;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 26.3 ;;; with all optimizations. ;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29. ;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters, ;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #@41 File where jump information is written. (defvar jumpc-file "~/.viminfo" (#$ . 408)) #@44 List of filenames and position to jump to. (defvar jumpc-list nil (#$ . 498)) #@39 Index of jump, 0 is the newest entry. (defvar jumpc-index 0 (#$ . 582)) #@27 Read jump list from file. (defalias 'jumpc-read-list #[0 "\302!\203J\303\304!r\211q\210\305\306\307\310\311!\312\"\313$\216\314!\210eb\210\315\316\317\320#\203H\315\321\317\320#\203H\322\301\323\324\325!!\323\324\313!!\326\324\327!!E #\210\202(*\210 \207" [jumpc-file jumpc-list file-exists-p generate-new-buffer " *temp*" make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" vconcat vector [buffer-name kill-buffer] 2 insert-file-contents re-search-forward "# Jumplist (newest first):" nil t "-' \\([0-9]*\\) \\([0-9]*\\) \\(.*\\)" add-to-list string-to-number match-string 1 expand-file-name 3] 8 (#$ . 660)]) #@26 Write jump list to file. (defalias 'jumpc-write-list #[0 "\302\211\303 \210\304!\210eb\210\305\306\302\307#\262\203#\305\310!\262|\210\202)db\210\306c\210\311c\210 \211\203J\211@\312\313@A@\314\3158!$c\210A\266\202\202-\210\316 \207" [jumpc-file jumpc-list nil jumpc-remove-deleted-file find-file re-search-forward "# Jumplist (newest first):" t "^$" "\n" format "-' %d %d %s\n" abbreviate-file-name 2 save-buffer] 11 (#$ . 1283)]) #@33 Jump backward in list of jumps. (defalias 'jumpc-jump-backward #[0 "\300\301!\207" [jumpc-jump 1] 2 (#$ . 1739) nil]) #@32 Jump forward in list of jumps. (defalias 'jumpc-jump-forward #[0 "\300\301!\207" [jumpc-jump -1] 2 (#$ . 1863) nil]) #@44 Jump COUNT from current index. (fn COUNT) (defalias 'jumpc-jump #[257 "\302 \210G\303\304V\203 \304U\203\305 \210 \\\211\304W\203%\304\211\202L V\2031\211\202L\306 88\262\307!\210eb\210 8@Sy\210\310 8@!\207" [jumpc-list jumpc-index jumpc-remove-deleted-file nil 0 jumpc-insert 2 find-file move-to-column] 7 (#$ . 1986)]) #@23 Insert jump location. (defalias 'jumpc-insert #[0 "\303 \205\304 \n@@U?\205\304 i E\nB\211\207" [jumpc-index buffer-file-name jumpc-list 0 line-number-at-pos] 3 (#$ . 2335)]) #@68 Remove deleted file in the list. Returns list minus deleted files. (defalias 'jumpc-remove-deleted-file #[0 "G\301\302\211W\203$8\262\303\3048!\203\211B\262T\262\202\211\207" [jumpc-list 0 nil file-exists-p 2] 7 (#$ . 2522)]) #@26 Bind keys just like vim. (defalias 'jumpc-bind-vim-key #[0 "\301\302\303\"\210\304\305\306#\210\301\307\310\"\207" [input-decode-map global-set-key "" jumpc-jump-backward define-key [9] [control-i] [control-i] jumpc-jump-forward] 4 (#$ . 2772)]) #@25 Initialize jump cursor. (defalias 'jumpc #[0 "\301 \302\303\304\305\306$\210\307\303\306\"\210\310\311\312\"\207" [jumpc-list jumpc-read-list ad-add-advice self-insert-command (jumpc-insert nil t (advice lambda nil "Insert jump position after insertion." (jumpc-insert))) after nil ad-activate add-hook kill-emacs-hook jumpc-write-list] 5 (#$ . 3026) nil]) (provide 'jumpc)