;;; lsp-mode.el --- LSP mode -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2020 emacs-lsp maintainers
;; Author: Vibhav Pant, Fangrui Song, Ivan Yonchovski
;; Keywords: languages
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1") (dash "2.14.1") (dash-functional "2.14.1") (f "0.20.0") (ht "2.0") (spinner "1.7.3") (markdown-mode "2.3") (lv "0"))
;; Version: 7.0.1
;; URL: https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-mode
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see .
;;; Commentary:
;; Emacs client/library for the Language Server Protocol
;;; Code:
(require 'bindat)
(require 'cl-generic)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'compile)
(require 'dash)
(require 'dash-functional)
(require 'em-glob)
(require 'ewoc)
(require 'f)
(require 'filenotify)
(require 'files)
(require 'ht)
(require 'imenu)
(require 'inline)
(require 'json)
(require 'lv)
(require 'markdown-mode)
(require 'network-stream)
(require 'pcase)
(require 'rx)
(require 's)
(require 'seq)
(require 'spinner)
(require 'subr-x)
(require 'tree-widget)
(require 'url-parse)
(require 'url-util)
(require 'widget)
(require 'xref)
(require 'minibuffer)
(require 'yasnippet nil t)
(require 'lsp-protocol)
(declare-function evil-set-command-property "ext:evil-common")
(declare-function projectile-project-root "ext:projectile")
(declare-function yas-expand-snippet "ext:yasnippet")
(declare-function dap-mode "ext:dap-mode")
(declare-function dap-auto-configure-mode "ext:dap-mode")
(defvar company-backends)
(defvar yas-inhibit-overlay-modification-protection)
(defvar yas-indent-line)
(defvar yas-also-auto-indent-first-line)
(defvar dap-auto-configure-mode)
(defvar dap-ui-menu-items)
(defconst lsp--message-type-face
`((1 . ,compilation-error-face)
(2 . ,compilation-warning-face)
(3 . ,compilation-message-face)
(4 . ,compilation-info-face)))
(defconst lsp--errors
'((-32700 "Parse Error")
(-32600 "Invalid Request")
(-32601 "Method not Found")
(-32602 "Invalid Parameters")
(-32603 "Internal Error")
(-32099 "Server Start Error")
(-32000 "Server End Error")
(-32002 "Server Not Initialized")
(-32001 "Unknown Error Code")
(-32800 "Request Cancelled"))
"Alist of error codes to user friendly strings.")
(defconst lsp--empty-ht (make-hash-table))
(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'lsp-print-io 'lsp-log-io "lsp-mode 6.1")
(defcustom lsp-log-io nil
"If non-nil, log all messages to and from the language server to a *lsp-log* buffer."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom lsp-print-performance nil
"If non-nil, print performance info in the logs."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type 'boolean
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.1"))
(defcustom lsp-log-max message-log-max
"Maximum number of lines to keep in the log buffer.
If nil, disable message logging. If t, log messages but don’t truncate
the buffer when it becomes large."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type '(choice (const :tag "Disable" nil)
(integer :tag "lines")
(const :tag "Unlimited" t))
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.1"))
(defcustom lsp-io-messages-max t
"Maximum number of messages that can be locked in a `lsp-io' buffer."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type '(choice (const :tag "Unlimited" t)
(integer :tag "Messages"))
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.1"))
(defcustom lsp-keep-workspace-alive t
"If non nil keep workspace alive when the last workspace buffer is closed."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom lsp-enable-snippet t
"Enable/disable snippet completion support."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom lsp-enable-folding t
"Enable/disable code folding support."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type 'boolean
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.1"))
(defcustom lsp-enable-semantic-highlighting nil
"Enable/disable support for semantic highlighting as defined by
the Language Server Protocol 3.16."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom lsp-semantic-highlighting-warn-on-missing-face nil
"When non-nil, this option will emit a warning any time a token
or modifier type returned by a language server has no face associated with it."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom lsp-semantic-tokens-apply-modifiers nil
"Determines whether semantic highlighting should take token
modifiers into account."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type 'boolean)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-constant
'((t :inherit font-lock-constant-face))
"Face used for semantic highlighting scopes matching constant scopes."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-variable
'((t :inherit font-lock-variable-name-face))
"Face used for semantic highlighting scopes matching variable.*,
unless overridden by a more specific face association."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-function
'((t :inherit font-lock-function-name-face))
"Face used for semantic highlighting scopes matching entity.name.function.*,
unless overridden by a more specific face association."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-method
'((t :inherit lsp-face-semhl-function))
"Face used for semantic highlighting scopes matching entity.name.function.method.*,
unless overridden by a more specific face association."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-namespace
'((t :inherit font-lock-type-face :weight bold))
"Face used for semantic highlighting scopes matching entity.name.namespace.*,
unless overridden by a more specific face association."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defun lsp--semhl-scope-matchp (matchspec scopes)
"Returns t if there is an element M in MATCHSPEC s.t. every N in M
is a prefix of, or identical to, one of the scopes contained in SCOPES"
(-any? (lambda (or-matchspec)
(-all? (lambda (and-matchspec)
(let ((re (format "^%s\\(\\..*\\)?$" (regexp-quote and-matchspec))))
(seq-some (lambda (s) (s-matches-p re s)) scopes)))
(defface lsp-face-semhl-comment
'((t (:inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
"Face used for comments."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-keyword
'((t (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)))
"Face used for keywords."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-string
'((t (:inherit font-lock-string-face)))
"Face used for keywords."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-number
'((t (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)))
"Face used for numbers."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-regexp
'((t (:inherit font-lock-string-face :slant italic)))
"Face used for regexps."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-operator
'((t (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)))
"Face used for operators."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-namespace
'((t (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)))
"Face used for namespaces."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-type
'((t (:inherit font-lock-type-face)))
"Face used for types."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-struct
'((t (:inherit font-lock-type-face)))
"Face used for structs."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-class
'((t (:inherit font-lock-type-face)))
"Face used for classes."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-interface
'((t (:inherit font-lock-type-face)))
"Face used for interfaces."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-enum
'((t (:inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)))
"Face used for enums."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-type-parameter
'((t (:inherit font-lock-type-face)))
"Face used for type parameters."
:group 'lsp-faces)
;; function face already defined, move here when support
;; for theia highlighting gets removed
(defface lsp-face-semhl-member
'((t (:inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)))
"Face used for members."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-property
'((t (:inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)))
"Face used for properties."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-macro
'((t (:inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face)))
"Face used for macros."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-variable
'((t (:inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)))
"Face used for variables."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-parameter
'((t (:inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)))
"Face used for parameters."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-semhl-label
'((t (:inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
"Face used for labels."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defvar lsp-semantic-token-faces
'(("comment" . lsp-face-semhl-comment)
("keyword" . lsp-face-semhl-keyword)
("string" . lsp-face-semhl-string)
("number" . lsp-face-semhl-number)
("regexp" . lsp-face-semhl-regexp)
("operator" . lsp-face-semhl-operator)
("namespace" . lsp-face-semhl-namespace)
("type" . lsp-face-semhl-type)
("struct" . lsp-face-semhl-struct)
("class" . lsp-face-semhl-class)
("interface" . lsp-face-semhl-interface)
("enum" . lsp-face-semhl-enum)
("typeParameter" . lsp-face-semhl-type-parameter)
("function" . lsp-face-semhl-function)
("member" . lsp-face-semhl-member)
("property" . lsp-face-semhl-property)
("macro" . lsp-face-semhl-macro)
("variable" . lsp-face-semhl-variable)
("parameter" . lsp-face-semhl-parameter)
("label" . lsp-face-semhl-label)
("enumConstant" . lsp-face-semhl-constant)
("dependent" . lsp-face-semhl-type)
("concept" . lsp-face-semhl-interface))
"Faces to use for semantic highlighting.")
(defvar lsp-semantic-token-modifier-faces
;; TODO: add default definitions
'(("declaration" . lsp-face-semhl-interface)
("readonly" . lsp-face-semhl-constant))
"Faces to use for semantic token modifiers if
`lsp-semantic-tokens-apply-modifiers' is non-nil.")
(defvar lsp--semantic-tokens-idle-timer nil)
(defvar-local lsp--semantic-tokens-cache nil)
(defvar-local lsp--semantic-tokens-teardown nil)
(defvar-local lsp--semantic-tokens-use-ranged-requests nil)
(defcustom lsp-folding-range-limit nil
"The maximum number of folding ranges to receive from the language server."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type '(choice (const :tag "No limit." nil)
(integer :tag "Number of lines."))
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.1"))
(defcustom lsp-folding-line-folding-only nil
"If non-nil, only fold complete lines."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type 'boolean
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.1"))
(defcustom lsp-client-packages
'(ccls lsp-clients lsp-clojure lsp-csharp lsp-css lsp-dart lsp-elm
lsp-erlang lsp-eslint lsp-fsharp lsp-gdscript lsp-go lsp-haskell lsp-haxe
lsp-intelephense lsp-java lsp-json lsp-metals lsp-perl lsp-pwsh lsp-pyls
lsp-python-ms lsp-rust lsp-serenata lsp-solargraph lsp-terraform lsp-verilog lsp-vetur
lsp-vhdl lsp-xml lsp-yaml lsp-sqls)
"List of the clients to be automatically required."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type '(repeat symbol))
(defcustom lsp-progress-via-spinner t
"If non-nil, display LSP $/progress reports via a spinner in the modeline."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type 'boolean)
(defvar-local lsp--cur-workspace nil)
(defvar-local lsp--cur-version 0)
(defvar-local lsp--virtual-buffer-connections nil)
(defvar-local lsp--virtual-buffer nil)
(defvar lsp--virtual-buffer-mappings (ht))
(defvar lsp--uri-file-prefix (pcase system-type
(`windows-nt "file:///")
(_ "file://"))
"Prefix for a file-uri.")
(defvar-local lsp-buffer-uri nil
"If set, return it instead of calculating it using `buffer-file-name'.")
(define-error 'lsp-error "Unknown lsp-mode error")
(define-error 'lsp-empty-response-error
"Empty response from the language server" 'lsp-error)
(define-error 'lsp-timed-out-error
"Timed out while waiting for a response from the language server" 'lsp-error)
(define-error 'lsp-capability-not-supported
"Capability not supported by the language server" 'lsp-error)
(define-error 'lsp-file-scheme-not-supported
"Unsupported file scheme" 'lsp-error)
(define-error 'lsp-client-already-exists-error
"A client with this server-id already exists" 'lsp-error)
(define-error 'lsp-no-code-actions
"No code actions" 'lsp-error)
(defcustom lsp-auto-guess-root nil
"Automatically guess the project root using projectile/project.
Do *not* use this setting unless you are familiar with `lsp-mode'
internals and you are sure that all of your projects are
following `projectile'/`project.el' conventions."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom lsp-restart 'interactive
"Defines how server exited event must be handled."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type '(choice (const interactive)
(const auto-restart)
(const ignore)))
(defcustom lsp-session-file (expand-file-name (locate-user-emacs-file ".lsp-session-v1"))
"File where session information is stored."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type 'file)
(defcustom lsp-auto-configure t
"Auto configure `lsp-mode' main features.
When set to t `lsp-mode' will auto-configure completion,
code-actions, breadcrumb, `flycheck', `flymake', `imenu', symbol highlighting,
lenses, links, and so on.
For finer granularity you may use `lsp-enable-*' properties."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type 'boolean
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.1"))
(defcustom lsp-disabled-clients nil
"A list of disabled/blacklisted clients.
Each entry in the list can be either:
a symbol, the server-id for the LSP client, or
a cons pair (MAJOR-MODE . CLIENTS), where MAJOR-MODE is the major-mode,
and CLIENTS is either a client or a list of clients.
This option can also be used as a file or directory local variable to
disable a language server for individual files or directories/projects
:group 'lsp-mode
:type '(repeat (symbol))
:safe 'listp
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.1"))
(defvar lsp-clients (make-hash-table :test 'eql)
"Hash table server-id -> client.
It contains all of the clients that are currently registered.")
(defvar lsp-enabled-clients nil
"List of clients allowed to be used for projects.
When nil, all registered clients are considered candidates.")
(defvar lsp-last-id 0
"Last request id.")
(defcustom lsp-before-initialize-hook nil
"List of functions to be called before a Language Server has been initialized for a new workspace."
:type 'hook
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-after-initialize-hook nil
"List of functions to be called after a Language Server has been initialized for a new workspace."
:type 'hook
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-before-open-hook nil
"List of functions to be called before a new file with LSP support is opened."
:type 'hook
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-after-open-hook nil
"List of functions to be called after a new file with LSP support is opened."
:type 'hook
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-enable-file-watchers t
"If non-nil lsp-mode will watch the files in the workspace if
the server has requested that."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-mode
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.1"))
;;;###autoload(put 'lsp-enable-file-watchers 'safe-local-variable #'booleanp)
(defcustom lsp-file-watch-ignored '(; SCM tools
;; IDE tools
;; Autotools output
"List of regexps matching directory paths which won't be monitored when creating file watches."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type '(repeat string)
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.1"))
(defun lsp-file-watch-ignored ()
;; Allow lsp-file-watch-ignored as a file or directory-local variable
(put 'lsp-file-watch-ignored 'safe-local-variable 'lsp--string-listp)
(defcustom lsp-after-uninitialized-functions nil
"List of functions to be called after a Language Server has been uninitialized."
:type 'hook
:group 'lsp-mode
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.3"))
(defconst lsp--sync-none 0)
(defconst lsp--sync-full 1)
(defconst lsp--sync-incremental 2)
(defcustom lsp-debounce-full-sync-notifications t
"If non-nil debounce full sync events.
This flag affects only server which do not support incremental update."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-mode
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.1"))
(defcustom lsp-debounce-full-sync-notifications-interval 1.0
"Time to wait before sending full sync synchronization after buffer modification."
:type 'float
:group 'lsp-mode
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.1"))
(defvar lsp--stderr-index 0)
(defvar lsp--delayed-requests nil)
(defvar lsp--delay-timer nil)
(defgroup lsp-mode nil
"Language Server Protocol client."
:group 'tools
:tag "Language Server")
(defgroup lsp-faces nil
:group 'lsp-mode
:tag "Faces")
(defcustom lsp-document-sync-method nil
"How to sync the document with the language server."
:type '(choice (const :tag "Documents should not be synced at all." nil)
(const :tag "Documents are synced by always sending the full content of the document." lsp--sync-full)
(const :tag "Documents are synced by always sending incremental changes to the document." lsp--sync-incremental)
(const :tag "Use the method recommended by the language server." nil))
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-auto-execute-action t
"Auto-execute single action."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-enable-links t
"If non-nil, all references to links in a file will be made clickable, if supported by the language server."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-mode
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.1"))
(defcustom lsp-enable-imenu t
"If non-nil, automatically enable `imenu' integration when server provides `textDocument/documentSymbol'."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-mode
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.2"))
(defcustom lsp-enable-dap-auto-configure t
"If non-nil, enable the `dap-auto-configure-mode`."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-mode
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "7.0"))
(defcustom lsp-eldoc-enable-hover t
"If non-nil, eldoc will display hover info when it is present."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-eldoc-render-all nil
"Display all of the info returned by document/onHover.
If this is set to nil, `eldoc' will show only the symbol information."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-mode)
(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'lsp-enable-completion-at-point
'lsp-completion-enable "lsp-mode 7.0.1")
(defcustom lsp-completion-enable t
"Enable `completion-at-point' integration."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-enable-symbol-highlighting t
"Highlight references of the symbol at point."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-enable-xref t
"Enable xref integration."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-enable-indentation t
"Indent regions using the file formatting functionality provided by the language server."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-enable-on-type-formatting t
"Enable `textDocument/onTypeFormatting' integration."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-enable-text-document-color t
"Enable `textDocument/documentColor' integration."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-before-save-edits t
"If non-nil, `lsp-mode' will apply edits suggested by the language server before saving a document."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-modeline-code-actions-enable t
"Whether to show code actions on modeline."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-modeline-diagnostics-enable t
"Whether to show diagnostics on modeline."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-enable nil
"Whether to enable breadcrumb on headerline."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-configure-hook nil
"Hooks to run when `lsp-configure-buffer' is called."
:type 'hook
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-unconfigure-hook nil
"Hooks to run when `lsp-unconfig-buffer' is called."
:type 'hook
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-after-diagnostics-hook nil
"Hooks to run after diagnostics are received.
Note: it runs only if the receiving buffer is open. Use
`lsp-diagnostics-updated-hook'if you want to be notified when
diagnostics have changed."
:type 'hook
:group 'lsp-mode)
(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'lsp-after-diagnostics-hook
'lsp-diagnostics-updated-hook "lsp-mode 6.4")
(defcustom lsp-diagnostics-updated-hook nil
"Hooks to run after diagnostics are received."
:type 'hook
:group 'lsp-mode)
(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'lsp-workspace-folders-changed-hook
'lsp-workspace-folders-changed-functions "lsp-mode 6.3")
(defcustom lsp-workspace-folders-changed-functions nil
"Hooks to run after the folders has changed.
The hook will receive two parameters list of added and removed folders."
:type 'hook
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-eldoc-hook '(lsp-hover)
"Hooks to run for eldoc."
:type 'hook
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-before-apply-edits-hook nil
"Hooks to run before applying edits."
:type 'hook
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defgroup lsp-imenu nil
:group 'lsp-mode
:tag "Imenu")
(defcustom lsp-imenu-show-container-name t
"Display the symbol's container name in an imenu entry."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-imenu)
(defcustom lsp-imenu-container-name-separator "/"
"Separator string to use to separate the container name from the symbol while displaying imenu entries."
:type 'string
:group 'lsp-imenu)
(defcustom lsp-imenu-sort-methods '(kind name)
"How to sort the imenu items.
The value is a list of `kind' `name' or `position'. Priorities
are determined by the index of the element."
:type '(repeat (choice (const name)
(const position)
(const kind)))
:group 'lsp-imenu)
;; vibhavp: Should we use a lower value (5)?
(defcustom lsp-response-timeout 10
"Number of seconds to wait for a response from the language server before timing out."
:type 'number
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-tcp-connection-timeout 2
"The timeout for tcp connection in seconds."
:type 'number
:group 'lsp-mode
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.2"))
(defconst lsp--imenu-compare-function-alist
(list (cons 'name #'lsp--imenu-compare-name)
(cons 'kind #'lsp--imenu-compare-kind)
(cons 'position #'lsp--imenu-compare-line-col))
"An alist of (METHOD . FUNCTION).
METHOD is one of the symbols accepted by
FUNCTION takes two hash tables representing DocumentSymbol. It
returns a negative number, 0, or a positive number indicating
whether the first parameter is less than, equal to, or greater
than the second parameter.")
(defcustom lsp-diagnostic-clean-after-change t
"When non-nil, clean the diagnostics on change.
Note that when that setting is nil, `lsp-mode' will show stale
diagnostics until server publishes the new set of diagnostics"
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-mode
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "7.0.1"))
(defcustom lsp-server-trace nil
"Request tracing on the server side.
The actual trace output at each level depends on the language server in use.
Changes take effect only when a new session is started."
:type '(choice (const :tag "Disabled" "off")
(const :tag "Messages only" "messages")
(const :tag "Verbose" "verbose")
(const :tag "Default (disabled)" nil))
:group 'lsp-mode
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.1"))
(defvar lsp-language-id-configuration '((".*\\.vue$" . "vue")
(".*\\.tsx$" . "typescriptreact")
(".*\\.ts$" . "typescript")
(".*\\.jsx$" . "javascriptreact")
(".*\\.xml$" . "xml")
(".*\\.hx$" . "haxe")
(".*\\.lua$" . "lua")
(".*\\.sql$" . "sql")
(".*\\.html$" . "html")
(ada-mode . "ada")
(sql-mode . "sql")
(vimrc-mode . "vim")
(sh-mode . "shellscript")
(scala-mode . "scala")
(julia-mode . "julia")
(clojure-mode . "clojure")
(clojurec-mode . "clojure")
(clojurescript-mode . "clojurescript")
(java-mode . "java")
(groovy-mode . "groovy")
(python-mode . "python")
(lsp--render-markdown . "markdown")
(rust-mode . "rust")
(rustic-mode . "rust")
(kotlin-mode . "kotlin")
(css-mode . "css")
(less-mode . "less")
(less-css-mode . "less")
(lua-mode . "lua")
(sass-mode . "sass")
(scss-mode . "scss")
(xml-mode . "xml")
(c-mode . "c")
(c++-mode . "cpp")
(objc-mode . "objective-c")
(web-mode . "html")
(html-mode . "html")
(sgml-mode . "html")
(mhtml-mode . "html")
(go-dot-mod-mode . "go.mod")
(go-mode . "go")
(haskell-mode . "haskell")
(hack-mode . "hack")
(php-mode . "php")
(powershell-mode . "powershell")
(json-mode . "json")
(jsonc-mode . "jsonc")
(rjsx-mode . "javascript")
(js2-mode . "javascript")
(js-mode . "javascript")
(typescript-mode . "typescript")
(fsharp-mode . "fsharp")
(reason-mode . "reason")
(caml-mode . "ocaml")
(tuareg-mode . "ocaml")
(swift-mode . "swift")
(elixir-mode . "elixir")
(conf-javaprop-mode . "spring-boot-properties")
(yaml-mode . "spring-boot-properties-yaml")
(ruby-mode . "ruby")
(enh-ruby-mode . "ruby")
(fortran-mode . "fortran")
(f90-mode . "fortran")
(elm-mode . "elm")
(dart-mode . "dart")
(erlang-mode . "erlang")
(dockerfile-mode . "dockerfile")
(csharp-mode . "csharp")
(plain-tex-mode . "plaintex")
(latex-mode . "latex")
(vhdl-mode . "vhdl")
(verilog-mode . "verilog")
(terraform-mode . "terraform")
(ess-julia-mode . "julia")
(ess-r-mode . "r")
(crystal-mode . "crystal")
(nim-mode . "nim")
(dhall-mode . "dhall")
(cmake-mode . "cmake")
(purescript-mode . "purescript")
(gdscript-mode . "gdscript")
(perl-mode . "perl")
(robot-mode . "robot"))
"Language id configuration.")
(defvar lsp--last-active-workspaces nil
"Keep track of last active workspace.
We want to try the last workspace first when jumping into a library
(defvar lsp-method-requirements
'(("textDocument/callHierarchy" :capability :callHierarchyProvider)
("textDocument/codeAction" :capability :codeActionProvider)
("textDocument/codeLens" :capability :codeLensProvider)
("textDocument/completion" :capability :completionProvider)
("textDocument/declaration" :capability :declarationProvider)
("textDocument/definition" :capability :definitionProvider)
("textDocument/documentColor" :capability :colorProvider)
("textDocument/documentLink" :capability :documentLinkProvider)
("textDocument/documentHighlight" :capability :documentHighlightProvider)
("textDocument/documentSymbol" :capability :documentSymbolProvider)
("textDocument/foldingRange" :capability :foldingRangeProvider)
("textDocument/formatting" :capability :documentFormattingProvider)
("textDocument/hover" :capability :hoverProvider)
("textDocument/implementation" :capability :implementationProvider)
("textDocument/onTypeFormatting" :capability :documentOnTypeFormattingProvider)
:check-command (lambda (workspace)
(with-lsp-workspace workspace
(or (lsp--capability :renameProvider)
(lsp--registered-capability-options (lsp--registered-capability "textDocument/rename")))))))
("textDocument/rangeFormatting" :capability :documentRangeFormattingProvider)
("textDocument/references" :capability :referencesProvider)
("textDocument/rename" :capability :renameProvider)
("textDocument/selectionRange" :capability :selectionRangeProvider)
("textDocument/semanticTokens" :capability :semanticTokensProvider)
:check-command (lambda (workspace)
(with-lsp-workspace workspace
(lsp-get (lsp--capability :semanticTokensProvider)
:check-command (lambda (workspace)
(with-lsp-workspace workspace
(lsp-get (lsp--capability :semanticTokensProvider) :range))))
("textDocument/signatureHelp" :capability :signatureHelpProvider)
("textDocument/typeDefinition" :capability :typeDefinitionProvider)
("workspace/executeCommand" :capability :executeCommandProvider)
("workspace/symbol" :capability :workspaceSymbolProvider))
"Contain method to requirements mapping.
It is used by send request functions to determine which server
must be used for handling a particular message.")
(defconst lsp--file-change-type
`((created . 1)
(changed . 2)
(deleted . 3)))
(defvar lsp-window-body-width 40
"Window body width when rendering doc.")
(defface lsp-face-highlight-textual
'((t :inherit highlight))
"Face used for textual occurrences of symbols."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-highlight-read
'((t :inherit highlight :underline t))
"Face used for highlighting symbols being read."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(defface lsp-face-highlight-write
'((t :inherit highlight :weight bold))
"Face used for highlighting symbols being written to."
:group 'lsp-faces)
(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'lsp-lens-auto-enable
'lsp-lens-enable "lsp-mode 7.0.1")
(defcustom lsp-lens-enable nil
"Auto enable lenses if server supports."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type 'boolean
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.3"))
(defcustom lsp-symbol-highlighting-skip-current nil
"If non-nil skip current symbol when setting symbol highlights."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom lsp-file-watch-threshold 1000
"Show warning if the files to watch are more than.
Set to nil to disable the warning."
:type 'number
:group 'lsp-mode)
;;;###autoload(put 'lsp-file-watch-threshold 'safe-local-variable (lambda (i) (or (numberp i) (not i))))
(defvar lsp-custom-markup-modes
'((rust-mode "no_run" "rust,no_run" "rust,ignore" "rust,should_panic"))
"Mode to uses with markdown code blocks.
They are added to `markdown-code-lang-modes'")
(defcustom lsp-signature-render-documentation t
"Display signature documentation in `eldoc'."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-mode
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.2"))
(defcustom lsp-signature-auto-activate t
"Auto activate signature when trigger char is pressed."
:type 'boolean
:group 'lsp-mode
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.2"))
(defcustom lsp-signature-doc-lines 20
"If number, limit the number of lines to show in the docs."
:type 'number
:group 'lsp-mode
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.3"))
(defcustom lsp-signature-function 'lsp-lv-message
"The function used for displaying signature info.
It will be called with one param - the signature info. When
called with nil the signature info must be cleared."
:type 'function
:group 'lsp-mode
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.3"))
(defcustom lsp-keymap-prefix "s-l"
"lsp-mode keymap prefix."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type 'string
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.3"))
(defvar-local lsp--buffer-workspaces ()
"List of the buffer workspaces.")
(defvar lsp--session nil
"Contain the `lsp-session' for the current Emacs instance.")
(defvar lsp--tcp-port 10000)
(defvar lsp--tcp-server-port 0
"The server socket which is opened when using `lsp-tcp-server' (a server socket
is opened in Emacs and the language server connects to it). The default
value of 0 ensures that a random high port is used. Set it to a positive
integer to use a specific port.")
(defvar lsp--tcp-server-wait-seconds 10
"Wait this amount of time for the client to connect to our server socket
when using `lsp-tcp-server'.")
(defvar-local lsp--document-symbols nil
"The latest document symbols.")
(defvar-local lsp--document-selection-range-cache nil
"The document selection cache.")
(defvar-local lsp--document-symbols-request-async nil
"If non-nil, request document symbols asynchronously.")
(defvar-local lsp--document-symbols-tick -1
"The value of `buffer-chars-modified-tick' when document
symbols were last retrieved.")
(defvar-local lsp--have-document-highlights nil
"Set to `t' on symbol highlighting, cleared on
`lsp--cleanup-highlights-if-needed'. Checking a separately
defined flag is substantially faster than unconditionally
calling `remove-overlays'.")
;; Buffer local variable for storing number of lines.
(defvar lsp--log-lines)
(defvar-local lsp--eldoc-saved-message nil)
(defvar lsp--on-change-timer nil)
(defvar lsp--on-idle-timer nil)
(defvar-local lsp--signature-last nil)
(defvar-local lsp--signature-last-index nil)
(defvar lsp--signature-last-buffer nil)
(defvar-local lsp--virtual-buffer-point-max nil)
(cl-defgeneric lsp-execute-command (server command arguments)
"Ask SERVER to execute COMMAND with ARGUMENTS.")
(defun lsp-elt (sequence n)
"Return Nth element of SEQUENCE or nil if N is out of range."
((listp sequence) (elt sequence n))
((arrayp sequence)
(and (> (length sequence) n) (aref sequence n)))
(t (and (> (length sequence) n) (elt sequence n)))))
;; define seq-first and seq-rest for older emacs
(defun lsp-seq-first (sequence)
"Return the first element of SEQUENCE."
(lsp-elt sequence 0))
(defun lsp-seq-rest (sequence)
"Return a sequence of the elements of SEQUENCE except the first one."
(seq-drop sequence 1))
(defun lsp--string-listp (sequence)
"Return t if all elements of SEQUENCE are strings, else nil."
(not (seq-find (lambda (x) (not (stringp x))) sequence)))
(defun lsp--string-vector-p (candidate)
"Returns true if CANDIDATE is a vector data structure and
every element of it is of type string, else nil."
(vectorp candidate)
(seq-every-p #'stringp candidate)))
(define-widget 'lsp-string-vector 'lazy
"A vector of zero or more elements, every element of which is a string.
Appropriate for any language-specific `defcustom' that needs to
serialize as a JSON array of strings."
:offset 4
:tag "Vector"
:type '(restricted-sexp
:match-alternatives (lsp--string-vector-p)))
(defun lsp--info (format &rest args)
"Display lsp info message with FORMAT with ARGS."
(message "%s :: %s" (propertize "LSP" 'face 'success) (apply #'format format args)))
(defun lsp--warn (format &rest args)
"Display lsp warn message with FORMAT with ARGS."
(message "%s :: %s" (propertize "LSP" 'face 'warning) (apply #'format format args)))
(defun lsp--error (format &rest args)
"Display lsp error message with FORMAT with ARGS."
(message "%s :: %s" (propertize "LSP" 'face 'error) (apply #'format format args)))
(defun lsp--eldoc-message (&optional msg)
"Show MSG in eldoc."
(setq lsp--eldoc-saved-message msg)
(run-with-idle-timer 0 nil (lambda () (eldoc-message msg))))
(defun lsp-log (format &rest args)
"Log message to the ’*lsp-log*’ buffer.
FORMAT and ARGS i the same as for `message'."
(when lsp-log-max
(let ((log-buffer (get-buffer "*lsp-log*"))
(inhibit-read-only t))
(unless log-buffer
(setq log-buffer (get-buffer-create "*lsp-log*"))
(with-current-buffer log-buffer
(view-mode 1)
(set (make-local-variable 'lsp--log-lines) 0)))
(with-current-buffer log-buffer
(let* ((message (apply 'format format args))
;; Count newlines in message.
(newlines (1+ (cl-loop with start = 0
for count from 0
while (string-match "\n" message start)
do (setq start (match-end 0))
finally return count))))
(goto-char (point-max))
;; in case the buffer is not empty insert before last \n to preserve
;; the point position(in case it is in the end)
(if (eq (point) (point-min))
(insert "\n")
(insert "\n"))
(insert message)
(setq lsp--log-lines (+ lsp--log-lines newlines))
(when (and (integerp lsp-log-max) (> lsp--log-lines lsp-log-max))
(let ((to-delete (- lsp--log-lines lsp-log-max)))
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line to-delete)
(delete-region (point-min) (point))
(setq lsp--log-lines lsp-log-max)))))))))
(defalias 'lsp-message 'lsp-log)
(defalias 'lsp-ht 'ht)
(defalias 'lsp-file-local-name 'file-local-name)
(defun lsp-f-canonical (file-name)
"Return the canonical, without trailing slash FILE-NAME."
(directory-file-name (expand-file-name file-name)))
(defalias 'lsp-canonical-file-name 'lsp-f-canonical)
(defun lsp-f-same? (path-a path-b)
"Return t if PATH-A and PATH-B are references to same file.
