" ["ℂ"]) ("|D|" ["𝔻"]) ("|E|" ["𝔼"]) ("|F|" ["𝔽"]) ("|G|" ["𝔾"]) ("|H|" ["ℍ"]) ("|I|" ["𝕀"]) ("|J|" ["𝕁"]) ("|K|" ["𝕂"]) ("|L|" ["𝕃"]) ("|M|" ["𝕄"]) ("|N|" ["ℕ"]) ("|O|" ["𝕆"]) ("|P|" ["ℙ"]) ("|Q|" ["ℚ"]) ("|R|" ["ℝ"]) ("|S|" ["𝕊"]) ("|T|" ["𝕋"]) ("|U|" ["𝕌"]) ("|V|" ["𝕍"]) ("|W|" ["𝕎"]) ("|X|" ["𝕏"]) ("|Y|" ["𝕐"]) ("|Z|" ["ℤ"]) ("|gamma|" ["ℽ"]) ("|Gamma|" ["ℾ"]) ("|pi|" ["ℼ"]) ("|Pi|" ["ℿ"]) ;; Types ("::" ["∷"]) ;; Quantifiers ("forall" ["∀"]) ("exists" ["∃"]) ;; Arrows ("->" ["→"]) ;; ("-->" ["⟶"]) ("<-" ["←"]) ;; ("<--" ["⟵"]) ;; ("<->" ["↔"]) ;; ("<-->" ["⟷"]) ("=>" ["⇒"]) ;; ("==>" ["⟹"]) ;; ("<=" ["⇐"]) ;; ("<==" ["⟸"]) ;; ("<=>" ["⇔"]) ;; ("<==>" ["⟺"]) ;; ("|->" ["↦"]) ;; ("|-->" ["⟼"]) ;; ("<-|" ["↤"]) ;; ("<--|" ["⟻"]) ;; ("|=>" ["⤇"]) ;; ("|==>" ["⟾"]) ;; ("<=|" ["⤆"]) ;; ("<==|" ["⟽"]) ("~>" ["⇝"]) ;; ("~~>" ["⟿"]) ("<~" ["⇜"]) ;; ("<~~" ["⬳"]) ;; (">->" ["↣"]) ;; ("<-<" ["↢"]) ;; ("->>" ["↠"]) ;; ("<<-" ["↞"]) ;; (">->>" ["⤖"]) ;; ("<<-<" ["⬻"]) ;; ("<|-" ["⇽"]) ;; ("-|>" ["⇾"]) ;; ("<|-|>" ["⇿"]) ;; ("<-/-" ["↚"]) ;; ("-/->" ["↛"]) ;; ("<-|-" ["⇷"]) ;; ("-|->" ["⇸"]) ;; ("<-|->" ["⇹"]) ;; ("<-||-" ["⇺"]) ;; ("-||->" ["⇻"]) ;; ("<-||->" ["⇼"]) ;; ("-o->" ["⇴"]) ;; ("<-o-" ["⬰"]) ;; Boolean operators ;; ("not" ["¬"]) ("&&" ["∧"]) ("||" ["∨"]) ;; Relational operators ("==" ["≡"]) ("/=" ["≢" "≠"]) ("<=" ["≤"]) (">=" ["≥"]) ("/<" ["≮"]) ("/>" ["≯"]) ;; Arithmetic ;; (" / " [" ÷ "]) (" * " [" ⋅ "]) ;; Containers / Collections ;; ("++" ["⧺"]) ;; ("+++" ["⧻"]) ;; ("|||" ["⫴"]) ;; ("empty" ["∅"]) ("elem" ["∈"]) ("notElem" ["∉"]) ("member" ["∈"]) ("notMember" ["∉"]) ("union" ["∪"]) ("intersection" ["∩"]) ("isSubsetOf" ["⊆"]) ("isProperSubsetOf" ["⊂"]) ;; Other ;; ("<<" ["≪"]) ;; (">>" ["≫"]) ("<<<" ["⋘"]) (">>>" ["⋙"]) ("<|" ["⊲"]) ("|>" ["⊳"]) ("><" ["⋈"]) ;; ("mempty" ["∅"]) ("mappend" ["⊕"]) ;; ("<*>" ["⊛"]) (" . " [" ∘ "]) ("undefined" ["⊥"]) (":=" ["≔"]) ("=:" ["≕"]) ("=def" ["≝"]) ("=?" ["≟"]) ("..." ["…"]) ;; Braces ;; ("[|" ["〚"]) ;; ("|]" ["〛"]) ;; Numeric subscripts ("_0 " ["₀"]) ("_1 " ["₁"]) ("_2 " ["₂"]) ("_3 " ["₃"]) ("_4 " ["₄"]) ("_5 " ["₅"]) ("_6 " ["₆"]) ("_7 " ["₇"]) ("_8 " ["₈"]) ("_9 " ["₉"]) ;; Numeric superscripts ("^0 " ["⁰"]) ("^1 " ["¹"]) ("^2 " ["²"]) ("^3 " ["³"]) ("^4 " ["⁴"]) ("^5 " ["⁵"]) ("^6 " ["⁶"]) ("^7 " ["⁷"]) ("^8 " ["⁸"]) ("^9 " ["⁹"])) (provide 'haskell-unicode-input-method) ;;; haskell-unicode-input-method.el ends here