;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\304\305\306\307\310\302%\210\311\312\313\314\315DD\316\317\320\310\305&\210\311\321\313\314\322DD\323\310\305\317\324&\210\325\326\327\306#\210\330\211\203Z\211@\326N\203S\327N\204S\331\327\326N#\210A\266\202\2029\210\332\326\327\333#\210\311\327\313\314\334DD\335\310\305\317\336&\210\311\337\313\314\340DD\341\310\305\317\342&\210\311\343\313\314\344DD\345\310\305\317\346&\210\311\347\313\314\350DD\351\310\305\317\352&\210\311\353\313\314\354DD\355\310\305\317\314&\207" [require cl-lib helm helm-help custom-declare-group helm-utils nil "Utilities routines for Helm." :group custom-declare-variable helm-su-or-sudo funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [#1="sudo"] 1 #1#] "What command to use for root access." :type string helm-default-kbsize #[0 "\300\207" [1024.0] 1] "Default Kbsize to use for showing files size.\nIt is a float, usually 1024.0 but could be 1000.0 on some systems." float defvaralias helm-highlight-number-lines-around-point helm-highlight-matches-around-point-max-lines (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "20160119" #[0 "\300\207" [(15 . 15)] 1] "Number of lines around point where matched items are highlighted.\n\nPossible value are:\n- A cons cell (x . y)\n Match x lines before point and y lines after point.\n- An integer\n Positive means this number lines after point.\n Negative means this number lines before point.\n A zero value means highlight only inside matched lines.\n- The symbol never\n Means do not highlight matched items. " (choice (cons (integer :tag "Match before") (integer :tag "Match after")) (const :tag "Match in line only" 0) (integer :tag "Match after or before (+/-)") (const :tag "Never match" 'never)) helm-buffers-to-resize-on-pa #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of helm buffers where the helm-window should be reduced on persistent actions." (repeat (choice string)) helm-resize-on-pa-text-height #[0 "\300\207" [12] 1] "The size of the helm-window when resizing on persistent action." integer helm-sources-using-help-echo-popup #[0 "\300\207" [("Ack-Grep" "AG" "RG" "Gid" "Git-Grep")] 1] "Show the buffer name or the filename in a popup at selection." (repeat (choice string)) helm-html-decode-entities-function #[0 "\300\207" [helm-html-decode-entities-string] 1] "Function used to decode HTML entities in HTML bookmarks.\nHelm comes by default with `helm-html-decode-entities-string', if you need something\nmore sophisticated you can use `w3m-decode-entities-string' if available.\n\nIn Emacs itself org-entities seem broken and `xml-substitute-numeric-entities'\nsupports only numeric entities."] 8) #@514 Run before jumping to line. This hook runs when jumping from `helm-goto-line', `helm-etags-default-action', and `helm-imenu-default-action'. This allows you to retrieve a previous position after using the different helm tools for searching (etags, grep, gid, (m)occur etc...). By default positions are added to `mark-ring'. You can also add to register by using (or adding) `helm-save-pos-to-register-before-jump' instead. In this case last position is added to the register `helm-save-pos-before-jump-register'. (defvar helm-goto-line-before-hook '(helm-save-current-pos-to-mark-ring) (#$ . 2749)) #@76 The register where `helm-save-pos-to-register-before-jump' saves position. (defvar helm-save-pos-before-jump-register 95 (#$ . 3354)) #@99 Table of html character entities and values. See https://www.freeformatter.com/html-entities.html (defconst helm-html-entities-alist '((""" . 34) (">" . 62) ("<" . 60) ("&" . 38) ("€" . 8364) ("Ÿ" . 89) ("¡" . 161) ("¢" . 162) ("£" . 163) ("¤" . 164) ("¥" . 165) ("¦" . 166) ("§" . 167) ("¨" . 32) (" " . 160) ("©" . 169) ("ª" . 97) ("«" . 171) ("¬" . 172) ("&masr;" . 174) ("°" . 176) ("±" . 177) ("²" . 50) ("³" . 51) ("´" . 39) ("µ" . 956) ("¶" . 182) ("·" . 183) ("¸" . 32) ("¹" . 49) ("º" . 111) ("»" . 187) ("¼" . 49) ("½" . 49) ("¾" . 51) ("¿" . 191) ("À" . 192) ("Á" . 193) ("Â" . 194) ("Ã" . 195) ("Ä" . 196) ("Å" . 197) ("&Aelig" . 198) ("Ç" . 199) ("È" . 200) ("É" . 201) ("Ê" . 202) ("Ë" . 203) ("Ì" . 204) ("Í" . 205) ("Î" . 206) ("Ï" . 207) ("ð" . 208) ("Ñ" . 209) ("Ò" . 210) ("Ó" . 211) ("Ô" . 212) ("Õ" . 213) ("Ö" . 214) ("×" . 215) ("Ø" . 216) ("Ù" . 217) ("Ú" . 218) ("Û" . 219) ("Ü" . 220) ("Ý" . 221) ("þ" . 222) ("ß" . 