;;; lsp-css.el --- CSS language server configuration -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2019 Ivan Yonchovski ;; Author: Ivan Yonchovski ;; Keywords: ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;;; Code: (require 'lsp-protocol) (require 'lsp-mode) (defgroup lsp-css nil "LSP support for CSS." :group 'lsp-mode :link '(url-link "https://github.com/vscode-langservers/vscode-css-languageserver-bin")) (defcustom lsp-css-experimental-custom-data nil "A list of JSON file paths that define custom CSS data that loads custom properties, at directives, pseudo classes / elements." :type '(repeat string)) (defcustom lsp-css-completion-trigger-property-value-completion t "By default, VS Code triggers property value completion after selecting a CSS property. Use this setting to disable this behavior." :type 'boolean) (defcustom lsp-css-validate t "Enables or disables all validations." :type 'boolean) (defcustom lsp-css-lint-compatible-vendor-prefixes "ignore" "When using a vendor-specific prefix make sure to also include all other vendor-specific properties." :type '(choice (const "ignore") (const "warning") (const "error"))) (defcustom lsp-css-lint-vendor-prefix "warning" "When using a vendor-specific prefix, also include the standard property." :type '(choice (const "ignore") (const "warning") (const "error"))) (defcustom lsp-css-lint-duplicate-properties "ignore" "Do not use duplicate style definitions." :type '(choice (const "ignore") (const "warning") (const "error"))) (defcustom lsp-css-lint-empty-rules "warning" "Do not use empty rulesets." :type '(choice (const "ignore") (const "warning") (const "error"))) (defcustom lsp-css-lint-import-statement "ignore" "Import statements do not load in parallel." :type '(choice (const "ignore") (const "warning") (const "error"))) (defcustom lsp-css-lint-box-model "ignore" nil :type '(choice (const "ignore") (const "warning") (const "error"))) (defcustom lsp-css-lint-universal-selector "ignore" nil :type '(choice (const "ignore") (const "warning") (const "error"))) (defcustom lsp-css-lint-zero-units "ignore" "No unit for zero needed." :type '(choice (const "ignore") (const "warning") (const "error"))) (defcustom lsp-css-lint-font-face-properties "warning" nil :type '(choice (const "ignore") (const "warning") (const "error"))) (defcustom lsp-css-lint-hex-color-length "error" "Hex colors must consist of three or six hex numbers." :type '(choice (const "ignore") (const "warning") (const "error"))) (defcustom lsp-css-lint-arguments-in-color-function "error" "Invalid number of parameters." :type '(choice (const "ignore") (const "warning") (const "error"))) (defcustom lsp-css-lint-unknown-properties "warning" "Unknown property." :type '(choice (const "ignore") (const "warning") (const "error"))) (defcustom lsp-css-lint-valid-properties nil "A list of properties that are not validated against the `unknownProperties` rule." :type '(repeat string)) (defcustom lsp-css-lint-ie-hack "ignore" "IE hacks are only necessary when supporting IE7 and older." :type '(choice (const "ignore") (const "warning") (const "error"))) (defcustom lsp-css-lint-unknown-vendor-specific-properties "ignore" "Unknown vendor specific property." :type '(choice (const "ignore") (const "warning") (const "error"))) (defcustom lsp-css-lint-property-ignored-due-to-display "warning" nil :type '(choice (const "ignore") (const "warning") (const "error"))) (defcustom lsp-css-lint-important "ignore" nil :type '(choice (const "ignore") (const "warning") (const "error"))) (defcustom lsp-css-lint-float "ignore" nil :type '(choice (const "ignore") (const "warning") (const "error"))) (defcustom lsp-css-lint-id-selector "ignore" "Selectors should not contain IDs because these rules are too tightly coupled with the HTML." :type '(choice (const "ignore") (const "warning") (const "error"))) (defcustom lsp-css-lint-unknown-at-rules "warning" "Unknown at-rule." :type '(choice (const "ignore") (const "warning") (const "error"))) (defcustom lsp-css-trace-server "off" "Traces the communication between VS Code and the CSS language server." :type '(choice (const "off") (const "messages") (const "verbose"))) (lsp-register-custom-settings '(("css.trace.server" lsp-css-trace-server) ("css.lint.unknownAtRules" lsp-css-lint-unknown-at-rules) ("css.lint.idSelector" lsp-css-lint-id-selector) ("css.lint.float" lsp-css-lint-float) ("css.lint.important" lsp-css-lint-important) ("css.lint.propertyIgnoredDueToDisplay" lsp-css-lint-property-ignored-due-to-display) ("css.lint.unknownVendorSpecificProperties" lsp-css-lint-unknown-vendor-specific-properties) ("css.lint.ieHack" lsp-css-lint-ie-hack) ("css.lint.validProperties" lsp-css-lint-valid-properties) ("css.lint.unknownProperties" lsp-css-lint-unknown-properties) ("css.lint.argumentsInColorFunction" lsp-css-lint-arguments-in-color-function) ("css.lint.hexColorLength" lsp-css-lint-hex-color-length) ("css.lint.fontFaceProperties" lsp-css-lint-font-face-properties) ("css.lint.zeroUnits" lsp-css-lint-zero-units) ("css.lint.universalSelector" lsp-css-lint-universal-selector) ("css.lint.boxModel" lsp-css-lint-box-model) ("css.lint.importStatement" lsp-css-lint-import-statement) ("css.lint.emptyRules" lsp-css-lint-empty-rules) ("css.lint.duplicateProperties" lsp-css-lint-duplicate-properties) ("css.lint.vendorPrefix" lsp-css-lint-vendor-prefix) ("css.lint.compatibleVendorPrefixes" lsp-css-lint-compatible-vendor-prefixes) ("css.validate" lsp-css-validate t) ("css.completion.triggerPropertyValueCompletion" lsp-css-completion-trigger-property-value-completion t) ("css.experimental.customData" lsp-css-experimental-custom-data))) (defun lsp-css--server-command () "Generate startup command for CSS language server." (list (lsp-package-path 'css-languageserver) "--stdio")) ;;; CSS (lsp-defun lsp-css--apply-code-action ((&Command :arguments?)) "Apply ACTION as workspace edit command." (lsp--apply-text-edits (cl-caddr arguments?))) (lsp-dependency 'css-languageserver '(:system "css-languageserver") '(:npm :package "vscode-css-languageserver-bin" :path "css-languageserver")) (lsp-register-client (make-lsp-client :new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection #'lsp-css--server-command) :major-modes '(css-mode less-mode less-css-mode sass-mode scss-mode) :priority -1 :action-handlers (lsp-ht ("_css.applyCodeAction" #'lsp-css--apply-code-action)) :server-id 'css-ls :download-server-fn (lambda (_client callback error-callback _update?) (lsp-package-ensure 'css-languageserver callback error-callback)))) (provide 'lsp-css) ;;; lsp-css.el ends here