;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\304\305\306\307\310\303\311\312&\210\313\314\315\316\317DD\320\310\305\321\322&\210\313\323\315\316\324DD\325\310\305\321\326&\210\313\327\315\316\330DD\331\310\305\321\326&\207" [require ido lsp-protocol lsp-mode custom-declare-group lsp-ido nil "LSP support for ido-based symbol completion" :group :tag "LSP ido" custom-declare-variable lsp-ido-symbol-kind-to-string funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [[" " "File" "Modu" "Nmsp" "Pack" "Clss" "Meth" "Prop" "Fld " "Cons" "Enum" "Intf" "Func" "Var " "Cnst" "Str " "Num " "Bool " "Arr " "Obj " "Key " "Null" "EmMm" "Srct" "Evnt" "Op " "TPar"]] 1] "A vector of 26 itens representing the SymbolKind." :type vector lsp-ido-show-symbol-filename #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to show the project-relative path to a symbol's point of definition." boolean lsp-ido-show-symbol-kind #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to show the symbol's kind when showing lsp symbols."] 8) #@29 (fn INPUT0 INPUT1 INPUT2) (defalias 'lsp-ido--transform-candidate #[771 "\303\304\"\303\305\303\306\"\"GW\203\202\307\234 \203(\310\311\"\202)\312\n\203?\313\310\314\315\316\n!\"\"\317\320#\202@\312\321 \322\"Q\323\f\n#\207" [lsp-ido-symbol-kind-to-string lsp-ido-show-symbol-kind lsp-ido-show-symbol-filename gethash "kind" "uri" "location" 0 format "[%s] " "" propertize " . %s" file-relative-name lsp--uri-to-path face font-lock-comment-face lsp-render-symbol-information "." puthash] 18 (#$ . 1057)]) #@42 Jump to selected candidate. (fn INPUT0) (defalias 'lsp-ido--jump-selected-candidate #[257 "\300\301\"\300\302\"\300\303\300\304\"\"\300\305\"\300\306\"\307\310!!\210eb\210y\210\211u\207" [gethash "location" "uri" "start" "range" "line" "character" find-file lsp--uri-to-path] 9 (#$ . 1599)]) #@66 Search against WORKSPACES based on QUERY. (fn WORKSPACES QUERY) (defalias 'lsp-ido--workspace-symbol #[514 "\301\302\303\"\304 \305\306\307\310\"\")\311\312\313#\"\210\207" [lsp--buffer-workspaces make-hash-table :test equal lsp-workspace-root lsp-request "workspace/symbol" lsp-make-workspace-symbol-params :query mapc make-closure #[257 "\302\300\301#\207" [V0 V1 lsp-ido--transform-candidate] 5 "\n\n(fn IT)"]] 10 (#$ . 1905)]) #@118 `ido' for lsp workspace/symbol. When called with prefix ARG the default selection will be symbol at point. (fn ARG) (defalias 'lsp-ido-workspace-symbol #[257 "\211\203\300\202 \301\302!\303\304 \"\305\302\306C\307\310\311\"\"\210\211\242\237\266\202\306\211\205,\312\313!%\314\315\"!\207" ["" read-string "Workspace symbol: " lsp-ido--workspace-symbol lsp-workspaces ido-completing-read nil maphash make-closure #[514 "\300\300\242B\240\207" [V0] 5 "\n\n(fn K --CL-VAR--)"] thing-at-point symbol lsp-ido--jump-selected-candidate gethash] 11 (#$ . 2353) "P"]) (defconst lsp-ido-plist-value-when-compiled nil) (provide 'lsp-ido)