223) ("à" . 224) ("á" . 225) ("â" . 226) ("ã" . 227) ("ä" . 228) ("å" . 229) ("æ" . 230) ("ç" . 231) ("è" . 232) ("é" . 233) ("ê" . 234) ("ë" . 235) ("ì" . 236) ("í" . 237) ("î" . 238) ("ï" . 239) ("ð" . 240) ("ñ" . 241) ("ò" . 242) ("ó" . 243) ("ô" . 244) ("õ" . 245) ("ö" . 246) ("÷" . 247) ("ø" . 248) ("ù" . 249) ("ú" . 250) ("û" . 251) ("ü" . 252) ("ý" . 253) ("þ" . 254) ("ÿ" . 255) ("®" . 174) ("­" . 173)) (#$ . 3494)) #@50 Hook that runs at end of `helm-find-many-files'. (defvar helm-find-many-files-after-hook nil (#$ . 5461)) (byte-code "\301\302\303\304\305Y\205 \306\307\"BC\310\311\312%\210\301\313\303\304\305Y\205\314\315\"BC\316\311\312%\210\317\320\321\322\323DD\324\311\325\326\327&\210\317\330\321\322\331DD\332\311\325\326\333&\207" [emacs-major-version custom-declare-face helm-selection-line t append 27 (:extend t) (:inherit highlight :distant-foreground "black") "Face used in the `helm-current-buffer' when jumping to a candidate." :group helm-faces helm-match-item (:extend t) (:inherit isearch) "Face used to highlight the item matched in a selected line." custom-declare-variable helm-window-prefer-horizontal-split funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Maybe switch to other window vertically when non nil.\n\nPossible values are t, nil and `decide'.\n\nWhen t switch vertically.\nWhen nil switch horizontally.\nWhen `decide' try to guess if it is possible to switch vertically\naccording to the setting of `split-width-threshold' and the size of\nthe window from where splitting is done.\n\nNote that when using `decide' and `split-width-threshold' is nil, the\nbehavior is the same as with a nil value." helm-utils :type (choice (const :tag "Split window vertically" t) (const :tag "Split window horizontally" nil) (symbol :tag "Guess how to split window" 'decide)) helm-window-show-buffers-function #[0 "\300\207" [helm-window-default-split-fn] 1] "The default function to use when opening several buffers at once.\nIt is typically used to rearrange windows." (choice (function :tag "Split windows vertically or horizontally" helm-window-default-split-fn) (function :tag "Split in alternate windows" helm-window-alternate-split-fn) (function :tag "Split windows in mosaic" helm-window-mosaic-fn))] 8) #@279 Show BUFFERS. With more than one buffer marked switch to these buffers in separate windows. If OTHER-WINDOW is non-nil, keep current buffer and switch to other buffers in separate windows. If a prefix arg is given split windows vertically. (fn BUFFERS &optional OTHER-WINDOW) (defalias 'helm-window-show-buffers #[513 "\301 A\203\n\302\202 \303A\203\205\"\207\203\"\211@!\207\304@!\207" [helm-window-show-buffers-function window-list switch-to-buffer-other-window helm-window-other-window helm-buffers-switch-to-buffer-or-tab] 6 (#$ . 7282)]) #@51 Switch to BUFFER in its tab if some. (fn BUFFER) (defalias 'helm-buffers-switch-to-buffer-or-tab #[257 "\302\303!\2036\2036\304\305 \306\307\"\310\311!!\312\"\313\"\2031\314\315\316\"!\210\317\320!!\2024\321!)\207\321!\207" [helm-buffers-maybe-switch-to-tab tab-bar-tab-name-function fboundp tab-bar-mode tab-bar-tab-name-all tab-bar-tabs mapcar #[257 "\300\236A\207" [name] 3 "\n\n(fn TAB)"] buffer-name get-buffer helm-buffers--get-tab-from-name helm-buffers--buffer-in-tab-p tab-bar-switch-to-tab alist-get name select-window get-buffer-window switch-to-buffer] 9 (#$ . 7848)]) #@69 Return tab from TABS when it contains TAB-NAME. (fn TAB-NAME TABS) (defalias 'helm-buffers--get-tab-from-name #[514 "\211\300\211\211:\203/@\262\301\302\236A\303\304#\235\203$\262\300\211\262\202%\304\203/A\262\202\207" [nil split-string name ", " t] 11 (#$ . 8453)]) #@72 Check if BUFFER-NAME is in TAB-NAMES list. (fn BUFFER-NAME TAB-NAMES) (defalias 'helm-buffers--buffer-in-tab-p #[514 "\211\300\211\211:\203%@\262\301\302\303#\235\211\262?\211\262\203%A\262\202\207" [nil split-string ", " t] 11 (#$ . 8744)]) #@292 Split windows in one direction and balance them. Direction can be controlled via `helm-window-prefer-horizontal-split'. If a prefix arg is given split windows the other direction. This function is suitable for `helm-window-show-buffers-function'. (fn CANDIDATES &optional OTHER-WINDOW-FN) (defalias 'helm-window-default-split-fn #[513 "\211\203\f\211@!\210\202\300@!\210\301 r\302\303\"\216\304A\304\211\211:\203V@\262\2038\305\306!