;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\305\306\307\310\311\302%\210\312\313\314\315\316DD\317\320\321\311\306&\210\312\322\314\315\323DD\324\320\325\311\306&\210\312\326\314\315\327DD\330\311\306\320\321&\207" [require cl-lib helm helm-help helm-net custom-declare-group helm-external nil "External related Applications and libraries for Helm." :group custom-declare-variable helm-raise-command funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A shell command to jump to a window running specific program.\nNeed external program wmctrl.\nThis will be use with `format', so use something like \"wmctrl -xa %s\"." :type string helm-external-programs-associations #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Alist to store externals programs associated with file extension.\nThis variable overhide setting in .mailcap file.\nE.g.: '((\"jpg\" . \"gqview\") (\"pdf\" . \"xpdf\")) " (alist :key-type string :value-type string) helm-default-external-file-browser #[0 "\300\207" [#1="nautilus"] 1 #1#] "Default external file browser for your system.\nDirectories will be opened externally with it when opening file\nexternally in `helm-find-files'.\nSet to nil if you do not have an external file browser or do not\nwant to use it.\nWindows users should set that to \"explorer.exe\"."] 8) (defvar helm-external-command-history nil) #@133 A list of all external commands the user can execute. If this variable is not set by the user, it will be calculated automatically. (defvar helm-external-commands-list nil (#$ . 1415)) #@239 Returns a list of all external commands the user can execute. If `helm-external-commands-list' is non-nil it will return its contents. Else it calculates all external commands and sets `helm-external-commands-list'. (fn &optional SORT) (defalias 'helm-external-commands-list-1 #[256 "\211\203\207\302\303\304! \"\305\211\211\211:\203s@\262\306!\203c\307!\203c\310\311\"\305\211\211\211:\203]@\262\312!\262\235\204S\313!\204S\314!\203SB\262A\262\305\262\202-\237\266\205\262\315\"\262A\262\305\262\202\203\201\316\317\"\266\205\202\204\266\205\211\207" [helm-external-commands-list path-separator split-string getenv "PATH" nil file-exists-p file-accessible-directory-p directory-files t file-name-nondirectory file-directory-p file-executable-p append sort string-lessp] 14 (#$ . 1607)]) #@220 Run asynchronously EXE or jump to the application window. If EXE is already running just jump to his window if `helm-raise-command' is non-nil. When FILE argument is provided run EXE with FILE. (fn EXE &optional FILE) (defalias 'helm-run-or-raise #[513 "\304!@\203\211\305Q\202\211\306\307!\203, \203%\310\311 \"!\202s\312\313\"\202s\n\235\203k\314\315\"\210\203[\316\306\311\317\320 \321=\203P\322\n!\202T\323\n!!##\210\202a\316\306#\210\324\307!\325\326\"\"\210\327\n\"B\211)\207" [process-connection-type helm-raise-command helm-external-commands-list system-type split-string " " nil get-process shell-command format error "Error: %s is already running" message "Starting %s..." start-process-shell-command "%s %s" shell-quote-argument windows-nt helm-w32-prepare-filename expand-file-name set-process-sentinel make-closure #[514 "\211\302\230\203 \203\303\300!\204\304\305 \306\"!\210\307\310\"\207" [V0 helm-raise-command "finished\n" helm-get-pid-from-process-name shell-command format "emacs" message "%s process...Finished."] 6 "\n\n(fn PROCESS EVENT)"] delete] 13 (#$ . 2454)]) #@72 Get the command to use for FILENAME from mailcap files. (fn FILENAME) (defalias 'helm-get-mailcap-for-file #[257 "\300 \210\301!\211\205 \302!\211\205\303!\211;\205\304!\207" [mailcap-parse-mailcaps file-name-extension mailcap-extension-to-mime mailcap-mime-info helm-basename] 6 (#$ . 3591)]) #@171 Try to find a default program to open FILENAME. Try first in `helm-external-programs-associations' and then in mailcap file. If nothing found return nil. (fn FILENAME) (defalias 'helm-get-default-program-for-file #[257 "\302!\303\"\211\203\211\304\230\204\207 \203\305!\203 \207\306!\207" [helm-external-programs-associations helm-default-external-file-browser file-name-extension assoc-default "" file-directory-p helm-get-mailcap-for-file] 5 (#$ . 3902)]) #@196 Open FILE with an external program. Try to guess which program to use with `helm-get-default-program-for-file'. If not found or a prefix arg is given query the user which tool to use. (fn FILE) (defalias 'helm-open-file-externally #[257 "\303!\304\305!\306!\204\211\204$\307\310\311\312\313\314\315\316\317 &\n\316\262\202%\211\204X\320!\203X\321\322\323\"!\203X\324\325!\n\"\211\203G\326\n\"\210\325!\327\330\"B\nB\331\302\n\"\210\332\"\210\211\326 \316\211:\203@\262\333!\203xB\262A\262\202d\211\237\266\203\"B\211\207" [helm-current-prefix-arg helm-external-command-history helm-external-programs-associations expand-file-name helm-external-commands-list-1 sort helm-get-default-program-for-file helm-comp-read "Program: " :must-match t :name "Open file Externally" :del-input nil :history file-exists-p y-or-n-p format "Do you want to make `%s' the default program for this kind of files? " assoc file-name-extension delete helm-read-string "Program (Add args maybe and confirm): " customize-save-variable helm-run-or-raise executable-find] 15 (#$ . 4382)]) #@207 Preconfigured `helm' to run External PROGRAM asyncronously from Emacs. If program is already running exit with error. You can set your own list of commands with `helm-external-commands-list'. (fn PROGRAM) (defalias 'helm-run-external-command #[257 "\301!\210\211\302\303\211:\203%@\262\304!\203B\262A\262\202\n\211\237\266\203\"B\211\207" [helm-external-command-history helm-run-or-raise delete nil executable-find] 9 (#$ . 5492) (byte-code "\301\302\303\304!\305\306\307\310\311\312\313&\nC\207" [helm-external-command-history helm-comp-read "RunProgram: " helm-external-commands-list-1 sort :must-match t :del-input nil :name "External Commands" :history] 11)]) (provide 'helm-external)