;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. #@1006 Supported SI stream methods. Each entry is a list, containing: * The namespace URI of the stream method * Active initiation function * Passive initiation function The active initiation function should initiate the connection, while the passive initiation function should wait for an incoming connection. Both functions take the same arguments: * JID of peer * SID * "connection established" function The "connection established" function should be called when the stream has been established and data can be transferred. It is part of the profile, and takes the following arguments: * JID of peer * SID * Either: - "send data" function, with one string argument - an error message, when connection failed It returns an "incoming data" function. The "incoming data" function should be called when data arrives on the stream. It takes these arguments: * JID of peer * SID * A string containing the received data, or nil on EOF If it returns nil, the stream should be closed. (defvar jabber-si-stream-methods nil (#$ . 89)) (provide 'jabber-si-common)