;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\301\302!\210\303\304\305\306\307\302%\210\310\311\312\313\314Y\205\315\316\"BC\317\307\304%\207" [emacs-major-version require helm custom-declare-group helm-help nil "Embedded help for `helm'." :group custom-declare-face helm-helper t append 27 (:extend t) (:inherit helm-header) "Face for Helm help string in minibuffer."] 6) #@65 A list of help messages (strings) used by `helm-documentation'. (defvar helm-help--string-list '(helm-help-message helm-buffer-help-message helm-ff-help-message helm-read-file-name-help-message helm-generic-file-help-message helm-fd-help-message helm-grep-help-message helm-pdfgrep-help-message helm-etags-help-message helm-ucs-help-message helm-bookmark-help-message helm-esh-help-message helm-buffers-ido-virtual-help-message helm-moccur-help-message helm-top-help-message helm-el-package-help-message helm-M-x-help-message helm-imenu-help-message helm-colors-help-message helm-semantic-help-message helm-kmacro-help-message helm-kill-ring-help-message) (#$ . 430)) (defvar helm-documentation-buffer-name "*helm documentation*") #@147 Preconfigured `helm' for Helm documentation. With a prefix arg refresh the documentation. Find here the documentation of all documented sources. (defalias 'helm-documentation #[0 "\304!\305!\210\211q\210\306\307 \210\212\n\310\211\211:\2033@\262\311!\262\312!\313\261\210A\262\310\262\202\266)\314 \210)\306\315 \207" [helm-documentation-buffer-name inhibit-read-only helm-help--string-list buffer-read-only get-buffer-create switch-to-buffer t erase-buffer nil helm-interpret-value substitute-command-keys "\n\n" org-mode view-mode] 7 (#$ . 1168) nil]) (defvar helm-buffer-help-message "* Helm Buffer\n\n** Tips\n\n*** Completion\n\n**** Major-mode\n\nYou can enter a partial major-mode name (e.g. lisp, sh) to narrow down buffers.\nTo specify the major-mode, prefix it with \"*\" e.g. \"*lisp\".\n\nIf you want to match all buffers but the ones with a specific major-mode\n(negation), prefix the major-mode with \"!\" e.g. \"*!lisp\".\n\nIf you want to specify more than one major-mode, separate them with \",\",\ne.g. \"*!lisp,!sh,!fun\" lists all buffers but the ones in lisp-mode, sh-mode\nand fundamental-mode.\n\nThen enter a space followed by a pattern to narrow down to buffers matching this\npattern.\n\n**** Search inside buffers\n\nIf you enter a space and a pattern prefixed by \"@\", Helm searches for text\nmatching this pattern *inside* the buffer (i.e. not in the name of the buffer).\n\nNegation are supported i.e. \"!\".\n\nWhen you specify more than one of such patterns, it will match\nbuffers with contents matching each of these patterns i.e. AND,\nnot OR. That means that if you specify \"@foo @bar\" the contents\nof buffer will have to be matched by foo AND bar. If you specify\n\"@foo @!bar\" it means the contents of the buffer have to be\nmatched by foo but NOT bar.\n\nIf you enter a pattern prefixed with an escaped \"@\", Helm searches for a\nbuffer matching \"@pattern\" but does not search inside the buffer.\n\n**** Search by directory name\n\nIf you prefix the pattern with \"/\", Helm matches over the directory names\nof the buffers.\n\nThis feature can be used to narrow down the search to one directory while\nsubsequent strings entered after a space match over the buffer name only.\n\nNote that negation is not supported for matching on buffer filename.\n\nStarting from Helm v1.6.8, you can specify more than one directory.\n\n**** Fuzzy matching\n\n`helm-buffers-fuzzy-matching' turns on fuzzy matching on buffer\nnames, but not on directory names or major modes. A pattern\nstarting with \"^\" disables fuzzy matching and matching is done\nlitteraly IOW do not use regexps (\"^\" or whatever special\nregexp character) when you want to fuzzy match.\n\n**** Examples\n\nWith the following pattern\n\n \"*lisp ^helm @moc\"\n\nHelm narrows down the list by selecting only the buffers that are in lisp mode,\nstart with \"helm\" and which content matches \"moc\".\n\nWithout the \"@\"\n\n \"*lisp ^helm moc\"\n\nHelm looks for lisp mode buffers starting with \"helm\" and containing \"moc\"\nin their name.\n\nWith this other pattern\n\n \"*!lisp !helm\"\n\nHelm narrows down to buffers that are not in \"lisp\" mode and that do not match\n\"helm\".\n\nWith this last pattern\n\n /helm/ w3\n\nHelm narrows down to buffers that are in any \"helm\" subdirectory and\nmatching \"w3\".\n\n*** Creating buffers\n\nWhen creating a new buffer, use `\\[universal-argument]' to choose a mode from a\nlist. This list is customizable, see `helm-buffers-favorite-modes'.\n\n*** Killing buffers\n\nYou can kill buffers either one by one or all the marked buffers at once.\n\nOne kill-buffer command leaves Helm while the other is persistent. Run the\npersistent kill-buffer command either with the regular\n`helm-execute-persistent-action' called with a prefix argument (`\\[universal-argument] \\\\[helm-execute-persistent-action]')\nor with its specific command `helm-buffer-run-kill-persistent'. See the\nbindings below.\n\n*** Switching to buffers\n\nTo switch to a buffer, press RET, to switch to a buffer in another window, select this buffer\nand press \\\\[helm-buffer-switch-other-window], when called with a prefix arg\nthe buffer will be displayed vertically in other window.\nIf you mark more than one buffer, the marked buffers will be displayed in different windows.\n\n*** Saving buffers\n\nIf buffer is associated to a file and is modified, it is by default colorized in orange,\nsee [[Meaning of colors and prefixes for buffers][Meaning of colors and prefixes for buffers]].\nYou can save these buffers with \\\\[helm-buffer-save-persistent].\nIf you want to save all these buffers, you can mark them with \\[helm-buffers-mark-similar-buffers]\nand save them with \\[helm-buffer-save-persistent]. You can also do this in one step with\n\\[helm-buffer-run-save-some-buffers]. Note that you will not be asked for confirmation.\n \n*** Meaning of colors and prefixes for buffers\n\nRemote buffers are prefixed with '@'.\nRed => Buffer's file was modified on disk by an external process.\nIndianred2 => Buffer exists but its file has been deleted.\nOrange => Buffer is modified and not saved to disk.\nItalic => A non-file buffer.\nYellow => Tramp archive buffer.\n\n** Commands\n\\\n|Keys|Description|\n|-------------+----------|\n|\\[helm-buffer-run-zgrep]|Grep Buffer(s) works as zgrep too (`\\[universal-argument]' to grep all buffers but non-file buffers).\n|\\[helm-buffers-run-occur]|Multi-Occur buffer or marked buffers (`\\[universal-argument]' to toggle force-searching current-buffer).\n|\\[helm-buffer-switch-other-window]|Switch to other window.\n|\\[helm-buffer-switch-other-frame]|Switch to other frame.\n|\\[helm-buffers-run-browse-project]|Browse project from buffer.\n|\\[helm-buffer-run-query-replace-regexp]|Query-replace-regexp in marked buffers.\n|\\[helm-buffer-run-query-replace]|Query-replace in marked buffers.\n|\\[helm-buffer-run-ediff]|Ediff current buffer with candidate. With two marked buffers, ediff those buffers.\n|\\[helm-buffer-run-ediff-merge]|Ediff-merge current buffer with candidate. With two marked buffers, ediff-merge those buffers.\n|\\[helm-buffer-diff-persistent]|Toggle Diff-buffer with saved file without leaving Helm.\n|\\[helm-buffer-revert-persistent]|Revert buffer without leaving Helm.\n|\\[helm-buffer-save-persistent]|Save buffer without leaving Helm.\n|\\[helm-buffer-run-save-some-buffers]|Save all unsaved buffers.\n|\\[helm-buffer-run-kill-buffers]|Delete marked buffers and leave Helm.\n|\\[helm-buffer-run-kill-persistent]|Delete buffer without leaving Helm.\n|\\[helm-buffer-run-rename-buffer]|Rename buffer.\n|\\[helm-toggle-all-marks]|Toggle all marks.\n|\\[helm-mark-all]|Mark all.\n|\\[helm-toggle-buffers-details]|Toggle details.\n|\\[helm-buffers-toggle-show-hidden-buffers]|Show hidden buffers.\n|\\[helm-buffers-mark-similar-buffers]|Mark all buffers of the same type (color) as current buffer.") (defvar helm-ff-help-message "* Helm Find Files\n\n** Tips\n\n*** Navigation summary\n\nFor a better experience you can enable auto completion by setting\n`helm-ff-auto-update-initial-value' to non-nil in your init file. It is not\nenabled by default to not confuse new users.\n\n**** Navigate with arrow keys\n\nYou can use and arrows to go down or up one level, to disable\nthis customize `helm-ff-lynx-style-map'.\nNote that using `setq' will NOT work.\n\n**** Use `\\\\[helm-execute-persistent-action]' (persistent action) on a directory to go down one level\n\nOn a symlinked directory a prefix argument expands to its true name.\n\n**** Use `\\\\[helm-find-files-up-one-level]' or `DEL' on a directory to go up one level\n\n***** `DEL' behavior\n\n`DEL' by default deletes char backward.\n\nBut when `helm-ff-DEL-up-one-level-maybe' is non nil `DEL' behaves\ndifferently depending on the contents of helm-pattern. It goes up one\nlevel if the pattern is a directory ending with \"/\" or disables HFF\nauto update and delete char backward if the pattern is a filename or\nrefers to a non existing path. Going up one level can be disabled\nif necessary by deleting \"/\" at the end of the pattern using\n\\\\[backward-char] and \\[helm-delete-minibuffer-contents].\n\nNote that when deleting char backward, Helm takes care of\ndisabling update giving you the opportunity to edit your pattern for\ne.g. renaming a file or creating a new file or directory.\nWhen `helm-ff-auto-update-initial-value' is non nil you may want to\ndisable it temporarily, see [[Toggle auto-completion][Toggle auto-completion]] for this.\n\n**** Use `\\\\[helm-find-files-down-last-level]' to walk back the resulting tree of all the `\\\\[helm-find-files-up-one-level]' or DEL you did\n\nThe tree is reinitialized each time you browse a new tree with\n`\\\\[helm-execute-persistent-action]' or by entering some pattern in the prompt.\n\n**** `RET' behavior\n\nIt behaves differently depending on `helm-selection' (current candidate in helm-buffer):\n\n- candidate basename is \".\" => Open it in dired.\n- candidate is a directory => Expand it.\n- candidate is a file => Open it.\n\nIf you have marked candidates and you press RET on a directory,\nHelm will navigate to this directory. If you want to exit with\nRET with default action with these marked candidates, press RET a\nsecond time while you are on the root of this directory e.g.\n\"/home/you/dir/.\" or press RET on any file which is not a\ndirectory. You can also exit with default action at any moment\nwith `f1'.\n\nNote that when copying, renaming, etc. from `helm-find-files' the\ndestination file is selected with `helm-read-file-name'.\n\n**** `TAB' behavior\n\nNormally `TAB' is bound to `helm-select-action' in helm-map which\ndisplay the action menu.\n\nYou can change this behavior by setting in `helm-find-files-map'\na new command for `TAB':\n\n (define-key helm-find-files-map (kbd \"C-i\") 'helm-ff-TAB)\n\nIt will then behave slighly differently depending of\n`helm-selection':\n\n- candidate basename is \".\" => open the action menu.