Symlinks are not followed."
(when (and (f-exists? path-a)
(f-exists? path-b))
(lsp-f-canonical (directory-file-name (f-expand path-a)))
(lsp-f-canonical (directory-file-name (f-expand path-b))))))
(defun lsp-f-parent (path)
"Return the parent directory to PATH.
Symlinks are not followed"
(let ((parent (file-name-directory
(directory-file-name (f-expand path default-directory)))))
(unless (lsp-f-same? path parent)
(if (f-relative? path)
(f-relative parent)
(directory-file-name parent)))))
(defun lsp-f-ancestor-of? (path-a path-b)
"Return t if PATH-A is ancestor of PATH-B.
Symlinks are not followed."
(unless (lsp-f-same? path-a path-b)
(s-prefix? (concat (lsp-f-canonical path-a) (f-path-separator))
(lsp-f-canonical path-b))))
(defun lsp--merge-results (results method)
"Merge RESULTS by filtering the empty hash-tables and merging the lists.
METHOD is the executed method so the results could be merged
depending on it."
(pcase (--map (if (vectorp it)
(append it nil) it)
(-filter #'identity results))
(`() ())
;; only one result - simply return it
(`(,fst) fst)
;; multiple results merge it based on strategy
(pcase method
("textDocument/hover" (pcase (seq-filter
(-compose #'not #'lsp-empty?)
(`(,hover) hover)
(hovers (-reduce-from
(-lambda ((&Hover :contents) result)
result (append
(if (and (sequencep contents)
(not (stringp contents)))
(list contents))
(lsp:hover-contents result))))
:is-incomplete (seq-some
:items (cl-mapcan (lambda (it) (append (if (lsp-completion-list? it)
(lsp:completion-list-items it)
(let ((item (cl-first results)))
(when-let ((details (seq-filter #'identity
(seq-map #'lsp:completion-item-detail? results))))
(string-join details " ")))
(when-let ((docs (seq-filter #'identity
(seq-map #'lsp:completion-item-documentation? results))))
:kind (or (seq-some (lambda (it)
(when (equal (lsp:markup-content-kind it)
:value (string-join (seq-map (lambda (doc)
(or (lsp:markup-content-value doc)
(and (stringp doc) doc)))
(when-let ((edits (seq-filter #'identity
(seq-map #'lsp:completion-item-additional-text-edits? results))))
(cl-mapcan (lambda (it) (if (seqp it) it (list it))) edits)))
(_ (cl-mapcan (lambda (it) (if (seqp it) it (list it))) results))))))
(defun lsp--spinner-start ()
"Start spinner indication."
(condition-case _err (spinner-start 'progress-bar-filled) (error)))
(defun lsp--propertize (str type)
"Propertize STR as per TYPE."
(propertize str 'face (alist-get type lsp--message-type-face)))
(defun lsp-workspaces ()
"Return the lsp workspaces associated with the current project."
(if lsp--cur-workspace (list lsp--cur-workspace) lsp--buffer-workspaces))
(defun lsp--completing-read (prompt collection transform-fn &optional predicate
require-match initial-input
hist def inherit-input-method)
"Wrap `completing-read' to provide transformation function.
TRANSFORM-FN will be used to transform each of the items before displaying.
INHERIT-INPUT-METHOD will be proxied to `completing-read' without changes."
(let* ((col (--map (cons (funcall transform-fn it) it) collection))
(completion (completing-read prompt col
predicate require-match initial-input hist
def inherit-input-method)))
(cdr (assoc completion col))))
(defmacro lsp-with-current-buffer (buffer-id &rest body)
(declare (indent 1) (debug t))
`(if-let ((wcb (plist-get ,buffer-id :with-current-buffer)))
(with-lsp-workspaces (plist-get ,buffer-id :workspaces)
(funcall wcb (lambda () ,@body)))
(with-current-buffer ,buffer-id
(defmacro lsp--while-no-input (&rest body)
"Run BODY and return value while there's no input.
If it's interrupt by input, return nil.
BODY should never return `t' value."
`(let ((re (while-no-input ,@body)))
(unless (booleanp re) re)))
;; A ‘lsp--client’ object describes the client-side behavior of a language
;; server. It is used to start individual server processes, each of which is
;; represented by a ‘lsp--workspace’ object. Client objects are normally
;; created using ‘lsp-define-stdio-client’ or ‘lsp-define-tcp-client’. Each
;; workspace refers to exactly one client, but there can be multiple workspaces
;; for a single client.
(cl-defstruct lsp--client
;; ‘language-id’ is a function that receives a buffer as a single argument
;; and should return the language identifier for that buffer. See
;; https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specification#textdocumentitem
;; for a list of language identifiers. Also consult the documentation for
;; the language server represented by this client to find out what language
;; identifiers it supports or expects.
(language-id nil)
;; ‘add-on?’ when set to t the server will be started no matter whether there
;; is another server handling the same mode.
(add-on? nil)
;; ‘new-connection’ is a function that should start a language server process
;; COMMAND-PROCESS must be a process object representing the server process
;; just started. COMMUNICATION-PROCESS must be a process (including pipe and
;; network processes) that ‘lsp-mode’ uses to communicate with the language
;; server using the language server protocol. COMMAND-PROCESS and
;; COMMUNICATION-PROCESS may be the same process; in that case
;; ‘new-connection’ may also return that process as a single
;; object. ‘new-connection’ is called with two arguments, FILTER and
;; SENTINEL. FILTER should be used as process filter for
;; COMMUNICATION-PROCESS, and SENTINEL should be used as process sentinel for
(new-connection nil)
;; ‘ignore-regexps’ is a list of regexps. When a data packet from the
;; language server matches any of these regexps, it will be ignored. This is
;; intended for dealing with language servers that output non-protocol data.
(ignore-regexps nil)
;; ‘ignore-messages’ is a list of regexps. When a message from the language
;; server matches any of these regexps, it will be ignored. This is useful
;; for filtering out unwanted messages; such as servers that send nonstandard
;; message types, or extraneous log messages.
(ignore-messages nil)
;; ‘notification-handlers’ is a hash table mapping notification method names
;; (strings) to functions handling the respective notifications. Upon
;; receiving a notification, ‘lsp-mode’ will call the associated handler
;; function passing two arguments, the ‘lsp--workspace’ object and the
;; deserialized notification parameters.
(notification-handlers (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
;; ‘request-handlers’ is a hash table mapping request method names
;; (strings) to functions handling the respective notifications. Upon
;; receiving a request, ‘lsp-mode’ will call the associated handler function
;; passing two arguments, the ‘lsp--workspace’ object and the deserialized
;; request parameters.
(request-handlers (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
;; ‘response-handlers’ is a hash table mapping integral JSON-RPC request
;; identifiers for pending asynchronous requests to functions handling the
;; respective responses. Upon receiving a response from the language server,
;; ‘lsp-mode’ will call the associated response handler function with a
;; single argument, the deserialized response parameters.
(response-handlers (make-hash-table :test 'eql))
;; ‘prefix-function’ is called for getting the prefix for completion.
;; The function takes no parameter and returns a cons (start . end) representing
;; the start and end bounds of the prefix. If it's not set, the client uses a
;; default prefix function."
(prefix-function nil)
;; Contains mapping of scheme to the function that is going to be used to load
;; the file.
(uri-handlers (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
;; ‘action-handlers’ is a hash table mapping action to a handler function. It
;; can be used in `lsp-execute-code-action' to determine whether the action
;; current client is interested in executing the action instead of sending it
;; to the server.
(action-handlers (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
;; major modes supported by the client.
;; Function that will be called to decide if this language client
;; should manage a particular buffer. The function will be passed
;; the file name and major mode to inform the decision. Setting
;; `activation-fn' will override `major-modes' and `remote?', if
;; present.
;; Break the tie when major-mode is supported by multiple clients.
(priority 0)
;; Unique identifier for representing the client object.
;; defines whether the client supports multi root workspaces.
;; Initialization options or a function that returns initialization options.
;; Provides support for registering LSP Server specific capabilities.
;; Function which returns the folders that are considered to be not projects but library files.
;; The function accepts one parameter currently active workspace.
;; See: https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-mode/issues/225.
;; function which will be called when opening file in the workspace to perform
;; client specific initialization. The function accepts one parameter
;; currently active workspace.
;; Function which will be called right after a workspace has been initialized.
;; ‘remote?’ indicate whether the client can be used for LSP server over TRAMP.
(remote? nil)
;; ‘completion-in-comments?’ t if the client supports completion in comments.
(completion-in-comments? nil)
;; ‘path->uri-fn’ the function to use for path->uri conversion for the client.
(path->uri-fn nil)
;; ‘uri->path-fn’ the function to use for uri->path conversion for the client.
(uri->path-fn nil)
;; Function that returns an environment structure that will be used
;; to set some environment variables when starting the language
;; server process. These environment variables enable some
;; additional features in the language server. The environment
;; structure is an alist of the form (KEY . VALUE), where KEY is a
;; string (regularly in all caps), and VALUE may be a string, a
;; boolean, or a sequence of strings.
;; ‘after-open-fn’ workspace after open specific hooks.
(after-open-fn nil)
;; ‘async-request-handlers’ is a hash table mapping request method names
;; (strings) to functions handling the respective requests that may take
;; time to finish. Upon receiving a request, ‘lsp-mode’ will call the
;; associated handler function passing three arguments, the ‘lsp--workspace’
;; object, the deserialized request parameters and the callback which accept
;; result as its parameter.
(async-request-handlers (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defvar lsp--already-widened nil)
(defmacro lsp-save-restriction-and-excursion (&rest form)
(declare (indent 0) (debug t))
`(if lsp--already-widened
(save-excursion ,@form)
(-let [lsp--already-widened t]
(save-excursion ,@form)))))
;; from http://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/8082/how-to-get-buffer-position-given-line-number-and-column-number
(defun lsp--line-character-to-point (line character)
"Return the point for character CHARACTER on line LINE."
(or (lsp-virtual-buffer-call :line/character->point line character)
(let ((inhibit-field-text-motion t))
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line line)
;; server may send character position beyond the current line and we
;; should fallback to line end.
(-let [line-end (line-end-position)]
(if (> character (- line-end (point)))
(forward-char character)
(lsp-defun lsp--position-to-point ((&Position :line :character))
"Convert `Position' object in PARAMS to a point."
(lsp--line-character-to-point line character))
(lsp-defun lsp--range-to-region ((&RangeToPoint :start :end))
(cons start end))
(lsp-defun lsp--find-wrapping-range ((&SelectionRange :parent? :range (&RangeToPoint :start :end)))
(<= start (region-beginning) end)
(<= start (region-end) end)
(or (not (= start (region-beginning)))
(not (= end (region-end)))))
(cons start end))
((and (<= start (point) end)
(not (region-active-p)))
(cons start end))
(parent? (lsp--find-wrapping-range parent?))))
(defun lsp--get-selection-range ()
(-when-let ((cache . cache-tick) lsp--document-selection-range-cache)
(when (= cache-tick (buffer-modified-tick)) cache))
(let ((response (cl-first
(list :textDocument (lsp--text-document-identifier)
:positions (vector (lsp--cur-position)))))))
(setq lsp--document-selection-range-cache
(cons response (buffer-modified-tick)))
(defun lsp-extend-selection ()
"Extend selection."
(unless (lsp--capability :selectionRangeProvider)
(signal 'lsp-capability-not-supported (list "selectionRangeProvider")))
(-when-let ((start . end) (lsp--find-wrapping-range (lsp--get-selection-range)))
(goto-char start)
(set-mark (point))
(goto-char end)
(defun lsp-warn (message &rest args)
"Display a warning message made from (`format-message' MESSAGE ARGS...).
This is equivalent to `display-warning', using `lsp-mode' as the type and
`:warning' as the level."
(display-warning 'lsp-mode (apply #'format-message message args)))
(defun lsp--get-uri-handler (scheme)
"Get uri handler for SCHEME in the current workspace."
(--some (gethash scheme (lsp--client-uri-handlers (lsp--workspace-client it)))
(or (lsp-workspaces) (lsp--session-workspaces (lsp-session)))))
(defun lsp--fix-path-casing (path)
"On windows, downcases path because the windows file system is
On other systems, returns path without change."
(if (eq system-type 'windows-nt) (downcase path) path))
(defun lsp--uri-to-path (uri)
"Convert URI to a file path."
(if-let ((fn (->> (lsp-workspaces)
(-keep (-compose #'lsp--client-uri->path-fn #'lsp--workspace-client))
(funcall fn uri)
(lsp--uri-to-path-1 uri)))
(defun lsp-remap-path-if-needed (file-name)
(-if-let ((virtual-buffer &as &plist :buffer) (gethash file-name lsp--virtual-buffer-mappings))
(propertize (buffer-local-value 'buffer-file-name buffer)
'lsp-virtual-buffer virtual-buffer)
(defun lsp--uri-to-path-1 (uri)
"Convert URI to a file path."
(let* ((url (url-generic-parse-url (url-unhex-string uri)))
(type (url-type url))
(file (decode-coding-string (url-filename url)
(or locale-coding-system 'utf-8)))
(file-name (if (and type (not (string= type "file")))
(if-let ((handler (lsp--get-uri-handler type)))
(funcall handler uri)
;; `url-generic-parse-url' is buggy on windows:
;; https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-mode/pull/265
(or (and (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
(eq (elt file 0) ?\/)
(substring file 1))
(->> file-name
(concat (-some #'lsp--workspace-host-root (lsp-workspaces)))
(defun lsp--buffer-uri ()
"Return URI of the current buffer."
(or lsp-buffer-uri
(plist-get lsp--virtual-buffer :buffer-uri)
(or buffer-file-name (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))))))
(defun lsp-register-client-capabilities (&rest _args)
"Implemented only to make `company-lsp' happy.
DELETE when `lsp-mode.el' is deleted.")
(defconst lsp--url-path-allowed-chars
(url--allowed-chars (append '(?/) url-unreserved-chars))
"`url-unreserved-chars' with additional delim ?/.
This set of allowed chars is enough for hexifying local file paths.")
(defun lsp--path-to-uri-1 (path)
(concat lsp--uri-file-prefix
(--> path
(expand-file-name it)
(or (file-remote-p it 'localname t) it)
(url-hexify-string it lsp--url-path-allowed-chars))))
(defun lsp--path-to-uri (path)
"Convert PATH to a uri."
(if-let ((uri-fn (->> (lsp-workspaces)
(-keep (-compose #'lsp--client-path->uri-fn #'lsp--workspace-client))
(funcall uri-fn path)
(lsp--path-to-uri-1 path)))
(defun lsp--string-match-any (regex-list str)
"Given a list of REGEX-LIST and STR return the first matching regex if any."
(--first (string-match it str) regex-list))
(cl-defstruct lsp-watch
(descriptors (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defun lsp--folder-watch-callback (event callback watch)
(let ((file-name (cl-third event))
(event-type (cl-second event)))
((and (file-directory-p file-name)
(equal 'created event-type)
(not (lsp--string-match-any (lsp-file-watch-ignored) file-name)))
(lsp-watch-root-folder (file-truename file-name) callback watch)
;; process the files that are already present in
;; the directory.
(->> (directory-files-recursively file-name ".*" t)
(seq-do (lambda (f)
(unless (file-directory-p f)
(funcall callback (list nil 'created f)))))))
((and (not (file-directory-p file-name))
(memq event-type '(created deleted changed)))
(funcall callback event)))))
(defun lsp--directory-files-recursively (dir regexp &optional include-directories)
"Copy of `directory-files-recursively' but it skips `lsp-file-watch-ignored'."
(let* ((result nil)
(files nil)
(dir (directory-file-name dir))
;; When DIR is "/", remote file names like "/method:" could
;; also be offered. We shall suppress them.
(tramp-mode (and tramp-mode (file-remote-p (expand-file-name dir)))))
(dolist (file (sort (file-name-all-completions "" dir)
(unless (member file '("./" "../"))
(if (and (directory-name-p file)
(not (lsp--string-match-any (lsp-file-watch-ignored) (f-join dir (f-filename file)))))
(let* ((leaf (substring file 0 (1- (length file))))
(full-file (f-join dir leaf)))
;; Don't follow symlinks to other directories.
(unless (file-symlink-p full-file)
(setq result
(nconc result (lsp--directory-files-recursively
full-file regexp include-directories))))
(when (and include-directories
(string-match regexp leaf))
(setq result (nconc result (list full-file)))))
(when (string-match regexp file)
(push (f-join dir file) files)))))
(nconc result (nreverse files))))
(defun lsp--ask-about-watching-big-repo (number-of-files dir)
"Ask the user if they want to watch NUMBER-OF-FILES from a repository DIR.
This is useful when there is a lot of files in a repository, as
that may slow Emacs down. Returns t if the user wants to watch
the entire repository, nil otherwise."
"There are %s files in folder %s so watching the repo may slow Emacs down.
Do you want to watch all files in %s? "
(concat "You can configure this warning with the `lsp-enable-file-watchers' "
"and `lsp-file-watch-threshold' variables"))))
(defun lsp-watch-root-folder (dir callback &optional watch warn-big-repo?)
"Create recursive file notification watch in DIR.
CALLBACK will be called when there are changes in any of
the monitored files. WATCHES is a hash table directory->file
notification handle which contains all of the watch that
already have been created."
(let* ((dir (if (f-symlink? dir)
(file-truename dir)
(watch (or watch (make-lsp-watch :root-directory dir))))
(lsp-log "Creating watch for %s" dir)
(when (or
(not warn-big-repo?)
(not lsp-file-watch-threshold)
(let ((number-of-files (length (lsp--directory-files-recursively dir ".*" t))))
(< number-of-files lsp-file-watch-threshold)
(condition-case _err
(lsp--ask-about-watching-big-repo number-of-files dir)
(condition-case err
(file-notify-add-watch dir
(lambda (event)
(lsp--folder-watch-callback event callback watch)))
(lsp-watch-descriptors watch))
(-rpartial #'lsp-watch-root-folder callback watch)
(seq-filter (lambda (f)
(and (file-directory-p f)
(not (gethash (if (f-symlink? f)
(file-truename f)
(lsp-watch-descriptors watch)))
(not (lsp--string-match-any (lsp-file-watch-ignored) f))
(not (-contains? '("." "..") (f-filename f)))))
(directory-files dir t))))
(error (lsp-log "Failed to create a watch for %s: message" (error-message-string err)))
(file-missing (lsp-log "Failed to create a watch for %s: message" (error-message-string err)))))
(defun lsp-kill-watch (watch)
"Delete WATCH."
(-> watch lsp-watch-descriptors hash-table-values (-each #'file-notify-rm-watch))
(ht-clear! (lsp-watch-descriptors watch)))
(defun lsp-json-bool (val)
"Convert VAL to JSON boolean."
(if val t :json-false))
(defmacro with-lsp-workspace (workspace &rest body)
"Helper macro for invoking BODY in WORKSPACE context."
(declare (debug (form body))
(indent 1))
`(let ((lsp--cur-workspace ,workspace)) ,@body))
(defmacro with-lsp-workspaces (workspaces &rest body)
"Helper macro for invoking BODY against multiple WORKSPACES."
(declare (debug (form body))
(indent 1))
`(let ((lsp--buffer-workspaces ,workspaces)) ,@body))
(defmacro lsp-foreach-workspace (&rest body)
"Execute BODY for each of the current workspaces."
(declare (debug (form body)))
`(--map (with-lsp-workspace it ,@body) (lsp-workspaces)))
(defmacro when-lsp-workspace (workspace &rest body)
"Helper macro for invoking BODY in WORKSPACE context if present."
(declare (debug (form body))
(indent 1))
`(when-let ((lsp--cur-workspace ,workspace)) ,@body))
(lsp-defun lsp--window-show-message (_workspace (&ShowMessageRequestParams :message :type))
"Send the server's messages to log.
PARAMS - the data sent from _WORKSPACE."
(funcall (cl-case type
(1 'lsp--error)
(2 'lsp--warn)
(t 'lsp--info))
(lsp-defun lsp--window-log-message (workspace (&ShowMessageRequestParams :message :type))
"Send the server's messages to log.
PARAMS - the data sent from WORKSPACE."
(let ((client (lsp--workspace-client workspace)))
(when (or (not client)
(cl-notany (-rpartial #'string-match-p message)
(lsp--client-ignore-messages client)))
(lsp-log "%s" (lsp--propertize message type))))))
(lsp-defun lsp--window-log-message-request ((&ShowMessageRequestParams :message :type :actions?))
"Display a message request to the user and send the user's selection back to the server."
(let* ((message (lsp--propertize message type))
(choices (seq-map #'lsp:message-action-item-title actions?)))
(if choices
(completing-read (concat message " ") (seq-into choices 'list) nil t)
(lsp-log message))))
(lsp-defun lsp--on-progress (workspace (&ProgressParams :token :value
(value &as &WorkDoneProgress :kind)))
"PARAMS contains the progress data.
WORKSPACE is the workspace that contains the progress token."
(pcase kind
(-let* (((&WorkDoneProgressBegin :title :percentage?) value)
(if lsp-progress-via-spinner
(let* ((spinner-strings (alist-get 'progress-bar spinner-types))
;; Set message as a tooltip for the spinner strings
(seq-map (lambda (string) (propertize string 'help-echo title))
(spinner-type (vconcat propertized-strings)))
;; The progress relates to the server as a whole,
;; display it on all buffers.
(mapcar (lambda (buffer)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(spinner-start spinner-type))
(lsp--workspace-buffers workspace)))
(if percentage?
(make-progress-reporter title 0 100 percentage?)
;; No percentage, just progress
(make-progress-reporter title nil nil)))))
(lsp-workspace-set-work-done-token token reporter workspace)))
(when-let ((reporter (lsp-workspace-get-work-done-token token workspace)))
(unless lsp-progress-via-spinner
(progress-reporter-update reporter (lsp:work-done-progress-report-percentage? value)))))
(when-let ((reporter (lsp-workspace-get-work-done-token token workspace)))
(if lsp-progress-via-spinner
(mapc (lambda (buffer)
(when (lsp-buffer-live-p buffer)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(progress-reporter-done reporter))
(lsp-workspace-rem-work-done-token token workspace)))))
(defun lsp-diagnostics (&optional current-workspace?)
"Return the diagnostics from all workspaces."
(or (pcase (if current-workspace?
(lsp--session-workspaces (lsp-session)))
(`() ())
(`(,workspace) (lsp--workspace-diagnostics workspace))
(`,workspaces (let ((result (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(mapc (lambda (workspace)
(->> workspace
(maphash (lambda (file-name diagnostics)
(puthash file-name
(append (gethash file-name result) diagnostics)
(lsp-defun lsp--on-diagnostics (workspace (&PublishDiagnosticsParams :uri :diagnostics))
"Callback for textDocument/publishDiagnostics.
interface PublishDiagnosticsParams {
uri: string;
diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
PARAMS contains the diagnostics data.
WORKSPACE is the workspace that contains the diagnostics."
(let* ((lsp--virtual-buffer-mappings (ht))
(file (lsp--fix-path-casing (lsp--uri-to-path uri)))
(workspace-diagnostics (lsp--workspace-diagnostics workspace)))
(if (seq-empty-p diagnostics)
(remhash file workspace-diagnostics)
(puthash file (append diagnostics nil) workspace-diagnostics))
(run-hooks 'lsp-diagnostics-updated-hook)
(lsp--idle-reschedule (current-buffer))))
(defun lsp--ht-get (tbl &rest keys)
"Get nested KEYS in TBL."
(let ((val tbl))
(while (and keys val)
(setq val (ht-get val (cl-first keys)))
(setq keys (cl-rest keys)))
;; textDocument/foldingRange support
(cl-defstruct lsp--folding-range beg end kind children orig-folding-range)
(defvar-local lsp--cached-folding-ranges nil)
(defvar-local lsp--cached-nested-folding-ranges nil)
(defun lsp--folding-range-width (range)
(- (lsp--folding-range-end range)
(lsp--folding-range-beg range)))
(defun lsp--get-folding-ranges ()
"Get the folding ranges for the current buffer."
(unless (eq (buffer-chars-modified-tick) (car lsp--cached-folding-ranges))
(let* ((ranges (lsp-request "textDocument/foldingRange"
`(:textDocument ,(lsp--text-document-identifier))))
(sorted-line-col-pairs (->> ranges
(cl-mapcan (-lambda ((&FoldingRange :start-line
(list (cons start-line start-character?)
(cons end-line end-character?))))
(-sort #'lsp--line-col-comparator)))
(line-col-to-point-map (lsp--convert-line-col-to-points-batch
(setq lsp--cached-folding-ranges
(cons (buffer-chars-modified-tick)
(--> ranges
(seq-map (-lambda ((range &as
&FoldingRange :start-line
:beg (ht-get line-col-to-point-map
(cons start-line start-character?))
:end (ht-get line-col-to-point-map
(cons end-line end-character?))
:kind kind?
:orig-folding-range range))
(seq-filter (lambda (folding-range)
(< (lsp--folding-range-beg folding-range)
(lsp--folding-range-end folding-range)))
(seq-into it 'list)
(delete-dups it))))))
(cdr lsp--cached-folding-ranges))
(defun lsp--get-nested-folding-ranges ()
"Get a list of nested folding ranges for the current buffer."
(-let [(tick . _) lsp--cached-folding-ranges]
(if (and (eq tick (buffer-chars-modified-tick))
(setq lsp--cached-nested-folding-ranges
(lsp--folding-range-build-trees (lsp--get-folding-ranges))))))
(defun lsp--folding-range-build-trees (ranges)
(setq ranges (seq-sort #'lsp--range-before-p ranges))
(let* ((dummy-node (make-lsp--folding-range
:beg most-negative-fixnum
:end most-positive-fixnum))
(stack (list dummy-node)))
(dolist (range ranges)
(while (not (lsp--range-inside-p range (car stack)))
(pop stack))
(push range (lsp--folding-range-children (car stack)))
(push range stack))
(lsp--folding-range-children dummy-node)))
(defun lsp--range-inside-p (r1 r2)
"Return non-nil if folding range R1 lies inside R2"
(and (>= (lsp--folding-range-beg r1) (lsp--folding-range-beg r2))
(<= (lsp--folding-range-end r1) (lsp--folding-range-end r2))))
(defun lsp--range-before-p (r1 r2)
"Return non-nil if folding range R1 ends before R2"
;; Ensure r1 comes before r2
(or (< (lsp--folding-range-beg r1)
(lsp--folding-range-beg r2))
;; If beg(r1) == beg(r2) make sure r2 ends first
(and (= (lsp--folding-range-beg r1)
(lsp--folding-range-beg r2))
(< (lsp--folding-range-end r2)
(lsp--folding-range-end r1)))))
(defun lsp--point-inside-range-p (point range)
"Return non-nil if POINT lies inside folding range RANGE."
(and (>= point (lsp--folding-range-beg range))
(<= point (lsp--folding-range-end range))))
(cl-defun lsp--get-current-innermost-folding-range (&optional (point (point)))
"Return the innermost folding range POINT lies in."
(let (inner)
(seq-doseq (range (lsp--get-folding-ranges))
(when (lsp--point-inside-range-p point range)
(if inner
(when (lsp--range-inside-p inner range)
(setq inner range))
(setq inner range))))
(cl-defun lsp--get-current-outermost-folding-range (&optional (point (point)))
"Return the outermost folding range POINT lies in."
(let (outer width)
(seq-doseq (range (lsp--get-folding-ranges))
(when (lsp--point-inside-range-p point range)
(setq width (lsp--folding-range-width range))
(if outer
(when (> width (car outer))
(setq outer (cons width range)))
(setq outer (cons width range)))))
(cdr outer)))
(defun lsp--folding-range-at-point-bounds ()
(if (and (or (lsp--capability :foldingRangeProvider)
(lsp--registered-capability "textDocument/foldingRange"))
(if-let ((range (lsp--get-current-innermost-folding-range)))
(cons (lsp--folding-range-beg range)
(lsp--folding-range-end range)))
(put 'lsp--folding-range 'bounds-of-thing-at-point
(defun lsp--get-nearest-folding-range (&optional backward)
(let ((point (point))
(found nil))
(while (not
(or found
(if backward
(<= point (point-min))
(>= point (point-max)))))
(if backward (cl-decf point) (cl-incf point))
(setq found (lsp--get-current-innermost-folding-range point)))
(defun lsp--folding-range-at-point-forward-op (n)
(when (and (or (lsp--capability :foldingRangeProvider)
(lsp--registered-capability "textDocument/foldingRange"))
(not (zerop n)))
(cl-block break
(dotimes (_ (abs n))
(if-let ((range (lsp--get-nearest-folding-range (< n 0))))
(goto-char (if (< n 0)
(lsp--folding-range-beg range)
(lsp--folding-range-end range)))
(cl-return-from break))))))
(put 'lsp--folding-range 'forward-op
(defun lsp--folding-range-at-point-beginning-op ()
(goto-char (car (lsp--folding-range-at-point-bounds))))
(put 'lsp--folding-range 'beginning-op
(defun lsp--folding-range-at-point-end-op ()
(goto-char (cdr (lsp--folding-range-at-point-bounds))))
(put 'lsp--folding-range 'end-op
(defun lsp--range-at-point-bounds ()
(or (lsp--folding-range-at-point-bounds)
(when-let ((range (and
(lsp--capability :hoverProvider)
(->> (lsp--text-document-position-params)
(lsp-request "textDocument/hover")
(lsp--range-to-region range))))
;; A more general purpose "thing", useful for applications like focus.el
(put 'lsp--range 'bounds-of-thing-at-point
;; toggles
(defun lsp-toggle-trace-io ()
"Toggle client-server protocol logging."
(setq lsp-print-io (not lsp-print-io))
(lsp--info "Server logging %s." (if lsp-print-io "enabled" "disabled")))
(defun lsp-toggle-signature-auto-activate ()
"Toggle signature auto activate."
(setq lsp-signature-auto-activate (not lsp-signature-auto-activate))
(lsp--info "Signature autoactivate %s." (if lsp-signature-auto-activate "enabled" "disabled"))
(defun lsp-toggle-on-type-formatting ()
"Toggle on type formatting."
(setq lsp-enable-on-type-formatting (not lsp-enable-on-type-formatting))
(lsp--info "On type formatting is %s." (if lsp-enable-on-type-formatting "enabled" "disabled"))
(defun lsp-toggle-symbol-highlight ()
"Toggle symbol highlighting."
(setq lsp-enable-symbol-highlighting (not lsp-enable-symbol-highlighting))
((and lsp-enable-symbol-highlighting
(lsp-feature? "textDocument/documentHighlight"))
(add-hook 'lsp-on-idle-hook #'lsp--document-highlight nil t)
(lsp--info "Symbol highlighting enabled in current buffer."))
((not lsp-enable-symbol-highlighting)
(remove-hook 'lsp-on-idle-hook #'lsp--document-highlight t)
(lsp--remove-overlays 'lsp-highlight)
(lsp--info "Symbol highlighting disabled in current buffer."))))
;; keybindings
(defmacro lsp-define-conditional-key (keymap key def cond &rest bindings)
"In KEYMAP, define key sequence KEY as DEF conditionally.
This is like `define-key', except the definition disappears
whenever COND evaluates to nil.
BINDINGS is a list of (key def cond)."
