;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\306\310& \210\311\312\313\314\306\301%\210\311\315\316\317\306\301%\210\320\321\322\323\324\325\306\301&\210\320\326\322\327\324\325\306\301&\210\320\330\331\332\324\333\306\301&\207" [custom-declare-group iedit nil "Edit multiple regions in the same way simultaneously." :prefix "iedit-" :group replace convenience custom-declare-face iedit-occurrence ((t :inherit highlight)) "*Face used for the occurrences' default values." iedit-read-only-occurrence ((t :inherit region)) "*Face used for the read-only occurrences' default values." custom-declare-variable iedit-case-sensitive-default t "If no-nil, matching is case sensitive." :type boolean iedit-transient-mark-sensitive "If no-nil, Iedit mode is sensitive to the Transient Mark mode.\nIt means Iedit works as expected only when regions are\nhighlighted. If you want to use iedit without Transient Mark\nmode, set it as nil." iedit-overlay-priority 200 "The priority of the overlay used to indicate matches." integer] 10) #@219 The occurrences slot contains a list of overlays used to indicate the position of each editable occurrence. In addition, the occurrence overlay is used to provide a different face configurable via `iedit-occurrence'. (defvar iedit-occurrences-overlays nil (#$ . 1116)) #@231 The occurrences slot contains a list of overlays used to indicate the position of each read-only occurrence. In addition, the occurrence overlay is used to provide a different face configurable via `iedit-ready-only-occurrence'. (defvar iedit-read-only-occurrences-overlays nil (#$ . 1393)) #@71 This is buffer local variable. If no-nil, matching is case sensitive. (defvar iedit-case-sensitive iedit-case-sensitive-default (#$ . 1691)) #@82 This is buffer local variable which indicates whether unmatched lines are hided. (defvar iedit-unmatched-lines-invisible nil (#$ . 1838)) #@89 This is buffer local variable which indicates the moving forward or backward successful (defvar iedit-forward-success t (#$ . 1982)) #@90 This is buffer local variable which is the buffer substring that is going to be changed. (defvar iedit-before-modification-string "" (#$ . 2121)) #@82 This is buffer local variable which is the buffer undo list before modification. (defvar iedit-before-modification-undo-list nil (#$ . 2273)) #@99 Variable used to skip first modification hook run when insertion against a zero-width occurrence. (defvar iedit-skip-modification-once t (#$ . 2421)) #@71 This is buffer local variable which indicates Iedit mode is aborting. (defvar iedit-aborting nil (#$ . 2577)) #@82 Functions to call before iedit-abort. Normally it should be mode exit function. (defvar iedit-aborting-hook nil (#$ . 2693)) #@105 This is buffer local variable which indicated if `iedit-post-undo' is installed in `post-command-hook'. (defvar iedit-post-undo-hook-installed nil (#$ . 2826)) #@180 This is buffer local variable which indicates iedit-mode is buffering, which means the modification to the current occurrence is not applied to other occurrences when it is true. (defvar iedit-buffering nil (#$ . 2993)) #@53 The number of lines before or after the occurrence. (defvar iedit-occurrence-context-lines 1 (#$ . 3219)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\304\305!\210\300\306!\210\300\307!\210\300\310!\210\300\311!\210\300\312!\210\300\313!\210\300\314!\210\300\315!