\n- candidate is a directory => expand it (behave as \\\\[helm-execute-persistent-action]).\n- candidate is a file => open action menu.\n\nCalled with a prefix arg open menu unconditionally.\n\n*** Filter out files or directories\n\nYou can show files or directories only with respectively\n\\\\[helm-ff-toggle-dirs-only] and \\\\[helm-ff-toggle-files-only].\nThese are toggle commands i.e. filter/show_all.\nChanging directory disable filtering.\n\n*** Sort directory contents\n\nWhen listing a directory without narrowing its contents, i.e. when pattern ends with \"/\",\nyou can sort alphabetically, by newest or by size by using respectively\n\\\\[helm-ff-sort-alpha], \\[helm-ff-sort-by-newest] or \\[helm-ff-sort-by-size].\nNOTE:\nWhen starting back narrowing i.e. entering something in minibuffer after \"/\" sorting is done\nagain with fuzzy sorting and no more with sorting methods previously selected.\n\n*** Find file at point\n\nHelm uses `ffap' partially or completely to find file at point depending on the\nvalue of `helm-ff-guess-ffap-filenames': if non-nil, support is complete\n(annoying), if nil, support is partial.\n\nNote that when the variable\n`helm-ff-allow-non-existing-file-at-point' is non nil Helm will\ninsert the filename at point even if file with this name doesn't\nexists. If non existing file at point ends with numbers prefixed\nwith \":\" the \":\" and numbers are stripped.\n\n**** Find file at line number\n\nWhen text at point is in the form of\n\n ~/elisp/helm/helm.el:1234\n\nHelm finds this file at the indicated line number, here 1234.\n\n**** Find URL at point\n\nWhen a URL is found at point, Helm expands to that URL only.\nPressing `RET' opens that URL using `browse-url-browser-function'.\n\n**** Find e-mail address at point\n\nWhen an e-mail address is found at point, Helm expands to this e-mail address\nprefixed with \"mailto:\". Pressing `RET' opens a message buffer with that\ne-mail address.\n\n*** Quick pattern expansion\n\n**** Enter `~/' at end of pattern to quickly reach home directory\n\n**** Enter `/' at end of pattern to quickly reach the file system root\n\n**** Enter `./' at end of pattern to quickly reach `default-directory'\n\n(As per its value at the beginning of the session.)\n\nIf you already are in the `default-directory' this will move the cursor to the top.\n\n**** Enter `../' at end of pattern will reach upper directory, moving cursor to the top\n\nThis is different from using `\\\\[helm-find-files-up-one-level]' in that it moves\nthe cursor to the top instead of remaining on the previous subdir name.\n\n**** Enter `..name/' at end of pattern to start a recursive search\n\nIt searches directories matching \"name\" under the current directory, see the\n\"Recursive completion on subdirectories\" section below for more details.\n\n**** Any environment variable (e.g. `$HOME') at end of pattern gets expanded\n\n**** Any valid filename yanked after pattern gets expanded\n\n**** Special case: URL at point\n\nThe quick expansions do not take effect after end a URL, you must kill the\npattern first (`\\[helm-delete-minibuffer-contents]').\n\n*** Helm-find-files supports fuzzy matching\n\nIt starts from the third character of the pattern.\n\nFor instance \"fob\" or \"fbr\" will complete \"foobar\" but \"fb\" needs a\nthird character in order to complete it.\n\n*** `\\[helm-execute-persistent-action]' on a filename expands to that filename in the Helm buffer\n\nSecond hit displays the buffer filename.\nThird hit kills the buffer filename.\nNote: `\\[universal-argument] \\[helm-execute-persistent-action]' displays the buffer directly.\n\n*** Browse images directories with `helm-follow-mode' and navigate up/down\n\nBefore Emacs-27 Helm was using image-dired that works with\nexternal ImageMagick tools. From Emacs-27 Helm use native\ndisplay of images with image-mode by default for Emacs-27 (see `helm-ff-display-image-native'),\nthis allows automatic resize when changing window size, zooming with `\\[helm-ff-increase-image-size-persistent]' and `\\[helm-ff-decrease-image-size-persistent]'\nand rotate images as before.\n\nYou can also use `helm-follow-action-forward' and `helm-follow-action-backward' with\n`\\[helm-follow-action-forward]' and `\\[helm-follow-action-backward]' respectively.\nNote that these commands have different behavior when `helm-follow-mode'\nis enabled (go to next/previous line only).\n\nUse `\\[universal-argument] \\[helm-execute-persistent-action]' to display an image or kill its buffer.\n\nTIP: Use `\\\\[helm-toggle-resplit-and-swap-windows]' and `\\[helm-enlarge-window]' to display Helm window vertically\nand to enlarge it while viewing images.\nNote this may not work with exotic Helm windows settings such as the ones in Spacemacs.\n\n*** Open files externally\n\n- Open file with external program (`\\\\[helm-ff-run-open-file-externally]',`C-u' to choose).\n\nHelm is looking what is used by default to open file\nexternally (mailcap files) but have its own variable\n`helm-external-programs-associations' to store external\napplications. If you call the action or its binding without\nprefix arg Helm will see if there is an application suitable in\n`helm-external-programs-associations', otherwise it will look in\nmailcap files. If you want to specify which external application\nto use (and its options) use a prefix arg.\n\nNote: What you configure for Helm in `helm-external-programs-associations'\nwill take precedence on mailcap files.\n\n- Preview file with external program (`\\[helm-ff-run-preview-file-externally]').\n\nSame as above but doesn't quit Helm session, it is apersistent action.\n\n- Open file externally with default tool (`\\[helm-ff-run-open-file-with-default-tool]').\n\nThis uses xdg-open which sucks most of the time, but perhaps it\nworks fine on Windows. This is why it is kept in Helm.\n\n*** Toggle auto-completion\n\nIt is useful when trying to create a new file or directory and you don't want\nHelm to complete what you are writing.\n\nNote: On a terminal, the default binding `C-' may not work.\nIn this case use `C-c '.\n\n*** You can create a new directory and a new file at the same time\n\nSimply write the path in the prompt and press `RET', e.g.\n\"~/new/newnew/newnewnew/my_newfile.txt\".\n\n*** To create a new directory, append a \"/\" to the new name and press `RET'\n\n*** To create a new file, enter a filename not ending with \"/\"\n\nNote that when you enter a new name, this one is prefixed with\n[?] if you are in a writable directory. If you are in a directory\nwhere you have no write permission the new file name is not\nprefixed and is colored in red. There is not such distinction\nwhen using Tramp, new filename just appears on top of buffer.\n\n*** Recursive search from Helm-find-files\n\n**** You can use Helm-browse-project (see binding below)\n\n- With no prefix argument:\nIf the current directory is under version control with either git or hg and\nhelm-ls-git and/or helm-ls-hg are installed, it lists all the files under\nversion control. Otherwise it falls back to Helm-find-files. See\nhttps://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-ls-git and\nhttps://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-ls-hg.\n\n- With one prefix argument:\nList all the files under this directory and other subdirectories\n(recursion) and this list of files will be cached.\n\n- With two prefix arguments:\nSame but the cache is refreshed.\n\n**** You can start a recursive search with \"locate\", \"find\" or [[https://github.com/sharkdp/fd][Fd]]\n\nSee \"Note\" in the [[Recursive completion on subdirectories][section on subdirectories]].\n\nUsing \"locate\", you can enable the local database with a prefix argument. If the\nlocal database doesn't already exists, you will be prompted for its creation.\nIf it exists and you want to refresh it, give it two prefix args.\n\nWhen using locate the Helm buffer remains empty until you type something.\nRegardless Helm uses the basename of the pattern entered in the helm-find-files\nsession by default. Hitting `\\[next-history-element]' should just kick in the\nlocate search with this pattern. If you want Helm to automatically do this, add\n`helm-source-locate' to `helm-sources-using-default-as-input'.\n\nNOTE: On Windows use Everything with its command line ~es~ as a replacement of locate.\nSee [[https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm/wiki/Locate#windows][Locate on Windows]]\n\n**** Recursive completion on subdirectories\n\nStarting from the directory you are currently browsing, it is possible to have\ncompletion of all directories underneath. Say you are at \"/home/you/foo/\" and\nyou want to go to \"/home/you/foo/bar/baz/somewhere/else\", simply type\n\"/home/you/foo/..else\" and hit `\\[helm-execute-persistent-action]' or enter\nthe final \"/\". Helm will then list all possible directories under \"foo\"\nmatching \"else\".\n\nNote: Completion on subdirectories uses \"locate\" as backend, you can configure\nthe command with `helm-locate-recursive-dirs-command'. Because this completion\nuses an index, the directory tree displayed may be out-of-date and not reflect\nthe latest change until you update the index (using \"updatedb\" for \"locate\").\n\nIf for some reason you cannot use an index, the \"find\" command from\n\"findutils\" can be used instead. It will be slower though. You need to pass\nthe basedir as first argument of \"find\" and the subdir as the value for\n'-(i)regex' or '-(i)name' with the two format specs that are mandatory in\n`helm-locate-recursive-dirs-command'.\n\nExamples:\n- \"find %s -type d -name '*%s*'\"\n- \"find %s -type d -regex .*%s.*$\"\n\n[[https://github.com/sharkdp/fd][Fd]] command is now also\nsupported which is regexp based and very fast. Here is the command\nline to use:\n\n- \"fd --hidden --type d .*%s.*$ %s\"\n\nYou can use also a glob based search, in this case use the --glob option:\n\n- \"fd --hidden --type d --glob '*%s*' %s\"\n\n*** Insert filename at point or complete filename at point\n\nOn insertion (not on completion, i.e. there is nothing at point):\n\n- `\\[helm-ff-run-complete-fn-at-point]': insert absolute file name.\n- `\\[universal-argument] \\[helm-ff-run-complete-fn-at-point]': insert abbreviated file name.\n- `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument] \\[helm-ff-run-complete-fn-at-point]': insert relative file name.\n- `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument] \\[helm-ff-run-complete-fn-at-point]': insert basename.\n\nOn completion:\n\n- Target starts with \"~/\": insert abbreviate file name.\n- target starts with \"/\" or \"[a-z]:/\": insert full path.\n- Otherwise: insert relative file name.\n\n*** Use the wildcard to select multiple files\n\nUse of wildcard is supported to run an action over a set of files.\n\nExample: You can copy all the files with \".el\" extension by using \"*.el\" and\nthen run copy action.\n\nSimilarly, \"**.el\" (note the two stars) will recursively select all \".el\"\nfiles under the current directory.