(declare (indent defun)
(debug (form form form form &rest sexp)))
(->> (cl-list* key def cond bindings)
(-partition 3)
(-map (-lambda ((key def cond))
`(define-key ,keymap ,key
,(format "maybe-%s" def)
:filter (lambda (item)
(when (with-current-buffer (or (when (buffer-live-p lsp--describe-buffer)
(defvar lsp--describe-buffer nil)
(defun lsp-describe-buffer-bindings-advice (buffer &optional _prefix _menus)
(setq lsp--describe-buffer buffer))
(advice-add 'describe-buffer-bindings
(defun lsp--prepend-prefix (mappings)
(->> mappings
(-partition 2)
(-mapcat (-lambda ((key description))
(list (concat lsp-keymap-prefix " " key)
(defvar lsp-command-map
(-doto (make-sparse-keymap)
;; sessions
"sr" lsp-workspace-restart (lsp-workspaces)
"ss" lsp t
"sq" lsp-workspace-shutdown (lsp-workspaces)
"sd" lsp-describe-session t
"sD" lsp-disconnect (lsp-workspaces)
;; formatting
"==" lsp-format-buffer (or (lsp-feature? "textDocument/rangeFormatting")
(lsp-feature? "textDocument/formatting"))
"=r" lsp-format-region (lsp-feature? "textDocument/rangeFormatting")
;; folders
"Fa" lsp-workspace-folders-add t
"Fr" lsp-workspace-folders-remove t
"Fb" lsp-workspace-blacklist-remove t
;; toggles
"Tl" lsp-lens-mode (lsp-feature? "textDocument/codeLens")
"TL" lsp-toggle-trace-io t
"Th" lsp-toggle-symbol-highlight (lsp-feature? "textDocument/documentHighlight")
"Tb" lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-mode (lsp-feature? "textDocument/documentSymbol")
"Ta" lsp-modeline-code-actions-mode (lsp-feature? "textDocument/codeAction")
"TD" lsp-modeline-diagnostics-mode (lsp-feature? "textDocument/publishDiagnostics")
"TS" lsp-ui-sideline-mode (featurep 'lsp-ui-sideline)
"Td" lsp-ui-doc-mode (featurep 'lsp-ui-doc)
"Ts" lsp-toggle-signature-auto-activate (lsp-feature? "textDocument/signatureHelp")
"Tf" lsp-toggle-on-type-formatting (lsp-feature? "textDocument/onTypeFormatting")
"TT" lsp-treemacs-sync-mode (featurep 'lsp-treemacs)
;; goto
"gg" lsp-find-definition (lsp-feature? "textDocument/definition")
"gr" lsp-find-references (lsp-feature? "textDocument/references")
"gi" lsp-find-implementation (lsp-feature? "textDocument/implementation")
"gt" lsp-find-type-definition (lsp-feature? "textDocument/typeDefinition")
"gd" lsp-find-declaration (lsp-feature? "textDocument/declaration")
"gh" lsp-treemacs-call-hierarchy (and (lsp-feature? "callHierarchy/incomingCalls")
(fboundp 'lsp-treemacs-call-hierarchy))
"ga" xref-find-apropos (lsp-feature? "workspace/symbol")
"ge" lsp-treemacs-errors-list (fboundp 'lsp-treemacs-errors-list)
;; help
"hh" lsp-describe-thing-at-point (lsp-feature? "textDocument/hover")
"hs" lsp-signature-activate (lsp-feature? "textDocument/signatureHelp")
"hg" lsp-ui-doc-glance (and (featurep 'lsp-ui-doc)
(lsp-feature? "textDocument/hover"))
;; refactoring
"rr" lsp-rename (lsp-feature? "textDocument/rename")
"ro" lsp-organize-imports (lsp-feature? "textDocument/codeAction")
;; actions
"aa" lsp-execute-code-action (lsp-feature? "textDocument/codeAction")
"al" lsp-avy-lens (and (bound-and-true-p lsp-lens-mode) (featurep 'avy))
"ah" lsp-document-highlight (lsp-feature? "textDocument/documentHighlight")
;; peeks
"Gg" lsp-ui-peek-find-definitions (and (lsp-feature? "textDocument/definition")
(fboundp 'lsp-ui-peek-find-definitions))
"Gr" lsp-ui-peek-find-references (and (fboundp 'lsp-ui-peek-find-references)
(lsp-feature? "textDocument/references"))
"Gi" lsp-ui-peek-find-implementation (and (fboundp 'lsp-ui-peek-find-implementation)
(lsp-feature? "textDocument/implementation"))
"Gs" lsp-ui-peek-find-workspace-symbol (and (fboundp 'lsp-ui-peek-find-workspace-symbol)
(lsp-feature? "workspace/symbol")))))
;; which-key integration
(declare-function which-key-add-major-mode-key-based-replacements "ext:which-key")
(declare-function which-key-add-key-based-replacements "ext:which-key")
(defun lsp-enable-which-key-integration (&optional all-modes)
"Adds descriptions for `lsp-mode-map' to `which-key-mode' for the current
active `major-mode', or for all major modes when ALL-MODES is t."
(cl-flet ((which-key-fn (if all-modes
(apply-partially 'which-key-add-major-mode-key-based-replacements major-mode))))
"" "lsp"
"s" "sessions"
"s s" "start server"
"s r" "restart server"
"s q" "shutdown server"
"s d" "describe session"
"s D" "disconnect"
"F" "folders"
"F a" "add folder"
"F r" "remove folder"
"F b" "un-blacklist folder"
"=" "formatting"
"= r" "format region"
"= =" "format buffer"
"T" "toggle"
"T l" "toggle lenses"
"T h" "toggle highlighting"
"T L" "toggle log io"
"T s" "toggle signature"
"T a" "toggle modeline code actions"
"T S" "toggle sideline"
"T d" "toggle documentation popup"
"T p" "toggle signature help"
"T f" "toggle on type formatting"
"T T" "toggle treemacs integration"
"g" "goto"
"g g" "find definitions"
"g r" "find references"
"g i" "find implementations"
"g d" "find declarations"
"g t" "find type definition"
"g h" "call hierarchy"
"g a" "find symbol in workspace"
"g A" "find symbol in all workspaces"
"g e" "show errors"
"h" "help"
"h h" "describe symbol at point"
"h s" "signature help"
"r" "refactor"
"r r" "rename"
"r o" "organize imports"
"a" "code actions"
"a a" "code actions"
"a l" "lens"
"a h" "highlight symbol"
"G" "peek"
"G g" "peek definitions"
"G r" "peek references"
"G i" "peek implementations"
"G s" "peek workspace symbol")))))
(defvar lsp-mode-menu)
(defun lsp-mouse-click (event)
(interactive "e")
(let* ((ec (event-start event))
(choice (x-popup-menu event lsp-mode-menu))
(action (lookup-key lsp-mode-menu (apply 'vector choice))))
(select-window (posn-window ec))
(unless (and (region-active-p) (eq action 'lsp-execute-code-action))
(goto-char (posn-point ec)))
0.001 nil
(lambda ()
(cl-labels ((check (value) (not (null value))))
(when choice
(call-interactively action)))))))
(defvar lsp-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "C-") #'lsp-find-definition-mouse)
(define-key map (kbd "C-") #'ignore)
(define-key map (kbd "") #'lsp-mouse-click)
(define-key map (kbd "C-S-SPC") #'lsp-signature-activate)
(when lsp-keymap-prefix
(define-key map (kbd lsp-keymap-prefix) lsp-command-map))
"Keymap for `lsp-mode'.")
(define-minor-mode lsp-mode ""
nil nil nil
:keymap lsp-mode-map
:lighter (:eval (lsp-mode-line))
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defvar lsp-mode-menu
`(["Go to definition" lsp-find-definition
:active (lsp--find-workspaces-for "textDocument/definition")]
["Find references" lsp-find-references
:active (lsp--find-workspaces-for "textDocument/references")]
["Find implementations" lsp-find-implementation
:active (lsp--find-workspaces-for "textDocument/implementation")]
["Find declarations" lsp-find-declaration
:active (lsp--find-workspaces-for "textDocument/declaration")]
["Go to type declaration" lsp-find-type-definition
:active (lsp--find-workspaces-for "textDocument/typeDefinition")]
["Describe" lsp-describe-thing-at-point]
["Code action" lsp-execute-code-action]
["Format" lsp-format-buffer]
["Highlight references" lsp-document-highlight]
["Rename" lsp-rename
:active (or (lsp--capability :renameProvider)
(lsp--registered-capability "textDocument/rename"))]
["View logs" lsp-workspace-show-log]
["Describe" lsp-describe-session]
["Shutdown" lsp-shutdown-workspace]
["Restart" lsp-restart-workspace])
("Workspace Folders"
["Add" lsp-workspace-folders-add]
["Remove" lsp-workspace-folders-remove]
["Open" lsp-workspace-folders-open])
("Toggle features"
["Lenses" lsp-lens-mode]
["Headerline breadcrumb" lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-mode]
["Modeline code actions" lsp-modeline-code-actions-mode]
["Modeline diagnostics" lsp-modeline-diagnostics-mode])
:active (bound-and-true-p dap-ui-mode)
:filter ,(lambda (_) (nthcdr 3 dap-ui-menu-items)))))
"Menu for lsp-mode.")
(defun lsp-mode-line ()
"Construct the mode line text."
(if-let ((workspaces (lsp-workspaces)))
(concat " LSP" (string-join (--map (format "[%s]" (lsp--workspace-print it))
(concat " LSP" (propertize "[Disconnected]" 'face 'warning))))
(defalias 'make-lsp-client 'make-lsp--client)
(cl-defstruct lsp--registered-capability
(id "")
(method " ")
(options nil))
;; A ‘lsp--workspace’ object represents exactly one language server process.
(cl-defstruct lsp--workspace
;; the `ewoc' object for displaying I/O to and from the server
(ewoc nil)
;; ‘server-capabilities’ is a hash table of the language server capabilities.
;; It is the hash table representation of a LSP ServerCapabilities structure;
;; cf. https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specification#initialize.
(server-capabilities nil)
;; ‘registered-server-capabilities’ is a list of hash tables that represent
;; dynamically-registered Registration objects. See
;; https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specification#client_registerCapability.
(registered-server-capabilities nil)
;; ‘root’ is a directory name or a directory file name for the workspace
;; root. ‘lsp-mode’ passes this directory to the ‘initialize’ method of the
;; language server; see
;; https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specification#initialize.
(root nil)
;; ‘client’ is the ‘lsp--client’ object associated with this workspace.
(client nil)
;; ‘host-root’ contains the host root info as derived from `file-remote-p'. It
;; used to derive the file path in `lsp--uri-to-path' when using tramp
;; connection.
(host-root nil)
;; ‘proc’ is a process object; it may represent a regular process, a pipe, or
;; a network connection. ‘lsp-mode’ communicates with ‘proc’ using the
;; language server protocol. ‘proc’ corresponds to the COMMUNICATION-PROCESS
;; element of the return value of the client’s ‘get-root’ field, which see.
(proc nil)
;; ‘proc’ is a process object; it must represent a regular process, not a
;; pipe or network process. It represents the actual server process that
;; corresponds to this workspace. ‘cmd-proc’ corresponds to the
;; COMMAND-PROCESS element of the return value of the client’s ‘get-root’
;; field, which see.
(cmd-proc nil)
;; ‘buffers’ is a list of buffers associated with this workspace.
(buffers nil)
;; if semantic highlighting is enabled, `semantic-highlighting-faces' contains
;; one face (or nil) for each token type supported by the language server.
(semantic-highlighting-faces nil)
;; If semantic highlighting is enabled, `semantic-highlighting-modifier-faces'
;; contains one face (or nil) for each modifier type supported by the language
;; server
(semantic-highlighting-modifier-faces nil)
;; Extra client capabilities provided by third-party packages using
;; `lsp-register-client-capabilities'. It's value is an alist of (PACKAGE-NAME
;; . CAPS), where PACKAGE-NAME is a symbol of the third-party package name,
;; and CAPS is either a plist of the client capabilities, or a function that
;; takes no argument and returns a plist of the client capabilities or nil.")
(extra-client-capabilities nil)
;; Workspace status
(status nil)
;; ‘metadata’ is a generic storage for workspace specific data. It is
;; accessed via `lsp-workspace-set-metadata' and `lsp-workspace-set-metadata'
(metadata (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
;; contains all the file notification watches that have been created for the
;; current workspace in format filePath->file notification handle.
(watches (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
;; list of workspace folders
(workspace-folders nil)
;; ‘last-id’ the last request id for the current workspace.
(last-id 0)
;; ‘status-string’ allows extensions to specify custom status string based on
;; the Language Server specific messages.
(status-string nil)
;; ‘shutdown-action’ flag used to mark that workspace should not be restarted (e.g. it
;; was stopped).
;; ‘diagnostics’ a hashmap with workspace diagnostics.
(diagnostics (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
;; contains all the workDone progress tokens that have been created
;; for the current workspace.
(work-done-tokens (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(cl-defstruct lsp-session
;; contains the folders that are part of the current session
;; contains the folders that must not be imported in the current workspace.
;; contains the list of folders that must be imported in a project in case of
;; multi root LSP server.
(server-id->folders (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
;; folder to list of the servers that are associated with the folder.
(folder->servers (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
;; ‘metadata’ is a generic storage for workspace specific data. It is
;; accessed via `lsp-workspace-set-metadata' and `lsp-workspace-set-metadata'
(metadata (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(defun lsp-workspace-status (status-string &optional workspace)
"Set current workspace status to STATUS-STRING.
If WORKSPACE is not specified defaults to lsp--cur-workspace."
(let ((status-string (when status-string (replace-regexp-in-string "%" "%%" status-string))))
(setf (lsp--workspace-status-string (or workspace lsp--cur-workspace)) status-string)))
(defun lsp-session-set-metadata (key value &optional _workspace)
"Associate KEY with VALUE in the WORKSPACE metadata.
If WORKSPACE is not provided current workspace will be used."
(puthash key value (lsp-session-metadata (lsp-session))))
(defalias 'lsp-workspace-set-metadata 'lsp-session-set-metadata)
(defun lsp-session-get-metadata (key &optional _workspace)
"Lookup KEY in WORKSPACE metadata.
If WORKSPACE is not provided current workspace will be used."
(gethash key (lsp-session-metadata (lsp-session))))
(defalias 'lsp-workspace-get-metadata 'lsp-session-get-metadata)
(defun lsp-workspace-set-work-done-token (token value &optional workspace)
"Associate TOKEN with VALUE in the WORKSPACE work-done-tokens.
If WORKSPACE is not provided current workspace will be used."
(puthash token value
(lsp--workspace-work-done-tokens (or workspace lsp--cur-workspace))))
(defun lsp-workspace-get-work-done-token (token &optional workspace)
"Lookup TOKEN in the WORKSPACE work-done-tokens.
If WORKSPACE is not provided current workspace will be used."
(gethash token
(lsp--workspace-work-done-tokens (or workspace lsp--cur-workspace))))
(defun lsp-workspace-rem-work-done-token (token &optional workspace)
"Remove TOKEN from the WORKSPACE work-done-tokens.
If WORKSPACE is not provided current workspace will be used."
(remhash token
(lsp--workspace-work-done-tokens (or workspace lsp--cur-workspace))))
(defun lsp--make-notification (method &optional params)
"Create notification body for method METHOD and parameters PARAMS."
(list :jsonrpc "2.0" :method method :params params))
(defalias 'lsp--make-request 'lsp--make-notification)
(defalias 'lsp-make-request 'lsp--make-notification)
(defun lsp--make-response (id result)
"Create response for REQUEST with RESULT."
`(:jsonrpc "2.0" :id ,id :result ,result))
(defun lsp-make-notification (method &optional params)
"Create notification body for method METHOD and parameters PARAMS."
(lsp--make-notification method params))
(defmacro lsp--json-serialize (params)
(if (progn
(require 'json)
(fboundp 'json-serialize))
`(json-serialize ,params
:null-object nil
:false-object :json-false)
`(let ((json-false :json-false))
(json-encode ,params))))
(defun lsp--make-message (params)
"Create a LSP message from PARAMS, after encoding it to a JSON string."
(let ((body (lsp--json-serialize params)))
(concat "Content-Length: "
(number-to-string (1+ (string-bytes body)))
(cl-defstruct lsp--log-entry timestamp process-time type method id body)
(defun lsp--make-log-entry (method id body type &optional process-time)
"Create an outgoing log object from BODY with method METHOD and id ID.
If ID is non-nil, then the body is assumed to be a notification.
TYPE can either be 'incoming or 'outgoing"
(cl-assert (memq type '(incoming-req outgoing-req incoming-notif
outgoing-notif incoming-resp
:timestamp (format-time-string "%I:%M:%S %p")
:process-time process-time
:method method
:id id
:type type
:body body))
(defun lsp--log-entry-pp (entry)
(cl-assert (lsp--log-entry-p entry))
(pcase-let (((cl-struct lsp--log-entry timestamp method id type process-time
(json-false :json-false)
(json-encoding-pretty-print t)
(str nil))
(setq str
(concat (format "[Trace - %s] " timestamp)
(pcase type
('incoming-req (format "Received request '%s - (%s)." method id))
('outgoing-req (format "Sending request '%s - (%s)'." method id))
('incoming-notif (format "Received notification '%s'." method))
('outgoing-notif (format "Sending notification '%s'." method))
('incoming-resp (format "Received response '%s - (%s)' in %dms."
method id process-time))
"Sending response '%s - (%s)'. Processing request took %dms"
method id process-time)))
(if (memq type '(incoming-resp ougoing-resp))
"Result: "
"Params: ")
(json-encode body)
(setq str (propertize str 'mouse-face 'highlight 'read-only t))
(insert str)))
(defvar-local lsp--log-io-ewoc nil)
(defun lsp--get-create-io-ewoc (workspace)
(if (and (lsp--workspace-ewoc workspace)
(buffer-live-p (ewoc-buffer (lsp--workspace-ewoc workspace))))
(lsp--workspace-ewoc workspace)
(with-current-buffer (lsp--get-log-buffer-create workspace)
(unless (eq 'lsp-log-io-mode major-mode) (lsp-log-io-mode))
(setq-local window-point-insertion-type t)
(setq lsp--log-io-ewoc (ewoc-create #'lsp--log-entry-pp nil nil t))
(setf (lsp--workspace-ewoc workspace) lsp--log-io-ewoc))
(lsp--workspace-ewoc workspace)))
(defun lsp--ewoc-count (ewoc)
(let* ((count 0)
(count-fn (lambda (_) (setq count (1+ count)))))
(ewoc-map count-fn ewoc)
(defun lsp--log-entry-new (entry workspace)
(let* ((ewoc (lsp--get-create-io-ewoc workspace))
(count (and (not (eq lsp-io-messages-max t)) (lsp--ewoc-count ewoc)))
(node (if (or (eq lsp-io-messages-max t)
(>= lsp-io-messages-max count))
(ewoc-nth ewoc (1- lsp-io-messages-max))))
(prev nil)
(inhibit-read-only t))
(while node
(setq prev (ewoc-prev ewoc node))
(ewoc-delete ewoc node)
(setq node prev))
(ewoc-enter-last ewoc entry)))
(defun lsp--send-notification (body)
"Send BODY as a notification to the language server."
(when lsp-print-io
(lsp--log-entry-new (lsp--make-log-entry
(plist-get body :method)
nil (plist-get body :params) 'outgoing-notif)
(lsp--send-no-wait (lsp--make-message body)
(lsp--workspace-proc lsp--cur-workspace))))
(defalias 'lsp-send-notification 'lsp--send-notification)
(defun lsp-notify (method params)
"Send notification METHOD with PARAMS."
(lsp--send-notification (lsp--make-notification method params)))
(defun lsp--cur-workspace-check ()
"Check whether buffer lsp workspace(s) are set."
(cl-assert (lsp-workspaces) nil
"No language server(s) is associated with this buffer."))
(defun lsp--send-request (body &optional no-wait no-merge)
"Send BODY as a request to the language server, get the response.
If NO-WAIT is non-nil, don't synchronously wait for a response.
If NO-MERGE is non-nil, don't merge the results but return alist workspace->result."
(lsp-request (plist-get body :method)
(plist-get body :params)
:no-wait no-wait
:no-merge no-merge))
(defalias 'lsp-send-request 'lsp--send-request
"Send BODY as a request to the language server and return the response synchronously.
\n(fn BODY)")
(cl-defun lsp-request (method params &key no-wait no-merge)
"Send request METHOD with PARAMS.
If NO-MERGE is non-nil, don't merge the results but return alist workspace->result.
If NO-WAIT is non-nil send the request as notification."
(if no-wait
(lsp-notify method params)
(let* ((send-time (time-to-seconds (current-time)))
;; max time by which we must get a response
(expected-time (+ send-time lsp-response-timeout))
resp-result resp-error done?)
(lsp-request-async method params (lambda (res) (setf resp-result (or res :finished)))
:error-handler (lambda (err) (setf resp-error err))
:no-merge no-merge
:mode 'detached
:cancel-token :sync-request)
(while (not (or resp-error resp-result))
(accept-process-output nil 0.001)
(when (< expected-time (time-to-seconds (current-time)))
(error "Timeout while waiting for response. Method: %s." method)))
(setq done? t)
((eq resp-result :finished) nil)
(resp-result resp-result)
((lsp-json-error? resp-error) (error (lsp:json-error-message resp-error)))
(t (error (lsp:json-error-message (cl-first resp-error))))))
(unless done?
(lsp-cancel-request-by-token :sync-request))))))
(cl-defun lsp-request-while-no-input (method params)
"Send request METHOD with PARAMS and waits until there is no input."
(let* (resp-result resp-error done?)
(lsp-request-async method
(lambda (res) (setf resp-result (or res :finished)))
:error-handler (lambda (err) (setf resp-error err))
:mode 'detached
:cancel-token :sync-request)
(while (and (not (or resp-error resp-result))
(not (input-pending-p)))
(accept-process-output nil 0.001))
(setq done? t)
((eq resp-result :finished) nil)
(resp-result resp-result)
((lsp-json-error? resp-error) (error (lsp:json-error-message resp-error)))
((input-pending-p) nil)
(t (error (lsp:json-error-message (cl-first resp-error))))))
(unless done?
(lsp-cancel-request-by-token :sync-request)))))
(defvar lsp--cancelable-requests (ht))
(cl-defun lsp-request-async (method params callback
&key mode error-handler cancel-handler no-merge cancel-token)
"Send METHOD with PARAMS as a request to the language server.
Call CALLBACK with the response received from the server
MODE determines when the callback will be called depending on the
condition of the original buffer. It could be:
- `detached' which means that the callback will be executed no
matter what has happened to the buffer.
- `alive' - the callback will be executed only if the buffer from
which the call was executed is still alive.
- `current' the callback will be executed only if the original buffer
is still selected.
- `tick' - the callback will be executed only if the buffer was not modified.
- `unchanged' - the callback will be executed only if the buffer hasn't
changed and if the buffer is not modified.
ERROR-HANDLER will be called in case the request has failed.
CANCEL-HANDLER will be called in case the request is being canceled.
If NO-MERGE is non-nil, don't merge the results but return alist
CANCEL-TOKEN is the token that can be used to cancel request."
(lsp--send-request-async `(:jsonrpc "2.0" :method ,method :params ,params)
callback mode error-handler cancel-handler no-merge cancel-token))
(defun lsp--create-request-cancel (id workspaces hook buf method cancel-callback)
(lambda (&rest _)
(unless (and (equal 'post-command-hook hook)
(equal (current-buffer) buf))
(lsp--request-cleanup-hooks id)
(with-lsp-workspaces workspaces
(lsp--cancel-request id)
(when cancel-callback (funcall cancel-callback)))
(lsp-log "Cancelling %s(%s) in hook %s" method id hook))))
(defun lsp--create-async-callback
(callback method no-merge workspaces)
"Create async handler expecting COUNT results, merge them and call CALLBACK.
MODE determines when the callback will be called depending on the
condition of the original buffer. METHOD is the invoked method.
If NO-MERGE is non-nil, don't merge the results but return alist workspace->result.
ID is the request id. "
(let (results errors)
(lambda (result)
(push (cons lsp--cur-workspace result)
(if (eq result :error) errors results))
(when (and (not (eq (length errors) (length workspaces)))
(eq (+ (length errors) (length results)) (length workspaces)))
(funcall callback
(if no-merge
(lsp--merge-results (-map #'cl-rest results) method)))))))
(defun lsp--create-default-error-handler (method)
"Default error handler.
METHOD is the executed method."
(lambda (error)
(lsp--warn "%s" (or (lsp--error-string error)
(format "%s Request has failed" method)))))
(defvar lsp--request-cleanup-hooks (ht))
(defun lsp--request-cleanup-hooks (request-id)
(when-let ((cleanup-function (gethash request-id lsp--request-cleanup-hooks)))
(funcall cleanup-function)
(remhash request-id lsp--request-cleanup-hooks)))
(defun lsp-cancel-request-by-token (cancel-token)
"Cancel request using CANCEL-TOKEN."
(-when-let ((request-id . workspaces) (gethash cancel-token lsp--cancelable-requests))
(with-lsp-workspaces workspaces
(lsp--cancel-request request-id))
(remhash cancel-token lsp--cancelable-requests)
(lsp--request-cleanup-hooks request-id)))
(defun lsp--send-request-async (body callback
&optional mode error-callback cancel-callback
no-merge cancel-token)
"Send BODY as a request to the language server.
Call CALLBACK with the response received from the server
MODE determines when the callback will be called depending on the
condition of the original buffer. It could be:
- `detached' which means that the callback will be executed no
matter what has happened to the buffer.
- `alive' - the callback will be executed only if the buffer from
which the call was executed is still alive.
- `current' the callback will be executed only if the original buffer
is still selected.
- `tick' - the callback will be executed only if the buffer was not modified.
- `unchanged' - the callback will be executed only if the buffer hasn't
changed and if the buffer is not modified.
ERROR-CALLBACK will be called in case the request has failed.
CANCEL-CALLBACK will be called in case the request is being canceled.
If NO-MERGE is non-nil, don't merge the results but return alist
CANCEL-TOKEN is the token that can be used to cancel request."
(when cancel-token
(lsp-cancel-request-by-token cancel-token))
(if-let ((target-workspaces (lsp--find-workspaces-for body)))
(let* ((start-time (current-time))
(method (plist-get body :method))
(id (cl-incf lsp-last-id))
;; calculate what are the (hook . local) pairs which will cancel
;; the request
(hooks (pcase mode
('alive '((kill-buffer-hook . t)))
('tick '((kill-buffer-hook . t) (after-change-functions . t)))
('unchanged '((after-change-functions . t) (post-command-hook . nil)))
('current '((post-command-hook . nil)))))
(buf (current-buffer))
;; note: lambdas in emacs can be compared but we should make sure
;; that all of the captured arguments are the same - in our case
;; `lsp--create-request-cancel' will return the same lambda when
;; called with the same params.
(cleanup-hooks (lambda ()
(when (buffer-live-p buf)
(with-current-buffer buf
(mapc (-lambda ((hook . local))
id target-workspaces hook buf method cancel-callback)
(remhash cancel-token lsp--cancelable-requests)))
(callback (pcase mode
((or 'alive 'tick) (lambda (&rest args)
(with-current-buffer buf
(apply callback args))))
(_ callback)))
(callback (lsp--create-async-callback callback
(callback (lambda (result)
(lsp--request-cleanup-hooks id)
(funcall callback result)))
(error-callback (lsp--create-async-callback
(or error-callback
(lsp--create-default-error-handler method))
(error-callback (lambda (error)
(funcall callback :error)
(lsp--request-cleanup-hooks id)
(funcall error-callback error)))
(cancel-callback (when cancel-callback
(pcase mode
((or 'alive 'tick) (lambda ()
(with-current-buffer buf
(funcall cancel-callback))))
(_ cancel-callback))))
(body (plist-put body :id id)))
;; cancel request in any of the hooks
(mapc (-lambda ((hook . local))
(add-hook hook
id target-workspaces hook buf method cancel-callback)
nil local))
(puthash id cleanup-hooks lsp--request-cleanup-hooks)
(setq lsp--last-active-workspaces target-workspaces)
(when cancel-token
(puthash cancel-token (cons id target-workspaces) lsp--cancelable-requests))
(seq-doseq (workspace target-workspaces)
(when lsp-log-io
(lsp--log-entry-new (lsp--make-log-entry method id
(plist-get body :params)
(let ((message (lsp--make-message body)))
(puthash id
(list callback error-callback method start-time (current-time))
(-> workspace
(lsp--send-no-wait message (lsp--workspace-proc workspace))))
(error "The connected server(s) does not support method %s.
To find out what capabilities support your server use `M-x lsp-describe-session'
and expand the capabilities section"
(plist-get body :method))))
;; deprecated, use lsp-request-async.
(defalias 'lsp-send-request-async 'lsp--send-request-async)
(make-obsolete 'lsp-send-request-async 'lsp-request-async "lsp-mode 7.0.1")
;; Clean up the entire state of lsp mode when Emacs is killed, to get rid of any
;; pending language servers.
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'lsp--global-teardown)
(defun lsp--global-teardown ()
"Unload working workspaces."
(lsp-foreach-workspace (lsp--shutdown-workspace)))
(defun lsp--shutdown-workspace (&optional restart)
"Shut down the language server process for ‘lsp--cur-workspace’."
(with-demoted-errors "LSP error: %S"
(let ((lsp-response-timeout 0.5))
(condition-case _err
(lsp-request "shutdown" lsp--empty-ht)
(error (lsp--error "Timeout while sending shutdown request"))))
(lsp-notify "exit" nil))
(setf (lsp--workspace-shutdown-action lsp--cur-workspace) (or (and restart 'restart) 'shutdown))
(defun lsp--uninitialize-workspace ()
"Cleanup buffer state.
When a workspace is shut down, by request or from just
disappearing, unset all the variables related to it."
(let ((proc (lsp--workspace-cmd-proc lsp--cur-workspace))
(buffers (lsp--workspace-buffers lsp--cur-workspace)))
(when (process-live-p proc)
(kill-process proc))
(mapc (lambda (buf)
(when (lsp-buffer-live-p buf)
(lsp-with-current-buffer buf
(lsp-managed-mode -1))))
(defun lsp--client-capabilities (&optional custom-capabilities)
"Return the client capabilities."
`((workspace . ((workspaceEdit . ((documentChanges . t)
(resourceOperations . ["create" "rename" "delete"])))
(applyEdit . t)
(symbol . ((symbolKind . ((valueSet . ,(apply 'vector (number-sequence 1 26)))))))
(executeCommand . ((dynamicRegistration . :json-false)))
,@(when lsp-enable-file-watchers '((didChangeWatchedFiles . ((dynamicRegistration . t)))))
(workspaceFolders . t)
(configuration . t)))
(textDocument . ((declaration . ((linkSupport . t)))
(definition . ((linkSupport . t)))
(implementation . ((linkSupport . t)))
(typeDefinition . ((linkSupport . t)))
(synchronization . ((willSave . t) (didSave . t) (willSaveWaitUntil . t)))
(documentSymbol . ((symbolKind . ((valueSet . ,(apply 'vector (number-sequence 1 26)))))
(hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport . t)))
(formatting . ((dynamicRegistration . t)))
(rangeFormatting . ((dynamicRegistration . t)))
,@(when lsp-enable-semantic-highlighting
. ((dynamicRegistration . t)
(tokenModifiers . ,(if lsp-semantic-tokens-apply-modifiers
(apply 'vector (mapcar #'car lsp-semantic-token-modifier-faces)) []))
(tokenTypes . ,(apply 'vector (mapcar #'car lsp-semantic-token-faces)))))))
(rename . ((dynamicRegistration . t) (prepareSupport . t)))
(codeAction . ((dynamicRegistration . t)
(isPreferredSupport . t)
(codeActionLiteralSupport . ((codeActionKind . ((valueSet . [""
(completion . ((completionItem . ((snippetSupport . ,(cond
((and lsp-enable-snippet (not (featurep 'yasnippet)) t)
(lsp--warn (concat
"Yasnippet is not installed, but `lsp-enable-snippet' is set to `t'. "
"You must either install yasnippet, or disable snippet support."))
