;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (defalias 'copy-char-table #[(ct1) "\305!\306 !\307\310\"\210 \311N\206\312\312 \fW\203-\313\n \314 \"#\210 T\211\202*\n*\207" [ct1 subtype ct2 i --dotimes-limit-- char-table-subtype make-char-table map-char-table #[(c v) "\303 \n#\207" [ct2 c v set-char-table-range] 4] char-table-extra-slots 0 set-char-table-extra-slot char-table-extra-slot] 7]) (defalias 'lex--char-table->alist #[(ct) "\302\303\304 \"\210)\207" [res ct nil map-char-table #[(k v) ":\203 @AB\202\211B B\nB\211\207" [k v res] 2]] 3]) (defalias 'lex--merge-into #[(op al1 al2 ct) "\306>\204\n\307\310!\210 \203G\n\203G @@\n@@\211 \232\2037\311 \f\312 \211A\242A\n\211A\242A##\210\202C\f:\203b :\203b\f@ AV\203b \211A\242A \313=\204^\311 \f #\210)\202C\f:\203\215 :\203\215 @\fAV\203\215\n\211A\242A \313=\204\211\311  #\210)\202C\f:\203\272 :\203\272\fA AV\203\272\313=\204\262\311 AT\fAB @A#\210\f A\241\210\202C\f:\203\347 :\203\347\fA AW\203\347\313=\204\337\311 \fAT AB\n@A#\210 \fA\241\210\202C\f:\203 :\203\f@ @V\203\311 \f\312 \211A\242A\n@A##\210 \f@S\241\210\202C\f:\203? :\203?\f@ @W\203?\311 \312 @A\n\211A\242A##\210\f @S\241\210\202C\307\314!\210*\202\n\313=\204t \206R\n\314\211\203s@\311 @A#\210A\211\204[* \207" [op al1 al2 k2 k1 ct #1=(and or orelse) cl--assertion-failed (memq op '#1#) set-char-table-range lex--merge and nil v x --dolist-tail--] 9]) (defalias 'lex--set-eq #[(l1 l2) "G\303!\n:\203/ GU\204\304\305!\210 \306\n\211A\242\"\211G\211V\204\307\211\202\n)?\207" [l2 len l1 copy-sequence cl--assertion-failed (= len (length l2)) delq t] 5]) (byte-code "\300\301\211\302#\207" [define-hash-table-test lex--set-eq #[(l) "\303 \203\" \211A\242\211 >\203\304 \210\202\305\n!\\)\202)\207" [hash l x 0 debug sxhash] 4]] 4) (defalias 'lex--flatten-state #[(state) "@\305>\204 \306\307!\210@AC\310 \203Z \211A\242\211\2042\f\311=\203\310\211\211\202\n>\204\242\f=\203M\nB\312A \"\211\202 >\204 B\202\f \237,B\207" [state res done todo op #1=(and or orelse) cl--assertion-failed (memq (car state) '#1#) nil and append] 5]) (defalias 'lex--merge-2 #[(op lex1 lex2) "\306>\204\n\307\310!\210 \204\311 \210\312=?\205\257\n\207\n\204*\311 \210\312=?\205\257 \207 @\313=\203\\\n@\313=\203\\ A@\nA@\232\203\\\313 A@\314\315 8\315\n8#\314\316 \233\316\n\233#BBB\207 @\313=\203y\313 A@\314\315 8\n#\314\316 \233\n#BBB\207\n@\313=\203\226\313\nA@\314 \315\n8#\314 \316\n\233#BBB\207 @\317=\203\325\n@\317=\203\325 AA\nAA=\204\262\307\320!\210\314 A@\nA@#\312=\203\314\314\321 AA#\202\323\317 AABB)\207 @\317=\203\367\314 A@\n#\312=\203\356\f\202\365\317\f AABB)\207\n@\317=\203\314 \nA@#\312=\203\f\202\317\f\nAABB)\207 @\322=\203?\n@\322=\203?\323=\203/ \207\322 A@\314 AA\nAA#BB\207 @\322=\203o\314 AA\n#\324\267\202i\322 A@\fBB\202m \202m\311 \210\f\202m\325\326\")\207\n@\322=\203\247\314 \nAA#\327\267\202\241\322\330\nA@D\fBB\202\245\322\nA@\fBB\202\245\311 \210\f\202\245\325\326\")\207 @\331=\203\323\n@\331=\203\323\332 A!\332\nA!\333\334!#$\335$# $\210\331 +B\207\336 @!\203\364\336\n@!\203\364 @\n@=\203\364 @\314 A\nA#B\207\336 @!\203 \336\n@!