\262\304\211\262\2029\307\203V\3101I\311\312\"0\210\202O\307\211\262\266A\262\202\266\204*\207" [switch-to-buffer internal--before-save-selected-window make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\207" [V0 internal--after-save-selected-window] 2] nil message "Too many buffers to visit simultaneously" t (error) helm-window-other-window balance] 11 (#$ . 9007)]) #@307 Split windows horizontally and vertically in alternate fashion. Direction can be controlled via `helm-window-prefer-horizontal-split'. If a prefix arg is given split windows the other direction. This function is suitable for `helm-window-show-buffers-function'. (fn CANDIDATES &optional OTHER-WINDOW-FN) (defalias 'helm-window-alternate-split-fn #[513 "\211\203\f\211@!\210\202\301@!\210\302\303 r\304\305\"\216\302A\302\211\211:\203a@\262\2039\306\307!\262\302\211\262\202:\310\203a\3111T\312!\210?\211\262)0\210\202Z\310\211\262\266A\262\202 \266\204*\207" [helm-current-prefix-arg switch-to-buffer nil internal--before-save-selected-window make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\207" [V0 internal--after-save-selected-window] 2] message "Too many buffers to visit simultaneously" t (error) helm-window-other-window] 12 (#$ . 9820)]) #@406 Make an as-square-as-possible window mosaic of the CANDIDATES buffers. If rectangular, the long side is in the direction given by `helm-window-prefer-horizontal-split': if non-nil, it is horizontal, vertical otherwise. If OTHER-WINDOW-FN is non-nil, current windows are included in the mosaic. This function is suitable for `helm-window-show-buffers-function'. (fn CANDIDATES &optional OTHER-WINDOW-FN) (defalias 'helm-window-mosaic-fn #[513 "\211\203\304\305\306\307 \"\"\262\310 \210\311=\203% \247\205&\312\313 ! Y\202&\314\211\211\211\211\315\316G!!\262G\211S_X\203ES\202F\262\317 \320 \n \203`\320 \262\317 \262 \262\n\262 \245]\262\245]\262\245\245_ GV\203\215\321\322!\210\211S\f\233\314\241\210\266\205\344GV\203\244\323\314?#\262\324\211A\262 \242!\210SG^\325\211W\203\327\314\326\323\314#!\210\324\n\211A\262\f\242!\266\211T\262\202\265\266\211\203\217\326!\210\202\217)\207" [helm-window-prefer-horizontal-split split-width-threshold window-min-height window-min-width append mapcar window-buffer window-list delete-other-windows decide window-width selected-window nil ceiling sqrt frame-height frame-width message "Too many buffers to visit simultaneously" split-window switch-to-buffer 0 select-window] 15 (#$ . 10685)]) #@266 Switch to BUFFER-OR-NAME in other window. Direction can be controlled via `helm-window-prefer-horizontal-split'. If a prefix arg is given split windows the other direction. When argument BALANCE is provided `balance-windows'. (fn BUFFER-OR-NAME &optional BALANCE) (defalias 'helm-window-other-window #[513 "\303=\203 \247\205\304\305 ! Y\202\211\203\n?\202 \n\306\307\310\211#!\210\203/\311 \210\312!)\207" [helm-window-prefer-horizontal-split split-width-threshold helm-current-prefix-arg decide window-width selected-window select-window split-window nil balance-windows switch-to-buffer] 9 (#$ . 12004)]) #@109 Check if BUFFER is narrowed. Default is `helm-current-buffer'. (fn &optional (BUFFER helm-current-buffer)) (defalias 'helm-current-buffer-narrowed-p #[128 "\211\203 \211A\262\242\202\203\301\302\303GTD\"\210r\211q\210ed\304 \305U?\206/TU?\266\203)\207" [helm-current-buffer signal wrong-number-of-arguments helm-current-buffer-narrowed-p buffer-size 1] 7 (#$ . 12636)]) #@47 Go to char, revealing if necessary. (fn LOC) (defalias 'helm-goto-char #[257 "\211b\210\304=\203\305\306!\210\307\202:\310\301!\203 \203\311\202:\310\302!\203-\n\203-\312\202:\310\313!\205:\314\315!\205:\316\317\320\"C\3211N\211\205J\211 0\202P\210\322)\207" [major-mode outline-minor-mode hs-minor-mode hs-show-hook org-mode require org org-reveal boundp outline-show-subtree hs-show-block markdown-mode-map derived-mode-p markdown-mode markdown-show-entry make-closure #[0 "\300b\207" [V0] 1] (debug error) nil] 5 (#$ . 13027)]) #@129 Goto LINENO opening only outline headline if needed. Animation is used unless NOANIM is non--nil. (fn LINENO &optional NOANIM) (defalias 'helm-goto-line #[513 "\303\304!\210\305 \210\204\"r\306 !\203 \206p\211q\210\n\204!`)eb\210\307\310!!\210\211?\2052\311 \207" [helm-alive-p helm-current-buffer helm-yank-point helm-log-run-hook helm-goto-line-before-hook helm-match-line-cleanup buffer-live-p helm-goto-char point-at-bol helm-highlight-current-line] 5 (#$ . 