\207" [make-variable-buffer-local iedit-occurrences-overlays iedit-read-only-occurrences-overlays iedit-unmatched-lines-invisible make-local-variable iedit-case-sensitive iedit-forward-success iedit-before-modification-string iedit-before-modification-undo-list iedit-skip-modification-once iedit-aborting iedit-buffering iedit-post-undo-hook-installed iedit-occurrence-context-lines] 2) (defconst iedit-occurrence-overlay-name 'iedit-occurrence-overlay-name) (defconst iedit-invisible-overlay-name 'iedit-invisible-overlay-name) #@42 Keymap used while Iedit mode is enabled. (defvar iedit-lib-keymap (byte-code "\301 \302\303\304#\210\302\305\304#\210\302\306\307#\210\302\310\307#\210\302\311\307#\210\302\312\313#\210)\207" [map make-sparse-keymap define-key " " iedit-next-occurrence [tab] [S-tab] iedit-prev-occurrence [S-iso-lefttab] [backtab] [67108903] iedit-toggle-unmatched-lines-visible] 4) (#$ . 4025)) #@49 Default keymap used within occurrence overlays. (defvar iedit-occurrence-keymap-default (byte-code "\301 \302\303\304#\210\302\305\306#\210\302\307\310#\210\302\311\312#\210\302\313\314#\210\302\315\316#\210\302\317\320#\210\302\321\322#\210\302\323\324#\210\302\325\326#\210\302\327\330#\210\302\331\330#\210)\207" [map make-sparse-keymap define-key [134217813] iedit-upcase-occurrences [134217804] iedit-downcase-occurrences [134217810] iedit-replace-occurrences [134217760] iedit-blank-occurrences [134217796] iedit-delete-occurrences [134217806] iedit-number-occurrences [134217794] iedit-toggle-buffering [134217788] iedit-goto-first-occurrence [134217790] iedit-goto-last-occurrence [67108927] iedit-help-for-occurrences [remap keyboard-escape-quit] iedit-quit [remap keyboard-quit]] 4) (#$ . 4419)) #@96 Keymap used within occurrence overlays. It should be set before occurrence overlay is created. (defvar iedit-occurrence-keymap 'iedit-occurrence-keymap-default (#$ . 5245)) (make-local-variable 'iedit-occurrence-keymap) #@43 Display `iedit-occurrence-keymap-default' (defalias 'iedit-help-for-occurrences #[nil "\300\301\302!\303\301\304!\305\301\306!\307\301\310!\311\301\312!\313\301\314!\315\301\316!\317\301\320!\303\301\321!\322\260!\207" [message substitute-command-keys "\\[iedit-upcase-occurrences]" "/" "\\[iedit-downcase-occurrences]" ":up/downcase " "\\[iedit-replace-occurrences]" ":replace " "\\[iedit-blank-occurrences]" ":blank " "\\[iedit-delete-occurrences]" ":delete " "\\[iedit-number-occurrences]" ":number " "\\[iedit-toggle-buffering]" ":buffering " "\\[iedit-goto-first-occurrence]" "\\[iedit-goto-last-occurrence]" ":first/last "] 19 (#$ . 5471) nil]) #@24 Quit the current mode. (defalias 'iedit-quit #[nil "\300\301!\207" [run-hooks iedit-aborting-hook] 2 (#$ . 6129) nil]) #@50 Create occurrence overlays on a list of markers. (defalias 'iedit-make-markers-overlays #[(markers) "\302\303\"\211\207" [markers iedit-occurrences-overlays mapcar #[(marker) "\301@A\"\207" [marker iedit-make-occurrence-overlay] 3]] 3 (#$ . 6254)]) #@99 Create occurrence overlays for `occurrence-regexp' in a region. Return the number of occurrences. (defalias 'iedit-make-occurrences-overlays #[(occurrence-regexp beg end) "\306\211\306\307 ?\212\310 \311\216b\210\312 \210b\210\313\314#\203V\307\224\307\225\315\316\306$\203F\317\"\nB\202O\320\" B T*\202+ *\207" [iedit-aborting iedit-occurrences-overlays iedit-read-only-occurrences-overlays iedit-case-sensitive case-fold-search counter nil 0 current-window-configuration #[nil "\301!