\203 \312=?\205\257\333\334!\211 @ AI\210 \n@\nAI\210\331 )B\207\336 @!\203[\n@\331=\203[\314 A\nA @H#\312=\203J\f\205Y @\fB\202Y\337\nA!\211 @\fI\210\331 )B)\207 @\331=\203\226\336\n@!\203\226\314 A\n@H\nA#\312=\203\205\f\205\224\n@\fB\202\224\337 A!\211\n@\fI\210\331 )B)\207 @\340>\204\244\n@\341>\203\252\314 \n#\207\307\342!\210\342\207" [op lex1 lex2 in next ct #1=(and or orelse) cl--assertion-failed (memq op '#1#) debug and check lex--merge 2 3 join (eq (cddr lex1) (cddr lex2)) or stop orelse #s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (or 340 orelse 350 and 354)) error "lex.el: got %S but expected one of or/and/orelse" #s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (orelse 388 or 400 and 410)) earlystop table lex--char-table->alist make-char-table lexer lex--merge-into characterp copy-sequence (or orelse and) (or orelse and) nil al2 al1] 9]) (defalias 'lex--merge-now #[(&rest state) "@\305>\204 \306\307!\210\310!\211G\311X\203'@\312=\203#\313A@!\207A@\207\211A\242\211A\242\314\211\203K\f@\315\n #\fA\211\204;* *\207" [state res op lex --dolist-tail-- #1=(and or orelse) cl--assertion-failed (memq (car state) '#1#) lex--flatten-state 2 and lex--merge-and-join nil lex--merge-2] 5]) (defalias 'lex--merge-and-join #[(lex) "\301\302\211#\207" [lex lex--merge-2 and] 4]) (defalias 'lex--merge #[(&rest state) "@\303>\204 \304\305!\210\306!\211G\307X\203!@\310=\204!A@\207\311 \"\206B@\312>\2043\304\313!\210\nB\314@AB #\210\207" [state lex--memoize lex--states #1=(and or orelse) cl--assertion-failed (memq (car state) '#1#) lex--flatten-state 2 and gethash #2=(and or orelse) (memq (car state) '#2#) puthash] 5]) (defalias 'lex--compile-category #[(category) "\250\203 \302W\203 \2079\205)\303!G\304U\203!\303!\305H\207\306\307!\210 \236A\207" [category rx-categories 128 symbol-name 1 0 require rx] 2]) (defalias 'lex--compile-syntax #[(&rest syntaxes) "\301\302\"\207" [syntaxes mapcar #[(x) "\250\203 \302W\203 \2079\203*\303!G\304U\203!\303!\202)\305\306!\210 \236A\307!\2034\310!\311!@\207" [x rx-syntax 32 symbol-name 1 require rx characterp string string-to-syntax] 2]] 3]) #@252 Definition of char classes. Each element has the form (CLASS . DEFINITION) where definition is a list of elements that can be either CHAR or (CHAR . CHAR), or CLASS (another char class) or (check (PREDICATE . ARG)) or (check (not (PREDICATE . ARG))). (defconst lex--char-classes (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315\316!BDD\317BB\320\312\314\315\321!BDD\322\323\324\325\326\327\312\314\315\316!BDD\330BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB\207" [(alnum alpha digit) (alpha word (97 . 122) (65 . 90)) (blank 32 9) (cntrl (0 . 31)) (digit (48 . 57)) (graph (33 . 126) multibyte (4194208 . 4194303)) (lower (check (lex--match-lower))) (upper (check (lex--match-upper))) (print graph 32) punct check not lex--match-syntax lex--compile-syntax "w" ((33 . 47) (58 . 64) (91 . 96) (123 . 126)) space " " (xdigit digit (97 . 102) (65 . 70)) (ascii (0 . 127)) (nonascii (128 . 4194303)) (unibyte ascii (4194048 . 4194303)) (multibyte (256 . 