;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311&\207" [require iedit-lib custom-declare-variable iedit-toggle-key-default (kbd "C-;") "If no-nil, the key is inserted into global-map,\nisearch-mode-map, esc-map and help-map." :type vector :group iedit] 8) #@49 Function(s) to call after starting up an iedit. (defvar iedit-mode-hook nil (#$ . 353)) #@49 Function(s) to call after terminating an iedit. (defvar iedit-mode-end-hook nil (#$ . 447)) (defvar iedit-mode nil) #@117 If no-nil, matches have to start and end at symbol boundaries. Otherwise, matches starts and end at word bondaries. (defvar iedit-use-symbol-boundaries t (#$ . 570)) #@101 This is buffer local variable which indicates the occurrence type. It might be (symbol word other). (defvar iedit-occurrence-type-local 'symbol (#$ . 743)) #@107 This is global variable which indicates the last global occurrence type. It might be (symbol word other). (defvar iedit-occurrence-type-global 'symbol (#$ . 906)) #@96 This is buffer local variable which is the occurrence when Iedit mode is turned off last time. (defvar iedit-last-occurrence-local nil (#$ . 1075)) #@90 This is global variable which is the occurrence when Iedit mode is turned off last time. (defvar iedit-last-occurrence-global nil (#$ . 1229)) #@72 This is a global variable which is the last initial occurrence string. (defvar iedit-last-initial-string-global nil (#$ . 1378)) #@80 This is buffer local variable which is the initial string to start Iedit mode. (defvar iedit-initial-string-local nil (#$ . 1513)) #@93 This is buffer local variable which is the initial region where Iedit mode is started from. (defvar iedit-initial-region nil (#$ . 1650)) #@113 This is a global variable indicating how many lines up from point should be included in the replacement region. (defvar iedit-num-lines-to-expand-up 0 (#$ . 1795)) #@115 This is a global variable indicating how many lines down from point should be included in the replacement region. (defvar iedit-num-lines-to-expand-down 0 (#$ . 1966)) #@929 This is a function which returns a string as occurrence candidate. It is called in `iedit-default-occurrence'. This buffer local varialbe can be configured in some modes. An example of how to use this variable: (add-hook 'perl-mode-hook '(lambda () (setq iedit-default-occurrence-local '(lambda () (let* ((bound (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol)) (prefix-char (char-after (1- (car bound))))) (if (memq prefix-char '(?$ ?% ?@ ?*)) (progn (setq iedit-occurrence-type-local 'regexp) (concat (regexp-quote (buffer-substring-no-properties (1- (car bound)) (cdr bound))) "\\_>")) (buffer-substring-no-properties (car bound) (cdr bound)))))))) '$%@*' will be included in the occurrences in perl mode. (defvar iedit-default-occurrence-local nil (#$ . 2141)) (byte-code "\301\302!\210\301\303!\210\301\304!\210\301\305!\210\301\306!\210\301\307!\210\301\310!\210\302\236\204'\311C\244\210\301\207" [minor-mode-alist make-variable-buffer-local iedit-mode iedit-use-symbol-boundaries iedit-occurrence-type-local iedit-last-occurrence-local iedit-initial-string-local iedit-initial-region iedit-default-occurrence-local (iedit-mode iedit-mode)] 2) #@62 Keymap for characters following the Help key for Iedit mode. (defvar iedit-help-map (byte-code "\302 \303\304\305 C!!\306#\210\303\307\306#\210\303\310\306#\210\303\311\306#\210\303\312\313#\210\303\314\315#\210\303\316\317#\210\303\320\321#\210)\207" [map help-char make-sparse-keymap define-key vector event-convert-list iedit-help-for-help [help] [f1] "?" "b" iedit-describe-bindings "k" iedit-describe-key "m" iedit-describe-mode "q" help-quit] 5) (#$ . 