;;; dap-java.el --- Debug Adapter Protocol mode for Java -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2018 Ivan Yonchovski ;; Author: Ivan Yonchovski ;; Keywords: languages ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;; URL: https://github.com/yyoncho/dap-mode ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (dash "2.14.1") (lsp-mode "4.0") (lsp-java "0.1")) ;; Version: 0.2 ;; DAP Adapter for java ;;; Commentary: ;; Java specific adapter for DAP mode ;;; Code: (require 'lsp-java) (require 'dap-mode) (defvar dap-java--classpath-separator (if (string= system-type "windows-nt") ";" ":")) (defvar dap-java--var-format (if (string= system-type "windows-nt") "%%%s%%" "$%s")) ;; Set to non-nil to use TestNG instead of the default JUnit (defvar dap-java-use-testng nil) (defvar dap-java--latest-test nil) (defcustom dap-java-java-command "java" "Path of the java executable." :group 'dap-java :type 'string) (defcustom dap-java-compile-port 33000 "The debug port which will be used for compile/attach configuration. If the port is taken, DAP will try the next port." :group 'dap-java :type 'number) (defcustom dap-java-test-runner (expand-file-name (locate-user-emacs-file "eclipse.jdt.ls/test-runner/junit-platform-console-standalone.jar")) "DAP Java test runner." :group 'dap-java-java :type 'file) (defcustom dap-java-testng-report-dir "build/test-output" "The directory where TestNG reports will be generated." :group 'dap-java-java :type 'string) (defcustom dap-java-build 'ask "Perform build before running project behaviour." :group 'dap-java :type '(choice (const ask) (const always) (const never))) (defcustom dap-java-hot-reload 'always "How to perform hot reload." :group 'dap-java :type '(choice (const always) (const never))) (defcustom dap-java-terminal 'internalConsole "Default java terminal." :group 'dap-java :type '(choice (const 'integratedTerminal) (const 'externalTerminal) (const 'internalConsole))) (defcustom dap-java-args [] "Default java args." :group 'dap-java :type 'lsp-string-vector) (defcustom dap-java-test-additional-args () "Additional arguments for JUnit standalone runner." :group 'dap-java :type '(list string)) (defcustom dap-java-default-debug-port 1044 "Default debug port." :group 'dap-java :type 'number) (eval-and-compile (lsp-interface (java:MainClass (:mainClass :projectName)))) (defun dap-java-test-class () "Get class FDQN." (-if-let* ((symbols (lsp--get-document-symbols)) (package-name (-some->> symbols (-first (-lambda ((&DocumentSymbol :kind)) (= kind lsp/symbol-kind-package))) lsp:document-symbol-name)) (class-name (->> symbols (--first (= (lsp:document-symbol-kind it) lsp/symbol-kind-class)) lsp:document-symbol-name))) (concat package-name "." class-name) (user-error "No class found"))) (defun dap-java-test-method-at-point () "Get method at point." (-let* ((symbols (lsp--get-document-symbols)) (package-name (-some->> symbols (-first (-lambda ((&DocumentSymbol :kind)) (= kind lsp/symbol-kind-package))) lsp:document-symbol-name))) (or (->> symbols (-keep (-lambda ((&DocumentSymbol :children? :kind :name class-name)) (and (= kind lsp/symbol-kind-class) (seq-some (-lambda ((&DocumentSymbol :kind :range :selection-range)) (-let (((beg . end) (lsp--range-to-region range))) (and (= lsp/symbol-kind-method kind) (<= beg (point) end) (concat package-name "." class-name "#" (lsp-region-text selection-range))))) children?)))) (cl-first)) (user-error "No method at point")))) (defun dap-java--select-main-class () "Select main class from the current workspace." (let* ((main-classes (with-lsp-workspace (lsp-find-workspace 'jdtls) (lsp-send-execute-command "vscode.java.resolveMainClass"))) (main-classes-count (length main-classes)) current-class) (cond ((= main-classes-count 0) (error "Unable to find main class. Please check whether the server is