13585)]) #@123 Save current buffer position to `helm-save-pos-before-jump-register'. To use this add it to `helm-goto-line-before-hook'. (defalias 'helm-save-pos-to-register-before-jump #[0 "r\303!\203 \206p\211q\210 ?\205\304\n!)\207" [helm-current-buffer helm-in-persistent-action helm-save-pos-before-jump-register buffer-live-p point-to-register] 2 (#$ . 14075)]) #@96 Save current buffer position to mark ring. To use this add it to `helm-goto-line-before-hook'. (defalias 'helm-save-current-pos-to-mark-ring #[0 "r\302!\203 \206p\211q\210 ?\205\303 `\304\223\210\305`\306\")\207" [helm-current-buffer helm-in-persistent-action buffer-live-p mark-marker nil push-mark nomsg] 3 (#$ . 14442)]) #@219 Toggle all or only candidate-number-limit cands in current source. With a numeric prefix arg show only the ARG number of candidates. The prefix arg has no effect when toggling to only candidate-number-limit. (fn ARG) (defalias 'helm-show-all-candidates-in-source #[257 "\203=r\304 q\210 \203\305\302!\210\306\302!\307\310!\202;\311 \203'\312\311 !\206( \305\302!\210\211\313V\2054\211\307\314 C!))\207\315\316!\207" [helm-alive-p helm-source-filter helm-candidate-number-limit default-directory helm-buffer-get make-local-variable default-value helm-set-source-filter nil helm-default-directory file-name-as-directory 1 helm-get-current-source error "Running helm command outside of context"] 3 (#$ . 14781) "p"]) (put 'helm-show-all-candidates-in-source 'helm-only t) #@68 Display all sources previously hidden by `helm-set-source-filter'. (defalias 'helm-display-all-sources #[0 "\203\301\302!\207\303\304!\207" [helm-alive-p helm-set-source-filter nil error "Running helm command outside of context"] 2 (#$ . 15568) nil]) (put 'helm-display-all-sources 'helm-only t) #@56 Return the list of sources name for this helm session. (defalias 'helm-displaying-source-names #[0 "rq\210eb\210\301\211\302`\303\"\211\262\203&b\210\304\305 \306 \"B\262\307y\210\202 \211\237\266\202)\207" [helm-buffer nil next-single-property-change helm-header buffer-substring-no-properties point-at-bol point-at-eol 1] 5 (#$ . 15873)]) #@187 Add `helm-buffer' to `winner-boring-buffers' when quitting/exiting helm. Add this function to `helm-cleanup-hook' when you don't want to see helm buffers after running winner-undo/redo. (defalias 'helm-handle-winner-boring-buffers #[0 "\302\303!\210 \235\203 \202 B\211\207" [helm-buffer winner-boring-buffers require winner] 2 (#$ . 16228)]) (add-hook 'helm-cleanup-hook 'helm-handle-winner-boring-buffers) #@124 Drop into `helm-find-files' from `helm'. If current selection is a buffer or a file, `helm-find-files' from its directory. (defalias 'helm-quit-and-find-file #[0 "\203\236\306\307!\210\306\310!\210\306\311!\210\312\313\314 \211:\205\315A!;\205%\316!\247\211\2059\317\320!\211\2057\321\322!!\262\262;\205K?\205K\323\324\325#\211\205S\326 \"\327!\205^\322!\211\205e\320!\262;\205s\330\331\332 #\321\n!\206z \203\261\321 !\206\232\333\f\"@\206\232rq\210 )\334=\203\2440\203\244\3350!\206\232rq\210\335 !)\266\211\202\234\203\306\321\336\nA!!\206\232\211\266\211\202\234\203\362\337!\211\203\3501\203\342\3401\"\203\342\211\202\353\335!\202\353\335 !\262\266\211\202\234;\203\341 !\204\342 !\203\335 !\266\211\202\234\203&\342@!\203&\335@!\266\211\202\234\203:\342!\203:\335!\266\211\202\234\203^\343!\203^\335\344!2>\204U\345\346\347D\"\210\350H!\266\211\202\234;\203y1\203y\3401\n\"\203y\266\211\202\2343\203\227\3513!\203\227\3523!\210\353\354\355\"\210\335!\266\211\202\234\335!\266\211\"\207\356\357!\207" [helm-alive-p bookmark-alist helm-current-buffer default-directory dired-buffers major-mode require helm-grep helm-elisp bookmark helm-run-after-exit #[257 "\303\211\304!\203!\305\306!\307\310\n\203\311!\202!P\"\202$\305!*\207" [helm-actions-inherit-frame-settings helm-execute-action-at-once-if-one helm-ff-transformer-show-only-basename nil file-exists-p helm-find-files-1 file-name-directory "^" regexp-quote helm-basename] 7 "\n\n(fn F)"] helm-get-selection markerp helm-grep-split-line helm-get-attr buffer-name buffer-file-name get-buffer replace-regexp-in-string "\\`\\*" "" assoc bufferp get-text-property 0 tabulated-list-id rassoc org-agenda-mode expand-file-name marker-buffer bookmark-get-filename string-match file-remote-p file-exists-p package-installed-p type-of signal wrong-type-argument package-desc 7 overlayp delete-overlay remove-hook helm-move-selection-after-hook helm-show-completion error "Running helm command outside of context" org-directory helm--url-regexp cl-struct-package-desc-tags helm-show-completion-overlay] 16 (#$ . 