4194047)) word ((numeric digit) (num digit) (control cntrl) (hex-digit xdigit) (hex xdigit) (graphic graph) (printing print) (alphanumeric alnum) (letter alpha) (alphabetic alpha) (lower-case lower) (upper-case upper) (punctuation punct) (whitespace space) (white space))] 21) (#$ . 5652)) #@62 Equiv-case table to use to compile case-insensitive regexps. (defvar lex--char-equiv-table nil (#$ . 6890)) (defalias 'lex--char-equiv #[(char) "\205%\304 \nH\211\203\n =\204\n B\202 \205$ B*\207" [lex--char-equiv-table char tmp chars nil] 2]) (autoload 'lex--parse-charset "lex-parse-re") (defalias 'lex--nfa #[(re state) "\204\306\300!\210\307 !\203>\310 !\211\204 B\202<\311\312!\n\313\211\2037 @ \fI\210 A\211\204(*\314 )B)\207 ;\203Y@\204O\315\316 \"\244\207\317\320\315\316 \"B\"\207 \242\206_ \211A\321\267\202\362\322 A!\313B\211\203\204 @B\317B\" A\211\204s*\202\376 A\313\211\211\311\312!CD\211@\323=\204\246 @\324=\203\264\nA\325 \326#\210C\313\n\203\214\n\211A\242\211E;\203\320\327\330E!A\n\"\202\210E9\203\357EF\236A\206\344\331\332E\"E\327E\n\"\202\210E:\203 E@\333=\203 EA@DBD\202\210\f\204 \307E!\203 @\203$\310E!\203$\326\202&E\325 E#\210@\203\210E\334\232\204\210E:\203FE@\202HEE:\203TEA\202VE\313G\211HGX\203\207H@\fH\211\203~\fH=\204~ \fI\210\202fHT\211H\202]+)\202\264\f\326=\204\227C\203\235\314 B\202\244\f\205\244\fBIC\204\265D\203\265\317\335\"D\313\211\203  @C\203\347\242\323=\203\333\333A@IE\202\333\313IBBB\202\242\323=\203\373\333A@IF\202\333IBBBI A\211\204\277*I.\202\376 @\336=\203 \336\202!\337\315\340 A\"B\211JKBKJ)\202\376 G\341X\203E\317 A@\"\202\376\342\313BB\"\343\315\344 A\"B\211JKBKJ*\202\376\300CJ\317\320 ABJ\"\nJ @\345=\203\nD\202\203\nD\241\210)J @\345=\203\223\336\202\224\337\240\210JKBKJ)\202\376\333\346E\202\376\333\347E\202\376\333\350E\202\376\333\351E\202\376\333\352E\202\376\333\353E\202\376\333\354E\202\376\333\355E\202\376\333\356E\202\376\333\357\313BBB\202\376\333\360\361\362 A\"B\317\335\"E\202\376\333\360\361\362 A\"B\313\317\335\"BBB\202\376\333\363\364 A@!B\317\335\"E\202\376\333\363\364 A@!B\313\317\335\"BBB\202\376\317\304 D\"\202\376\313@\317\320 AB\")\202\376\365\366 \367\"@\317\320 AB\")\202\376\331\370 \242\206c \"\202\376\317\371\"\202\376\317\372\"\202\376\317\373\"\202\376\317\374\"\202\376\317 :\203\220\304 AB\202\221\375\"\202\376\313K\317\320 AB\376\")L\377L\")\202\376 A@\211\242\206\266 \211M\201O\267\202\f\201P\201Q!\210\317\201R\"\202\201P\201S \242\206\335 \"\210\317 @\323 ABB\"\202\201P\201T @\"\210\317\201U\201V\201W @\"! AB\"\202MB\331\201XB\"))\202\376\331\201Y!\202\376\317\320\211 AB @\201Z=\2037\345\202:\201[ ABE\"\202\376\317\337\320 AB\201\\BB\"\202\376\317\336\201]\320 ABE\"\202\376 A@\341 8\201^ \233IGNI\204\201GCING\317\320\327\201_N\206\217\201`IG\201a=\203\237I@\202\243\320IB\"G\204\263\201[IBC\202\310\201_GN\206\300\201`Z\201bIB\"\"B\"+\202\376\317\201c A@\313 AABBB\"\202\376\317\201d A@ @\"\"\202\376AB\331\201eB\"))\207" [state re chars ct char --dolist-tail-- cl--assertion-failed characterp lex--char-equiv make-char-table lexer nil table mapcar identity lex--nfa seq #s(hash-table size 107 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (group 103 sequence 103 seq 103 : 103 not-char 137 in 137 char 137 orelse 533 | 533 or 533 union 533 & 565 intersection 565 inter 565 *\? 