configured propertly")) ((= main-classes-count 1) (cl-first main-classes)) ((setq current-class (--first (string= buffer-file-name (lsp-get it :filePath)) main-classes)) current-class) (t (dap--completing-read "Select main class to run: " main-classes (lambda (it) (format "%s(%s)" (lsp-get it :mainClass) (lsp-get it :projectName))) nil t))))) (defun dap-java--populate-launch-args (conf) "Populate CONF with launch related configurations." (when (not (and (plist-get conf :mainClass) (plist-get conf :projectName))) (-let [(&java:MainClass :main-class :project-name) (dap-java--select-main-class)] (setq conf (plist-put conf :mainClass main-class)) (plist-put conf :projectName project-name))) (-let [(&plist :mainClass main-class :projectName project-name) conf] (-> conf (dap--put-if-absent :args dap-java-args) (dap--put-if-absent :cwd (lsp-java--get-root)) (dap--put-if-absent :stopOnEntry :json-false) (dap--put-if-absent :host "localhost") (dap--put-if-absent :console (symbol-name dap-java-terminal)) (dap--put-if-absent :request "launch") (dap--put-if-absent :modulePaths (vector)) (dap--put-if-absent :classPaths (or (cl-second (with-lsp-workspace (lsp-find-workspace 'jdtls) (lsp-send-execute-command "vscode.java.resolveClasspath" (vector main-class project-name)))) (error "Unable to resolve classpath"))) (dap--put-if-absent :name (format "%s (%s)" (if (string-match ".*\\.\\([[:alnum:]_]*\\)$" main-class) (match-string 1 main-class) main-class) project-name))))) (defun dap-java--populate-attach-args (conf) "Populate attach arguments. CONF - the startup configuration." (dap--put-if-absent conf :hostName (read-string "Enter host: " "localhost")) (dap--put-if-absent conf :port (string-to-number (read-string "Enter port: " (number-to-string dap-java-default-debug-port)))) (dap--put-if-absent conf :host "localhost") (dap--put-if-absent conf :name (format "%s(%s)" (plist-get conf :host) (plist-get conf :port))) conf) (defun dap-java--populate-compile-attach-args (conf) "Populate the CONF for running compile/attach. Populate the arguments like normal 'Launch' request but then initiate `compile' and attach to the process." (dap-java--populate-launch-args conf) (-let* (((&plist :mainClass :projectName :classPaths classpaths) conf) (port (dap--find-available-port)) (program-to-start (format "%s -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=%s,quiet=y -cp %s %s" dap-java-java-command port (format dap-java--var-format "CLASSPATH_ARGS") mainClass))) (dap-java--populate-attach-args (list :type "java" :request "attach" :hostName "localhost" :projectName projectName :host "localhost" :wait-for-port t :program-to-start program-to-start :port port :environment-variables `(("CLASSPATH_ARGS" . ,(s-join dap-java--classpath-separator classpaths))))))) (defun dap-java--populate-default-args (conf) "Populate all of the fields that are not present in CONF." (setq conf (plist-put conf :type "java")) (setq conf (pcase (plist-get conf :request) ("launch" (dap-java--populate-launch-args conf)) ("attach" (dap-java--populate-attach-args conf)) ("compile_attach" (dap-java--populate-compile-attach-args conf)) (_ (dap-java--populate-launch-args conf)))) (plist-put conf :debugServer (with-lsp-workspace (lsp-find-workspace 'jdtls) (lsp-send-execute-command "vscode.java.startDebugSession"))) (plist-put conf :__sessionId (number-to-string (float-time))) conf) (defun dap-java-debug (debug-args) "Start debug session with DEBUG-ARGS." (interactive (list (dap-java--populate-default-args nil))) (dap-start-debugging debug-args)) (defun dap-java--run-unit-test-command (runner run-method?) "Run debug test with the following arguments. RUNNER is the test executor. RUN-METHOD? when t it will try to run the surrounding method. Otherwise it will run the surronding test." (-let* ((to-run (if