\207" [#1=#:wconfig set-window-configuration] 2] recenter re-search-forward t text-property-not-all read-only iedit-make-read-only-occurrence-overlay iedit-make-occurrence-overlay #1# end beg occurrence-regexp ending beginning] 6 (#$ . 6513)]) #@54 Create next occurrence overlay for `occurrence-exp'. (defalias 'iedit-add-next-occurrence-overlay #[(occurrence-exp &optional point) "\302 \303#\207" [occurrence-exp point iedit-add-occurrence-overlay t] 4 (#$ . 7288)]) #@58 Create previous occurrence overlay for `occurrence-exp'. (defalias 'iedit-add-previous-occurrence-overlay #[(occurrence-exp &optional point) "\302 \303#\207" [occurrence-exp point iedit-add-occurrence-overlay nil] 4 (#$ . 7515)]) #@129 Create next or previous occurrence overlay for `occurrence-exp'. Return the start position of the new occurrence if successful. (defalias 'iedit-add-occurrence-overlay #[(occurrence-exp point forward &optional bound) "\204` ?\306\212b\210\f\203\307 \310#\202\"\311 \310#\204,\312\313!\210\202b\314\224\315\314\224\316\"\204?\315\314\225\316\"\203C\317\320!\210\321\314\224\314\225\"B\312\322\323 !\"\210\203b\324 \210\325!\210)\n*\207" [point iedit-case-sensitive pos case-fold-search forward occurrence-exp nil re-search-forward t re-search-backward message "No more matches." 0 iedit-find-overlay-at-point iedit-occurrence-overlay-name error "Conflict region" iedit-make-occurrence-overlay "Add one match for \"%s\"." iedit-printable iedit-show-all iedit-hide-unmatched-lines bound iedit-occurrences-overlays iedit-unmatched-lines-invisible iedit-occurrence-context-lines] 4 (#$ . 7753)]) #@104 Add region as an occurrence. The length of the region must the same as other occurrences if there are. (defalias 'iedit-add-region-as-occurrence #[(beg end) " U\204\n\303\304!\210\n\204\305 \"\nB\211\207 Z\306 U\204$\303\307!\210\310\311\"\2042\310 \311\"\2036\303\312!\210\305 \"\nB\211\207" [beg end iedit-occurrences-overlays error "No region" iedit-make-occurrence-overlay iedit-occurrence-string-length "Wrong region" iedit-find-overlay-at-point iedit-occurrence-overlay-name "Conflict region"] 3 (#$ . 8679)]) #@69 Clean up occurrence overlay, invisible overlay and local variables. (defalias 'iedit-cleanup #[nil "\306\307\211\310$\210\311 \210\307\211\307\312\307\211\207" [iedit-occurrence-overlay-name iedit-occurrences-overlays iedit-read-only-occurrences-overlays iedit-aborting iedit-before-modification-string iedit-before-modification-undo-list remove-overlays nil t iedit-show-all ""] 6 (#$ . 9214)]) #@213 Create an overlay for an occurrence in Iedit mode. Add the properties for the overlay: a face used to display a occurrence's default value, and modification hooks to update occurrences if the user starts typing. (defalias 'iedit-make-occurrence-overlay #[(begin end) "\306 p\307\310%\311\n \310#\210\311\n\312\313#\210\311\n\314\f#\210\311\n\315\316#\210\311\n\317\320#\210\311\n\321\322#\210\311\n\323 #\210\n)\207" [begin end occurrence iedit-occurrence-overlay-name iedit-occurrence-keymap iedit-overlay-priority make-overlay nil t overlay-put face iedit-occurrence keymap insert-in-front-hooks (iedit-update-occurrences) insert-behind-hooks (iedit-update-occurrences) modification-hooks (iedit-update-occurrences) priority] 6 (#$ . 9623)]) #@62 Create an overlay for an read-only occurrence in Iedit mode. (defalias 'iedit-make-read-only-occurrence-overlay #[(begin end) "\304 p\305\306%\307\n \306#\210\307\n\310\311#\210\n)\207" [begin end occurrence iedit-occurrence-overlay-name make-overlay nil t overlay-put face iedit-read-only-occurrence] 6 (#$ . 