609 * 609 zero-or-more 609 0+ 609 eob 675 buffer-end 675 eot 675 eos 675 string-end 675 bob 682 buffer-start 682 bot 682 bos 682 string-start 682 eol 689 line-end 689 bol 696 line-start 696 bow 703 word-start 703 eow 710 word-end 710 symbol-start 717 symbol-end 724 not-word-boundary 731 word-boundary 738 syntax 748 not-syntax 764 category 783 not-category 799 white 818 whitespace 818 space 818 punct 818 punctuation 818 upper-case 818 upper 818 lower-case 818 lower 818 nonascii 818 ascii 818 alpha 818 alphabetic 818 letter 818 alnum 818 alphanumeric 818 print 818 printing 818 graph 818 graphic 818 blank 818 xdigit 818 hex 818 hex-digit 818 cntrl 818 control 818 num 818 numeric 818 digit 818 case-sensitive 827 case-fold 841 maximal-match 859 minimal-match 859 backref 859 submatch 859 point 859 dot 871 nonl 871 not-newline 871 anything 878 wordchar 885 word 885 not-wordchar 892 any 899 negate 918 not 940 and 1052 +\? 1060 + 1060 one-or-more 1060 1+ 1060 \? 1091 optional 1091 zero-or-one 1091 opt 1091 \?\? 1107 = 1122 ** 1122 repeat 1122 >= 1232 ere 1251 re 1251 bre 1251)) reverse not not-char set-char-table-range t append lex--parse-charset error "Uknown char class `%s'" check (256 . 4194047) anything orelse or #[(re) "\302 \"\207" [re state lex--nfa] 3] 2 join and #[(re) "\302 \"\207" [re join lex--nfa] 3] *\? (lex--match-eobp) (lex--match-bobp) (lex--match-eolp) (lex--match-bolp) (lex--match-bowp) (lex--match-eowp) (lex--match-bosp) (lex--match-eosp) (lex--match-not-word-boundary) (lex--match-not-word-boundary) lex--match-syntax apply lex--compile-syntax lex--match-category lex--compile-category case-table-get-table current-case-table eqv "`%s' Not implemented" (char not 10) (char not) (syntax w) (not-syntax w) (char not 10) (stop negate) lex-negate lex--char-equiv-table #1=#:val elem fail checks range lex--char-classes max i res newstate lex--states posnfa #2=#:val min #s(hash-table size 6 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (word-boundary 960 char 977 in 977 any 977 syntax 1004 category 1004)) message "`not' deprecated: use not-word-boundary" not-word-boundary "`not' deprecated: use (%s not ...)" "`not' deprecated: use not-%s" intern format "not-%s" "lex.el: unexpected argument `%S' to `not'." "`and' is deprecated, use `seq', `:', or `sequence' instead" +\? 0+ (#3="") #3# 3 make-list 0 1 opt repeat lex-parse-re "lex.el: unknown RE element %S"] 9]) (defalias 'lex--negate-inftail #[(state howmany) "\305 \"\211\204&\306\307\310!B\311\nA\312\313\nE#\210\nA\314H B\315\n #\210\f\316\267\2027\n\202;\nA\314H\202;\317\320\f\")\207" [state lex--memoize inftail-1+ lex--states howmany gethash table make-char-table lexer set-char-table-range t or 0 puthash #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (1+ 44 0+ 48)) error "lex.el: howmany is `%S' instead of one of 1+/0+"] 7]) (defalias 'lex--negate-now #[(nfa state) "@\211\204\305\n\306\"\202\270 \307\267\202\310A@\311\3128\n\"\311\313\233\n\"BBB\202\270AA\203@\314\315\316A@DAAE\n\"\202\270\305\n\317\"\202\270\303\320\nBB\321\322\323A\")B\202\270\315\322\324A\"B\202\270A@\203v\314\315A@AAE\n\"\202\270\325AA\n\"\202\270\326\327!