3520)) #@15 Help command. (defalias 'iedit-help-for-help-internal #[nil "\306\307\310!! \203\311\312\"\210\313\314 \f\315 @\316\211AB\316\211CD\317\320\n\"\203:\321\322\323 \324\325O!\326\211\n$\327\216\316 E\241\210\330 \331\332#\210\330 \333\334F\335\"#\210 \203z G\336\316!)C\334HC\"\203q\334HC\"CC\324HD\202}\337DD\337=\204\224DI=\204\224DJ>\203v\340 A\341\342\316\326#\210\343\344!\203\263\345 @=\204\263\345 B\316A\316K\326L\346 \210\306\n!c\210) \347 \210\f)eb\210D\350JI\351B\">\204\352D\242\352=\204\352C\353\232\203v\35418D\242\352=\203\375\355D!\2023D\356>\203 \357 \2023D\360>\204C\353\232\203\361 \2023D\362=\203)\357\363!\2023D\364=\2053\361\363!0\210\2029\210\326 GM\336\365\366\367d!\203L\370\202W\371\322\372!\373\322\374!\375\260\"!\211C\324HD*D\376=\203\315\377\334 C\"\316C#\210\202\315\311\370!\210D<\203\216DNBN\316\211A\202\322\334 C\"\211O\203\315A\203\250\201PA!\210\316A \201QO!\210)B\205\321B\315 =\204\306\201RB!\210\316\211B\202\321\201S ). \207" [line-prompt three-step-help help-screen local-map minor-mode-map-alist new-minor-mode-map-alist substitute-command-keys purecopy "Type a help option: [bkm] or ?" message "%s" "You have typed %THIS-KEY%, the help character. Type a Help option:\n(Type \\\\[help-quit] to exit the Help command.)\n\nb Display all Iedit key bindings.\nk KEYS Display full documentation of Iedit key sequence.\nm Display documentation of Iedit mode.\n\nYou can't type here other help keys available in the global help map,\nbut outside of this help window when you type them in Iedit mode,\nthey exit Iedit mode before displaying global help." make-sparse-keymap selected-frame nil string-match "%THIS-KEY%" replace-match help--key-description-fontified this-command-keys 0 -1 t #[nil "\203\304!\210 \203\305 !\210\n\211\207" [config new-frame new-minor-mode-map-alist minor-mode-map-alist set-window-configuration iconify-frame] 2] define-key [t] undefined [vertical-scroll-bar] lookup-key [vertical-scroll-bar] read-key-sequence 63 current-window-configuration pop-to-buffer " *Metahelp*" fboundp make-frame window-frame erase-buffer help-mode append (63 22 32 127 134217846 33554464 deletechar backspace vertical-scroll-bar next prior up down) switch-frame "\366" (error) handle-switch-frame (22 32 next) scroll-up (127 134217846 33554464 deletechar backspace prior) scroll-down down 1 up format "Type one of the options listed%s: " pos-visible-in-window-p "" ", or " [PageDown] " or " [PageUp] " to scroll" vertical-scroll-bar command-execute prev-frame config new-frame key char iedit-help-map global-map overriding-local-map function-key-map help-char help-event-list buffer-read-only inhibit-read-only cursor-in-echo-area unread-command-events defn set-window-configuration call-interactively iconify-frame ding] 9 (#$ . 4001) nil]) #@26 Display Iedit help menu. (defalias 'iedit-help-for-help #[nil "\302\211\303 *\207" [same-window-regexps same-window-buffer-names nil iedit-help-for-help-internal] 2 (#$ . 6949) nil]) #@135 Show a list of all keys defined in Iedit mode, and their definitions. This is like `describe-bindings', but displays only Iedit keys. (defalias 'iedit-describe-bindings #[nil "\306\211\307\310! \306\211\223\210\311\fB\312 B\313 \314\315!\211\306\211rq\210\316\317!\210\316!)rq\210\320\306\")\321\322!