(lsp-enable-snippet t)
(t :json-false)))
(documentationFormat . ["markdown"])
(resolveAdditionalTextEditsSupport . t)))
(contextSupport . t)))
(signatureHelp . ((signatureInformation . ((parameterInformation . ((labelOffsetSupport . t)))))))
(documentLink . ((dynamicRegistration . t)
(tooltipSupport . t)))
(hover . ((contentFormat . ["markdown" "plaintext"])))
(foldingRange . ,(when lsp-enable-folding
`((dynamicRegistration . t)
,@(when lsp-folding-range-limit
`((rangeLimit . ,lsp-folding-range-limit)))
,@(when lsp-folding-line-folding-only
`((lineFoldingOnly . t))))))
(callHierarchy . ((dynamicRegistration . :json-false)))
(publishDiagnostics . ((relatedInformation . t)
(tagSupport . ((valueSet . [1 2])))
(versionSupport . t)))))
(window . ((workDoneProgress . t))))
(defun lsp-find-roots-for-workspace (workspace session)
"Get all roots for the WORKSPACE."
(-filter #'identity (ht-map (lambda (folder workspaces)
(when (-contains? workspaces workspace)
(lsp-session-folder->servers session))))
(defun lsp-session-watches (&optional session)
"Get watches created for SESSION."
(or (gethash "__watches" (lsp-session-metadata (or session (lsp-session))))
(-let [res (make-hash-table :test 'equal)]
(puthash "__watches" res (lsp-session-metadata (or session (lsp-session))))
(defun lsp--file-process-event (session root-folder event)
"Process file event."
(let ((changed-file (cl-third event)))
(gethash root-folder)
(seq-do (lambda (workspace)
(when (->>
(lambda (capability)
(equal (lsp--registered-capability-method capability)
(-lambda ((&FileSystemWatcher :glob-pattern))
(-let [glob-regex (eshell-glob-regexp glob-pattern)]
(or (string-match glob-regex changed-file)
(string-match glob-regex (f-relative changed-file root-folder)))))))))))
(with-lsp-workspace workspace
`((changes . [((type . ,(alist-get (cl-second event) lsp--file-change-type))
(uri . ,(lsp--path-to-uri changed-file)))]))))))))))
(lsp-defun lsp--server-register-capability ((&Registration :method :id :register-options?))
"Register capability REG."
(when (and lsp-enable-file-watchers
(equal method "workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles"))
(-let* ((created-watches (lsp-session-watches (lsp-session)))
(root-folders (cl-set-difference
(lsp-find-roots-for-workspace lsp--cur-workspace (lsp-session))
(ht-keys created-watches))))
;; create watch for each root folder without such
(dolist (folder root-folders)
(let ((watch (make-lsp-watch :root-directory folder)))
(puthash folder watch created-watches)
(lsp-watch-root-folder (file-truename folder)
(-partial #'lsp--file-process-event (lsp-session) folder)
(make-lsp--registered-capability :id id :method method :options register-options?)
(lsp--workspace-registered-server-capabilities lsp--cur-workspace)))
(defun lsp--cleanup-hanging-watches ()
"Cleanup watches in case there are no more workspaces that are interested
in that particular folder."
(let* ((session (lsp-session))
(watches (lsp-session-watches session)))
(dolist (watched-folder (ht-keys watches))
(when (-none? (lambda (workspace)
(with-lsp-workspace workspace
(lsp--registered-capability "workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles")))
(gethash watched-folder (lsp-session-folder->servers (lsp-session))))
(lsp-log "Cleaning up watches for folder %s. There is no workspace watching this folder..." watched-folder)
(lsp-kill-watch (gethash watched-folder watches))
(remhash watched-folder watches)))))
(lsp-defun lsp--server-unregister-capability ((&Unregistration :id :method))
"Unregister capability UNREG."
(setf (lsp--workspace-registered-server-capabilities lsp--cur-workspace)
(seq-remove (lambda (e) (equal (lsp--registered-capability-id e) id))
(lsp--workspace-registered-server-capabilities lsp--cur-workspace)))
(when (equal method "workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles")
(defun lsp--server-capabilities ()
"Return the capabilities of the language server associated with the buffer."
(->> (lsp-workspaces)
(-keep #'lsp--workspace-server-capabilities)
(apply #'lsp-merge)))
(defun lsp--send-open-close-p ()
"Return whether open and close notifications should be sent to the server."
(let ((sync (lsp:server-capabilities-text-document-sync? (lsp--server-capabilities))))
(or (memq sync '(1 2))
(lsp:text-document-sync-options-open-close? sync))))
(defun lsp--send-will-save-p ()
"Return whether will save notifications should be sent to the server."
(-> (lsp--server-capabilities)
(defun lsp--send-will-save-wait-until-p ()
"Return whether will save wait until notifications should be sent to the server."
(-> (lsp--server-capabilities)
(defun lsp--send-did-save-p ()
"Return whether did save notifications should be sent to the server."
(let ((sync (lsp:server-capabilities-text-document-sync? (lsp--server-capabilities))))
(or (memq sync '(1 2))
(lsp:text-document-sync-options-save? sync))))
(defun lsp--save-include-text-p ()
"Return whether save notifications should include the text document's contents."
(->> (lsp--server-capabilities)
(defun lsp--suggest-project-root ()
"Get project root."
(when (featurep 'projectile) (condition-case nil
(error nil)))
(when (featurep 'project)
(when-let ((project (project-current)))
(car (project-roots project))))))
(defun lsp--read-from-file (file)
"Read FILE content."
(when (file-exists-p file)
(cl-first (read-from-string (f-read-text file 'utf-8)))))
(defun lsp--persist (file-name to-persist)
(f-write-text (prin1-to-string to-persist) 'utf-8 file-name))
(defun lsp-workspace-folders-add (project-root)
"Add PROJECT-ROOT to the list of workspace folders."
(list (read-directory-name "Select folder to add: "
(or (lsp--suggest-project-root) default-directory) nil t)))
(cl-pushnew (lsp-f-canonical project-root)
(lsp-session-folders (lsp-session)) :test 'equal)
(lsp--persist-session (lsp-session))
(run-hook-with-args 'lsp-workspace-folders-changed-functions (list project-root) nil))
(defun lsp-workspace-folders-remove (project-root)
"Remove PROJECT-ROOT from the list of workspace folders."
(interactive (list (completing-read "Select folder to remove: "
(lsp-session-folders (lsp-session)) nil t
(lsp-find-session-folder (lsp-session) default-directory))))
(setq project-root (lsp-f-canonical project-root))
;; send remove folder to each multiroot workspace associated with the folder
(dolist (wks (->> (lsp-session)
(gethash project-root)
(--filter (lsp--client-multi-root (lsp--workspace-client it)))))
(with-lsp-workspace wks
(lsp-notify "workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders"
`(:event (:removed ,(vector (list :uri (lsp--path-to-uri project-root))))))))
;; turn off servers in the removed directory
(let* ((session (lsp-session))
(folder->servers (lsp-session-folder->servers session))
(server-id->folders (lsp-session-server-id->folders session))
(workspaces (gethash project-root folder->servers)))
(remhash project-root folder->servers)
;; turn off the servers without root folders
(dolist (workspace workspaces)
(when (--none? (-contains? it workspace) (ht-values folder->servers))
(lsp--info "Shutdown %s since folder %s is removed..."
(lsp--workspace-print workspace) project-root)
(with-lsp-workspace workspace (lsp--shutdown-workspace))))
(setf (lsp-session-folders session)
(-remove-item project-root (lsp-session-folders session)))
(ht-aeach (puthash key
(-remove-item project-root value)
(lsp--persist-session (lsp-session)))
(run-hook-with-args 'lsp-workspace-folders-changed-functions nil (list project-root)))
(defun lsp-workspace-blacklist-remove (project-root)
"Remove PROJECT-ROOT from the workspace blacklist."
(interactive (list (completing-read "Select folder to remove:"
(lsp-session-folders-blacklist (lsp-session))
nil t)))
(setf (lsp-session-folders-blacklist (lsp-session))
(delete project-root
(lsp-session-folders-blacklist (lsp-session))))
(lsp--persist-session (lsp-session)))
(define-obsolete-function-alias 'lsp-workspace-folders-switch
'lsp-workspace-folders-open "lsp-mode 6.1")
(defun lsp-workspace-folders-open (project-root)
"Open the directory located at PROJECT-ROOT"
(interactive (list (completing-read "Open folder: "
(lsp-session-folders (lsp-session))
nil t)))
(find-file project-root))
(defun lsp--maybe-enable-signature-help (trigger-characters)
(let ((ch last-command-event))
(when (cl-find ch trigger-characters :key #'string-to-char)
(defun lsp--update-on-type-formatting-hook (&optional cleanup?)
(let ((on-type-formatting-handler
(when-let ((provider (lsp--capability :documentOnTypeFormattingProvider)))
(-let [(&DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions :more-trigger-character?
:first-trigger-character) provider]
(lambda ()
(lsp--on-type-formatting first-trigger-character
((and lsp-enable-on-type-formatting on-type-formatting-handler)
(add-hook 'post-self-insert-hook on-type-formatting-handler nil t))
((or cleanup?
(not lsp-enable-on-type-formatting))
(remove-hook 'post-self-insert-hook on-type-formatting-handler t)))))
(defun lsp--update-signature-help-hook (&optional cleanup?)
(let ((signature-help-handler
(-when-let ((&SignatureHelpOptions? :trigger-characters?)
(lsp--capability :signatureHelpProvider))
(lambda ()
(lsp--maybe-enable-signature-help trigger-characters?)))))
((and lsp-signature-auto-activate signature-help-handler)
(add-hook 'post-self-insert-hook signature-help-handler nil t))
((or cleanup?
(not lsp-signature-auto-activate))
(remove-hook 'post-self-insert-hook signature-help-handler t)))))
(defun lsp--semantic-highlighting-warn-about-deprecated-setting ()
(when (boundp 'lsp-semantic-highlighting)
(pcase lsp-semantic-highlighting
(lsp-warn "It seems you wish to use semanticTokens-based
highlighting. To do so, please remove any references to the
deprecated variable `lsp-semantic-highlighting' from your
configuration and set `lsp-enable-semantic-highlighting' to `t'
(setq lsp-enable-semantic-highlighting t))
((or :immediate :deferred)
(lsp-warn "It seems you wish to use Theia-based semantic
highlighting. This protocol has been superseded by the
semanticTokens protocol specified by LSP v3.16 and is no longer
supported by lsp-mode. If your language server provides
semanticToken support, please set
`lsp-enable-semantic-highlighting' to `t' to use it.")))))
(define-minor-mode lsp-managed-mode
"Mode for source buffers managed by lsp-mode."
nil nil nil
(let ((status '(t (:eval (-keep #'lsp--workspace-status-string (lsp-workspaces))))))
(when (lsp-feature? "textDocument/hover")
(add-function :before-until (local 'eldoc-documentation-function) #'lsp-eldoc-function)
(eldoc-mode 1))
(add-hook 'after-change-functions #'lsp-on-change nil t)
(add-hook 'after-revert-hook #'lsp-on-revert nil t)
(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'lsp-on-save nil t)
(add-hook 'auto-save-hook #'lsp--on-auto-save nil t)
(add-hook 'before-change-functions #'lsp-before-change nil t)
(add-hook 'before-save-hook #'lsp--before-save nil t)
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'lsp--text-document-did-close nil t)
(add-hook 'post-command-hook #'lsp--post-command nil t)
(when lsp-enable-xref
(add-hook 'xref-backend-functions #'lsp--xref-backend nil t))
(setq-local global-mode-string (if (-contains? global-mode-string status)
(cons status global-mode-string)))
(let ((buffer (lsp-current-buffer)))
0.0 nil
(lambda ()
(when (lsp-buffer-live-p buffer)
(lsp-with-current-buffer buffer
(lsp--on-change-debounce buffer)
(lsp--on-idle buffer)))))))
(remove-function (local 'eldoc-documentation-function) #'lsp-eldoc-function)
(remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'lsp--post-command t)
(remove-hook 'after-change-functions #'lsp-on-change t)
(remove-hook 'after-revert-hook #'lsp-on-revert t)
(remove-hook 'after-save-hook #'lsp-on-save t)
(remove-hook 'auto-save-hook #'lsp--on-auto-save t)
(remove-hook 'before-change-functions #'lsp-before-change t)
(remove-hook 'before-save-hook #'lsp--before-save t)
(remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'lsp--text-document-did-close t)
(lsp--update-on-type-formatting-hook :cleanup)
(lsp--update-signature-help-hook :cleanup)
(when lsp--on-idle-timer
(cancel-timer lsp--on-idle-timer)
(setq lsp--on-idle-timer nil))
(remove-hook 'lsp-on-idle-hook #'lsp--document-links t)
(remove-hook 'lsp-on-idle-hook #'lsp--document-highlight t)
(lsp--remove-overlays 'lsp-highlight)
(lsp--remove-overlays 'lsp-links)
(remove-hook 'xref-backend-functions #'lsp--xref-backend t)
(setq-local global-mode-string (remove status global-mode-string))))))
(defun lsp-configure-buffer ()
"Configure LSP features for current buffer."
(when lsp-auto-configure
(when (and lsp-enable-text-document-color
(lsp-feature? "textDocument/documentColor"))
(add-hook 'lsp-on-change-hook #'lsp--document-color nil t))
(when (and lsp-enable-imenu
(lsp-feature? "textDocument/documentSymbol"))
(when (and lsp-enable-indentation
(lsp-feature? "textDocument/rangeFormatting"))
(setq-local indent-region-function #'lsp-format-region))
(when (and lsp-enable-symbol-highlighting
(lsp-feature? "textDocument/documentHighlight"))
(add-hook 'lsp-on-idle-hook #'lsp--document-highlight nil t))
(when (and lsp-enable-links
(lsp-feature? "textDocument/documentLink"))
(add-hook 'lsp-on-idle-hook #'lsp--document-links nil t))
(when (and lsp-enable-dap-auto-configure
(featurep 'dap-mode))
(dap-auto-configure-mode 1))
(when (and lsp-enable-semantic-highlighting
(lsp-feature? "textDocument/semanticTokens"))
(mapc #'lsp--semantic-tokens-initialize-workspace
(lsp--find-workspaces-for "textDocument/semanticTokens"))
(lsp-feature? "textDocument/semanticTokensRangeProvider"))))
(run-hooks 'lsp-configure-hook))
(defun lsp-unconfig-buffer ()
"Unconfigure LSP features for buffer."
(run-hooks 'lsp-unconfigure-hook)
(lsp--remove-overlays 'lsp-color)
(setq-local indent-region-function nil)
(remove-hook 'lsp-on-change-hook #'lsp--document-color t)
(remove-hook 'lsp-on-idle-hook #'lsp--document-highlight t)
(remove-hook 'lsp-on-idle-hook #'lsp--document-links t))
(defun lsp--buffer-content ()
(or (lsp-virtual-buffer-call :buffer-string)
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
(defun lsp--text-document-did-open ()
"'document/didOpen' event."
(run-hooks 'lsp-before-open-hook)
(setq lsp--cur-version (or lsp--cur-version 0))
(cl-pushnew (lsp-current-buffer) (lsp--workspace-buffers lsp--cur-workspace))
(list :textDocument
(list :uri (lsp--buffer-uri)
:languageId (lsp-buffer-language)
:version lsp--cur-version
:text (lsp--buffer-content))))
(lsp-managed-mode 1)
(run-hooks 'lsp-after-open-hook)
(when-let ((client (-some-> lsp--cur-workspace (lsp--workspace-client))))
(-some-> (lsp--client-after-open-fn client)
(-some-> (format "lsp-%s-after-open-hook" (lsp--client-server-id client))
(defun lsp--text-document-identifier ()
"Make TextDocumentIdentifier."
(list :uri (lsp--buffer-uri)))
(defun lsp--versioned-text-document-identifier ()
"Make VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier."
(plist-put (lsp--text-document-identifier) :version lsp--cur-version))
(defun lsp--cur-line (&optional point)
(1- (line-number-at-pos point)))
(defun lsp--cur-position ()
"Make a Position object for the current point."
(or (lsp-virtual-buffer-call :cur-position)
(list :line (lsp--cur-line)
:character (- (point) (line-beginning-position))))))
(defun lsp--point-to-position (point)
"Convert POINT to Position."
(goto-char point)
(defun lsp--range (start end)
"Make Range body from START and END."
;; make sure start and end are Position objects
(list :start start :end end))
(defun lsp--region-to-range (start end)
"Make Range object for the current region."
(lsp--range (lsp--point-to-position start)
(lsp--point-to-position end)))
(defun lsp--region-or-line ()
"The active region or the current line."
(if (use-region-p)
(lsp--region-to-range (region-beginning) (region-end))
(lsp--region-to-range (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol))))
(defun lsp--check-document-changes-version (document-changes)
"Verify that DOCUMENT-CHANGES have the proper version."
(unless (seq-every-p
(-lambda ((&TextDocumentEdit :text-document))
(not text-document)
(let* ((filename (-> text-document
(version (lsp:versioned-text-document-identifier-version? text-document)))
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect filename)
(or (null version) (zerop version)
(equal version lsp--cur-version))))))
(error "Document changes cannot be applied")))
(lsp-defun lsp--apply-workspace-edit ((&WorkspaceEdit :document-changes? :changes?))
"Apply the WorkspaceEdit object EDIT."
(if-let ((document-changes (seq-reverse document-changes?)))
(lsp--check-document-changes-version document-changes)
(->> document-changes
(seq-filter (-lambda ((&CreateFile :kind))
(or (not kind) (equal kind "edit"))))
(seq-do #'lsp--apply-text-document-edit))
(->> document-changes
(seq-filter (-lambda ((&CreateFile :kind))
(not (or (not kind) (equal kind "edit")))))
(seq-do #'lsp--apply-text-document-edit)))
(lambda (uri text-edits)
(with-current-buffer (-> uri lsp--uri-to-path find-file-noselect)
(lsp--apply-text-edits text-edits)))
(defmacro lsp-with-filename (file &rest body)
"Execute BODY with FILE as a context.
Need to handle the case when FILE indicates virtual buffer."
(declare (indent 1) (debug t))
`(if-let ((lsp--virtual-buffer (get-text-property 0 'lsp-virtual-buffer ,file)))
(lsp-with-current-buffer lsp--virtual-buffer
(defun lsp--apply-text-document-edit (edit)
"Apply the TextDocumentEdit object EDIT.
If the file is not being visited by any buffer, it is opened with
Because lsp-mode does not store previous document versions, the edit is only
applied if the version of the textDocument matches the version of the
corresponding file.
interface TextDocumentEdit {
textDocument: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier;
edits: TextEdit[];
(pcase (lsp:edit-kind edit)
("create" (-let* (((&CreateFile :uri :options?) edit)
(file-name (lsp--uri-to-path uri)))
(mkdir (f-dirname file-name) t)
(f-touch file-name)
(when (lsp:create-file-options-overwrite? options?)
(f-write-text "" nil file-name))))
("delete" (-let (((&DeleteFile :uri :options? (&DeleteFileOptions? :recursive?)) edit))
(f-delete (lsp--uri-to-path uri) recursive?)))
("rename" (-let* (((&RenameFile :old-uri :new-uri :options? (&RenameFileOptions? :overwrite?)) edit)
(old-file-name (lsp--uri-to-path old-uri))
(new-file-name (lsp--uri-to-path new-uri))
(buf (find-buffer-visiting old-file-name)))
(when buf
(lsp-with-current-buffer buf
(mkdir (f-dirname new-file-name) t)
(rename-file old-file-name new-file-name overwrite?)
(when buf
(lsp-with-current-buffer buf
(set-buffer-modified-p nil)
(set-visited-file-name new-file-name)
(_ (let ((file-name (->> edit
(lsp-with-current-buffer (find-buffer-visiting file-name)
(lsp-with-filename file-name
(lsp--apply-text-edits (lsp:text-document-edit-edits edit))))))))
(lsp-defun lsp--position-compare ((&Position :line left-line
:character left-character)
(&Position :line right-line
:character right-character))
"Compare position LEFT and RIGHT."
(if (= left-line right-line)
(> left-character right-character)
(> left-line right-line)))
(lsp-defun lsp--position-equal ((&Position :line left-line
:character left-character)
(&Position :line right-line
:character right-character))
"Return whether LEFT and RIGHT positions are equal."
(and (= left-line right-line)
(= left-character right-character)))
(lsp-defun lsp--text-edit-sort-predicate ((&TextEdit :range (&Range :start left-start :end left-end))
(&TextEdit :range (&Range :start right-start :end right-end)))
(if (lsp--position-equal left-start right-start)
(lsp--position-compare left-end right-end)
(lsp--position-compare left-start right-start)))
(lsp-defun lsp--apply-text-edit ((&TextEdit :range (&RangeToPoint :start :end) :new-text))
"Apply the edits described in the TextEdit object in TEXT-EDIT."
;; We sort text edits so as to apply edits that modify latter parts of the
;; document first. Furthermore, because the LSP spec dictates that:
;; "If multiple inserts have the same position, the order in the array
;; defines which edit to apply first."
;; We reverse the initial list and sort stably to make sure the order among
;; edits with the same position is preserved.
(goto-char start)
(delete-region start end)
(insert new-text))
;; WORKAROUND: typescript-language might send -1 when applying code actions.
;; see https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-mode/issues/1582
(lsp-defun lsp--fix-point ((point &as &Position :character :line))
(-doto point
(lsp:set-position-line (max 0 line))
(lsp:set-position-character (max 0 character))))
(lsp-defun lsp--apply-text-edit-replace-buffer-contents ((&TextEdit :range (&Range :start :end) :new-text))
"Apply the edits described in the TextEdit object in TEXT-EDIT.
The method uses `replace-buffer-contents'."
(-let* ((source (current-buffer))
((beg . end) (lsp--range-to-region (lsp-make-range :start (lsp--fix-point start)
:end (lsp--fix-point end)))))
(insert new-text)
(let ((temp (current-buffer)))
(with-current-buffer source
(narrow-to-region beg end)
;; On emacs versions < 26.2,
;; `replace-buffer-contents' is buggy - it calls
;; change functions with invalid arguments - so we
;; manually call the change functions here.
;; See emacs bugs #32237, #32278:
;; https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=32237
;; https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=32278
(let ((inhibit-modification-hooks t)
(length (- end beg)))
(run-hook-with-args 'before-change-functions
beg end)
(replace-buffer-contents temp)
(run-hook-with-args 'after-change-functions
beg (+ beg (length new-text))
(defun lsp--to-yasnippet-snippet (snippet)
"Convert LSP SNIPPET to yasnippet snippet."
;; LSP snippet doesn't escape "{", but yasnippet requires escaping it.
(replace-regexp-in-string (rx (or bos (not (any "$" "\\"))) (group "{"))
(rx "\\" (backref 1))
nil nil 1))
(defvar-local lsp-enable-relative-indentation nil
"Enable relative indentation when insert texts, snippets ... from language server.")
(defun lsp--expand-snippet (snippet &optional start end expand-env keep-whitespace)
"Wrapper of `yas-expand-snippet' with all of it arguments.
The snippet will be convert to LSP style and indent according to
LSP server result."
(let* ((inhibit-field-text-motion t)
(offset (save-excursion
(goto-char start)
(yas-indent-line (unless keep-whitespace 'auto))
(yas-also-auto-indent-first-line nil)
(indent-line-function (if (or lsp-enable-relative-indentation
(derived-mode-p 'org-mode))
(lambda () (save-excursion
(forward-line 0)
(insert offset)))
(lsp--to-yasnippet-snippet snippet)
start end expand-env)))
(defun lsp--apply-text-edits (edits)
"Apply the EDITS described in the TextEdit[] object."
(unless (seq-empty-p edits)
(run-hooks 'lsp-before-apply-edits-hook)
(let* ((change-group (prepare-change-group))
(howmany (length edits))
(message (format "Applying %s edits to `%s' ..." howmany (current-buffer)))
(_ (lsp--info message))
(reporter (make-progress-reporter message 0 howmany))
(done 0)
(apply-edit (if (not lsp--virtual-buffer)
(->> edits
(mapc (-lambda ((edit &as &TextEdit :new-text))
(lsp:set-text-edit-new-text edit
(s-replace "\r" "" (or new-text "")))))
(seq-sort #'lsp--text-edit-sort-predicate)
(mapc (lambda (edit)
(progress-reporter-update reporter (cl-incf done))
(funcall apply-edit edit)
(when (lsp:snippet-text-edit-insert-text-format? edit)
(-when-let ((&SnippetTextEdit :range (&RangeToPoint :start)
:insert-text-format? :new-text) edit)
(when (eq insert-text-format? lsp/insert-text-format-snippet)
(lsp--expand-snippet new-text start (+ start (length new-text)))))))))
(undo-amalgamate-change-group change-group)
(progress-reporter-done reporter))))))
(defun lsp--create-apply-text-edits-handlers ()
"Create (handler cleanup-fn) for applying text edits in async request.
Only works when mode is 'tick or 'alive."
(let* (first-edited
(func (lambda (start &rest _)
(setq first-edited (if first-edited
(min start first-edited)
(add-hook 'before-change-functions func nil t)
(lambda (edits)
(if (and first-edited
(seq-find (-lambda ((&TextEdit :range (&RangeToPoint :end)))
;; Text edit region is overlapped
(> end first-edited))
(lsp--warn "TextEdits will not be applied since document has been modified before of them.")
(lsp--apply-text-edits edits)))
(lambda ()
(remove-hook 'before-change-functions func t)))))
(defun lsp--capability (cap &optional capabilities)
"Get the value of capability CAP. If CAPABILITIES is non-nil, use them instead."
(when (stringp cap)
(setq cap (intern (concat ":" cap))))
(lsp-get (or capabilities
(defun lsp--registered-capability (method)
"Check whether there is workspace providing METHOD."
(->> (lsp-workspaces)
(--keep (seq-find (lambda (reg)
(equal (lsp--registered-capability-method reg) method))
(lsp--workspace-registered-server-capabilities it)))
(defvar-local lsp--before-change-vals nil
"Store the positions from the `lsp-before-change' function
call, for validation and use in the `lsp-on-change' function.")
(defun lsp--text-document-content-change-event (start end length)
"Make a TextDocumentContentChangeEvent body for START to END, of length LENGTH."
;; So (47 54 0) means add 7 chars starting at pos 47
;; must become
;; {"range":{"start":{"line":5,"character":6}
;; ,"end" :{"line":5,"character":6}}
;; ,"rangeLength":0
;; ,"text":"\nbb = 5"}
;; And (47 47 7) means delete 7 chars starting at pos 47
;; must become
;; {"range":{"start":{"line":6,"character":0}
;; ,"end" :{"line":7,"character":0}}
;; ,"rangeLength":7
;; ,"text":""}
;; (208 221 3) means delete 3 chars starting at pos 208, and replace them with
;; 13 chars. So it must become
;; {"range":{"start":{"line":5,"character":8}
;; ,"end" :{"line":5,"character":11}}
;; ,"rangeLength":3
;; ,"text":"new-chars-xxx"}
;; Adding text:
;; lsp-before-change:(start,end)=(33,33)
;; lsp-on-change:(start,end,length)=(33,34,0)
;; Changing text:
;; lsp-before-change:(start,end)=(208,211)
;; lsp-on-change:(start,end,length)=(208,221,3)
;; Deleting text:
;; lsp-before-change:(start,end)=(19,27)
;; lsp-on-change:(start,end,length)=(19,19,8)
(if (zerop length)
;; Adding something only, work from start only
`(:range ,(lsp--range
(lsp--point-to-position start)
(lsp--point-to-position start))
:rangeLength 0
:text ,(buffer-substring-no-properties start end))
(if (eq start end)
;; Deleting something only
(if (lsp--bracketed-change-p start length)
;; The before-change value is bracketed, use it
`(:range ,(lsp--range
(lsp--point-to-position start)
(plist-get lsp--before-change-vals :end-pos))
:rangeLength ,length
:text "")
;; If the change is not bracketed, send a full change event instead.
;; Deleting some things, adding others
(if (lsp--bracketed-change-p start length)
;; The before-change value is valid, use it
`(:range ,(lsp--range
(lsp--point-to-position start)
(plist-get lsp--before-change-vals :end-pos))
:rangeLength ,length
:text ,(buffer-substring-no-properties start end))
(defun lsp--bracketed-change-p (start length)
"If the before and after positions are the same, and the length
is the size of the start range, we are probably good."
(-let [(&plist :end before-end :start before-start) lsp--before-change-vals]
(and (eq start before-start)
(eq length (- before-end before-start)))))
(defun lsp--full-change-event ()
`(:text ,(lsp--buffer-content)))
(defun lsp-before-change (start end)
"Executed before a file is changed.
Added to `before-change-functions'."
;; Note:
;; This variable holds a list of functions to call when Emacs is about to
;; modify a buffer. Each function gets two arguments, the beginning and end of
;; the region that is about to change, represented as integers. The buffer
;; that is about to change is always the current buffer when the function is
;; called.
;; Do not expect the before-change hooks and the after-change hooks be called
;; in balanced pairs around each buffer change. Also don't expect the
;; before-change hooks to be called for every chunk of text Emacs is about to
;; delete. These hooks are provided on the assumption that Lisp programs will
;; use either before- or the after-change hooks, but not both, and the
;; boundaries of the region where the changes happen might include more than
;; just the actual changed text, or even lump together several changes done
;; piecemeal.
(setq lsp--before-change-vals
(list :start start
:end end
:end-pos (lsp--point-to-position end)))))
(defun lsp--flush-delayed-changes ()
(let ((inhibit-quit t))
(when lsp--delay-timer
(cancel-timer lsp--delay-timer))
(mapc (-lambda ((workspace buffer document change))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(with-lsp-workspace workspace
(lsp-notify "textDocument/didChange"
(list :textDocument document
:contentChanges (vector change))))))
(prog1 (nreverse lsp--delayed-requests)
(setq lsp--delayed-requests nil)))))
(defun lsp--workspace-sync-method (workspace)
(let* ((sync (-> workspace
(if (lsp-text-document-sync-options? sync)
(lsp:text-document-sync-options-change? sync)
(defun lsp-on-change (start end length &optional content-change-event-fn)
"Executed when a file is changed.
Added to `after-change-functions'."
;; Note:
;; Each function receives three arguments: the beginning and end of the region
;; just changed, and the length of the text that existed before the change.
;; All three arguments are integers. The buffer that has been changed is
;; always the current buffer when the function is called.
;; The length of the old text is the difference between the buffer positions
;; before and after that text as it was before the change. As for the
;; changed text, its length is simply the difference between the first two
;; arguments.
;; So (47 54 0) means add 7 chars starting at pos 47
;; So (47 47 7) means delete 7 chars starting at pos 47
(let ((inhibit-quit t))
;; A (revert-buffer) call with the 'preserve-modes parameter (eg, as done
;; by auto-revert-mode) will cause this handler to get called with a nil
;; buffer-file-name. We need the buffer-file-name to send notifications;
;; so we skip handling revert-buffer-caused changes and instead handle
;; reverts separately in lsp-on-revert
(when (not revert-buffer-in-progress-p)
(cl-incf lsp--cur-version)
(lambda (workspace)
(pcase (or lsp-document-sync-method
(lsp--workspace-sync-method workspace))
(if lsp-debounce-full-sync-notifications
(setq lsp--delayed-requests
(->> lsp--delayed-requests
(-remove (-lambda ((_ buffer))
(equal (current-buffer) buffer)))
(cons (list workspace
(with-lsp-workspace workspace
(lsp-notify "textDocument/didChange"
(list :contentChanges (vector (lsp--full-change-event)))))))
(with-lsp-workspace workspace
(list :textDocument (lsp--versioned-text-document-identifier)
:contentChanges (vector
(if content-change-event-fn
(funcall content-change-event-fn start end length)
start end length)))))))))
(when lsp--delay-timer (cancel-timer lsp--delay-timer))
(setq lsp--delay-timer (run-with-idle-timer
;; force cleanup overlays after each change
(lsp--remove-overlays 'lsp-highlight)
(lsp--after-change (current-buffer))
(setq lsp--signature-last-index nil
lsp--signature-last nil)
;; cleanup diagnostics
(when lsp-diagnostic-clean-after-change
(-let [diagnostics (lsp--workspace-diagnostics lsp--cur-workspace)]
(remhash (lsp--fix-path-casing (buffer-file-name)) diagnostics))))))))
;; facilities for on change hooks. We do not want to make lsp calls on each
;; change event so we add debounce to avoid flooding the server with events.
