;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313&\210\304\314\315\316\310\317\312\313&\210\304\320\321\322\310\323\312\313&\210\304\324\325\326\310\323\312\313&\210\304\327\330\331\310\332\312\313&\210\304\333\334\335\310\336\312\313&\207" [require dbus nil t custom-declare-variable jabber-libnotify-icon "" "Icon to be used on the notification pop-up. Default is empty" :type (file :must-match t) :group jabber-alerts jabber-libnotify-timeout 2500 "Specifies the timeout of the pop up window in millisecond" integer jabber-libnotify-message-header "Jabber message" "Defines the header of the pop up." string jabber-libnotify-app "Emacs Jabber" "Defines the app of the pop up." jabber-libnotify-urgency "low" "Urgency of libnotify message" (choice (const :tag "Low" "low") (const :tag "Normal" "normal") (const :tag "Critical" "critical")) jabber-libnotify-method (if (featurep 'dbus) 'dbus 'shell) "Specifies the method for libnotify call. Dbus is more faster but require emacs23+" (choice (const :tag "Shell" shell) (const :tag "D-Bus" dbus))] 8) (defvar jabber-libnotify-id 0) #@34 Return the next notification id. (defalias 'jabber-libnotify-next-id #[nil "T\211\207" [jabber-libnotify-id] 2 (#$ . 1191)]) #@26 Show MSG using libnotify (defalias 'jabber-libnotify-message #[(text &optional title) "\306!\206\307\306 \206\n\206\307\202!\3101f \311\267\202a\312 \313\314\312\315\316\317\320!\"\321\"\2066\322\323# \f& )\202b\324\325\326\327\326\330$\331 \"\332\333 \334\"\332\333\f\334\"\335\336\337!&\202b\3120\202h\210\312*\207" [text title jabber-libnotify-message-header head body jabber-libnotify-method jabber-escape-xml " " (error) #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (shell 34 dbus 65)) nil start-process "notification" "notify-send" "-t" format "%s" "-i" "\"\"" "-u" dbus-call-method :session "org.freedesktop.Notifications" "/org/freedesktop/Notifications" "Notify" jabber-libnotify-next-id :string encode-coding-string utf-8 (:array) (:array :signature "{sv}") :int32 process-connection-type jabber-libnotify-timeout jabber-libnotify-icon jabber-libnotify-urgency jabber-libnotify-app] 17 (#$ . 1324)]) #@48 Show a message through the libnotify interface (defalias 'jabber-message-libnotify #[(from buffer text title) "\205\302 \"\207" [title text jabber-libnotify-message] 3 (#$ . 2306)]) (byte-code "\301\302\303\302\303N\304>\203\202\304B)#\207" [#:vlist put jabber-alert-message-hooks custom-options jabber-message-libnotify] 5) #@48 Show a message through the libnotify interface (defalias 'jabber-muc-libnotify #[(nick group buffer text title) "\205\302 \"\207" [title text jabber-libnotify-message] 3 (#$ . 2649)]) (byte-code "\301\302\303\302\303N\304>\203\202\304B)#\207" [#:vlist put jabber-alert-muc-hooks custom-options jabber-muc-libnotify] 5) #@48 Show a message through the libnotify interface (defalias 'jabber-presence-libnotify #[(who oldstatus newstatus statustext title) "\205\302 \"\207" [title statustext jabber-libnotify-message] 3 (#$ . 2986)]) (byte-code "\301\302\303\302\303N\304>\203\202\304B)#\207" [#:vlist put jabber-alert-presence-hooks custom-options jabber-presence-libnotify] 5) #@48 Show a message through the libnotify interface (defalias 'jabber-info-libnotify #[(infotype buffer text) "\205\301!\207" [text jabber-libnotify-message] 2 (#$ . 3356)]) (byte-code "\301\302\303\302\303N\304>\203\202\304B)#\207" [#:vlist put jabber-alert-info-message-hooks custom-options jabber-info-libnotify] 5) (defalias 'jabber-muc-libnotify-personal #[(nick group buffer text title) "\305 \"\205\306\n \f%\207" [text group nick buffer title jabber-muc-looks-like-personal-p jabber-muc-libnotify] 6]) (byte-code "\301\302\303\302\303N\304>\203\202\304B)#\210\305\306!\207" [#:vlist put jabber-alert-muc-hooks custom-options jabber-muc-libnotify-personal provide jabber-libnotify] 5)