\203R\322\"\202T. \207" [keymap same-window-regexps same-window-buffer-names help-window-point-marker temp-buffer-window-setup-hook temp-buffer-window-show-hook nil substitute-command-keys "\\{iedit-mode-keymap}\\{iedit-mode-occurrence-keymap}" help-mode-setup help-mode-finish selected-frame temp-buffer-window-setup "*Help*" princ "Iedit Mode Bindings: " temp-buffer-window-show functionp help-window-setup help-window-old-frame #1=#:buffer standard-output #2=#:window #3=#:value] 5 (#$ . 7141) nil]) #@66 Display documentation of the function invoked by Iedit mode key. (defalias 'iedit-describe-key #[nil "\302\211\303\304!*\207" [same-window-regexps same-window-buffer-names nil call-interactively describe-key] 2 (#$ . 7984) nil]) #@38 Display documentation of Iedit mode. (defalias 'iedit-describe-mode #[nil "\302\211\303\304!*\207" [same-window-regexps same-window-buffer-names nil describe-function iedit-mode] 2 (#$ . 8221) nil]) (byte-code "\203C\306\307!\204C\310\311 \"\211\203#\312\313\314\315\316! #\317#\210\202B\320\n\307#\210\320 \321#\210\320\f\322#\210\320 \323#\210\324\325\316!\"\210)\326\327\330\"\207" [iedit-toggle-key-default key-def global-map isearch-mode-map esc-map help-map where-is-internal iedit-mode lookup-key current-global-map display-warning iedit format "Iedit default key %S is occupied by %s." key-description :warning define-key iedit-mode-from-isearch iedit-execute-last-modification iedit-mode-toggle-on-function message "Iedit default key binding is %s" add-to-list desktop-minor-mode-handlers (iedit-mode)] 7) #@44 Keymap used within overlays in Iedit mode. (defvar iedit-mode-occurrence-keymap (byte-code "\302 \303 \"\210\304\305\306#\210\304\307\310#\210\304\311\312#\210\304\313\314#\210\304\315\316#\210\304\317\320#\210\304\321\322#\210\304\323\324#\210)\207" [map iedit-occurrence-keymap-default make-sparse-keymap set-keymap-parent define-key [134217800] iedit-restrict-function [134217801] iedit-restrict-current-line [134217851] iedit-expand-up-a-line [134217853] iedit-expand-down-a-line [134217840] iedit-expand-up-to-occurrence [134217838] iedit-expand-down-to-occurrence [134217799] iedit-apply-global-modification [134217795] iedit-toggle-case-sensitive] 4) (#$ . 9057)) #@42 Keymap used while Iedit mode is enabled. (defvar iedit-mode-keymap (byte-code "\304 \305 \"\210\306\307\310\nC!! #\210\306\311 #\210\306\312 #\210\306\313\314#\210)\207" [map iedit-lib-keymap help-char iedit-help-map make-sparse-keymap set-keymap-parent define-key vector event-convert-list [help] [f1] [134217787] iedit-toggle-selection] 5) (#$ . 9745)) (byte-code "\302\236\204\f\302 BB\302\207" [minor-mode-map-alist iedit-mode-keymap iedit-mode] 2) #@2113 Toggle Iedit mode. This command behaves differently, depending on the mark, point, prefix argument and variable `iedit-transient-mark-sensitive'. If Iedit mode is off, turn Iedit mode on. When Iedit mode is turned on, all the occurrences of the current region in the buffer (possibly narrowed) or a region are highlighted. If one occurrence is modified, the change are propagated to all other occurrences simultaneously. If region is not active, `iedit-default-occurrence' is called to get an occurrence candidate, according to the thing at point. It might be url, email address, markup tag or current symbol(or word) . In the above two situations, with digit prefix argument 0, only occurrences in current function are matched. This is good for renaming refactoring in programming. You can also switch to Iedit mode from isearch mode directly. The current search string is used as