10375)]) #@68 Create an overlay for lines between two occurrences in Iedit mode. (defalias 'iedit-make-unmatched-lines-overlay #[(begin end) "\304 p\305\306%\307\n \306#\210\307\n\310\303#\210\n)\207" [begin end unmatched-lines-overlay iedit-invisible-overlay-name make-overlay nil t overlay-put invisible] 6 (#$ . 10702)]) #@152 Check if it is time to abort iedit after undo command is executed. This is added to `post-command-hook' when undo command is executed in occurrences. (defalias 'iedit-post-undo #[nil "\301 \204 \302\303!\210\304\305\306\307#\210\310\211\207" [iedit-post-undo-hook-installed iedit-same-length run-hooks iedit-aborting-hook remove-hook post-command-hook iedit-post-undo t nil] 4 (#$ . 11021)]) #@274 Turning Iedit mode off and reset `iedit-aborting'. This is added to `post-command-hook' when aborting Iedit mode is decided. `iedit-aborting-hook' is postponed after the current command is executed for avoiding `iedit-update-occurrences' is called for a removed overlay. (defalias 'iedit-reset-aborting #[nil "\301\302!\210\303\304\305\306#\210\307\211\207" [iedit-aborting run-hooks iedit-aborting-hook remove-hook post-command-hook iedit-reset-aborting t nil] 4 (#$ . 11423)]) #@348 Update all occurrences. This modification hook is triggered when a user edits any occurrence and is responsible for updating all other occurrences. Refer to `modification-hooks' for more details. Current supported edits are insertion, yank, deletion and replacement. If this modification is going out of the occurrence, it will abort Iedit mode. (defalias 'iedit-update-occurrences #[(occurrence after beg end &optional change) "\203 ?\205{\306\307\310\311\312$\210\312\211\207\n?\205{ \204E\f\313 !W\204.\314 !V\2037\312\306\307\315\311\312$\207\316\f\"?\211\207?\205{\203U\311\211\207\312\317=\204r\f=\204r\316\f\"\230?\205{\320 \f%\207" [undo-in-progress iedit-post-undo-hook-installed iedit-aborting after beg occurrence add-hook post-command-hook iedit-post-undo nil t overlay-start overlay-end iedit-reset-aborting buffer-substring-no-properties 0 iedit-update-occurrences-2 end iedit-before-modification-string iedit-skip-modification-once iedit-buffering change] 6 (#$ . 11912)]) #@2  (defalias 'iedit-update-occurrences-2 #[(occurrence after beg end &optional change) "\306\307 !Z\310\n\"\212\311U\203a\312\211\205]@\307!\f\\\211\nZ\\ =\204Mb\210\313 !\210\314\315$\210\316!\210*A\211\204 \312*\202\252\317 \"\312\211\205\251@\307!\f\\\211\211\\|\210\n=\204\221b\210\313 !\210\314\315\211\nZ\\$\210)A\211\204o\312*,\207" [beg occurrence end value offset inhibit-modification-hooks t overlay-start buffer-substring-no-properties 0 nil insert-and-inherit run-hook-with-args after-change-functions iedit-move-conjoined-overlays remove change iedit-occurrences-overlays another-occurrence --dolist-tail-- beginning ending] 7 (#$ . 12952)]) #@207 Move forward to the next occurrence in the `iedit'. If the point is already in the last occurrences, you are asked to type another `iedit-next-occurrence', it starts again from the beginning of the buffer. (defalias 'iedit-next-occurrence #[nil "`\303`\304\"\203\305 \304\"\305 \304\"\211dU\204 \306\202H\n\2031\2031\307\310!\210\311\202H\303e\304\"\203=e\202B\305e\304\"\306\307\312!\210\n\205N b*\207" [in-occurrence pos iedit-forward-success get-char-property iedit-occurrence-overlay-name next-single-char-property-change t message "This is the last occurrence." nil "Located the first occurrence."] 