\330\f\331\305\n\306\"#\210\332@!\203\240\f@\311A\n\"I\210\202\261@\333=\204\253\334\335!\210\336\337A\"\210\315\n\333\fBE))\207" [nfa #1=#:val state join ct lex--negate-inftail 0+ #s(hash-table size 6 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (check 20 stop 42 orelse 71 or 71 and 88 join 98)) check lex--negate-memo 2 3 lex--negate-now or stop 1+ nil and mapcar #[(nfa) "\302 \"\207" [nfa join lex--negate-memo] 3] #[(nfa) "\302 \"\207" [nfa state lex--negate-memo] 3] lex-negate make-char-table lexer set-char-table-range t characterp table cl--assertion-failed (eq 'table (car nfa)) map-char-table #[(range nfa) "\304 \305\n \"#\207" [ct range nfa state set-char-table-range lex--negate-memo] 6]] 7]) (defalias 'lex--negate-memo #[(nfa state) " =\203\n\306\307!\210\310\n\"\206@\301C\311 \n#\210\312 \"\211@\313>\203* B\f\2044\314\211\202? \f@\240\210 \fA\241\210 *\207" [nfa state lex--memoize newstate res lex--states cl--assertion-failed (not (eq nfa state)) gethash puthash lex--negate-now (or and orelse) (97)] 5]) #@64 Concatenate the negation of NFA with STATE. Returns a new NFA. (defalias 'lex-negate #[(nfa state) "\303\304\305\"\306 \n\")\207" [lex--memoize nfa state make-hash-table :test eq lex--negate-memo] 3 (#$ . 14575)]) (defalias 'lex--dfa-wrapper #[(f) "\306 \306\307\310\311\"\307\310\312\"\203o\306\211\211\203N@\313\314\"\211@\315>\203< B\202D\316 #\210)A\211\204!*\204\317 !\320U\203_\321\322!\210\323\324 \"\210\325 !\210 \306\202\n-\207" [lex--states f res postponed lex--memoize states-dfa nil make-hash-table :test lex--set-eq eq apply lex--merge-now (and or orelse) puthash hash-table-count 0 cl--assertion-failed (not (zerop (hash-table-count states-dfa))) maphash #[(k v) "\204\302 @\240\210 A\241\207" [v k (97)] 2] clrhash state --dolist-tail-- merged] 5]) (defalias 'lex-compile #[(alist) "\300\301!\207" [lex--dfa-wrapper #[nil "\205 \305\306 \307\"\310\311\312\n\"B\211\fB *\207" [case-fold-search lex--char-equiv-table alist newstate lex--states case-table-get-table current-case-table eqv or mapcar #[(x) "\301@\302AD\"\207" [x lex--nfa stop] 4]] 5]] 2]) (defalias 'lex-search-dfa #[(match-dfa) "\300\301!\207" [lex--dfa-wrapper #[nil "\301\302\"\207" [match-dfa lex--nfa (*\? (char not))] 3]] 2]) (defalias 'lex--terminate-if #[(new old) "\303=\203\303\207 \303=\203\303\207\203(\211A\242\211 >\204$\n B)\202 \207" [new old x t] 3]) (defalias 'lex--optimize-1 #[(lexer) "\306 @\211\307\267\202\335 A\306\310\311\f\"\210\312 A\313\"\210\310\314\f\"\210 \204(\306\202= \315=\2032 \202= \303\240\210 \f H\241\210 *\202\316 AA!\315 \211A @\241\210* \202 A@\316\317 \233! AA@\241\316\320 8! AA\211@\240)\321A\"\321A\"@\322=\203\260A@\232\203\260 AA\211\3208\211\240\210)@\322=\203\316A@\232\203\316 AA\317\233\211\241\210\204\330\205\331 -\202\323 @!