;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\302\303!\210\302\304!\210\302\305!\210\302\306!\210\307\310B\211 \235\203 \210\202# B)\302\207" [#:x jabber-jid-info-menu require jabber-iq jabber-util jabber-autoaway time-date "Request time" jabber-get-time] 3) #@14 Request time (defalias 'jabber-get-time #[(jc to) "\302 \303\304\305\306\305\307&\207" [jc to jabber-send-iq "get" (time ((xmlns . "urn:xmpp:time"))) jabber-silent-process-data jabber-process-time #[(jc xml-data) "\303\211:\205 \305\n \"*\306\f \")\207" [xml-data attribute node from jc xml-get-attribute-or-nil jabber-get-legacy-time] 4]] 9 (#$ . 319) (list (jabber-read-account) (jabber-read-jid-completing "Request time of: " nil nil nil 'full t))]) #@21 Request legacy time (defalias 'jabber-get-legacy-time #[(jc to) "\302 \303\304\305\306\305\307&\207" [jc to jabber-send-iq "get" (query ((xmlns . "jabber:iq:time"))) jabber-silent-process-data jabber-process-legacy-time "Time request failed"] 9 (#$ . 785) (list (jabber-read-account) (jabber-read-jid-completing "Request time of: " nil nil nil 'full t))]) #@45 Handle results from urn:xmpp:time requests. (defalias 'jabber-process-time #[(jc xml-data) "\303\211:\205 \306\n \"*\307\304\"@\206\307\310\"@\307\f\311\"@\211AA\211\312\232?\205/ *@ \307\f\313\"@\211AA\211\312\232?\205E *@\211 \205_ \205_\314\315 \316\317\320 !\" $,\207" [xml-data attribute node from time children xml-get-attribute-or-nil jabber-xml-get-children query tzo (("")) utc format "%s has time: %s %s" format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %T" jabber-parse-time] 8 (#$ . 1149)]) #@46 Handle results from jabber:iq:time requests. (defalias 'jabber-process-legacy-time #[(jc xml-data) "\303\211:\205 \306\n \"*\307!\310\f\311\"@\211AA\211\312\232?\205% *@ \310\f\313\"@\211AA\211\312\232?\205; *@ \310\f\314\"@\211AA\211\312\232?\205Q *@\f\315\316  \203b \202x \205x\317\320\321 !\"\f\205w\322\fPP#-\207" [xml-data attribute node from query children xml-get-attribute-or-nil jabber-iq-query jabber-xml-get-children display (("")) utc tz format "%s has time: %s" format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %T" jabber-parse-legacy-time " "] 8 (#$ . 1661)]) #@70 Request time since a user was last online, or uptime of a component. (defalias 'jabber-get-last-online #[(jc to) "\302 \303\304\305\306\305\307&\207" [jc to jabber-send-iq "get" (query ((xmlns . "jabber:iq:last"))) jabber-silent-process-data jabber-process-last "Last online request failed"] 9 (#$ . 2251) (list (jabber-read-account) (jabber-read-jid-completing "Get last online for: " nil nil nil 'bare-or-muc))]) #@28 Request idle time of user. (defalias 'jabber-get-idle-time #[(jc to) "\302 \303\304\305\306\305\307&\207" [jc to jabber-send-iq "get" (query ((xmlns . "jabber:iq:last"))) jabber-silent-process-data jabber-process-last "Idle time request failed"] 9 (#$ . 2674) (list (jabber-read-account) (jabber-read-jid-completing "Get idle time for: " nil nil nil 'full t))]) #@47 Handle resultts from jabber:iq:last requests. (defalias 'jabber-process-last #[(jc xml-data) "\303\211:\205 \306\n \"*\307!\211\305\211:\205 \306\n \"*\f\211AA\211\310\232?\2052*@\311 !\203D\312\313 #\202y\314 !\203t\312\315 #\3161Z\317 !0\202\\\210\320\211\247\205o\321\322\323\324\325 \326 !\"\"\327Q)P\202y\312\330 #,\207" [xml-data attribute node from query seconds xml-get-attribute-or-nil jabber-iq-query (("")) jabber-jid-resource format "%s idle for %s seconds" jabber-jid-username "%s last online %s seconds ago" (error) string-to-number nil " - that is, at " format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %T" time-subtract current-time seconds-to-time "\n" "%s uptime: %s seconds" children message] 9 (#$ . 3044)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303B\"\210\304\302!\207" [add-to-list jabber-iq-get-xmlns-alist "jabber:iq:time" jabber-return-legacy-time jabber-disco-advertise-feature] 4) #@119 Return client time as defined in XEP-0090. Sender and ID are determined from the incoming packet passed in XML-DATA. (defalias 'jabber-return-legacy-time #[(jc xml-data) "\306\211:\205 \307\n \"*\303\211:\205\307\n \"*\310 \f\311\312\313\314\315\316\317!E\320\315\316\321!E\322\315\323\315!E\257\315\211\211\211 & *\207" [xml-data attribute node id to jc from xml-get-attribute-or-nil jabber-send-iq "result" query ((xmlns . "jabber:iq:time")) display nil format-time-string "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y" tz "%Z" utc jabber-encode-legacy-time] 13 (#$ . 3956)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303B\"\210\304\302!\207" [add-to-list jabber-iq-get-xmlns-alist "urn:xmpp:time" jabber-return-time jabber-disco-advertise-feature] 4) #@119 Return client time as defined in XEP-0202. Sender and ID are determined from the incoming packet passed in XML-DATA. (defalias 'jabber-return-time #[(jc xml-data) "\306\211:\205 \307\n \"*\303\211:\205\307\n \"*\310 \f\311\312\313\314\315\316\315!E\317\315\320 EF\315\211\211\211 & *\207" [xml-data attribute node id to jc from xml-get-attribute-or-nil jabber-send-iq "result" time ((xmlns . "urn:xmpp:time")) utc nil jabber-encode-time tzo jabber-encode-timezone] 11 (#$ . 4692)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303B\"\210\304\302!\207" [add-to-list jabber-iq-get-xmlns-alist "jabber:iq:last" jabber-return-last jabber-disco-advertise-feature] 4) (defalias 'jabber-return-last #[(jc xml-data) "\306\211:\205 \307\n \"*\303\211:\205\307\n \"*\310 \f\311\312\313\314\315\316\317 !!BDD\320\211\211\211 & *\207" [xml-data attribute node id to jc from xml-get-attribute-or-nil jabber-send-iq "result" time (xmlns . "jabber:iq:last") seconds number-to-string floor jabber-autoaway-get-idle-time nil] 11]) (provide 'jabber-time)