16650) nil]) (put 'helm-quit-and-find-file 'helm-only t) #@176 Sort predicate function for helm candidates. Args S1 and S2 can be single or (display . real) candidates, that is sorting is done against real value of candidate. (fn S1 S2) (defalias 'helm-generic-sort-fn #[514 "\301!\302\303Q\302P\304\305\306!\":\203A\202:\203+A\202-\307\310\311\312#\310\311\312#\203@\311\202O\n    &\203W\311\202f \f\f\f\f&\203r\203rV\207\313\f!\311U\204\207\311U\203\215\211\311U\203\215\231\207U\203\233GGW\207V\207" [helm-pattern regexp-quote "\\_<" "\\_>" helm-remove-if-match "\\`!" helm-mm-split-pattern #[1542 "\300\301P\"\203\302\202\303\300\"\203\304\202\253\300\305\"\203^\300\306\307@!P\"\203^A\310\311:\203P@\262\300\n\"\211\262\203PA\262\2025\211\205U\311\266\203\203^\312\202\253\300\305\"\203\222\310\311:\203\204@\262\300\n\"\211\262\203\204A\262\202i\211\205\211\311\266\203\203\222\313\202\253\300\"\203\236\314\202\253\300\"\203\252\302\202\253\303\\\207" [string-match "\\`" 1 0 5 " " "\\_<" regexp-quote nil t 4 3 2] 13 "\n\n(fn QPATTERN STR R1 R2 R3 LST)"] get-text-property 0 completion-score string-width] 20 (#$ . 18916)]) #@311 Return a string showing SIZE of a file in human readable form. SIZE can be an integer or a float depending on it's value. `file-attributes' will take care of that to avoid overflow error. KBSIZE is a floating point number, defaulting to `helm-default-kbsize'. (fn SIZE &optional (KBSIZE helm-default-kbsize)) (defalias 'helm-file-human-size #[385 "\211\203 \211A\262\242\202\203\301\302\303\304G\\D\"\210\305B\306\307:\203@@\262AY\203@\211A\245B\262A\262\202!@\211\305\232\203N\310\311\"\207\211\310\312A#\207" [helm-default-kbsize signal wrong-number-of-arguments helm-file-human-size 2 "B" ("k" "M" "G" "T" "P" "E" "Z" "Y") nil format "%s" "%.1f%s"] 12 (#$ . 20130)]) #@285 Return the resulting size of the sum of all files in DIRECTORY. If RECURSIVE is non nil return the size of all files in DIRECTORY and its subdirectories. With arg HUMAN format the size in a human readable format,see `helm-file-human-size'. (fn DIRECTORY &optional RECURSIVE HUMAN) (defalias 'helm-directory-size #[769 "\203\300\301\302\303\304%\202\305\304\"\211\306\307:\203.@\262\211\310\311!8\\\262A\262\202\2036\312!\207\207" [helm-walk-directory :path full :directories t directory-files nil 0 7 file-attributes helm-file-human-size] 11 (#$ . 20839)]) #@1502 Return `file-attributes' elements of FILE separately according to key value. Availables keys are: - TYPE: Same as nth 0 `files-attributes' if STRING is nil otherwise return either symlink, directory or file (default). - LINKS: See nth 1 `files-attributes'. - UID: See nth 2 `files-attributes'. - GID: See nth 3 `files-attributes'. - ACCESS-TIME: See nth 4 `files-attributes', however format time when STRING is non--nil (the default). - MODIF-TIME: See nth 5 `files-attributes', same as above. - STATUS: See nth 6 `files-attributes', same as above. - SIZE: See nth 7 `files-attributes'. - MODE: See nth 8 `files-attributes'. - GID-CHANGE: See nth 9 `files-attributes'. - INODE: See nth 10 `files-attributes'. - DEVICE-NUM: See nth 11 `files-attributes'. - DIRED: A line similar to what 'ls -l' return. - HUMAN-SIZE: The size in human form, see `helm-file-human-size'. - MODE-TYPE, mode-owner,mode-group, mode-other: Split what nth 7 `files-attributes' return in four categories. - STRING: When non--nil (default) `helm-file-attributes' return more friendly values. If you want the same behavior as `files-attributes' , (but with return values in proplist) use a nil value for STRING. However when STRING is non--nil, time and type value are different from what you have in `file-attributes'. (fn FILE &key TYPE LINKS UID GID ACCESS-TIME MODIF-TIME STATUS SIZE MODE GID-CHANGE INODE DEVICE-NUM DIRED HUMAN-SIZE MODE-TYPE MODE-OWNER MODE-GROUP MODE-OTHER (STRING t)) (defalias 'helm-file-attributes #[385 "\300\301\"A@\300\302\"A@\300\303\"A@\300\304\"A@\300\305\"A@\300\306\"A@\300\307\"A@\300\310\"A@\300 \311\"A@\300\n\312\"A@\300 \313\"A@\300\f\314\"A@\300 \315\"A@\300\316\"A@\300\317\"A@\300\320\"A@\300\321\"A@\300\322\"A@\300\323\"\206\202\324A@\211\203\261\211@\325>\203\231\211AA\262\202\206\326>A@\203\250\327\262\202\206\330\331@\"\210\202\206\210\332\"\211\205w\211\211G\333U\203\314\211A\262\242\202\323\334\335\336GD\"\211A\262\242\211A\262\242\211A\262\242\211A\262\242\211A\262\242\211A\262\242\211A\262 \242\211A\262\n\242 \211A\262 \242\n\211A\262\f\242 \242\301\2034\f;\203'\337\2026\f\2030\340\2026\341\2026\f\302 \303\304\305\203M\342\343\"\202O\306\203]\342\343\"\202_\307\203m\342\343\"\202o\310\311\312\313\314\257\266\215\344\345\311\"!