\204\350\324\325!\210\316 A!\321 A\" \211 @\241)\205\377 )):\203 \326 \"\202)B\207" [terminate lexer #1=#:val char ct cell nil #s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (table 11 stop 65 check 87)) map-char-table #[(range v) "\305!\306 A\n\"\307 \f @#)\207" [v cell terminate ct range lex--optimize lex--terminate-if set-char-table-range] 4] optimize-char-table eq #[(range v) "\302!\203 \204\202\303\211\207" [range char characterp t] 2] t lex--optimize 3 2 lex--terminate-if check characterp cl--assertion-failed (characterp (car lexer)) delq #2=#:v test cellf fail cells #3=#:c succ #4=#:c #5=#:v] 5]) (defalias 'lex--optimize #[(lexer) "\205O\305 \"\211\203!\306\n@@!\205\n@A??\205N\n\202N\211CB\307 #\210\310!\211@\203>\fA\203>\f\202M\311\240\210\312\241\210\307\313 #\210\312*)\207" [lexer lex--memoize cache cell res gethash characterp puthash lex--optimize-1 97 nil (nil)] 5]) (defalias 'lex-optimize #[(lexer) "\302\303\304\"\305 !@\306\307\310!\"\210)\207" [lex--memoize lexer make-hash-table :test eq lex--optimize message "Visited %d states" hash-table-count] 5]) (defalias 'lex-case '(macro . #[(object posvar &rest cases) "\306\307\310 \"\311\n!\312\313!\306\314\f\315\316 D FDC\317\320\fD\307\321 \"BBE,\207" [i cases alist lex tmpsym object -1 mapcar #[(case) "@ T\211B\207" [case i] 3] lex-compile make-symbol "tmp" let lex-match-string quote pcase car #[(case) "T\211\304\305 \306 \307\nDEED ABB\207" [i posvar tmpsym case set-match-data list setq cadr] 8] posvar] 7])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put lex-case lisp-indent-function 2] 4) (defalias 'lex--match-bobp #[(arg pos &optional string) " \203 \302\202\neU\207" [pos string 0] 2]) (defalias 'lex--match-eobp #[(arg pos &optional string) " \203\n G\202 dU\207" [pos string] 2]) (defalias 'lex--match-bolp #[(arg pos &optional string) "\203 \302U\206 SH\303=\207 \206`Sf\304>\207" [string pos 0 10 (nil 10)] 2]) (defalias 'lex--match-eolp #[(arg pos &optional string) "\203 GU\206 H\302=\207 f\303>\207" [string pos 10 (nil 10)] 2]) (defalias 'lex--match-bowp #[(arg pos &optional string) "\203 \302V\205! SHz\303=\202! eV\205!\304 S!@\305=?\205=\2037 GW\205= Hz\303=\207\304 !@\305=\207" [string pos 0 119 syntax-after 2] 2]) (defalias 'lex--match-eowp #[(arg pos &optional string) "\203 \302V\205? SHz\303=\202! eV\205?\304 S!@\305=\205?\2038 GW\205> Hz\303=\202>\304 !@\305=?\207" [string pos 0 119 syntax-after 2] 2]) (defalias 'lex--match-bosp #[(arg pos &optional string) "\203 \302V\205! SHz\303>\202! eV\205!\304 S!@\305>?\205=\2037 GW\205= Hz\306>\207\304 !@\307>\207" [string pos 0 (119 95) syntax-after (2 3) (119 95) (2 3)] 2]) (defalias 'lex--match-eosp #[(arg pos &optional string) "\203 \302V\205? SHz\303>\202! eV\205?\304 S!@\305>\205?\2038 GW\205> Hz\306>\202>\304 !@\307>?\207" [string pos 0 (119 95) syntax-after (2 3) (119 95) (2 3)] 2]) (defalias 'lex--match-not-word-boundary #[(arg pos &optional string) "\203 \302V\205! SHz\303=\202! eV\205!\304 S!@\305=\2035 GW\205; Hz\303=\202;\304 !