;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\207" [require comint lfe-mode] 2) #@31 Keymap for inferior LFE mode. (defvar inferior-lfe-mode-map (byte-code "\303!\304 \n\"\210\305 \306\307#\210\305 \310\311#\210 )\207" [comint-mode-map map lisp-mode-shared-map copy-keymap set-keymap-parent define-key "" lfe-eval-last-sexp "\357" inferior-lfe-clear-buffer] 4) (#$ . 156)) (byte-code "\301\302\303#\210\301\304\305#\210\301\306\307#\210\310\311\312\313\314\315\316\317&\210\310\320\321\322\314\315\316\323&\207" [lfe-mode-map define-key "" lfe-eval-last-sexp "" lfe-eval-region "" switch-to-lfe custom-declare-variable inferior-lfe-program "lfe" "*Program name for invoking an inferior LFE in Inferior LFE mode." :group lfe :type string inferior-lfe-program-options '("-pa" "/Users/rv/erlang/lfe/ebin") "*The options used when activating the LFE shell.\n\nThis must be a list of strings.\nYou may add the following command line options:\n- \"-nobanner\"." (repeat string)] 8) #@56 *Regexp to recognise prompts in the Inferior LFE mode. (defvar inferior-lfe-prompt "^[^>]*>+ *" (#$ . -1069)) #@43 *The current inferior-lfe process buffer. (defvar inferior-lfe-buffer nil (#$ . -1185)) #@42 *Hook for customizing Inferior LFE mode. (defvar inferior-lfe-mode-hook nil (#$ . -1279)) #@128 *Input matching this regexp are not saved on the history list. Defaults to a regexp ignoring all inputs of 0, 1, or 2 letters. (defvar inferior-lfe-filter-regexp "\\`\\s *\\S ?\\S ?\\s *\\'" (#$ . -1376)) #@202 Major mode for interacting with an inferior LFE process. \{inferior-lfe-mode-map} Customization: Entry to this mode runs the hooks on `comint-mode-hook' and `inferior-lfe-mode-hook' (in that order). (defalias 'inferior-lfe-mode #[nil "\306\300!\210\307\310 \210)\311\312\313\314 \210\315\f!\210 \307\316\317\307\320\321!\207" [delay-mode-hooks major-mode mode-name mode-line-process inferior-lfe-mode-map inferior-lfe-prompt make-local-variable t comint-mode inferior-lfe-mode "Inferior LFE" (":%s") lfe-mode-variables use-local-map lfe-input-filter lfe-get-old-input run-mode-hooks inferior-lfe-mode-hook comint-prompt-regexp comint-prompt-read-only comint-input-filter comint-get-old-input comint-process-echoes] 2 (#$ . 1588) nil]) #@124 Predicate for filtering additions to input history. Return nil if `STR` matches `inferior-lfe-filter-regexp', otherwise t. (defalias 'lfe-input-filter #[(str) "\302 \"?\207" [inferior-lfe-filter-regexp str string-match] 3 (#$ . 2346)]) #@54 Return a string containing the sexp ending at point. (defalias 'lfe-get-old-input #[nil "\212`\301 \210`{*\207" [end backward-sexp] 2 (#$ . 2589)]) #@206 Run an inferior LFE process, input and output via a buffer `*inferior-lfe*'. If `CMD' is given, use it to start the shell, otherwise: `inferior-lfe-program' `inferior-lfe-program-options' -env TERM vt100. (defalias 'inferior-lfe #[(cmd) "\306\211\n\203\307\310\311\nE\202 \312\f\313\"\314\315!\204+\316\317\320 \306%q\210\321 \210\315\322\315!*\207" [opts prog cmd inferior-lfe-program inferior-lfe-program-options inferior-lfe-buffer nil "sh" "-i" "-c" append ("-env" "TERM" "vt100") comint-check-proc "*inferior-lfe*" apply make-comint "inferior-lfe" inferior-lfe-mode pop-to-buffer] 6 (#$ . 2746) (list (if current-prefix-arg (read-string "Run LFE: ") nil))]) (defalias 'run-lfe 'inferior-lfe) #@130 Send the current region (from `START' to `END') to the inferior LFE process. `AND-GO' means switch to the LFE buffer afterwards. (defalias 'lfe-eval-region #[(start end &optional and-go) "\303\304  #\210\305\304 \306\"\210\n\205\307\310!\207" [start end and-go comint-send-region inferior-lfe-proc comint-send-string "\n" switch-to-lfe t] 4 (#$ . 3463) "r\nP"]) #@105 Send the previous sexp to the inferior LFE process. `AND-GO' means switch to the LFE buffer afterwards. (defalias 'lfe-eval-last-sexp #[(&optional and-go) "\301\212\302 \210`)`#\207" [and-go lfe-eval-region backward-sexp] 4 (#$ . 3835) "P"]) #@102 Switch to the inferior Lisp process buffer. When `EOB-P' is given, position cursor at end of buffer. (defalias 'switch-to-lfe #[(eob-p) "\304!\203 \206\305\306\"\307!\210)\202\310\n!\210 \205$\311 \210db\207" [inferior-lfe-buffer pop-up-frames inferior-lfe-program eob-p get-buffer-process get-buffer-window t pop-to-buffer run-lfe push-mark] 3 (#$ . 4085) "P"]) #@49 Delete the output generated by the LFE process. (defalias 'inferior-lfe-clear-buffer #[nil "\301\302 )\207" [comint-buffer-maximum-size 0 comint-truncate-buffer] 1 (#$ . 4465) nil]) #@25 Get the LFE subprocess. (defalias 'inferior-lfe-proc #[nil "\303\304=\203 p\202\f !\211\206\305\306!)\207" [major-mode inferior-lfe-buffer proc get-buffer-process inferior-lfe-mode error "No LFE subprocess; see variable `inferior-lfe-buffer'"] 4 (#$ . 4654)]) (provide 'inferior-lfe) #@53 *Functions to run when Inferior LFE mode is loaded. (defvar inferior-lfe-load-hook nil (#$ . -4950)) (run-hooks 'inferior-lfe-load-hook)