run-method? (dap-java-test-method-at-point) (dap-java-test-class))) (test-class-name (cl-first (s-split "#" to-run))) (class-path (->> (with-lsp-workspace (lsp-find-workspace 'jdtls) (lsp-send-execute-command "vscode.java.resolveClasspath" (vector test-class-name nil))) cl-second (s-join dap-java--classpath-separator))) (prog-list (if dap-java-use-testng (cl-list* runner "-cp" (format dap-java--var-format "JUNIT_CLASS_PATH") "org.testng.TestNG" "-d" dap-java-testng-report-dir (if (and (s-contains? "#" to-run) run-method?) "-methods" "-testclass") (if run-method? (s-replace "#" "." to-run) test-class-name) dap-java-test-additional-args) (cl-list* runner "-jar" dap-java-test-runner "-cp" (format dap-java--var-format "JUNIT_CLASS_PATH") (if (and (s-contains? "#" to-run) run-method?) "-m" "-c") (if run-method? to-run test-class-name) dap-java-test-additional-args)))) (list :program-to-start (s-join " " prog-list) :environment-variables `(("JUNIT_CLASS_PATH" . ,class-path)) :name to-run :cwd (lsp-java--get-root)))) (defun dap-java-run-test-method () "Run JUnit test. If there is no method under cursor it will fallback to test class." (interactive) (setq dap-java--latest-test (-> (dap-java--run-unit-test-command dap-java-java-command t) (plist-put :skip-debug-session t))) (dap-start-debugging dap-java--latest-test)) (defun dap-java-run-last-test () "Run again latest class/method test" (interactive) (if dap-java--latest-test (dap-start-debugging dap-java--latest-test) (message "No previous tests to rerun"))) (defun dap-java-debug-test-method (port) "Debug JUnit test. If there is no method under cursor it will fallback to test class. PORT is the port that is going to be used for starting and attaching to the test." (interactive (list (dap--find-available-port))) (-> (list :type "java" :request "attach" :hostName "localhost" :port port :wait-for-port t) (append (dap-java--run-unit-test-command (format "%s -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=%s" dap-java-java-command port) t)) dap-debug)) (defun dap-java-run-test-class () "Run JUnit test." (interactive) (setq dap-java--latest-test (-> (dap-java--run-unit-test-command dap-java-java-command nil) (plist-put :skip-debug-session t))) (dap-start-debugging dap-java--latest-test)) (defun dap-java-debug-test-class (port) "Debug JUnit test class. PORT is the port that is going to be used for starting and attaching to the test." (interactive (list (dap--find-available-port))) (dap-debug (append (list :type "java" :request "attach" :hostName "localhost" :port port :wait-for-port t) (dap-java--run-unit-test-command (format "%s -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=%s" dap-java-java-command port) nil)))) (cl-defmethod dap-handle-event ((_event (eql hotcodereplace)) session _params) "Handle DAP events for SESSION." (when (eq dap-java-hot-reload 'always) (-let [(&hash "changedClasses" classes) (dap-request session "redefineClasses")] (if classes (lsp--info "Reloaded the following classes: %s." classes) (lsp--warn "There are no classes to redefine."))))) (dap-register-debug-provider "java" #'dap-java--populate-default-args) (dap-register-debug-template "Java Run Configuration" (list :type "java" :request "launch" :args "" :cwd nil :stopOnEntry :json-false :host "localhost" :request "launch" :modulePaths (vector) :classPaths nil :projectName nil :mainClass nil)) (dap-register-debug-template "Java Run Configuration (compile/attach)" (list :type "java" :request "compile_attach" :args "" :cwd nil :host "localhost" :request "launch" :modulePaths (vector) :classPaths nil :name "Run" :projectName nil :mainClass nil)) (dap-register-debug-template "Java Attach" (list :type "java" :request "attach" :hostName "localhost" :port nil)) ;;;###autoload(with-eval-after-load 'lsp-java (require 'dap-java)) (provide 'dap-java) ;;; dap-java.el ends here