;; Additionally, we want to have a mechanism for stopping the server calls in
;; particular cases like, e. g. when performing completion.
(defvar lsp-inhibit-lsp-hooks nil
"Flag to control.")
(defcustom lsp-on-change-hook nil
"Hooks to run when buffer has changed."
:type 'hook
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-idle-delay 0.500
"Debounce interval for `after-change-functions'."
:type 'number
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defcustom lsp-on-idle-hook nil
"Hooks to run after `lsp-idle-delay'."
:type 'hook
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defun lsp--idle-reschedule (buffer)
(when lsp--on-idle-timer
(cancel-timer lsp--on-idle-timer))
(setq lsp--on-idle-timer (run-with-idle-timer
(defun lsp--post-command ()
(lsp--idle-reschedule (current-buffer)))
(defun lsp--on-idle (buffer)
"Start post command loop."
(when (and (buffer-live-p buffer)
(equal buffer (current-buffer))
(not lsp-inhibit-lsp-hooks)
(run-hooks 'lsp-on-idle-hook)))
(defun lsp--on-change-debounce (buffer)
(when (and (buffer-live-p buffer)
(equal buffer (current-buffer))
(not lsp-inhibit-lsp-hooks)
(run-hooks 'lsp-on-change-hook)))
(defun lsp--after-change (buffer)
(when lsp--on-change-timer
(cancel-timer lsp--on-change-timer))
(setq lsp--on-change-timer (run-with-idle-timer
(lsp--idle-reschedule buffer))
(defun lsp--on-type-formatting (first-trigger-characters more-trigger-characters)
"Self insert handling.
Applies on type formatting."
(let ((ch last-command-event))
(when (or (eq (string-to-char first-trigger-characters) ch)
(cl-find ch more-trigger-characters :key #'string-to-char))
(-let [(callback cleanup-fn) (lsp--create-apply-text-edits-handlers)]
(lsp-request-async "textDocument/onTypeFormatting"
(lsp-merge (lsp-make-document-on-type-formatting-params
:ch (char-to-string ch)
:position (lsp--cur-position))
(lambda (text-edits)
(funcall callback text-edits)
(funcall cleanup-fn))
:error-handler (lambda (err)
(funcall cleanup-fn)
(error (lsp:json-error-message err)))
:cancel-handler cleanup-fn
:mode 'tick)))))
;; links
(defun lsp--document-links ()
(when (lsp-feature? "textDocument/documentLink")
`(:textDocument ,(lsp--text-document-identifier))
(lambda (links)
(lsp--remove-overlays 'lsp-link)
(-lambda ((link &as &DocumentLink :range (&Range :start :end)))
(-doto (make-button (lsp--position-to-point start)
(lsp--position-to-point end)
'action (lsp--document-link-keymap link)
'keymap (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map [M-return] 'push-button)
(define-key map [mouse-2] 'push-button)
'help-echo "mouse-2, M-RET: Visit this link")
(overlay-put 'lsp-link t)))
:mode 'unchanged)))
(defun lsp--document-link-handle-target (url)
(let* ((parsed-url (url-generic-parse-url (url-unhex-string url)))
(type (url-type parsed-url)))
(pcase type
("file" (find-file (lsp--uri-to-path url)))
((or "http" "https") (browse-url url))
(type (if-let ((handler (lsp--get-uri-handler type)))
(funcall handler url)
(signal 'lsp-file-scheme-not-supported (list url)))))))
(lsp-defun lsp--document-link-keymap ((link &as &DocumentLink :target?))
(if target?
(lambda (_)
(lsp--document-link-handle-target target?))
(lambda (_)
(when (lsp:document-link-registration-options-resolve-provider?
(lsp--capability :documentLinkProvider))
(-lambda ((&DocumentLink :target?))
(lsp--document-link-handle-target target?)))))))
(defun lsp-buffer-language ()
"Get language corresponding current buffer."
(or (->> lsp-language-id-configuration
(-first (-lambda ((mode-or-pattern . language))
((and (stringp mode-or-pattern) (s-matches? mode-or-pattern buffer-file-name)) language)
((eq mode-or-pattern major-mode) language))))
(lsp-warn "Unable to calculate the languageId for current buffer. Take a look at lsp-language-id-configuration.")))
(defun lsp-workspace-root (&optional path)
"Find the workspace root for the current file or PATH."
(-when-let* ((file-name (or path (buffer-file-name)))
(file-name (lsp-f-canonical file-name)))
(->> (lsp-session)
(--first (and (lsp--files-same-host it file-name)
(or (lsp-f-ancestor-of? it file-name)
(equal it file-name)))))))
(defun lsp-on-revert ()
"Executed when a file is reverted.
Added to `after-revert-hook'."
(let ((n (buffer-size))
(revert-buffer-in-progress-p nil))
(lsp-on-change 0 n n)))
(defun lsp--text-document-did-close (&optional keep-workspace-alive)
"Executed when the file is closed, added to `kill-buffer-hook'.
If KEEP-WORKSPACE-ALIVE is non-nil, do not shutdown the workspace
if it's closing the last buffer in the workspace."
(with-demoted-errors "Error on ‘lsp--text-document-did-close’: %S"
(let ((old-buffers (lsp--workspace-buffers lsp--cur-workspace)))
;; remove buffer from the current workspace's list of buffers
;; do a sanity check first
(when (memq (lsp-current-buffer) old-buffers)
(setf (lsp--workspace-buffers lsp--cur-workspace)
(delq (lsp-current-buffer) old-buffers))
(with-demoted-errors "Error sending didClose notification in ‘lsp--text-document-did-close’: %S"
`(:textDocument ,(lsp--text-document-identifier))))
(when (and (not lsp-keep-workspace-alive)
(not keep-workspace-alive)
(not (lsp--workspace-buffers lsp--cur-workspace)))
(defun lsp--will-save-text-document-params (reason)
(list :textDocument (lsp--text-document-identifier)
:reason reason))
(defun lsp--before-save ()
"Before save handler."
(with-demoted-errors "Error in ‘lsp--before-save’: %S"
(let ((params (lsp--will-save-text-document-params 1)))
(when (lsp--send-will-save-p)
(lsp-notify "textDocument/willSave" params))
(when (and (lsp--send-will-save-wait-until-p) lsp-before-save-edits)
(let ((lsp-response-timeout 0.1))
(condition-case nil
(lsp-request "textDocument/willSaveWaitUntil"
(defun lsp--on-auto-save ()
"Handler for auto-save."
(when (lsp--send-will-save-p)
(with-demoted-errors "Error in ‘lsp--on-auto-save’: %S"
(lsp-notify "textDocument/willSave" (lsp--will-save-text-document-params 2)))))
(defun lsp--text-document-did-save ()
"Executed when the file is closed, added to `after-save-hook''."
(when (lsp--send-did-save-p)
(with-demoted-errors "Error on ‘lsp--text-document-did-save: %S’"
(lsp-notify "textDocument/didSave"
`(:textDocument ,(lsp--versioned-text-document-identifier)
,@(when (lsp--save-include-text-p)
(list :text (lsp--buffer-content))))))))
(defun lsp--text-document-position-params (&optional identifier position)
"Make TextDocumentPositionParams for the current point in the current document.
If IDENTIFIER and POSITION are non-nil, they will be used as the document identifier
and the position respectively."
(list :textDocument (or identifier (lsp--text-document-identifier))
:position (or position (lsp--cur-position))))
(defun lsp--get-buffer-diagnostics ()
"Return buffer diagnostics."
(gethash (or
(plist-get lsp--virtual-buffer :buffer-file-name)
(lsp--fix-path-casing buffer-file-name))
(lsp-diagnostics t)))
(defun lsp-cur-line-diagnostics ()
"Return any diagnostics that apply to the current line."
(-let [(&plist :start (&plist :line start) :end (&plist :line end)) (lsp--region-or-line)]
(cl-coerce (-filter
(-lambda ((&Diagnostic :range (&Range :start (&Position :line))))
(and (>= line start) (<= line end)))
(defalias 'lsp--cur-line-diagnotics 'lsp-cur-line-diagnostics)
(defun lsp--extract-line-from-buffer (pos)
"Return the line pointed to by POS (a Position object) in the current buffer."
(let* ((point (lsp--position-to-point pos))
(inhibit-field-text-motion t))
(goto-char point)
(buffer-substring-no-properties (line-beginning-position)
(lsp-defun lsp--xref-make-item (filename (&Range :start (start &as &Position :character start-char :line start-line)
:end (end &as &Position :character end-char)))
"Return a xref-item from a RANGE in FILENAME."
(let* ((line (lsp--extract-line-from-buffer start))
(len (length line)))
(add-face-text-property (max (min start-char len) 0)
(max (min end-char len) 0)
'highlight t line)
;; LINE is nil when FILENAME is not being current visited by any buffer.
(xref-make (or line filename)
(lsp-translate-line (1+ start-line))
(lsp-translate-column start-char)))))
(defun lsp--locations-to-xref-items (locations)
"Return a list of `xref-item' from Location[] or LocationLink[]."
(setq locations (if (sequencep locations)
(append locations nil)
(list locations)))
(cl-labels ((get-xrefs-in-file
(file-locs location-link)
(-let [(filename . matches) file-locs]
(condition-case err
(let ((visiting (find-buffer-visiting filename))
(fn (lambda (loc)
(lsp-with-filename filename
(if location-link
(lsp:location-link-target-selection-range loc)
(lsp:location-range loc)))))))
(if visiting
(with-current-buffer visiting
(seq-map fn matches))
(when (file-readable-p filename)
(insert-file-contents-literally filename)
(seq-map fn matches)))))
(error (lsp-warn "Failed to process xref entry for filename '%s': %s"
filename (error-message-string err)))
(file-error (lsp-warn "Failed to process xref entry, file-error, '%s': %s"
filename (error-message-string err)))))))
(apply #'append
(if (->> locations cl-first lsp-location?)
(->> locations
(seq-group-by (-compose #'lsp--uri-to-path #'lsp:location-uri))
(seq-map (-rpartial #'get-xrefs-in-file nil)))
(->> locations
(seq-group-by (-compose #'lsp--uri-to-path #'lsp:location-link-target-uri))
(seq-map (-rpartial #'get-xrefs-in-file t)))))))
(defun lsp--make-reference-params (&optional td-position include-declaration)
"Make a ReferenceParam object.
If TD-POSITION is non-nil, use it as TextDocumentPositionParams object instead.
If INCLUDE-DECLARATION is non-nil, request the server to include declarations."
(let ((json-false :json-false))
(plist-put (or td-position (lsp--text-document-position-params))
:context `(:includeDeclaration ,(or include-declaration json-false)))))
(defun lsp--cancel-request (id)
"Cancel request with ID in all workspaces."
(->> lsp--cur-workspace lsp--workspace-client lsp--client-response-handlers (remhash id))
(lsp-notify "$/cancelRequest" `(:id ,id))))
(defun lsp-eldoc-function ()
"`lsp-mode' eldoc function."
(run-hooks 'lsp-eldoc-hook)
(defun dash-expand:&lsp-wks (key source)
`(,(intern-soft (format "lsp--workspace-%s" (eval key))) ,source))
(defun dash-expand:&lsp-cln (key source)
`(,(intern-soft (format "lsp--client-%s" (eval key))) ,source)))
(defun lsp--point-on-highlight? ()
(-some? (lambda (overlay)
(overlay-get overlay 'lsp-highlight))
(overlays-at (point))))
(defun lsp--cleanup-highlights-if-needed ()
(when (and lsp-enable-symbol-highlighting
(not (lsp--point-on-highlight?)))
(lsp--remove-overlays 'lsp-highlight)
(setq lsp--have-document-highlights nil)
(lsp-cancel-request-by-token :highlights)))
(defun lsp--document-highlight ()
(unless (or (looking-at "[[:space:]\n]")
(not lsp-enable-symbol-highlighting))
(lsp-request-async "textDocument/documentHighlight"
:mode 'tick
:cancel-token :highlights)))
(defun lsp-describe-thing-at-point ()
"Display the type signature and documentation of the thing at
(let ((contents (-some->> (lsp--text-document-position-params)
(lsp--make-request "textDocument/hover")
(if (and contents (not (equal contents "")))
(let ((lsp-help-buf-name "*lsp-help*"))
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create lsp-help-buf-name)
(with-help-window lsp-help-buf-name
(insert (string-trim-right (lsp--render-on-hover-content contents t))))))
(lsp--info "No content at point."))))
(defun lsp--point-in-bounds-p (bounds)
"Return whether the current point is within BOUNDS."
(and (<= (car bounds) (point)) (< (point) (cdr bounds))))
(defun lsp-get-renderer (language)
"Get renderer for LANGUAGE."
(lambda (str)
(lsp--render-string str language)))
(defun lsp--setup-markdown (mode)
"Setup the ‘markdown-mode’ in the frame.
MODE is the mode used in the parent frame."
(make-local-variable 'markdown-code-lang-modes)
(dolist (mark (alist-get mode lsp-custom-markup-modes))
(add-to-list 'markdown-code-lang-modes (cons mark mode)))
(setq-local markdown-fontify-code-blocks-natively t)
(setq-local markdown-fontify-code-block-default-mode mode)
(setq-local markdown-hide-markup t)
;; Render some common HTML entities.
;; This should really happen in markdown-mode instead,
;; but it doesn't, so we do it here for now.
(setq prettify-symbols-alist
(cl-loop for i from 0 to 255
collect (cons (format "%02X;" i) i)))
(push '("<" . ?<) prettify-symbols-alist)
(push '(">" . ?>) prettify-symbols-alist)
(push '("&" . ?&) prettify-symbols-alist)
(push '(" " . ? ) prettify-symbols-alist)
(setq prettify-symbols-compose-predicate
(lambda (_start _end _match) t))
(prettify-symbols-mode 1))
(defun lsp--buffer-string-visible ()
"Return visible buffer string.
Stolen from `org-copy-visible'."
(let ((temp (generate-new-buffer " *temp*"))
(beg (point-min))
(end (point-max)))
(while (/= beg end)
(when (get-char-property beg 'invisible)
(setq beg (next-single-char-property-change beg 'invisible nil end)))
(let* ((next (next-single-char-property-change beg 'invisible nil end))
(substring (buffer-substring beg next)))
(with-current-buffer temp (insert substring))
;; (setq result (concat result substring))
(setq beg next)))
(setq deactivate-mark t)
(prog1 (with-current-buffer temp
(s-chop-suffix "\n" (buffer-string)))
(kill-buffer temp))))
(defun lsp--render-markdown ()
"Render markdown."
(let ((markdown-enable-math nil))
;; Temporary patch --- since the symbol is not rendered fine in lsp-ui
;; Anything that renders full-width disturbs the width calculation
;; of the resulting hover window.
;; See https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-ui/issues/442
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward
(rx (or
(seq bol (+ "-") eol)
(seq "\* \* \*" eol)
(seq "\-\-\-" eol)
(seq "\_\_\_" eol)))
nil t)
(replace-match ""))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward
(rx (and "\\" (group (or "\\" "`" "*" "_" ":" "/"
"{" "}" "[" "]" "(" ")"
"#" "+" "-" "." "!" "|"))))
nil t)
(replace-match (rx (backref 1))))
;; markdown-mode v2.3 does not yet provide gfm-view-mode
(if (fboundp 'gfm-view-mode)
(lsp--setup-markdown major-mode)))
(defvar lsp--display-inline-image-alist
(buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
nil t))))
"Replaced string regexp and function returning image.
Each element should be:
MODE (car) is function which is defined in `lsp-language-id-configuration'.
Cdr should be list of PROPERTY-LIST.
Each PROPERTY-LIST should have properties:
:regexp Regexp which determines what string is relpaced to image.
You should also get information of image, by parenthesis constructs.
By default, all matched string is replaced to image, but you can
change index of replaced string by keyword :replaced-index.
:sexp Return image when evaluated. You can use information of regexp
by using (match-beggining N), (match-end N) or (match-substring N).
In addition, each can have property:
:replaced-index Determine index which is used to replace regexp to image.
The value means first argument of `match-beginning' and
`match-end'. If omitted, interpreted as index 0.")
(defcustom lsp-display-inline-image t
"Showing inline image or not."
:group 'lsp-mode
:type 'boolean)
(defun lsp--display-inline-image (mode)
"Add image property if available."
(let ((plist-list (cdr (assq mode lsp--display-inline-image-alist))))
(when (and (display-images-p) lsp-display-inline-image)
for plist in plist-list
with regexp with replaced-index
(setq regexp (plist-get plist :regexp))
(setq replaced-index (or (plist-get plist :replaced-index) 0))
(font-lock-remove-keywords nil (list regexp replaced-index))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
(match-beginning replaced-index) (match-end replaced-index)
(match-beginning replaced-index) (match-end replaced-index)
`(display ,(eval (plist-get plist :sexp)))))))))))
(defun lsp--fontlock-with-mode (str mode)
"Fontlock STR with MODE."
(condition-case nil
(insert str)
(delay-mode-hooks (funcall mode))
(cl-flet ((window-body-width () lsp-window-body-width))
(lsp--display-inline-image mode))
(error str)))
(defun lsp--render-string (str language)
"Render STR using `major-mode' corresponding to LANGUAGE.
When language is nil render as markup if `markdown-mode' is loaded."
(setq str (or str ""))
(if-let ((mode (-some (-lambda ((mode . lang))
(when (and (equal lang language) (functionp mode))
(lsp--fontlock-with-mode str mode)
(s-replace "\r" "" str)))
(defun lsp--render-element (content)
"Render CONTENT element."
(let ((inhibit-message t))
((lsp-marked-string? content)
(-let [(&MarkedString :language :value) content]
(lsp--render-string value language)))
((lsp-markup-content? content)
(-let [(&MarkupContent :value :kind) content]
(lsp--render-string value kind)))
;; plain string
((stringp content) (lsp--render-string content "markdown"))
((null content) "")
(t (error "Failed to handle %s" content)))
(defun lsp--create-unique-string-fn ()
(let (elements)
(lambda (element)
(let ((count (cl-count element elements :test #'string=)))
(prog1 (if (zerop count)
(format "%s (%s)" element count))
(push element elements))))))
(defun lsp--select-action (actions)
"Select an action to execute from ACTIONS."
((seq-empty-p actions) (signal 'lsp-no-code-actions nil))
((and (eq (seq-length actions) 1) lsp-auto-execute-action)
(lsp-seq-first actions))
(t (let ((completion-ignore-case t))
(lsp--completing-read "Select code action: "
(seq-into actions 'list)
(-compose (lsp--create-unique-string-fn)
nil t)))))
(defun lsp-join-region (beg end)
"Apply join-line from BEG to END.
This function is useful when an indented function prototype needs
to be shown in a single line."
(let ((end (copy-marker end)))
(goto-char beg)
(while (< (point) end)
(join-line 1)))
(s-trim (buffer-string))))
(defun lsp--workspace-server-id (workspace)
"Return the server ID of WORKSPACE."
(-> workspace lsp--workspace-client lsp--client-server-id))
(defun lsp--handle-rendered-for-echo-area (contents)
"Return a single line from RENDERED, appropriate for display in the echo area."
(pcase (lsp-workspaces)
(lsp-clients-extract-signature-on-hover contents (lsp--workspace-server-id workspace)))
;; For projects with multiple active workspaces we also default to
;; render the first line.
(_ (lsp-clients-extract-signature-on-hover contents nil))))
(cl-defgeneric lsp-clients-extract-signature-on-hover (contents _server-id)
"Extract a representative line from CONTENTS, to show in the echo area."
(car (s-lines (lsp--render-element contents))))
(defun lsp--render-on-hover-content (contents render-all)
"Render the content received from 'document/onHover' request.
CONTENTS - MarkedString | MarkedString[] | MarkupContent
RENDER-ALL - nil if only the signature should be rendered."
((lsp-markup-content? contents)
;; MarkupContent.
;; It tends to be long and is not suitable to display fully in the echo area.
;; Just display the first line which is typically the signature.
(if render-all
(lsp--render-element contents)
(lsp--handle-rendered-for-echo-area contents)))
((and (stringp contents) (not (string-match-p "\n" contents)))
;; If the contents is a single string containing a single line,
;; render it always.
(lsp--render-element contents))
;; MarkedString -> MarkedString[]
(when (or (lsp-marked-string? contents) (stringp contents))
(setq contents (list contents)))
;; Consider the signature consisting of the elements who have a renderable
;; "language" property. When render-all is nil, ignore other elements.
(if render-all
;; Only render contents that have an available renderer.
(-andfn #'lsp-marked-string?
(-compose #'lsp-get-renderer #'lsp:marked-string-language))
(if (bound-and-true-p page-break-lines-mode)
(defvar lsp-signature-mode-map
(-doto (make-sparse-keymap)
(define-key (kbd "M-n") #'lsp-signature-next)
(define-key (kbd "M-p") #'lsp-signature-previous)
(define-key (kbd "M-a") #'lsp-signature-toggle-full-docs)
(define-key (kbd "C-c C-k") #'lsp-signature-stop))
"Keymap for `lsp-signature-mode-map'")
(define-minor-mode lsp-signature-mode ""
nil nil nil
:keymap lsp-signature-mode-map
:lighter ""
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defun lsp-signature-stop ()
"Stop showing current signature help."
(lsp-cancel-request-by-token :signature)
(with-current-buffer (or lsp--signature-last-buffer (current-buffer))
(remove-hook 'lsp-on-idle-hook #'lsp-signature t))
(remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'lsp--signature-maybe-stop)
(funcall lsp-signature-function nil)
(lsp-signature-mode -1))
(defun lsp-lv-message (message)
(if message
(setq lsp--signature-last-buffer (current-buffer))
(let ((lv-force-update t))
(lv-message message)))
(defun lsp--handle-signature-update (signature)
(let ((message
(if (lsp-signature-help? signature)
(lsp--signature->message signature)
(mapconcat #'lsp--signature->message signature "\n"))))
(if (s-present? message)
(funcall lsp-signature-function message)
(defun lsp--signature-maybe-stop ()
(when (and lsp--signature-last-buffer
(not (equal (current-buffer) lsp--signature-last-buffer)))
(defun lsp-signature-activate ()
"Activate signature help.
It will show up only if current point has signature help."
(setq lsp--signature-last nil)
(setq lsp--signature-last-index nil)
(setq lsp--signature-last-buffer nil)
(add-hook 'lsp-on-idle-hook #'lsp-signature nil t)
(add-hook 'post-command-hook #'lsp--signature-maybe-stop)
(lsp-signature-mode t))
(defun lsp-signature-next ()
"Show next signature."
(when (and lsp--signature-last-index
(< (1+ lsp--signature-last-index) (length (lsp:signature-help-signatures lsp--signature-last))))
(setq lsp--signature-last-index (1+ lsp--signature-last-index))
(funcall lsp-signature-function (lsp--signature->message lsp--signature-last))))
(defun lsp-signature-previous ()
"Next signature."
(when (and lsp--signature-last-index
(not (zerop lsp--signature-last-index)))
(setq lsp--signature-last-index (1- lsp--signature-last-index))
(funcall lsp-signature-function (lsp--signature->message lsp--signature-last))))
(defun lsp-signature-toggle-full-docs ()
"Toggle full/partial signature documentation."
(let ((all? (not (numberp lsp-signature-doc-lines))))
(setq lsp-signature-doc-lines (if all?
(or (car-safe lsp-signature-doc-lines)
(list lsp-signature-doc-lines))))
(defun lsp--signature->message (signature-help)
"Generate eldoc message from SIGNATURE-HELP response."
(setq lsp--signature-last signature-help)
(when (and signature-help (not (seq-empty-p (lsp:signature-help-signatures signature-help))))
(-let* (((&SignatureHelp :active-signature?
:signatures) signature-help)
(active-signature? (or lsp--signature-last-index active-signature? 0))
(_ (setq lsp--signature-last-index active-signature?))
((signature &as &SignatureInformation? :label :parameters?) (seq-elt signatures active-signature?))
(prefix (format "%s/%s%s"
(1+ active-signature?)
(length signatures)
(propertize "│ " 'face 'shadow)))
(prefix-length (- (length prefix) 2))
(method-docs (when
(and lsp-signature-render-documentation
(or (not (numberp lsp-signature-doc-lines)) (< 0 lsp-signature-doc-lines)))
(let ((docs (lsp--render-element
(lsp:parameter-information-documentation? signature))))
(when (s-present? docs)
(propertize (concat "\n"
(s-repeat prefix-length "─")
'face 'shadow)
(if (and (numberp lsp-signature-doc-lines)
(> (length (s-lines docs)) lsp-signature-doc-lines))
(concat (s-join "\n" (-take lsp-signature-doc-lines (s-lines docs)))
(propertize "\nTruncated..." 'face 'highlight))
(propertize (concat "\n"
(s-repeat prefix-length "─")
'face 'shadow)))))))
(when (and active-parameter? (not (seq-empty-p parameters?)))
(-when-let* ((param (when (and (< -1 active-parameter? (length parameters?)))
(seq-elt parameters? active-parameter?)))
(selected-param-label (let ((label (lsp:parameter-information-label param)))
(if (stringp label) label (append label nil))))
(start (if (stringp selected-param-label)
(s-index-of selected-param-label label)
(cl-first selected-param-label)))
(end (if (stringp selected-param-label)
(+ start (length selected-param-label))
(cl-second selected-param-label))))
(add-face-text-property start end 'eldoc-highlight-function-argument nil label)))
(concat prefix label method-docs))))
(defun lsp-signature ()
"Display signature info (based on `textDocument/signatureHelp')"
(lsp-request-async "textDocument/signatureHelp"
:cancel-token :signature))
(defcustom lsp-overlay-document-color-char "■"
"Display the char represent the document color in overlay"
:type 'string
:group 'lsp-mode)
;; color presentation
(defun lsp--color-create-interactive-command (color range)
(lambda ()
(-let [(&ColorPresentation? :text-edit?
"Select color presentation: "
`(:textDocument ,(lsp--text-document-identifier)
:color ,color
:range ,range))
(when text-edit?
(lsp--apply-text-edit text-edit?))
(when additional-text-edits?
(lsp--apply-text-edits additional-text-edits?)))))
(defun lsp--number->color (number)
(let ((result (format "%x"
(round (* (or number 0) 255.0)))))
(if (= 1 (length result))
(concat "0" result)
(defun lsp--document-color ()
"Document color handler."
(when (lsp-feature? "textDocument/documentColor")
`(:textDocument ,(lsp--text-document-identifier))
(lambda (result)
(lsp--remove-overlays 'lsp-color)
(-lambda ((&ColorInformation :color (color &as &Color :red :green :blue)
(-let* (((beg . end) (lsp--range-to-region range))
(overlay (make-overlay beg end))
(command (lsp--color-create-interactive-command color range)))
(overlay-put overlay 'lsp-color t)
(overlay-put overlay 'evaporate t)
(overlay-put overlay
'face `((:foreground ,(format
(lsp--number->color red)
(lsp--number->color green)
(lsp--number->color blue))))
'action command
'mouse-face 'lsp-lens-mouse-face
'local-map (-doto (make-sparse-keymap)
(define-key [mouse-1] command))))))
:mode 'unchanged
:cancel-token :document-color-token)))
;; hover
(defvar-local lsp--hover-saved-bounds nil)
(defun lsp-hover ()
"Display hover info (based on `textDocument/signatureHelp')."
(if (and lsp--hover-saved-bounds
(lsp--point-in-bounds-p lsp--hover-saved-bounds))
(lsp--eldoc-message lsp--eldoc-saved-message)
(setq lsp--hover-saved-bounds nil
lsp--eldoc-saved-message nil)
(if (looking-at "[[:space:]\n]")
(lsp--eldoc-message nil)
(when (and lsp-eldoc-enable-hover (lsp--capability :hoverProvider))
(-lambda ((hover &as &Hover? :range? :contents))
(when hover
(when range?
(setq lsp--hover-saved-bounds (lsp--range-to-region range?)))
(lsp--eldoc-message (and contents
:error-handler #'ignore
:mode 'tick
:cancel-token :eldoc-hover)))))
(defun lsp--find-action-handler (command)
"Find action handler for particular COMMAND."
(--some (-some->> it
(gethash command))
(defun lsp--text-document-code-action-params (&optional kind)
"Code action params."
(list :textDocument (lsp--text-document-identifier)
:range (if (use-region-p)
(lsp--region-to-range (region-beginning) (region-end))
(lsp--region-to-range (point) (point)))
:context `(:diagnostics ,(lsp-cur-line-diagnostics)
,@(when kind (list :only (vector kind))))))
(defun lsp-code-actions-at-point (&optional kind)
"Retrieve the code actions for the active region or the current line."
(lsp-request "textDocument/codeAction" (lsp--text-document-code-action-params kind)))
(defun lsp-execute-code-action-by-kind (command-kind)
"Execute code action by name."
(if-let ((action (->> (lsp-get-or-calculate-code-actions command-kind)
(-filter (-lambda ((&CodeAction :kind?))
(and kind? (equal command-kind kind?))))
(lsp-execute-code-action action)
(signal 'lsp-no-code-actions '(command-kind))))
(defalias 'lsp-get-or-calculate-code-actions 'lsp-code-actions-at-point)
(lsp-defun lsp--execute-command ((action &as &Command :command :arguments?))
"Parse and execute a code ACTION represented as a Command LSP type."
(-if-let* ((action-handler (lsp--find-action-handler command)))
(funcall action-handler action)
(lsp--send-execute-command command arguments?)))
(lsp-defun lsp-execute-code-action ((action &as &CodeAction :command? :edit?))
"Execute code action ACTION.
If ACTION is not set it will be selected from `lsp-code-actions-at-point'."
(interactive (list (lsp--select-action (lsp-code-actions-at-point))))
(when edit?
(lsp--apply-workspace-edit edit?))
((stringp command?) (lsp--execute-command action))
((lsp-command? command?) (lsp--execute-command command?))))
(defvar lsp--formatting-indent-alist
;; Taken from `dtrt-indent-mode'
'((c-mode . c-basic-offset) ; C
(c++-mode . c-basic-offset) ; C++
(d-mode . c-basic-offset) ; D
(java-mode . c-basic-offset) ; Java
(jde-mode . c-basic-offset) ; Java (JDE)
(js-mode . js-indent-level) ; JavaScript
(js2-mode . js2-basic-offset) ; JavaScript-IDE
(js3-mode . js3-indent-level) ; JavaScript-IDE
(json-mode . js-indent-level) ; JSON
(lua-mode . lua-indent-level) ; Lua
(objc-mode . c-basic-offset) ; Objective C
(php-mode . c-basic-offset) ; PHP
(perl-mode . perl-indent-level) ; Perl
(cperl-mode . cperl-indent-level) ; Perl
(raku-mode . raku-indent-offset) ; Perl6/Raku
(erlang-mode . erlang-indent-level) ; Erlang
(ada-mode . ada-indent) ; Ada
(sgml-mode . sgml-basic-offset) ; SGML
(nxml-mode . nxml-child-indent) ; XML
(pascal-mode . pascal-indent-level) ; Pascal
(typescript-mode . typescript-indent-level) ; Typescript
(sh-mode . sh-basic-offset) ; Shell Script
(ruby-mode . ruby-indent-level) ; Ruby
(enh-ruby-mode . enh-ruby-indent-level) ; Ruby
(crystal-mode . crystal-indent-level) ; Crystal (Ruby)
(css-mode . css-indent-offset) ; CSS
(rust-mode . rust-indent-offset) ; Rust
(rustic-mode . rustic-indent-offset) ; Rust
(scala-mode . scala-indent:step) ; Scala
(powershell-mode . powershell-indent) ; PowerShell
(default . standard-indent)) ; default fallback
"A mapping from `major-mode' to its indent variable.")