occurrence. All occurrences of the current search string are highlighted. With an universal prefix argument, the occurrence when Iedit mode is turned off last time in current buffer is used as occurrence. This is intended to recover last Iedit mode which is turned off. If region active, Iedit mode is limited within the current region. With repeated universal prefix argument, the occurrence when Iedit mode is turned off last time (might be in other buffer) is used as occurrence. If region active, Iedit mode is limited within the current region. With digital prefix argument 1, Iedit mode is limited on the current symbol or the active region, which means just one instance is highlighted. This behavior serves as a start point of incremental selection work flow. If Iedit mode is on and region is active, Iedit mode is restricted in the region, e.g. the occurrences outside of the region is excluded. If Iedit mode is on and region is active, with an universal prefix argument, Iedit mode is restricted outside of the region, e.g. the occurrences in the region is excluded. Turn off Iedit mode in other situations. Commands: \{iedit-mode-keymap} Keymap used within overlays: \{iedit-mode-occurrence-keymap} (defalias 'iedit-mode #[(&optional arg) "\203\306 !\207\307 \210\310\n\311=\203\312\313\314\"\202ed \2035\315 !\316U\2035\"\2035\"\202l \203P\315 !\317U\203P#\203P#$%\202l\320 \203a\321\322 `\"\323%\202l\324 \211\204l\325\326!\210 \203\256\315 !\327U\203\206\212\330 \210\331 \332 )\202\256\315 !\313U\203\243\320 \204\243\333\334!\211&@&A)\202\256\320 \203\256\331 \332 \310'\335\336!\210 (\337\340 !\f #\210)?\205\310\341 +\207" [iedit-mode arg major-mode end beg occurrence iedit-mode-on-action iedit-barf-if-lib-active nil occur-edit-mode next-single-char-property-change 1 read-only prefix-numeric-value 4 16 iedit-region-active buffer-substring-no-properties mark selection iedit-default-occurrence error "No candidate of the occurrence, cannot enable Iedit mode" 0 mark-defun region-beginning region-end bounds-of-thing-at-point symbol run-hooks deactivate-mark-hook iedit-start iedit-regexp-quote iedit-done iedit-last-occurrence-local iedit-last-initial-string-global iedit-occurrence-type-global iedit-occurrence-type-local region mark-active iedit-initial-string-local iedit-occurrences-overlays] 5 (#$ . 10217) "P"]) #@58 Start Iedit mode using last search string as the regexp. (defalias 'iedit-mode-from-isearch #[(regexp) "\204\306\307!\210 \204\n\204  ?\310 \210\311\312\313!\210\203(\314 \210\315ed#\210\204?\316\317\"\210\320 \202K\321 ?\205K\316\322!\210\320 )\207" [isearch-success isearch-regexp isearch-regexp-function isearch-string iedit-initial-string-local isearch-case-fold-search error "No match" isearch-exit nil run-hooks deactivate-mark-hook iedit-cleanup iedit-start message "No matches found for %s" iedit-done iedit-same-length "Matches are not the same length." iedit-case-sensitive mark-active iedit-mode regexp iedit-occurrences-overlays] 4 (#$ . 13515) (let ((regexp (cond ((functionp isearch-regexp-function) (funcall isearch-regexp-function isearch-string)) (isearch-regexp-function (word-search-regexp isearch-string)) (isearch-regexp isearch-string) (t (regexp-quote isearch-string))))) (list regexp))]) #@69 Start Iedit mode for the `occurrence-regexp' in the current buffer. (defalias 'iedit-start #[(occurrence-regexp beg end) "\306 \nD\307 \310=\203\311 !\210\312\202'!\313\" \n#\314\315\f\316\"!#\210\317\320\321\f!P\322\323##\324 \210)\325\326!