\n\nNote that when recursively copying files, you may have files with same name\ndispatched across different subdirectories, so when copying them in the same\ndirectory they will get overwritten. To avoid this Helm has a special action\ncalled \"backup files\" that has the same behavior as the command line \"cp -f\n--backup=numbered\": it allows you to copy many files with the same name from\ndifferent subdirectories into one directory. Files with same name are renamed\nas follows: \"foo.txt.~1~\". Like with the --force option of cp, it is possible\nto backup files in current directory.\n\nThis command is available only when `dired-async-mode' is active.\n\nWhen using an action that involves an external backend (e.g. grep), using \"**\"\nis not recommended (even thought it works fine) because it will be slower to\nselect all the files. You are better off leaving the backend to do it, it will\nbe faster. However, if you know you have not many files it is reasonable to use\nthis, also using not recursive wildcard (e.g. \"*.el\") is perfectly fine for\nthis.\n\nThe \"**\" feature is active by default in the option `helm-file-globstar'. It\nis different from the Bash \"shopt globstar\" feature in that to list files with\na named extension recursively you would write \"**.el\" whereas in Bash it would\nbe \"**/*.el\". Directory selection with \"**/\" like Bash \"shopt globstar\"\noption is not supported yet.\n\nHelm supports different styles of wildcards:\n\n- `sh' style, the ones supported by `file-expand-wildcards'.\ne.g. \"*.el\", \"*.[ch]\" which match respectively all \".el\"\nfiles or all \".c\" and \".h\" files.\n\n- `bash' style (partially) In addition to what allowed in `sh'\nstyle you can specify file extensions that have more than one\ncharacter like this: \"*.{sh,py}\" which match \".sh\" and\n\".py\" files.\n\nOf course in both styles you can specify one or two \"*\".\n\n*** Query replace regexp on filenames\n\nReplace different parts of a file basename with something else.\n\nWhen calling this action you will be prompted twice as with\n`query-replace', first for the matching expression of the text to\nreplace and second for the replacement text. Several facilities,\nhowever, are provided to make the two prompts more powerfull.\n\n**** Syntax of the first prompt\n\nIn addition to simple regexps, these shortcuts are available:\n\n- Basename without extension => \"%.\"\n- Only extension => \".%\"\n- Substring => \"%::\"\n- Whole basename => \"%\"\n\n**** Syntax of the second prompt\n\nIn addition to a simple string to use as replacement, here is what you can use:\n\n- A placeholder refering to what you have selected in the first prompt: \"\\@\".\n\nAfter this placeholder you can use a search-and-replace syntax à-la sed:\n\n \"\\@///\n\nYou can select a substring from the string represented by the placeholder:\n\n \"\\@::\"\n\n- A special character representing a number which is incremented: \"\\#\".\n\n- Shortcuts for `upcase', `downcase' and `capitalize'\nare available as`%u', `%d' and `%c' respectively.\n\n**** Examples\n\n***** Recursively rename all files with \".JPG\" extension to \".jpg\"\n\nUse the `helm-file-globstar' feature described in [[Use the wildcard to select multiple files][recursive globbing]]\nby entering \"**.JPG\" at the end of the Helm-find-files pattern, then hit\n\\\\[helm-ff-run-query-replace-fnames-on-marked] and enter \"JPG\" on first prompt, then \"jpg\" on second prompt and hit `RET'.\n\nAlternatively you can enter \".%\" at the first prompt, then \"jpg\" and hit\n`RET'. Note that when using this instead of using \"JPG\" at the first prompt,\nall extensions will be renamed to \"jpg\" even if the extension of one of the\nfiles is, say, \"png\". If you want to keep the original extension you can use\n\"%d\" at the second prompt (downcase).\n\n***** Batch-rename files from number 001 to 00x\n\nUse \"\\#\" inside the second prompt.\n\nExample 1: To rename the files\n\n foo.jpg\n bar.jpg\n baz.jpg\n\nto\n\n foo-001.jpg\n foo-002.jpg\n foo-003.jpg\n\nuse \"%.\" as matching regexp and \"foo-\\#\" as replacement string.\n\nExample 2: To rename the files\n\n foo.jpg\n bar.jpg\n baz.jpg\n\nto\n\n foo-001.jpg\n bar-002.jpg\n baz-003.jpg\n\nuse as matching regexp \"%.\" and as replacement string \"\\@-\\#\".\n\n***** Replace a substring\n\nUse \"%::\".\n\nExample: To rename files\n\n foo.jpg\n bar.jpg\n baz.jpg\n\nto\n\n fOo.jpg\n bAr.jpg\n bAz.jpg\n\nuse as matching regexp \"%:1:2\" and as replacement string \"%u\" (upcase).\n\nNote that you *cannot* use \"%.\" and \".%\" along with substring replacement.\n\n***** Modify the string from the placeholder (\\@)\n\n- By substring, i.e. only using the substring of the placeholder: \"\\@::\".\nThe length of placeholder is used for when unspecified.\n\nExample 1: \"\\@:0:2\" replaces from the beginning to the second char of the placeholder.\n\nExample 2: \\@:2: replaces from the second char of the placeholder to the end.\n\n- By search-and-replace: \"\\@///\".\n\nIncremental replacement is also handled in .\n\nExample 3: \"\\@/foo/bar/\" replaces \"foo\" by \"bar\" in the placeholder.\n\nExample 4: \"\\@/foo/-\\#/\" replaces \"foo\" in the placeholder by 001, 002, etc.\n\n***** Clash in replacements (avoid overwriting files)\n\nWhen performing any of these replacement operations you may end up with same\nnames as replacement. In such cases Helm numbers the file that would otherwise\noverwritten. For instance, should you remove the \"-m\" part from the files\n\"emacs-m1.txt\", \"emacs-m2.txt\" and \"emacs-m3.txt\" you would end up with\nthree files named \"emacs.txt\", the second renaming overwriting first file, and\nthe third renaming overwriting second file and so on. Instead Helm will\nautomatically rename the second and third files as \"emacs(1).txt\" and\n\"emacs(2).txt\" respectively.\n\n***** Query-replace on filenames vs. serial-rename action\n\nUnlike the [[Serial renaming][serial rename]] actions, the files renamed with\nthe query-replace action stay in their initial directory and are not moved to\nthe current directory. As such, using \"\\#\" to serial-rename files only makes\nsense for files inside the same directory. It even keeps renaming files\nwith an incremental number in the next directories.\n\n*** Serial renaming\n\nYou can use the serial-rename actions to rename, copy or symlink marked files to\na specific directory or in the current directory with all the files numbered\nincrementally.\n\n- Serial-rename by renaming:\nRename all marked files with incremental numbering to a specific directory.\n\n- Serial-rename by copying:\nCopy all marked files with incremental numbering to a specific directory.\n\n- Serial-rename by symlinking:\nSymlink all marked files with incremental numbering to a specific directory.\n\n*** Edit marked files in a dired buffer\n\nYou can open a dired buffer containing only marked files with `\\\\[helm-ff-run-marked-files-in-dired]'.\nWith a prefix argument you can open this same dired buffer in wdired mode for\nediting. Note that wildcards are supported as well, so you can use e.g.\n\"*.txt\" to select all \".txt\" files in the current directory or \"**.txt\" to\nselect all files recursively from the current directory.\nSee [[Use the wildcard to select multiple files]] section above.\n\n*** Defining default target directory for copying, renaming, etc\n\nYou can customize `helm-dwim-target' to behave differently depending on the\nwindows open in the current frame. Default is to provide completion on all\ndirectories associated to each window.\n\n*** Copying/Renaming from or to remote directories\n\nNever use ssh tramp method to copy/rename large files, use\ninstead its scp method if you want to avoid out of memory\nproblems and crash Emacs or the whole system. Moreover when using\nscp method, you will hit a bug when copying more than 3 files at\nthe time, see [[https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm/issues/1945][bug#1945]].\nThe best way actually is using Rsync to copy files from or to\nremote, see [[Use Rsync to copy files][Use Rsync to copy files]].\nAlso if you often work on remote you may consider using SSHFS\ninstead of relying on tramp.\n\n*** Copying and renaming asynchronously\n\nIf you have the async library installed (if you got Helm from MELPA you do), you\ncan use it for copying/renaming files by enabling `dired-async-mode'.\n\nNote that even when async is enabled, running a copy/rename action with a prefix\nargument will execute action synchronously. Moreover it will follow the first\nfile of the marked files in its destination directory.\n\nWhen `dired-async-mode' is enabled, an additional action named \"Backup files\"\nwill be available. (Such command is not natively available in Emacs).\nSee [[Use the wildcard to select multiple files]] for details.\n\n*** Use Rsync to copy files\n\nIf Rsync is available, you can use it to copy/sync files or directories\nwith some restrictions though:\n\n- Copying from/to tramp sudo method may not work (permissions).\n- Copying from remote to remote is not supported (rsync restriction)\nhowever you can mount a remote with sshfs and copy to it (best), otherwise you have to modify\nthe command line with a prefix arg, see [[https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/183504/how-to-rsync-files-between-two-remotes][how-to-rsync-files-between-two-remotes]]\nfor the command line to use.\n\nThis command is mostly useful when copying large files as it is\nfast, asynchronous and provide a progress bar in mode-line. Each\nrsync process have its own progress bar, so you can run several\nrsync jobs, they are independents. If rsync fails you can\nconsult the \"*helm-rsync*\" buffer to see rsync errors. An\nhelp-echo (move mouse over progress bar) is provided to see which\nfile is in transfer. Note that when copying directories, no\ntrailing slashes are added to directory names, which mean that\ndirectory is created on destination if it doesn't already exists,\nsee rsync documentation for more infos on rsync behavior. To\nsynchronize a directory, mark all in the directory and rsync all\nmarked to the destination directory or rsync the directory itself\nto its parent, e.g. remote:/home/you/music => /home/you.\n\nThe options are configurable through `helm-rsync-switches', but\nyou can modify them on the fly when needed by using a prefix arg,\nin this case you will be prompted for modifications.\n\nNOTE: When selecting a remote file, if you use the tramp syntax\nfor specifying a port, i.e. host#2222, helm will add\nautomatically \"-e 'ssh -p 2222'\" to the rsync command line\nunless you have specified yourself the \"-e\" option by editing\nrsync command line with a prefix arg (see above).\n\n*** Bookmark the `helm-find-files' session\n\nYou can bookmark the `helm-find-files' session with `\\[helm-ff-bookmark-set]'.\nYou can later retrieve these bookmarks by calling `helm-filtered-bookmarks'\nor, from the current `helm-find-files' session, by hitting `\\[helm-find-files-switch-to-bookmark]'.