5 (#$ . 13688) nil]) #@207 Move backward to the previous occurrence in the `iedit'. If the point is already in the first occurrences, you are asked to type another `iedit-prev-occurrence', it starts again from the end of the buffer. (defalias 'iedit-prev-occurrence #[nil "`\303`\304\"\203\305 \304\"\305 \304\"\211e=\203\"\303e\304\"\203,`e=\203X\203X\n\203=\203=\306\307!\210\310\202Z\305d\304\"\303dS\304\"\204O\305 \304\"\311\306\312!\210\202Z\311\n\205` b*\207" [in-occurrence pos iedit-forward-success get-char-property iedit-occurrence-overlay-name previous-single-char-property-change message "This is the first occurrence." nil t "Located the last occurrence."] 5 (#$ . 14341) nil]) #@31 Move to the first occurrence. (defalias 'iedit-goto-first-occurrence #[nil "\301 b\210\302\303\304!\207" [iedit-forward-success iedit-first-occurrence t message "Located the first occurrence."] 2 (#$ . 15036) nil]) #@46 return the position of the first occurrence. (defalias 'iedit-first-occurrence #[nil "\300e\301\"\203 e\207\302e\301\"\207" [get-char-property iedit-occurrence-overlay-name next-single-char-property-change] 3 (#$ . 15258)]) #@30 Move to the last occurrence. (defalias 'iedit-goto-last-occurrence #[nil "\301 b\210\302\303\304!\207" [iedit-forward-success iedit-last-occurrence t message "Located the last occurrence."] 2 (#$ . 15489) nil]) #@45 return the position of the last occurrence. (defalias 'iedit-last-occurrence #[nil "\301d\302\"\303dS\302\"\204\301\302\")\207" [pos previous-single-char-property-change iedit-occurrence-overlay-name get-char-property] 3 (#$ . 15707)]) #@298 Toggle whether to display unmatched lines. A prefix ARG specifies how many lines before and after the occurrences are not hided; negative is treated the same as zero. If no prefix argument, the prefix argument last time or default value of `iedit-occurrence-context-lines' is used for this time. (defalias 'iedit-toggle-unmatched-lines-visible #[(&optional arg) "\204 ?\211\203\304\n!\207\305 \207\306!\211\307W\203\307 \205%\nU?\205; \2034\310\311\211 \312$\210\312\304\n!\207" [arg iedit-unmatched-lines-invisible iedit-occurrence-context-lines iedit-invisible-overlay-name iedit-hide-unmatched-lines iedit-show-all prefix-numeric-value 0 remove-overlays nil t] 6 (#$ . 15956) "P"]) #@19 Show hided lines. (defalias 'iedit-show-all #[nil "\302\303\304!\210\305\302\211 \306$\207" [line-move-ignore-invisible iedit-invisible-overlay-name nil remove-from-invisibility-spec (iedit-invisible-overlay-name . t) remove-overlays t] 5 (#$ . 16666)]) #@47 Hide unmatched lines using invisible overlay. (defalias 'iedit-hide-unmatched-lines #[(context-lines) "\306\307\212\310 b\210`dU\204@` [y\210\311 \211 V\203% \fSDB)\312\n\313\"b\210)` y\210\314 T\312 \313\"b\210)\202 dW\203L dDB\203~\315\316!\210\317\320\321!\210\307\211\203}@\322@A@\"\210A\211\204e*)*\207" [unmatched-lines prev-occurrence-end current-start context-lines line-beginning current-end 1 nil iedit-first-occurrence line-beginning-position next-single-char-property-change iedit-occurrence-overlay-name line-end-position make-local-variable line-move-ignore-invisible t add-to-invisibility-spec (iedit-invisible-overlay-name . t) iedit-make-unmatched-lines-overlay unmatch --dolist-tail--] 4 (#$ . 16927)]) #@36 Call function for each occurrence. (defalias 'iedit-apply-on-occurrences #[(function &rest args) "\306\212 \307\211\205! @\310\f\311\n!