\203\222\345\301\"\207\203\234\345\302\"\207\203\246\345\303\"\207\203\260\345\304\"\207\203\272\345\305\"\207\203\304\345\306\"\207\203\316\345\307\"\207\203\330\345\310\"\207 \203\342\345\311\"\207\f\203\354\345\312\"\207 \203\366\345\313\"\207\n\203\345\314\"\207 \203?\344\345\311\"\346\"\347\350\345\302\"!\347\345\303\"\351\345\304\"\347\203/\352\345 \310\"!\2026\353\345 \310\"!\347\345\f\306\"\260 \207\203K\352\345\310\"!\207\203U\345\317\"\207\203_\345\354\"\207\203h\345\355\"\207\203q\345\356\"\207\357\"\266\202\207" [plist-member :type :links :uid :gid :access-time :modif-time :status :size :mode :gid-change :inode :device-num :dired :human-size :mode-type :mode-owner :mode-group :mode-other :string (nil t) (:type :links :uid :gid :access-time :modif-time :status :size :mode :gid-change :inode :device-num :dired :human-size :mode-type :mode-owner :mode-group :mode-other :string :allow-other-keys) :allow-other-keys nil error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:type :links :uid :gid :access-time :modif-time :status :size :mode :gid-change :inode :device-num :dired :human-size :mode-type :mode-owner :mode-group :mode-other :string)" file-attributes 12 signal wrong-number-of-arguments (type links uid gid access-time modif-time status size mode gid-change inode device-num) "symlink" "directory" "file" format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %R" helm-split-mode-file-attributes cl-getf t " " number-to-string ":" helm-file-human-size int-to-string :user :group :other append] 59 (#$ . 21427)]) #@139 Split mode file attributes STR into a proplist. If STRING is non--nil return instead a space separated string. (fn STR &optional STRING) (defalias 'helm-split-mode-file-attributes #[513 "\300\301O\301\302O\211\303\302\301\304\211\211T\211\262\203cGW\203cH\262\305X\2034\306!P\262\305V\203H\307X\203H\306!P\262\307V\203\\\310X\203\\\211\306!P\262T\262\202 \203s\311\312\nF\313#\207\314 \315\316\317\257\207" [0 1 nil -1 "" 3 string 6 9 mapconcat identity " " :mode-type :user :group :other] 19 (#$ . 25438)]) #@86 Same as `dired-format-columns-of-files'. Inlined here for compatibility. (fn FILES) (defalias 'helm-format-columns-of-files #[257 "`\300!\210\301`\302\303$\207" [completion--insert-strings put-text-property mouse-face nil] 7 (#$ . 26005)]) #@45 (fn BUFFER-OR-NAME CANDIDATES &rest BODY) (defalias 'with-helm-display-marked-candidates '(macro . #[642 "\300\301!\300\302!\300\303!\304\305DD\306B\307\310\311\312\257\313\314 DE\315\316\317\320\n\321BBE\322\nBE\323\324E\325\326 DEFF\207" [cl-gensym "buffer" "window" "winconf" let* temp-buffer-window-setup (helm-last-frame-or-window-configuration) (helm-always-two-windows t) (helm-split-window-default-side (if (eq helm-split-window-default-side 'same) 'below helm-split-window-default-side)) helm-split-window-inside-p helm-reuse-last-window-split-state with-current-buffer helm-format-columns-of-files unwind-protect with-selected-window setq temp-buffer-window-show ('(display-buffer-below-selected (window-height . fit-window-to-buffer))) progn quit-window 'kill and set-window-configuration] 16 (#$ . 26254)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put with-helm-display-marked-candidates lisp-indent-function 0 put edebug-form-spec t] 5) (defvar helm-match-line-overlay nil) (defvar helm--match-item-overlays nil) #@77 Highlight and underline current position (fn &optional START END BUF FACE) (defalias 'helm-highlight-current-line #[1024 "\3062>\206\n\307 \206\310 T\311\211E\203!\312 \202\" \n\204/\313\314\"\2025\313\315\n#\210\316\n\317\206>\320#\210\2038 \321=\203R\322\306\311\"\210\202\251 :\203o\212 @[y\210\323 )\262\212 Ay\210\323 )\262\202\251 \203y \324U\203\202\262\262\202\251 \324W\203\227\212 y\210\323 )\262\262\202\251 \324V\203\251\262\212 y\210\323 )\262\32527\311\326\327\330r\331 q\210\332\333 \236)\203\304\334\f!