\n\n*** Grep files from `helm-find-files'\n\nYou can grep individual files from `helm-find-files' by using\n`\\\\[helm-ff-run-grep]'. This same command can also\nrecursively grep files from the current directory when called with a prefix\nargument. In this case you will be prompted for the file extensions to use\n(grep backend) or the types of files to use (ack-grep backend). See the\n`helm-grep-default-command' documentation to set this up. For compressed files\nor archives, use zgrep with `\\\\[helm-ff-run-zgrep]'.\n\nOtherwise you can use recursive commands like `\\\\[helm-ff-run-grep-ag]' or `\\\\[helm-ff-run-git-grep]'\nthat are much faster than using `\\\\[helm-ff-run-grep]' with a prefix argument.\nSee `helm-grep-ag-command' and `helm-grep-git-grep-command' to set this up.\n\nYou can also use \"id-utils\"' GID with `\\\\[helm-ff-run-gid]'\nby creating an ID index file with the \"mkid\" shell command.\n\nAll those grep commands use the symbol at point as the default pattern.\nNote that default is different from input (nothing is added to the prompt until\nyou hit `\\[next-history-element]').\n\n**** Grepping on remote files\n\nOn remote files grep is not well supported by TRAMP unless you suspend updates before\nentering the pattern and re-enable it once your pattern is ready.\nTo toggle suspend-update, use `\\\\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]'.\n\n*** Execute Eshell commands on files\n\nSetting up aliases in Eshell allows you to set up powerful customized commands.\n\nYour aliases for using eshell command on file should allow\nspecifying one or more files, use e.g. \"alias foo $1\" or\n\"alias foo $*\", if you want your command to be asynchronous add\nat end \"&\", e.g. \"alias foo $* &\".\n\nAdding Eshell aliases to your `eshell-aliases-file' or using the\n`alias' command from Eshell allows you to create personalized\ncommands not available in `helm-find-files' actions and use them\nfrom `\\\\[helm-ff-run-eshell-command-on-file]'.\n\nExample: You want a command to uncompress some \"*.tar.gz\" files from `helm-find-files':\n\n1) Create an Eshell alias named, say, \"untargz\" with the command\n\"alias untargz tar zxvf $*\".\n\n2) Now from `helm-find-files' select the \"*.tar.gz\" file (you can also\nmark files if needed) and hit `\\\\[helm-ff-run-eshell-command-on-file]'.\n\nNote: When using marked files with this, the meaning of the prefix argument is\nquite subtle. Say you have \"foo\", \"bar\" and \"baz\" marked; when you run\nthe alias command `example' on these files with no prefix argument it will run\n`example' sequentially on each file:\n\n$ example foo\n$ example bar\n$ example baz\n\nWith a prefix argument however it will apply `example' on all files at once:\n\n$ example foo bar baz\n\nOf course the alias command should support this.\n\nIf you add %s to the command line %s will be replaced with the candidate, this mean you can\nadd extra argument to your command e.g. command -extra-arg %s or command %s -extra-arg.\nIf you want to pass many files inside %s, don't forget to use a prefix arg.\n\nYou can also use special placeholders in extra-args,\nsee the specific info page once you hit `\\\\[helm-ff-run-eshell-command-on-file]'.\n\n*** Using TRAMP with `helm-find-files' to read remote directories\n\n`helm-find-files' works fine with TRAMP despite some limitations.\n\n- Grepping files is not very well supported when used incrementally.\nSee [[Grepping on remote files]].\n\n- Locate does not work on remote directories.\n\n**** A TRAMP syntax crash course\n\nPlease refer to TRAMP's documentation for more details.\n\n- Connect to host as user \"foo\":\n\n/scp:\n\n- Connect to host as user \"foo\" on port 2222:\n\n/scp:\n\n- Connect to host as root using multihops syntax:\n\n/ssh:|sudo:\n\nNote: You can also use `tramp-default-proxies-alist' when connecting often to\nthe same hosts.\n\nAs a rule of thumb, prefer the scp method unless using multihops (which only\nworks with the ssh method), especially when copying large files.\n\nYou need to hit `C-j' once on top of a directory on the first connection\nto complete the pattern in the minibuffer.\n\n**** Display color for directories, symlinks etc... with tramp\n\nStarting at helm version 2.9.7 it is somewhat possible to\ncolorize fnames by listing files without loosing performances with\nexternal commands (ls and awk) if your system is compatible.\nFor this you can use `helm-list-dir-external' as value\nfor `helm-list-directory-function'.\n\nSee `helm-list-directory-function' documentation for more infos.\n\n**** Completing host\n\nAs soon as you enter the first \":\" after method e.g =/scp:= you will\nhave some completion about previously used hosts or from your =~/.ssh/config=\nfile, hitting `\\[helm-execute-persistent-action]' or `right' on a candidate will insert this host in minibuffer\nwithout addind the ending \":\", second hit insert the last \":\".\nAs soon the last \":\" is entered TRAMP will kick in and you should see the list\nof candidates soon after.\n\nWhen connection fails, be sure to delete your TRAMP connection with M-x\n`helm-delete-tramp-connection' before retrying.\n\n**** Editing local files as root\n\nUse the sudo method:\n\n\"/sudo:host:\" or simply \"/sudo::\".\n\n*** Attach files to a mail buffer (message-mode)\n\nIf you are in a `message-mode' or `mail-mode' buffer, that action will appear\nin action menu, otherwise it is available at any time with \\\\[helm-ff-run-mail-attach-files].\nIt behaves as follows:\n\n- If you are in a (mail or message) buffer, files are attached there.\n\n- If you are not in a mail buffer but one or more mail buffers exist, you are\nprompted to attach files to one of these mail buffers.\n\n- If you are not in a mail buffer and no mail buffer exists,\na new mail buffer is created with the attached files in it.\n\n*** Open files in separate windows\n\nWhen [[Marked candidates][marking]] multiple files or using [[Use the wildcard to select multiple files][wildcard]], helm allow opening all\nthis files in separate windows using an horizontal layout or a\nvertical layout if you used a prefix arg, when no more windows can be\ndisplayed in frame, next files are opened in background without being\ndisplayed. When using \\\\[helm-ff-run-switch-other-window] the current\nbuffer is kept and files are displayed next to it with same behavior as above.\nWhen using two prefix args, files are opened in background without beeing displayed.\n\n*** Expand archives as directories in a avfs directory\n\nIf you have mounted your filesystem with mountavfs,\nyou can expand archives in the \"~/.avfs\" directory with \\\\[helm-execute-persistent-action].\n\n*** Tramp archive support (emacs-27+ only)\n\nIf your emacs have library tramp-archive.el, you can browse the\ncontent of archives with emacs and BTW helm-find-files. However this beeing\nexperimental and not very fast, helm doesn't provide an automatic\nexpansion and detection of archives, you will have to add the final /\nmanually and may have to force update (\\\\[helm-refresh])\nor remove and add again the final / until tramp finish decompressing archive.\n\n*** Touch files\n\nIn the completion buffer, you can choose the default which is the current-time, it is\nthe first candidate or the timestamp of one of the selected files.\nIf you need to use something else, use \\\\[next-history-element] and edit\nthe date in minibuffer.\nIt is also a way to quickly create a new file without opening a buffer, saving it\nand killing it.\nTo touch more than one new file, separate you filenames with a comma (\",\").\nIf one wants to create (touch) a new file with comma inside the name use a prefix arg,\nthis will prevent splitting the name and create multiple files.\n\n*** Delete files\n\nYou can delete files without quitting helm with\n`\\\\[helm-ff-persistent-delete]' or delete files and quit helm with `\\[helm-ff-run-delete-file]'.\n\nIn the second method you can choose to\nmake this command asynchronous by customizing\n`helm-ff-delete-files-function'.\n\n_WARNING_: When deleting files asynchronously you will NOT be\nWARNED if directories are not empty, that's mean non empty directories will\nbe deleted in background without asking.\n\nA good compromise is to trash your files\nwhen using asynchronous method (see [[Trashing files][Trashing files]]).\n\nWhen choosing synchronous delete, you can allow recursive\ndeletion of directories with `helm-ff-allow-recursive-deletes'.\nNote that when trashing (synchronous) you are not asked for recursive deletion.\n\nNote that `helm-ff-allow-recursive-deletes' have no effect when\ndeleting asynchronously.\n\nFirst method (persistent delete) is always synchronous.\n\nNote that when a prefix arg is given, trashing behavior is inversed.\nSee [[Trashing files][Trashing files]].\n\n**** Trashing files\n\nIf you want to trash your files instead of deleting them you can\nset `delete-by-moving-to-trash' to non nil, like this your files\nwill be moved to trash instead of beeing deleted.\n\nYou can reverse at any time the behavior of `delete-by-moving-to-trash' by using\na prefix arg with any of the delete files command.\n\nOn GNULinux distributions, when navigating to a Trash directory you\ncan restore any file in ..Trash/files directory with the 'Restore\nfrom trash' action you will find in action menu (needs the\ntrash-cli package installed for remote files, see [[Trashing remote files with tramp][Here]]).\nYou can as well delete files from Trash directories with the 'delete files from trash'\naction.\nIf you want to know where a file will be restored, hit `M-i', you will find a trash info.\n\nTip: Navigate to your Trash/files directories with `helm-find-files' and set a bookmark\nthere with \\\\[helm-ff-bookmark-set] for fast access to Trash.\n\nNOTE: Restoring files from trash is working only on system using\nthe [[http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/trash-spec][freedesktop trash specifications]].\n\n_WARNING:_\n\nIf you have an ENV var XDG_DATA_HOME in your .profile or .bash_profile\nand this var is set to something like $HOME/.local/share (like preconized)\n`move-file-to-trash' may try to create $HOME/.local/share/Trash (literally)\nand its subdirs in the directory where you are actually trying to trash files.\nbecause `move-file-to-trash' is interpreting XDG_DATA_HOME literally instead\nof evaling its value (with `substitute-in-file-name').\n\n***** Trashing remote files with tramp\n\nTrashing remote files (or local files with sudo method) is disabled by default\nbecause tramp is requiring the 'trash' command to be installed, if you want to\ntrash your remote files, customize `helm-trash-remote-files'.\nThe package on most GNU/Linux based distributions is trash-cli, it is available [[https://github.com/andreafrancia/trash-cli][here]].\n\nNOTE:\nWhen deleting your files with sudo method, your trashed files will not be listed\nwith trash-list until you log in as root.\n\n*** Checksum file\n\nChecksum is calculated with the md5sum, sha1sum, sha224sum,\nsha256sum, sha384sum and sha512sum when available, otherwise the\nEmacs function `secure-hash' is used but it is slow and may crash\nEmacs and even the whole system as it eats all memory. So if\nyour system doesn't have the md5 and sha command line tools be\ncareful when checking sum of larges files e.g. isos.