\312\n! $\210 A\211\204 \307,\207" [inhibit-modification-hooks iedit-occurrences-overlays occurrence --dolist-tail-- function args t nil apply overlay-start overlay-end] 6 (#$ . 17693)]) #@35 Covert occurrences to upper case. (defalias 'iedit-upcase-occurrences #[nil "\300 \210\301\302!\207" [iedit-barf-if-buffering iedit-apply-on-occurrences upcase-region] 2 (#$ . 18028) "*"]) (byte-code "\301\302\303\304#\203\305\306\307\"\210\310\311\306#\210\303\207" [iedit-occurrence-keymap-default require multiple-cursors-core nil t defalias iedit-switch-to-mc-mode #[nil "\306 \210\307 `\310!Z`\311 \312\211\2052 @\310\f! \\b\210\n`U\204*\313 \210 A\211\204\312*!\210\314\315!\210\316\317!+\207" [ov offset master iedit-occurrences-overlays occurrence --dolist-tail-- iedit-barf-if-buffering iedit-find-current-occurrence-overlay overlay-start mc/save-excursion nil mc/create-fake-cursor-at-point multiple-cursors-mode 1 run-hooks iedit-aborting-hook] 4 "Switch to multiple-cursors-mode. So that you can navigate\nout of the occurrence and edit simutaneously with multiple\ncursors." "*"] define-key [134217805]] 4) #@35 Covert occurrences to lower case. (defalias 'iedit-downcase-occurrences #[nil "\300 \210\301\302!\207" [iedit-barf-if-buffering iedit-apply-on-occurrences downcase-region] 2 (#$ . 18970) "*"]) #@64 Replace occurrences with STRING. This function preserves case. (defalias 'iedit-replace-occurrences #[(&optional to-string) "\305 \210\306 `\307!Z\310\307!\311!\"\211\227\f\204&\312\313\314\211\n\314%\202'\f\315\316 \f#\210\307! \\b-\207" [ov offset from-string from-string-lowercase to-string iedit-barf-if-buffering iedit-find-current-occurrence-overlay overlay-start buffer-substring-no-properties overlay-end read-string "Replace with: " nil iedit-apply-on-occurrences #[(beg end from-string-lowercase to-string) "b\210\304 \n\"\210\305 \306\"\207" [beg from-string-lowercase end to-string search-forward replace-match nil] 3]] 7 (#$ . 19169) "*"]) #@40 Replace occurrences with blank spaces. (defalias 'iedit-blank-occurrences #[nil "\304 \210@`\305 !Z\306 !\305 !Z\307\310!\210\305 !\n\\b+\207" [iedit-occurrences-overlays ov offset count iedit-barf-if-buffering overlay-start overlay-end iedit-apply-on-occurrences #[(beg end) " |\210b\210\303\304\n\305\"!\207" [beg end count insert-and-inherit make-string 32] 4]] 3 (#$ . 19840) "*"]) #@21 Delete occurrences. (defalias 'iedit-delete-occurrences #[nil "\300 \210\301\302!\207" [iedit-barf-if-buffering iedit-apply-on-occurrences delete-region] 2 (#$ . 20238) "*"]) #@319 Toggle buffering. This is intended to improve iedit's response time. If the number of occurrences are huge, it might be slow to update all the occurrences for each key stoke. When buffering is on, modification is only applied to the current occurrence and will be applied to other occurrences when buffering is off. (defalias 'iedit-toggle-buffering #[nil "\203\n\301 \210\202 \302 \210\303\304\203\305\202\306P!\207" [iedit-buffering iedit-stop-buffering iedit-start-buffering message "Modification Buffering " "started." "stopped."] 3 (#$ . 20420) "*"]) #@18 Start buffering. (defalias 'iedit-start-buffering #[nil "\304\305 \n\306\307!\207" [iedit-buffering iedit-before-modification-string buffer-undo-list iedit-before-modification-undo-list t iedit-current-occurrence-string message "Start buffering editing..."] 2 (#$ . 