(defun lsp--get-indent-width (mode)
"Get indentation offset for MODE."
(or (alist-get mode lsp--formatting-indent-alist)
(lsp--get-indent-width (or (get mode 'derived-mode-parent) 'default))))
(defun lsp--make-document-formatting-params ()
"Create document formatting params."
:text-document (lsp--text-document-identifier)
:options (lsp-make-formatting-options
:tab-size (symbol-value (lsp--get-indent-width major-mode))
:insert-spaces (if indent-tabs-mode :json-false t))))
(defun lsp-format-buffer ()
"Ask the server to format this document."
(interactive "*")
(cond ((lsp-feature? "textDocument/formatting")
(let ((edits (lsp-request "textDocument/formatting"
(if (seq-empty-p edits)
(lsp--info "No formatting changes provided")
(lsp--apply-text-edits edits))))
((lsp-feature? "textDocument/rangeFormatting")
(lsp-format-region (point-min) (point-max))))
(t (signal 'lsp-capability-not-supported (list "documentFormattingProvider")))))
(defun lsp-format-region (s e)
"Ask the server to format the region, or if none is selected, the current line."
(interactive "r")
(let ((edits (lsp-request
(lsp--make-document-range-formatting-params s e))))
(if (seq-empty-p edits)
(lsp--info "No formatting changes provided")
(lsp--apply-text-edits edits))))
(defmacro lsp-make-interactive-code-action (func-name code-action-kind)
"Define an interactive function FUNC-NAME that attempts to
execute a CODE-ACTION-KIND action."
`(defun ,(intern (concat "lsp-" (symbol-name func-name))) ()
,(format "Perform the %s code action, if available." code-action-kind)
(condition-case nil
(lsp-execute-code-action-by-kind ,code-action-kind)
(when (called-interactively-p 'any)
(lsp--info ,(format "%s action not available" code-action-kind)))))))
(lsp-make-interactive-code-action organize-imports "source.organizeImports")
(defun lsp--make-document-range-formatting-params (start end)
"Make DocumentRangeFormattingParams for selected region."
(lsp:set-document-range-formatting-params-range (lsp--make-document-formatting-params)
(lsp--region-to-range start end)))
(defconst lsp--highlight-kind-face
'((1 . lsp-face-highlight-textual)
(2 . lsp-face-highlight-read)
(3 . lsp-face-highlight-write)))
(defun lsp--remove-overlays (name)
(remove-overlays (point-min) (point-max) name t)))
(defun lsp-document-highlight ()
"Highlight all relevant references to the symbol under point."
(lsp--remove-overlays 'lsp-highlight) ;; clear any previous highlights
(defun lsp--document-highlight-callback (highlights)
"Create a callback to process the reply of a
'textDocument/documentHighlight' message for the buffer BUF.
A reference is highlighted only if it is visible in a window."
(lsp--remove-overlays 'lsp-highlight)
(let* ((wins-visible-pos (-map (lambda (win)
(cons (1- (line-number-at-pos (window-start win)))
(1+ (line-number-at-pos (window-end win)))))
(get-buffer-window-list nil nil 'visible))))
(setq lsp--have-document-highlights t)
(-lambda ((&DocumentHighlight :range (&Range :start (start &as &Position :line start-line)
:end (end &as &Position :line end-line))
(-lambda ((start-window . end-window))
;; Make the overlay only if the reference is visible
(let ((start-point (lsp--position-to-point start))
(end-point (lsp--position-to-point end)))
(when (and (> (1+ start-line) start-window)
(< (1+ end-line) end-window)
(not (and lsp-symbol-highlighting-skip-current
(<= start-point (point) end-point))))
(-doto (make-overlay start-point end-point)
(overlay-put 'face (cdr (assq (or kind? 1) lsp--highlight-kind-face)))
(overlay-put 'lsp-highlight t)))))
(defun lsp--build-face-map (identifiers faces category varname)
(apply 'vector
(mapcar (lambda (id)
(let ((maybe-face (cdr (assoc id faces))))
(when (and lsp-semantic-highlighting-warn-on-missing-face (not maybe-face))
(lsp-warn "No face has been associated to the %s '%s': consider adding a corresponding definition to %s"
category id varname)) maybe-face)) identifiers)))
(defun lsp--semantic-tokens-initialize-workspace (workspace)
(cl-assert workspace)
(when-let ((token-capabilities
(lsp--registered-capability "textDocument/semanticTokens")
(lsp--workspace-server-capabilities workspace)))))
(-let* (((&SemanticTokensOptions :legend) token-capabilities))
(setf (lsp--workspace-semantic-highlighting-faces workspace)
(lsp--build-face-map (lsp:semantic-tokens-legend-token-types legend)
"semantic token"
(setf (lsp--workspace-semantic-highlighting-modifier-faces workspace)
(lsp--build-face-map (lsp:semantic-tokens-legend-token-modifiers legend)
"semantic token modifier"
(defun lsp--semantic-tokens-request-update ()
(when lsp--semantic-tokens-use-ranged-requests (cons (window-start) (window-end))) t))
(defun lsp--semantic-tokens-initialize-buffer (is-range-provider)
(let* ((old-extend-region-functions font-lock-extend-region-functions)
;; make sure font-lock always fontifies entire lines (TODO: do we also have
;; to change some jit-lock-...-region functions/variables?)
(if (memq 'font-lock-extend-region-wholelines old-extend-region-functions)
(cons 'font-lock-extend-region-wholelines old-extend-region-functions))))
(setq lsp--semantic-tokens-use-ranged-requests is-range-provider)
(setq font-lock-extend-region-functions new-extend-region-functions)
(add-function :around (local 'font-lock-fontify-region-function) #'lsp--semantic-tokens-fontify)
(add-hook 'lsp-on-change-hook #'lsp--semantic-tokens-request-update nil t)
(setq lsp--semantic-tokens-teardown
(lambda ()
(setq font-lock-extend-region-functions old-extend-region-functions)
(when lsp--semantic-tokens-idle-timer
(cancel-timer lsp--semantic-tokens-idle-timer)
(setq lsp--semantic-tokens-idle-timer nil))
(setq lsp--semantic-tokens-use-ranged-requests nil)
(setq lsp--semantic-tokens-cache nil)
(remove-function (local 'font-lock-fontify-region-function)
(remove-hook 'lsp-on-change-hook #'lsp--semantic-tokens-request-update t)))))
(defun lsp--semantic-tokens-fontify (old-fontify-region beg end &optional loudly)
;; TODO: support multiple language servers per buffer?
(let ((faces (seq-some #'lsp--workspace-semantic-highlighting-faces lsp--buffer-workspaces))
(when lsp-semantic-tokens-apply-modifiers
(seq-some #'lsp--workspace-semantic-highlighting-modifier-faces lsp--buffer-workspaces))))
(if (or (eq nil lsp--semantic-tokens-cache)
(eq nil faces)
;; delay fontification until we have fresh tokens
(not (= lsp--cur-version (lsp-get lsp--semantic-tokens-cache :_documentVersion))))
'(jit-lock-bounds 0 . 0)
(funcall old-fontify-region beg end loudly)
(-let* ((inhibit-field-text-motion t)
((&SematicTokensPartialResult :data) lsp--semantic-tokens-cache)
(i0 0)
(i-max (1- (length data)))
(current-line 1)
(column 0)
(goto-char beg)
(goto-char (line-beginning-position))
(setq line-min (line-number-at-pos))
(goto-char end)
(goto-char (line-end-position))
(setq line-max-inclusive (line-number-at-pos))
(forward-line (- line-min line-max-inclusive))
(let ((skip-lines (- line-min current-line)))
(while (and (<= i0 i-max) (< (aref data i0) skip-lines))
(setq skip-lines (- skip-lines (aref data i0)))
(setq i0 (+ i0 5)))
(setq current-line (- line-min skip-lines)))
(forward-line (- current-line line-min))
(setq line-start-pos (point))
for i from i0 to i-max by 5 do
(setq line-delta (aref data i))
(unless (= line-delta 0)
(forward-line line-delta)
(setq line-start-pos (point))
(setq column 0)
(setq current-line (+ current-line line-delta)))
(setq column (+ column (aref data (1+ i))))
(setq face (aref faces (aref data (+ i 3))))
(setq text-property-beg (+ line-start-pos column))
(setq text-property-end (+ text-property-beg (aref data (+ i 2))))
(when face (put-text-property text-property-beg text-property-end 'face face))
(cl-loop for j from 0 to (1- (length modifier-faces)) do
(when (and (aref modifier-faces j)
(> (logand (aref data (+ i 4)) (lsh 1 j)) 0))
(add-face-text-property text-property-beg text-property-end
(aref modifier-faces j))))
when (> current-line line-max-inclusive) return nil)))))
(let ((token-region (lsp-get lsp--semantic-tokens-cache :_region)))
(if token-region
`(jit-lock-bounds ,(max beg (car token-region)) . ,(min end (cdr token-region)))
`(jit-lock-bounds ,beg . ,end))))))
(defun lsp--semantic-tokens-request (region fontify-immediately)
(let ((request-full-token-set
(lambda (fontify-immediately)
(when lsp--semantic-tokens-idle-timer
(cancel-timer lsp--semantic-tokens-idle-timer))
(setq lsp--semantic-tokens-idle-timer
(lambda () (lsp--semantic-tokens-request nil fontify-immediately)))))))
(when lsp--semantic-tokens-idle-timer
(cancel-timer lsp--semantic-tokens-idle-timer))
(region "textDocument/semanticTokens/range")
((lsp-feature? "textDocument/semanticTokensFull")
(t "textDocument/semanticTokens"))
`(:textDocument ,(lsp--text-document-identifier)
,@(if region (list :range (lsp--region-to-range (car region) (cdr region))) '()))
(lambda (response)
(setq lsp--semantic-tokens-cache response)
(lsp-put lsp--semantic-tokens-cache :_documentVersion lsp--cur-version)
(lsp-put lsp--semantic-tokens-cache :_region region)
(when fontify-immediately (font-lock-flush))
;; request full token set to improve fontification speed when scrolling
(when region (funcall request-full-token-set nil)))
:error-handler (lambda (&rest _) (funcall request-full-token-set t))
:mode 'tick
:cancel-token (format "semantic-tokens-%s" (lsp--buffer-uri)))))
(defconst lsp--symbol-kind
'((1 . "File")
(2 . "Module")
(3 . "Namespace")
(4 . "Package")
(5 . "Class")
(6 . "Method")
(7 . "Property")
(8 . "Field")
(9 . "Constructor")
(10 . "Enum")
(11 . "Interface")
(12 . "Function")
(13 . "Variable")
(14 . "Constant")
(15 . "String")
(16 . "Number")
(17 . "Boolean")
(18 . "Array")
(19 . "Object")
(20 . "Key")
(21 . "Null")
(22 . "Enum Member")
(23 . "Struct")
(24 . "Event")
(25 . "Operator")
(26 . "Type Parameter")))
(lsp-defun lsp--symbol-information-to-xref
((&SymbolInformation :kind :name
:location (&Location :uri :range (&Range :start
(&Position :line :character)))))
"Return a `xref-item' from SYMBOL information."
(xref-make (format "[%s] %s" (alist-get kind lsp--symbol-kind) name)
(xref-make-file-location (lsp--uri-to-path uri)
(defun lsp--get-document-symbols ()
"Get document symbols.
If the buffer has not been modified since symbols were last
retrieved, simply return the latest result.
Else, if the request was initiated by Imenu updating its menu-bar
entry, perform it asynchronously; i.e., give Imenu the latest
result and then force a refresh when a new one is available.
Else (e.g., due to interactive use of `imenu' or `xref'),
perform the request synchronously."
(if (= (buffer-chars-modified-tick) lsp--document-symbols-tick)
(let ((method "textDocument/documentSymbol")
(params `(:textDocument ,(lsp--text-document-identifier)))
(tick (buffer-chars-modified-tick)))
(if (not lsp--document-symbols-request-async)
(setq lsp--document-symbols (lsp-request method params))
(setq lsp--document-symbols-tick tick))
(lsp-request-async method params
(lambda (document-symbols)
(setq lsp--document-symbols document-symbols
lsp--document-symbols-tick tick)
:mode 'alive)
(advice-add 'imenu-update-menubar :around
(lambda (oldfun &rest r)
(let ((lsp--document-symbols-request-async t))
(apply oldfun r))))
(defun lsp--document-symbols->symbols-hierarchy (document-symbols current-position)
"Convert DOCUMENT-SYMBOLS to symbols hierarchy on CURRENT-POSITION."
(-let (((symbol &as &DocumentSymbol? :children?)
(seq-some (-lambda ((symbol &as &DocumentSymbol :range (&Range :start start-position
:end end-position)))
(when (and (lsp--position-compare current-position start-position)
(lsp--position-compare end-position current-position))
(if children?
(cons symbol (lsp--document-symbols->symbols-hierarchy children? current-position))
(when symbol
(list symbol)))))
(defun lsp--symbols-informations->symbols-hierarchy (symbols-informations current-position)
"Convert SYMBOLS-INFORMATIONS to symbols hierarchy on CURRENT-POSITION."
(seq-filter (-lambda ((symbol &as &SymbolInformation :location (&Location :range (&Range :start start-position
:end end-position))))
(when (and (lsp--position-compare current-position start-position)
(lsp--position-compare end-position current-position))
(defun lsp--symbols->symbols-hierarchy (symbols)
"Convert SYMBOLS to symbols-hierarchy."
(when-let ((first-symbol (lsp-seq-first symbols)))
(let ((cur-position (lsp-make-position :line (plist-get (lsp--cur-position) :line)
:character (plist-get (lsp--cur-position) :character))))
(if (lsp-symbol-information? first-symbol)
(lsp--symbols-informations->symbols-hierarchy symbols cur-position)
(lsp--document-symbols->symbols-hierarchy symbols cur-position)))))
(defun lsp--xref-backend () 'xref-lsp)
(cl-defmethod xref-backend-identifier-at-point ((_backend (eql xref-lsp)))
(propertize (or (thing-at-point 'symbol) "")
'identifier-at-point t))
(defun lsp--xref-elements-index (symbols path)
(-lambda (sym)
((lsp-document-symbol? sym)
(-let [(&DocumentSymbol :name :children? :selection-range (&RangeToPoint :start))
(cons (cons (concat path name) start)
(lsp--xref-elements-index children? (concat path name " / ")))))
(-let [(&SymbolInformation :name :location (&RangeToPoint :start)) sym]
(cons (cons (concat path name)
(lsp--position-to-point start))
(lsp--xref-elements-index nil (concat path name " / ")))))))
(defvar-local lsp--symbols-cache nil)
(cl-defmethod xref-backend-identifier-completion-table ((_backend (eql xref-lsp)))
(if (lsp--find-workspaces-for "textDocument/documentSymbol")
(setq lsp--symbols-cache (lsp--xref-elements-index
(lsp--get-document-symbols) nil))
(list (propertize (or (thing-at-point 'symbol) "")
'identifier-at-point t))))
(cl-defmethod xref-backend-definitions ((_backend (eql xref-lsp)) identifier)
(unless (get-text-property 0 'identifier-at-point identifier)
(goto-char (cl-rest (or (assoc identifier lsp--symbols-cache)
(user-error "Unable to find symbol %s in current document" identifier)))))
(lsp--locations-to-xref-items (lsp-request "textDocument/definition"
(cl-defmethod xref-backend-references ((_backend (eql xref-lsp)) identifier)
(unless (get-text-property 0 'identifier-at-point identifier)
(goto-char (cl-rest (or (assoc identifier lsp--symbols-cache)
(user-error "Unable to find symbol %s" identifier)))))
(lsp--locations-to-xref-items (lsp-request "textDocument/references"
(cl-defmethod xref-backend-apropos ((_backend (eql xref-lsp)) pattern)
(seq-map #'lsp--symbol-information-to-xref
(lsp-request "workspace/symbol" `(:query ,pattern))))
(defun lsp--get-symbol-to-rename ()
"Get symbol to rename and placeholder at point."
(if (let ((rename-provider (or (lsp--capability :renameProvider)
(-some-> (lsp--registered-capability "textDocument/rename")
(lsp:rename-options-prepare-provider? rename-provider))
(-when-let (response (lsp-request "textDocument/prepareRename"
(-let* (((start . end) (lsp--range-to-region
(if (lsp-range? response)
(lsp:prepare-rename-result-range response))))
(symbol (buffer-substring-no-properties start end))
(placeholder (lsp:prepare-rename-result-placeholder response)))
(cons symbol (or placeholder symbol))))
(let ((symbol (thing-at-point 'symbol t)))
(cons symbol symbol))))
(defun lsp-rename (newname)
"Rename the symbol (and all references to it) under point to NEWNAME."
(interactive (list (-when-let ((symbol . placeholder) (lsp--get-symbol-to-rename))
(read-string (format "Rename %s to: " symbol) placeholder nil symbol))))
(unless newname
(user-error "A rename is not valid at this position"))
(when-let ((edits (lsp-request "textDocument/rename"
`(:textDocument ,(lsp--text-document-identifier)
:position ,(lsp--cur-position)
:newName ,newname))))
(lsp--apply-workspace-edit edits)))
(defun lsp-show-xrefs (xrefs display-action references?)
(unless (region-active-p) (push-mark nil t))
(if (boundp 'xref-show-definitions-function)
(funcall (if references? xref-show-xrefs-function xref-show-definitions-function)
(-const xrefs)
`((window . ,(selected-window))
(display-action . ,display-action))))
(xref--show-xrefs xrefs display-action)))
(cl-defun lsp-find-locations (method &optional extra &key display-action references?)
"Send request named METHOD and get cross references of the symbol under point.
EXTRA is a plist of extra parameters.
REFERENCES? t when METHOD returns references."
(if-let ((loc (lsp-request method
(append (lsp--text-document-position-params) extra))))
(lsp-show-xrefs (lsp--locations-to-xref-items loc) display-action references?)
(message "Not found for: %s" (thing-at-point 'symbol t))))
(cl-defun lsp-find-declaration (&key display-action)
"Find declarations of the symbol under point."
(lsp-find-locations "textDocument/declaration" nil :display-action display-action))
(cl-defun lsp-find-definition (&key display-action)
"Find definitions of the symbol under point."
(lsp-find-locations "textDocument/definition" nil :display-action display-action))
(defun lsp-find-definition-mouse (click)
"Click to start `lsp-find-definition' at clicked point."
(interactive "e")
(let* ((ec (event-start click))
(p1 (posn-point ec))
(w1 (posn-window ec)))
(select-window w1)
(goto-char p1)
(cl-defun lsp-find-implementation (&key display-action)
"Find implementations of the symbol under point."
(lsp-find-locations "textDocument/implementation" nil :display-action display-action))
(cl-defun lsp-find-references (&optional include-declaration &key display-action)
"Find references of the symbol under point."
(lsp-find-locations "textDocument/references"
(list :context `(:includeDeclaration ,(or include-declaration json-false)))
:display-action display-action
:references? t))
(cl-defun lsp-find-type-definition (&key display-action)
"Find type definitions of the symbol under point."
(lsp-find-locations "textDocument/typeDefinition" nil :display-action display-action))
(defalias 'lsp-find-custom #'lsp-find-locations)
(defalias 'lsp-goto-implementation #'lsp-find-implementation)
(defalias 'lsp-goto-type-definition #'lsp-find-type-definition)
(with-eval-after-load 'evil
(evil-set-command-property 'lsp-find-definition :jump t)
(evil-set-command-property 'lsp-find-implementation :jump t)
(evil-set-command-property 'lsp-find-references :jump t)
(evil-set-command-property 'lsp-find-type-definition :jump t))
(defun lsp--find-workspaces-for (msg-or-method)
"Find all workspaces in the current that can handle MSG."
(let ((method (if (stringp msg-or-method)
(plist-get msg-or-method :method))))
(-if-let (reqs (cdr (assoc method lsp-method-requirements)))
(-let (((&plist :capability :check-command) reqs))
(with-lsp-workspace it
(when check-command (funcall check-command it))
(when capability (lsp--capability capability))
(lsp--registered-capability method)
(and (not capability) (not check-command))))
(defalias 'lsp-feature? 'lsp--find-workspaces-for)
(cl-defmethod lsp-execute-command (_server command arguments)
"Dispatch COMMAND execution."
(lsp--execute-command (lsp-make-command :command (symbol-name command)
:arguments? arguments)))
(defun lsp--send-execute-command (command &optional args)
"Create and send a 'workspace/executeCommand' message having command COMMAND and optional ARGS."
(let ((params (if args
(list :command command :arguments args)
(list :command command))))
(lsp-request "workspace/executeCommand" params)))
(defalias 'lsp-point-to-position #'lsp--point-to-position)
(defalias 'lsp-text-document-identifier #'lsp--text-document-identifier)
(defalias 'lsp-send-execute-command #'lsp--send-execute-command)
(defalias 'lsp-on-open #'lsp--text-document-did-open)
(defalias 'lsp-on-save #'lsp--text-document-did-save)
(defun lsp--set-configuration (settings)
"Set the SETTINGS for the lsp server."
(lsp-notify "workspace/didChangeConfiguration" `(:settings ,settings)))
(defun lsp-current-buffer ()
(or lsp--virtual-buffer
(defun lsp-buffer-live-p (buffer-id)
(if-let ((buffer-live (plist-get buffer-id :buffer-live?)))
(funcall buffer-live buffer-id)
(buffer-live-p buffer-id)))
(defun lsp--on-set-visited-file-name (old-func &rest args)
"Advice around function `set-visited-file-name'.
This advice sends textDocument/didClose for the old file and
textDocument/didOpen for the new file."
(when lsp--cur-workspace
(lsp--text-document-did-close t))
(prog1 (apply old-func args)
(when lsp--cur-workspace
(advice-add 'set-visited-file-name :around #'lsp--on-set-visited-file-name)
(defvar lsp--flushing-delayed-changes nil)
(defun lsp--send-no-wait (message proc)
"Send MESSAGE to PROC without waiting for further output."
(unless lsp--flushing-delayed-changes
(let ((lsp--flushing-delayed-changes t))
(condition-case err
(process-send-string proc message)
('error (lsp--error "Sending to process failed with the following error: %s"
(error-message-string err)))))
(define-error 'lsp-parse-error
"Error parsing message from language server" 'lsp-error)
(define-error 'lsp-unknown-message-type
"Unknown message type" '(lsp-error lsp-parse-error))
(define-error 'lsp-unknown-json-rpc-version
"Unknown JSON-RPC protocol version" '(lsp-error lsp-parse-error))
(define-error 'lsp-no-content-length
"Content-Length header missing in message" '(lsp-error lsp-parse-error))
(define-error 'lsp-invalid-header-name
"Invalid header name" '(lsp-error lsp-parse-error))
;; id method
;; x x request
;; x . response
;; . x notification
(defun lsp--get-message-type (json-data)
"Get the message type from JSON-DATA."
(if (lsp:json-message-id? json-data)
(if (lsp:json-message-error? json-data)
(if (lsp:json-message-method? json-data)
(defconst lsp--default-notification-handlers
(ht ("window/showMessage" #'lsp--window-show-message)
("window/logMessage" #'lsp--window-log-message)
("textDocument/publishDiagnostics" #'lsp--on-diagnostics)
("textDocument/diagnosticsEnd" #'ignore)
("textDocument/diagnosticsBegin" #'ignore)
("telemetry/event" #'ignore)
("$/progress" #'lsp--on-progress)))
(lsp-defun lsp--on-notification (workspace (&JSONNotification :params :method))
"Call the appropriate handler for NOTIFICATION."
(-let ((client (lsp--workspace-client workspace)))
(when lsp-print-io
(lsp--log-entry-new (lsp--make-log-entry method nil params 'incoming-notif)
(if-let ((handler (or (gethash method (lsp--client-notification-handlers client))
(gethash method lsp--default-notification-handlers))))
(funcall handler workspace params)
(unless (string-prefix-p "$" method)
(lsp-warn "Unknown notification: %s" method)))))
(lsp-defun lsp--build-workspace-configuration-response ((&ConfigurationParams :items))
"Get section configuration.
PARAMS are the `workspace/configuration' request params"
(->> items
(-map (-lambda ((&ConfigurationItem :section?))
(gethash section? (lsp-configuration-section section?))))
(apply #'vector)))
(defun lsp--send-request-response (workspace recv-time request response)
"Send the RESPONSE for REQUEST in WORKSPACE and log if needed."
(-let* (((&JSONResponse :params :method :id) request)
(process (lsp--workspace-proc workspace))
(response (lsp--make-response id response))
(req-entry (and lsp-print-io
(lsp--make-log-entry method id params 'incoming-req)))
(resp-entry (and lsp-print-io
(lsp--make-log-entry method id response 'outgoing-resp
(/ (nth 2 (time-since recv-time)) 1000)))))
;; Send response to the server.
(when lsp-print-io
(lsp--log-entry-new req-entry workspace)
(lsp--log-entry-new resp-entry workspace))
(lsp--send-no-wait (lsp--make-message response) process)))
(lsp-defun lsp--on-request (workspace (request &as &JSONRequest :params :method))
"Call the appropriate handler for REQUEST, and send the return value to the server.
WORKSPACE is the active workspace."
(-let* ((recv-time (current-time))
(client (lsp--workspace-client workspace))
(buffers (lsp--workspace-buffers workspace))
(response (cond
((setq handler (gethash method (lsp--client-request-handlers client) nil))
(funcall handler workspace params))
((setq handler (gethash method (lsp--client-async-request-handlers client) nil))
(funcall handler workspace params
(-partial #'lsp--send-request-response
workspace recv-time request))
((equal method "client/registerCapability")
(mapc #'lsp--server-register-capability
(lsp:registration-params-registrations params))
(mapc (lambda (buf)
(when (lsp-buffer-live-p buf)
(lsp-with-current-buffer buf
((equal method "window/showMessageRequest")
(let ((choice (lsp--window-log-message-request params)))
`(:title ,choice)))
((equal method "client/unregisterCapability")
(mapc #'lsp--server-unregister-capability
(lsp:unregistration-params-unregisterations params))
(mapc (lambda (buf)
(when (lsp-buffer-live-p buf)
(lsp-with-current-buffer buf
((equal method "workspace/applyEdit")
(list :applied (condition-case err
(prog1 t
(lsp--apply-workspace-edit (lsp:apply-workspace-edit-params-edit params)))
(lsp--error "Failed to apply edits with message %s"
(error-message-string err))
((equal method "workspace/configuration")
(with-lsp-workspace workspace
(lsp--build-workspace-configuration-response params)))
((equal method "workspace/workspaceFolders")
(let ((folders (or (-> workspace
(gethash (lsp-session-server-id->folders (lsp-session))))
(lsp-session-folders (lsp-session)))))
(->> folders
(-map (lambda (folder)
(list :uri (lsp--path-to-uri folder))))
(apply #'vector))))
((equal method "window/workDoneProgress/create")
nil ;; no specific reply, no processing required
(t (lsp-warn "Unknown request method: %s" method) nil))))
;; Send response to the server.
(unless (eq response 'delay-response)
(lsp--send-request-response workspace recv-time request response))))
(lsp-defun lsp--error-string ((&JSONError :message :code))
"Format ERR as a user friendly string."
(format "Error from the Language Server: %s (%s)"
(or (car (alist-get code lsp--errors)) "Unknown error")))
(defun lsp--get-body-length (headers)
(let ((content-length (cdr (assoc "Content-Length" headers))))
(if content-length
(string-to-number content-length)
;; This usually means either the server or our parser is
;; screwed up with a previous Content-Length
(error "No Content-Length header"))))
(defun lsp--parse-header (s)
"Parse string S as a LSP (KEY . VAL) header."
(let ((pos (string-match "\:" s))
key val)
(unless pos
(signal 'lsp-invalid-header-name (list s)))
(setq key (substring s 0 pos)
val (s-trim-left (substring s (+ 1 pos))))
(when (equal key "Content-Length")
(cl-assert (cl-loop for c across val
when (or (> c ?9) (< c ?0)) return nil
finally return t)
nil (format "Invalid Content-Length value: %s" val)))
(cons key val)))
(defmacro lsp--read-json (str)
"Read json string STR."
(if (progn
(require 'json)
(fboundp 'json-parse-string))
`(json-parse-string ,str
:object-type (if lsp-use-plists
:null-object nil
:false-object nil)
`(let ((json-array-type 'vector)
(json-object-type (if lsp-use-plists
(json-false nil))
(json-read-from-string ,str))))
(defun lsp--read-json-file (file-path)
"Read json file."
(-> file-path
(defun lsp--log-request-time (server-id method id start-time before-send received-time after-parsed-time after-processed-time)
(when lsp-print-performance
(lsp-log "Perf> Request/Response
ServerId: %s
Request: %s (%s)
Serialization took: %.06f
ServerTime: %.06f
Deserialization: %.06f
CallbackTime: %s"
(float-time (time-subtract before-send start-time))
(float-time (time-subtract received-time before-send))
(float-time (time-subtract after-parsed-time received-time))
(if after-processed-time
(format "%.06f" (float-time (time-subtract after-processed-time after-parsed-time)))
(defun lsp--log-notification-performance (server-id json-data received-time
after-parsed-time before-notification after-processed-time)
(when lsp-print-performance
(lsp-log "Perf> notification
ServerId: %s
Notification: %s
Deserialization: %.06f
Processing: %.06f "
(when json-data (lsp:json-notification-method json-data))
(float-time (time-subtract after-parsed-time received-time))
(float-time (time-subtract after-processed-time before-notification)))))
(defun lsp--parser-on-message (json-data workspace)
"Called when the parser P read a complete MSG from the server."
(with-demoted-errors "Error processing message %S."
(with-lsp-workspace workspace
(let* ((client (lsp--workspace-client workspace))
(received-time (current-time))
(server-id (lsp--client-server-id client))
(after-parsed-time (current-time))
(id (--when-let (lsp:json-response-id json-data)
(if (stringp it) (string-to-number it) it)))
(data (lsp:json-response-result json-data)))
(pcase (lsp--get-message-type json-data)
(cl-assert id)
(-let [(callback _ method start-time before-send) (gethash id (lsp--client-response-handlers client))]
(when lsp-print-io
(lsp--make-log-entry method id data 'incoming-resp
(/ (nth 2 (time-since before-send)) 1000))
(when callback
(funcall callback (lsp:json-response-result json-data))
(remhash id (lsp--client-response-handlers client))
(lsp--log-request-time server-id method id start-time before-send
received-time after-parsed-time (current-time)))))
(cl-assert id)
(-let [(_ callback method start-time before-send) (gethash id (lsp--client-response-handlers client))]
(when lsp-print-io
(lsp--make-log-entry method id data 'incoming-resp
(/ (nth 2 (time-since before-send)) 1000))
(when callback
(funcall callback (lsp:json-response-error-error json-data))
(remhash id (lsp--client-response-handlers client))
(lsp--log-request-time server-id method id start-time before-send
received-time after-parsed-time (current-time)))))
(let ((before-notification (current-time)))
(lsp--on-notification workspace json-data)
server-id json-data received-time after-parsed-time before-notification (current-time))))
('request (lsp--on-request workspace json-data)))))))
(defun lsp--json-pretty-print (msg)
"Convert json MSG string to pretty printed json string."
