;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\204\301\302!\210\301\207" [module-file-suffix error "Module support not detected, libgit can't work"] 2) #@38 Directory where libgit is installed. (defvar libgit--root (byte-code "\302\206 !\207" [load-file-name buffer-file-name file-name-directory] 2) (#$ . 208)) #@67 Directory where the libegit2 dynamic module file should be built. (defvar libgit--build-dir (expand-file-name "build" libgit--root) (#$ . 372)) #@43 Path to the libegit2 dynamic module file. (defvar libgit--module-file (expand-file-name "libegit2.so" libgit--build-dir) (#$ . 522)) #@108 Run the configure step of libegit2 asynchronously. On successful exit, pass control on to the build step. (defalias 'libgit--configure #[0 "\302\303\"\210\304\305\306\307\310\311$\312\")\207" [libgit--build-dir default-directory make-directory parents set-process-sentinel start-process "libgit-cmake" "*libgit build*" "cmake" ".." #[514 "\300!\301=\205\302!\303U\203\304 \207\305\306!\210\307\310\302!\"\207" [process-status exit process-exit-status 0 libgit--build pop-to-buffer "*libgit build*" error "libgit: configuring failed with exit code %d"] 6 "\n\n(fn PROC EVENT)"]] 6 (#$ . 662)]) #@103 Run the build step of libegit2 asynchronously. On successful exit, pass control on to the load step. (defalias 'libgit--build #[0 "\302\303\304\305\306#\307\")\207" [libgit--build-dir default-directory set-process-sentinel start-process "libgit-cmake" "*libgit build*" "make" #[514 "\300!\301=\205\302!\303U\203\304 \207\305\306!\210\307\310\302!\"\207" [process-status exit process-exit-status 0 libgit--load pop-to-buffer "*libgit build*" error "libgit: building failed with exit code %d"] 6 "\n\n(fn PROC EVENT)"]] 5 (#$ . 1273)]) #@73 Load the `libegit2' dynamic module. If that fails, then raise an error. (defalias 'libgit--load #[0 "\301\302!\204 \303\304\305\211$\210\301\302!?\205\306\307!\207" [libgit--module-file featurep libegit2 load nil t error "libgit: unable to load the libegit2 dynamic module"] 5 (#$ . 1823)]) #@93 Load the `libegit2' dynamic module. If the module is not available, then offer to build it. (defalias 'libgit-load #[0 "\302!\203 \303 \207 \204\304\305!\203\306 \207 \203\307\310!\207\311\310!\207" [libgit--module-file noninteractive file-exists-p libgit--load y-or-n-p "libgit must be built, do so now?" libgit--configure message "libgit was not loaded!" error] 2 (#$ . 2124) nil]) (byte-code "\300 \210\301\302!\207" [libgit-load provide libgit] 2)