20992)]) #@183 Stop buffering and apply the modification to other occurrences. If current point is not at any occurrence, the buffered modification is not going to be applied to other occurrences. (defalias 'iedit-stop-buffering #[nil "\306 \211\203y\307!\310!\311 \n\"` Z\312 \230\204x\212 \n|\210 b\210\313!\210\314\211\203p@\307!\310!\211|\210 \n=\204ab\210\313 !\210\315!\210*A\211\204=+\307!\f\\b\210-)\314\316\317!\210\314\211\207" [ov beg end modified-string offset inhibit-modification-hooks iedit-find-current-occurrence-overlay overlay-start overlay-end buffer-substring-no-properties t insert-and-inherit nil iedit-move-conjoined-overlays message "Buffered modification applied." iedit-before-modification-string iedit-before-modification-undo-list buffer-undo-list iedit-occurrences-overlays occurrence --dolist-tail-- ending beginning iedit-buffering] 4 (#$ . 21277)]) #@118 This function keeps overlays conjoined after modification. After modification, conjoined overlays may be overlapped. (defalias 'iedit-move-conjoined-overlays #[(occurrence) "\305!\306!\211eU\204!\307\nS\310\"\211\203 \311 \305 !\n#\210) dU?\2059\307 \310\"\211\2058\311\f \306\f!#)*\207" [occurrence ending beginning previous-overlay next-overlay overlay-start overlay-end iedit-find-overlay-at-point iedit-occurrence-overlay-name move-overlay] 6 (#$ . 22205)]) #@50 Occurrence number for 'iedit-number-occurrences. (defvar iedit-number-line-counter 1 (#$ . 22683)) (defalias 'iedit-default-occurrence-number-format #[(start-at) "\302\303\211G \\S!G!\304Q\207" [iedit-occurrences-overlays start-at "%" int-to-string "d "] 5]) #@300 Insert numbers in front of the occurrences. START-AT, if non-nil, should be a number from which to begin counting. FORMAT, if non-nil, should be a format string to pass to `format-string' along with the line count. When called interactively with a prefix argument, prompt for START-AT and FORMAT. (defalias 'iedit-number-occurrences #[(start-at &optional format-string) "\304 \210\204 \305 ! \306\212\307 b\210`dU?\2058\310 \"c\210\311\312 !\210 T\313`\314\"b\210\313`\314\"b\210\202+\207" [format-string start-at inhibit-modification-hooks iedit-number-occurrence-counter iedit-barf-if-buffering iedit-default-occurrence-number-format t iedit-first-occurrence format iedit-move-conjoined-overlays iedit-find-current-occurrence-overlay next-single-char-property-change iedit-occurrence-overlay-name] 3 (#$ . 22950) (byte-code "\203\302\303\304\"\211\305\306\307 !\")D\207\304\310D\207" [current-prefix-arg start-at read-number "Number to count from: " 1 read-string "Format string: " iedit-default-occurrence-number-format nil] 6)]) #@121 Return the current occurrence overlay at point or point - 1. This function is supposed to be called in overlay keymap. (defalias 'iedit-find-current-occurrence-overlay #[nil "\300`\301\"\206\f\300`S\301\"\207" [iedit-find-overlay-at-point iedit-occurrence-overlay-name] 3 (#$ . 24006)]) #@44 Return the overlay with PROPERTY at POINT. (defalias 'iedit-find-overlay-at-point #[(point property) "\305!\306\n\203$ \204$\n@\307 \f\"\203 \202 \nA)\202 *\207" [point found overlays overlay property overlays-at nil overlay-get] 3 (#$ . 24301)]) #@53 Return t if all occurrences are at the same column. (defalias 'iedit-same-column #[nil "\212\305@!b\210iA\306\n\2030 \2030\n@\305\f!b\210i U\204)\307\202,\nA)\202 ,\207" [iedit-occurrences-overlays same overlays column overlay overlay-start t nil] 3 (#$ . 24567)]) #@50 Return t if all occurrences are the same length. (defalias 'iedit-same-length #[nil "\212\305 A\306\n\203, \203,\n@\307\f!