\n\n*** Ignored or boring files\n\nHelm-find-files can ignore files matching\n`helm-boring-file-regexp-list' or files that are git ignored, you\ncan set this with `helm-ff-skip-boring-files' or\n`helm-ff-skip-git-ignored-files'.\nNOTE: This will slow down helm, be warned.\n\n*** Helm-find-files is using a cache\n\nHelm is caching each directory files list in a hash table for\nfaster search, when a directory is modified it is removed from cache\nso that further visit in this directory refresh cache.\nYou may have in some rare cases to refresh directory manually with `\\\\[helm-refresh]'\nfor example when helm-find-files session is running and a file is modified/deleted\nin current visited directory by an external command from outside Emacs.\n\nNOTE: Helm is using file-notify to watch visited directories,\nnowaday most systems come with a notify package but if your\nsystem doesn't support this, you can turn off file notifications\nby customizing the variable `helm-ff-use-notify'. In this case\nyou will have to refresh manually directories when needed with `\\\\[helm-refresh]'.\n\n** Commands\n\\\n|Keys|Description\n|-----------+----------|\n|\\[helm-ff-run-locate]|Run `locate' (`\\[universal-argument]' to specify locate database, `M-n' to insert basename of candidate).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-browse-project]|Browse project (`\\[universal-argument]' to recurse, `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]' to recurse and refresh database).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-find-sh-command]|Run `find' shell command from this directory.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-grep]|Run Grep (`\\[universal-argument]' to recurse).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-pdfgrep]|Run Pdfgrep on marked files.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-zgrep]|Run zgrep (`\\[universal-argument]' to recurse).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-grep-ag]|Run AG grep on current directory.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-git-grep]|Run git-grep on current directory.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-gid]|Run gid (id-utils).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-etags]|Run Etags (`\\[universal-argument]' to use thing-at-point, `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]' to reload cache).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-rename-file]|Rename Files (`\\[universal-argument]' to follow).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-query-replace-fnames-on-marked]|Query replace on marked files.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-copy-file]|Copy Files (`\\[universal-argument]' to follow).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-rsync-file]|Rsync Files (`\\[universal-argument]' to edit command).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-byte-compile-file]|Byte Compile Files (`\\[universal-argument]' to load).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-load-file]|Load Files.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-symlink-file]|Symlink Files.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-hardlink-file]|Hardlink files.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-relsymlink-file]|Relative symlink Files.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-delete-file]|Delete Files.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-touch-files]|Touch files.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-kill-buffer-persistent]|Kill buffer candidate without leaving Helm.\n|\\[helm-ff-persistent-delete]|Delete file without leaving Helm.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-switch-to-shell]|Switch to prefered shell.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-eshell-command-on-file]|Eshell command on file (`\\[universal-argument]' to apply on marked files, otherwise treat them sequentially).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-ediff-file]|Ediff file.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-ediff-merge-file]|Ediff merge file.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-complete-fn-at-point]|Complete file name at point.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-switch-other-window]|Switch to other window.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-switch-other-frame]|Switch to other frame.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-open-file-externally]|Open file with external program (`\\[universal-argument]' to choose).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-preview-file-externally]|Preview file with external program.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-open-file-with-default-tool]|Open file externally with default tool.\n|\\[helm-ff-rotate-left-persistent]|Rotate image left.\n|\\[helm-ff-rotate-right-persistent]|Rotate image right.\n|\\[helm-ff-increase-image-size-persistent]|Zoom in image.\n|\\[helm-ff-decrease-image-size-persistent]|Zoom out image.\n|\\[helm-find-files-up-one-level]|Go to parent directory.\n|\\[helm-find-files-history]|Switch to the visited-directory history.\n|\\[helm-ff-file-name-history]|Switch to file name history.\n|\\[helm-ff-properties-persistent]|Show file properties in a tooltip.\n|\\[helm-mark-all]|Mark all visible candidates.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-toggle-auto-update]|Toggle auto-expansion of directories.\n|\\[helm-unmark-all]|Unmark all candidates, visible and invisible ones.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-mail-attach-files]|Attach files to message buffer.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-print-file]|Print file, (`\\[universal-argument]' to refresh printer list).\n|\\[helm-enlarge-window]|Enlarge Helm window.\n|\\[helm-narrow-window]|Narrow Helm window.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-toggle-basename]|Toggle basename/fullpath.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-find-file-as-root]|Find file as root.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-find-alternate-file]|Find alternate file.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-insert-org-link]|Insert org link.\n|\\[helm-ff-bookmark-set]|Set bookmark to current directory.\n|\\[helm-find-files-switch-to-bookmark]|Jump to bookmark list.\n|\\[helm-ff-sort-alpha]|Sort alphabetically\n|\\[helm-ff-sort-by-newest]|Sort by newest\n|\\[helm-ff-sort-by-size]|Sort by size\n|\\[helm-ff-toggle-dirs-only]|Show only directories\n|\\[helm-ff-toggle-files-only]|Show only files") (defvar helm-file-name-history-help-message "* Helm file name history\n\n** Tips\nYou can open directly the selected file and exit helm or preselect the file in helm-find-files,\nsee actions in action menu.\n\nYou can toggle the view of deleted files, see commands below.\n\n** Commands\n\\\n\\[helm-file-name-history-show-or-hide-deleted]|Toggle deleted files view.") (defalias 'helm-read-file-name-help-message #[0 "\203\f\301\302\303 \"\202 \304\305\306\211#\207" [helm-alive-p assoc-default name helm-get-current-source "generic" format "* Helm `%s' read file name completion\n\nThis is `%s' read file name completion that have been \"helmized\"\nbecause you have enabled [[Helm mode][helm-mode]].\nDon't confuse this with `helm-find-files' which is a native helm command,\nsee [[Helm functions vs helmized Emacs functions]].\n\n** Tips\n\n*** Navigation\n\n**** Enter `~/' at end of pattern to quickly reach home directory\n\n**** Enter `/' at end of pattern to quickly reach the file system root\n\n**** Enter `./' at end of pattern to quickly reach `default-directory'\n\n(As per its value at the beginning of the session.)\n\nIf you already are in the `default-directory' this will move the cursor to the top.\n\n**** Enter `../' at end of pattern will reach upper directory, moving cursor on top\n\nThis is different from using `\\[helm-find-files-up-one-level]' in that it moves\nthe cursor to the top instead of remaining on the previous subdir name.\n\n**** You can complete with partial basename\n\nIt starts from the third character of the pattern.\n\nFor instance \"fob\" or \"fbr\" will complete \"foobar\" but \"fb\" needs a\nthird character in order to complete it.\n\n*** Persistent actions\n\nBy default `helm-read-file-name' uses the persistent actions of `helm-find-files'.\n\n**** Use `\\[universal-argument] \\\\[helm-execute-persistent-action]' to display an image\n\n**** `\\\\[helm-execute-persistent-action]' on a filename will expand to this filename in Helm-buffer\n\nSecond hit displays the buffer filename.\nThird hit kills the buffer filename.\nNote: `\\[universal-argument] \\\\[helm-execute-persistent-action]' displays the buffer directly.\n\n**** Browse images directories with `helm-follow-mode' and navigate up/down\n\n*** Delete characters backward\n\nWhen you want to delete characters backward, e.g. to create a new file or directory,\nauto-update may come in the way when it keeps updating to an existent directory.\nIn that case, type `C-' and then `'.\nThis should not be needed when copying/renaming files because autoupdate is disabled\nby default in that case.\n\nNote: On a terminal, the default binding `C-' may not work.\nIn this case use `C-c '.\n\n*** Create new directories and files\n\n**** You can create a new directory and a new file at the same time\n\nSimply write the path in prompt and press `RET', e.g.\n\"~/new/newnew/newnewnew/my_newfile.txt\".\n\n**** To create a new directory, append a \"/\" at to the new name and press `RET'\n\n**** To create a new file, enter a filename not ending with \"/\"\n\nFile and directory creation works only with some commands (e.g. `find-file')\nand it will not work with others where it is not intended to return a file or\na directory (e.g `list-directory').\n\n*** Exiting minibuffer with empty string\n\nYou can exit minibuffer with empty string with \\\\[helm-cr-empty-string].\nIt is useful when some commands are prompting continuously until you enter an empty prompt.\n\n** Commands\n\\\n|Keys|Description\n|-----------+----------|\n|\\[helm-find-files-up-one-level]|Go to parent directory.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-toggle-auto-update]|Toggle auto-expansion of directories.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-toggle-basename]|Toggle basename.\n|\\[helm-ff-file-name-history]|File name history.\n|C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]|Return empty string unless `must-match' is non-nil.\n|\\[helm-next-source]|Go to next source.\n|\\[helm-previous-source]|Go to previous source."] 5]) (defvar helm-fd-help-message "* Helm fd\n\n** Tips\n\n[[https://github.com/sharkdp/fd][The Fd command line tool]] is very fast to search files recursively.\nYou may have to wait several seconds at first usage when your\nhard drive cache is \"cold\", then once the cache is initialized\nsearchs are very fast. You can pass any [[https://github.com/sharkdp/fd#command-line-options][Fd options]] before pattern, e.g. \"-e py foo\".