;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. #@57 Return the edit distance between strings STR1 and STR2. (defalias 'levenshtein-distance #[(str1 str2) ";\204\n\306\307\"\210 ;\204\306\307 \"\210\310\311\312G G \n T T\313#\313\211\211 X\203J\f\313$\210T\211\2022 X\203d\f\313\211$\210T\211\202L*\314\211 X\203\331\314\211 X\203\317SH SH\232\203\212\313\202\213\314 S#T S#T SS#\\\f^^$\210,T\211\202r)T\211\202i)   #.\207" [str1 str2 make-table tref tset length-str1 error "Argument was not a string: %s" #[(columns rows init) "\303\303 \n\"\"\207" [rows columns init make-vector] 5] #[(table x y) " H\nH\207" [table y x] 2] #[(table x y object) "\305 H!\211 \fI\210 \nI\210\f)\207" [table y row x object copy-sequence] 4] 0 1 length-str2 d j i cost deletion insertion substitution] 7 (#$ . 87)]) (provide 'levenshtein)