(let ((json-encoding-pretty-print t))
(json-encode (json-read-from-string msg))))
(defun lsp--create-filter-function (workspace)
"Make filter for the workspace."
(let ((body-received 0)
leftovers body-length body chunk)
(lambda (_proc input)
(setf chunk (concat leftovers (encode-coding-string input 'utf-8 'nocopy)))
(while (not (equal chunk ""))
(if (not body-length)
;; Read headers
(if-let ((body-sep-pos (string-match-p "\r\n\r\n" chunk)))
;; We've got all the headers, handle them all at once:
(setf body-length (lsp--get-body-length
(mapcar #'lsp--parse-header
(substring chunk
(or (string-match-p "Content-Length" chunk)
(error "Unable to find Content-Length header."))
body-received 0
leftovers nil
chunk (substring chunk (+ body-sep-pos 4)))
;; Haven't found the end of the headers yet. Save everything
;; for when the next chunk arrives and await further input.
(setf leftovers chunk
chunk ""))
(let* ((chunk-length (string-bytes chunk))
(left-to-receive (- body-length body-received))
(this-body (if (< left-to-receive chunk-length)
(prog1 (substring chunk 0 left-to-receive)
(setf chunk (substring chunk left-to-receive)))
(prog1 chunk
(setf chunk ""))))
(body-bytes (string-bytes this-body)))
(push this-body body)
(setf body-received (+ body-received body-bytes))
(when (>= chunk-length left-to-receive)
(condition-case err
(let ((parsed-message (decode-coding-string
(apply #'concat
(prog1 body
(setf leftovers nil
body-length nil
body-received nil
body nil)))) 'utf-8)))
(lsp--read-json parsed-message))
(lsp-warn "Failed to parse the following chunk:\n'''\n%s\n'''\nwith message %s"
(concat leftovers input)
(defvar-local lsp--line-col-to-point-hash-table nil
"Hash table with keys (line . col) and values that are either point positions or markers.")
(lsp-defun lsp--symbol-to-imenu-elem ((sym &as &SymbolInformation :name :container-name?))
"Convert SYM to imenu element.
SYM is a SymbolInformation message.
Return a cons cell (full-name . start-point)."
(let ((start-point (ht-get lsp--line-col-to-point-hash-table
(lsp--get-line-and-col sym))))
(cons (if (and lsp-imenu-show-container-name container-name?)
(concat container-name? lsp-imenu-container-name-separator name)
(lsp-defun lsp--symbol-to-hierarchical-imenu-elem ((sym &as &DocumentSymbol :name :children?))
"Convert SYM to hierarchical imenu elements.
SYM is a DocumentSymbol message.
Return cons cell (\"symbol-name (symbol-kind)\" . start-point) if
SYM doesn't have any children. Otherwise return a cons cell with
an alist
(\"symbol-name\" . ((\"(symbol-kind)\" . start-point)
(let* ((start-point (ht-get lsp--line-col-to-point-hash-table
(lsp--get-line-and-col sym))))
(if (seq-empty-p children?)
(cons name start-point)
(cons name
(lsp--imenu-create-hierarchical-index children?)))))
(lsp-defun lsp--symbol-filter ((&SymbolInformation :location))
"Determine if SYM is for the current document."
;; It's a SymbolInformation or DocumentSymbol, which is always in the current
;; buffer file.
(when location
(not (eq (->> location
(lsp-defun lsp--get-symbol-type ((&SymbolInformation :kind))
"The string name of the kind of SYM."
(-> kind
(assoc lsp--symbol-kind)
(or "Other")))
(defun lsp--get-line-and-col (sym)
"Obtain the line and column corresponding to SYM."
(-let* ((location (lsp:symbol-information-location sym))
(name-range (or (and location (lsp:location-range location))
(lsp:document-symbol-selection-range sym)))
((&Range :start (&Position :line :character)) name-range))
(cons line character)))
(defun lsp--collect-lines-and-cols (symbols)
"Return a sorted list ((line . col) ...) of the locations of SYMBOLS."
(let ((stack (lsp--imenu-filter-symbols symbols))
(while stack
(let ((sym (pop stack)))
(push (lsp--get-line-and-col sym) line-col-list)
(unless (seq-empty-p (lsp:document-symbol-children? sym))
(setf stack (nconc (lsp--imenu-filter-symbols (lsp:document-symbol-children? sym)) stack)))))
(-sort #'lsp--line-col-comparator line-col-list)))
(defun lsp--convert-line-col-to-points-batch (line-col-list)
"Convert a sorted list of positions from line-column
representation to point representation."
(let ((line-col-to-point-map (ht-create))
(inhibit-field-text-motion t)
(curr-line 0))
(goto-char (point-min))
(cl-loop for (line . col) in line-col-list do
(forward-line (- line curr-line))
(setq curr-line line)
(let ((line-end (line-end-position)))
(if (or (not col) (> col (- line-end (point))))
(goto-char line-end)
(forward-char col)))
(ht-set! line-col-to-point-map (cons line col) (if imenu-use-markers
(cl-defun lsp--line-col-comparator ((l1 . c1) (l2 . c2))
(or (< l1 l2)
(and (= l1 l2)
(cond ((and c1 c2)
(< c1 c2))
(c1 t)))))
(defun lsp--imenu-create-index ()
"Create imenu index from document symbols."
(let* ((filtered-symbols (lsp--imenu-filter-symbols (lsp--get-document-symbols)))
(lsp--line-col-to-point-hash-table (-> filtered-symbols
(if (lsp--imenu-hierarchical-p filtered-symbols)
(lsp--imenu-create-hierarchical-index filtered-symbols)
(lsp--imenu-create-non-hierarchical-index filtered-symbols))))
(defun lsp--imenu-filter-symbols (symbols)
"Filter out unsupported symbols from SYMBOLS."
(seq-remove #'lsp--symbol-filter symbols))
(defun lsp--imenu-hierarchical-p (symbols)
"Determine whether any element in SYMBOLS has children."
(seq-some #'lsp-document-symbol? symbols))
(defun lsp--imenu-create-non-hierarchical-index (symbols)
"Create imenu index for non-hierarchical SYMBOLS.
SYMBOLS are a list of DocumentSymbol messages.
Return a nested alist keyed by symbol names. e.g.
((\"SomeClass\" (\"(Class)\" . 10)
(\"someField (Field)\" . 20)
(\"someFunction (Function)\" . 25)
(\"SomeSubClass\" (\"(Class)\" . 30)
(\"someSubField (Field)\" . 35))
(\"someFunction (Function)\" . 40))"
(seq-map (lambda (nested-alist)
(cons (car nested-alist)
(seq-map #'lsp--symbol-to-imenu-elem (cdr nested-alist))))
(seq-group-by #'lsp--get-symbol-type symbols)))
(defun lsp--imenu-create-hierarchical-index (symbols)
"Create imenu index for hierarchical SYMBOLS.
SYMBOLS are a list of DocumentSymbol messages.
Return a nested alist keyed by symbol names. e.g.
((\"SomeClass\" (\"(Class)\" . 10)
(\"someField (Field)\" . 20)
(\"someFunction (Function)\" . 25)
(\"SomeSubClass\" (\"(Class)\" . 30)
(\"someSubField (Field)\" . 35))
(\"someFunction (Function)\" . 40))"
(let ((symbols (lsp--imenu-filter-symbols symbols)))
(seq-map #'lsp--symbol-to-hierarchical-imenu-elem
(seq-sort #'lsp--imenu-symbol-lessp
(lsp--imenu-filter-symbols symbols)))))
(defun lsp--imenu-symbol-lessp (sym1 sym2)
(let* ((compare-results (mapcar (lambda (method)
(funcall (alist-get method lsp--imenu-compare-function-alist)
sym1 sym2))
(result (seq-find (lambda (result)
(not (= result 0)))
(and (numberp result) (< result 0))))
(lsp-defun lsp--imenu-compare-kind ((&SymbolInformation :kind left)
(&SymbolInformation :kind right))
"Compare SYM1 and SYM2 by kind."
(- left right))
(defun lsp--imenu-compare-line-col (sym1 sym2)
(if (lsp--line-col-comparator
(lsp--get-line-and-col sym1)
(lsp--get-line-and-col sym2))
(lsp-defun lsp--imenu-compare-name ((&SymbolInformation :name name1)
(&SymbolInformation :name name2))
"Compare SYM1 and SYM2 by name."
(let ((result (compare-strings name1 0 (length name1) name2 0 (length name2))))
(if (numberp result) result 0)))
(defun lsp--imenu-refresh ()
"Force Imenu to refresh itself."
(imenu--menubar-select imenu--rescan-item))
(defun lsp-enable-imenu ()
"Use lsp-imenu for the current buffer."
(setq-local imenu-create-index-function #'lsp--imenu-create-index)
(setq-local imenu-menubar-modified-tick -1)
(setq-local imenu--index-alist nil)
(when menu-bar-mode
(defun lsp-resolve-final-function (command)
"Resolve final function COMMAND."
(-let [command (if (functionp command) (funcall command) command)]
(cl-etypecase command
(cl-assert (seq-every-p (apply-partially #'stringp) command) nil
"Invalid command list")
(string (list command)))))
(defun lsp-server-present? (final-command)
"Check whether FINAL-COMMAND is present."
;; executable-find only gained support for remote checks after 27 release
(or (and (cond
((not (file-remote-p default-directory))
(executable-find (cl-first final-command)))
((version<= "27.0" emacs-version)
(with-no-warnings (executable-find (cl-first final-command) (file-remote-p default-directory))))
(prog1 t
(lsp-log "Command \"%s\" is present on the path." (s-join " " final-command))))
(ignore (lsp-log "Command \"%s\" is not present on the path." (s-join " " final-command)))))
(defun lsp--value-to-string (value)
"Convert VALUE to a string that can be set as value in an environment variable."
((stringp value) value)
((booleanp value) (if value
((and (sequencep value)
(seq-every-p #'stringp value)) (string-join value ":"))
(t (user-error "Only strings, booleans, and sequences of strings are supported as environment variables"))))
(defun lsp--compute-process-environment (environment-fn)
"Append a list of KEY=VALUE from the alist ENVIRONMENT to `process-environment'.
Ignore non-boolean keys whose value is nil."
(let ((environment (if environment-fn
(funcall environment-fn)
(-flatten (cons (cl-loop for (key . value) in environment
if (or (eval value)
(eq (get value 'custom-type) 'boolean))
collect (concat key "=" (lsp--value-to-string
(eval value))))
(defun lsp-stdio-connection (command &optional test-command)
"Returns a connection property list using COMMAND.
COMMAND can be: A string, denoting the command to launch the
language server. A list of strings, denoting an executable with
its command line arguments. A function, that either returns a
string or a list of strings. In all cases, the launched language
server should send and receive messages on standard I/O.
TEST-COMMAND is a function with no arguments which returns
whether the command is present or not. When not specified
`lsp-mode' will check whether the first element of the list
returned by COMMAND is available via `executable-find'"
(cl-check-type command (or string
(and list
(satisfies (lambda (l)
(seq-every-p (lambda (el)
(stringp el))
(list :connect (lambda (filter sentinel name environment-fn)
(let ((final-command (lsp-resolve-final-function command))
(process-name (generate-new-buffer-name name))
(lsp--compute-process-environment environment-fn)))
(let* ((stderr-buf (format "*%s::stderr*" process-name))
(proc (make-process
:name process-name
:connection-type 'pipe
:buffer (format "*%s*" process-name)
:coding 'no-conversion
:command final-command
:filter filter
:sentinel sentinel
:stderr stderr-buf
:noquery t)))
(set-process-query-on-exit-flag proc nil)
(set-process-query-on-exit-flag (get-buffer-process stderr-buf) nil)
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer stderr-buf)
;; Make the *NAME::stderr* buffer buffer-read-only, q to bury, etc.
(cons proc proc))))
:test? (or
(lambda () (-> command lsp-resolve-final-function lsp-server-present?)))))
(defun lsp--open-network-stream (host port name)
"Open network stream to HOST:PORT.
NAME will be passed to `open-network-stream'.
RETRY-COUNT is the number of the retries.
SLEEP-INTERVAL is the sleep interval between each retry."
(let* ((retries 0)
(sleep-interval 0.01)
(number-of-retries (/ lsp-tcp-connection-timeout sleep-interval))
(while (and (not connection) (< retries number-of-retries))
(condition-case err
(setq connection (open-network-stream name nil host port
:type 'plain
:coding 'no-conversion))
(let ((inhibit-message t))
(lsp--warn "Failed to connect to %s:%s with error message %s"
(error-message-string err))
(sleep-for sleep-interval)
(cl-incf retries)))))
(or connection (error "Port %s was never taken. Consider increasing `lsp-tcp-connection-timeout'." port))))
(defun lsp--find-available-port (host starting-port)
"Find available port on HOST starting from STARTING-PORT."
(let ((success nil)
(port starting-port))
(while (and (not success))
(condition-case _err
(delete-process (open-network-stream "*connection-test*" nil host port :type 'plain))
(cl-incf port))
(file-error (setq success t))))
(defun lsp-tcp-connection (command-fn)
"Returns a connection property list similar to `lsp-stdio-connection'.
COMMAND-FN can only be a function that takes a single argument, a
port number. It should return a command for launches a language server
process listening for TCP connections on the provided port."
(cl-check-type command-fn function)
:connect (lambda (filter sentinel name environment-fn)
(let* ((host "localhost")
(port (lsp--find-available-port host (cl-incf lsp--tcp-port)))
(command (funcall command-fn port))
(final-command (if (consp command) command (list command)))
(_ (unless (executable-find (cl-first final-command))
(user-error (format "Couldn't find executable %s" (cl-first final-command)))))
(lsp--compute-process-environment environment-fn))
(proc (make-process :name name :connection-type 'pipe :coding 'no-conversion
:command final-command :sentinel sentinel :stderr (format "*%s::stderr*" name) :noquery t))
(tcp-proc (lsp--open-network-stream host port (concat name "::tcp"))))
;; TODO: Same :noquery issue (see above)
(set-process-query-on-exit-flag proc nil)
(set-process-query-on-exit-flag tcp-proc nil)
(set-process-filter tcp-proc filter)
(cons tcp-proc proc)))
:test? (lambda () (executable-find (cl-first (funcall command-fn 0))))))
(defalias 'lsp-tcp-server 'lsp-tcp-server-command)
(defun lsp-tcp-server-command (command-fn)
"Create tcp server connection.
In this mode Emacs is TCP server and the language server connects
to it. COMMAND is function with one parameter(the port) and it
should return the command to start the LS server."
(cl-check-type command-fn function)
:connect (lambda (filter sentinel name environment-fn)
(let* (tcp-client-connection
(tcp-server (make-network-process :name (format "*tcp-server-%s*" name)
:buffer (format "*tcp-server-%s*" name)
:family 'ipv4
:service lsp--tcp-server-port
:sentinel (lambda (proc _string)
(lsp-log "Language server %s is connected." name)
(setf tcp-client-connection proc))
:server 't))
(port (process-contact tcp-server :service))
(final-command (funcall command-fn port))
(lsp--compute-process-environment environment-fn))
(cmd-proc (make-process :name name
:connection-type 'pipe
:coding 'no-conversion
:command final-command
:stderr (format "*tcp-server-%s*::stderr" name)
:noquery t)))
(let ((retries 0))
;; wait for the client to connect (we sit-for 500 ms, so have to double lsp--tcp-server-wait-seconds)
(while (and (not tcp-client-connection) (< retries (* 2 lsp--tcp-server-wait-seconds)))
(lsp--info "Waiting for connection for %s, retries: %s" name retries)
(sit-for 0.500)
(cl-incf retries)))
(unless tcp-client-connection
(condition-case nil (delete-process tcp-server) (error))
(condition-case nil (delete-process cmd-proc) (error))
(error "Failed to create connection to %s on port %s" name port))
(lsp--info "Successfully connected to %s" name)
(set-process-query-on-exit-flag cmd-proc nil)
(set-process-query-on-exit-flag tcp-client-connection nil)
(set-process-query-on-exit-flag tcp-server nil)
(set-process-filter tcp-client-connection filter)
(set-process-sentinel tcp-client-connection sentinel)
(cons tcp-client-connection cmd-proc)))
:test? (lambda () (executable-find (cl-first (funcall command-fn 0))))))
(defun lsp-tramp-connection (local-command &optional generate-error-file-fn)
"Create LSP stdio connection named name.
LOCAL-COMMAND is either list of strings, string or function which
returns the command to execute."
(list :connect (lambda (filter sentinel name environment-fn)
(let* ((final-command (lsp-resolve-final-function local-command))
;; wrap with stty to disable converting \r to \n
(process-name (generate-new-buffer-name name))
(wrapped-command (append '("stty" "raw" ";")
(concat "2>"
(or (when generate-error-file-fn
(funcall generate-error-file-fn name))
(format "/tmp/%s-%s-stderr" name
(cl-incf lsp--stderr-index)))))))
(lsp--compute-process-environment environment-fn)))
(let ((proc (apply 'start-file-process-shell-command process-name
(format "*%s*" process-name) wrapped-command)))
(set-process-sentinel proc sentinel)
(set-process-filter proc filter)
(set-process-query-on-exit-flag proc nil)
(set-process-coding-system proc 'binary 'binary)
(cons proc proc))))
:test? (lambda () (-> local-command lsp-resolve-final-function lsp-server-present?))))
(defun lsp--auto-configure ()
"Autoconfigure `company', `flycheck', `lsp-ui', etc if they are installed."
(when (functionp 'lsp-ui-mode)
(when lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-enable
(add-hook 'lsp-configure-hook 'lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-mode))
(when lsp-modeline-code-actions-enable
(add-hook 'lsp-configure-hook 'lsp-modeline-code-actions-mode))
(when lsp-modeline-diagnostics-enable
(add-hook 'lsp-configure-hook 'lsp-modeline-diagnostics-mode))
(when lsp-lens-enable
(add-hook 'lsp-configure-hook 'lsp-lens-mode))
;; yas-snippet config
(setq-local yas-inhibit-overlay-modification-protection t))
(defvar-local lsp--buffer-deferred nil
"Whether buffer was loaded via `lsp-deferred'.")
(defun lsp--restart-if-needed (workspace)
"Handler restart for WORKSPACE."
(when (or (eq lsp-restart 'auto-restart)
(eq (lsp--workspace-shutdown-action workspace) 'restart)
(and (eq lsp-restart 'interactive)
(let ((query (format "Server %s exited with status %s. Do you want to restart it?"
(lsp--workspace-print workspace)
(process-status (lsp--workspace-proc workspace)))))
(y-or-n-p query))))
(--each (lsp--workspace-buffers workspace)
(when (lsp-buffer-live-p it)
(lsp-with-current-buffer it
(if lsp--buffer-deferred
(lsp--info "Restarting LSP in buffer %s" (buffer-name))
(defun lsp--update-key (table key fn)
"Apply FN on value corresponding to KEY in TABLE."
(let ((existing-value (gethash key table)))
(if-let ((new-value (funcall fn existing-value)))
(puthash key new-value table)
(remhash key table))))
(defun lsp--process-sentinel (workspace process exit-str)
"Create the sentinel for WORKSPACE."
(unless (process-live-p process)
(let* ((status (process-status process))
(folder->workspaces (lsp-session-folder->servers (lsp-session)))
(stderr (-> workspace lsp--workspace-proc process-name get-buffer)))
(lsp--warn "%s has exited (%s)"
(process-name (lsp--workspace-proc workspace))
(string-trim-right exit-str))
(with-lsp-workspace workspace
;; Clean workspace related data in each of the buffers
;; in the workspace.
(--each (lsp--workspace-buffers workspace)
(when (lsp-buffer-live-p it)
(lsp-with-current-buffer it
(setq lsp--buffer-workspaces (delete workspace lsp--buffer-workspaces))
(lsp--remove-overlays 'lsp-highlight))))
;; Cleanup session from references to the closed workspace.
(--each (hash-table-keys folder->workspaces)
(lsp--update-key folder->workspaces it (apply-partially 'delete workspace)))
;; Kill standard error buffer only if the process exited normally.
;; Leave it intact otherwise for debugging purposes.
(when (and (eq status 'exit) (zerop (process-exit-status process)) (buffer-live-p stderr))
(kill-buffer stderr)))
(run-hook-with-args 'lsp-after-uninitialized-functions workspace)
(if (eq (lsp--workspace-shutdown-action workspace) 'shutdown)
(lsp--info "Workspace %s shutdown." (lsp--workspace-print workspace))
(lsp--restart-if-needed workspace))
(defun lsp--start-workspace (session client-template root &optional initialization-options)
"Create new workspace for CLIENT-TEMPLATE with project root ROOT.
INITIALIZATION-OPTIONS are passed to initialize function.
SESSION is the active session."
(-let* ((default-directory root)
(client (copy-lsp--client client-template))
(workspace (make-lsp--workspace
:root root
:client client
:status 'starting
:buffers (list (lsp-current-buffer))
:host-root (file-remote-p root)))
((&lsp-cln 'server-id 'environment-fn 'new-connection 'custom-capabilities
'multi-root 'initialized-fn) client)
((proc . cmd-proc) (funcall
(or (plist-get new-connection :connect)
(user-error "Client %s is configured incorrectly" client))
(lsp--create-filter-function workspace)
(apply-partially #'lsp--process-sentinel workspace)
(format "%s" server-id)
(workspace-folders (gethash server-id (lsp-session-server-id->folders session))))
(setf (lsp--workspace-proc workspace) proc
(lsp--workspace-cmd-proc workspace) cmd-proc)
;; update (lsp-session-folder->servers) depending on whether we are starting
;; multi/single folder workspace
(mapc (lambda (project-root)
(->> session
(gethash project-root)
(cl-pushnew workspace)))
(or workspace-folders (list root)))
(with-lsp-workspace workspace
(run-hooks 'lsp-before-initialize-hook)
(list :processId nil
:rootPath (lsp-file-local-name (expand-file-name root))
:clientInfo (list :name "emacs"
:version (emacs-version))
:rootUri (lsp--path-to-uri root)
:capabilities (lsp--client-capabilities custom-capabilities)
:initializationOptions initialization-options
:workDoneToken "1")
(when lsp-server-trace
(list :trace lsp-server-trace))
(when multi-root
(->> workspace-folders
(-map (lambda (folder)
(list :uri (lsp--path-to-uri folder)
:name (f-filename folder))))
(apply 'vector)
(list :workspaceFolders))))
(lambda (response)
(unless response
(signal 'lsp-empty-response-error (list "initialize")))
(setf (lsp--workspace-server-capabilities workspace) (lsp:initialize-result-capabilities
(lsp--workspace-status workspace) 'initialized)
(with-lsp-workspace workspace
(lsp-notify "initialized" lsp--empty-ht))
(when initialized-fn (funcall initialized-fn workspace))
(->> workspace
(mapc (lambda (buffer)
(lsp-with-current-buffer buffer
(lsp--open-in-workspace workspace)))))
(with-lsp-workspace workspace
(run-hooks 'lsp-after-initialize-hook))
(lsp--info "%s initialized successfully" (lsp--workspace-print workspace)))
:mode 'detached))
(defun lsp--load-default-session ()
"Load default session."
(setq lsp--session (or (condition-case err
(lsp--read-from-file lsp-session-file)
(error (lsp--error "Failed to parse the session %s, starting with clean one."
(error-message-string err))
(defun lsp-session ()
"Get the session associated with the current buffer."
(or lsp--session (setq lsp--session (lsp--load-default-session))))
(defun lsp--client-disabled-p (buffer-major-mode client)
(lambda (entry)
(pcase entry
((pred symbolp) (eq entry client))
(`(,mode . ,client-or-list)
(and (eq mode buffer-major-mode)
(if (listp client-or-list)
(memq client client-or-list)
(eq client client-or-list))))))
;; download server
(defcustom lsp-server-install-dir (expand-file-name
(locate-user-emacs-file (f-join ".cache" "lsp")))
"Directory in which the servers will be installed."
:risky t
:type 'directory
:package-version '(lsp-mode . "6.3")
:group 'lsp-mode)
(defvar lsp--dependencies (ht))
(defun lsp-dependency (name &rest definitions)
"Used to specify a language server DEPENDENCY, the server
executable or other required file path. Typically, the
DEPENDENCY is found by locating it on the system path using
You can explicitly call lsp-dependency in your environment to
specify the absolute path to the DEPENDENCY. For example, the
typescript-language-server requires both the server and the
typescript compiler. If you've installed them in a team shared
read-only location, you can instruct lsp-mode to use them via
(eval-after-load 'lsp-clients
(lsp-dependency 'typescript-language-server `(:system ,tls-exe))
(lsp-dependency 'typescript `(:system ,ts-js))))
where tls-exe is the absolute path to the typescript-language-server
executable and ts-js is the absolute path to the typescript compiler
JavaScript file, tsserver.js (the *.js is required for Windows)."
(ht-set lsp--dependencies name definitions))
(defun lsp--server-binary-present? (client)
(unless (equal (lsp--client-server-id client) 'lsp-pwsh)
(condition-case ()
(-some-> client lsp--client-new-connection (plist-get :test?) funcall)
(error nil)
(args-out-of-range nil))))
(defun lsp--download-status ()
(-some--> #'lsp--client-download-in-progress?
(lsp--filter-clients it)
(-map (-compose #'symbol-name #'lsp--client-server-id) it)
(format "%s" it)
(propertize it 'face 'success)
(format " Installing following servers: %s" it)
(propertize it
'local-map (make-mode-line-mouse-map
'mouse-1 (lambda ()
(switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create " *lsp-install*"))))
'mouse-face 'highlight)))
(defun lsp--install-server-internal (client &optional update?)
(setf (lsp--client-download-in-progress? client) t)
(add-to-list 'global-mode-string '(t (:eval (lsp--download-status))))
(cl-flet ((done
(success? &optional error-message)
(-let [(&lsp-cln 'server-id 'buffers) client]
(setf (lsp--client-download-in-progress? client) nil
(lsp--client-buffers client) nil)
(if success?
(lsp--info "Server %s downloaded, auto-starting in %s buffers." server-id
(length buffers))
(lsp--error "Server %s install process failed with the following error message: %s.
Check `*lsp-install*' and `*lsp-log*' buffer."
(lambda (buffer)
(when (buffer-live-p buffer)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(setq global-mode-string (-remove-item '(t (:eval (lsp--download-status)))
(when success? (lsp)))))
(unless (lsp--filter-clients #'lsp--client-download-in-progress?)
(setq global-mode-string (-remove-item '(t (:eval (lsp--download-status)))
(lsp--info "Download %s started." (lsp--client-server-id client))
(condition-case err
(lsp--client-download-server-fn client)
(lambda () (done t))
(lambda (msg) (done nil msg))
(done nil (error-message-string err))))))
(defun lsp-install-server (update?)
"Interactively install server.
When prefix UPDATE? is t force installation even if the server is present."
(interactive "P")
"Select server to install: "
(or (->> lsp-clients
(-filter (-andfn
(-orfn (-not #'lsp--server-binary-present?)
(-const update?))
(-not #'lsp--client-download-in-progress?)
(user-error "There are no servers with automatic installation"))
(-compose #'symbol-name #'lsp--client-server-id)
(defun lsp-async-start-process (callback error-callback &rest command)
"Start async process COMMAND with CALLBACK and ERROR-CALLBACK."
:name (cl-first command)
:command command
:sentinel (lambda (proc _)
(when (eq 'exit (process-status proc))
(if (zerop (process-exit-status proc))
(condition-case err
(funcall callback)
(funcall error-callback (error-message-string err))))
(display-buffer " *lsp-install*")
(funcall error-callback
(format "Async process '%s' failed with exit code %d"
(process-name proc) (process-exit-status proc))))))
:buffer " *lsp-install*"
:noquery t))
(defvar lsp-deps-providers
(list :npm (list :path #'lsp--npm-dependency-path
:install #'lsp--npm-dependency-download)
:system (list :path #'lsp--system-path)))
(defun lsp--system-path (path)
"If PATH is absolute and exists return it as is. Otherwise,
return the absolute path to the executable defined by PATH or
;; For node.js 'sub-packages' PATH may point to a *.js file. Consider the
;; typescript-language-server. When lsp invokes the server, lsp needs to
;; supply the path to the typescript compiler, tsserver.js, as an argument. To
;; make code platform independent, one must pass the absolute path to the
;; tsserver.js file (Windows requires a *.js file - see help on the JavaScript
;; child process spawn command that is invoked by the
;; typescript-language-server). This is why we check for existence and not
;; that the path is executable.
(if (and (f-absolute? path)
(f-exists? path))
(executable-find path)))
(defun lsp-package-path (dependency)
"Path to the DEPENDENCY each of the registered providers."
(let (path)
(-first (-lambda ((provider . rest))
(setq path (-some-> lsp-deps-providers
(plist-get provider)
(plist-get :path)
(apply rest))))
(gethash dependency lsp--dependencies))
(defun lsp-package-ensure (dependency callback error-callback)
"Asynchronously ensure a package."
(or (-first (-lambda ((provider . rest))
(-some-> lsp-deps-providers
(plist-get provider)
(plist-get :install)
(apply (cl-list* callback error-callback rest))))
(gethash dependency lsp--dependencies))
(funcall error-callback (format "Unable to find a way to install %s" dependency))))
;; npm handling
;; https://docs.npmjs.com/files/folders#executables
(cl-defun lsp--npm-dependency-path (&key package path &allow-other-keys)
"Return npm dependency PATH for PACKAGE."
(let ((path (executable-find
(f-join lsp-server-install-dir "npm" package
(cond ((eq system-type 'windows-nt) "")
(t "bin"))
(unless (and path (f-exists? path))
(error "The package %s is not installed. Unable to find %s" package path))
(cl-defun lsp--npm-dependency-download (callback error-callback &key package &allow-other-keys)
(if-let ((npm-binary (executable-find "npm")))
(lsp-async-start-process callback
(f-join lsp-server-install-dir "npm" package)
(lsp-log "Unable to install %s via `npm' because it is not present" package)
(defun lsp--matching-clients? (client)
;; both file and client remote or both local
(eq (---truthy? (file-remote-p buffer-file-name))
(---truthy? (lsp--client-remote? client)))
;; activation function or major-mode match.
(if-let ((activation-fn (lsp--client-activation-fn client)))
(funcall activation-fn (buffer-file-name) major-mode)
(-contains? (lsp--client-major-modes client) major-mode))
;; check whether it is enabled if `lsp-enabled-clients' is not null
(or (null lsp-enabled-clients)
(or (member (lsp--client-server-id client) lsp-enabled-clients)
(ignore (lsp--info "Client %s is not in lsp-enabled-clients"
(lsp--client-server-id client)))))
;; check whether it is not disabled.
(not (lsp--client-disabled-p major-mode (lsp--client-server-id client)))))
(defun lsp--filter-clients (pred)
(->> lsp-clients hash-table-values (-filter pred)))
(defun lsp--find-clients ()
"Find clients which can handle BUFFER-MAJOR-MODE.
SESSION is the currently active session. The function will also
pick only remote enabled clients in case the FILE-NAME is on
remote machine and vice versa."
(-when-let (matching-clients (lsp--filter-clients (-andfn #'lsp--matching-clients?
(lsp-log "Found the following clients for %s: %s"
(s-join ", "
(-map (lambda (client)
(format "(server-id %s, priority %s)"
(lsp--client-server-id client)
(lsp--client-priority client)))
(-let* (((add-on-clients main-clients) (-separate #'lsp--client-add-on? matching-clients))
(selected-clients (if-let ((main-client (and main-clients
(--max-by (> (lsp--client-priority it)
(lsp--client-priority other))
(cons main-client add-on-clients)
(lsp-log "The following clients were selected based on priority: %s"
(s-join ", "
(-map (lambda (client)
(format "(server-id %s, priority %s)"
(lsp--client-server-id client)
(lsp--client-priority client)))
(defun lsp-register-client (client)
"Registers LSP client CLIENT."