@\305==\207" [string pos 0 119 syntax-after 2] 3]) (defalias 'lex--match-upper #[(arg pos &optional string) " \203\n G\202 dW\205\" \203 H\202f\211\227\n)=?\207" [pos string char] 3]) (defalias 'lex--match-lower #[(arg pos &optional string) " \203\n G\202 dW\205\" \203 H\202f\211\226\n)=?\207" [pos string char] 3]) (defalias 'lex--match-category #[(category pos &optional string) " \203\n G\202 dW\205\303 \203 H\202f!\nH\207" [pos string category char-category-set] 3]) (defalias 'lex--match-syntax #[(syntaxes pos &optional string) " \203\n G\202 dW\205\" \203\303 HH\202\304!@\n>\207" [pos string syntaxes syntax-table syntax-after] 3]) #@352 Match LEX against STRING between START and STOP. Return a triplet (VALUE ENDPOS . LEXER) where VALUE is the value of returned by the lexer for the match found (or nil), ENDPOS is the end position of the match found (or nil), and LEXER is the state of the engine at STOP, which can be passed back to `lex-match-string' to continue the match elsewhere. (defalias 'lex-match-string #[(lex string &optional start stop) "\204\306 \204 \nG\307\211D  @\310=\2036 A@@ A@A\n#\203.\311 8\2021\312 \233\211\202 @\301=\203L A@D\313\314 \"\210 AA @\301=\203W\315\316!\210 \203\217 W\203\217\nHT @\317=\203x AH\202\210 @\250\205\210 @=\205\210 A\211)\202\313\320\"\210 \f\244*\207" [start stop string lex lastlex match 0 nil check 2 3 message "Found match: %s" cl--assertion-failed (not (eq (car lex) 'stop)) table "Final search pos considered: %s" c] 5 (#$ . 20371)]) #@352 Match LEX against STRING between START and STOP. Return a triplet (VALUE ENDPOS . LEXER) where VALUE is the value of returned by the lexer for the match found (or nil), ENDPOS is the end position of the match found (or nil), and LEXER is the state of the engine at STOP, which can be passed back to `lex-match-string' to continue the match elsewhere. (defalias 'lex-match-string-first #[(lex string &optional start stop) "\204\306 \204 \nG\307\211D \3102\233 @\311=\203: A@@ A@A\n#\2032\312 8\2025\313 \233\211\202 @\301=\203N\314\310 A@ AABB\"\210 @\301=\203Y\315\316!\210 \204\225 \203\225 W\203\225\nHT @\317=\203~ AH\202\216 @\250\205\216 @=\205\216 A\211)\202\307\fBB0*\207" [start stop string lex lastlex match 0 nil found check 2 3 throw cl--assertion-failed (not (eq (car lex) 'stop)) table c] 6 (#$ . 21274)]) #@330 Match LEX against buffer between point and STOP. Return a triplet (VALUE ENDPOS . LEXER) where VALUE is the value of returned by the lexer for the match found (or nil), ENDPOS is the end position of the match found (or nil), and LEXER is the state of the engine at STOP, which can be passed back to continue the match elsewhere. (defalias 'lex-match-buffer #[(lex &optional stop) "\204d`\306\211D  @\307=\2030 A@@ A@A\f\"\203(\310 8\202+\311 \233\211\202 @\300=\203F A@\fD\312\313 \"\210 AA @\300=\203Q\314\315!\210 \203\205\fW\203\205\ff\fT @\316=\203o A H\202~ @\250\205~ @=\205~ A\211)\202\312\317\f\"\210 \n\244+\207" [stop lex lastlex match start c nil check 2 3 message "Found match: %s" cl--assertion-failed (not (eq (car lex) 'stop)) table "Final search pos considered: %s"] 4 (#$ . 22141)]) (provide 'lex)