\n\nThe [[https://github.com/sharkdp/fd][Fd]] command line can be customized with `helm-fd-switches' user variable.\nAlways use =--color always= as option otherwise you will have no colors.\nTo customize colors see [[https://github.com/sharkdp/fd#colorized-output][Fd colorized output]].\n\nNOTE:\nStarting from fd version 8.2.1, you have to provide the env var\nLS_COLORS to Emacs to have a colorized output, the easiest way is\nto add to your =~/.profile= file =eval $(dircolors)=.\nAnother way is using =setenv= in your init file.\nThis is not needed when running Emacs from a terminal either with =emacs -nw=\nor =emacs= because emacs inherit the env vars of this terminal.\nSee [[https://github.com/sharkdp/fd/issues/725][fd bugref#725]]\n\nSearch is (pcre) regexp based (see [[https://docs.rs/regex/1.0.0/regex/#syntax][Regexp syntax]]), multi patterns are _not_ supported.\n\n** Man page\n\nNAME\n fd - find entries in the filesystem\n\nSYNOPSIS\n fd [-HIEsiaLp0hV] [-d depth] [-t filetype] [-e ext] [-E exclude] [-c\n when] [-j num] [-x cmd] [pattern] [path...]\n\nDESCRIPTION\n fd is a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find(1).\n\nOPTIONS\n -H, --hidden\n Include hidden files and directories in the search results\n (default: hidden files and directories are skipped).\n\n -I, --no-ignore\n Show search results from files and directories that would other‐\n wise be ignored by .gitignore, .ignore, .fdignore, or the global\n ignore file.\n\n -u, --unrestricted\n Alias for '--no-ignore'. Can be repeated; '-uu' is an alias for\n '--no-ignore --hidden'.\n\n --no-ignore-vcs\n Show search results from files and directories that would other‐\n wise be ignored by .gitignore files.\n\n -s, --case-sensitive\n Perform a case-sensitive search. By default, fd uses case-insen‐\n sitive searches, unless the pattern contains an uppercase char‐\n acter (smart case).\n\n -i, --ignore-case\n Perform a case-insensitive search. By default, fd uses case-\n insensitive searches, unless the pattern contains an uppercase\n character (smart case).\n\n -g, --glob\n Perform a glob-based search instead of a regular expression\n search.\n\n --regex\n Perform a regular-expression based seach (default). This can be\n used to override --glob.\n\n -F, --fixed-strings\n Treat the pattern as a literal string instead of a regular\n expression.\n\n -a, --absolute-path\n Shows the full path starting from the root as opposed to rela‐\n tive paths.\n\n -l, --list-details\n Use a detailed listing format like 'ls -l'. This is basically an\n alias for '--exec-batch ls -l' with some additional 'ls'\n options. This can be used to see more metadata, to show symlink\n targets and to achieve a deterministic sort order.\n\n -L, --follow\n By default, fd does not descend into symlinked directories.\n Using this flag, symbolic links are also traversed.\n\n -p, --full-path\n By default, the search pattern is only matched against the file‐\n name (or directory name). Using this flag, the pattern is\n matched against the full path.\n\n -0, --print0\n Separate search results by the null character (instead of new‐\n lines). Useful for piping results to xargs.\n\n --max-results count\n Limit the number of search results to 'count' and quit immedi‐\n ately.\n\n -1 Limit the search to a single result and quit immediately. This\n is an alias for '--max-results=1'.\n\n --show-errors\n Enable the display of filesystem errors for situations such as\n insufficient permissions or dead symlinks.\n\n --one-file-system, --mount, --xdev\n By default, fd will traverse the file system tree as far as\n other options dictate. With this flag, fd ensures that it does\n not descend into a different file system than the one it started\n in. Comparable to the -mount or -xdev filters of find(1).\n\n -h, --help\n Print help information.\n\n -V, --version\n Print version information.\n\n -d, --max-depth d\n Limit directory traversal to at most d levels of depth. By\n default, there is no limit on the search depth.\n\n --min-depth d\n Only show search results starting at the given depth. See also:\n '--max-depth' and '--exact-depth'.\n\n --exact-depth d\n Only show search results at the exact given depth. This is an\n alias for '--min-depth --max-depth '.\n\n -t, --type filetype\n Filter search by type:\n\n f, file\n regular files\n\n d, directory\n directories\n\n l, symlink\n symbolic links\n\n x, executable\n executable (files)\n\n e, empty\n empty files or directories\n\n s, socket\n sockets\n\n p, pipe\n named pipes (FIFOs)\n\n This option can be used repeatedly to allow for multiple file\n types.\n\n -e, --extension ext\n Filter search results by file extension ext. This option can be\n used repeatedly to allow for multiple possible file extensions.\n\n -E, --exclude pattern\n Exclude files/directories that match the given glob pattern.\n This overrides any other ignore logic. Multiple exclude pat‐\n terns can be specified.\n\n --ignore-file path\n Add a custom ignore-file in '.gitignore' format. These files\n have a low precedence.\n\n -c, --color when\n Declare when to colorize search results:\n\n auto Colorize output when standard output is connected to terminal (default).\n\n never Do not colorize output.\n\n always Always colorize output.\n\n -j, --threads num\n Set number of threads to use for searching & executing (default:\n number of available CPU cores).\n\n -S, --size size\n Limit results based on the size of files using the format\n <+->\n\n '+' file size must be greater than or equal to this\n\n '-' file size must be less than or equal to this\n\n 'NUM' The numeric size (e.g. 500)\n\n 'UNIT' The units for NUM. They are not case-sensitive. Allowed\n unit values:\n\n 'b' bytes\n\n 'k' kilobytes (base ten, 10^3 = 1000 bytes)\n\n 'm' megabytes\n\n 'g' gigabytes\n\n 't' terabytes\n\n 'ki' kibibytes (base two, 2^10 = 1024 bytes)\n\n 'mi' mebibytes\n\n 'gi' gibibytes\n\n 'ti' tebibytes\n\n --changed-within date|duration\n Filter results based on the file modification time. The argument\n can be provided as a specific point in time (YYYY-MM-DD\n HH:MM:SS) or as a duration (10h, 1d, 35min). --change-newer-\n than can be used as an alias.\n\n Examples:\n --changed-within 2weeks\n --change-newer-than \"2018-10-27 10:00:00\"\n\n --changed-before date|duration\n Filter results based on the file modification time. The argument\n can be provided as a specific point in time (YYYY-MM-DD\n HH:MM:SS) or as a duration (10h, 1d, 35min). --change-older-\n than can be used as an alias.\n\n Examples:\n --changed-before \"2018-10-27 10:00:00\"\n --change-older-than 2weeks\n\n -o, --owner [user][:group]\n Filter files by their user and/or group. Format:\n [(user|uid)][:(group|gid)]. Either side is optional. Precede\n either side with a '!' to exclude files instead.\n\n Examples:\n --owner john\n --owner :students\n --owner \"!john:students\"\n\n -x, --exec command\n Execute command for each search result. The following placehold‐\n ers are substituted by a path derived from the current search\n result:\n\n {} path\n\n {/} basename\n\n {//} parent directory\n\n {.} path without file extension\n\n {/.} basename without file extension\n\n -X, --exec-batch command\n Execute command with all search results at once. A single\n occurence of the following placeholders is authorized and\n sub stituted by the paths derived from the search results before the\n command is executed:\n\n {} path\n\n {/} basename\n\n {//} parent directory\n\n {.} path without file extension\n\n {/.} basename without file extension\n\n** Commands\n\\\n|Keys|Description\n|-----------+----------|\n|\\[helm-ff-run-grep]|Run grep (`\\[universal-argument]' to recurse).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-zgrep]|Run zgrep.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-pdfgrep]|Run PDFgrep on marked files.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-copy-file]|Copy file(s)\n|\\[helm-ff-run-rename-file]|Rename file(s).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-symlink-file]|Symlink file(s).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-hardlink-file]|Hardlink file(s).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-delete-file]|Delete file(s).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-byte-compile-file]|Byte compile Elisp file(s) (`\\[universal-argument]' to load).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-load-file]|Load Elisp file(s).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-ediff-file]|Ediff file.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-ediff-merge-file]|Ediff-merge file.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-switch-other-window]|Switch to other window.\n|\\[helm-ff-properties-persistent]|Show file properties.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-open-file-externally]|Open file with external program (`\\[universal-argument]' to choose).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-open-file-with-default-tool]|Open file externally with default tool.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-insert-org-link]|Insert org link.\n|\\[helm-fd-previous-directory]|Move to previous directory.\n|\\[helm-fd-next-directory]|Move to next directory.") (defvar helm-generic-file-help-message "* Helm Generic files\n\n** Tips\n\n*** Locate\n\nYou can append to the search pattern any of the locate command line options,\ne.g. -b, -e, -n , etc. See the locate(1) man page for more details.\n\nSome other sources (at the moment \"recentf\" and \"file in current directory\")\nsupport the -b flag for compatibility with locate when they are used with it.\n\nWhen you enable fuzzy matching on locate with `helm-locate-fuzzy-match', the\nsearch will be performed on basename only for efficiency (so don't add \"-b\" at\nprompt). As soon as you separate the patterns with spaces, fuzzy matching will\nbe disabled and search will be done on the full filename. Note that in\nmulti-match, fuzzy is completely disabled, which means that each pattern is a\nmatch regexp (i.e. \"helm\" will match \"helm\" but \"hlm\" will *not* match\n\"helm\").\n\nNOTE: On Windows use Everything with its command line ~es~ as a replacement of locate.\nSee [[https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm/wiki/Locate#windows][Locate on Windows]]\n\n*** Browse project\n\nWhen the current directory is not under version control, don't forget to refresh\nthe cache when files have been added/removed in the directory.\n\n*** Find command\n\nRecursively search files using the \"find\" shell command.\n\nCandidates are all filenames that match all given globbing patterns. This\nrespects the options `helm-case-fold-search' and\n`helm-findutils-search-full-path'.\n\nYou can pass arbitrary \"find\" options directly after a \"*\" separator.\nFor example, this would find all files matching \"book\" that are larger\nthan 1 megabyte:\n\n book * -size +1M\n\n** Commands\n\\\n|Keys|Description\n|-----------+----------|\n|\\[helm-ff-run-toggle-basename]|Toggle basename.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-grep]|Run grep (`\\[universal-argument]' to recurse).