;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\207" [require jabber-core jabber-util jabber-keymap] 2) #@56 an alist of open query id and their callback functions (defvar *jabber-open-info-queries* nil (#$ . 191)) #@60 Mapping from XML namespace to handler for IQ GET requests. (defvar jabber-iq-get-xmlns-alist nil (#$ . 303)) #@60 Mapping from XML namespace to handler for IQ SET requests. (defvar jabber-iq-set-xmlns-alist nil (#$ . 418)) (defvar jabber-browse-mode-map (byte-code "\302 \303 \"\210\304\305\306#\210)\207" [map jabber-common-keymap make-sparse-keymap set-keymap-parent define-key [mouse-2] jabber-popup-combined-menu] 4)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\310\311\302\312\304\305%\210\300\313\314\315\306\316\304\311&\207" [custom-declare-variable jabber-browse-mode-hook nil "Hook run when entering Browse mode." :group jabber :type hook custom-declare-group jabber-browse "browse display options" jabber-browse-buffer-format "*-jabber-browse:-%n-*" "The format specification for the name of browse buffers.\n\nThese fields are available at this moment:\n\n%n JID to browse" string] 8) #@27 \{jabber-browse-mode-map} (defalias 'jabber-browse-mode #[nil "\304 \210\305\306\307\n!\210\310\311\312!\203\312\313!\207\314\313!\207" [major-mode mode-name jabber-browse-mode-map buffer-read-only kill-all-local-variables jabber-browse-mode "jabber-browse" use-local-map t fboundp run-mode-hooks jabber-browse-mode-hook run-hooks] 2 (#$ . 1221)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\"\207" [put jabber-browse-mode mode-class special add-to-list jabber-iq-chain jabber-process-iq] 4) #@31 process an incoming iq stanza (defalias 'jabber-process-iq #[(jc xml-data) "\303\211:\205 \306\n \"*\304\211:\205\306\n \"*\305\211:\205+\306\n \"*\307!\310 \"\f\311\230\204E\f\312\230\203m\310\f\313\"AA8\211:\203`@ A#\210)\314\"\211\202\360<\205\360\f\315\230\204\f\316\230\205\360\317\310\f\315\320B\316\321BD\"A!!\310\322\211:\205\235\306\n \"*!\"A\211\"\203\344\3231\317\3241\273\" \"00\202\3570#\325\326 #A&)\202\357#\326 \327\330\331#!&)\202\357\326 \332\333&*-\207" [xml-data attribute node id type from xml-get-attribute-or-nil jabber-iq-query assoc "result" "error" (("result" . 0) ("error" . 1)) delq "get" "set" eval jabber-iq-get-xmlns-alist jabber-iq-set-xmlns-alist xmlns (error) (jabber-error) apply jabber-send-iq-error "wait" internal-server-error error-message-string "cancel" feature-not-implemented query *jabber-open-info-queries* callback callback-cons jc which-alist handler error-var] 10 (#$ . 1726)]) #@831 Send an iq stanza to the specified entity, and optionally set up a callback. JC is the Jabber connection. TO is the addressee. TYPE is one of "get", "set", "result" or "error". QUERY is a list containing the child of the iq node in the format `jabber-sexp2xml' accepts. SUCCESS-CALLBACK is the function to be called when a successful result arrives. SUCCESS-CLOSURE-DATA is an extra argument to SUCCESS-CALLBACK. ERROR-CALLBACK is the function to be called when an error arrives. ERROR-CLOSURE-DATA is an extra argument to ERROR-CALLBACK. RESULT-ID is the id to be used for a response to a received iq message. `jabber-report-success' and `jabber-process-data' are common callbacks. The callback functions are called like this: (funcall CALLBACK JC XML-DATA CLOSURE-DATA) with XML-DATA being the IQ stanza received in response.  (defalias 'jabber-send-iq #[(jc to type query success-callback success-closure-data error-callback error-closure-data &optional result-id) "\206\n\306\307\310\311 #\n\204 \203 \n\fB BEB\312\313\314 \205/\315 BC\316BC\301 BC#E\")\207" [result-id id success-callback error-callback success-closure-data error-closure-data apply format "emacs-iq-%d.%d.%d" current-time jabber-send-sexp iq append to type *jabber-open-info-queries* jc query] 8 (#$ . 2747)]) #@524 Send an error iq stanza to the specified entity in response to a previously sent iq stanza. TO is the addressee. ID is the id of the iq stanza that caused the error. ORIGINAL-QUERY is the original query, which should be included in the error, or nil. ERROR-TYPE is one of "cancel", "continue", "modify", "auth" and "wait". CONDITION is a symbol denoting a defined XMPP condition. TEXT is a string to be sent in the error message, or nil for no text. APP-SPECIFIC is a list of extra XML tags. See section 9.3 of XMPP Core. (defalias 'jabber-send-iq-error #[(jc to id original-query error-type condition &optional text app-specific) "\306\307\310 \205\f\301 BC\311\302\n\206\312BD\" \313\314\fBC \315B\205)\316\317EBBBBF\"\207" [jc to id original-query error-type condition jabber-send-sexp iq append (type . "error") "" error type (((xmlns . "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"))) text ((xmlns . "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas")) app-specific] 11 (#$ . 4059)]) #@47 Process random results from various requests. (defalias 'jabber-process-data #[(jc xml-data closure-data) "\306\211:\205 \307\n \"*\206\310\311 !\312\"\313!\304\211:\205'\307\n \"*r\314\315\316BC\"!q\210\317=\204D\317 \210\320 db\210\321\322\323#\324\261\210\212\325!!\203e! \"\210\202\200!;\203z!\326\327\330!!\324\261\210\202\200\331\332\"c\210\333\320\"\211#\205\245#@\"\334\"\335p$\335p\"$\210#A\211#\204\212\320.\207" [xml-data attribute node jc type xmlns from xml-get-attribute-or-nil plist-get fsm-get-state-data :server jabber-iq-xmlns get-buffer-create format-spec 110 jabber-browse-mode nil jabber-propertize face jabber-title-large "\n\n" functionp ": " jabber-parse-error jabber-iq-error format "%S\n\n" (jabber-info-message-hooks jabber-alert-info-message-hooks) run-hook-with-args browse jabber-browse-buffer-format major-mode buffer-read-only closure-data hook --dolist-tail-- jabber-alert-info-message-function] 8 (#$ . 5045)]) #@67 Process random results from various requests to only alert hooks. (defalias 'jabber-silent-process-data #[(jc xml-data closure-data) "\306!\203  \n\"\202!;\203\307\310\311\n!!Q\202!\312\313\n\"\314\315\211\205< @\316\f\317p $\210 A\211\204*\315+\207" [closure-data jc xml-data text hook --dolist-tail-- functionp ": " jabber-parse-error jabber-iq-error format "%S" (jabber-info-message-hooks jabber-alert-info-message-hooks) nil run-hook-with-args browse] 6 (#$ . 6045)]) (provide 'jabber-iq)