\202\305\f!\"\311:\2054@\262\212b\210\3351\367U?\205\363 \203\355\336\337#\202\363\340\337#0\202\372\311\262\203,\324\224\324\225U\203\322\325\311\"\266\202\325\314\"\211\262%B%\316\317\341#\210\316\342\343#\266\202\325)A\262\202\310\266\2030\210\344 )\266\2050\207" [helm-alive-p case-fold-search helm-match-line-overlay helm-highlight-matches-around-point-max-lines helm-input helm-migemo-mode --cl-block-helm-highlight-current-line-- line-beginning-position line-end-position nil helm-set-case-fold-search apply make-overlay move-overlay overlay-put face helm-selection-line never throw point-at-bol 0 empty-line helm-remove-if-match "\\`!" helm-mm-split-pattern helm-buffer-get pcre helm-get-current-source helm--translate-pcre-to-elisp (invalid-regexp) helm-mm-migemo-forward t re-search-forward helm-match-item priority 1 recenter helm--match-item-overlays] 18 (#$ . 27328)]) #@98 Should translate pcre REGEXP to elisp regexp. Assume regexp is a pcre based regexp. (fn REGEXP) (defalias 'helm--translate-pcre-to-elisp #[257 "\300\301\302\"r\211q\210\303\304\"\216\305\305\261\210eb\210\212\302\211\203V\306\307\310\302#\205'\311\312!\211\203P\312\224\211\2062`Sf\313=\203B\211S|\266\202\314\315P\302\211\310\312%\266\202\266\310\202\210)\302\211\203\200\306\316\310\302#\205h\311\312!\211\203z\314\317P\302\211\310\312%\266\202Y\266\310\202Y\210eTdS{*\207" [generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] " " re-search-forward "\\([(){}|]\\)" nil match-string 1 92 replace-match "\\" "\\S\\?\\(\\s\\[sS]\\)[^-]" "-"] 11 (#$ . 28822)]) (defalias 'helm-match-line-cleanup #[0 "\203\n\302!\210\303 \205\304\302 \"\207" [helm-match-line-overlay helm--match-item-overlays delete-overlay nil mapc] 3]) (defalias 'helm-match-line-cleanup-maybe #[0 "\300 \205\301 \207" [helm-empty-buffer-p helm-match-line-cleanup] 1]) (defalias 'helm-match-line-update #[0 "\203 \302\303\"\210 \205\303 !\210\304 \207" [helm--match-item-overlays helm-match-line-overlay mapc delete-overlay helm-highlight-current-line] 3]) (defalias 'helm-persistent-autoresize-hook #[0 "\205 \235\205\n\304=\205\305\306 \"\207" [helm-buffers-to-resize-on-pa helm-buffer helm-split-window-state helm-resize-on-pa-text-height vertical set-window-text-height helm-window] 3]) (defalias 'helm-match-line-cleanup-pulse #[0 "\300\301\302\303#\207" [run-with-timer 0.3 nil helm-match-line-cleanup] 4]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\"\210\300\303\304\"\210\300\305\306\"\210\300\307\310\"\210\300\303\311\"\207" [add-hook helm-after-update-hook helm-match-line-cleanup-maybe helm-after-persistent-action-hook helm-persistent-autoresize-hook helm-cleanup-hook helm-match-line-cleanup helm-after-action-hook helm-match-line-cleanup-pulse helm-match-line-update] 3) (defvar helm--show-help-echo-timer nil) (defalias 'helm-cancel-help-echo-timer #[0 "\205 \301!\210\302\211\207" [helm--show-help-echo-timer cancel-timer nil] 2]) (defalias 'helm-maybe-show-help-echo #[0 "\203\n\304!\210\305 \205#\n\205#\306\307\310 \" \235\205#\311\312\305\313#\211\207" [helm--show-help-echo-timer helm-alive-p helm-popup-tip-mode helm-sources-using-help-echo-popup cancel-timer nil assoc-default name helm-get-current-source run-with-timer 1 #[0 "\300 r\301\302\"\216\303\304 !r\301\305\"\216\306@\307\"\210\310\311 \312\"\211\2056\313\314\315\316\317\320#!P\321\322\323\212\324 \210`)%\262*\262*\207" [internal--before-save-selected-window make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\207" [V0 internal--after-save-selected-window] 2] internal--before-with-selected-window helm-window #[0 "\301\300!\207" [V0 internal--after-with-selected-window] 2] select-window norecord get-text-property point-at-bol help-echo popup-tip " " abbreviate-file-name replace-regexp-in-string "\n.*" "" :around nil :point end-of-visual-line] 10]] 4]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \207" [custom-declare-variable helm-popup-tip-mode funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Non-nil if Helm-Popup-Tip mode is enabled.\nSee the `helm-popup-tip-mode' command\nfor a description of this minor mode.