\310\f!Z U\204%\311\202(\nA)\202 ,\207" [iedit-occurrences-overlays same overlays length ov iedit-occurrence-string-length t overlay-end overlay-start nil] 3 (#$ . 24852)]) #@84 Return current occurrence string. Return nil if occurrence string is empty string. (defalias 'iedit-current-occurrence-string #[nil "\304 \206@\211\205 \305 !\306 !\211\nU?\205\307 \n\"*)\207" [iedit-occurrences-overlays ov end beg iedit-find-current-occurrence-overlay overlay-start overlay-end buffer-substring-no-properties] 4 (#$ . 25166)]) #@49 Return the length of current occurrence string. (defalias 'iedit-occurrence-string-length #[nil "@\302 !\303 !Z)\207" [iedit-occurrences-overlays ov overlay-end overlay-start] 3 (#$ . 25526)]) #@89 Return a overlay with property in region, or out of the region if EXCLUSIVE is not nil. (defalias 'iedit-find-overlay #[(beg end property &optional exclusive) "\203\304e \n#\206\304 d\n#\207\304 \n#\207" [exclusive beg property end iedit-find-overlay-in-region] 4 (#$ . 25727)]) #@43 Return a overlay with property in region. (defalias 'iedit-find-overlay-in-region #[(beg end property) "\306 \"\307 \2035\n\2045 @\310\f \"\203.\311\f!Y\203.\312\f! X\203.\f\2021 A)\202\n*\207" [beg end found overlays overlay property overlays-in nil overlay-get overlay-start overlay-end] 3 (#$ . 26018)]) #@65 Remove deleted overlays from list `iedit-occurrences-overlays'. (defalias 'iedit-cleanup-occurrences-overlays #[(beg end &optional inclusive) "\203\306 \n \307$\210\202\306e \307$\210\306\nd \307$\210\310 \310\n\211 \203B @\n\311\n!\2039\n\fB A\211 \204(*\f\211)\207" [inclusive beg end iedit-occurrence-overlay-name overlays iedit-occurrences-overlays remove-overlays t nil overlay-buffer overlay --dolist-tail--] 6 (#$ . 26346)]) #@91 Return a omitted substring that is not longer than 50. STRING is already `regexp-quote'ed (defalias 'iedit-printable #[(string) "\303\304\"G\211\203*\n U\204*\n\305W\203!\306\nO\307P\202:\306\305O\307P\202: \305V\2039\306\305O\307P\202:*\207" [string length first-newline-index string-match "$" 50 0 "..."] 4 (#$ . 26804)]) #@197 Get char position of the beginning of the current line. If `N' is given, move forward (or backward) that many lines (using `forward-line') and get the char position at the beginning of that line. (defalias 'iedit-char-at-bol #[(&optional N) "\212\203 \202\n\301y\210`)\207" [N 0] 1 (#$ . 27150)]) #@185 Get char position of the end of the current line. If `N' is given, move forward (or backward) that many lines (using `forward-line') and get the char position at the end of that line. (defalias 'iedit-char-at-eol #[(&optional N) "\212\203 \202\n\301y\210\302\210`)\207" [N 0 nil] 1 (#$ . 27458)]) #@205 Return t if region is active and not empty. If variable `iedit-transient-mark-sensitive' is t, active region means `transient-mark-mode' is on and mark is active. Otherwise, it just means mark is active. (defalias 'iedit-region-active #[nil "\203 \202 \303\205\n\205\304 `\232?\207" [iedit-transient-mark-sensitive transient-mark-mode mark-active t mark] 2 (#$ . 27767)]) #@38 Signal error if Iedit lib is active. (defalias 'iedit-barf-if-lib-active #[nil "\204 ?\206\f\302\303!\207" [iedit-occurrences-overlays iedit-read-only-occurrences-overlays error "Iedit lib is active"] 2 (#$ . 28153)]) #@41 Signal error if Iedit lib is buffering. (defalias 'iedit-barf-if-buffering #[nil "?\206\301\302!\207" [iedit-buffering error "Iedit is buffering"] 2 (#$ . 28381)]) (provide 'iedit-lib)