\210\327\330\331\332\306$\210\327\333\331\332\306$\210\327\334\331\332\306$\210\327\335\331\332\306$\207" [iedit-skip-modification-once beg end iedit-initial-region counter iedit-occurrence-type-local t 0 markup-tag iedit-make-markers-overlays 2 iedit-make-occurrences-overlays message "%d matches for \"%s\"" iedit-printable propertize " Iedit:" number-to-string face font-lock-warning-face force-mode-line-update run-hooks iedit-mode-hook add-hook before-revert-hook iedit-done nil kbd-macro-termination-hook change-major-mode-hook iedit-aborting-hook iedit-occurrence-keymap-default iedit-occurrence-keymap iedit-occurrences-overlays iedit-mode-occurrence-keymap occurrence-regexp iedit-mode] 5 (#$ . 14457)]) #@102 This function returns a string as occurrence candidate. The candidate depends on the thing at point. (defalias 'iedit-default-occurrence #[nil "\305\306\307!\203\306\307!\307\202_\306\310!\203 \306\310!\310\202_\n\203*\n \202_\311\303!\2034 \204@\312 \211\203@\313\202_\f\203S\306\314!\203S\306\314!\314\202_\306\315!\203_\306\315!\315)\207" [occurrence-str iedit-occurrence-type-local iedit-default-occurrence-local sgml-electric-tag-pair-mode iedit-use-symbol-boundaries nil thing-at-point url email boundp iedit-mark-sgml-pair markup-tag symbol word] 2 (#$ . 15437)]) #@25 Return a regexp string. (defalias 'iedit-regexp-quote #[(exp) "\302\267\202\303\304 !\305Q\207\306\304 !\307Q\207 \207\304 !\207" [iedit-occurrence-type-local exp #s(hash-table size 4 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (quote 6 symbol 6 word 13 regexp 20)) "\\_<" regexp-quote "\\_>" "\\<" "\\>"] 3 (#$ . 16042)]) #@300 Check if the cursor is on a markup tag. If the cursor is on a markup tag, the postion of the opening and closing markup tags are saved in `iedit-occurrence-overlays' temporarily. The code is adpated from `sgml-electric-tag-pair-before-change-function'. Return the tag if succeeded, nil if failed. (defalias 'iedit-mark-sgml-pair #[nil "\3061\246\212\307\310x\210`Sf\311=\204&`Sf\312=\205\243`S\206`Sf\311=\205\243`Sf\312=`\307\310w\210`\203E\313\314!\205c\314u\210\315\202c\316 p\317\216\320 !\210\321\322!\210\323\314!\205b\324\314!\210\325u\210\315+\211\205\242\n U?\205\242 \n{`\212\307\310w\210`){\232\205\242\203\213\nf\326=\205\242 \nBB``\n Z\\BB \n{,)0\207\210\310\207" [endp cl-start cl-end #1=#:buffer #2=#:table sgml-tag-syntax-table (error) "[:alnum:]-_.:" nil 60 47 sgml-skip-tag-backward 1 t syntax-table #[nil "rq\210\302 !)\207" [#1# #2# set-syntax-table] 2] set-syntax-table up-list -1 sgml-skip-tag-forward backward-sexp 2 62 match iedit-occurrences-overlays] 5 (#$ . 16395)]) #@110 Exit Iedit mode. Save the current occurrence string locally and globally. Save the initial string globally. (defalias 'iedit-done #[nil "\203\306 \210\307 \n   \203\310 !\210\311\211\312 \210\313\211\314 \210\315\316\317\320#\210\315\321\317\320#\210\315\322\317\320#\210\315\323\317\320#\210\324\325!\207" [iedit-buffering iedit-last-occurrence-local iedit-occurrence-type-local iedit-occurrence-type-global iedit-last-occurrence-global iedit-initial-string-local iedit-stop-buffering iedit-current-occurrence-string kill-new 0 iedit-cleanup nil force-mode-line-update remove-hook before-revert-hook iedit-done t kbd-macro-termination-hook change-major-mode-hook iedit-aborting-hook run-hooks iedit-mode-end-hook iedit-last-initial-string-global iedit-num-lines-to-expand-up iedit-num-lines-to-expand-down iedit-mode] 5 (#$ . 