BUILD_OPTIONS=-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ifeq '$(findstring ;,$(PATH))' ';' UNAME := Windows else UNAME := $(shell uname 2>/dev/null || echo Unknown) UNAME := $(patsubst CYGWIN%,Cygwin,$(UNAME)) UNAME := $(patsubst MSYS%,MSYS,$(UNAME)) UNAME := $(patsubst MINGW%,MSYS,$(UNAME)) endif ifeq ($(UNAME),MSYS) BUILD_OPTIONS+= -G "MSYS Makefiles" endif ifeq "$(TRAVIS)" "true" ## Makefile for Travis ################################################### # # TODO Move this to a separate file "" once Emake supports # that. (Apparently it already does, but I couldn't get it to work.) EMAKE_SHA1 ?= 1b23379eb5a9f82d3e2d227d0f217864e40f23e0 PACKAGE_BASENAME := libgit include build/ git submodule update --init mkdir -p build cd build && cmake .. $(BUILD_OPTIONS) && make test: EMACS_ARGS += -L build/ -l libegit2 test: build/ test-ert else ## Makefile for local use ################################################ -include PKG = libgit ELS = $(PKG).el ELCS = $(ELS:.el=.elc) EMACS ?= emacs EMACS_ARGS ?= LOAD_PATH ?= -L . -L build .PHONY: test libgit2 submodule-update all: lisp help: $(info make all - build everything) $(info make module - generate module) $(info make lisp - generate byte-code and autoloads) $(info make submodule-init - update the submodule) $(info make submodule-update - update the submodule) $(info make test - run tests) $(info make clean - remove generated files) @printf "\n" module: build/ build/ libgit2 @printf "Building $<\n" @mkdir -p build @cd build && cmake .. $(BUILD_OPTIONS) && make lisp: $(ELCS) loaddefs module loaddefs: $(PKG)-autoloads.el %.elc: %.el @printf "Compiling $<\n" @$(EMACS) -Q --batch $(EMACS_ARGS) $(LOAD_PATH) -f batch-byte-compile $< test: libgit.elc build/ $(EMACS) -Q --batch $(LOAD_PATH) -l libgit \ $(addprefix -l test/,$(shell ls test)) \ -f ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit submodule-init: libgit2 submodule-update: @git submodule update libgit2: @git submodule update --init CLEAN = $(ELCS) $(PKG)-autoloads.el build clean: @printf "Cleaning...\n" @rm -rf $(CLEAN) define LOADDEFS_TMPL ;;; $(PKG)-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads ;; ;;; Code: (add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name \ (or (file-name-directory #$$) (car load-path)))) ;; Local Variables: ;; version-control: never ;; no-byte-compile: t ;; no-update-autoloads: t ;; End: ;;; $(PKG)-autoloads.el ends here endef export LOADDEFS_TMPL #' $(PKG)-autoloads.el: $(ELS) @printf "Generating $@\n" @printf "%s" "$$LOADDEFS_TMPL" > $@ @$(EMACS) -Q --batch --eval "(progn\ (setq make-backup-files nil)\ (setq vc-handled-backends nil)\ (setq default-directory (file-truename default-directory))\ (setq generated-autoload-file (expand-file-name \"$@\"))\ (setq find-file-visit-truename t)\ (update-directory-autoloads default-directory))" endif