;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\303\304\305\306\307\302\310\311&\207" [require ivy bibtex-completion custom-declare-variable ivy-bibtex-default-action 'ivy-bibtex-open-any "The default action for the `ivy-bibtex` command." :group :type function] 8) #@42 Prepare bib entry CANDIDATE for display. (defalias 'ivy-bibtex-display-transformer #[(candidate) "\305 S\306\307\302 #\211 \310H8A\311\f\"+\207" [width candidate idx ivy-last entry frame-width get-text-property 0 2 bibtex-completion-format-entry] 5 (#$ . 344)]) #@141 Wraps the function ACTION in another function named NAME which extracts the key from the candidate selected in ivy and passes it to ACTION. (defalias 'ivy-bibtex-ivify-action '(macro . #[(action name) "\302\303\304\305 \306BEF\207" [name action defun (candidate) let ((key (cdr (assoc "=key=" (cdr candidate))))) ((list key))] 7 (#$ . 617)])) (defalias 'ivy-bibtex-open-any #[(candidate) "\302\303A\"A\304 C!)\207" [candidate key assoc "=key=" bibtex-completion-open-any] 3]) (defalias 'ivy-bibtex-open-pdf #[(candidate) "\302\303A\"A\304 C!)\207" [candidate key assoc "=key=" bibtex-completion-open-pdf] 3]) (defalias 'ivy-bibtex-open-url-or-doi #[(candidate) "\302\303A\"A\304 C!)\207" [candidate key assoc "=key=" bibtex-completion-open-url-or-doi] 3]) (defalias 'ivy-bibtex-insert-citation #[(candidate) "\302\303A\"A\304 C!)\207" [candidate key assoc "=key=" bibtex-completion-insert-citation] 3]) (defalias 'ivy-bibtex-insert-reference #[(candidate) "\302\303A\"A\304 C!)\207" [candidate key assoc "=key=" bibtex-completion-insert-reference] 3]) (defalias 'ivy-bibtex-insert-key #[(candidate) "\302\303A\"A\304 C!)\207" [candidate key assoc "=key=" bibtex-completion-insert-key] 3]) (defalias 'ivy-bibtex-insert-bibtex #[(candidate) "\302\303A\"A\304 C!)\207" [candidate key assoc "=key=" bibtex-completion-insert-bibtex] 3]) (defalias 'ivy-bibtex-add-PDF-attachment #[(candidate) "\302\303A\"A\304 C!)\207" [candidate key assoc "=key=" bibtex-completion-add-PDF-attachment] 3]) (defalias 'ivy-bibtex-edit-notes #[(candidate) "\302\303A\"A\304 C!)\207" [candidate key assoc "=key=" bibtex-completion-edit-notes] 3]) (defalias 'ivy-bibtex-show-entry #[(candidate) "\302\303A\"A\304 C!)\207" [candidate key assoc "=key=" bibtex-completion-show-entry] 3]) (defalias 'ivy-bibtex-add-pdf-to-library #[(candidate) "\302\303A\"A\304 C!)\207" [candidate key assoc "=key=" bibtex-completion-add-pdf-to-library] 3]) #@140 Select a fallback option for SEARCH-EXPRESSION. This is meant to be used as an action in `ivy-read`, with `ivy-text` as search expression. (defalias 'ivy-bibtex-fallback #[(search-expression) "\300\301\302 \303\304\305\306&\207" [ivy-read "Fallback options: " bibtex-completion-fallback-candidates :caller ivy-bibtex-fallback :action #[(candidate) "\302A \"\207" [candidate search-expression bibtex-completion-fallback-action] 3]] 7 (#$ . 2559)]) #@33 Search history for `ivy-bibtex' (defvar ivy-bibtex-history nil (#$ . 3014)) #@268 Search BibTeX entries using ivy. With a prefix ARG the cache is invalidated and the bibliography reread. If LOCAL-BIB is non-nil, display that the BibTeX entries are read from the local bibliography. This is set internally by `ivy-bibtex-with-local-bibliography'. (defalias 'ivy-bibtex #[(&optional arg local-bib) "\203\306 \210\307 \210\310 \311 \211\205\312\313 \"\314\315\316\f\203$\317\202%\320\" \321 \322\323\324\325\326 &\n+\207" [arg candidates key preselect local-bib ivy-bibtex-default-action bibtex-completion-clear-cache bibtex-completion-init bibtex-completion-candidates bibtex-completion-key-at-point cl-position-if #[(cand) "\302B A\235\207" [key cand "=key="] 2] ivy-read format "BibTeX entries%s: " " (local)" "" :preselect :caller ivy-bibtex :history ivy-bibtex-history :action] 12 (#$ . 3097) "P"]) #@121 Search BibTeX entries with local bibliography. With a prefix ARG the cache is invalidated and the bibliography reread. (defalias 'ivy-bibtex-with-local-bibliography #[(&optional arg) "\303 \211\206 \304\n\"*\207" [local-bib bibtex-completion-bibliography arg bibtex-completion-find-local-bibliography ivy-bibtex] 4 (#$ . 3937) "P"]) #@108 Search BibTeX entries with notes. With a prefix ARG the cache is invalidated and the bibliography reread. (defalias 'ivy-bibtex-with-notes #[(&optional arg) "\304 \305\304K\306\216\304 M\210\307 !,\207" [candidates #1=#:vnew #2=#:old arg bibtex-completion-candidates #[nil "\301\302\"\207" [candidates seq-filter #[(candidate) "\301\302\"\207" [candidate assoc "=has-note="] 3]] 3] #[nil "\301M\207" [#2# bibtex-completion-candidates] 2] ivy-bibtex] 2 (#$ . 4283) "P"]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\"\210\303\301\304\"\210\305\301!\207" [ivy-set-display-transformer ivy-bibtex ivy-bibtex-display-transformer ivy-set-actions (("p" ivy-bibtex-open-pdf "Open PDF file (if present)") ("u" ivy-bibtex-open-url-or-doi "Open URL or DOI in browser") ("c" ivy-bibtex-insert-citation "Insert citation") ("r" ivy-bibtex-insert-reference "Insert reference") ("k" ivy-bibtex-insert-key "Insert BibTeX key") ("b" ivy-bibtex-insert-bibtex "Insert BibTeX entry") ("a" ivy-bibtex-add-PDF-attachment "Attach PDF to email") ("e" ivy-bibtex-edit-notes "Edit notes") ("s" ivy-bibtex-show-entry "Show entry") ("l" ivy-bibtex-add-pdf-to-library "Add PDF to library") ("f" (lambda (_candidate) (ivy-bibtex-fallback ivy-text)) "Fallback options")) provide] 3)