17431)]) #@69 Turn off Iedit mode or restrict it in a region if region is active. (defalias 'iedit-mode-on-action #[(&optional arg) "\301 \203 \302\303 \304 #\207\305 \207" [arg iedit-region-active iedit-restrict-region region-beginning region-end iedit-done] 4 (#$ . 18291)]) #@40 Toggle Iedit mode on current function. (defalias 'iedit-mode-toggle-on-function #[nil "\300\301!\207" [iedit-mode 0] 2 (#$ . 18562) nil]) #@82 Apply last modification in Iedit mode to the current buffer or an active region. (defalias 'iedit-execute-last-modification #[(&optional arg) "\203\n \230\203\306\307!\210\310! \n?\311\211 \203+\227\227\312!\313 \203@\314 \315 \316\317\211\311\211\211\f & -\207" [iedit-last-initial-string-global iedit-last-occurrence-global iedit-case-sensitive end beg case-fold-search error "No modification available" regexp-quote nil iedit-regexp-quote iedit-region-active region-beginning region-end perform-replace t replacement occurrence-exp iedit-occurrence-type-global iedit-occurrence-type-local] 10 (#$ . 18706) "*P"]) #@33 Apply last global modification. (defalias 'iedit-apply-global-modification #[nil "\203 \230\203\n\230\204\303\n!\207\304\305!\207" [iedit-last-initial-string-global iedit-initial-string-local iedit-last-occurrence-global iedit-replace-occurrences message "No global modification available."] 2 (#$ . 19365) "*"]) #@48 Select or deselect the occurrence under point. (defalias 'iedit-toggle-selection #[nil "\304 \210\305 \211\203\306\307!\310!\311#\202F\312 \211??\205E\212` GV\203.` GZ\202/eb\210\313\314 !!\210)\315\316\317\nG!P\320\321#\322 ))\207" [ov current-occurrence-string iedit-occurrences-overlays iedit-mode iedit-barf-if-buffering iedit-find-current-occurrence-overlay iedit-restrict-region overlay-start overlay-end t iedit-current-occurrence-string iedit-add-next-occurrence-overlay iedit-regexp-quote propertize " Iedit:" number-to-string face font-lock-warning-face force-mode-line-update] 5 (#$ . 19693) nil]) #@45 Restricting Iedit mode in current function. (defalias 'iedit-restrict-function #[(&optional arg) "\212\302 \210\303\304 \305 #\210)\306\307 G\"\207" [arg iedit-occurrences-overlays mark-defun iedit-restrict-region region-beginning region-end message "Restricted in current function, %d matches."] 4 (#$ . 20319) "P"]) #@38 Restrict Iedit mode to current line. (defalias 'iedit-restrict-current-line #[nil "\303\304 \305 \"\210\306\211\307\310\nG\nG\311U\203\312\202\313#\207" [iedit-num-lines-to-expand-up iedit-num-lines-to-expand-down iedit-occurrences-overlays iedit-restrict-region iedit-char-at-bol iedit-char-at-eol 0 message "Restricted to current line, %d match%s." 1 "" "es"] 6 (#$ . 20644) nil]) #@282 Expands the top or bottom of the search region upwards or downwards by `amount' lines. The region being acted upon is controlled with `where' ('top to act on the top, anything else for the bottom). With a prefix, collapses the top or bottom of the search region by `amount' lines. (defalias 'iedit-expand-by-a-line #[(where amount) "\306 \307 \210 \310=\203\311\n \\]\202\311\n\f\\]\312\313!\314 [!\315\f!#\210\316\317 \f G G\320U\2039\321\202:\322%)\207" [occurrence where amount iedit-num-lines-to-expand-up iedit-num-lines-to-expand-down iedit-occurrences-overlays iedit-current-occurrence-string iedit-cleanup top 0 iedit-start iedit-regexp-quote iedit-char-at-bol iedit-char-at-eol message "Now looking -%d/+%d lines around current line, %d match%s." 1 "" "es"] 7 (#$ . 