;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\303\304\305\306\307DD\310\311\312\313\301&\207" [require ivy avy custom-declare-variable ivy-avy-style funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [pre] 1] "The `avy-style' setting for `ivy-avy'." :type (choice (const :tag "Pre" pre) (const :tag "At" at) (const :tag "At Full" at-full) (const :tag "Post" post) (const :tag "De Bruijn" de-bruijn) (const :tag "Words" words)) :group] 8) #@35 List of candidates for `ivy-avy'. (defalias 'ivy-avy--candidates #[0 "\300\212\214\301 \302 }\210eb\210\300y\210`dW\203#`\303 BB\262\300y\210\202*\211\237\207" [nil window-start window-end selected-window] 3 (#$ . 500)]) #@50 Select the candidate represented by PT. (fn PT) (defalias 'ivy-avy--action #[257 "\304!\205\305 \n#\306\307@\310!\311Z\\ 8!!\262\207" [ivy--index ivy--length ivy-height ivy--old-cands number-or-marker-p ivy--minibuffer-index-bounds ivy--done substring-no-properties line-number-at-pos 2] 7 (#$ . 732)]) #@50 Handle CHAR that's not on `avy-keys'. (fn CHAR) (defalias 'ivy-avy--handler-function #[257 "\301\302>\203\f\303\304\305\"\207\306\307!\"\211\262\310>\203%\211 \210\311 \210\303\304\312\"\207\303\304\313\"\207" [ivy-minibuffer-map nil (27 7) throw done abort lookup-key vector (ivy-scroll-up-command ivy-scroll-down-command) ivy--exhibit exit restart] 6 (#$ . 1049)]) #@44 Jump to one of the current ivy candidates. (defalias 'ivy-avy #[0 "\306 \307U\203 \310\311!\207\312\313 \236A\206\n\313 \236A\206\f\314\315\312\316\317 !\211\262\320=\204%\211\2058\321!-\207" [avy-all-windows avy-keys-alist avy-keys avy-styles-alist avy-style avy-action minibuffer-depth 0 user-error "This command is intended to be called from within `ivy-read'" nil ivy-avy identity ivy-avy--handler-function avy-process ivy-avy--candidates t ivy-avy--action avy-handler-function] 3 (#$ . 1429) nil]) (byte-code "\302\303\304\305#\210\306\307\"\204\310\311\303#\210\312\313\303 B\"\210\314\303!\207" [ivy-minibuffer-map ivy-avy-style put ivy-avy no-counsel-M-x t lookup-key [67108903] define-key [67108903] add-to-list avy-styles-alist provide] 4)