(cl-assert (symbolp (lsp--client-server-id client)) t)
(cl-assert (or
(functionp (lsp--client-activation-fn client))
(and (listp (lsp--client-major-modes client))
(seq-every-p (apply-partially #'symbolp)
(lsp--client-major-modes client))))
nil "Invalid activation-fn and/or major-modes.")
(let ((client-id (lsp--client-server-id client)))
(puthash client-id client lsp-clients)
(setplist (intern (format "lsp-%s-after-open-hook" client-id))
`(standard-value (nil) custom-type hook
custom-package-version (lsp-mode . "7.0.1")
variable-documentation ,(format "Hooks to run after `%s' server is run." client-id)
custom-requests nil))))
(defun lsp--create-initialization-options (_session client)
"Create initialization-options from SESSION and CLIENT.
Add workspace folders depending on server being multiroot and
session workspace folder configuration for the server."
(let* ((initialization-options-or-fn (lsp--client-initialization-options client)))
(if (functionp initialization-options-or-fn)
(funcall initialization-options-or-fn)
(defun lsp--plist-delete (prop plist)
"Delete by side effect the property PROP from PLIST.
If PROP is the first property in PLIST, there is no way
to remove it by side-effect; therefore, write
\(setq foo (evil-plist-delete :prop foo)) to be sure of
changing the value of `foo'."
(let ((tail plist) elt head)
(while tail
(setq elt (car tail))
((eq elt prop)
(setq tail (cdr (cdr tail)))
(if head
(setcdr (cdr head) tail)
(setq plist tail)))
(setq head tail
tail (cdr (cdr tail))))))
(defvar lsp-client-settings nil)
(defun lsp--compare-setting-path (a b)
(equal (car a) (car b)))
(defun lsp-register-custom-settings (props)
"Register PROPS.
PROPS is list of triple (path value boolean?) where PATH is the path to the
property; VALUE can be a literal value, symbol to be evaluated, or either a
function or lambda function to be called without arguments; BOOLEAN? is an
optional flag that should be non-nil for boolean settings, when it is nil the
property will be ignored if the VALUE is nil."
(let ((-compare-fn #'lsp--compare-setting-path))
(setq lsp-client-settings (-uniq (append props lsp-client-settings)))))
(defun lsp-region-text (region)
"Get the text for REGION in current buffer."
(-let (((start . end) (lsp--range-to-region region)))
(buffer-substring-no-properties start end)))
(defun lsp-ht-set (tbl paths value)
"Set nested hash table value.
TBL - a hash table, PATHS is the path to the nested VALUE."
(pcase paths
(`(,path) (ht-set! tbl path value))
(`(,path . ,rst) (let ((nested-tbl (or (gethash path tbl)
(let ((temp-tbl (ht)))
(ht-set! tbl path temp-tbl)
(lsp-ht-set nested-tbl rst value)))))
(defun lsp-configuration-section (section)
"Get settings for SECTION."
(let ((ret (ht-create)))
(mapc (-lambda ((path variable boolean?))
(when (s-matches? (concat section "\\..*") path)
(let* ((symbol-value (if (symbolp variable)
(if (fboundp variable)
(funcall variable)
(symbol-value variable))
(if (functionp variable)
(funcall variable) variable)))
(value (if (and boolean? (not symbol-value))
(when (or boolean? value)
(lsp-ht-set ret (s-split "\\." path) value)))))
(defun lsp--start-connection (session client project-root)
"Initiates connection created from CLIENT for PROJECT-ROOT.
SESSION is the active session."
(when (lsp--client-multi-root client)
(cl-pushnew project-root (gethash (lsp--client-server-id client)
(lsp-session-server-id->folders session))))
(run-hook-with-args 'lsp-workspace-folders-changed-functions (list project-root) nil)
(lsp--start-workspace session client project-root (lsp--create-initialization-options session client))
;; lsp-log-io-mode
(defvar lsp-log-io-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "M-n") #'lsp-log-io-next)
(define-key map (kbd "M-p") #'lsp-log-io-prev)
(define-key map (kbd "k") #'lsp--erase-log-buffer)
(define-key map (kbd "K") #'lsp--erase-session-log-buffers)
"Keymap for lsp log buffer mode.")
(define-derived-mode lsp-log-io-mode special-mode "LspLogIo"
"Special mode for viewing IO logs.")
(defun lsp-workspace-show-log (workspace)
"Display the log buffer of WORKSPACE."
(list (if lsp-print-io
(if (eq (length (lsp-workspaces)) 1)
(cl-first (lsp-workspaces))
(lsp--completing-read "Workspace: " (lsp-workspaces)
#'lsp--workspace-print nil t))
(user-error "IO logging is disabled"))))
(pop-to-buffer (lsp--get-log-buffer-create workspace)))
(defalias 'lsp-switch-to-io-log-buffer 'lsp-workspace-show-log)
(defun lsp--get-log-buffer-create (workspace)
"Return the lsp log buffer of WORKSPACE, creating a new one if needed."
(let ((server-id (-> workspace lsp--workspace-client lsp--client-server-id symbol-name))
(pid (format "%s" (process-id (lsp--workspace-cmd-proc workspace)))))
(get-buffer-create (format "*lsp-log: %s:%s*" server-id pid))))
(defun lsp--erase-log-buffer (&optional all)
"Delete contents of current lsp log buffer.
When ALL is t, erase all log buffers of the running session."
(let* ((workspaces (lsp--session-workspaces (lsp-session)))
(current-log-buffer (current-buffer)))
(dolist (w workspaces)
(let ((b (lsp--get-log-buffer-create w)))
(when (or all (eq b current-log-buffer))
(with-current-buffer b
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(defun lsp--erase-session-log-buffers ()
"Erase log buffers of the running session."
(lsp--erase-log-buffer t))
(defun lsp-log-io-next (arg)
"Move to next log entry."
(interactive "P")
(ewoc-goto-next lsp--log-io-ewoc (or arg 1)))
(defun lsp-log-io-prev (arg)
"Move to previous log entry."
(interactive "P")
(ewoc-goto-prev lsp--log-io-ewoc (or arg 1)))
(defun lsp--workspace-print (workspace)
"Visual representation WORKSPACE."
(let* ((proc (lsp--workspace-cmd-proc workspace))
(status (lsp--workspace-status workspace))
(server-id (-> workspace lsp--workspace-client lsp--client-server-id symbol-name (propertize 'face 'bold-italic)))
(pid (propertize (format "%s" (process-id proc)) 'face 'italic)))
(if (eq 'initialized status)
(format "%s:%s" server-id pid)
(format "%s:%s status:%s" server-id pid status))))
(defun lsp--map-tree-widget (m)
"Build `tree-widget' from a hash-table M."
(when (hash-table-p m)
(let (nodes)
(maphash (lambda (k v)
(push `(tree-widget
:tag ,(if (hash-table-p v)
(format "%s:" k)
(format "%s: %s" k
(propertize (format "%s" v)
:open t
,@(lsp--map-tree-widget v))
(defun lsp-buffer-name (buffer-id)
(if-let ((buffer-name (plist-get buffer-id :buffer-name)))
(funcall buffer-name buffer-id)
(buffer-name buffer-id)))
(defun lsp--render-workspace (workspace)
"Tree node representation of WORKSPACE."
`(tree-widget :tag ,(lsp--workspace-print workspace)
:open t
(tree-widget :tag ,(propertize "Buffers" 'face 'font-lock-function-name-face)
:open t
,@(->> workspace
(--map `(tree-widget
:tag ,(when (lsp-buffer-live-p it)
(let ((buffer-name (lsp-buffer-name it)))
(if (lsp-with-current-buffer it buffer-read-only)
(propertize buffer-name 'face 'font-lock-constant-face)
(tree-widget :tag ,(propertize "Capabilities" 'face 'font-lock-function-name-face)
,@(-> workspace lsp--workspace-server-capabilities lsp--map-tree-widget))))
(define-derived-mode lsp-browser-mode special-mode "LspBrowser"
"Define mode for displaying lsp sessions."
(setq-local display-buffer-base-action '(nil . ((inhibit-same-window . t)))))
(defun lsp-describe-session ()
"Describes current `lsp-session'."
(let ((session (lsp-session))
(buf (get-buffer-create "*lsp session*")))
(with-current-buffer buf
(cursor-sensor-mode 1)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(--each (lsp-session-folders session)
:tag ,(propertize it 'face 'font-lock-keyword-face)
:open t
,@(->> session
(gethash it)
(-map 'lsp--render-workspace)))))))
(pop-to-buffer buf)))
(defun lsp--session-workspaces (session)
"Get all workspaces that are part of the SESSION."
(-> session lsp-session-folder->servers hash-table-values -flatten -uniq))
(defun lsp--find-multiroot-workspace (session client project-root)
"Look for a multiroot connection in SESSION created from CLIENT for PROJECT-ROOT and BUFFER-MAJOR-MODE."
(when (lsp--client-multi-root client)
(-when-let (multi-root-workspace (->> session
(--first (eq (-> it lsp--workspace-client lsp--client-server-id)
(lsp--client-server-id client)))))
(with-lsp-workspace multi-root-workspace
(lsp-notify "workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders"
`(:event (:added ,(vector (list :uri (lsp--path-to-uri project-root)))))))
(->> session (lsp-session-folder->servers) (gethash project-root) (cl-pushnew multi-root-workspace))
(->> session (lsp-session-server-id->folders) (gethash (lsp--client-server-id client)) (cl-pushnew project-root))
(lsp--persist-session session)
(lsp--info "Opened folder %s in workspace %s" project-root (lsp--workspace-print multi-root-workspace))
(defun lsp--ensure-lsp-servers (session clients project-root ignore-multi-folder)
"Ensure that SESSION contain server CLIENTS created for PROJECT-ROOT.
IGNORE-MULTI-FOLDER to ignore multi folder server."
(-map (lambda (client)
(lsp--find-workspace session client project-root)
(unless ignore-multi-folder
(lsp--find-multiroot-workspace session client project-root))
(lsp--start-connection session client project-root)))
(defun lsp--spinner-stop ()
"Stop the spinner in case all of the workspaces are started."
(when (--all? (eq (lsp--workspace-status it) 'initialized)
(defun lsp--open-in-workspace (workspace)
"Open in existing WORKSPACE."
(if (eq 'initialized (lsp--workspace-status workspace))
;; when workspace is initialized just call document did open.
(with-lsp-workspace workspace
(when-let ((before-document-open-fn (-> workspace
(funcall before-document-open-fn workspace))
;; when it is not initialized
(cl-pushnew (lsp-current-buffer) (lsp--workspace-buffers workspace))))
(defun lsp--find-workspace (session client project-root)
"Find server connection created with CLIENT in SESSION for PROJECT-ROOT."
(when-let ((workspace (->> session
(gethash project-root)
(--first (eql (-> it lsp--workspace-client lsp--client-server-id)
(lsp--client-server-id client))))))
(lsp--open-in-workspace workspace)
(defun lsp--find-root-interactively (session)
"Find project interactively.
Returns nil if the project should not be added to the current SESSION."
(condition-case nil
(let* ((project-root-suggestion (or (lsp--suggest-project-root) default-directory))
(action (read-key (format
"%s is not part of any project. Select action:
%s==>Import project root %s.
%s==>Import project by selecting root directory interactively.
%s==>Do not ask again for the current project by adding %s to lsp-session-folders-blacklist.
%s==>Do not ask again for the current project by selecting ignore path interactively.
%s==>Do nothing: ask again when opening other files from the current project."
(propertize (buffer-name) 'face 'bold)
(propertize "i" 'face 'success)
(propertize project-root-suggestion 'face 'bold)
(propertize "I" 'face 'success)
(propertize "d" 'face 'warning)
(propertize project-root-suggestion 'face 'bold)
(propertize "D" 'face 'warning)
(propertize "n" 'face 'warning)))))
(cl-case action
(?i project-root-suggestion)
(?\r project-root-suggestion)
(?I (read-directory-name "Select workspace folder to add: "
(or project-root-suggestion default-directory)
(?d (push project-root-suggestion (lsp-session-folders-blacklist session))
(lsp--persist-session session)
(?D (push (read-directory-name "Select folder to blacklist: "
(or project-root-suggestion default-directory)
(lsp-session-folders-blacklist session))
(lsp--persist-session session)
(t nil)))
(declare-function tramp-file-name-host "ext:tramp" (file) t)
(declare-function tramp-dissect-file-name "ext:tramp" (file &optional nodefault))
(defun lsp--files-same-host (f1 f2)
"Predicate on whether or not two files are on the same host."
(or (not (or (file-remote-p f1) (file-remote-p f2)))
(and (file-remote-p f1)
(file-remote-p f2)
(progn (require 'tramp)
(equal (tramp-file-name-host (tramp-dissect-file-name f1))
(tramp-file-name-host (tramp-dissect-file-name f2)))))))
(defun lsp-find-session-folder (session file-name)
"Look in the current SESSION for folder containing FILE-NAME."
(let ((file-name-canonical (lsp-f-canonical file-name)))
(->> session
(--filter (and (lsp--files-same-host it file-name-canonical)
(or (lsp-f-same? it file-name-canonical)
(and (f-dir? it)
(lsp-f-ancestor-of? it file-name-canonical)))))
(--max-by (> (length it)
(length other))))))
(defun lsp-find-workspace (server-id &optional file-name)
"Find workspace for SERVER-ID for FILE-NAME."
(-when-let* ((session (lsp-session))
(folder->servers (lsp-session-folder->servers session))
(workspaces (if file-name
(gethash (lsp-find-session-folder session file-name) folder->servers)
(lsp--session-workspaces session))))
(--first (eq (lsp--client-server-id (lsp--workspace-client it)) server-id) workspaces)))
(defun lsp--calculate-root (session file-name)
"Calculate project root for FILE-NAME in SESSION."
(->> session
(--first (and (lsp--files-same-host it file-name)
(lsp-f-ancestor-of? it file-name)
(prog1 t
(lsp--info "File %s is in blacklisted directory %s" file-name it))))
(when lsp-auto-guess-root
(lsp-find-session-folder session file-name)
(unless lsp-auto-guess-root
(lsp--find-root-interactively session)))))
(defun lsp--try-open-in-library-workspace ()
"Try opening current file as library file in any of the active workspace.
The library folders are defined by each client for each of the active workspace."
(when-let ((workspace (->> (lsp-session)
;; Sort the last active workspaces first as they are more likely to be
;; the correct ones, especially when jumping to a definition.
(-sort (lambda (a _b)
(-contains? lsp--last-active-workspaces a)))
(and (-contains? (-> it lsp--workspace-client lsp--client-major-modes)
(when-let ((library-folders-fn
(-> it lsp--workspace-client lsp--client-library-folders-fn)))
(-first (lambda (library-folder)
(lsp-f-ancestor-of? library-folder (buffer-file-name)))
(funcall library-folders-fn it))))))))
(lsp--open-in-workspace workspace)
(view-mode t)
(lsp--info "Opening read-only library file %s." (buffer-file-name))
(list workspace)))
(defun lsp--persist-session (session)
"Persist SESSION to `lsp-session-file'."
(lsp--persist lsp-session-file (make-lsp-session
:folders (lsp-session-folders session)
:folders-blacklist (lsp-session-folders-blacklist session)
:server-id->folders (lsp-session-server-id->folders session))))
(defun lsp--try-project-root-workspaces (ask-for-client ignore-multi-folder)
"Try create opening file as a project file.
When IGNORE-MULTI-FOLDER is t the lsp mode will start new
language server even if there is language server which can handle
current language. When IGNORE-MULTI-FOLDER is nil current file
will be opened in multi folder language server if there is
(-let ((session (lsp-session)))
(-if-let (clients (if ask-for-client
(list (lsp--completing-read "Select server to start: "
(ht-values lsp-clients)
(-compose 'symbol-name 'lsp--client-server-id) nil t))
(-if-let (project-root (-some-> session
(lsp--calculate-root (buffer-file-name))
;; update project roots if needed and persist the lsp session
(unless (-contains? (lsp-session-folders session) project-root)
(push project-root (lsp-session-folders session))
(lsp--persist-session session))
(lsp--ensure-lsp-servers session clients project-root ignore-multi-folder))
(lsp--warn "%s not in project or it is blacklisted." (buffer-name))
(lsp--warn "No LSP server for %s(check *lsp-log*)." major-mode)
(defun lsp-shutdown-workspace ()
"Shutdown language server."
(--when-let (pcase (lsp-workspaces)
(`nil (user-error "There are no active servers in the current buffer"))
(`(,workspace) (when (y-or-n-p (format "Are you sure you want to stop the server %s?"
(lsp--workspace-print workspace)))
(workspaces (lsp--completing-read "Select server: "
'lsp--workspace-print nil t)))
(lsp-workspace-shutdown it)))
(make-obsolete 'lsp-shutdown-workspace 'lsp-workspace-shutdown "lsp-mode 6.1")
(defun lsp-workspace-shutdown (workspace)
"Shut the workspace WORKSPACE and the language server associated with it"
(interactive (list (lsp--completing-read "Select server: "
'lsp--workspace-print nil t)))
(lsp--warn "Stopping %s" (lsp--workspace-print workspace))
(with-lsp-workspace workspace (lsp--shutdown-workspace)))
(defun lsp-disconnect ()
"Disconnect the buffer from the language server."
(lsp--text-document-did-close t)
(lsp-managed-mode -1)
(lsp-mode -1)
(setq lsp--buffer-workspaces nil)
(lsp--info "Disconnected"))
(defun lsp-restart-workspace ()
(--when-let (pcase (lsp-workspaces)
(`nil (user-error "There are no active servers in the current buffer"))
(`(,workspace) workspace)
(workspaces (lsp--completing-read "Select server: "
'lsp--workspace-print nil t)))
(lsp-workspace-restart it)))
(make-obsolete 'lsp-restart-workspace 'lsp-workspace-restart "lsp-mode 6.1")
(defun lsp-workspace-restart (workspace)
"Restart the workspace WORKSPACE and the language server associated with it"
(interactive (list (lsp--completing-read "Select workspace: "
'lsp--workspace-print nil t)))
(lsp--warn "Restarting %s" (lsp--workspace-print workspace))
(with-lsp-workspace workspace (lsp--shutdown-workspace t)))
(defun lsp (&optional arg)
"Entry point for the server startup.
When ARG is t the lsp mode will start new language server even if
there is language server which can handle current language. When
ARG is nil current file will be opened in multi folder language
server if there is such. When `lsp' is called with prefix
argument ask the user to select which language server to start. "
(interactive "P")
(when lsp-auto-configure
(seq-do (lambda (package)
;; loading client is slow and `lsp' can be called repeatedly
(unless (featurep package) (require package nil t)))
(when (buffer-file-name)
(let (clients
(matching-clients (lsp--filter-clients
(-andfn #'lsp--matching-clients?
(when (setq lsp--buffer-workspaces
(or (and
;; Don't open as library file if file is part of a project.
(not (lsp-find-session-folder (lsp-session) (buffer-file-name)))
(lsp--try-project-root-workspaces (equal arg '(4))
(and arg (not (equal arg 1))))))
(lsp-mode 1)
(when lsp-auto-configure (lsp--auto-configure))
(setq lsp-buffer-uri (lsp--buffer-uri))
(lsp--info "Connected to %s."
(apply 'concat (--map (format "[%s]" (lsp--workspace-print it))
;; look for servers which are currently being downloaded.
((setq clients (lsp--filter-clients (-andfn #'lsp--matching-clients?
(lsp--info "There are language server(%s) installation in progress.
The server(s) will be started in the buffer when it has finished."
(-map #'lsp--client-server-id clients))
(seq-do (lambda (client)
(cl-pushnew (current-buffer) (lsp--client-buffers client)))
;; look for servers to install
((setq clients (lsp--filter-clients (-andfn #'lsp--matching-clients?
(-not #'lsp--client-download-in-progress?))))
(let ((client (lsp--completing-read
(concat "Unable to find installed server supporting this file. "
"The following servers could be installed automatically: ")
(-compose #'symbol-name #'lsp--client-server-id)
(cl-pushnew (current-buffer) (lsp--client-buffers client))
(lsp--install-server-internal client)))
;; no clients present
((setq clients (unless matching-clients
(lsp--filter-clients (-andfn #'lsp--matching-clients?
(-not #'lsp--server-binary-present?)))))
(lsp--warn "The following servers support current file but do not have automatic installation configuration: %s
You may find the installation instructions at https://emacs-lsp.github.io/lsp-mode/page/languages.
(If you have already installed the server check *lsp-log*)."
(mapconcat (lambda (client)
(symbol-name (lsp--client-server-id client)))
" ")))
;; no matches
((-> #'lsp--matching-clients? lsp--filter-clients not)
(lsp--error "There are no language servers supporting current mode %s registered with `lsp-mode'."
(defun lsp--init-if-visible ()
"Run `lsp' for the current buffer if the buffer is visible.
Returns `t' if `lsp' was run for the buffer."
(when (or (buffer-modified-p) (get-buffer-window nil t))
(remove-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook #'lsp--init-if-visible t)
(defun lsp-deferred ()
"Entry point that defers server startup until buffer is visible.
`lsp-deferred' will wait until the buffer is visible before invoking `lsp'.
This avoids overloading the server with many files when starting Emacs."
;; Workspace may not be initialized yet. Use a buffer local variable to
;; remember that we deferred loading of this buffer.
(setq lsp--buffer-deferred t)
(let ((buffer (current-buffer)))
;; Avoid false positives as desktop-mode restores buffers by deferring
;; visibility check until the stack clears.
(run-with-timer 0 nil (lambda ()
(when (buffer-live-p buffer)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(unless (lsp--init-if-visible)
(add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook #'lsp--init-if-visible nil t))))))))
(defvar lsp-file-truename-cache (ht))
(defmacro lsp-with-cached-filetrue-name (&rest body)
"Executes BODY caching the `file-truename' calls."
`(let ((old-fn (symbol-function 'file-truename)))
(fset 'file-truename
(lambda (file-name &optional counter prev-dirs)
(or (gethash file-name lsp-file-truename-cache)
(puthash file-name (apply old-fn (list file-name counter prev-dirs))
(fset 'file-truename old-fn))))
(defun lsp-virtual-buffer-call (key &rest args)
(when lsp--virtual-buffer
(when-let ((fn (plist-get lsp--virtual-buffer key)))
(apply fn args))))
(defun lsp-translate-column (column)
"Translate COLUMN taking into account virtual buffers."
(or (lsp-virtual-buffer-call :real->virtual-char column)
(defun lsp-translate-line (line)
"Translate LINE taking into account virtual buffers."
(or (lsp-virtual-buffer-call :real->virtual-line line)
;; (defun lsp-virtual-buffer-line (line)
;; "Translate LINE taking into account virtual buffers."
;; (or (lsp-virtual-buffer-call :real<-virtual-line line)
;; line))
;; (defun lsp-buffer-column (column)
;; "Translate COLUMN taking into account virtual buffers."
;; (or (lsp-virtual-buffer-call :real<-virtual-char column)
;; column))
;; lsp internal validation.
(defmacro lsp--validate (&rest checks)
`(-let [buf (current-buffer)]
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*lsp-performance*")
(with-help-window (current-buffer)
,@(-map (-lambda ((msg form))
`(insert (format "%s: %s\n" ,msg
(if (with-current-buffer buf
(propertize "OK" 'face 'success)
(propertize "ERROR" 'face 'error)))))
(-partition 2 checks))))))
(defun lsp-diagnose ()
"Validate performance settings."
"Checking for Native JSON support" (functionp 'json-serialize)
"Checking emacs version has `read-process-output-max'" (boundp 'read-process-output-max)
"Using company-capf" (-contains? company-backends 'company-capf)
"Check emacs supports `read-process-output-max'" (boundp 'read-process-output-max)
"Check `read-process-output-max' default has been changed from 4k"
(and (boundp 'read-process-output-max)
(> read-process-output-max 4096))
"Byte compiled against Native JSON (recompile lsp-mode if failing when Native JSON available)"
(condition-case _err
(progn (lsp--make-message (list "a" "b"))
(error t))
"`gc-cons-threshold' increased?" (> gc-cons-threshold 800000)))
;; org-mode/virtual-buffer
(declare-function org-babel-get-src-block-info "ext:ob-core")
(declare-function org-do-remove-indentation "ext:org-macs")
(declare-function org-src-get-lang-mode "ext:org-src")
(declare-function org-element-context "ext:org-element")
(defun lsp--virtual-buffer-update-position ()
(-if-let (virtual-buffer (-first (-lambda ((&plist :in-range))
(funcall in-range))
(unless (equal virtual-buffer lsp--virtual-buffer)
(when lsp-managed-mode
(lsp-managed-mode -1)
(lsp-mode -1)
(setq lsp--buffer-workspaces nil)
(setq lsp--virtual-buffer nil)
(setq lsp-buffer-uri nil)
;; force refresh of diagnostics
(run-hooks 'lsp-after-diagnostics-hook))))
(defun lsp-virtual-buffer-on-change (start end length)
"Adjust on change event to be executed against the proper language server."
(let ((max-point (max end
(or (plist-get lsp--before-change-vals :end) 0)
(+ start length))))
(when-let ((virtual-buffer (-first (lambda (vb)
(let ((lsp--virtual-buffer vb))
(and (lsp-virtual-buffer-call :in-range start)
(lsp-virtual-buffer-call :in-range max-point))))
(lsp-with-current-buffer virtual-buffer
(lsp-on-change start end length
(lambda (&rest _)
(list :range (lsp--range (list :character 0 :line 0)
:text (lsp--buffer-content))))))))
(defun lsp-virtual-buffer-before-change (start _end)
(when-let ((virtual-buffer (-first (lambda (vb)
(lsp-with-current-buffer vb
(lsp-virtual-buffer-call :in-range start)))
(lsp-with-current-buffer virtual-buffer
(setq lsp--virtual-buffer-point-max
(lsp--point-to-position (lsp-virtual-buffer-call :last-point))))))
(defun lsp-patch-on-change-event ()
(remove-hook 'after-change-functions #'lsp-on-change t)
(add-hook 'after-change-functions #'lsp-virtual-buffer-on-change nil t)
(add-hook 'before-change-functions #'lsp-virtual-buffer-before-change nil t))
(defun lsp-kill-virtual-buffers ()
(mapc #'lsp-virtual-buffer-disconnect lsp--virtual-buffer-connections))
(defun lsp--move-point-in-indentation (point indentation)
(goto-char point)
(if (<= point (+ (point-at-bol) indentation))
(declare-function flycheck-checker-supports-major-mode-p "ext:flycheck")
(declare-function flycheck-add-mode "ext:flycheck")
(defun lsp-flycheck-add-mode (mode)
"Register flycheck support for MODE."
(unless (flycheck-checker-supports-major-mode-p 'lsp mode)
(flycheck-add-mode 'lsp mode)))
(defun lsp-org ()
(-if-let ((virtual-buffer &as &plist :workspaces) (-first (-lambda ((&plist :in-range))
(funcall in-range))
(unless (equal lsp--virtual-buffer virtual-buffer)
(setq lsp--buffer-workspaces workspaces)
(setq lsp--virtual-buffer virtual-buffer)
(setq lsp-buffer-uri nil)
(lsp-mode 1)
(lsp-managed-mode 1)
(-let* (virtual-buffer
(wcb (lambda (f)
(with-current-buffer (plist-get virtual-buffer :buffer)
(-let* (((&plist :major-mode :buffer-file-name
:goto-buffer :workspaces) virtual-buffer)
(lsp--virtual-buffer virtual-buffer)
(lsp--buffer-workspaces workspaces))
(funcall goto-buffer)
(funcall f))))))
((&plist :begin :end :post-blank :language) (cl-second (org-element-context)))
((&alist :tangle file-name) (cl-third (org-babel-get-src-block-info 'light)))
(file-name (if file-name
(f-expand file-name)
(user-error "You should specify file name in the src block header.")))
(begin-marker (progn
(goto-char begin)
(set-marker (make-marker) (point))))
(end-marker (progn
(goto-char end)
(forward-line (1- (- post-blank)))
(set-marker (make-marker) (1+ (point)))))
(buf (current-buffer))
(src-block (buffer-substring-no-properties begin-marker
(1- end-marker)))
(indentation (with-temp-buffer
(insert src-block)
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((indentation (current-indentation)))
(plist-put lsp--virtual-buffer :indentation indentation)
(goto-char (point-min))
(- indentation (current-indentation))))))
(add-hook 'post-command-hook #'lsp--virtual-buffer-update-position nil t)
(when (fboundp 'flycheck-add-mode)
(lsp-flycheck-add-mode 'org-mode))
(setq lsp--virtual-buffer
:in-range (lambda (&optional point)
(<= begin-marker (or point (point)) (1- end-marker)))
:goto-buffer (lambda () (goto-char begin-marker))
(lambda ()
(let ((src-block (buffer-substring-no-properties
(1- end-marker))))
(insert src-block)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (not (eobp))
(delete-region (point) (if (> (+ (point) indentation) (point-at-eol))
(+ (point) indentation)))
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
:buffer buf
:begin begin-marker
:end end-marker
:indentation indentation
:last-point (lambda () (1- end-marker))
:cur-position (lambda ()
(list :line (- (lsp--cur-line)
(lsp--cur-line begin-marker))
:character (let ((character (- (point)
(if (< character 0)
:line/character->point (-lambda (line character)
(-let [inhibit-field-text-motion t]
(+ indentation
(goto-char begin-marker)
(forward-line line)
(-let [line-end (line-end-position)]
(if (> character (- line-end (point)))
(forward-char character)
:major-mode (org-src-get-lang-mode language)
:buffer-file-name file-name
:buffer-uri (lsp--path-to-uri file-name)
:with-current-buffer wcb
:buffer-live? (lambda (_) (buffer-live-p buf))
:buffer-name (lambda (_)
(propertize (format "%s(%s:%s)%s"
(buffer-name buf)
'face 'italic))
:real->virtual-line (lambda (line)
(+ line (line-number-at-pos begin-marker) -1))
:real->virtual-char (lambda (char) (+ char indentation))
:cleanup (lambda ()
(set-marker begin-marker nil)
(set-marker end-marker nil))))
(setf virtual-buffer lsp--virtual-buffer)
(puthash file-name virtual-buffer lsp--virtual-buffer-mappings)
(push virtual-buffer lsp--virtual-buffer-connections)
;; TODO: tangle only connected sections
(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'org-babel-tangle nil t)
(add-hook 'lsp-after-open-hook #'lsp-patch-on-change-event nil t)
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'lsp-kill-virtual-buffers nil t)
(setq lsp--buffer-workspaces
(lsp-with-current-buffer virtual-buffer
(plist-put virtual-buffer :workspaces (lsp-workspaces))
(defun lsp-virtual-buffer-disconnect (virtual-buffer)
(interactive (list (or
(when lsp--virtual-buffer-connections
(lsp--completing-read "Select virtual buffer to disconnect: "
(-lambda ((&plist :buffer-file-name))
(-if-let ((&plist :buffer-file-name file-name :cleanup) virtual-buffer)
(lsp-with-current-buffer virtual-buffer
(setq lsp--virtual-buffer-connections (-remove-item virtual-buffer lsp--virtual-buffer-connections))
(when (eq virtual-buffer lsp--virtual-buffer)
(setf lsp--virtual-buffer nil))
(when cleanup (funcall cleanup))
(remhash file-name lsp--virtual-buffer-mappings)
(lsp--info "Disconnected from buffer %s" file-name))
(lsp--error "Nothing to disconnect from?")))
(provide 'lsp-mode)
;;; lsp-mode.el ends here