21040) "P"]) #@194 After start iedit-mode only on current symbol or the active region, this function expands the search region upwards by one line. With a prefix, bring the top of the region back down one line. (defalias 'iedit-expand-up-a-line #[(&optional arg) "\301\302\203\n\303\202 \304\"\207" [arg iedit-expand-by-a-line top -1 1] 3 (#$ . 21845) "P"]) #@197 After start iedit-mode only on current symbol or the active region, this function expands the search region downwards by one line. With a prefix, bring the bottom of the region back up one line. (defalias 'iedit-expand-down-a-line #[(&optional arg) "\301\302\203\n\303\202 \304\"\207" [arg iedit-expand-by-a-line bottom -1 1] 3 (#$ . 22195) "P"]) #@192 Expand the search region downwards until reaching a new occurrence. If no such occurrence can be found, throw an error. With a prefix, bring the bottom of the region back up one occurrence. (defalias 'iedit-expand-down-to-occurrence #[(&optional arg) "\203\302\303 \304 S\"\210 \205\304 b\207\305\306!\207" [arg iedit-mode iedit-restrict-region iedit-first-occurrence iedit-last-occurrence iedit-expand-to-occurrence t] 3 (#$ . 22553) "P"]) #@189 Expand the search region upwards until reaching a new occurrence. If no such occurrence can be found, throw an error. With a prefix, bring the top of the region back down one occurrence. (defalias 'iedit-expand-up-to-occurrence #[(&optional arg) "\203\302\303 \304 \\\303 \305 \\\"\210 \205\304 b\207\306\307!\207" [arg iedit-mode iedit-restrict-region iedit-occurrence-string-length iedit-first-occurrence iedit-last-occurrence iedit-expand-to-occurrence nil] 4 (#$ . 23007) "P"]) #@40 Expand to next or previous occurrence. (defalias 'iedit-expand-to-occurrence #[(forward) "\304\305\306 !\203\307 T\202\310 #\211\205( b\210\311\312\313\nG!P\314\315#\316 )\207" [forward pos iedit-occurrences-overlays iedit-mode iedit-add-occurrence-overlay iedit-regexp-quote iedit-current-occurrence-string iedit-last-occurrence iedit-first-occurrence propertize " Iedit:" number-to-string face font-lock-warning-face force-mode-line-update] 5 (#$ . 23501)]) #@37 Restricting Iedit mode in a region. (defalias 'iedit-restrict-region #[(beg end &optional inclusive) "\306 \307\n$\204\f\310 \207 \203\311 \210\312 \313\314\315!\210\316 \210\317 \n#\210\203/\320!\210\321\322\323G!P\324\325#\326 \207" [beg end inclusive iedit-buffering iedit-last-occurrence-local mark-active iedit-find-overlay iedit-occurrence-overlay-name iedit-done iedit-stop-buffering iedit-current-occurrence-string nil run-hooks deactivate-mark-hook iedit-show-all iedit-cleanup-occurrences-overlays iedit-hide-unmatched-lines propertize " Iedit:" number-to-string face font-lock-warning-face force-mode-line-update iedit-unmatched-lines-invisible iedit-occurrence-context-lines iedit-occurrences-overlays iedit-mode] 5 (#$ . 23976)]) #@46 Toggle case-sensitive matching occurrences.  (defalias 'iedit-toggle-case-sensitive #[nil "? \203\n\306 \210\307 \211\205R\310\311\211 \312$\210\313 \210\314\n! @ A@\315\f#\316\317\203;\320\202<\321\322\f!$\210\323\324\325!P\326\327#\330 ,\207" [iedit-case-sensitive iedit-buffering iedit-last-occurrence-local iedit-occurrence-overlay-name occurrence-regexp iedit-initial-region iedit-stop-buffering iedit-current-occurrence-string remove-overlays nil t iedit-show-all iedit-regexp-quote iedit-make-occurrences-overlays message "iedit %s. %d matches for \"%s\"" "is case sensitive" "ignores case" iedit-printable propertize " Iedit:" number-to-string face font-lock-warning-face force-mode-line-update begin end counter iedit-mode] 7 (#$ . 24741) nil]) (provide 'iedit)