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-zgrep]|Run zgrep.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-pdfgrep]|Run PDFgrep on marked files.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-copy-file]|Copy file(s)\n|\\[helm-ff-run-rename-file]|Rename file(s).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-symlink-file]|Symlink file(s).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-hardlink-file]|Hardlink file(s).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-delete-file]|Delete file(s).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-byte-compile-file]|Byte compile Elisp file(s) (`\\[universal-argument]' to load).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-load-file]|Load Elisp file(s).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-ediff-file]|Ediff file.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-ediff-merge-file]|Ediff-merge file.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-switch-other-window]|Switch to other window.\n|\\[helm-ff-properties-persistent]|Show file properties.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-open-file-externally]|Open file with external program (`\\[universal-argument]' to choose).\n|\\[helm-ff-run-open-file-with-default-tool]|Open file externally with default tool.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-insert-org-link]|Insert org link.") (defvar helm-grep-help-message "* Helm Grep\n\n** Tips\n\nWith Helm supporting Git-grep and AG/RG, you are better off using\none of them for recursive searches, keeping grep or ack-grep to\ngrep individual or marked files. See [[Helm AG][Helm AG]].\n\n*** Meaning of the prefix argument\n**** With grep or ack-grep\n\nGrep recursively, in this case you are\nprompted for types (ack-grep) or for wild cards (grep).\n\n**** With AG or RG\n\nthe prefix arg allows you to specify a type of file to search in.\n\n*** You can use wild cards when selecting files (e.g. \"*.el\")\n\nNote that a way to grep specific files recursively is to use\ne.g. \"**.el\" to select files, the variable `helm-file-globstar'\ncontrols this (it is non nil by default), however it is much\nslower than using grep recusively (see helm-find-files\ndocumentation about this feature).\n\n*** Grep hidden files\n\nYou may want to customize your command line for grepping hidden\nfiles, for AG/RG use \"--hidden\", see man page\nof your backend for more infos.\n\n*** You can grep in different directories by marking files or using wild cards\n\n*** You can save the result in a `helm-grep-mode' buffer\n\nSee [[Commands][commands]] below.\n\nOnce in that buffer you can use [[https://github.com/mhayashi1120/Emacs-wgrep][emacs-wgrep]] (external package not bundled with Helm)\nto edit your changes, for Helm the package name is `wgrep-helm', it is hightly recommended.\n\n*** Helm-grep supports multi-matching\n\n(Starting from version 1.9.4.)\n\nSimply add a space between each pattern as for most Helm commands.\n\nNOTE: Depending the regexp you use it may match as well the\nfilename, this because we pipe the first grep command which send\nthe filename in output.\n\n*** See full path of selected candidate\n\nAdd (helm-popup-tip-mode 1) in your init file or enable it\ninteractively with M-x helm-popup-tip-mode, however it is\ngenerally enough to just put your mouse cursor over candidate.\n\n*** Open file in other window\n\nThe command \\\\[helm-grep-run-other-window-action] allow you to open file\nin other window horizontally or vertically if a prefix arg is supplied.\n\n*** Performance over TRAMP\n\nGrepping works but it is badly supported as TRAMP doesn't support multiple\nprocesses running in a short delay (less than 5s) among other things.\n\nHelm uses a special hook to suspend the process automatically while you are\ntyping. Even if Helm handles this automatically by delaying each process by 5s,\nyou are adviced to this manually by hitting `\\\\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]' (suspend process) before\ntyping, and hit again `\\\\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]' when the regexp is ready to send to the remote\nprocess. For simple regexps, there should be no need for this.\n\nAnother solution is to not use TRAMP at all and mount your remote file system via\nSSHFS.\n\n* Helm GID\n\nStill supported, but mostly deprecated, using AG/RG or Git-grep\nis much more efficient, also `id-utils' seems no more maintained.\n\n** Tips\n\nHelm-GID reads the database created with the `mkid' command from id-utils.\nThe name of the database file can be customized with `helm-gid-db-file-name', it\nis usually \"ID\".\n\nHelm-GID use the symbol at point as default-input. This command is also\naccessible from `helm-find-files' which allow you to navigate to another\ndirectory to consult its database.\n\nNote: Helm-GID supports multi-matches but only the last pattern entered will be\nhighlighted since there is no ~--color~-like option in GID itself.\n\n* Helm AG\n\n** Tips\n\nHelm-AG is different from grep or ack-grep in that it works on a\ndirectory recursively and not on a list of files. It is called\nhelm-AG but it support several backend, namely AG, RG and PT.\nNowaday the best backend is Ripgrep aka RG, it is the fastest and\nis actively maintained, see `helm-grep-ag-command' and\n`helm-grep-ag-pipe-cmd-switches' to configure it.\n\nYou can ignore files and directories with a \".agignore\" file, local to a\ndirectory or global when placed in the home directory. (See the AG man page for\nmore details.) That file follows the same syntax as `helm-grep-ignored-files'\nand `helm-grep-ignored-directories'.\n\nAs always you can access Helm AG from `helm-find-files'.\n\nStarting with version 0.30, AG accepts one or more TYPE arguments on its command\nline. Helm provides completion on these TYPE arguments when available with your\nAG version. Use a prefix argument when starting a Helm-AG session to enable this\ncompletion. See RG and AG man pages on how to add new types.\n\n\nNote: You can mark several types to match in the AG query. The first AG\nversions providing this feature allowed only one type, so in this case only the\nlast mark will be used.\n\n* Helm git-grep\n\nHelm-git-grep searches the current directory, i.e. the default directory or the\ndirectory in Helm-find-files. If this current directory is a subdirectory of a\nproject and you want to also match parent directories (i.e the whole project),\nuse a prefix argument.\n\n** Commands\n\\\n|Keys|Description\n|-----------+----------|\n|\\[helm-goto-next-file]|Next File.\n|\\[helm-goto-precedent-file]|Previous File.\n|\\[helm-yank-text-at-point]|Yank text at point in minibuffer.\n|\\[helm-grep-run-other-window-action]|Jump to other window.\n|\\[helm-grep-run-other-frame-action]|Jump to other frame.\n|\\[helm-grep-run-default-action]|Run default action (same as `RET').\n|\\[helm-grep-run-save-buffer]|Save to a `helm-grep-mode' enabled buffer.") (defvar helm-pdfgrep-help-message "* Helm PDFgrep Map\n\n** Commands\n\\\n|Keys|Description\n|-----------+----------|\n|\\[helm-goto-next-file]|Next file.\n|\\[helm-goto-precedent-file]|Previous file.\n|\\[helm-yank-text-at-point]|Yank text at point in minibuffer.") (defvar helm-etags-help-message "* Helm Etags Map\n\n** Commands\n\\\n|Keys|Description\n|-----------+----------|\n|\\[helm-goto-next-file]|Next file.\n|\\[helm-goto-precedent-file]|Previous file.\n|\\[helm-yank-text-at-point]|Yank text at point in minibuffer.") (defvar helm-ucs-help-message "* Helm UCS\n\n** Tips\n\nUse commands below to insert unicode characters in current buffer without\nleaving Helm.\n\n** Commands\n\\\n|Keys|Description\n|-----------+----------|\n|\\[helm-ucs-persistent-insert]|Insert character.\n|\\[helm-ucs-persistent-forward]|Forward character.\n|\\[helm-ucs-persistent-backward]|Backward character.\n|\\[helm-ucs-persistent-delete]|Delete character backward.\n|\\[helm-ucs-persistent-insert-space]|Insert space.") (defvar helm-bookmark-help-message "* Helm bookmark name\n\n** Commands\n\\\n|Keys|Description\n|-----------+----------|\n|\\[helm-bookmark-run-jump-other-window]|Jump other window.\n|\\[helm-bookmark-run-delete]|Delete bookmark.\n|\\[helm-bookmark-run-edit]|Edit bookmark.\n|\\[helm-bookmark-toggle-filename]|Toggle bookmark location visibility.") (defvar helm-esh-help-message "* Helm Eshell on file\n\n** Tips\n\n*** Pass extra arguments after filename\n\nNormally the command or alias will be called with file as argument. For instance\n\n candidate_file\n\nBut you can also pass an argument or more after \"candidate_file\" like this:\n\n %s [extra_args]\n\n\"candidate_file\" will be added at \"%s\" and the command will look at this:\n\n candidate_file [extra_args]\n\n**** Use placeholders in extra arguments\n\nplaceholder for file without extension: \\@ \nplaceholder for incremental number: \\#\n\n\"candidate_file\" will be added at \"%s\" and \\@ but without extension.\n\n \n\n\"candidate_file\" will be added at \"%s\" and \\# will be replaced by an incremental number.\n\n %s \\#\n\nHere examples:\n\nSay you want to use the =convert= command to convert all your .png files in a directory to .jpg.\n\nThis will convert all your files to jpg keeping the same basename.\n\n convert %s \\@.jpg\n\nThis will convert all your files to foo-001.jpg, foo-002.jpg etc...\n\n convert %s foo-\\#.jpg\n\nYou can of course combine both placeholders if needed.\n\n convert %s \\@-\\#.jpg\n\n*** Specify marked files as arguments\n\nExample:\n\n file1 file2...\n\nCall `helm-find-files-eshell-command-on-file' with one prefix argument. Otherwise\nyou can pass one prefix argument from the command selection buffer.\n\nNote: This does not work on remote files.\n\nWith two prefix-args the output is printed to the `current-buffer'.\n\nWith no prefix argument or a prefix argument value of '(16) (`\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]')\nthe command is called once for each file like this:\n\n file1\n file2\n ...\n\n*** Run eshell commands asynchronously\n\nYou can run your commands asynchronously by adding \"&\" at end\nof any commands, e.g. \"foo %s &\". You can also directly setup\nyour alias in the eshell alias file with e.g. \"alias foo $1 &\".\n\nNOTE: If you use \"&\" in a command with marked files and your\ncommand accept many files as argument don't forget to pass the\nprefix arg to ensure you run only one command on all marked async.\n\n** Commands\n\\") (defvar helm-buffers-ido-virtual-help-message "* Helm Ido virtual buffers\n\n** Commands\n\\\n|Keys|Description\n|-----------+----------|\n|\\[helm-ff-run-switch-other-window]|Switch to other window.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-switch-other-frame]|Switch to other frame.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-grep]|Grep file.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-zgrep]|Zgrep file.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-delete-file]|Delete file.