\nSetting this variable directly does not take effect;\neither customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')\nor call the function `helm-popup-tip-mode'." :set custom-set-minor-mode :initialize custom-initialize-default :type boolean] 10) #@639 Show help-echo informations in a popup tip at end of line. This is a minor mode. If called interactively, toggle the `Helm-Popup-Tip mode' mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode. If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is `toggle'. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number. To check whether the minor mode is enabled in the current buffer, evaluate `(default-value 'helm-popup-tip-mode)'. The mode's hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'helm-popup-tip-mode #[256 "\302 \303\301\304=\203\305\301!?\202!\247\203 \306W\203 \307\202!\310\"\210\311\300!\2038\312\301\"\305\301!\2038\301B\313\314!\210 \203M\315\316\317\"\210\315\320\321\"\210\202W\322\316\317\"\210\322\320\321\"\210\323\324\305\301!\203c\325\202d\326\"\210\327\330!\203\214\331\301!\210\302 \203|\211\302 \232\203\214\332\333\305\301!\203\210\334\202\211\335\336#\210\210\337 \210\305\301!\207" [global-minor-modes helm-popup-tip-mode current-message set-default toggle default-value 1 nil t boundp delq require popup add-hook helm-move-selection-after-hook helm-maybe-show-help-echo helm-cleanup-hook helm-cancel-help-echo-timer remove-hook run-hooks helm-popup-tip-mode-hook helm-popup-tip-mode-on-hook helm-popup-tip-mode-off-hook called-interactively-p any customize-mark-as-set message "Helm-Popup-Tip mode %sabled%s" "en" "dis" "" force-mode-line-update] 6 (#$ . 32353) (byte-code "\203\n\301!\202 \302C\207" [current-prefix-arg prefix-numeric-value toggle] 2)]) (defvar helm-popup-tip-mode-hook nil) (byte-code "\301\302N\204\f\303\301\302\304#\210\303\301\305\306#\210\303\301\307\310C#\210\311\312\310\313\300!\205#\310\211%\207" [helm-popup-tip-mode-map helm-popup-tip-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering or leaving `helm-popup-tip-mode'.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)" custom-type hook standard-value nil add-minor-mode helm-popup-tip-mode boundp] 6) #@62 Open FILE with the default tool on this platform. (fn FILE) (defalias 'helm-open-file-with-default-tool #[257 "\302 \303=\203\304!\202*\305\306\302 \307=\203\310\202( \311=\204' \312=\205(\313$)\207" [process-connection-type system-type nil windows-nt helm-w32-shell-execute-open-file start-process "helm-open-file-with-default-tool" gnu/linux "xdg-open" darwin macos "open"] 6 (#$ . 34550)]) #@98 Open a dired buffer in FILE's directory. If FILE is a directory, open this directory. (fn FILE) (defalias 'helm-open-dired #[257 "\300\301!\210\302!\203\301!\207\301\303!!\210\304!\207" [require dired file-directory-p file-name-directory dired-goto-file] 4 (#$ . 34961)]) #@25 (fn FEATURE FUNCTION) (defalias 'helm-require-or-error #[514 "\300\301\302#\206 \303\304#\207" [require nil t error "Need %s to use `%s'."] 6 (#$ . 35246)]) #@18 (fn CANDIDATE) (defalias 'helm-find-file-as-root #[257 "\302!\303\304\"\305\306\206\307\310\203\303\311\"\202!$\312\313\314!!\2033q\210\315!\2026\316!)\207" [helm-su-or-sudo non-essential helm-basename file-remote-p host format "/%s:%s:%s" "" expand-file-name localname nil buffer-live-p get-buffer find-alternate-file find-file] 11 (#$ . 35415)]) #@117 Simple action that run `find-file' on marked candidates. Run `helm-find-many-files-after-hook' at end. (fn IGNORE) (defalias 'helm-find-many-files #[257 "\301\302\303\304 \"\210\305\306!)\207" [helm--reading-passwd-or-string t mapc find-file helm-marked-candidates helm-log-run-hook helm-find-many-files-after-hook] 4 (#$ . 35794)]) #@124 Prompt as many time PROMPT is not empty. If COUNT is non--nil add a number after each prompt. (fn PROMPT &optional COUNT) (defalias 'helm-read-repeat-string #[513 "\300\301\300\302\230\204(\203\303!\304Q\262\211\305!\211\262C\244\262T\262\202\306\302\"\207" [nil 1 "" int-to-string ": " helm-read-string remove] 8 (#$ . 36136)]) #@111 Parse HTML bookmark FILE and return an alist with (title . url) as elements. (fn FILE URL-REGEXP BMK-REGEXP) (defalias 'helm-html-bookmarks-to-alist #[771 "\301\211\211\302\303\304\"r\211q\210\305\306\"\216\307!\210eb\210\310\311\301\304#\203O\312y\210\310\301\304#\2031\313\312!\262\310\301\304#\203B\314\313\315!!!\262BB\262\301y\210\202*\210\237\207" [helm-html-decode-entities-function nil generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] insert-file-contents re-search-forward "href=\\|^ *