\n|\\[helm-ff-run-open-file-externally]|Open file externally.") (defvar helm-moccur-help-message "* Helm Moccur\n\n** Tips\n\n*** Searching in many buffers\n\nStart from `helm-buffers-list' or `helm-mini', mark some buffers and hit \\\\[helm-execute-persistent-action]' (persistent-action), to do it repeatedly\nyou can use `\\\\[helm-follow-action-forward]' and `\\\\[helm-follow-action-backward]' or enable `helm-follow-mode' with `\\\\[helm-follow-mode]'.\nFollow mode is enabled by default in helm-occur.\n\n*** Switch to buffer in other window\n\nThe command \\\\[helm-moccur-run-goto-line-ow] allow you to switch to buffer\nin other window horizontally or vertically if a prefix arg is supplied.\n\n*** Save the results\n\nSimilarly to Helm-grep, you can save the results with `\\\\[helm-occur-run-save-buffer]'.\nOnce in the saved buffer, you can edit it, see [[Edit a saved buffer][below]].\n\nOf course if you don't save the results, you can resume the Helm session with\n`helm-resume'.\n\n*** Refresh the resumed session\n\nWhen the buffer(s) where you ran helm-(m)occur get(s) modified, the Helm buffer\nwill flash red as a warning. You can refresh the buffer by running `\\\\[helm-refresh]'.\nThis can be done automatically by customizing `helm-moccur-auto-update-on-resume'.\n\n*** Refresh a saved buffer\n\nType `g' to update the buffer.\n\n*** Edit a saved buffer\n\nFirst, install wgrep (https://github.com/mhayashi1120/Emacs-wgrep) and then:\n\n1) `C-c C-p' (`wgrep-change-to-wgrep-mode') to edit the buffer(s).\n2) `C-x C-s' to save your changes.\n\nTip: Use the excellent iedit (https://github.com/victorhge/iedit) to modify all\noccurences at once in the buffer.\n\n*** Search in region\n\nWhen searching in current-buffer with `helm-occur', if a region\nis found helm will search in this region only. If you marked\nthis region with `mark-defun' the symbol that was at point before\nmarking defun will be used when `helm-source-occur' is member of\n`helm-sources-using-default-as-input'.\n\n*** Switch to next or previous source\n\nSee [[Moving in `helm-buffer'][Moving in `helm-buffer']].\n\n** Commands\n\\\n|Keys|Description\n|-----------+----------|\n|\\[helm-occur-run-goto-line-ow]|Go to line in other window.\n|\\[helm-occur-run-goto-line-of]|Go to line in new frame.\n|\\[helm-occur-run-save-buffer]|Save results in new buffer.") (defvar helm-top-help-message "* Helm Top\n\n** Commands\n\\\n|Keys|Description\n|-----------+----------|\n|\\[helm-top-run-sort-by-com]|Sort by commands.\n|\\[helm-top-run-sort-by-cpu]|Sort by CPU usage.\n|\\[helm-top-run-sort-by-user]|Sort alphabetically by user.\n|\\[helm-top-run-sort-by-mem]|Sort by memory.") (defvar helm-el-package-help-message "* Helm Elisp package\n\n** Tips\n\n*** Compile all your packages asynchronously\n\nIf you use async (if you have installed Helm from MELPA you do), only \"helm\",\n\"helm-core\", and \"magit\" are compiled asynchronously. If you want all your\npackages compiled asynchronously, add this to your init file:\n\n (setq async-bytecomp-allowed-packages '(all))\n\n*** Upgrade Elisp packages\n\nOn initialization (when Emacs is fetching packages on remote), if Helm finds\npackages to upgrade, it will start in the upgradable packages view showing the packages\navailable for upgrade.\n\nOn subsequent runs, you will have to refresh the list with `C-c \\[universal-argument]'. If Helm\nfinds upgrades you can switch to upgrade view (see below) to see what packages\nare available for upgrade or simply hit `C-c U' to upgrade them all.\n\nTo see upgradable packages hit `M-U'.\n\nThen you can install all upgradable packages with the \"upgrade all\" action\n(`C-c \\[universal-argument]'), or upgrade only specific packages by marking them and running the\n\"upgrade\" action (visible only when there are upgradable packages). Of course\nyou can upgrade a single package by just running the \"upgrade\" action without\nmarking it (`C-c u' or `RET') .\n\n*Warning:* You are strongly advised to *restart* Emacs after *upgrading* packages.\n\n*** Meaning of flags prefixing packages\n\n(Emacs ≥25)\n\n- The flag \"S\" that prefixes package names means that the packages belong to `package-selected-packages'.\n\n- The flag \"U\" that prefix package names mean that this package is no more needed.\n\n** Commands\n\\\n|Keys|Description\n|-----------+----------|\n|\\[helm-el-package-show-all]|Show all packages.\n|\\[helm-el-package-show-installed]|Show installed packages only.\n|\\[helm-el-package-show-uninstalled]|Show non-installed packages only.\n|\\[helm-el-package-show-upgrade]|Show upgradable packages only.\n|\\[helm-el-package-show-built-in]|Show built-in packages only.\n|\\[helm-el-run-package-install]|Install package(s).\n|\\[helm-el-run-package-reinstall]|Reinstall package(s).\n|\\[helm-el-run-package-uninstall]|Uninstall package(s).\n|\\[helm-el-run-package-upgrade]|Upgrade package(s).\n|\\[helm-el-run-package-upgrade-all]|Upgrade all packages.\n|\\[helm-el-run-visit-homepage]|Visit package homepage.") (defvar helm-M-x-help-message "* Helm M-x\n\n** Tips\n\n*** You can get help on any command with persistent action (\\\\[helm-execute-persistent-action])\n\n*** Prefix arguments\n\nYou can pass prefix arguments *after* starting `helm-M-x'. A mode-line\ncounter will display the number of given prefix arguments.\n\nIf you pass prefix arguments before running `helm-M-x', it will be displayed in the prompt.\nThe first `\\[universal-argument]' after `helm-M-x' clears those prefix arguments.\n\nNOTE: When you specify prefix arguments once `helm-M-x' is\nstarted, the prefix argument apply on the next command, so if you\nhit RET, it will apply on the selected command, but if you type a\nnew character at prompt to narrow down further candidates, the\nprefix arg will apply to `self-insert-command' (e.g. if you type\n`C-u e' \"eeee\" will be inserted in prompt) so select the\ncommand you want to execute before specifying prefix arg.\n\n*** Duplicate entries in helm-M-x history\n\nhelm-M-x history obey to history variables, if you have\nduplicates in your helm-M-x history set `history-delete-duplicates' to non nil.") (defvar helm-imenu-help-message "* Helm Imenu\n\n** Commands\n\\\n|Keys|Description\n|-----------+----------|\n|\\[helm-imenu-next-section]|Go to next section.\n|\\[helm-imenu-previous-section]|Go to previous section.") (defvar helm-colors-help-message "* Helm colors\n\n** Commands\n\\\n|Keys|Description\n|-----------+----------|\n|\\[helm-color-run-insert-name]|Insert the entry name.\n|\\[helm-color-run-kill-name]|Kill the entry name.\n|\\[helm-color-run-insert-rgb]|Insert entry in RGB format.\n|\\[helm-color-run-kill-rgb]|Kill entry in RGB format.") (defvar helm-semantic-help-message "* Helm Semantic\n\n** Commands\n\\") (defvar helm-kmacro-help-message "* Helm kmacro\n\n** Tips\n\n- Start recording a kmacro with `f3'.\n- End the kmacro recording with `f4'.\n- Run `helm-execute-kmacro' to list all your kmacros.\n\nUse persistent action to run your kmacro as many times as needed.\nYou can browse the kmacros with `helm-next-line' and `helm-previous-line'.\n\nNote: You can't record keys running Helm commands except `helm-M-x', under the\ncondition that you don't choose a command using Helm completion.\n\n** Commands\n\\") (defvar helm-kill-ring-help-message "* Helm kill ring\n\n** Tips\n\nEvery Helm session lets you save a candidate to the kill-ring / clipboard /\nprimary-selection with `\\\\[helm-kill-selection-and-quit]'.\n\nTo save space, Helm-kill-ring truncates the candidates longer than\n`helm-kill-ring-max-offset'.\n`\\\\[helm-kill-ring-kill-selection]' then saves the whole\ntext and not the truncated value. The view of truncated candidates can be\ntoggled; see the command list below.\n\nAs opposed to `yank', numeric prefix arguments are ignored with\n`helm-show-kill-ring': there is no need for them since selection happens within\nHelm. Moreover Helm has [[Shortcuts for executing the default action on the n-th candidate][Shortcuts for executing the default action on the n-th candidate]].\n\nIt is recommended to globally bind `M-y' to `helm-show-kill-ring'. Once in the\nHelm-kill-ring session you can navigate to next/previous line with `M-y' and\n`M-u' for convenience. Of course `\\[helm-next-line]' and `\\[helm-previous-line]' are still available.\n\nIt is possible to delete candidates from the kill ring with `\\\\[helm-kill-ring-delete]'\nbut also persistently with `\\\\[helm-kill-ring-run-persistent-delete]'.\n\nYou can concatenate marked candidates and yank them in the current\nbuffer, thus creating a new entry in the kill ring. Candidates are\nconcatenated with `helm-kill-ring-separator' as default but you can\nchange interactively the separator while yanking by using two prefix\nargs. When you have something else than \"\\n\" as default value for\n`helm-kill-ring-separator' and you want to use \"\\n\" from prompt, use\n`C-q C-j' to enter a newline in prompt.\n\nTo not push a new entry in the kill ring, use `\\\\[helm-copy-to-buffer]' instead of RET\n(note that you can't change separator with this).\n\nWhen inserting candidates with the default action (`RET'), `point' is placed at\nthe end of the candidate and `mark' at the beginning. You can revert this behavior\nby using a prefix argument, i.e. `C-u RET', like the regular `yank' command does.\n\n** Commands\n\\\n|Keys|Description\n|-----------+----------|\n|\\[helm-next-line]|Next line.\n|\\[helm-previous-line]|Previous line.\n|\\[helm-kill-ring-delete]|Delete entry.\n|\\[helm-kill-ring-toggle-truncated]|Toggle truncated view of candidate.\n|\\[helm-kill-ring-kill-selection]|Kill non-truncated of selection.") (defalias 'helm-comp-read-help-message #[0 "\300\301\302 \"\303\304\211#\207" [assoc-default name helm-get-current-source format "* Helm completing-read completion for `%s'\n\nCommand `%s' is using a `completing-read' for completion on your input,\nthis completion have been \"helmized\" because you have enabled [[Helm mode][helm-mode]]'.\n\n** Tips\n\n*** Disabling or use something else than helm for completion of some commands\n\nYou can disable helm completion or use something else for specific commands of your choice,\nfor this customize variable `helm-completing-read-handlers-alist'.\n\n*** Exiting minibuffer with empty string\n\nYou can exit minibuffer with empty string with \\\\[helm-cr-empty-string].\nIt is useful when some commands are prompting continuously until you enter an empty prompt.\n\n** Commands\n\\\n|Keys|Description\n|-----------+----------|\n|\\[helm-cr-empty-string]|Exit minibuffer with empty string."] 5]) (defvar helm-comp-read-mode-line "\\C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-help]:Help \\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") #@60 String displayed in mode-line in `helm-source-find-files'. (defvar helm-read-file-name-mode-line-string "\\\\[helm-help]:Help C/\\[helm-cr-empty-string]:Empty \\\\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf" (#$ . 91746)) (defvar helm-top-mode-line "\\\\[helm-help]:Help \\\\[helm-select-action]:Act \\[helm-maybe-exit-minibuffer]/f1/f2/f-n:NthAct \\[helm-toggle-suspend-update]:Tog.suspend \\[helm-customize-group]:Conf") (provide 'helm-help)